View Full Version : BReath weapon for non sorcerer / Non half-dragons

2012-02-17, 10:33 AM
Hello there. I am currently playing a Dragonwrought Kobold Wizard, and I was wondering if there was any ways of giving him a breath attack. He is a dragonwrought for the roleplaying options it give, being a dragon amongst kobolds, heightened ego, etc. At level 3, he sprouted wings, for the sheer fact of making him more like a dragon.

So here I wonder, is there any way of granting him a permanent Breath weapon, akin to the other dragonic creatures wandering around?

Currently; I know three ways of making a breath weapon happen:

- a third level spell, that allows a wizard to use a breath weapon three times over the course of the spell duration.

- A dragonic graft, that would give a breath weapon, at the cost of losing the shiny teeth a character has, as well as a few other things.

- Becoming a Dragonborn of Bahamut.

Now, all of those three methods would grant my character a dragon breath, albeit the first option, the spell; is dependant on him keeping his third level slots filled with the dragon breath spell, to let him use it; plus, it would not work against antimagic zones and the like.

The second method is very expensive, and not available for a long, long while yet.

The third option would work, I suppose, by choosing the Heart aspect of the Dragonborn, but then he would lose the fact that he is a kobold, and that seems like a rather bad choice (Plus he would lose 6 dexterity, which I have grown very, very attached to).

So do any of you know if there are any other way to give a character dragon breath? Any feats or such that could help?

2012-02-17, 10:38 AM
Red Dragon Lineage feat from Dragon Magic lets you sacrifice a spell slot to create a cone of fire with strength based off of what spell you burned.

EDIT: Didn't read non-sorcerer correctly

2012-02-17, 10:38 AM
Its probably an even worse option for a wizard, but you could dip into dragonfire adept.

2012-02-17, 10:46 AM
Dragonborn of Bahamut does not take away your +4 racial bonus to your Dexterity score. Your ability score modifiers are practically the only thing it lets you keep. You would keep your racial modifiers, but take a -2 penalty to your Dexterity and a +2 bonus to your Constitution. Then you would get a breath weapon usable at-will. It's really the best option for you, assuming you're not evil.

If that's not an option, you can use the dragon breath spell from the Spell Compendium. It lets you breathe 1d8/2 levels of a type of damage you choose when you cast, for 1 round/level, though you have to wait the standard 1d4 rounds between breaths.

2012-02-17, 10:54 AM
Oh, I should also point out:
Breath weapons are supernatural, so they don't work in an antimagic field in the first place.

2012-02-17, 11:26 AM
Red Dragon Lineage feat from Dragon Magic lets you sacrifice a spell slot to create a cone of fire with strength based off of what spell you burned.

EDIT: Didn't read non-sorcerer correctly

Yes, quite. That would only work for sorcerers, and even then; I would have to keep burning spell slots to be able to breathe a dragon breath, which is a bit of a turn off, to be honest; haha. There's something epic about having a cost-free attack and suchlike, plus, having it scale is even better; wheras with a red Dragon lineage, you would be required to throw away your best spells to keep it strong.

Dragonborn of Bahamut does not take away your +4 racial bonus to your Dexterity score. Your ability score modifiers are practically the only thing it lets you keep. You would keep your racial modifiers, but take a -2 penalty to your Dexterity and a +2 bonus to your Constitution. Then you would get a breath weapon usable at-will. It's really the best option for you, assuming you're not evil.

If that's not an option, you can use the dragon breath spell from the Spell Compendium. It lets you breathe 1d8/2 levels of a type of damage you choose when you cast, for 1 round/level, though you have to wait the standard 1d4 rounds between breaths.

oooho? Really? Now that makes it a truly.. much more enjoyable thought, of becoming a dragonborn of Bahamut (Fun fact; I am currently adventuring with a paladin whom is praying to Bahamut, but have not yet recieved the call. Time to jump the bandwagon! x3 ). Yes, that -2 to dexterity is a bit of a downer, but it is, all in all, not too much of a loss. One minus to ranged ray attack roll, and one minus to AC, but otherwise a quite good tradeoff.

Thank you very much for the help.

Oh, I should also point out:
Breath weapons are supernatural, so they don't work in an antimagic field in the first place.

ANd thank you -very- much for saying that. I am glad to learn that, as it would be a bad thing to stumble into that later on. Still, the thought of having a dragon breath is great for roleplaying scenarios, and not just in combat. It does not require verbal and somatic components and all that.

Thank you both for the help, it is highly appreciated.

2012-02-17, 12:26 PM
Take a reserve feat from Complete Mage and say it loos like a breath attack, use either Storm Bolt (line of electricity) or Winter's Blast (cone of cold).

There's a 4th level spell in Spell Compendium called Dragon Breath, which allows you to use a breath attack every 1d4 rounds for its 1 round/level duration. You could take Incantatrix and use Persistomancy to make it last all day.