View Full Version : Buffing Marshal

2012-02-17, 04:33 PM
Is there anyway to amp up the bonus provided by the Marshal's Cha-based auras beyond just pumping Cha? I'm building a Marshal cohort to shore up our party's TURRIBLE will saves, but even a flat +4 might not be enough for our pet rogue.

Feats/ACFs ideal, but classes/magic loot that can help could be useful, too.

2012-02-17, 04:52 PM
Force of Will (minor aura, cha to Will saves) and Resilient Troops (major aura, major aura bonus to all saves) stack, as they're both typeless bonuses. That's all I can think of off the top of my head.

Edit: There is precious little direct support for the Marshal. It's worth considering heading somewhere else after a little while to get some more bonuses. A Dragon Shaman has auras too, though the class is about on par with the Marshal (i.e. pretty low).
Here's what I can come up with of magic items:
Helm of Heroes (MIC p. 111, 5600gp) allows Grant Move Action to grant an attack instead.
Rearguard’s Cape (MIC p. 120, 2000gp) doubles the effect of the minor aura when you’re outnumbered.
Horn of Resilience (MIC p. 208, 5000gp) can add +1 to the major aura bonus. On the same page, Helm of Tactics (2000gp) can increase the minor aura by one.

Human Paragon 3
2012-02-17, 04:52 PM
Grab 9 levels death delver for another +4 to your groups will saves.

Probably not a reasonable option, but, there it is. On the bright side, you'll also get rebuke undead. I'm sure there's some divine feat that lets you burn turn attempts to boost will saves.

2012-02-17, 05:02 PM
The Helm of Tactics (MIC) can increase the bonus grated by a minor aura by +1. The Horn of Resilience (MIC) can do the same for a major aura.

2012-02-17, 06:02 PM
Yeah, he's only taking the one level of Marshal to get the Will aura (also loading up on Bard, Paladin, and Favored Soul eventually going into Fohlucan Lyrist) so those magic items sound the best. I was hoping there was some sort of feat he could take to pump his minor aura by some number (like I know there are ways to use feats to up an Assassin's death attack), but that doesn't appear to be the way it is.