View Full Version : "It began with a crash!" [Adventure log]

Kol Korran
2012-02-17, 05:17 PM
EDIT: The original adventure was completed in 5 session (the first page) and is quite fun and hopefully an enjoyable read. We have started a second adventure, (2nd page) but the game was cut short before it ended. Hopefully it is still a fun read. The log updates no longer.

hello playgrounders! about 2 months ago our group finished a long campaign for which i've written a long, detailed, and in detail log about design thoughts and the like.

This is not such a log. In this one i'm a player (yay! :smallbiggrin:) and i intend to write it mostly as an musing story. part of it from my character's point of view, part of it as a general story teller. hope you like it!

so what is this about?

it's 3.5 and is supposed to be a filler till i get another campaign ready. so it'll be fairly short... 4? 5? 6 sessions? something around that.
we're starting at level 1, but we're supposed to level fairly fast. i expect level 4-5 till we finish
since this is a short adventure, the Dm wants to try all kind of new rules. and despite some grumbles, we intend to give them a go and see what happens!
we're here mostly for the fun. we like rules, as much as they don't get in the way. most of us are experienced players, with one utterly new player. (the wife of another player). we're not optimizers, and play more by feel than by efficiency.
the bad news: we're all in our 30 with life responsebilities and such (yuck!) so we meet only once every 3-4 weeks. so... slow updates.

the story begins at the second post. this one details all kind of other stuff (characters, world, special rules and the like) but you might skip those if you want. i'd suggest to read the prologue at least.

about the world
it's a homebrew of our Dm's making. a few major points:

the PHB races have been made quite different from each other. this was done mostly by increasing the racial adjustments and a few other stuff. also, the races are mostly isolated from each other, with minimal contact. think Middle Earth like.
humans are the dominant race, and they think that arcane magic is evil, corrupting, almost demonic like. arcane magic is outlawed and there is even a militaristic organization called "The Fist" responsible on hunting arcanists down (divine magic is tolerated)
this also means that magic items are quite rare and often expensive. in general the campaign feels as if it will be poor on resources. bring on the challenge!

special rules

first and foremost, the races adjustments are much bigger, which makes the fast faster, the weak weaker and the like.
Dexterity is used to hit! this makes it a much more important attribute.
we're using "armor also grants DR but only half AC" rules that are in the Unearthed Arcana. this makes hitting easier but causing less damage.
action points: you begin with 1 only, and get 1 every 2 levels. they are a precious, precious commodity.
since magical healing is hard to come by, there is the healing kit. it enables healing some hp after every fight depending on the skills of the healer. this became REALLY important in our first meeting.
there is a nifty table for when you crit stuff. yay! but there are also fumble rules when you miss, with an equal table for that (grumble grumble)

Travian Killpi: this is sort of the Belkar of the party. a low life conning thieving smug scum halfling rogue (yeah, feel the love!) who fights with a spiked chain. he is modeled over the Le Quack character from Courage the Cowardly Dog show. in the previous campaign this guy played Ipiks and Gabriel. (he wanted to be more Ipiks like)


Glimji surefoot (a.k.a. Cutthroat Bill):a gnome beguiler wh owanted to hide his magical talent (and criminal tendencies) and therefore chose a life away from the law- the life of a pirate! But he found out that life too long at sea do not approve with him, and therefore returned to dry land... for now. This guy played Danves in the previous campaign.

Lynn Ardent: my character! i wanted to make a character that is somewhat unlike me, a bit of a challenge to play, i also wanted her to cause some friction in the group (leading to good roleplay?). Lynn is a serious, dependable and slightly stuck up human fighter, specializing in a heavy flail. she was once a member of The Fist but leftfor reasons of her own. she is a bit racist, and still distrustful of magic.


Ayla: she's a human favored soul of Candra- goddess of love, passion and the like. she's supposed to be a hottie, and she's like a super healer (skills, feats and the like). i don't know much about the character yet. her player played Google and Grum in the previous campaign. so he... um... chose a different route.


Teal'c: he belongs to the previous player's wife, which is utterly new at D&D (and roleplay for that matter). it's her first character. this guy is a huge half orc fighter with a big axe, with tremendous strength. so far plays the silent brooding intimidating type.

with 3 players playing characters of of the opposite sex this became abit confusing at first, but we managed.

the Prologue!
(damn, i just realized the DM wrote it in Hebrew, i'll translate it briefly. forgive me Guy)

We each got on The Lazy Baloon for our own reasons. it was an air ship of slow measure, floating through the uses of 3 gas inflated baloons. a small elemental engine gave it it's power, but a slow progress it was (from which the ship got it's name). the captain, a crusty old guy by the name of Eshton Snipe acknowledged his ships nature and compensated by offering low prices, and a discreet voyage...


The winter was approaching fast as the Lazy Baloon lifted from the port city of Arlan towards the city of New Tesh on the other side of the Kaular mountains. few ships dared cross the mountains and the Lazy Baloon was no different. Eshton directed the ship towards the northern hills, to circumvent and then head south.

on the morning of the second day rising storm clouds appeared in the distance. Esthon (who looked like an old pirate) grumbled and called his three crew man to try and move around the storm, while most passengers hid below deck. but no such luck, the storm hit, taking the little ship and tossing it left and right. the captain and others tried to fight it, but to no avail.

something hit Eshton hard, probably a flying branch and he lost consciousness. soon after the people saw something dark approaching fast, a looming object and then there was the crash...

onwards to the game!


Kol Korran
2012-02-17, 07:28 PM
Session 1
In which our protagonists find themselves in quite a predicament, try to make a journey, and personalities come at odds over snow, sorcery and goblin necks.

rude awakenings
Lynn awoke. she was feeling cold and aching all over. she lay still for a moment feeling the pain. good. it means i'm still alive. what in Chrone's name just happened? as she tried to catch her breath, flashes of the last day and few hours passed in her mind.

there was the voyage, to New Tesh. there was supposed to be work there. work would be good. i'm down to my last silvers. who was on the voyage? there was the captain and... that woman, the pretty one, who danced on the deck "for beauty to be shared". Lynn almost threw up. she started to get up, achingly. the storm seemed to have passed, and from the holes in the ship it was still early morning.

and there were others... the sneaky shifty looking baby robber, that skinky halfling. and the other short fellow, the one that looked like a sailor. gnome! if any of these buggers did this! Lynn rose and found herself in the wreckage of the ship. she started moving about, despite the pain, looking for survivors. and then there was that big fellow who never left his chamber. but then She heard a voice, a cry! Lynn rushed towards the sound.

A challenge worthy of any fighter!
The cry seemed to have come from... a baby. Rudy Kingstone. where is his mom? Lynn found her nearby, but the woman was unconcious. the crying baby was... outside of her normal expertise. she tried to calm him, with partial success. only her furs helped warm him down a bit. but she did not know how to calm the wailing beast any more.

I better try find the others. she went to try to find help. ANY help.

Taking Stock
Teal'c rose up in his shattered cabin, put on his cloak and checked his extremities. the huge half orc came out and tried looking for survivors as well. Ayla the priestess of Candra which was thrown outside the ship saw two of the dead crew and started to scramble up towards the ship. Glimji the gnome woke and found on of the other passengers, a guy named Tom Pierce and captain Eshton, with a badly twisted and broken leg.

meanwhile, near the back room the halfling known as Killpi wakes up. he asses the situation, and smiles to himself "Where there is trouble, there is opportunity!" and immeidately goes to the captain's chambers (or what its left of them, and tries to rummage through them. the chest however proves quite difficult and frustrating to the little thief.

the rest gather near Eshton, with Ayla being able to heal and wake the unconcious Diana' Rudy's mother (thankfully!) but Ashton is alarmed "we must contain the air elemental before it escapes! there is a stone in my chambers that can calm it if brought to it's circle. but we don't have time, hurry!"

Teal'c reveals himself, and Lynn nearly wields her flail at it. "halflings and gnomes, and now an orc?! lovely!" but they don't have time to change blows, and rush towards the captain's room

"why didn't you say so?"
where they find the suddenly very innocent Killpi. "did you find any special stones?" asks Ayla. "stones? me? i was just trying to recuperate." the desk yields no stones. "forget it yells Lynn, we'll have to deal with it ourselves" they open the door to the elmental room where they see it going half berserk in it's containing circle. Ayla cursed "we can't contain it without the Stone!" upon which Killpi volunteers it "oh... you mean THIS stone? i found it near me, thought someone might miss it".

at the table
we knew the player stole the stone, but we rolled along with it. much more fun like this we think. there will be similar examples in the future.

as they rushed to the elemental however it was allready to late. the circle broke and the little storm cloud charged at them!

A short winded affair
Lynn threw the stone at the elemental's feat, hoping against hope. it shattered. Killpi's eye twitched a bit ("Was it worth much?", "you'll never know now, will you?") the airy creature was hard to hit, but as Lynn and Teal'c flanked it they were able to hit it powerfully with flail and axe. Killpi unfurled his hidden chains and lashed at the creature as Glimji (looking slightly weary of Lynn and her Fist emblazoned armor) shot at it with his crossbow. a few hits afterwards the windy storm flew past Teal'c towards the outside.

"It might get to the others!" Lynn shouted and ran after it. Ayla and Teal'c closely behind. the halfling and gnome stood behind impassive. "stupid tall folks..."

a secret partnership
Glimji eyed the halfling with an expert eye. "so what were you doing here?" Killpi looked innocent. "oh, i just like to... look". "really? i like to... look as well." there was a slight stanoff between the two before Killpi let out a curse, took out his thieves tool, trying to hide the burglary from the gnome. but Glimji spotted him.

"if you're going after that, i want my share!". "allright! we'll be partners!" said the sour halfling as the chest clicked. "i just want the fare for the ride. i didn't count crashing on my flight trip!" Killpi smiled widely and gave the gnome his due, when they both heard some commosion outside. "stupid tall folks got into new trouble?"

snow goblins!
meanwhile, the other 3 reached the outside to see the air elemental flying free, but there was new trouble- green skins! near the opening to where Eshton and the rest lay, 6 of the buggers!


"halflings and gnomes and orcs, and now goblins? by Chrone!" Lynn waded through the snow to block the 3 nearest goblins, with Teal'c closing in to fight back to back. the gringy green skins through javelins at them, most of them hitting but partly blocked by the armor (see the rules above). but 6 against 2 was not an easy fight. Lynn has a terrible time hitting them, while Teal'c slices goblin limbs left and right (nice crits!)

But Ayla helped both by curing and by casting guidnace. the fight went well, but the wounds were many. finallythe two short folks (I knew I couldn't trust the cowards!) came and shot croosbow bolts and struck with spiked chain to end all but the last of the filthy goblins.

outnumbered, the green bugger panicked and ran behind a snow fall, with Glimji's bolt hitting it, but not killing it.

the first "serious" battle was over.

at the table
this battle was actually quite tough. due to the "dex to hit" rule they almost never missed. the DR of the armor prevented this of being brutal. these new rules take a little to get used too.

Decisions, FAST decisions
"nice to let that last one run away gnome. any votes as to how fast this place is going to swarm with goblins?" the party returned to Eshton Diana and her baby and Tom. "nice fight Orc, you seem to know how to swing that axe" says Lynn, a bit uncomfortably. "It's half orc, and you're almost ok, for a human." Teal'c replies.

while outside Ayla and Lynn noticed some small village in the valley. "oh, i found some maps in the snow, perhaps they could help?" volunteered Killpi. it looked to be the village of Far Reach. "I can lead you there" said Tom "I have some woods experience" (not a ranger, just woodsman skills) "but we'll have to move fast if we want any chance of arriving there before dark. and it will be FREEZING here come night fall!

while a small heated discussion started, of whether to take Diana and/ or Eshton Ayla found a healing kit and started using her considerable skills at healing the worst of the wounds (see rules). Tom and Killpi (who never said it) were for leaving at least Eshton behind- the broken leg was just too much, but the rest objected.

"We're leaving no one to either the cold or the goblins Pierce!" said Lynn. "we're taking them with us. anyone objects?" loomed Teal'c menacing above. that... settled the issue. Glimji with his makeshift carpentry skills and Ayla quickly sets Eshton leg, and build a makeshift harness for Teal'c and the party sets off quickly. there is little time and goblins surely behind!

riders on the snow
... or perhaps just in front. Glimji, weary of ambush checks the snow every once inawhile, and notcies some wolf prints near a snow bank. just in time he alerts the groups from 3 goblins on wolves in ambush!

the party take cover behind the snow back, but the wolves start to circle it. Lynn curses "halflings and gnomes and goblins and now wolves?! by Chrone!" and draw a spear to skewer one of the goblin. the rest follow suit with ranged attacks and take off the riders fast, while the wolves become afrenzy at their master's death and close in.

once again Teal'c and Lynn fight hand to hand, with Glimji mumbling something behind "i could have taken them all by now you racist egocentric b**ch"Teal'c slices wolves as he slices goblins. "We work together, yes? grins Killpi as he maneuvers swiftly amongst the wolves for a flanking position, only to be bitten severly and retreating fast behind "i'll... support from the back."

in the end however the threat is done with. Ayla uses her Healing kit to patch up the party a bit. Killpi takes a crossbow from one of the halflings, and even Eshton takes another. Diana is beside herself, trying to hush little Rudy, while Tom looks worried.

Should i stay or should i go?
and he is worried for a reason. "we won't get to the village at time. we need to move faster. we can keep Diana, but we need to get rid of Eshton. sorry Captain- it's either you or us!" Glimji gets mad at him, and tries to threaten him but succeeds quite poorly, his voice breaking and stammering in the cold (lousy influence roll) but the party won't do it non the less...

so they make as much possible distance as they can as the sun starts to set. then, under Tom Pierce's instructions they quickly build a small Lean- to to house themselves for the night. there is a bad feeling in the air, and the cold starts getting at people. a fire and the furs help, but the night holds other dangers.

on the identity of sorcery
Lynn's watch is the first, while there is the briefest of lights.Chrone help me! what a tangled mess this is! if we can only reach the village so i can be off of that bastard halfling, scoundrel looking gnome and... the rest. i just want a job. hopefully the gobli...

several small javelins fell in and on the lean to. a green flame burst far and shot towards the cover as well! "Wake up everyone! there is a sorcerer!" gritted Lynn (from somewhere in the distance came a complaining voice. "i'm not a sorcerer!"

Can't let him cast more spells! must close with him and kill him fast! that's the only way to deal with mages! Lynn rushed on, trying to make way in the snow and taking cover from the trees. Teal'c followed close behind and Ayla in tow.

Meanwhile Killpi tried to sneak throgh the snow at a... slightly different route. Glimji also stayed behind, but without the others seeing cast dancing lights towards the origin of the flame.

more javelins came, more accurate this time, and again the flame, most missing. "you won't win sorcerer! you've shown your hand! your time has come!", "but i told you- i'm not a sorcerer!"

the goblin caster was revealed by the lights, a crafty and witchy goblin, wielding a club that glowed slightly ("maigc loot" thought Killpi) and Lynn was finally getting close to it, when the snow erupted goblins!

Lynn, Teal'c and Killpi started fighting them, disposing of them most when the not- sorcerer came in and bashed Lynn strongly on the head (Shillelagh). she was flanked by him and his cronies.

by Chrone, don't let me end here! not like this! and Chrone came to Lynn's help might be said, giving her quick responses to a quick jab. Teal'c faired bad, fighting in the cold performing much worse than in the morn (bad fumbles) while Killpi struck true time after time, but the enemy was still strong.

when suddenly a sleep spell struck the enemy, toppling one goblin and failing to affect the chief. "your tricks won't help you now Sorcerer, by Chrone you will die!" , "but. i'm. not. a .sorce..." heavy flail to the face.

the battle was won.

"damn it was his spell... it isn't magic after all" said Killpi disapointedly.

pin the magician
the goblin spirit shaman (i mean sorcerer) had a tattoo of a black leaf on himself. the party tied the sleeping goblin and dragged him to the lean to when Killpi innocently remarked "i wonder who cast that sleep spell? there must be mages about... nasty stuff!" Lynn (tended by Ayla) grumbled. "indeed. one sorcerer from outside, and one from within. we cannot abide by this! magic is evil" (Glimji shifts a bit), "corrupt", (more shifting), "and must be stopped!" (discreet coughing and going to the side).

" the gnome did it! everyone knows they are mages!" Tom said. "you tryto put the blame on someone else so soon?" inquired Killpi. "they always say that the first one to blame... well, you know what i mean". "does it matter?" added Glimji. "it must have been some off the sorcerer's magic items or the like. magic can go off, doesn't it?"

"enough!" said Lynn. "halflings, gnomes, orcs, goblins, wolves, sorcerers without and now secrets! i'll have no more! i won't persecute you mage, whomever you are. you have helped us in this fight, maybe saved my life. when we get to the village you can go free, but i don't want anything to do with you, and i demand to know ho i'm traveling with!"

"it's know that sorcerers need their magic pouches for their spell materials to cast spells. so whomever has it is the one. Lynn was then quite expertly distracted by Killpi as Glimji secretly transferred his pouch to him, and later unto Tom. (nice thievery rolls). upon finding it on the bewildered Tom Lynn looked on him with disgust. "i'll keep your secret sorcerer, but leave us be at the village." "it is good that we've found him out! sorcerers are a nasty thing to keep about!" said Killpi, giving Glimji a meaningful look.

a new char... acter
and then there was the matter of the goblin prisoner. "Char hope he did not annoy you! Char can go, yes?" Glimji tried to question him. "us? we goblins? we live in big caves, up mountain!", "how many? many many! more then fingers even! more than many many fingers!", "village? uh... we have understanding. we don't go to village, village don't come to us. Char be helpful, yes? Char can go?" and so on and so on. some say to kill him, but Glimji is vehemently against it so the party decides to take him along.

Lynn knelt By Glimji, putting her hand on his shoulder. "Char, this is what you get for following sorcerers. sorcerers are never good. sorcerers are a blight on the land, upon people's souls. they are a foul thing that must be cleanzed and purged from the earth. why are you shivering Glimji?"

"you don't kill Char? ooooohhh good! Char so relieved! Char help carry stuff! Char be helpful, you don't kill Char, yes?" Glimji tucked the goblin to the back of the lean to. "i'll take care of you Char. even if that b**ch is around"

a Knife in the Dark, and a secret conversation as well.
Back to sleep, it's Killpi's watch this time (though most of the party is somewhat... weary of letting HIM guard). but the surprises never end! at his watch, Killpi suddenly feels a thump on his neck (the DM fumbled the Sneak attack) he turns to find Tom!

the grin on Killpi's face was precious. "why Tom! I was so hoping you'll do something like this." at fisrt he sliced the traitor with the spiekd chain, and then shot him with a cross bow as he ran. then he looted the corpse, and THEN he alerted us to the situation. "i caught the sorcerer trying to escape. it's good to have me around, yes!"

Lynn said a little prayer "and good riddens to bad magic.". oh, and i've found this blood encrusted letter on him, is it important?" added Killpi.

Day 3, month of the drawing down.

Mr. Pierce,

It seems that we cannot achieve an understanding about the way you should behave as part of the crew aboard the Sea Raven. We have spoken about this several times, yet you have not changed your ways. Your unfitting behavior as part of the crew on the Sea Raven is unacceptable and I have no choice but to end your service on the ship.

Please meet me at The Lost Drunken Inn at the docks for the rest of your payments at a total sum of 1 silver and 24 copper.

Don Black
captain of the Sea raven

the party examined the letter but decided to deal with it once they reach Far Reach. apparently there was more to the late Mr. Pierce than met the eye.

as the party returned to the lean- to Killpi and Glimji stayed in the dark. "the letter was all you found on him?" asks Glimji. "that and his wepaon". "that all? no coin, valuables?" Killpi narrowed his eyes. "ok, i'll give you half, it was my kill!" (handed quite less than half) "very well, just as long as we know each other, thief and burglar". "well understood, sorcerer" finished Killpi, handing him the component pouch back.

last leg of the trek
thankfully, the rest of the night passes without trouble (wounded, no healing spells, only 4 uses of the healing kit left). the party heads twoards the village. on the way Char grumbles and complains about some of the stuff they give him "oooh! heavY ooohh! lots! Char small! heavy load! ooohh!" and so on. the party tries to threaten/ cajole him a few time, and he becomes silent for about 10 minutes, after which he begins again. Glimji is half amused half worried about this.

finally the party reaches Far Reach. as they near the village Char seems nervous "Char keeps his words, he goes now, yes? human might be angry!" some in the party want to free him (Glimji mostly) the others want to take him inside, curious.

a bad village to be a goblin in

(just in day light)

as the party enters the village a group of men come to meet the group. a burly strong men introduces himself as Ed Weiner (snicker snicker), the village's sheriff. he hears some of the party's story and his men help Eshton and Diana and Rudy to safety.

"The goblin, his kind are not allowed here. give him to us." Char is fearful, and the party is suspicious but they give the goblin over. "don't stray too far. you can find lodging at Rod McPool's place. he'll take care of you for a little while."

but the party stays, wanting to see the fate of Char, when suddenly a rope is brought, thrown over a tree and a noose is prepared. Killpi and Glimji immediately interfere, trying to trick and persuade the town people to let the goblin go.

halflings, gnomes, orcs, goblins, wolves sorcerers and treachery, and now this? he tried to kill us not 12 hours ago! has the world gone crazy oh Chrone?! exasperated, Lynn approaches Ed and his men and tries to persuade him too. "allright! if all of you want him alive so badly he'll go. you green skin loving freaks!" Char is let loose, and with remarkable speed runs out of the village.

a matter of assurance
Ed groups the party together. "look strangers, we don't get many of you here in our little village. especially not people like... these" he eyes Teal'c, Killpi and Glimji wearily. "so i want you to vouch for each other while you're here. you're all responsible for each other's actions.

"what? no way i'm responsible for that b**ch!"

"the orc and the human Mrs. Cheerful? not on your life!"

"the gnome and the halfling? those theiving basterds!? like hell i will!"

and so on and so on...

in short, we're off to a GREAT start!
so that was our first session, written quite differently from how i usually write. hope you like it, would love to hear comments. till next time! :smalltongue:

2012-02-17, 10:08 PM
Oh I am looking forward to more of this already.

2012-02-22, 08:41 PM
I liked it to. Don't give up, people are reading this.

2012-02-22, 08:42 PM
I liked it to. Don't give up, people are reading this.

2012-02-22, 10:06 PM
Nice, I like it. I am also firmly convinced that players write better logs than DMs

Kol Korran
2012-02-23, 03:36 AM
glad you like it folks! I'm looking forward to how this will develop.

the updates as i've mentioned will only be about once every 3-5 weeks. we don't meet frequently. (quite unfortunately).

Kol Korran
2012-03-07, 12:13 PM
Session 2a
In which our protagonists explore the mystery of a disease, courtship and grieving father.

(This has been a long meeting so i might separate it into two posts. also, quite a bit of the meeting included an investigation. if you're uninterested skip ahead to So what have we got so far or even further to A town's warm welcome. as always, comments are welcomed.)

At Rod Mcpool's brewery
As you may remember, our party has just gotten to the city after a long trek through the snow, harrowed by goblins. all they wanted to do was rest their aching bodies a bit. before heading to Rod's place, Ed the Sheriff told them he wants to see them later on, and that they were all responsible for each other. (this last statement was meant with some resentment)

Rod's place turned to be a big brewery. Rod itself turned to be a sour grump who would accept only the humans. after some haggling he agreed the rest could stay at the barn, but for the same price. he let the party drink in a corner table, to "not spoil the mood for decent folks".

At this Killpi rallied. "I sir, am a respectable business man! and I'd like to be treated as such! i will not sit at a corner table, i will sit where all sit, like a person!" this led to some low toned arguing. Rod was finally swayed by some extra coin from the little halfling. most of the party was surprised at such coin (which came from the captain's chest and Tom's body) but Killpi simply explained "i told you i was a business man!" Glimji gave him a weary eye, knowing exactly what kind of "business".

So they drank well, and ate well, and prepared to make their way out of the valley, when Rod laughed briskly and commented "good luck! The Fist blocked the way! no one in, no one out!"

explanation: The Fist
as may have been mentioned in the first post, The Fist is a sort of militaristic organization that seeks out arcane magic users and unnatural occurances and... um... "deals" with them. Lynn once belonged to it, her arms braces still bear their mark.

"What? but why?". "there's a sort of plague in town, Fist don't like it" Rod got back to waiting people. knowing they might have to stay awhile, Killpi inquired working as a kitchen help, dishwasher or the like for some coin. Rod finally agreed, while Killpi in his mind allready planned to scan the place for a vault.

Visit to the healer. "did you say...?"
The party decided to make their way to Ed, but stopped by the village's healer (Judith) to check on Ashton and the mother and babe. they were fine, and the little hut was packed with all sorts of herbs, materials and the like. Lynn inquired of the blockade. Judith gave a startled worried look. apparently a soft spot. Glimji sensed she was hiding something.

apparently there is a small plague in the village. about a month ago a young women died, and people started dropping after. all falling to some sort of strange wakeless sleep till they died. So far they lost 9 people.

they called for a "gifted one" (divine caster) from Gordian, the closest town and Harry Ferrar came and turned away quickly, only to bring with him a force of the Fist.

"Were there any survivors?" asked Ayla concerned. "why yes! there is that boy, Eric. he suddenly woke from his sleep and started talking crazy. about orcs or something. But the Fist came and got him as well. they keep him in their blockade"

"was there anything unordinary about the dead, or any one in particular?" asked Glimji. Judith hesitated. most of the party saw that, but she denied.

the party grimaced. unless the Fist came to their satisfaction this town could be blockaded for a long time. Lynn knew that very well. they asked a bit about Far Reach, who was orignially a gold rush town. but once the mine dried out those that remained were those who couldn't afford to get away. they turned the mines to their burial places.

Ayla bought a few more healing bandages (for the healer's kit, see the rules. help restoring hp), while Killpi inquired about various herbs and the like. he asked till he heard the magic word. "Did you say... laxatives?" he bought two, grinning.

Sheriff and son
As they walked to Ed the party agreed they might have to try and investigate this, despite a great dislike to come near to anything disease related. Upon getting to his cabin, Glimji notices a heavy weight on the Sheriff's soul. Ed wanted to interrogate them about the sorcerer they met on the way. "maybe the goblins did it?" he wondered. Ayla responded gently, telling she want to help figure out the mystery. Lynn was... less pleasant. Ed scoffed at them, telling them to live it in capable hands.

Killpi tried to gain his favor, surrendering Tom's short sword "maybe it's a clue?" and watching very carefully as the Sherrif put it under lock and key, thinking of this place' vault as well.

they decided to ask about the Fist. "this force is led by Alex Feber, a tough and resistant to argument kind of woman. Ed gave Lynn a questioning look, but she told him she was no longer part of the Fist. this came as a surprise to the party, and Killpi and Glimji inquired immediately. " lets just say... i had some disagreement with my superiors. they let me go". "interesting, interesting" mumbled Killpi...

Ed suggest they seek out Mike Wood the hunter for some directions of the place.the party tries again to persuade him to reveal more, and he finally relents. "My son, Mark died to this plague, less than a month ago. him and that fool Eric tried to court the Mayor's daughter, Kate Grunt. she was the first to die. you might learn more of her friends Natalie Rogers and Naomi Sid, though i got nothing from them.

There was one strange thing... usually when we bury people the casket is open so people might give their respects. but not in Kate's case- her father had her coffin close. it's his right as father and mayor, but still odd..." finished the suspicious sheriff. "his name is Andrew. if you find out anything peculiar, i want to know. everything. but come to me first, it's a matter of... politics".

the party thanked the grieving father, and got outside.

Two tries, two strikes
the party went to the hunter's house next (Mark Wood) but the place was locked ("why are you with me NOW?" thought Killpi) so they progressed to the mayor's house, the Grunt home.

The door was opened by a suspicious old woman, looking between them at the halfling, gnome and half orc. they tried to persuade to get in, but were rebuffed, especially when Lynn tried to brandish her arm braces. the old woman got edgy, when Killpi suggested they "only want to open Kate's coffin".the door closed. Ki

Splitting the party!
Lynn erupted "you little insensitive bugger! you irritate people, we'll never do this!". the halfling fumed in return "i'm trying to get to the head of the matter. we all know that little harlot wench did this! perhaps she seduced those who are dying, perhaps she's an undead. i want to get out of here! besides Miss-Fist, you weren't helping much yourself!".

perhaps it was the heated atmosphere, perhaps we decided to cover more ground and intimidate people less by going single. we decided to split up. we each got ourself a target, and agreed to meet at Rod's at the evening.


the party mood
was quite good! all these arguments are in jest and roleplay. Killpi's player and myself are best friends, we thought it would be fun to have characters that butt heads all over.

Lynn and Teal'c
lacking high social skills, the two warriors headed back to Rod's and tried to gather rumors and information, attracting people by telling war stories. however, the gloom of the place and the cold outside meant that few people were interested. the town's blacksmith, a grumpy drunk big human called Shawn Ashley told a strange tail. "ya see, one night, i be coming back late from the forge when is see this thing flying in the air! creepy and all dark like!" (he took a swig from his ale, eyes half glazing) "it was a vampire i tell you!"

we take his words with many, many grains of salt.

Ayla and Judith
knowing the healer is hiding something, Ayla though to talk to her personally, healer to healer. but despite her best efforts the healer doesn't spill up. she only learns that the Grunt family has been here since the village was erected, and they got their own sect in the catacombs.

the family has a great apple grove near the village from which they derive much of their riches.

Killpi at the hunter's house
Killpi came to Mike Wood's house, and upon recieving no answer at the door, smiled to himself. he found a back entrance, and a lock picking roll later, he was in. Killpi was in some sort of a laundry room, and looked towards the main room.

there was a dog there. big dog. big black dog (think German Shepard). thankfully sleeping. hhmmmm... right... Killpi very very slowly got out and decided to wait for the hunter. but being bored he thought to test the hunter's skills, and hid in his lumber pile.

Ayla and "girlfirneds!"
being a young stunning woman, Ayla decides to try to the hearts of the young friends of Kate. she awaits them till they return from the apple grove, and try to strike a conversation. but... she sort of takes the tone of a responsible, concerned elderly maother, and late teenagers as they are, the girlfriends makes a face and shuffle her off... Ayla sighs (the player got bloody bad rolls)

Glimji and the Grunt Matriarch
Glimji decides to return to the grandma's house. he explains he is not associated to us ("especially the Fist woman") and calmly wins her heart slowly, talking to her grief, reviving memories of Kate when she lived and so on. he learns a few important things. first, Mark has obviously courted Kate to harshly, and she nearly broke up with him, till he brought her some sort of a "make up" gift, days before she died.

also, she did not sleep for a day or more before dying like the others have. she was dead when her father found her in her bed.

also, her father was the one to find her dead, and he made all the arrangements of her burial, quite quickly. he was the only one who saw her before closing her in the coffin, only one except for... Judith.

after winning the poor grandma's heart (beguiler or no beguiler?) he asks to see Kate's room. as she leads him he quickly casts detect magic behind her back. and there it is- the tiniest amount of magic in the room, faint traces, but there was something magical here.

He asked to atalk with Andrew but the grandma said he asked to see no one.having talked with the grandma for hours, Glimji makes hi way to Rod's.

Meanwhile with Killpi
the sun lowers, and it's getting cold, very cold. nto willing to give up, Killpi takes some of the wood and makes a fire to warm by in front of the Hunter's house.

Ayla, take 3
back at Rod's everyone gathers except fro Killpi. they exchange stories and info. Ayla notices the two girlfriends of Kate here, and decides to make a distraction fro the men and give Killpi (who obviously has more skill) a chance to talk to the girls.

so she dances, erotically, sensually, as only a priestess of the goddess of love can. the dance has the desired effect- most men are entranced, but so are the girlfriends! "wow! that is the coolest thing ever! how did you do that! teach me! teach me!" Ayla has groupies!

using this new found adoration Ayla now easily talks the girls to spill some info. Mark took Kate to the Lizard's Grove (a small forest about 1/2-1 day walk from Far Reach) where he courted her too much. he gave her a beautiful large green gem as a present. that seemed like an important clue!

Also, upon questioning about Eric the girls said he stalked and followed the couple. "he was sleazy, obsessed. he became crazy after that sickness".

Killpi and the Hunter, finally!
Mike finally came (from drinking at Rod's) to find an odd little halfling drinking on his front porch. "who are you?". "i'm am a business man, unfortunately stuck in this valley, where upon i might use your assistance?" Mike lets him in, the first person in the village unconcerned that he is a halfling, which Killpi finds reassuring. the black dog welcomes Mike, and growls at Killpi, recognizing his smell from somewhere.

Mike brings out coffee, while Killpi shares his tobacco. Killpi tells of his "businesses", and Mike shares rumors from the village. "some say Kate was a sorceress, but that is an evil thing to tell of someone. she has a kind heart that girl".

Killpi buys a map of the Valley! the catacombs are about 3 hours away, (east of the grove) while the blockade is about 1/2 a day away (blocks the opening in the south. "i wouldn't go there, they have squads to ambush people".

Killpi offers to rent Mike's services, but mike refuses. Killpi hints at getting into the catacombs, and mike cautiously replies that if they do so, make sure no one knows.

finally Killpi thanks Mike for the welcoming, and heads to Rod's.

Valley's Map

So what have we got so far
Kate was courted by Mike and Eric. Mark pushed Kate too hard (in the lizard grove) and gave her some green gem as a "make up gift". Eric followed them, stalked them.

a few days later Kate died. she did not fall to sleep like the others. her father and Judith are the only one who saw her as she was buried in a close coffin. Mark fell asleep soon after as others in the village, who died.

the only exception is Eric who awakened crazy, telling wild tales about orcs. the Fist who blockades the valley have taken him.

Nightly matters
after sharing tales and thinking up what to do, Killpi goes to wash the dishes. he notcies a stew brewing for tomorrow, and adds his laxatives to the pot. Rod decree that Ayla and Lynn will sleep in the rooms, and the rest in the barn.

in the middle of the night the barn door is rattled. as Teal'c, Glimji and Killpi prepare to fight, a frightened elderly woman enters. "please help me! you're my only hope1 you're outsiders, i've heard the tale about the goblins, you must save my son!" a short talk after they realize this is Jennifer Swanson, Eric's mother. she takes them to her house (Ayla and Lynn still sleep) and meet his father as well- Gavin the wood cutter.

the parents want the party to save Eric from the hands of the fist. they have a friend in town who can hide him till they are gone. "we will give you everything" says the crying mother, but Killpi surprisingly refuses any payment. "I will do this for the pleasure of Screwing the Fist!". Teal'c however is not pleased. "If you go against the Fist, only the gods can help you!" while Glimji is more interested in the prize...

the parents bring w shiny jewled necklace, a family heirloom. "come to think of it" quickly adds Killpi "i'd like my share". they discuss matters as Gavin brings some coffee (which Killpi recognizes, and understand who the "friend" might be), but finally agree, though they have no idea how. the Swanson family also offers their house as a more comfortable residence from the barn, which the 3 happily agree to.

what do the fortune call for in the next day?
that is about 2/3- 3/4 of the meeting. i hop i get to write the best soon, but comments are still welcomed on this part alone

Jerret Gwathmor
2012-03-08, 11:00 AM
Hmm, as far as I recall the blacksmith was not a dwarf, but a big human… dwarves rarely settle outside their own underground territories. (in this world) :smallsmile:

Kol Korran
2012-03-09, 05:52 AM
Hmm, as far as I recall the blacksmith was not a dwarf, but a big human… dwarves rarely settle outside their own underground territories. (in this world) :smallsmile:

Lynn was drunk, he looked like a dwarf to her. :smalltongue: fixed. hopefully i'll get the second part over the weekend

2012-03-09, 08:44 AM
I got excited when I saw Kol had posted and thought it was another campaign update....I'll be looking for the next part Kol. Good stuff, really good stuff

Kol Korran
2012-03-09, 08:55 AM
Session 2b
In which some of our protagonists fall victim to mischief (of their own), secrets are reveled, and bad mood is spread, down to the underground.

Still with us? good. so, the next day.

Seeking release
Laxatives. for some reason i didn't see that coming in a fantasy game. next morning, soon after breakfast, everyone at Rod's place had a sudden urge for the lavatory. including Lynn and Ayla. ample use of the country side (freezing as it was) was had. Killpi needless to say, was quite pleased.

neither of the humans connected the little halfling to the deed, (it was tricky to decide, so we let the dice decide for us) and quickly demanded compensation of Rod, like many others. but the poor owner was himself quite distressed.

which is just as Killpi had planned. hurrying from the Swenson house he planned on visiting the vault when everyone was away. but he had a not-so-chance encounter on road.

the best defense is attack
Judith the village healer rushed on him. "you! you did this! you used my remedies for this?!?" but Killpi's player is a lawyer, he knows how to circumvent accusations- by making ones himself! "and you! you are keeping a secret! a secret that could save the village! what do you say? what do you say?"

Judith was surprised at this tunr of events, and tried to state her initial displeasure again, but Killpi wouldn't let her. "does the village know? does the dead know? what are you hiding? eh Judith?" all this in hushed town to the sound of people happy to relieve themselves.

finally Judith relented. "not here, in my place. come in 5 minutes." Killpi looked at Rod's place, the vault beckoning. "what? now? can we talk a little later?" the halfling begged. "no! now, or never! you're a strange little man" Judith said, looking at him oddly, as she strode away. Killpi whimpered as he weighted his options. finally he cursed some small gods of benevolence and hurried after the healer. "why yes, yes i am..." he said somberly.

a disturbing secret
"Kate was not killed by the plague" confessed Judith. "there were no marks on her. 3 or 4 years ago Andrew came to me, to seek my help with the unnatural. Kate was... developing powers. things floated, strange lights, sorcery stuff." Judith Sighed heavily, this being a major secret apparently.

"it might have something to do with this. Kate showed no marks of the plague when i examined her. nothing to compare to the rest. instead there was some great wound at her neck. bite marks of claw, i don't quite know. Andrew swore he heard nothing. he found her as if she died while still asleep."
Judith turned to Killpi. "so now you know, but this must never get out! do you realize?" Killpi smiled "but of course, and my little amusement shall remain hidden as well, yes?" the two stared at each other, and seemed to have come to an agreement.

Decisions and plans
Killpi, Glimji and Teal'c told Ayla and Lynn everything (well, except for the laxatives) the two humans were a bit pale and in a sour mood. "i'm never eating here again!" vouched Lynn. they checked what they've found and decided on the following course of action.

first they will go to the catacombs. too much is unknown about Kate, they must see for themselves. they will alert no one, not even Ed. then they will continue to the blockade and see if they can somehow get Eric from the Fist (though they had no ideas how). Glimji told the Swensons of this, and they arranged for their friends to wait for them under the bridge 1 hour after dark for Eric.

preparing for the small Journey Killpi bought 2 tents for them, which Lynn and Teal'c carried. ("where did you get so much money?" "i told you, i'm a business man!") and they received several packages of herbs that can emit great heat if pressed.

(In hindsight we sould have inquired more about the Fist, their composition, maybe a map of their position from the hunter and the like. in hindsight)

Level Up!
Our XP rules grant XP for achievements, not just killing monsters. how you achieved those is immaterial.

we are now level 2. several more hp are nice thing. Lynn also gained the improve trip feat. i'm unsure what the others got.

A town's warm welcome
So our town trudged off in the sunny snowy mornin. about 2-3 hours have passed with all the "festivities" at Rod's place and the tent purchasing, but they had a good start. instead of going through the apple grove they circumvented a bit to avoind looking going to the catacombs.


but soon enough they realized they were followed. Glimji and Killpi went to hide, while the rest "moved on". But Glimji was seen, and the 8 coming hillbilly humans quickly called to him. "yo! midget! get out of there!" Glimji quickly extracted himself, a bit fuming. "I'm not a midget, i'm a gnome!". "Gnome's belong in lawns!"

this fabulous shaksperean level conversation continued as Ayla, Lynn and Teal'c made their way back to the rest of the humans. "what do you want?". "we don't like you in our town! you are scum! we take out the scum!" to which Ayla returned "We are but travelers strung out here, we mean you no harm". this was responded by a leering and some whisteling. "and we take out who sleep with scum!"

at which point the battle broke. Lynn called out "don't kill them!" while Killpi and Glimji almost took personal offense at this suggestion. Teal'c took out a sap (??) while Lynn tried "cushier" places to hit.

1 of the village people lunged at Glimji, another At killpi (which climbed the rock he was hiding on, grinning) while the rest forcused on the remaining trio. Tealc' fell 1 or more, but they clubbed him heavily (including a crit) and Ayla hd her hands filled healing him. Lynn avoided most strikes but her merciful techniques proved lousy with hitting. Killpi on the other hand shot the men freely, but let them run away disabled or the like. "how is that "not killing?" going for ya?"

the trio was surrounded by 4 of the crowd, when suddenly a sleep was cast, and they all fell slumbing. at first they were revealed. well, all except for Lynn. "another sorcery?! another sleep?!"

Glimji's secret
there was no hiding it this time. there were no other people here, Killpi was busy shooting the entire battle, and in this battle as well as the one with the goblin sorcerer ("i'm not a-") Glimji was the only one unaccounted for.

Lynn progressed on him like vengeance. "you did this?! you cast that spell? you are the sorcerer?! tell me the truth! enough with lies!" Glimji stammered and bumbled, not finding the right words. "those spells saved me once, and now Teal'c, but they are still sorcery! are you behind this?" finally the miserable gnome mumbled. "maybe..."

that was enough for Lynn, she turned from him, moving a few paces, fuming, breathing hard. after a few seconds she responded. "i don't know if i can trust you no more. but so far you saved us. i don't want to talk about this, lets just get this over with".

meanwhile one of the 4 (now unarmed) was woken. "don't follow us, or you'll turn up bleeding or face down in the snow." Lynn added "i'm not in a good mood, you really, REALLY don't want to make it worse! now git!"

the party continued on their way, this time in silence.

Brink of death, the revelation of secrets
after 2 more hours walking the party reached the entrance to the catacombs, the arch displaying symbols of Lilk, goddess of death.


they entered the first door but then found the next doors locked. they were frustrated, when Killipi, in a most nonchallant way produced his thieves tools. Lynn hissed at him "a sorcerer and now a common thief!"

Killpi checked his tools, not quite looking at her "oh, and sorry for the... misshap at the morning, couldn't be helped- you chose to sleep there.".

Lynn and Ayla realized what he was talking about. Lynn got angrier. "trickery, theft of vile magic. and you wondered why i distrusted you both earlier, you prove to be the worst example of your kind."

At this Glimji and Killpi did not remain aloof "oh yeah? well it's society's fault. we have to make a living somehow. quite impossible with all you humans hogging everything for yourself."

Lynn turned on Teal'c, who didn't desreve it "what about you... orc? you have any secrets as well?" to his credit Teal'c did not rise to the bait.

"Secrets? what about yours?" demanded Killpi. "no longer with the Fist? how did that happen? eh?"

Lynn fumed for a few seconds, and then hissed back "i thought they were wrong. i tried to save people. halflings and gnomes, your kind of people, but they proved cowardly and spineless. so i was let out of the Fist. biggest mistake i made."

the gnome and halfling exchanged wondering looks, when Killpi's attempts gave the door a "Click". the bad air was full around. "let's just get over with it."

party mood
some of you might wonder why we went this way with the party. it was from 3 reasons:

first it felt quite the natural thing to do, and the way to progress. we played the "hiding a secret" for a session and a half now.
it enabled Killpi and Glimji to act freely. Glimji's player was going bonanza at being unable to cast spells.
it enabled the characterss to start developing. (especially Lynn i think. perhaps i'm a drama queen?) but everyone seemed to enjoy it.

exploring the catacombs
the party came to the ritual chamber, one large door to the east, two to the west. the party explored to the west first and found one door locked, which Killpi lock picked quickly (Lynn: "just like a thief". Killpi: "just like a traitor". Ayla: "just like a virgin". group: "... what? um, no!") it proved to be mainly supplies.

the two remaining door opened to burial caches on the west, and burial sections for wealthier families on the east. the party went on the east, and searched for one that included the Grunt's name and crest.

then they came upon an open door to the Coral family. they saw a walking skeleton disappearing to another opening. "Chrone protect us!" whispered Lynn. "do you know anything about this?" she shot Glimji. "no! these are the black arts! not my expertise." there is a small argument of whether to check it out, but they decide that they must check any anomalies.

a few steps later Lynn and Teal'c got to explore the anomalies of the pit they were falling to as it opened up between them. then they explored the spikes at the bottom, and then the venom they were laced with.

Cold furry trickery
meanwhile, 6 white small figures jumped at the 3 above figueres from side chambers with hungry teeth and claws.


"dwarven Yeti!" yelled Glimji. Killpi swiveled his spiked chain and downed one. Ayla shot arrows while Glimji cast distracting spells. Teal'c picked himself upp, and with great speed climbed over the short pit. Lynn however hurled spear after spear after the creatures, those that came close to the pit's edge at least.

the party were too much for the yetis, and after 3 were killed they ran to one of the sarcophagus in the room and... jumped in? lynn climbed out as well and they explored.

apparently the creatures duge from underneath to one of the sarcophagi and used it as their tunnel. they also saw strings and rings through which they marionated the skeleton. "they are known for such trickery and foolery" added Glimji. they decided not to pursue the 3 dwarven yeti in the tunnels. the cramped location will be difficult for them to fight in.

thoughts of the encounter
I think the Dm might have had a few things to say with this encounter:

things are not as expected: no undead in a dungeon.
things are not as expected: dwarven yeti? what? i mean- what?
expect fights with more complications: deception, trap. nicely done. made the party face enemies with their two front lines dropped

Kate and one other
the party continues the search, acutely aware that Ayla is at the end of her healing power. they find the Grunt section, and search though it, mostly choosing doors that Killpi is sure are free of traps. more lucky than thorough perhaps, but the party finds Kate's Sarcophagi quickly, opens it (after asking forgiveness of Lilk) and found that Judith was right. the body is shriveled but well preserved (due to the great cold).

there is a great wound at her neck, and upon checking it Glimji speaks in hushed disturbed tones. "nothing natural could have made this. there are lots of sharp sharp teeth in scores. i've seen something similar on sharks at sea, but nothing on land. this was done by something supernatural" ("Outsider" in D&D terms). the party gives a prayer, suddenly feeling very much at unease.

They decided to get out, but think of making one last comparison- they seek out any of the other dead from the plague, and find the one belonging to Mark. it looked shriveled, bad. definitely not the same cause. after putting everything back in place, the party decides to head out.

Judith story was now backed up, but what killed her? and how is that connected to the other killings?

so this is where the session ended. it was a long yet fun one. we have a mystery to solve, but first thing- next time there is the Fist. some of us already make guesses at what we might encounter, but i guess we'll see next time. the interaction between characters is starting to become interesting (or so i hope) and i'm looking forward to where it will lead.

i don't yet know when the next session will be, or the update, but hopefully not too long.

thoughts? comments? ideas? questions?

2012-03-10, 05:39 AM
Session 2b
"Kate was not killed by the plague" confessed Judith. "there were no marks on her. 3 or 4 years ago Andrew came to me, to seek my help with the unnatural. Kate was... developing powers. things floated, strange lights, sorcery stuff." Judith Sighed heavily, this being a major secret apparently.

"it might have something to do with this. Judith showed no marks of the plague when i examined her. nothing to compare to the rest. instead there was some great wound at her neck. bite marks of claw, i don't quite know. Andrew swore he heard nothing. he found her as if she died while still asleep."
Judith turned to Killpi. "so now you know, but this must never get out! do you realize?" Killpi smiled "but of course, and my little amusement shall remain hidden as well, yes?" the two stared at each other, and seemed to have come to an agreement.

Emphasis mine. You mean "Kate" there, right?

Im enjoying this so far.

I must admit, Im not a big fan of Killpi. This kleptomaniac stereotype would drive me nuts, as a player and as a DM. But if you guys have fun, its all fine, I guess :smallsmile:
And confronting Judith in this exact moment was really smart. Kudos to the player.

Seeing as you play in what is called a "Frostfell" environment in D&D, does your DM use stuff from Frostburn, like the expanded rules for the harsh climate?

Kol Korran
2012-03-10, 06:25 AM
Emphasis mine. You mean "Kate" there, right?
thanks for the catch. fixed now.

Im enjoying this so far.
glad you like it!

I must admit, Im not a big fan of Killpi. This kleptomaniac stereotype would drive me nuts, as a player and as a DM. But if you guys have fun, its all fine, I guess :smallsmile:
i can't speak for the DM or the other players, but i quite like it. (and as far as i can gather they do too). his thefts are not major game wrecking ordeals, and the players knows well enough to play with the party, having his little fun on the side. notice he never stole from the party, helped Glimji with hiding his identity, and the main reason for the laxatives was so he could get to the vault, not to aggravate players.

he wanted to tell Lynn and Ayla about it, but when they chose to sleep in comfy rooms while he slept at the barn, well...

I was actually more concerned at first at Lynn pissing people off.

Seeing as you play in what is called a "Frostfell" environment in D&D, does your DM use stuff from Frostburn, like the expanded rules for the harsh climate?
I don't know really. he has lots of books, so he may have that one as well. The DM is quite an outdoors man, so i think he mostly uses his own knowledge, expanding on the basic knowledge in the DM guide.

Jerret Gwathmor
2012-03-10, 11:40 AM
Hi Kol and Zombimode.

I am the DM of this little adventure.

Zombimode, about Killpi, I know players can ruin your game due to this kleptomaniac behavior, but this is all different. The player is a really team player and none of his action, as a kleptomaniac role player, agitates the group. I believe we all enjoy his little humorous scenes.

I must admit I haven't heard of Frostburn, and I'm making my own roles as the DMG roles are lacking. But thanks for the tip, I'll look into this book.

Kol Korran
2012-03-25, 11:29 AM
a very short update in case someone (anyone? :smallconfused:) is waiting.
one of our players (Glimji's player) had an accident and minor operation. he's fine, no need to worry. (don't ride motorcycles kids! it's not worth it!) well, due to waiting for his pains to subside and other scheduling issues we'll only play in two more weeks, on the Saturday of April 7th. (we prefer not to play with missing players. tried that a couple of times, and it just wasn't it)

so that is why there is no update, yet. in compensation i'll try to upgrade my wit. (Nooooo! run for the hills! run for your lives!:smalltongue:). yes, yet another fine example.

so see you in about two weeks, hope you're with us.

2012-04-05, 11:26 AM
Hi Kol, I just finished reading your DM log and got up to date with this log. I have really been enjoying. I look forward to all that comes next!

Kol Korran
2012-04-05, 12:44 PM
Hey dsender. glad you liked it! few people ever finish the DM's log i think. congrats!

we're playing on this saturday, and our DM just reminded us today that... we have no plan on how to deal with the Fist. oh, and he has no problem massacring us all if we act stupid.

So yeah. a slight discussion has began between players, but mostly about whether we care to be massacred or not... :smalltongue::smallwink:

if i know my party, we'll come up with one plan before starting to play, another plan when we actually play, and we'll end up improvising. :smallsigh::smallamused: we're GOOD on follow up.

thanks for letting me know you're reading. it's always nice to know i'm not writing this only for myself.

Kol Korran
2012-04-08, 08:09 AM
Session 3a
In which our protagonists break an ancient rule of gaming, suffer the consequences, and the plot thickens in an... unplanned way :smallwink:

hey folks, we played yesterday and it was a blast of a meeting, although quite a bit of it improvised (but on a solid base, which makes good improvisation). due to the length, i again split the meeting to two sections. i'm reposting the map at the first spoiler since it becomes quite important!

hope you'll enjoy!


Um, what is our plan exactly?
Last we saw the party they just exited the catacombs, planning on exploring the Fist Blockade next, and try and rescue Eric- the only one who suffered the sleeping disease but lived, although mentally unstable. on the map you see the village of Far Reach, benath it the HUGE apple grove, the catacombs are to the south east, kissing the mountains

(The Dm has informed us between meetings that the Fist is a sizable force. Lynn's acquaintance with the Fist suggested that a unit for these matters will include 50-100 level 1-2 soldiers, plus lieutenenats, a commander and some support. he also quite nicely said that he has no problem killing us all if we act stupid. :smalleek:)

Distraught by the grave Lynn assessed the situation and told the party of her thoughts on the force they might face. she seemed bothered. BAsically the Fist might move the blockade by 1 of three possibilities: the threat it has come for was removed, enough time has passed so it seems useless to stay or if the Fist were given enough... "donations".

the party discusses many options, including hoofing it back to town ("i'm not facing 50+ insane power hungry cue in many blasphemies i can't quite print here like HER, saving Eric or not!" said Glimji). but they needed a way out, so at the end this was the plan:

- the party will come closer to the blockade, about 2.5 hours walk from it. then Killpi and Glimji (who was not quite happy about this) will sneak their way towards the fort (using their superior low light vision over the humans) and learn what they can. then return. at morning Ayla (and perhaps Lynn who also didn't like the idea) will try to talk to the Fist officers, possibly their commander Alex, and at least let them talk to Eric. but no one in the party had ANY idea how to do that.

still in a sour mood, distrusting each other and not liking the options the party trudged until they reached the south west to the apple plantation, about 150m from the crossroads. as Teal'c started to put up the tents, They gave the two short guys some of their heating packs for the cold, and bid them fare well.

Dope moment
it was at this point that we asked ourselves why oh why didn't we gather any info on the fort and the gap from the village, especially the hunter.

The Sneaky Duo
there was quite a bit of argument between the two how to approach the fort (the fort isn't listed on the map. but it's guarding the gap at the very bottom) Killpi wished not to waste time, and approach it hugging the eastern moutnins, but Glimji said "that is what they would expect1" and suggested the western mountains. "that is what they'll expect sneaky people to do!" said Killpi, but at the end they decided to follow Glimji's decision.


they have crossed to the other side and went south. finally they reach the gap at night. it's quite narrow, with various boulders strewn about. in the gap itself there is the fort, to the east of it, next to a great cliff above it, on top of which there is a sort of a gentle slope towards the valley. "they'll have guards there" whisper Glimji. on the west there is a steep slope, and after a bit of observation Killpi notices a carefully hidden guard tower amongst the trees.

when real life skills come in handy
(it might be worhty of note to say that our DM and some of the players served some time in combative army units, and the DM especially is quite good at scouting, navigation and so on, and knows how to prepare accordingly... )

a bit more scouting noticed a sort of a querry in the western wall, building something? Glimji tried to use apples to seduce burrowing animals to talk to them, but it was just too cold. the two suspected more unseen forces. but they were about 300 m from the gap itself, and intended to learn more. "After you!", "no, after you!", "really, i bow to your expertise", "you show me too much honor, i insist!"

at the end Killpi with his superior stealth and perception led the way. the plan was to climb higher than the western watch tower, and perhaps get a look out to the fort itself. they moved slowly, taking their time, observing in the cold night air. getting caught would probably be fatal.

the good news, they got great stealth skills and rolls. the bad news, their perception is not so much. they got 150 m closer, but noticed nothing new except... for what seemed like a newly erected wall about 10feet tall, with some guard towers blocking the exit of the valley... The Fist seemed like serious business.

traps, snaps, and rustling bushes
a small discussion opened in the group (of players) at this point whether to explore further and risk it or go back. but in the end it fell to the two explorers, who seemed to like the thrill (despite Glimji's ramblings) who wanted to see in the fort.

as the duo climbed on, Killpi's honed senses saved his leg from stepping on an animal "close jaws" trap. he disarms it and takes it. on the way they find a few more traps but avoid them (Killpi takes one more_. but as they get close to the tower, Killpi steps on a trap and with only halfling quickness manages not to get his leg seriously wounded.

SNAP! echoes in the night, the tower suddenly has a light put on. "oh crap!" the two mouth simultaneously, and seek hiding quite fast. they expect people to arrive from the tower, but instead after about 2 minutes pass 3 soldier in Fist uniform come mumbling about the cold and "what animal is awake at these hours?"they look around a bit but don't seem to notice much, till they near Glimji's hiding (a low bush) when suddenly one looks straight at him. "what the hell?"

when the S**T hits the fan
Glimji reacts on instinct and cast a sleep spell, that fell two of the soldiers, but not the one that looks like their leader. (the group: now that won't arouse suspicions". "it's from the cold!") this leader seems to draw soemthing, but it's hard to see in the dark exactly what it is. Killpi curses, and sneak attack shoots him, wounding him nicely. the soldier activated a Sun rod! suddenly the are is lit by bright light.

Glimji is baffled and tried to find a useful tactic While Killpi yells at him- "do something usefull gods damn you!" and shoots again. only since the soldier is aware now, there is no sneak attack and Killpi barely if at all penetrates his armor's damage reduction. the soldier tries to wake his fellows, and Glimji cast another sleep, droping the privates but not affecting the leader.

Killpi changes tactics a bit, looking surprised at Glimji and tha man. "what? my head! you... you charmed me? you charmed me?!" (laughter from the party, murderous looks from Glimji) Glimji is down to his last 1st level spell (we were in the crypt this day) and decides to go fro broke, as they start to hear shouts from the tower and the fort. he reches into his spell component pouch and throws colored sands, making bright multicolored light over the three soldiers. but his dice fails him again- once more the leader saves.

"mage! you will die for this!" yells the solder and rushes to Gimli (while Killpi yells: "he charmed me! grab the withc! burn the witch!")

two halflings, one twiceling
the Soldier raises a sword over Glimji, "surrender and throw your weapon, on the ground!" Glimji cowers and complies. "you too!" he shouts ad Killpi. Killpi hesitates, and tries to put on a show of throwing his corossbow and groveling on all fours, crawling to the man, "he charmed me, he charmed me". but this soldier, with Killpi's botls still in him doesn't buy the act and attacks Glimji, who very narrowly evades.

Killpi sees his ruse didn't work and whips out his spiked chain, but barely affects the soldier, due to no sneak attack and Armor DR (and small weapon) Glimji is out of 1st level spells. this doesn't look good... :smallfrown:

BUT, there are 1st level spells, and Glimji dazes the soldier, and again while moving to a flanking position totally out of spells. but a flanking position is all Killpi needed, and the chain rips through the soldier, nearly killing him. this soldier seemed tough.

(at the table i immediately say: "kill him, and the two others. they know your faces" Killpi's player looks at me surprised "that YOU will tell me to kill them? that's not right, let's try this) "surrender" said Killpi with pleasrure "and we'll spare your life." the soldier nearly done, agrees and lay down his sword. "just so you know, we are fighting for the greater good!" (at which point i look at him surprised "that YOU would fight for the greater good?") the two take the weapon and start to run, as if their life dependent on it (which they did) and the soldier through one last dagger after them

crunch behind the encounter
these were 2 1st level fighters and another 2nd level fighter. the soldier stood up VERY well, but this is mostly due to poor rolls by Glimji's player's rolls, we make all the rolls, nothing is hidden. we were worried about his hitpoint, which seemed to be slightly above 20. that is till the DM mentioned the feat "toughness" multiple times.

Run you fools!
as they ran they heard shouts from behind, and saw quite a few torches in the night. they were unarmored, so they were just to the speed of the armored tall folks. but how long, how far could they run? and then they heard the barking of dogs, and the hoofs of horses. ("Soldiers and horses and hounds, oh my!")

"so, new character sheets?" :smallwink::smalltongue:

the two decides to make it as diffucult to the pursuers as possible, they head further up towards the western mountain rage, on as inhospitable ground as they can find. at some point they hear the hroses complaining, and hear some shouts of "on foot, take the dogs". they decide to make it even harder, and seek a cliff to go up. thankfully enough they are good enough climbers (or the DM had been a bit merciful) and they reached the top ok. after a few more exhausting hours in the freezing cold they seemed to have lost them. dawn was nearing, but what now?

Meanwhile at camp
(by this point all of the group quite understood that thing got messed up seriously, but the DM seemed to roll with us, and so did we.)

Lynn seemed to have something on her mind, about half an hour after the two short ones left, she came to speak with Ayla and Teal'c. "Ayla, you are chosen by the gods, right? i'm not quite a fan of Kendra (goddess of love) but you'll do. and Teal'c, who doesn't speak much. i saw how you fight and how you avoided killing those village people. i'd value your opinion."

the two seemed attentive. "do you believe the gods speak to us? in signs, portens, or in choices they give us?", "the gods speak to those they have an interest in, in things important enough to them." Lynn snorted "i do n't think i am important, but i wonder- when i was in the fist i was charged to find a gnome sorcerer amongst halfling, as part of my unit. yet i... for some reason... chose to help the gnome and halfling. yet they proved treacherous, and i lost my position. i was expelled from the Fist, and brought shame to my family."

Lynn sighed "and yet this situation happens again- the Fist is looking for a magic user, and i am hiding a sorcerer and a thieving, scheming, conniving halfling. think about it! first he stole the elemental stone, then the issue with the laxatives, and what about Tom? what do we know? we found him with Killpi's bolts in his BACK, without an injury on Killpi, and he tried to frame him from the start! is this the kind of person we'rre associating with? should we not give them both over to the Fist"

Teal'c then spoke "i don't like them. but we're in a tough spot. you need to see if they can help our survival in this valley or not. i can't quite tell you so far. but when we can we should part ways with them."

Ayla was more reserved, but cautious in her words "I don't trust them, but from my acquaintance with the Fist i trust them less, and i would NOT give people away to them and their "interrogations". i suggest to find a way to reconcile your feelings, and give it time."

Lynn seemed more distraught and contemplative "very well, i shall think about this, lets see what they have to say in morning".

In my Defense
The idea was to provoke a bit more interaction and roleplay from Ayla and Teal'c' players, as they'll try to make Lynn be less judgmental and more forgiving, and closer to the Duo. i didn't quite expect Teal'c player to further the split, but it's her first play, and i'm afraid we're setting a bad example on how party should behave.

"By the time you read these lines..."
As dawn started to break, Ayla on guard sudenly heard quite a few horses. luckily the tents were in the woods, and the FIst horsemen (and horsewomen) didn't noptice them. they were riding to the village. "Damn! what the hell happened? Killpi, Glimji!"

she woke the two others. they concluded that something went wrong, and that the two have been either captured or they are pursued. they must look for the rest of them in the village. "we need to get away, to somewhere we can hide. there weren't many choices, and Ayla pointed out the Lizard's grove "it's the only lead we have, if we find there something that might be useful, perhaps that can help us."

they packed, and quickly left. In case Glimji and Killpi were alive, they left a note stuck by a dagger to a tree "we're at the source of the Green Gem". and went off.

Back to the Duo
Tired from the chase, having been awake and on the run all night, the two find a small unused cave, heat up as well as they can and fall asleep, two of Killpi's newly acquired traps at the opening.

"Where are we now?"
The Duo at the moment is located in the mountains just south of the lizard's grove. the trio is just moving from the crossroads on the road between the Fist ant Far Reach towards the lizard's grove.

Fight! and a bit more of Teal'c
after a few hours, while nearing the Lizard's grove, the trio goes through the snow they suddenly hear something, not being stealthy enough they explore, to meet a bunch of 8 orcs! "humans in wrong place! this is orc land!"

Teal'c (a half orc) seems tense, even slightly angry, but he speaks politely "we are lost, we did not mean to interfere, we're sorry". the orcs laugh "you be sorry llright... halfbreed!" gauging the odds, Lynn tries a different approach. "you orc know might! i offer you a chance to prove it! your strongest warrior, against ours!" but the orcs laugh at her. "we honor might in real enemy. you no enemy, you are garbage!"


at which point everyone have enough and the battle start. Lynn and Teal'c fight side by side, each despoing of an enemy a round (Teal'c cleave doesn't succeed) till the few remaining curb tail and run. Ayla heals a bit, and we even find a bit of coin on them.

however, we are more disturbed by the orcs presence here, so close to Far Reach. and Eric have spoken in his delusions of orcs, didn't he?

"You surprise me again Teal'c. you seemed disgusted by them." the half orc stays silent for a moment "they hurt my mother, my grandfather's honor. i don't like them. they are not my people." Lynn tries to goad Teal'c a bit more, but he stays silent.

The Lizard's grove
The trio reaches the grove (there is some discussion whether to go in, can we make it, but we decide we don't have any better lead) the place is quite pleasent, with lizard living in the trees, quite pastoral and nice. they spend the rest of their time searching for anything of importance for many hours, but fail to succeed. with some grumbling they decide to make camp near their entry point, as the sun start to descend


Frodo and Samwise (NOT!)
the duo finally awakes. "i had such a dream!" tells Glimji "we were fighting against the whole fort!". "I had a dream too" says Killpi "of someone using bright magic against the Fist and now they know our faces!" obviously, there was some resentment.

"so what now? where do we go? we have food, we have water, we have... each other?" said Killpi. Glimji began to hurriedly pack. they decided to try and find our camp at first, and then the village.

DM hurrying things a bit later, they arrived at the prior camp and find the note. but... they don't trust Lynn. "maybe she is trying to trap us? give us away to the Fist?" (Then they tried to sense motive the note, at which we all laughed)

Killpi suggests to perhaps seek the hunter, and gain any info from him on how to bypass the mountains. as some roll their eyes he add jokingly "let me complicate about this, i mean contemplate about this".

The duo decide that if Lynn tries to betray them, that they should have a code word for Glimji to cast a sleep spell on her. they decide the ever so popular- B*tch.

They decide to go to the grove (lamenting on how barbaric where these savages who killed and looted the orcs... after trying to loot them as well to no avail). so at the end of the evening, when they reached the grove they stumble upon the trio.

The lesson?
DON'T SPLIT THE PARTY! :smallamused::smalltongue:

A not so happy reunion
Lynn: "what the hell happened?!"
Killpi: "B*tch!" (looks at Glimji who rolls his eyes) "i said B*tch!"
L: did they see you? did you talk to them? did you fight with them?"
K: you know how hard it was? what it cost us? (looking at himself and Glimji) "um, we got better" (throws the traps on the ground) "it nearly killed us!"
L: "you STOLE from them?"
K: "i prefer took..." Glimji: "more like burrowed".
Lynn towards Ayla and Teal'c: "we are all doomed!"
towards Glimji: "did they see you do magic?"
G: "not exactly SEE... they were asleep most of the time"
K: except for the flashy multicolored spell?
Lynn: (face palms)

at which point quite hilarious accusations started all around. it was quite clear- our group held an arcane practitioner,, who spied and attacked the Fist, and we are all probably considered culprits.

As Ayla and Teal'c tried to weather down the storm, the party decided to get some rest, and try to figure out what to do in the morning.

so, i hope you enjoyed so far, i'll probably be able to write the second half later this week or on next Sunday. we felt this takes the adventure in a more complex and problematic route, but i think we're having great fun.

as always, if you have any questions ask. i'll be glad to answer. :smallsmile:

Kol Korran
2012-04-10, 11:57 AM
Session 3b
In which our protagonists are searching for clues, and come to rethink their investigating career, (as does the DM) :smalltongue:

"Dream a little dream of me..."
The party makes camp, and assign guards. one die roll later the DM smiles and looks at me with a happy grin. Lynn has a nightmare, a strange one- she hangs around in the grove, there is less snow, but it's dark. it's a bit hard to move, like in slow motion. sh enters a village of halflings, like in the mission where she... disobeyed orders. she sees a gnome and a halfling running away from her. desperately she gives chase.

she keeps feeling as if there is some one behind her. while running agonizingly slwoly after the two she sneaks looks around, but whatever it is, it's just outof sight. but she knows it's there. she reaches the two figures, who turn around "why did you fail us?" they say, just before they die.

that something in the dark reaches her, it leaped on Lynn's back, holding on to her strongly. she panics, tries to turn around, to shake it off, when she sees a sharp, long knife slides at her throat...

An odd conversation
Lynn screams as she wakes up abruptly, coughing a bit of blood. she doesn't feel so well, a bit sick, but she feels as if she should have been sicker (yay successful save). the others wake up too, and she wipes away the blood, but not before Killpi sees it. his eyes widen for a tiny moment, before he proclaims that he'll guard outside. he needs the air.

Lynn understands him, and after getting her furs she gets outside beside the halfling. "shouldn't you... be resting?" he says, carefully stepping from her. "Look, it's nothing, just a strange dream, like something was trying to catch me. i may have bitten my tongue". Killpi studies her, noticing she stands a bit weakly, and that she is quite paler. "i don't think so. you're ill. diseased" he says with cautiousness, with a notion of "keep away". He looks at her coldly "It must be the grove. something in it makes you ill."

Lynn smiled, Is he actually concerned about me, or about the possibility he'll get sick? Am i carrying about him? must be more ill than i thought. "So, you don't think that crashing in the side of the mountain and being unconscious in the snow for who knows how long, or fighting with savage goblins and their defiled sorcerer, or this strange illness in the village, or looking through who knows how many dead bodies in the tomb, or fighting equally savage orcs has any chance to do with it?"

for a moment the halfling seemed surprised, but her retorted in kind "nah. i know a magical voodoo when i see one. it's the grove! check with Ayla.". Lynn woke the healers, but other than obvious signs of great stress, Lynn seemed to be ok. on a spur of the moment Lynn tried to hug Killpi who doubled back yelling "get away from me you contagious b*tch!" at which Lynn laughed, and went back to sleep.

Looking for clues
the Next morning the party discussed their options. they needed more info, which can be either found here, or at the village. Lynn seemed quite better, and they decided to search the grove again, yet found nothing. next they went to the nearby Water bay ruins. the place was the old gold seeker's settlement here, that got translocated later to where Far Reach is now.

they spent a few hours searching the hundred or so ruined buildings, but found nothing except for some odd humanoid(ish) footprints near the bank of the lake, going into and out of it. quite a few footprints.

time was wasting, and we decided to head closer to the village. we went on the road towards the trading bridge, and decided to camp in the patch of wood closest to the road (the edge of Centaur forest). we needed to talk with someone sympathetic in the village, but there were probably still Fist soldiers in the village.

The Sneaky Duo, take 2
Yes, we didn't learn our lesson. Killpi and Glimji were the only ones that can get in without starting a commotion. they snuck towards the wall, nearest to Mike Wood's place, the hunter. yet again Glimji's stealth was not up to par. one of the village people guards saw him!

... and proceeded to signal him to get away. apparently we stil lhad some sympathizers in the village. both hid just as a couple of Fist guards walked over the wall as well, giving the guard some debrief, and going down into the village. after the guard left, the two reached the wall and clambered up, to see a small procession heading out.

there were about 10 Fist soldiers there, talking to a few important guys and heading out. they seem to be led by a woman who seemed to be born to the army (We assume this is Alex, the Fist' commander here) and beside her was a red head guy with simple clothings, the other respected. Adviser? caster? priest? don't know. some got on horses, and others followed on foot as they left the village. was the place free of Fist influence?


Glimji, pissed off and tired of being chased after wanted to cast a quick message spell at Alex, taunt her, play with her, but Killpi stopped him. "are you insane?" he whispered angrily. "here? now? at the one who most assuredly knows how to find and hunt you?" Glimji relented grumbling.

the duo snuck in (Glimji ready to disguise them with magic as children if need be) but as the evening descended, they made their way easily and unnoticed to Mike's home.

Second round of coffee
The hunter was surprised as he opened the door to their knocking, his dog jumping excitedly. "what are you doing here? get in, quickly!" once inside they all exchanged smiles. "quite a commotion you got started! so this is the second one who defied the Fist? interesting..." once again he brought coffee and Killpi the smokes, and they sat to talk.

First of all they confronted Mike about him being the "mystery ally" that the Swansons (Eric parents that hired the group) talked about. he was indeed the one.

Apparently the Fist arrived in force at the village and interrogated quite a few of the people. though this did piss off some people, most quite liked the duo's shenanigans. it's not every day someone tries to embarrass the Fist. "you got a bit of reputation here. not with all, but with some" said Mike.

At first Glimji wanted to be cautious with the info they give, but Killpi decided they need all the help they can get, and shared everything- about the Green Gem, Kate, the orcs ("oh, there are orcs in the mountains. nothing that special unfortunately") and so on.

"well, if you're still interested in helping Eric, there are a few more ways that i can help you." he produced a map of the fort, as well as some of the new "improvements" that the Fist made. did we feel like dumb asses at this point! :smallfrown: The Fort was basically a big wall with some buildings inside, that might be access either through it's gate, or from the cliff above it . the place has one central well. also, he might take us in hidden tunnels quite close to the fort itself!

now this opened a bit of a discussion in the group. it was understood the Killpi and Glimji will make the decisions, but we suggested thoughts. the main idea was to start rumors we were seen some other place (either the centaur forest or between the grove and the lake side ruins) which will cause the Fist to send some of their forces to search, in which time Mark we'll lead us secretly to the fort.

only that we still assumed the fort forces are going to be considerable. we needed more information. They asked Mike to call for Judith, the healer.

Running out of leads :smallsigh:
As Judith came she was surprised as well, but she assmued we tried to help Eric, and so decided to help us as she can. Killpi demanded to know the full story about Eric (which she partially hid from us) and she told us that he said he had some dreams of slain orcs that he's seen somewhere, but that he had a strange recurring dream, of someone following him, out of sight, and then on his back...

... um, yeah :smallannoyed:

he some the withered hand of a woman, claw like, knife like. he was taken then. Killpi who heard of Lynn's dream and suspected this asked for her help, but she said that she is not an expert of the occult, and that they should speak with someone who might know.

And Mike seemed to have known such a person- the leader of the centaurs in centaur woods (there are actually centaurs in that wood? :smalleek:) a centaur called Tall Mane.

that seemed like a plan. Killpi used his "business acquired" fortune to but us quite a few more bandages for a healing kit, and even acquired a few more... laxatives, on the promise he'll use them for good. (the idea is to poison the Fist's well perhaps...) Mike will meet them tomorrow morning at the trading bridge and lead them towards the centaurs.

the duo thanked them, and snuck off the village, on their way back.


moving the game along
I think we messed things up here a bit. and got seriously stuck. my guess is that when the DM saw that we were just messing about desperately and grasping at straws, he provided a few more clues to lead us along.

some think the party should not be helped, and that satisfaction comes from finding things alone. some thinks that looking everywhere and at everything is a waste of time and no fun. the truth lies somewhere in the middle for each group. i think it was done at the right time though- our gaming time is quite precious and infrequent, and so we should make the best of it. i think it was indeed the time to move on.

The Stages
Killpi was grinning ear to ear. "i good some good news and some bad news". "good news first"- he told us of the new lead. "bad news Lynn, that is a killer dream, you're going to either die or go insane!"

L: "you're wrong, i'm feeling fine".
K: "it was good to have known you. not!"
L: "you little scum bag of a man! you had anything to do with this?"
K: "So, Glimji, think she has any worthwhile loot?"
L: "Chrone, if i have failed you i'm sorry, is there anything i can do?"
A: "it doesn't have to be this way, there may be a way to solve this"
L: "leave me go Ayla! anything went wrong since i boarded that ship. everything so wrong! and now death?"
K: "Hey, don't be a kill joy! no fun if you're all wailing and such!"
L: "you're right, if Chrone wants me to die i shall die. i shall do my best in the meantime."

This was done as a humerous joke and ode to the five stages of grief in the simpsons (http://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=simpsons+5+stages+of+grief&view=detail&mid=9A498A0FDB2DEEEDE3C39A498A0FDB2DEEEDE3C3&first=0). we do love that show and it just seemed, natural. we didn't play all of it out, but enough to matter.

Going to the horse people
the night passed quietly. ("no nightmares?", "no special ones, just the normal ones"). We might Mike at early morning, and he starts leading us deeper into the forest. the village trade with the centaurs, mostly small game for manufactured goods. their leader is a powerful spiritual centaur. "treat him with respect" mumbled Mike.


we meet a Centaur called "Long Run", who greets Mike and leads up to their settlement, as Mike returns to the village. at night we reach a big clearing, with huge primitive huts. the various centaurs watch us curiously, but from afar. we are a bit of an attraction, especially the small folks. we are led to a small building, and enter a great hall, with many spears, spears and more on the walls. there we see a magnificent majestic Centaur- Tall mane. he looks at us curious, and declares himself, after which he asks us to declare ourselves.

Lynn: "I am nothing special to declare. just a warrior of my kind that got thrown into the valley."
Tall Mane: "a warrior of your kind says quite a lot about you, it is enough".

Ayla: "I am a priestess of my goddess Kendra, our group found itself in this valley and seek to help cure it's ails."
Tall Mane: "are you one with power?"
Ayla: "only that which the goddess bestow upon me"
Tall Mane (impressed): "all with power are greeted here, even though we know little and worship not your goddess of love".

Tall Mane: "and you half human half tough one?"
Teal'c: (disinterested) "i came here by chance, fell from the sky, trying to find a way out".

Killpi: "I am an honorable business man who happened to fall on bad times. but i, Trivian Killpi, will travel the world, help many villages, and become the Hero of Far Reach!" (hero's pose)
Tall Mane:"..."

Glimji: "i am one used to travel, used to sail. i'm touched by the arcane but i wish no harm, i wish to get to safety".

yeah, what a bunch of heroes we make. :smallwink::smalltongue:

Info and a quest!
though Tall Mane doesn't seem impressed, he listens to our story. though we try to keep some... less impressive things hidden Killpi once more shares most of our tale. Tall Mane is heard to read though, stoic and respectful all the time. Killpi even tries to bluff him by telling him the Fist have been planting traps in the valley (and produces his traps) we especially focus on Lynn and Eric's dreams, the feeling of someone from behind. Tall Mane asks us to sleep, and that he'll think about it.

we pass one more night without any special dreams, which both worries and reassures Lynn. Tall Mane meets them at the morning. "I have an answer for you. This creature you seek is evil indeed. it hunts and kills through dreams, and is called by the creatures of this realm a Night Hag. (those of us more knowledgeable of D&D gave groans. though the DM changed quite a few creatures in his setting)

"It is a hellish creature, not normally of this world, and if you say it is here, then these are bad news. it must be found and killed. usually it lies in the dream world, but it can reach the real world, where it fights with cunning, sharp teeth and terrible claws."

"how do we find it? how can we fight it in dreams?". "the nighthag can only get to dreams using a special stone- her Heart Stone". ("The Green Gem" we whispered) "if it has it, it can move to the dreams of all mortals it knows, but if not, then it must act in this world only."

"So Mark found it's gem somehow" (we'll need to find out how it got here in the first place) and gave it to Kate, which was then killed by the hag personally, and later she has been killing (feeding?) of the village people." we all mumbled consent, so this was the threat to face, the horror behind the plague. "but how do we find it? this is a big valley!"

Tall Mane nodded. "there is a way, you can communicate with the spirit of the valley itself. it know all that happens in the valley. it might be able to locate the hag. the spirit dwells under Red Smoke mountain, in a cave underneath it. it's a creature of stone, rock and elemental nature powers."

looking at the map (look yourself) that is quit a little journey to make (i assume 2-3 days through the rough terrain) none of us were happy about this. Glimji asks for some escorts on the way, Ayla asks for some... note of confidence, letter of confidence so that the spirit of the valley will know they mean well.

Lynn however asks about her dreams. "am i destined to die unless we succeed?". "no, your spirit is strong, you withstood the nighthag's assault, it cannot touch you again". as the other planned he added "but they had not yet been tested...".

Decision and leveling up
so we basically had two choices: either go to Red Smoke Mountain and try and locate the hag. or we could try and find a way past the Fist, using Mike the hunter's help. we decided on the former. :smallamused:

and we just leveled up! 3rd level now. Teal'c is becoming a hit point sponge (good, since he gets hit a lot) and both him and me took dodge as our 3rd level feat (in our rules dodge gives you a flat +1 AC. we really need it, we're getting hit ALL the time).

Ayla took Precise shot, Killpi hasn't decided yet, and neither has Glimji (who also needs an illusion/ enchantment spell to add to his list) suggestions are welcomed.

for the curious, here is Lynn's char sheet, level 3 (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=337006). it's not optimized, but it fits how i imagine her.

aaaand, that's it for now. i assume we have 1-2 meetings left (though i may be wrong?) 1 to reach to the spirit, and one to find the hag and deal with whatever brought her and the Fist.

i'm very curious as to what are the mechanics and implications of dealing with the night hag in dreams, a bit sorry i made the save. (that looked interesting). i also wonder what our journey to the mountain would entail.
ghost hills?
swamp of lost souls?
the dead forest?
undead much? (which none of our group are quite ready to face).

hope you liked it, comments, questions and encouragements are welcome!

2012-04-10, 03:31 PM
Entertaining, as expected :smallsmile:

Question concerning the party split: did the DM cartered to you other guys in the meantime, or did you more or less just sat arround and watched the two sneaky folks?
Party splits do occur form time to time in my group but mostly it doesnt go well. As a DM managing two or even three party-spilts at the same time was a logistic nightmare and didnt go well. The other option was to concentrate on one group at a time, but this led to huge waiting periods for the other. So Im very interested how you guys managed it.

Also, thanks for posting your character sheet. Altough...
Your flat-footed AC is 12, not 13 (you lose your dodge bonus when your denied dex-to-AC). Your AB with the flail is +7, not +5, and the AB for all the other weapons is +6, not +4. Likewise the touch attack AB for the trip attempt is also +7. The total modifier for the trip Str check should be +6, not +4.
Sorry :smallredface:

Kol Korran
2012-04-11, 01:52 AM
Entertaining, as expected :smallsmile:

Question concerning the party split: did the DM cartered to you other guys in the meantime, or did you more or less just sat arround and watched the two sneaky folks?

The log tells it how we played it. first the duo till they escaped, then the trio till they finished in the grove, then the duo again till we met. the same went in the prior meeting where we all split for our investigation. we play things till they have a good stopping point.

<good comments about char sheet...>

you're right. i hadn't sat down and fully updated the sheet (i use a paper one) you are correct about your remarks. corrections have been made. thanks! :smallamused:

Kol Korran
2012-04-11, 05:11 AM
Small Edit: pics added for sessions 3a and 3b. thanks to the DM :smallwink:

Kol Korran
2012-05-13, 12:51 PM
Session 4a
In which Teal'c shows his guts, Killpi shows his lust, Lynn shows her trust and Ayla shows her... bust

it has been awhile since we met. real life kept plotting against us, but in the end we got together, and it was fun! as we were given the task of getting to Red Smoke mountain, we were kidding on the "journey to mount doom" in emails sent and the like.

while the previous session was composed of improvising and running all over the place, this one was more linear, dealing with one encounter/ situation at the time. as before, this session was long, and so i'm splitting it to two entries. i hope to write the next one sometime this week.

most of the players tried to insert a few minor twists or development of character/ interactions in some small way or another. hopefully you'll like it as much as we have. subtle influences, (on the most part), but they are there.

The map again

A hasty departure
Last time we left the party at the centaur camp, as they were given the quest to reach the Red Smoke mountain and speak with the Spirit of the Valley, in order to get it's help to locate the Night hag.

Tall Mane (the centaur chief) brought Ayla a small bundle. "these are scrolls to help blessed ones to pss the challenges of the mountain. looking inside Ayla found 2 scrolls of mass resist energy and 5 scrolls of sound burst. the first made more sense, but the others? Ayla put them to safe keeping.

Suddenly there was commotion outside. The centaurs gathered in the clearing as messengers came- apparently some humans in armor came into the forest, seeking "strangers". they were battling some of the centaurs. "The Fist" muttered the party. Tall Mane grew tense, perhaps slightly angry. "leave now, go on your quest. you bring danger here."

"you said you'll sent some centaurs to guide us" said Glimji. Tallmane nodded to one of the stronger centaurs "This is strong hand. he will guide you. now leave!" with that he rode with some of the centaurs away, towards the soldiers.

"This will be a long and dangerous journey, is there something here we might use?" asked the party. after a very quick search with Strong hand, Teal'c and Lynn got bucklers (-1 to attack for +1 to defense on these rules is worth it), Killpi FINALLY got a decent crossbow, and we god some food we missed over the last few... um... "wandering days".

meanwhile, we argued:
Lynn- "you're curse followed us here Glimji!"
Glimji- "it followed you! making tracks all over the place in your armor!"
Lynn- "oh, because last time you went sneaking it went SOOO well! (sigh) what the hell are we doing? i was never meant to be an adventuer!"
Killpi- "indeed, and you make a lousy one! perhaps a career change? hhhm?"

A choice of roads
Strong hand led us to the forest. he told us there might be some strange creatures still, the forest was not a tame one. on the way he explained possible routes to the mountain: first, we might go norht, towards the Free horses grasslands. but then we'll have to deal with the elves (who in this world are more a kin to the fey) who do not like trespassers. the second road will be through the ghost hills, that may host some undead, and the swamps of lost souls. the swamps hold a small tribe of gnolls with a powerful shaman. this is the shortest route. lastly we might go through the plains south of the ghost hills, and then cut north. however, the plains are said to have patrols and watches of the Fist on them, looking for us.

the party walked briskly in silence. the choices sounded risky, and not too good. in each route there seemed to be a strong group of potential opponents. Lynn looked at the map, and then asked: "what if we cut through the Ghost hills, but come out a bit south of the swamp, and circumvent it. Gnolls are rumored to be vicious warriors, i don't like meeting them or the Fist if i can." Strong hand seemed a bit surprised, but agreed it might be possible. the group agreed to the plan.

a course was decided upon. Strong hand assumed it would take 4-5 days.

Small feet and huge hands
All this time, Killpi was looking at Strong hand with a determined look on his face. "hey, you look like a mighty strong centaur! can you carry me? i'm so small and little!"
"we do not carry others on our backs. that is disgraceful."
"c'mon,. let me ride you!"
"no one "rides" a centaur."
"my feet, they are small and lazy!"
"then you should practice them more"
"it's hard to when you're so small"
"maybe when you grow up little man!"
"... hey! i'm a serious business man!"

this is when the Trolls broke through the trees. most of us were caught off guard due to the loud conversation, but thankfully the troll rolled poor init.

(the left most one)

As the hulking brute roared and advanced, Glimji quickly cast a Disrat spell on his dimwitted mind. "Strong hand, prepare to flank!" yelled Lynn, and cursed as the Centaur charged dead on. she came close to his reach, Killpi right behind her ("covering your back!") as suddenly Teal'c rushed forward and cut deep into the troll's hide. yet it seemed to barely faze him.

The Troll swung and missed the Centaur, who then indeed move to flank. As Lynn missed the troll Killpi shouted from the back "career change?" She and Teal'c formed a wall on the other side of the troll, flanking with Strong hand, while Killpi swung his chain behind them. Glimji meanwhile tried to distract the troll again and again, but his magic failed him.

shaken like a rag doll
The troll was easy to hit, and easy to dodge, but when he hit he hit hard! once Lynn critted the beast, smashing it's knee, looking back in fury "career change?" only to be hit by a tree trunk arm with a blow so powerful it sent her back flying nearly on top of Glimji, who quickly dodges, and snickers slightly.

The troll healed, but the attacks were proving useful. Lynn got up to face the monster, when it suddenly struck Teal'c powerfully with one claw, then the other, and then a horrible reaping sound was heard as it rended poor Teal'c and throwing him away (over 50 hp, sent him down to -14. Teal'c would die at -16, his con score. house rule)

As Ayla rushed to save the gutted and severely broken half orc, Killpi swung his chain to the hulk's neck, and ripped some vital arteries and such. it fell to the ground gurgling. dead, yet still regenerating. as some started to alight it afire, Lynn kneeld beside the brave warrior, as Ayla poured much of her healing magic into it.

Bone knitted, flesh healed, and but a few scars and lesser wounds the half orc was back with the living. Lynn gave a wry concerned smile."never heard of someone facing the full fury of a troll and able to live to tell about it. by Chrone! you are mighty strong!" Teal'c looked up woozily, achingly. "i don't feel quite so strong now" he said weakly, as he struggled to stand up.

An explanation about the troll and mechnics
why did the troll barely hit? why did he have SOO much hp? how come he came to so much damage?

Our DM alters monster more, to make them more radical- elves get much more dex, but are considerably more frail, orc are much stronger, but slower, and so on. the troll got MASSIVE str and con, but abysmal dex. now- consider that under this adventure's house rules dex is the "to hit" attribute, even in melee, well- you get the picture.

Killpi turned to Strong hand. "so about what we talked about..."
"if you can kill a troll, you're strong enough to walk".

At night we make camp at the edge of Centaur forest. some hear Killpi mutter "i will ride the horse!" at morning we find him tied to a tree. apparently he tried to climb a tree and jump on Stronghand's back in the night, but the centaur moved. Killpi however, would not be deterred.

On ghosts' front door
The journey next day went without much to say. Strong hand is worried about his tribe, but remains true to his mission. we see goblins some distance away ("i'm not a sorcerer!") but they don't engage. near evening we reach the border of the Ghost hills. apparently the old mining colony that was here fought with the elves, mostly through this territory, and many died here, their ghosts still lingering in the hills.

to say the party was uneasy would be an understatement. as camp was made Lynn faced the hills and said a prayer to the dead, and to Lilk, goddess of death and undeath. "i have little to offer, but coins that pay the way, and a weapon for the when coin cannot help." she buried a small sack with one of her daggers and some coin (we didn't have nearly any coins). and hoped that would help.

The Goddess (DM) liked it, and granted me a small boon through the night (a small modifier to some rolls). meanwhile the two rascals watched closely, and thought to perhaps dig it up. they didn't do it not because it would offend the gods, but because they thought Lynn was so poor that anything she buried was just not worth it... :smalltongue:

This time we decided to guard in pairs. the first watch was of Lynn and Glimji. oddly enough she grew close to him, not scowling or the like.
L: "you did some interesting magic there with the troll. impressive sorcery."
G: stays silent. ("why is she talking to me?")
L: "you know, it is strange, but in a way you remind me of my brother. he was a sorcerer too."
G: (silently surprised, not showing it) "oh? did you chase after him too?"
L: (sigh) "no, the Fist did. he ran away, and having a sorcerer brought our family to ruins. that is..."
G: "that is what?"
L: " that is why i joined the Fist. tried to relieve some of the bad tidings on our family. i never quite..."
G: "you're telling me, you've actually joined forces with those that pursued your brother, and you're doing the same?!"
L: "It's not that simple! i was angry, confused, and..." (stands up angrily) "look, i was just trying to say thank you for sticking with us despite all this, and fighting alongside." (walks away)
G: Hmmmpph!

On the second watch Ayla talked to Teal'c about beauty, love, gentleness and sophistication, as the half orc listened intently, his gaze fixed on the Ghostly hills.

it was on the third watch when things got interesting.

Dark night, Dark maiden
Killpi tried to persuade Storng hand to let him ride, and he pestered the centaur, till the centaur made him halt. someone was coming. a blackstallion (with a horn). as to the DM, the pic is nealy identical to what they saw.


Killpi was in love! Storng hand alerted the sleepers, and they got out (Lynn without her armor). "Strenagers! are you robbers?" Killpi was offended. "I am a respectable business man!" and then he bowed "my lady"

"I'm Deneel, a guardian spirit of the hills, who are you?" Ayla, noticing a woman of similar respect for beauty and womanly... features, spoke to her reverently "greetings noble one, we seek not to rob, but just to pass. we are on our way to Red Smoke mountain, please come speak with us, share with us."

Deneel prepared to unhorse as Killpi offered his help, groveling. "I am here to avenge against the Gnolls, they have wronged our people. will you stand with me against them?" at this Lynn interjected, face grim and suspicious. "we have no business with the gnolls!" Killpi straightened up and took pose "a spirit in distress, having been wronged so badly and you will not help her? Lynn, i'm surprised at you?" he tried to sneak smiles at Deneel. "what my friend means is that we might help... for a suitable price" smiled Glimji. "but how would so few face so many?" Deneel smiled a cold (yet warm for Killpi) smile "you can use your mind and trickery to avenge, not just brute strength."

Disliking this sudden affection on the spirit ("some sort of fey, they are tricky the fey!" she mumbled to herself) she looked at the "unicorn". it was a big sturdy wild looking stallion with a dim look in it's eyes, and a big horn on it's head. Killpi started arranging a fire, and most people decided they would talk in the morning. Glimji cast detect magic and noticed Deneel flimsy nearly nonexistent garment radiating powerful magic, though he couldn't tell what kind.

as Killpi started to romanticize Deneel, most got back to sleep. soon will be morning. Lynn however did not trust this, and sat in her tent with the furs tightly tucked, flail ready, watching the courtship. Strong hand continued a patrol around the little camp, troubled himself.

you won't bring her home to your parents
"see Lynn? she trusts no one!" muttered Killpi as he brought Deneel a bit to drink, to eat, fawning over her. the fire grew warm, and so did the atmosphere. she caressed his cheek "you lovely little naughty man! come, i want you to kiss me."

and a kiss it was. sensual, monumental, and... debilitating. Killpi felt bliss fill his senses as the strength left his body (9 str damage) making him fall helplessly at Deneel's feet. (1 str remaining). noticing he sudden slump in the springy little guy, Lynn jumped to her feet, raising her flail. "get away from him you foul wench!"

Deneel's eyes suddenly flared golden, and Lynn felt as if she is the most beautiful creature in the world, that she should protect her, kill the... Lynn shook her head "fiend! you will not fool us!" (i used an action point, a VERY rare resource in the game and barely made the save)

Lynn rushed to the creature, shouting to wake the others. on the ground Killpi tried to breath "what a kiss!" as Deneel draw a heavy flail herself (such a tiny creature hodling such a weapon) Lynn disarmed her, but it then drew another short sword, somehow coating it with a glistening fluid. it called out, and the unicron tried to rush to her help, only to be engaged by strong hand. the two equines started battling each other.

as the others got ready, Killpi slowly slowly armed his cross bow to fire at Deneel, meanwhile she battled Lynn. the warrior averted her eyes and fought her blindly, missing again and again. meanwhile, Deneel with inhuman speed struck the unarmored warrior, poisoning her slowly, sapping her strength away. Lynn was yet to land a blow on the horrific beauty. "you're afraid to look at me darling? c'mon, i've got a lovely smile my dear." Lynn grunted "and they call me a bitch!"

Ayla cast bless, and Glimji tries a lulliby, but fails. Teal'c tries to get close, and see her gaze, but withstand it. Killpi however does not. "my love!" he says as he shoots at Lynn, missing widely. Glimji thinks in his memory (knowledge check) and remember some sort of an odd creature- Black Temptress Medusa (i have no idea if there is such a published creature or if the DM made it up)- a medusa that coats her arms with poison, has the ability to infatuate lookers with her gaze, and some other abilities. (some flight)

Glimji cast his distract spell on her and fails. she laughs delightfully as her blade strikes lynn again, making her weaker, weaker. Teal'c misses her as the centaur and black unicorn clash. Killpi yells "do not hurt her! my love!" and Lynn has enough. "Killpi! bags of spilling golds! rubies big as your fist! diamonds as big as your head!" the... diversion, helps Killpi break off the charm.

and yet, the black temptress was not yet hit. averting eyes, highly powerful will save. one party member down, another coming fast. it seemed grim.

sorcery has it's uses
again Lynn and Teal'c miss ("change the dice!") and Killpi tries to roll aside, unsuccesfully. Ayla reaches the heavily wounded Lynn and heals her. "alone i would fall, together we shall vanquish you!" Deneel laughs. "oh, but fall you shall!" this strikes makes lynn falls to her knees, feeling weak and feeble. (Str 5)

The black unicorn falls, and strong hand comes in and hits her a bit, though he is heavily wounded. This is when Glimji finally comes close enough and casts color spray, using all his skill and power (action point) and stuns her for around. the sword falls from her hand (poison vanishing),and a delighful look of shock comes on her face. Glimji grins satisfactory.

Noticing this, Killpi with his last strength, pull a dagger and sneakattacks her foot, driving the blade right through! Lynn decides on a different tactic, and lunges her slef on her, pushing her unto the fire (bull rush with action point) "burn the witch!" Deneel screams in pain at the fire (but Glimji notices her garment doesn't catch the flames).

before she can return to her senses, Glimji uses his powerful magic once more to distract her (again an action point) which give Teal'c just the opening he needed. with one mighty swing he guts the temptress, the glow in her eyes fading as she falls down dead.

upon killpi "ahhh! one last embrace." (sniff) "i'm sorry it had to come to that my love!"

Didn't we see it coming? didn't Killpi's player?
of course we knew something was iffy with this. (especially with this DM which i hear loves to use "beautiful, enchanting creatures"). but... on one hand we could all gang up immediately and smash it, which would have been quite boring, or we could play along- Killpi falling in love (he knew very well he was getting screwed over this), the rest going to sleep and so on. we kept a way out after things got interesting (Lynn).

for a dark fairy story to work, you got to at least partially play the fairy's game. :smallamused:

thoughts of the encounter
I wonder what the DM planned here. did this creature try to trick us to fight the gnolls? or was that just a distraction? was the Dm prepared for both (or more) possibilites? i guess i'll have to wonder.

i wonder if the black unicorn was initially planned, or was it added just to negate Strong hand for most of the fight. if it was planned and we didn't get Stronghand with us... oh my! :smalleek:

i loved this unexpected creature, though it was damn difficult to fight. despite the difficulty, we weren't close to the TPK we were filling (at least me) but it required about 4 action points total (we get 1/ level, and we're level 3) to take it down.

Aftermath and loot!
The party breathed slowly for a few moments. before Lynn rose to her feet barely. Ayla began healing (especially Strong hand) and the party started to take stock of the situation. Killpi was nearly disabled (str 1) and Ayla close to that (Str 5). they had no way of quickly reparing ability damage. should they rest? or continue?

Glimji came with an idea- to make a stretcher for Killpi, to allow him to better rest, to be pulled by Strong hand. "you see? i can't move? can you take me now? please?", "your friend made a good idea. i'll tow you, but not carry you".) Lynn exchanged her armor with Tealc's (studded leather for scale) for the time being. Ayla could use her healing kit to enhance our ability healing rate- 2/day for Lynn, 4/ day for Killpi. (house rule). the party decided to move on- the Fist were after them, and staying at the foot of the Ghost hills might promote more danger.

which left us with... the loot. and contrary to the rest of this adventure, this was indeed some loot. a word of explanation: by our house rules "high quality" item is like the traditional master work (+1 to hit), while masterwork items also added +1 to damage (and cost around 1000gp i think). the temptress was loaded with weapons (mostly on the stallion, but not just):
- MW heavy flail (went to Lynn)
- MW short sword (group treasure)
- high quality long spear (went to Teal'c)
- 5 high quality daggers (2 went to Lynn, rest group treasure. for some reason no one wants them).
- battle axe
- 2 earings, 300 gp each
- necklace, 230 gold
- 5 gems, 50 gp each.
- annnnnnd... the magical garment. obviously all eyes go to Ayla. she tries wearing it in the tent, and felt it gives her quite a bit of protection, but ONLY when this is the only thing she wears. the garment is... partially transparent, and she can alter this quality, but only till NEARLY not transparent. also, there is some sort of a mind to the item (intelligent item?) which she communicates with. (The DM gave the player some notes. which made the player grin... widely) Ayla decides to return to her natural garments for now, pondering this new find.

Days of travel
next day with Killpi on the stretcher, the party start to cross the Ghost hills. Lynn, still weak, walks by Killpi's stretcher, and tell him stories from her academy, from her village and so on. Killpi groans and rolls his eyes. on the way we notice a pack of wolves trailing. at night, reaching the other side of the hills (but south of the swamp), we make camp with a few fires around it, to keep the wild pack at bay.

next morning Ayla decides to change to the new magical see through garment. needless to say it attracts a few stares. Glimji sneaks a look, Lynn groans but shrugs it off, and Teal'c politely avoid looking.

Killpi however, gives quite a few smiles and lustful looks. ("i'm going to ride SOMETHING tonight!" he tries to court Ayla from his stretcher as she tends to him, but Ayla is for some reason very glum, silent, even depressed? "It will soon be over Ayla, we shall find this spirit, end the killings and be done with it. trust me" says Lynn, but Ayla doesn't respond.

they travel north and make camp, nothing special happens. on the last day Killpi and Lynn change places, as he is quite better. Ayla again is quite bummed out, and doesn't respond even to Killpi's enthusiastic ventures, but she is silent. we make camp that night at the foot of Red Smoke mountain, feeling tomorrow will be an important day.

what? no encounters?
i think the DM didn't put any more encounters for 2 reasons:
- the path we chose. i think each "location" had an encounter and we went around it.
- more importantly: we allready had enough encounter to make this "feel like a journey". the feeling in the group was "ok, we're ready for the next part", which is what the DM provided.
that concludes our journey to mount doom. all that is left is to climb it and throw the ring in. will Killpi be our Golum? :smallwink: the next part is a bit shorter (at least according to my notes), but holds an interesting twist at the end. care to join us?

as always- comments, question and the like arewelcome. the DM readsthis logs as well, so you may ask him in private (Jerret Gwathmor. there! i've sent the hordes at you! :smallbiggrin:) and you can ask me.

Kol Korran
2012-05-13, 03:39 PM
Session 4b
In which our protagonists venture into tunnels, riddles, and meet a Fiery Death!

the muse inspires me, i'll try and do it all at once!

A... "joyous" complication
As the party wakes they notice Ayla's dance more exuberant, enthusiastic, colorful. she even sings! Killpi claps at her while the others raise eyebrows. "are you ok Ayla? has the stress gotten to you?" asks Lynn worriedly. "can't you see? that life is wonderful, joyful! i just want to spread out The Love!" she says with a big, on the border of damn stupid silly grin. "well, ok, but keep sharp- we need to keep focused!". Ayla nods enthusiastically "don't worry, all is fine, all is wonderful!"

it is at this point that Ayla's player puts this blast from the past (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lwESraWEpSU) to deliver the message...

Glimji mumbles to himself "cursed? must be!" We say our goodbyes to Strong hand and start climbing towards the little cave that leads to the Spirit of the Valley.

Don't you know it's cursed?
(sigh) of course we know. the player rolls some dice on some table and that determines Ayla's mood for the day it seems. why don't we force her to take it out? because it's more interesting this way... at least for now.

read the lesson about the black medusa temptress

Why this kind of magic item?
i'm not so sure, but here is my guess. the player has expressed some difficulties roleplaying, especially this character. i think he may find it uneasy to relate to the character so personally.

i think the DM gave this sort of an item as a sort of "easy access, not really your fault" roleplay tool- focus on simple extreme behaviors (though extreme in nature) which you can play that are not "really you". a sort of roleplay inside roleplay?

i may be over analyzing this. in any case- the player seems to have a BLAST with this. good call!

klutz and thunder.
the tunnel is narrow, and there is some heat from it. Ayla remembers the scrolls Tall Mane gave the group at the village. she keeps them at ready. the party goes single file, with Ayla humming some song at the back, Killpi in front of her, keep looking back and saying sweet nothings.

the party reaches some sort of big cavern, with pillars in it. some distance away they see a hole in the floor, glowing with hit, around it gathered many rats... but not ordinary rats- rats on fire! Glimji recognizes them as Ash rats- sort of part fire elemental rats.


backing away, the party discusses things briefly, and decides to try and sneak past them. (there is some distance and cover, and they look distracted) however, Teal'c smacks his long speak against a pillar who partly crumble, and the rats takes notice. Ayla however cast a soundburst from a scroll (which was readied) and kills off nearly all, a few run away.

4 such scrolls left.

Klutz and thunder... and fire
a corridor leads down, smoothly. Ayla tries to SLIDE down it which freaks Lynn out, and amuses Killpi. "She's hot! look at those curves!". Lynn grabs Layla "look! get a hold of yourself! what's the matter with you! you're the most dependable one in the party, you can't freak out now!" Ayla nods and smiles, reassuring Lynn. having no choice she accepts.

going down the air gets hotter, the party begins to sweat. after some twists and turns, and a few dead ends, they reach another cavern, on it's ceiling bats... on fire. again the party tries to sneak past, but Ayla tries to do so while doing an expressive dance... furious, Lynn shouts at her "are you mad woman?! get a grip for god's sakes!"

which makes the bats descend on her, they burn Lynn nicely before Ayla manages to break another sound burst and bring the bats down, but with nearly deafening Lynn and shocking her as well. Burned, bewildered, Lynn's gaze bore into Ayla as the priestess of love heals her. "you see? nothing to worry? a bit of fire, a bit of noise, but now you're alllllll better!" (wide happy grin).

Lynn just don't know what to say.

(At this point i look at the player: "hey, i know this! here, take Lithium!" it's a med for Bi-Polars. i should know, since i am one. some of this reminded some old times of my own. the party laughed at this.)

Riddle me this, riddle me that
more twisting tunnels and such, we keep going lower, lower, and the heat intensifies. at the end of a long tunnel we reach a strange circular room, very well built, in which there are 13 black pillars in the circumference, and one huge black pillar in the middle. "trap" we think. Lynn notices some delicate etchings under the surface of the main pillar. we are hesitant to enter the room

Killpi volunteers. "i can find traps, and i can avoid most of them." Lynn puts a hand on his shoulder "you have proven your skill more than once. if you wish to, i trust your capabilities" to which, of course, Killpi rolls his eyes. he enters the room but finds no traps.Ayla and Glimji come in to try and decipher the writing, without success. Glimji casts read magic, which just happens to be the trigger...

suddenly the door starts to close. Teal'c swiftly glides in while Lynn barely makes it. inscriptions appear on the 13 pillars, and an odd echoing voice echoes in our heads "find the four pillars of the world" and some sort of warning about being wise or hastening our doom and so on.. at the base of the main pillar several holes appeared, from which came scalding water! and they were rising fast! Ayla read her scroll of mass resist fire (also from Tall Mane) which saved our lives.

on the 13 columns were 13 riddles. though the water rose (and the higher they were the more damage we took) each wrong answer would make the rising faster, while each right answer lowered the water. some pillars (the correct 4) started to glow as the answer was said. every about 20-30 seconds in real life we threw damage dice to see how much we scalded.

(i do not remember the exact order in which we solved these, but here goes)

voiceless it cries, wingless it flutters, toothless it bites, mouthless it mutters
wind/ air
this we solved immediately, and the pillar glowed. this was our first clue, and if you guessed the riddle, than like us i assume you know the other pillars.

never ahead, ever behind, yet flying swiftly past, for a child i last forever, for adults i'm gone too fast.
embarassingly enough, we mistook this twice (day, life) and solved it only after the riddle which begins with "it cannot be seen"

it has a golden head, it has a golden tail, but it doesn't got a body.
Killpi got this one. and if that isn't a clue, i don't know what is.

i am always hungry, i must always be fed, the finger i lick will soon turn red.
this we guessed quickly.

some riddles stumped us though:
turn us on our backs, and open up our stomachs, you will be the wisest of men though at start a lummox
this puzzled us so we moved on.

one tooth to bite, he's the forest foe, one tooth to fight, as all healers know.
we were clueless as to this

bury deep, pile on stones, yet i will dig up the bones
we thought this might be a dog? death? undertaker? earth?

a leathery snake with a stinging bite, i'll stay coiled up, unless i must fight
we had no freaking idea... someone made a remark about a BDSM... instrument, which was close to home, but was only made in jest.

as you see, we had ample opportunities to get the water up, and killpi and Glimji started swimming, and the protection was only partially helping. Ayla was burned badly, and had to start healing herself.

luckily enough we figured other riddles out.

to be gold is to be good, to be stone is to be nothing, to be glass is to be fragile, to be cold is to be cruel
Teal'c, appropriately guessed this one.

three lives have i. gentle enough to soothe the skin, light enough to caress the sky, hard enough to crack rocks
had we not known what we were looking for, this might have been a tough one, but we soon found it out. 3 pillars alight, 1 to go...

it has roots as nobody sees, is taller than trees, up up it goes, and yet never grows.
this helped lower the water to managable bits

it cannot be seen, cannot be felt, cannot be heard, cannot be smelt.
it lies behind stars and under hills, and empty holes it fills.
it comes first and follows after, ends life, kills laughter
after a bit of confusion (time) Lynn guessed this, and immediately the riddle we missed near the beginning.

it counts time, stops clocks, drinks and is always thirsy. you eat it's children and it embraces you in the end
the last pillar was answered.

Aren't riddles considered bad play?
usually riddles either get players completely stuck, or the players find their solution easily. at list simple "guess what i am" riddles. here i think the DM struck a nice balance- some riddles were quite easy (especially the ones needed to actually progress) while some were less so. (at least to us, i know some of you geniuses guessed them all! :smalltongue:) thus giving a challenge, but not a "do or die" kind of challenge.

into the volcano
the water poured out, and steps appeared to lead below. we breathed out, tried to partially dry our selves of the heated water. glad that we passed this test, we decided to press on while the Mass Resist energy spell still persisted.

we went deeper, and the heat intensified considerably. breathing was hard, a bit steamed. we came upon a sort of wide ledge, overlooking... something below we could see the haze from the heat in the air over the edge. this cavern/ ledge had 3 creatures in it- some sort of fiery looking small humanoid.

Ayla and Teal'c went to engage and the creatures came to breath fire on them! thankfully the protection was up. with swift determined coordination, Killpi moved behind them to flank, killing one, but also gazing over the edge. he could see the volcano down below, and in it's magma- some sort of humongous fiery creature! :smalleek:

the fire mephits were killed swiftly, though 1 ran down. with the protection up their effect was minimal. we collected fire opals from the dead.


once more a tunnel, circling the volcano to another ledge, with 5 mephits who flew away. the heat was becoming incredible, and we were perfusing swiftly. we were getting deeper, closer to the fire creature. this ledge held no tunnel, but a hole in the floor, like a slide down.

Lynn wiped the sweat off her forehead, smiling a weird little smile. "Think about it a second- just a week or so ago i was flying to another city, to get a job as a guard. and now i'm down some crazy volcano, fighting fire spirit, seeking some divine entity in order to find the location of a fiend who hunts through dreams." she laughed a short laugh. "well, we've come this far!" and jumped down the tube.

Fiery Death
she slid about 50 meters vbefore falling in another large tunnel that overlooked the belly of the volcano. a few seconds later she heard "Whheeeeee!" as Ayla landed on her, and Teal'c on them, followed by Glimji ("Teal'c will be the softest to land on!") and lastly Killpi "no one lands on me!")

which is when everything became blurry. the cavern was not the same cavern. instead they were in a big underground, with a huge pile of treasure on the ground, but a much more urgent matter directly above it.


they felt fear, awe, terror, and prostrated themselves in front of the mighty being. "Mortals! I am Glaurnag, known as the Fiery Death. Why have you dared enter this place?"
The party was stunned, Lynn tried to gather her voice, to face this creature, and spoked softly: "Great Glaurnag, he did not seek to intrude on you. we are strangers to your valley, there is a sickness in it, a creature from another realm, one who kills through dreams. we have sought your help in finding it, cleansing your valley. saving the village." however, her voice came croaked, weak, stammering, the fear gripping her to her stomach. (influence roll= 4) the party closed their eyes, ready to accept the flames.

damn, not again!
It was at this point that i have fallen back to my general role when playing a character- a sort of paladinish party leader. i especially tried to avoid it with Lynn, but oh well. it's still fun! :smallsmile:

yet that would not be the case. "you are noble young one, even if your words and your manner represent you poorly. Such young spirits walk this mountain, this grave. Yes I am dead for too long to remember, I can remember the elven, young and frightened wondering the great forests around those mountains, and I can remember the gnomes seeking their first magic in their great underworld realms…. But my memories are fading.

I am not the spirit you seek however... I am someone else. Maybe you have come here for more reasons than even you understand. I will help you but you must promise a help in return. Are you willing to trade favors with an old and tired spirit?"

to this Ayla responeded with "of course we will, with all our joy!" the party was stunned, but Glaurnag seemed nonplused. Lynn gritted her teeth. "what is it that us poor mortals can do that the great Glaurnag cannot? i wish no disrespect but our power is feeble compared to yours". Glimji wanted more "what help will you grant us exactly, oh mighty dragon?" the little gnome proving to be bolder than he looks.

The dragon seemed to consider "I shell remove the guardian from the entrance, and you, you must kill what left of me mortals. There is a great opal stone lying beneath us. The elements of fire bound my spirit to this place for eons now. Destroy the stone, free my spirit and you shell be rewarded."

"He tries to trick us! i do not trust the words of dragons!" claimed Glimji. "why have they bound you here? what will happen when we free you? how do we know you won't return as an undead abomination?" demanded Lynn, her voice cracking.

"Foolish mortal, the dragon kind are not easily raised by petty necromancy. i was bound here to torment me. and i wish release. i wish peace. will you do this for me?"

Killpi in the meantime was trying to scoop treasure, only to find it illusory. he looked at the dragons "can there be something else? is there... a treasure room somewhere? could you give directions to a hoard? a small one will suffice"

"i have not laired here but miles away, and it was eons of times ago. even if i gave you directions, the place must be looted by now. will you assist me mortals?"

the party discussed things briefly, Glimji strongly against, the rest in between, but in the end they agreed. "we shall be honored to assist you great Glaurnog, the Fiery Death, may your sole know peace."

at that the vision ended, and they were back at the cavern. they went to the ledge, and saw the gargantuan elemental, when a great draconic spirit appeared, they had battled fiercely for a few rounds, but the battle was one sided, when the elemental spirit died.


we found another hole (this time not doing a pile up) coming to another cavern where the elemental might have attacked us easily. a tunnel led to the side wall, towards which we moved

a bit of a railroad yes. the path down the mountain was straight forward without many options. but it's ok by our group. some parts are more open (for example the possible routes to the mountain, or the infiltration failure) while some we're comfortable at being more linear.

i don't think the dragon was one sided though. knowing the DM we could have refused- we could have run from the elemental towards the tunnel, i think we would have made it.

but being messed with the spirit of an ancient dragon is more fun! :smallbiggrin: (by the way, in our campaigns dragon's alignment aren't bound by color) but... i had another incentive to want to do this deal with the dragon, which will become apparent later on. :smallwink:

isn't the adventure about to be over?
indeed, i think we have 1-2 more meetings. but i think the DM is planning on building forward in case we might later resume this party and adventure. something to look forward to?

Soul prison
we followed the tunnel deeper, oddly enough it was getting not cooler, but less hot. we were in the bowels of the mountain. at some point we noticed an opening to the right of the tunnel. Killpi snuck there and looked inside. he saw one large circular room, with a great big opal in the center, and a fiery/ magma elemental in the center.


he snuck back and told us the news. "time forthe second scroll Ayla". the creature seemed strong. we discussed whethere some should distract it, and some break the stone. maybe when the stone is broken it will leave this plane? or shall we try and destroy it? we decided to try and see. Ayla cast the second scroll of Mass Ressit fire, and Killpi and Glimji snuck in through the shadows, getting in place.

as the rest of us got closer, the creature crackled and hissed, and launched at Teal'c bashing him roughly. Ayla cast a sound burst scroll (2 left) that cracked the stone a bit, as well as the creature. Glimji cast his distract spell and baffled the creature, which Teal'c used to charge atthe stone and land a crushing blow. as the stone showed new cracks, so did the creature! the course was apparent now- obliterate the stone!

Lynn attacked the creature, trying to draw fire (literally!) but hurting it but a bit. Killpi tumbled out of the shadow and struck the creature's leg with a well aimed lash, knowing he can't pass the stone's hardness.

The fiery women next pummled Lynn nicely, the resistance blocking most of the fire. Glimji continued with his distracting spells while Ayla and Teal'c kept focusing on crushing the stune by spell scroll and mighty axe!

the creature, alarmed and heavily wounded turned to stop the half orc, but it brought the axe one final time and shattered the opal to pieces. with a great wail the creature dissipated into ash, fire and lava.

Rewards, some unexpected
Elated, the party felt the vision cave again, and saw the great dragon trailing into mist. "Thanks you. I can finally go to the behind, almost completely. I grant you a drop of what I have learned over the years. I shall be watching from the behind."

Elated, the party felt themselves grow stronger, more powerful (we leveled up! level 4, yay!) as well as gain some glint of wisdom, of secret knowledge (free feat! yay!). however, as the mist traield off, some of it lashed and struck at Lynn, coiling into her mouth and nostrils, going in!

Lynn fell on the floor, coughin, rigid, feeling odd... she felt different, more... present. the others could feel the change as well. a presence emenating from her, a presence of power, of fire. a tiny fraction of what they felt with Glaurnog. she rose up, afraid and the others saw the glint of fire in her eyes. "what's happening to me?" she asked.

Glimji looked at her with a wry smile (humor at who'se expense no one knows) "well well... ain't that a turn of events?"

Free feat as reward
i think this was the reward for 3 reasons:
- it befits the gift an old spirit with no material possesions can give.
- it is a cool reward
- as the adventure is ending soon, i doubt it if we'll use the 5th level feat (IF we get there)

What's the matter with Lynn
not telling yet. gotta leave some tension for next meeting. a few things though:
- it's legit. a mechanical addition that will hopefully put a bit of a tiwst to things
- She didn't become a half dragon or dragon born or the like.
- it's not powerful, but hoepfully will fit well with the party, and more than that- with the story.

so this is where we ended the meeting. all in all a very bust meeting, but also quite fun. we were quite exhausted at the end of it (as i am at finishing telling it all) next meeting (or the one after that) is the big finale.

i may have character sheets of everyone at 4th level (more or less) before next meeting, though at very different formats (we all do different things) if you guys are interested. can't promise though! :smallwink:

questions noble readers?

Kol Korran
2012-05-15, 09:21 AM
no response? :smallfrown: or did people not notice the update? :smallconfused:

Kol Korran
2012-05-18, 07:10 AM
first a request for help. i'm trying to find a more suitable pic for Lynn for the lat leg of the campaign. you can help by checking this thread here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=243574). contributions will be appreciated!

also news! unlike with usuall meeting times, he have actually scheduled to only 2 weeks from now! not sure how fast i could update (i'm supposed to do reserve army service) but i'll try getting it up as soon as i can. :smallbiggrin:

also, some longer term news (not dealing with this adventure): if you liked this log, or the previous log (in my sig), you might be interested to learn that after this adventure ends, we shall embark on a sea faring (most likely pirating) campaign i've been working on for a few months now. the players (at least some of them) have started making characters. they have... interesting and colorful ideas. the campaign has it's own special flavor. :smallwink:


Kol Korran
2012-06-01, 10:40 AM
you're going to hate this but... our meeting was postponed again, by about 4 weeks... (heavy grumbling groan)

yeah, this bums out everyone. :smallannoyed:

thought to let you know. our next session will definitely be the last for this campaign, i am reasonably prepared to the next one.

anyone got ideas for song/s for this adventure? thought it might be nice.

again- sorry for the delay, this bums us out more than you, believe me. :smallfrown:

Kol Korran
2012-07-04, 02:07 PM
Session 5
In which our heroes are pursued, a riddle is given surprising solutions, the last adversary is met, and negotiations lead to an ending... of a sort. :smallwink:

so yeah, that's the longest we've gone without a meeting i think. real life can be a bit of a hassle at times. this is the last session of this adventure, hope you'll like it as we did. I had the worst luck playing Lynn, so other than roleplay she barely contributed, while Killpi's player shined. still, it was fun! at the end i will give some closing thoughts.

"What happened to me?"
last we left the group they just freed the spirit of the long deceased Glaurnog the red wyrm. he has blessed the party with some knowledge (in the form of free feats) and they leveled. but Lynn seems to have gone a an extra change...

she rose to her feet, a red glimmer in her eyes, holding her head, as if struggling with something. "did you do this?" she snapped first at Glimji, then Killpi. the party felt some sort of power emenating from the warrior, making their sking tighter, stronger, like armor? then Lynn turned to Ayla "is this sickness? i feel ill, voices... the dragon... in my head". "hearing voices now Lynn?" smirked Killpi. "now that IS a career change!" they suddenly felt angrier, mirroring Lynn's sudden rage. all of them.

Lynn tried to check her. "i'm afraid it's nothing in my capability. it doesn't seem to be physical, but spiritual. you are aware you're projecting your emotions like a sort of an aura?". Lynn shook her head, a bit more mellow. "yes, he tells me, tries to explain to me, Glaurnog, it's his power..."

"Ooooohhh, draconic power? in your head? affecting others? sounds like ARCANE magic to me! evil stuff!" it was Glimji's turn to smirk, and they could feel Lynn's anger washing them, making them more combat ready. Lynn growled. "it's not like that! it can't be! it's.. different, i think." she went silent for a moment more. "i need to think, but later. we don't have any time for this." as if settling the matter she lifted her flail and strode on. "we're not out of this mountain yet.

mechanics and behind the scenes
Lynn has leveled as a dragon shaman. (duh). the free feat was used for a house rule feat enabling strengthening the auras by 1 point.

if you're interested in the char sheet, here is 4th level Lynn (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=400284)

i wanted to draw Lynn a bit more towards magic, but in a way that is not obvious, and could be interperted between magical/ natural/ divine/ spirit world or the like. the original idea was to use the dragon shaman mechanics and gain the powers from the spirit of the valley, but since the DM planned on Glaurnog, we went with it.

another reason i chose the dragon shaman is the low dependency on attributes for later on, if and when we may continue this.

on our trail
we continued down the tunnel till we reached the opening of a huge cavern whose edxges we couldn't see. "stop!" whsipered Killipi, his ears pricking. "behind us, i'm going to see!" he said an went back. the rest stood to the sides of the opening, preparing for an ambush.

Killpi snuck back not a long way, when he notcied a lethal looking lightly armored red head man leading 3 Fist soldiers! they had a look about them that they were better than most, and he had seen the red head along with Alex, the Fist commander in the valley.


too close to back away, Killpi tried to hide, but the red head noticed him. Killpi bolted and ran back, a knife thrown after him, but no pursuit, yet. the surprised persuers were regrouping. the party rushed to Killpi who explained the situation in a few words, and they decided to put the (expected) ambush (now more like a choke point), when Killpi decidedto hide in the corridor, closing on them from the back.

and they came, the rogue in front (red head), who immediately threw something in, some sort of a... stun grendade? but only DC 13, so all made it. um, all except Lynn that is. he got close and sneaked attacked her severely, taking about half her hit points, and she'll be stunned for 3 rounds...

just as long as i'm useful
the party, alarmed moves to try and neutralize the rogue, and stop the others getting too close. Glimji wiht a distract spell, Ayla throws her net and entangles the rogue, but needlessly, as Teal'c comes and crits with his axe.

what a lovely shade of Red you wear today Lynn! (and the poor DM sobbed at all the tricks he had prepared)

Killpi attacked one of the remaining soldiers from the back, SA him "surrender!" but to no avail. after some sparring with the soldier he treis to tumble back, fegining injury, trying to get an AoO, and the soldier buys it.

meanwhile the other soldiers spread their attention between Lynn and teal'c, hitting him nicely as well. but all in all the battle is one sided, ending with all dead except one heavily wounded soldier who surrenders!

loot and interrogation
Killpi, still worried about a possible pursuit, goes back to check more thoroughly. he gives Lynn a knife- "to make him talk". Lynn and Ayla plays a bit of bad cop/ good cop with the soldier, but yield little info from him. the rogue was called Steve Morris, he led them here, an elite group to hunt them down.

meanwhile Teal'c and Glimji take the loot from the corpses, including a chain shirt for Teal'c some poisons and another stun grenade (later taken by Killpi) and a healing potion or two. quite a bit of gold though!

the interrogation seem to come to somewhere, as the men blurts about them being only TWO of them left. but as Lynn tries to question him further, an arrow is shot from INSIDE the cavern and pierces the soldiers eye. the party immediately comes on alert. Killpi arrives moments later, disappointed. "i told interrogate, not kill!"

Spirit of the land, hunt in the dark
the party immediately takes cover near boulders and rocks in the cave. the place seems strangely like the site of a meteorite crash or something, even being miles underground... they start a careful search of the cave (it's about 500+ meters wide) there seems to be no exit. "I'ts Alex!" proclaims Killpi, but Lynn doubts it "Alex wore full plate last you saw her. she doesn't sound like the stealthy type!". ""it's her, i tell you!". "will you two shut up?" Glimji hissed.

however, the mystery assailant did not seem interested in attacking. "she's playing a game" said Killpi, when Glimji came upon a strange find- a rock of a peculiar composition, like made of many materials, and warm to the touch. as he checked it it suddenly spoke. "oh well, that is nice!". the party quickly guessed this is the Spirit of the Valley. "can you tell us of the night hag, where it is, how to defeat her?". "it is a very nice thing you did freeing that pour soul. kept up too long. too long. and it's not a night hag, but a sort of a hag".

Killpi barged in. "is she in the cave? the one who hunts us?". "yes it is, but i can't sense it's exact location, only that it's in the cave." Killpi resumed his searches. "can you tell us the hag's location?" "i can't give it to you directly, things work in their own balance, i can give you a general direction, but you have to find the destination." Glimji rolled his eyes- "more riddles". the spirit then intoned a fairly... simple riddle. "seek the wet spot at the end of the circle".

blank stares. blinking eyes. a few seconds later the stone says "your pursuer has left the cave". "damn it" cursed killpi silently. "i can show you another way of travel." voiced the spirit. "step through the mushroom at the end". weird? not after some of the things here. Lynn rushed through, the rest after.

guessing the riddle
only to appear near the bridge of Far Reach! now that IS a nifty way to travel. hopefully faster than our tracker. but still no closer to the riddle. "It's the well of the fort! the mountains form a circle, they are at it's mouth, and a wet spot is a watering hole" thought Lynn. "It's in the nameless Keep" said Teal'c "the circle is the day, the end of it is the sunset, as in the west." Ayla seemed deep in thought. "no, i think we need to go to the catacombs again, the circle is life, it's end is death, we need to seek a wet spot in the catacombs". and so on...

we decided Killpi will go and call for Mike the hunter and Judith the healer. from the village. a few sneaking later (in which he saw the Fist has left the village) some more coffee, more tobacdco and chat the two village elder were with us. we were more or less settled to the idea of the Fist fort (mainly because we thought it a fitting end to the advanture) and inquired with Mike if he can get us close to it, if the village can make a distraction, and if we can get any allies (the centaur came to mind, and Mike suggested to also talk with the Goblin King in the mountains.

However they kept telling us that they think it means something else (gentle DM nudging) till we considered other options, when it finally struck us- the village! it has a watering hole! the end of our journey here? is that why the Spirit of the Valley brought us so close? Mike confirmed there are some cavers underneath, mainly of shocker lizard and fungus. we decided to go for it.

"guess my intention" meaning
these kind of riddles have the tendency to screw things up since the players will almost certainly think of something else than you did, which happened here. but i think it was fun. saw we gave as bit more meaning to the valley.

i wonder if the DM prepared several "answers", as he did entertain the "attack the fort" plan quite a bit, and seemed to have some thing planned that route. did he chose the village due to the meeting's time running a bit short? i don't know. it did feel a bit like we were pushed towards this solution, but not majorly.

Down the well, herding lightning
first we slept, it was a long day. Lynn dreamt of dragons, and Ayla woke her own self today, which creeped some out after her being so chirpy yesterday. (see previous session). it enabled our casters finally access to 2nd level spells, which we needed going after the hag.

on the way to the village Killpi brought up the arrow of our stalker again. VERY high quality, elven made. this alerted us a bit. elves? "do the Fist hire the fey folk?" asked Glimji. "well, on rare occasions they rare specialists from other races". Killpi grimaced, and then grinned wickedly. "a specialist eh? i like a challenge!"

we got some long cloaks and into the village, and waited till most people scurried to their daily chores. then we got to the well, and slid down our ropes to the pool below. the last one was Ayla, who was spotted by a young girl coming to her. "what you doing?". the player was a bit stumped. " I'm climbing down the well to save the world. please don't tell anyone!"

group face palm.

anyway, we let it slide and splooshed to the pool below. a natural cave with many mushrooms. the temperature a bit warmer. connection to Red Smoke mountain? we started exploring, and soon met some shocker lizards.


we tried to move pass them without alerting them. and found a little maze with pools, mushrooms and other shocker lizards. Lynn, the only one with skills in handle animals tried to calm the little critters, with the rest helping, but perhaps they sensed the draconic influence- they were edgier most times, and the party once fled an angry mob of 14 shocker lizards. "Hey Lynn, don't make a career change just yet!" laughed Killpi. "we should herd them all to the hag's place, and then- kabloom!" however Lynn's attempts seemed to verge on the nearly catastrophic. we let it go.

that look in your eyes
finally we seemed to be making headway, and got into a little cavern. perception rolls later, and some of us notcied the critter hiding between the mushrooms- a basilisk!


Lynn failed her saving throw. this usually means dead, but our house rules subvert most "save or die" effects to ability damage (dex in this case) so she became heavier, stonier, but lived. the party tried to close the distance and chose simple bashing down tactics, with Lynn failing another saving throw, nearly becoming stone. the rest (bastards) kept making their saves.

Lynn turned away from the creature as Teal'c and Killpi (flanking) rended the beast dead, but not before a light and ominous laughter could be heard from the back of the cave.

final battle, or "just as long as i'm useful" part 2
Ayla started casting lesser restoration on Lynn (takes 3 rounds) while Killpi cast obscuring mist to protect us, while Killpi took a hiding behind the Basilisk's corpse. Teal'c advanced close to the end of the obscuring mist.

When Killpi saw the hag, slightly hovering over some of the mushrooms. "looks more like a fey than a hag." he said. (adding as a player- "all the enemies are hot babes?"


the hag cast a silence power, breaking the lesser restoration. Lynn motioned to the ones closest to her to move to the edge, and draw the hag to us. which is when Teal'c and even Glimji (!!!) ran the cave towards her, Ayla in their heel, Killpi joining at the fray.

Lynn was about to join when suddenly all the giant mushroom started grappling and entangling us all! and according to this session's brief tradition, everyone succeeded their saves, except for Lynn. Glimji comes close and fails a color sprat, Killpi tries the other stun grenade from the rouge in the cave, and fails. the hag uses ray of enfeeblement and Teal'c dodged it easily.

Lynn tried to break free.

Teal'c and Killpi due a recurring bash duo on the hag, whne GLimji hits her with a touch of idiocity, while Ayla calls the light of lun (i don't know this spell). the hag moves aways and drinks a potion of restoration, negating the touch of idiocity.

Lynn tries to break free.

another nice touch of idiocity, 6 down all mental stats! Killpi and Teal'c maneuver to keep the flanking, and dish out more nice damage. Ayla looses her light of luna andhits. the hag tries some attack that misses.

the party laughs the Lynn in entnalged, in myst, and can't make a noise (my characters have a tendency to miss out on the big fights) when Lynn breaks free! she moves out of the troubled zone. finally, in the fight!

when Ayla commands the hag to come to her, which provokes AOO all around, Killpi delivering the last strike to fell the hag/ fey.

even my bonus from auras didn't help them- were out of range. :smallsigh:

not out of this yet
we take the hag's body and basilisk's head with us, as well as some treasure and the hag's dream amulet. we explore the caves more and find the have an out about a mile away, but decide to sleep in the caves first, regroup, and get lynn's dex back (lesser restorations). Ayla woke up glum this morning, her vestment still controlling her disposition.

Level up! i took a level of fighter this time. level 5. we climbed up the well back to the village, the whole village people there- the Fist are coming! we came to the wall and talked to Andrew, the mayor. it seems the Fist were amassing some force, in intent to wipe up the village. we decided to try and parley with them.

we went towards them with Andrew, and splayed our findings on the floor. at the head rode Alex, 3 elite fist soldiers, and an elf to which Killpi quickly hissed. "specialist".


Lynn tells the story, emphasizing our desire to help the village, risking our selves and having come to this by mistake, there is no need to the village to suffer. as to the magic of the gnome? well, he was touched by the hag. Glimji tried to weave a sad tale of heroism, sacrifice and altruism, while Killpi was more practical, seeking to "end the needless and pointless circle of death". Ayla tried to touch the compassionate side of Alex, her humanity, while Teal'c remained silent.

Alex seemed to think. "I will consult with my advisors, Shaina (the elf) and others. we have watched you through her eyes and others for quite some time. it's a nice little tale you tell. But you (she motioned Lynn) have long forsaken our ways, and even become a traitor. more than that- now you're contaminated by some dragon spirit? and the gnome who's magic confuse, befoul and alter the thoughts of those he meet? and the holy woman? wears a powerful magic item that makes her an idiot or a fool, and she wear it gladly! and as to YOU (she leaned towards Killpi) "talking about ending the circle of death when you're nothing but a happy natural born psychopathic murderer ("i'm but an honest businessman!")" ALex straightened up "the best one of you is the orc for Chrone's sakes!" she trumpted her horse a few more steps. "your aim is to protect the village, mine is to eradicate all foul magic here. i just don't see how it will coincide. i shall talk with my advisors, and we shall talk with in the hour".

yay. we rolled our influence rolls, it seemed to be pretty high, but Alex demeanor seemed to be hard to beat.

unexpected ending.
"do we even stay?" said Glimji, let's run!". "No!" said Killpi, "we stay and fight, and kill the bitch!" quickly we thought to fight, but we needed help. again we thought to get help from the centaurs, and possibly from the goblin king Mike mentioned earlier (but that wouldn't work, as it will take too much time). we made some preparations (traps and the like) and send Mike to the centaurs. we'll try and sell some lie to buy some time.

but we didn't really need it seemed. our influence was better than expected. "despite my reservations" spoke Alex as if it hurt her. "my advisors agree the magical danger in the village is gone. it is free." yay! we rejoiced. "you however are a different matter. some of my advisers said you did real good here, while some of my... people (Shaina leaned over) would like to test their skills and some of these new found powers of yours." we prepared for a fight, though it seemed helpless against the 80+ Fist assembled. "you have 2 days. 2 days to try and run. you are outlaws now. hunted, till found dead. flee now, for in 2 days there shall be no reprice." Alex leaned down at us. "run fugitives, run little tainted dogs. the hunt is on!"

not quite the ending we were hoping for.
Ayla talked to Andrew, the guy we wanted to free from the fort (see session 2/3) "i hope you'll be well from now, and that you mess not with the arcane".
Killpi offered some laxatives in a cookie to Shaina "a present for a good hunt?" but she smiled and waved it away. "we shall meet again". "I'm stuck with you guys?" Glimji groaned, bemoaning his fate.

Lynn seemed thoughtful. she pulled out her armbraces from her back pack, the ones that held the worn mark of the Fist on them. she held them. "i have often wondered whether my choice some time agao, a choice that cost me my position in your order was the right one. i wanted to go back, to find my place, my meaning..." she threw the arm braces to the snow. "i prefer my new meaning, and my new people. they are so much better than i could ever be in this pathetic sham called the Fist. thank you for liberating me."

and with that the party started to make haste towards the opening in the mountains.
so this was the closing session for this little adventure. a bit of an odd one, not the classic ending, but in a way i think it was a good one. i did miss a good final fight but it was also nice that our influence could affect things. i'll summarize thoughts in the next post. hope you liked it!

Kol Korran
2012-07-04, 02:24 PM
various thoughts of the adventure
- all in all a great score on fun.

- i think it was seperated to 3 sections: down from the crash to the village, investigations up to the Centraur forest, and the last part of finding the hag.

i liked the second part the most- it had the mostopportunities for roleplay, interaction and options of play. the last bit was fun, but a bit linear to my taste- a series of obstacles (i do this as well sometime as a DM unfortunately)

- the final battles: the hag was won due to impressive rolls and action economy, i think that on hind sight, it would have been cool to do with the basilisk (or some minions?) but i'm the last to talk about finalbattles (see the Fury, Devourer and Aboleth from the previous campaign). this is a fine art.

as to fighting Alex and her troops. initially i don't think we cared so much, but after her speech? people were vying to kill her. so that may have been a bit of a miss, but i also liked how we could circumvent this battle to get to a different results. when we get back to the campaign, it just builds up some antagonists even more (Alex and Shaina)

-living NPCs: at the end we all remembered who is Mike and Judith. they stuck nicely in our memories even after such a long break.

- one of the main strengths of the campaign came from characters NOT getting together, but players knowing how to play it to allow each other to express themselves (especially Lynn- Killpi- Glimji) i'd like to preserve that, preserve a "gentleman's conflict"

what's next?
I'm Dming, a pirate campaign! more of a sandbox thing, very central themed, with some hopefully nifty houserules. Teal'c player won't play (she likes the game, hates learning it). and if i have time i will write a campaign log, though probably less detailed than this one- i won't have time running notes, i'll be DMing...

if you enjoyed, please say! if not- please say! if you have questions or anything- please say! (enough hints? :smallconfused::smallwink:)

Kol Korran
2013-01-21, 02:03 PM
EDIT: The game has stopped, There are 5 sessions posted till the DM started to cut it short. Read if you're interested, I still think it may be an interesting read. Hopefully you'll enjoy.
sorry for the thread necromancy, won't happen again, but I think it is justified, and if any people are subscribed to this thread, they'll want to know the update.

We have continued our adventures! I tried to DM, but after a short while my schedule just got a LOT more complicated, and the current DM had more ideas, so we returned to Far Reach.

THIS adventure however might go for a long while, the DM has long term plans, we'll see how it goes. but this has made everyone take things much more seriously.

For those who don't remember, we are just about to run away from Far Reach valley, still basic equipment, but some treasure gathered.

So far we've played 3 sessions (about 7 hours each), and it has been a harrowing experience, but in a very fun and satisfying way. I'll try to update as fast as Real life and the muse lend me, hopefully you won't be bored... :smallwink:
these segments detail a few editions to the current campaign.

We're currently near Far Reach. on the west slope of the central mountain range (The Kaulers). you can seek a big city called Alren, it's a bit north west of it.


A few NEW important house rules
New rules not used in the previous adventure in bold

"armor also grants DR but not AC"
Due to a fun trial in another game, most martial characters get a sort of use of martial maneuvers and stances from the ToB. we made some rules for our own use, which are a bit like vanacian casting for sorcerers. suffice to say these are of a limited supply per day, but might be used more than once per encounter. if you're interested i can explain, this is long enough.
action points: each character had half her level amount of action points. these can be used to add a 1d6 after a roll is made, or 1d6+3 before it is made.
the DM also made some tables form massive damage and so on (over 30 and 50 damage i think...) these has so far came upon rare occasions.

new stuff about the cast
Travian Killpi: Due tothe new maneuvers rules, he now uses mostly shadow hand tradition maneuvers and techniques. most notable at the start are:

the island of blades stance (allowing him to flank and SA with an adjacent ally)
assasin's stance: increasing his SA damage. only one stance can be used at a time
shadow balde tecnique- increaing chance of hit and possibly damage
steel wind- attacking more than one enemy as a standard action
shadow garrot: a ranged touch attack for decent damage

Lynn Ardent: also uses maneuvers and stances, most notable are:

step of the wind stance: going quickly over rough terrain
roots of the mountain: increasing her DR by 2 and great bonuses to avoid getting moved. can only move in 5 ft steps though. only 1 stance at a time.
steel wind: attack two enemies as a standard action
mountain hammer: added damage and bypasses DR
iron heart surge: undo a deblitiating condition
bone crusher: a lot of extra damage, makes confirming criticals much easier later on.

Lynn 5th level character sheet (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=465618) (A lot of things may not make sense due to house rules, be warned)

Also some new pics,


The next Scene is a retouched picture made by our DM, depicting the "I'm not a sorcerer!" fight from the first session!


Ayla: New pic!


Ok, lets continue!

Kol Korran
2013-01-25, 01:37 AM
To the moderators: the this post and the 3 following were copied (wit slight alterations) from this thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=14590253#post14590253), due to the reasons in its last post. I hope this is ok.
To readers: If you've followed the other thread, and don't wish to reread things, just skip 5 posts ahead till Session 8

Session 6
In which one ally leaves, and one ally joins, A quest for crown and spite, and much fighting to be had all around!
(Though I may mention places, no need to look in the map yet. If you are interested to know where we are, we're at the west slope of the central mountains. Far Reach village. nearest settlment is Gordion, nearest large city is Arlen)

Starting with the last scene of the previous adventure…
"do we even stay?" said Glimji, let's run!". "No!" said Killpi, "we stay and fight, and kill the bitch!" quickly we thought to fight, but we needed help. again we thought to get help from the centaurs, and possibly from the goblin king Mike mentioned earlier (but that wouldn't work, as it will take too much time). we made some preparations (traps and the like) and send Mike to the centaurs. we'll try and sell some lie to buy some time.

But we didn't really need it seemed. Our influence was better than expected. "despite my reservations" spoke Alex as if it hurt her. "my advisers agree the magical danger in the village is gone. it is free." yay! we rejoiced. "you however are a different matter. some of my advisers said you did real good here, while some of my... people (Shaina leaned over) would like to test their skills and some of these new found powers of yours." we prepared for a fight, though it seemed helpless against the 80+ Fist assembled. "you have 2 days. 2 days to try and run. you are outlaws now. hunted, till found dead. flee now, for in 2 days there shall be no reprice." Alex leaned down at us. "run fugitives, run little tainted dogs. the hunt is on!"


not quite the ending we were hoping for.
Ayla talked to Andrew, the guy we wanted to free from the fort "i hope you'll be well from now, and that you mess not with the arcane."
Killpi offered some laxatives in a cookie to Shaina "a present for a good hunt?" but she smiled and waved it away. "we shall meet again". "I'm stuck with you guys?" Glimji groaned, bemoaning his fate.

Lynn seemed thoughtful. she pulled out her arm braces from her back pack, the ones that held the worn mark of the Fist on them. she held them. "i have often wondered whether my choice some time ago, a choice that cost me my position in your order was the right one. i wanted to go back, to find my place, my meaning..." she threw the arm braces to the snow. "i prefer my new meaning, and my new people. they are so much better than i could ever be in this pathetic sham called the Fist. thank you for liberating me."

and with that the party started to make haste towards the opening in the mountains.

musings from Lynn on the beginning of the journey (just to start things off)
Two weeks! That is what it took to turn my life around yet once more, and for the worse. Traveling with a murderous Halfling, a secretive sorcerer gnome, a nymphomaniac barely clad possessed chosen one, and a half orc! (which is the least worse of them all!) Only… They are a bunch of scoundrels, but not as bad as the self righteous pompous Fist. This is still confusing- I can't condone this group entirely, but I can't blame it either. We've done some good, we suffered, and how much havewe sacrificed? Now we're hunted, by Alex and that elven huntres. what a mess have you gotten yourself into Lynn? I wonder what Jonathan would say of this. His status won't help me now. This might even hurt him. Oh well, another sibling to shame the family. Father, Mother- forgive me. I did what I felt was right…

Damn it. It's the heat again! Like fire from within... And I can hear the damned whispers again… Glaurnag I think. I will have to understand this change that came upon me, and what he wants from me. But who can I ask? Glimji? Or perhaps it might be time to look for Robert, assuming we live through the next few days.

Oh no, Killpi is grinning again, this can't be good.

So... where are we going exactly?
The party started to march down the path away from the valley, the time pressing on them. Killpi mentioned New Tesh "I heard there are new possibilities there, a place for those who'd like to make their fortune, and they do not like the Fist much..." Glimji snorted "I Say the southern colonies, farther from the Fist, and they at least accept my magic!" They started to argue when Ayla suddenly pointed out. "First things first- those are long term destinations! we need to get to somewhere where we can find fast transportation, and a nearby place. We need to get to Gordion." Lynn who was but minutes ago elated, was now in a dark mood. "Gordion... yes, we'll head there. There are airships, river ships and more." Glimji rolled his eyes. "Are you crazy Lynn? that is the first place they'll look!" Killpi seemed disturbed "Didn't the Fist force... come from there?"

Which was the point were Teal'c stopped. "I've had enough! ever since I decided to help you I was near death, hunted, and now wanted by The Fist! And aaaaallll the time you argue and argue, at each other's neck! They'll hunt you anyway, I'm leaving!"

Ayla turned to stop the great warrior, and Lynn tried a few words as well, but proud Teal'c did have enough. he continued down the path in his fast pace alone. Slightly surprised, the group halted, but only for a little while. "2 days remember?" hissed Killpi, "and that is IF they keep their word! I don't trust that elven bitch! too bad I didn't catch her last name..." he added rubbing his palms. Lynn spoke with some finality "Gordion. It's the only sane choice or that "elven bitch" will hunt on down on the wilderness for days to come. we just have to be quick to get there! time to hustle!"

Behind the Scenes
We actually had this discussion for quite some time. The DM has made the map and explanation of places for this new campaign. We weren't that decided at that point, but decided to play it out. sometime roleplaying things helps steer our decisions.

plus, we had to leave Teal'c's character. I wished she continued to play, but so be it.

A face from the past
The party started to hustle, Glimji grumbling along the way "I was not made for quick marches!" but after about 2 km, Killpi suddenly noticed someone keeping pace, watching between vegetation and snow. "Ambush! the elven bitch!" he warned, loosening his chain. but seeing he was spotted, a nimble green figure came forward from the snow.


All the players groaned. "Char?" said Lynn in quite disbelief. "Ah! my friends! my friends!" mumbled the goblin. Killpi still held his chain "You wanted to kill us Char!" the goblin groveled and gestured, as if trying to apologize "I was wrong! you were right! and you saved Char's life!" he smiled beaming. "But" his face became sour "now all of tribe call Char coward!" Glimji glared "They are right, and we are not your friends, what do you want?"

from the first session, the goblin captive

Char seemed miserable for a moment, but then there was a shine in his eyes. "What do I want? I want revenge! revenge against king Brooke! King rules tribe through use of magic crown!" (suddenly the players pay more attention) "he can see to your soul! and knows a lot of stuff!" now that he got their attention, Char beams up, clapping his hands "And Char knows secret way to crown room! right, you come?"

"Wait just a minute!" says Killpi. "I don't trust this guy! how do we know he doesn't lead us to a trap, to make his clan accept him back?" he gave CHar a piercing murderous look. Char shriveled. Glimji however was intrigued. "This back door Char... anything guarding it?" Char put on an innocent face. "Oh, there is 1 or 2 big humanoids there"

At which point Lynn got frustrated "Are you serious?! we don't have time to sneak to throne rooms and steal crowns! we need to find a way out of these mountains before the Fist rides on top of us!" At which point Char smiled a big smile. "I also know of way through mountains. hard way, but shorter to human town. horses can't follow." Lynn glared at him, not knowing whether to trust the little bugger or not.

Char was quivering under the combined gazes "Um, there is also much gold! and items! oh! and gold! and items! did i mention a crown?" his ears fell as he shuddered in fear.

Killpi came close to him and put a hand on his shoulder, smiling "just know this Char, if you betray us? i will dig your heart out with a spoon... now lead the way to the gold. I mean crown"...

Ayla looked back at the way Teal'c went, then she sighed and followed the group.

1-2 big humanoids
The party went some distance more towards the mountain's side than the low. Lynn tried to focus on the Forest hag's stone, maybe learn something from it, but failed. She passed it to Glimji, who thought it could only be used by the demonic creature and their like. "Might be worth some nice cash though, if we'll leave to tell the tale!"

There was a bit of smoke coming from nearby, Char motioned them all to duck and hide. Glimji and Killpi sneaked forward with Char to the cavern's entrance, to notice the "humanoids" inside- a couple of ogres! Glimji whisper angrily to Char "you said humanoids!". Char shrugs his Shoulders "BIG humanoids!"

Our DM changed quite a few of the monsters, making them usually more extreme in weaknesses and strength. for example giants are made MUCH stronger, but much slower, hitting less (since hitting is based on dex) but hitting HARD. we didn't know what danger these ogres presented. not in the slightest! This is why were were concerned… "keep them guessing, eh?"

The ogres were arguing over a pot of some stew. Glimji cast comprehend languages, to understand that they argued who botched the stew. Knowing they will need the others' help, they call Lynn and Ayla who come closer. Ayla's magic silk however makes her suddenly giddy and mirthful.

and giggly, damn giggly! Lynn's eyes pen as the priestess lets out a giggle, and Killpi face palmed. The ogres raise their clubs "hhhmmm! might be NEW stew on the way!"

failed stealth check on her part

1st battle with maneuvers! more than expected
Killpi readies himself with the chain. Ayla casts bless, Glimji prepares sleep, And Lynn stands at the choke hold. As the ogres come close, Kilpi whips them both with steel wind, and Lynn uses smashes one with bone crasher, using her full combat expertise. Char also jumps to the fight, but Lynn yells at him "Stay back! you get your revenge, we get our way through the mountains. no good if you're dead!"

The lead ogre's club misses Lynn. Killpi kills one with another aimed strike, Glimji sends one to sleep and Lynn coup de graces her. (they were a couple). The party feels it was easy, when from the cave appear 3 more ogres! "Char! you said 1-2 big humanoids!" Char raises one hand, then the other, full of fingers "perhaps a bit more?" he asks apologetically

Lynn stops an ogre club with her buckler, shaken to the core, but withstanding. Lynn and Killpi go in killing, with Ayla healing a bit, and Glimji alternating between sleeps spells and distraction. Lynn proves quite... angry, as if letting down all her frustration on the ogres, who are pushed back. Killpi is even impressed "Lynn! I never knew you could be so... Brutal! learned that in the Fist?". Lynn stops another ogre club with her buckler "No. I learned that from YOU!" she retorts, through shaking teeth

As the battle turns against the ogres, 2 run back while the last one stops the party long enough. They gather their senses inside the "entry hall" cave, when suddenly they hear quite a few ogerish shouts inside. "Char! where did they go?" Char seems uncertain "Maybe call Ooglook the mighty ogre chief? I tell of Ooglook, no?"

Send A woman to do a man's job
which is when about 7 more ogres appear to be rushing in. 2 are the former wounded ogres, but 5 more are of a more slender build (compared to ogres at least)- ogre women, ogresses (DM made them a bit faster, a bit weaker) and behind a big ugly freaking ogre- OogLook!

Killpi moves to the side of the cave, intending to catch the ogres as they come, when Lynn makes a big tactical mistake- instead of holding the new choke point, she moves back, wanting to draw the ogresses between her and Killpi, for a flank (though Killpi has a stance which makes that unneeded) "What are you DOING?" yells Killpi, as 4 of the ogresses get inside, even pushing beside him towards our squishy casters.

The battle goes against us. the ogresses hit more frequently, and strongly enough to wound both melee combatants nicely. Ayla is busy healing them and Glimji curses and uses his magic to protect himself (1-2 strikes and he is dead) Steel wind, mountain hammer and many more maneuvers, are used freely, but the ogresses (and males) prove quite hard to kill. Glimji starts helping with color sprays, and Ayla gets in range to cast shield of faith on the warriors. Meanwhile Ooglook and those in the back through javelins (big ones), which mostly fail, but just as the last of the ogresses fall, a javelin hits Lynn hard. She nearly falls but Ayla's potent healing gets her back standing. Ooglook runs away. the party gives chase.

They go to another cave where Ooglook surprises Killpi and Lynn by attacking both with his own maneuvers (Steel wind). however, the party quickly gang on him, and kill him.

Now this was a tough battle, using many of our resources. the party stops to take a breather. "Lynn! you were like a savage! like a brute! like one of these ogres! I almost thought to attack you due to the resemblance!" smirked Killpi. Lynn breahted heavily "I'll remember that next time I see a cornered rat". Char beamed "Good! you are strong indeed! now lets find the secret entrance!"

Itsy Bitsy
We got to the Ooglook's room and looted some treasure. then found the secret entrance. "Wait? why would ogres guard the goblins secret door? why not fight them?" to this the wise Char responded "1-2 ogres, plus Ooglook, but many many many many many many goblins!" Glimji put his hand on Lynn's side "are we SURE we want to do this?" Char continues "also the crown gives him power to fool ogres and know great secrets!" Glimji looked at him... Then at Lynn "well?! what are you waiting for? 2 days, remember?"

the tunnel that follows is goblin size however and quite narrow, so Killpi and Glimji takes point. they come to a small cavern with some stalactites when suddenly something shoots from the ceilings, attaching to Lynn and Glimji, but missing Killpi, they are drawn upwards! Char yells "Oh yes! beware of the spiders! just before the throne room!"

Killpi shoots at one, and Lynn frees herself, angry and almost frothing, yelling at the spider "dare lift me? one of the dragon?" Killpi looks at the giggly Ayla, then at Lynn "humans... all bonkers..." Menawhile Ayla shoots her bow at the spider lifting Glimji. with concentrated fire it falls and Glimji gets down, while the other spiders hide.

Killpi grasps the quivering Char "any more surprises? anything else you didn't tell us?" Char shakes his head "no no no! just the throne room ahead... um, you know about the "royal guard", don't you?"

Throne room
The party grumbles, but carry on. another narrow goblin sized tunnel. Killpi and Glimji go to scout ahead. Killpi catches Char "you come with me!" while Ayla and Lynn stay a bit behind. they reach the hidden door and open it silently just a peek, to see 8 guards with goblin sized scale mails and another goblin in studded leather near the throne. Unsure if these are all, Killpi edges the door a bit more, only this makes enough noise to be heard

our super duper sneaky guy rolled a 1... and they barely heard him. a first so far.

the guards raise their swords, the 3 small guys curse. Killpi notice the room has a door and iron bar. he rushes towards the other side between guards, and blocks the door. the guards split, 4 to Glimji (who curses Killpi to all hells for abandoning him) and 4 to Killpi (who curses himself for isolating himself) Glimji opens with a color spray, sure that it will take them out quickly, when he learns they each have 5 HD! (the smug DM says "ROYAL" guards)

The one in leather hides quickly, only to try and sneak attack Killpi. thanks to a well placed action point, Killpi barely avoids it, and uses a shadow garrote on the rogue, wounding him greatly. Char tumbles into the room, to help Killpi,earning more shouts of Glimji who becomes the target of some swords.

Finally Lynn arrives and trades places with Glimji, taking the burnt of the attack. which is when we learn something odd- Lynn has enough damage reduction (through her draconic aura and armor) so that the goblins can't damage her without a crit!

She seems ot have less trouble in the fight, and pushes some way in, while Killpi fights to defend the gate with Char flanking, trying to evade the rogue goblin which keeps disappearing and sneak attacking. Glimji uses his distract spells, and Ayla her bow.

As Lynn makes some more way, Killpi focuses on the rogue, mostly ignoring the guard, and strikes for a great critical, which damages the rogue heavily and dazzle him. Lynn follows with a redundent but spectacular triple crit (+ bone crusher) on a healthy guard, making him a pulp smear. At this point we have no more maneuvers, and GLimji nearly no more spells, he turned to his crossbow. and there are about 5 more guards (some wounded) and the bloody disapearing and healing sneak attacking rogue!

meanwhile the goblins of the tribe try to force their way in, the DM is counting how many rounds till the door falls down (he DOES count. not just trying to shake us. he'd kill us all if it comes to that!)

We decide a different tactic. "find the crown!" Ayla calls Killpi and Glimji "Lynn! Door!" The warrior goes and kills a held guard who tried to open the door, and tries to lean on it while fighting the guards. Killpi notices the rogue and kills him with another crit, While Glimji searches the nearby chest and finds a trap.

the remaining guard try to fight Lynn mostly so they could get help, panicked now, while the door is chopped methodically to the yells of goblinoids. "Hurry!" yells Lynn, as Killpi turns his attention to disabling the trap. "It's a matter of Finesse Lynn, not something i expect you to understand!"

a few rounds later, he disables the trap well enough to take the gas mechanism with him he finds some treasure inside, and the crown... a most beautiful thing, golden leaves embroided, looking old, and heavy. mesmerized he puts it on his head, immediately feeling his sight getting better, his understanding better, and some presence, almost like...

"Mmmmmmmyyy preeecious!"

Ayla shakes him out of his reverie "Later!" Lynn has but 2 guards standing, she growls at them as the entire party rushes through the secret door, pulling it back and trying to jam it. and then?

"Run you fools!"

King Glimji!
As the party goes some distance away from the ogre cave, they stop to take a breath. Killpi is examining the crown with interest, when Glimji mutters "I think i know this thing.. from legends. If i'm not mistaken it's called The Crown Of Ages, a great tool of knowledge and arcane power." he seemed to look at the crown a bit... hungrily.

worried by the strange look, Killpi hesitated and than handed the crown over to Killpi. "Here, I don't want any of this... arcane power" he said with some distaste. "but i get a bigger share of the gold, no?" Glimji put on the crown and closed his eyes, with a slight smile... it seemed to fit him. "Ah yes, i can feel the stored knowledge pouring in!"

I don't know the exact details of the Crown of Ages. The DM handed the player a paper explaining how it works, and what is the price. At that point i only learned it increases the Perception, Knowledge (arcane) and spellcraft skills greatly. Later we learned more...

Char was joyful, bouncing and jumping "I'm so happy! REVENGE! screw you king Brooke! you are great warrriors! great great magnificent warriors!" Lynn was now mollified, perhaps glad that something went right, perhaps her frustrations let down by the heat of combat- something simple. "You showed great courage as well Char, the way you darted in to fight with Killpi!" Char beamed "Great! so I join you? best friends for ever?!"

Killpi choked on his tobaco "wait! what?!?"

Level up!
not many surprises here, but a few important advancements:
Ayla and Glimji both reached their 3rd level spells. Lynn took a level of barbarain, to show her change and also because i needed the extra damage to penetrate creature's DR (the ogres had about DR 7 or 8. Killpi continued with Rogue, nothing special.

Lynn's 6th level (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=475652) (for those interested)

Journey through the mountains
Char began to show the way through the mountinas towards Gordion. on the way Char either stares at Ayla's... prominent features, or tries to talk to Killpi and convince him to teach im how to fight like him. Slowly the idea grows tjhat Char, like them, also has no place, and they grudingly agree to accept him to the party (cohort). Lynn tries to understand where the goblins got the crown from. Char said that a long time ago the goblins were more numerous, and they ambushed a host of elves in the valley, and found it with them.

The next day the party notice a strange change with Glimji- his irises are the shape of hourglasses, and he says he "sees better, farther, wiser"... the rest are worried, but all except for Killpi were tocuhed some way or another by the valley...

I think the Dm is trying to create a special magic item for each, which replaces a lot of "lesser" less interesting magic items. interesting concept.

Lynn talks with Killpi as well, mollified after the events of the valley. "You spoke of finesse, you have an interesting way of fighting. I'd like to learn more..." Killpi responds sarcastically "first Char, now you? I shall open a little school, shall I? I will demonstrate my technique on Glimji, and take back my crown! thief!" he mumbled grumbling, but showed the two a few points on their way.

At the end of 2 days of travel (with a few less important conversations, such as trying to slap some sense to Ayla) the party reaches the foot of the mountains, near the small river that rushes to Gordion. Lynn breaths deeply "2 days remember? now the hunt is really on!"

This is where we ended the meeting. I think this is a sort of a transition meeting, allowing us to get re accustomed to the characters, as well as to new rules (mainly the use of maneuvers). I think it was also a testing ground to the DM- the ogres and the goblins are on the two sides of the scale- ogres are easy to hit, hit not frequently, but hard. the goblins are hard to hit, hit you frequently, but for little damage if any.

It was also a good old bashing fest, not something we're used to, but it was hell of a lot of good fun for a change.

I have 2 more sessions to update till I catch up, and a few more things to add, may take a few days, hopefully you're enjoying the read.

Kol Korran
2013-01-25, 01:39 AM
Between Sessions 6 & 7
(these kind of posts deal with happenings between sessions related to the game. They are not needed to follow the story. They are an extra look at the party and DM dynamics.)

1) I was trying to give Lynn a new direction. I felt that leaving the Fist should present a significant change for her. plus I wished to start playing her a bit differently than I did in the first adventure. Looking through the books I liked the Kensai PRC- it involved taking an oath, a purpose, a goal, which fitted Lynn and my play style nicely. Plus- in this world with few magical items imbuing your own weapon with ever increasing magicla power seemed like the right "martial magic" for Lynn. I imagined it might come from either the spirit of Glaurnog, or whatever cause Lynn might choose.

But for that I needed to learn more about the world, and potential causes, and that might happen only when we (mostly) resolve the issue of being hunted. Soooo... I needed some "filler levels". The first is the Barbarian, represnting rage coming from Glaurnog, as well as Lynn becoming more free spirited. But what next? I wished to expand inter party interactions, and an idea sprang to make Lynn warm up to Killpi, which led to the idea of taking up a level of rogue.

The added bonus was getting SA, which by our rules bypasses DR (one of the reasons why Killpi is such a high damage dealer). this led to a bit of discussion (the next point), But I still don't know what to choose next. Nothing felt quite... right. I felt I had one more leveling up before I might find a cause, so another level of fighter might be redundant. So what to take?

2) Sneak attacks: at the end the DM made quite a reasonable decision- SA negates DR only for SA damage, so weapon damage is still affected. This however makes most of killpi's spiked chain damage negligible if at all. Still, he thought it fair.

3) I talked to Killpi's player about intertwining back stories, to increase interaction. He concocted some idea that he was partly responsible to the event that caused Lynn to be thrown from The Fist, that he was one of the leaders of a smuggling group, and made Lynn take the blame to cover the tracks of an informant of his... I'm s bit hazy on the details.

4) I made a more thorough backstory for Lynn, for the Dm to perhaps use in the campaign (especially the two brothers). I add it here in case you're interested, but it's a bit of a long read and not that needed...

Lynn was born to the Ardent family in the bustling Nimgat. Her parents were hard workers traders (Mostly in furs and crafted wood and metal utensils) from a fairly meager background who sought to "make it big" in Nimgat. The father Jason was a cheerful fellow, quick to make friends and share a quick tale. Lynn took more after her mother, who was more "behind the scenes". At Lynn's youth at least.

Lynn was the youngest daughter out of 3. The eldest is Jonathan, a serious and driven young man, who showed a great interest in the happenings in the great world, not just Nimgat. He was his father's right hand. The middle brother is Robert, who like their father, is full of charm, quick wit and playful words. Lynn dotted on him, loving him greatly, seeing in him much she wanted to be but never could find in herself.
That is till the truth was found out, strange happenings were occurring, and people started whispering that the Ardent family was cursed. It was Robert, he held the power of magic! Lynn saw this first hand when some bullies pursed them both and Robert got angered after being hit, unleashing a stream of fire from his fingers, badly burning some of the other kids! Others saw it too. "sorcerer!" they called "magician!" they accused. Lynn didn't know what to think, what to do, but her brother did. "I have to run away little sister, before they'll send the Fist on me" he smiled a sad little smile. "I'll try to reach (someplace the party might be likely to go) and he whispered some name to her ear before departing. "I'll try to look for you every once in awhile. Walk Free!" and with that he ran.

The Ardent family was accused of this "crime", and they were nearly put to jail for investigating the "sorcerous blood line" when Jonathan offered himself to service in the Fist, for a much longer servitude than is normally accepted. He was tested thoroughly, to seek out any magical blood in him, as well as test his loyalties. But Jonathan didn't just passed the tests, he excelled! Choosing Chron as his patron he was sent far north, to the Fist compound at Heaven's stand to start in the officer's course. To become a high ranked office of The Fist.

2 years have passed, and as the news of Jonatahan's success came, and the rumors of the "vile sorcerer Robert" lingered, Lynn felt betrayed by her charming brother, and turned to look up at Jonatahan. When she was of age, she decided to join the Fist as well, to the approval of her father and disapproval of her mother, who wished her to be a social woman. Lynn did well (not quite as Jonathan, but ok) and chose flails as her weapons. Finishing her basic course at the fist training compound at Arlen, she felt ready. Choosing Chron as her mentor, she looked forward to what the world will bring her.

All seemed well till that day at Zath village. they heard there were some gnomes arcanists trying to hide in the small gypsy halfling's camp in The Singing Moor swamp A small troop came to search for them, but she didn't anticipate what happened next. The gypsies tried to cajole and trick the commander, who responded in harsh violence and treatment. These were gypsy Halflings, no one cared for them…

As the troops ransacked the camp, some of the Halflings tried to fight back, with trickery and guile and mischief. Lynn hated that- why wouldn't they fight fair?! She found her wit being tested once and again. But then one of the troops found the gnomes - hiding amongst the children. What happened next she didn't know who to blame- the soldiers for striking, the gnomes for hiding there, or the Halflings for letting them…

As she rushed for the wounded some of the gnomes were captured, and some fled, as the commander vowed to punish the halflings Lynn stood up against him, angry. It did no good. Later on she was trialed, and only Jonathan's grace and influence saved her from being imprisoned or worse. Instead she was to be relieved from service.

So now, bitter and confused, and perhaps mostly angry, she travels the world, trying to find herself a place in it.

- Wherever the others want to go.
- Away from the fist.
- Finding Robert.
- Learning more about Glaurnag's spirit
- Getting a better armor and weapon.
- Perhaps a temple or monastery of Chron, pray for guidance.

Kol Korran
2013-01-25, 01:42 AM
Session 7
In which the party is hounded, pursued, and harassed- the hunt is on!

While the previous session was mostly a bash fest as an opening to the adventure, this session was more intense. There was still a fair bit of fighting going on, but also some other stuff. Well, you'll see... Glimji's player was absent for the start of the meeting, which may have mattered.

Release the hounds!
The river leading to Gordion, the party were close to it's northern shore. Still about two- three days march to get there. The party, tired for the day's long march, looked for a place to sleep. there were howls in the night. "Wolves" said Killpi, but Ayla was not convinced "Not wolves, but hounds". Lynn became alert "damn it! these are probably fist hunting hounds! lets get moving!"

Killpi stopped to try and light a quick fire as diversion, and some thought to mask their trail, but it won;t do for the scent. "to the river, we'll have to cross it!" they reached the river, to a patch with many rocks to enable crossing. Lynn, the better athlete quickly took off her armor and tried to jump, only to fail and fall to the cold water. she climbed out and passed this time, tying a rope for the others.

Glimji and Ayla pass (just barely) While Killpi looked to spot the coming beasts. Char falls to thew water however, andKillpi, in an uncharacteristic move grabs his student and pulls him out, Char thanking him profusely, shaking. The goblin quickly crosses this time, despite the cold. But Killpi curses as he sees many figures running over the snow towards him- big, massive hounds, the size of a saint bernard, only more a kin to large wolves or worgs than the common canine. He knows them- "Blood hunt hounds", favored by the Fist.

The rogue grabs Lynn's armor and pack, and shadow jaunts across the river, and the hounds, about 10 of them growl and howl at the other end. "Lets go!" yells Lynn "we don't know who's with them!" Killpi cuts the rope, and hands Lynn her armor which she puts on her back, and they start hustling through the snow.

behind the scenes
Knowin the DM I believe there might have been some way to divert/ confuse the hounds, but we didn't think of it. It might be that if Glimji's player was present, he might have thought of some magic that he could use, but he wasn't there, so...

I don't support cruelty to animals, but...
we ran a bit deeper into the woods for some distance, until we started hearing splashes. Ayla spoke between hurried breaths "they are swimming across!" Lynn cursed "ok, better fight them near the edge, it might give an advantage." she grumbled at not having the time to put her armor on. "I shall have to rely on training and dragon aura".

The party moved closer to the water's edge, where they saw some of the swimming hounds. Killpi quickly climbed and hid in a tree, while Ayla cast Shield of faith on him and Lynn.

Glimji (who's player just arrived and was updated on the situation) rubbed his hands "I got a little surprise for the mutts!" and cast a slow spell, slowing down 4 of the 10!

The battle was quite long, as the hounds had quite a lot of HP each, but did little damage. it was moderately challening as due to their sheer numbers, they reached all of us. Kilpi first shot bolts, than his poison gas grenade (from the trap at the goblin throne roon) and then joined Lynn down taking one dog down at a time.

Lynn still had decent DR due to roots of the mountain combined with her draconic aura, and tanked well, though missed more than was good for the party. "Change of profession Lynn?" Killpi smiled at her. "not doing so well..."

At one point Lynn and Killpi had to split forces, to protect the casters. Then Glimji cast a new spell, creating many shadowy figures who helped the party flank and attack (Legion of Sentinels) This at first frightened Lynn, as was evident in critical fumbles and misses "Glimji! what is this magic? you call warriors from another world?" obviously she had a distaste for magic still.

Char proves useful at times, a hindrance at others. causing Ayla divert her attention to helping and healing him, when a hound grabs Ayla's leg and start quickly draggin her off the battle! most hounds dead or dying, Lynn switches a stance that enables her to run lightly over the snow and bone crush the hound, releasing Ayla. a second scruple develops around that point but is quickly resolved. The hounds are defeated.

A quick reminder
The party stops to quickly heal and asses their situation. The hounds must have soldiers not far behind. "Two days like hell! traitorous bitch!" seethes Killpi. As if to emphasize his point, suddenly an arrow shoots past Killpi's nose, who unerringly evades it. Elven made arrow... "She's on the other side!" he points, trying to find the hiding huntress. the party is momentarily caught dumbfounded. "Into the woods!" yells Lynn "No! after her!" says Killpi "She'll shoot us down one by one in the river!" yells Lynn, as they run towards the woods.


Then Ayla raises the question- "why didn't she kill us while fighting the hounds?" Glimji spoke in a harsh voice. "because she wants to kill us herself. If she's here now, then she might have been on our trail the whole way." His sarcastic tone emphasizing the fool hardy "deal" made with the Fist. The party didn't like this, but didn't know how to counter the elven archer in the dark. Lynn grumbled "whatever her game is, we need to keep on moving. I doubt that Fist soldiers are not here as well."

We assumed she has some ranger and scout levels out there, and at a higher level than us. her stealth is quite high and she has some ability to shoot and stay camouflaged. Assuming she can shoot from quite far, and we're mostly melee, we didn't see a chance of defeating her. Was continuing on the optimal choice? probably not, but we didn't quite have a better idea.

I spy with my little eye...
The party continued to trudge in the snow through the night, senses open to try and get a glimpse of Shaina, but to no avail. morning has come, and with it some tiredness, yet they still moved on.

exhaustion rules
Bit of a different rule- each day you go without sleeping you roll fort to avoid falling asleep anyway. other than that you incur a penalty for everything- first day it's a -1, 2nd day an extra -2, 3rd day extra -3 and so on

a few hours after the morning light, while out in a more open ground, Killpi's sharp eyes notice a dot in the sky, following us. "Damn pet!, lets kill it!" but the party has no real ranged weaponry, and the eagle/ falcon/ raven is out of spell range. the party feels more miserable, and continues to march.

Ambush/ decoy
As the party moves on, Lynn comes up with a sort of a plan- They'll lay an Ambush for Shaina. They'll make camp, and Glimji will use his invisibility spells to make him and Killpi hide eastwards, towards where Shaina is supposed to come, while Lynn and Ayla will make appearances of guarding the camp. Glimji might even make a simple illusion of one or more of them at the camp as well, the tent proving as a hiding point. hopefully when Shain will come, she will get close enough to Killpi and Glimji for them to interact with her long enough till the rest might join.

Glimji doesn't like the plan "I'll need to sleep, I don't like to waste my spells for nothing!" But Killpi was quite intrigued. "This might work... I'd love to get my chance at the bitch! but you better get there quick! ran fancy on the snow like before- I don't want to face her alone!" Ayla was worried about other things "How long will we wait? 2 hours? 4 hours? 8 hours? what if she decides to exhaust us? I too will need some sleep" The party decides to try and rotate sleep- Killpi in his position with Glimji, and Ayla in her position with Lynn. "what about me?" asks Char hopefully "you'll keep watch when you can." mumbles Lynn.

They find a sort of a secure place, with a few great rocks to provide some cover, and enough open ground to kind of force Shaina to come towards them... they hope. They put up the tent, Glimji cast an insivibility sphere and him and Killpi go hide some distance away, and the decoy/ ambush begins.

All good things come to those who wait
& hours pass, the party rotates sleep but doesn't get it's full share, when Killpi at his post notices a few figures approaching- about a dozen fist soldiers! he quickly wakes up GLimji, who cast message and alerts the entire party. Killpi and Glimji fire from cover, halting the soldiers, giving the others time to prepare. As they approach Lynn recognizes the make up of a retrieval squad- an officer, sergent, and about 10 regular fist soldeirs. "Damn it!" she curses, as she and Ayla go hide behind a great boulder, as she lays her spears.

Glimji casts invisibility on Killpi, who quickly returns to the rest, while Glimji prefers a more distant casting point. As the sodleirs get near, corssbows at the ready their leader speaks harshly "surrender and recieve a fiar trial! you shall recieve the mercy of the Fist!" At which point Lynn growls, her eyes becoming redder "I have seen the fairness of the Fist at Zath village. I have seen it's mercy at Far Reach village. Are you sure you can face MINE?" The leader responded with a threat "Surrender or we'll take you by force!" At which Lynn laughed bitterly "Violence? ha! I know violence!" at which point she had thrown a spear at the leader.

Glimji quickly followed by a glitter dust, blinding 5 soldiers. he was then surprised by their resolve and discipline, as they said they are blind, and went to a kneel, searching with their swords around them. No panic, o outward distress. the lieutenant yelled "it's their mage! look for him!" Lynn responded with scorn "You fear magic, hunt it down, now face it's wrath!"

But Glimji was spotted (the player has aweful rolls) and was shot at repeatedly. no more hiding, Lynn and Killpi closed on the soldiers, As Ayla took the diversion to rush to Glimji to heal. Glimji repeated the glitter dust, leaving only 3 soldiers and the leader and lieutenant active.

The Fist attack, and Killpi and Lynn respond back. Lynn rages, becoming infuriated, and strikes for a massive crit with a bone crusher, enough for massive damage, crushing the officer's rib cage, he falls back dead. Again Killpi is apprehensive of Lynn's brutality. "wouldn't want to get on YOUR bad side!"

Lynn rushes past a few soldiers, taking AoO and some wounds, to strike at the lieutenant, again for a massive crit, bashing his head in. her eyes red, her nostrils flaring she yells "second in command just means second to die! who is third?" Killpi looks at Lynn, but this time a bit more worriedly.

Moral is starting to have it's effect, and soldiers are starting to panic. "Is this all you send?" yells Lynn.

Lynn's rage
this has been a VERY lucky turn of the dice- 3 massive criticals in a row. I tried to play it out as it went, making her more savage more furious, more raging than she was up till now. I think it played out well. the dialogue with the commander could have been more imaginative, but this is what me and the DM came up on the spot. quite nice though I think, no? :smallwink:

Not so easy
Lynn's rage continues, and she crushes one of the fleeing soldiers, as Ayla tries to discuss surrendering terms with the blind soldiers. when suddenly out of nowhere an arrow shoots fast and penetrates Lynn's side, damaging her severely. "Look for the bitch!" yells Killpi, whirling around, looking. they gather behind one of the rocks, against the direction of the shot. As Ayla releases the arrow and heals Lynn she notices an attached note: "First Killpi, second Lynn, third is Glimji, last the priest. I'll enjoy bleeding you down!"

Killpi infuriated, gets out of cover and start killing the hapless blinded soldiers, Lynn joins with the remains of her fury, as Ayla heals her more and Glimji yells at them from behind the rock "Are you insane?!" we expect more shots any moment, but none follow, which confuses us a bit. We loot the bodies, Lynn takes the banded mail from the officer, as well as his papers and badge. Glimji takes the badge and papers from the lieutenant. Mybe they could be used for diversion.

What now though? the party tries to goad Shaina out, and Killpi desperately tries to think of ways to take her flying companion down, but to no avail.

At this point our daily resources are nearly depleted, and the little rest we had waiting is gone. cranliness is starting to show. Glimji complains that he has but a few spells left, and that he MUST sleep, Ayla supports this- "If she didn't kill us this far it might be worth a try... My divine power is about depleted as well." Lynn however objects, thinking sleeping right now is fool hardy. "Shaina won't let us sleep! and there may be other retrieval squads out there! we must hurry!" Killpi for once was silent, agreeing to both points "who knows what we might face at Gordion? better to have ourselves ready, no?" Lynn relents to the party's wishes, and they decide to try and sleep.

Glimji meditates with his crown though, Ayla is worried, noticing the crinkles around his eyes deepening quickly. the gnome smiles at her worried face "I am charging the crown, transferring some of my power to it. it might age me... a little" She decides not to pursue it, her nerves are strained enough. she goes to do her dance of beauty, and Killpi and Lynn watch amused. "In the middle of being hunted we find time for this... say, what were those spells that GLimji casts- first soldiers of shadow, then flickering light?" Killpi nodded sagely "both light and shadow can be used for good effect. it all depends on how they are used".

But "Sleep" doesn't come well, as within the first 10 minutes Ayla is shot with an arrow. Killpi manages to locate Shaina, hiding near a lone tree! But the elf runs and shoots mid run at Ayla again, and Killpi takes point to protect her, as Ayla rushes to the tent to heal herself under some concealment. As Killpi tries to keep eye on the huntress, he loss sight of her, cursing.

The party tries to understand the odd pattern, when Lynn comes with a sort of an understanding "she wants to torment us, taunt us, make us bleed slowly, and kill us at her leisure. She's a sadist!"

"Finally you start getting her!"

Shaina shoots more arrows randomly at the tent, till the party leave it, quickly jumble it up and continues walking hurriedly. Now 2.5 days without sleep.

Welcome to Gordion!
The lack of sleep start getting to most of us. Char keeps falling asleep and falling mid sleep, Glimji is withdrawn, mumbling under his breath except for shooting a sarcastic remark here and there, Killpi keeps moaning about sleep, and at time shooting at the bloody following flying whatshisname. Lynn is tired, and Cranky, her mind trying fievershly to find a solution.

Ayla however is at a new ood thanks to the temptress silk- calm and serene, tryingto calm everyone "it will be fine, you'll see!" "everything will turn out for the better!" "it's just a rough patch!". Killpi nearly attacks her at one point...

Finally we reach Gordion, the small river town. It's walls quite tall against orcs and trolls from the mountain, the town lies just on top of the river. Ayla remembers the town has about 6,000 people, and rely mostly on the river and game, but knows little more. the party sees all kind of ice sculptures on the walls. Ayla recognizes them as figues of the goddess Keleno, goddess of air and storm. "This is good, there might be a celebration in her honor which we can use. Also- she is the patron of air ships, perhaps the priests might be more amiable.

Due to the lack of sleep we were at -6 to all rolls. We approach from the south bank of the river, while the city is on the north bank, there is a small ferry house. As we go inside the 4 guards ogle Ayla's impressive... natural talents, and we get by unnoticed. Glimji however, eyes red with fatigue points us at a poster on the wall, a regular "wanted, dead or alive" with ample descriptions of us, and a 1000 gp reward per head. "just 1000?!?" hissed Killpi as we ushered ourselves to the ferry

A bit of leniency
I think the DM gave us a little break here. It was late in the session, and we kind of strode in unthinkingly. He used Ayla as distraction... once. but the message was clear- it's not safe here.

"5 tickets please!"
we found a fairly secure place on the ferry "we need a disguise, quick!" Glimji grumbled "I have a few more spells in my disposal, but just a few. I'll create a few simple disguises for most of us..." he cast minodr disguise and gave us all some new features:
Killpi was made to look like a leper
Lynn was adorned with a nice scar along the face
Ayla's hair color was changed to black (and she decided to wear some decent clothes, thank goodness!)
Glimgji turned his hourglass eyes into blank whites making him "blind", and Char as his halfling guide.

minor disguise
we didn't wuite understnad the spell at that point, and I think we let it do more than it should, oh well.

we went through the town, trying to attract as little attention as possible (quite hard with Ayla, even covered, and the blind Glimji) and went to the temple of the goddess Keleno. She is NOT a nice goddess... we arrived and spoke to the 60 year old priest, who examined us sternly (priests control various aspects of life in this world, Keleno controls air travel) we learn there are 2 ships leaving Gordion: 1 tommorow evening towards Arlen, and another the day after towards the seven towards (A zFist outpost). we buy 5 tickets for Arlen (8gp each), and have our descriptions written down.

Glimji's player shines giving an excellent show of a blind gnome. As the priest suggest to sleep at Kauler's front inn, a place overlooking the mountains GLimji wails "ooohh! how you mock my handicap!" and so on.

we leave the temple, feeling that we must tread lightly, and quite worried whether the flimsy disguises were enough to fool the priest.

But first we really, really, really need some sleep.
Can we find a safe place to rest?

The last of the meeting was a bit exhausted, people were a bit tired, and on edge- the question of how to battle Shaina was on everyone's head. which is, I guess, as the DM wanted it to be. So we were not exactly greatly creative with our approach and problem solving...

The next meeting turned out to be quite tense, and harrowing, but in a good way. I'm not sure when i might be able to update it, hopefully at the weekend. If you have any questions, comment, or anything else to say in the meantime, please do.

Kol Korran
2013-01-25, 01:44 AM
Between sessions 7 & 8
(Again, not part of the adventure, but what we discuss as players)

There were a few things on our minds, which we went through back and forth:
1) How to get out of Gordion, and how not to get spotted? We reread Minor disguise and realised our mistake. It seems we'll need either actual disguises (but none of us had any ranks as far as I know), or heavy use of Glimji's disguise self spell. First of all however, we needed a place to hide in! All agreed that going to crash in one of the two inns of the town would be suicide... we discussed some ideas but couldn't quite agree (there was a sort of... interesting solution at the meeting)

We were informed by the DM that you can leave Gordion in 3 ways: by Air ship, by river ship, and by the wilderness, with horses or not. Due to Shaina's "affection" towards us, we needed a way to evade her, so the last option fell through. We felt that we need the air ship to get away fast, but it seemed like such an obvious place to look, and we didn't know if the priest recognized us or not. Ayka's player gave an interesting idea- place a few more hints of where we're going, and that we'll take the ship, and then choose another option, after having create a bait. The decision? on the session...

2) The matter of where exactly to go, and what to do came up again. The most important thing was getting away from the Fist, the second was to sell our loot and get some gear! We wee aching for some decent equipment by this time. When I was 1st level i purchased a few spears as means of ranged combat, thinking "I'll gain a level and but a MW bow!" I now began to fantasize about said bow... Probably I'll have to take it from Shaina's still warm but dead hands...

No offense to the DM, but some of us were thrilled at the idea of possibly shopping...

3) Knowing our first destination is Arlen, and Lynn having some back story there (Where she was trained, and her parents having connections and businesses there) I talked with the DM, wanting some scene to include character development and growth. I wanted the change of Lynn's new life, and her status as fugitive to clash with her fairly respectable past, and perhaps to interact with her parents, which have already lost one son to shame.

DM's answer? "oh don't you worry! I already got something planned!"... :smalleek:

4) Last but definitely not least- Killpi's player intends to change a character! He fills Killpi has played his part, and that he doesn't contribute much to the game. Originally he was planned as a fairly flat and simple character (as most our characters were), but now he feels he needs a change.

another reason for the change is that he felt his character was overpowered to the group- the damage Lynn was doing on critical hits, was the damage he did on normal ones, and his damage out pt was about to get higher (not to mention excellent skill monkey). To tell the truth, I'll be sad to see Killpi go, I really think he added A LOT to the play, And i loved the interaction between him and Lynn. But... It will be interesting to se what he'll come up with next. I only know the character has high Intelligence and low wisdom, and sees the world through very analytical frame of mind. A wizard? warmage? We'll see. Might be tougher being the only martial character around...

That is all for now, I'd love to hear from any readers who got this far...

Kol Korran
2013-01-25, 06:25 AM
Session 8
in which we see the party's criminal tendencies, an intense battle, a difficult attempt at persuasion, and more than 1 skyfalls

This session was bloody intense! Probably due to our previous session, the wanted posters, and the feeling we don't exactly know what to do, led us to be on edge. And being on edge lets you do some edgy things, and some stupid things... and there was a bloody difficult battle to add :smalleek:

The DM has "kindly" notified us that though we are tired, not to act too stupid.

A change of plan?
last time we were walking towards one of the inns, after about 3 days without sleep, and - 6 to all roles.

though she was more covered, Ayla still contacted quite a few looks. The tired Killpi, eyes red with lack of sleep snapped at her "cough! cough god damn it! pretend to be sick! we don't need more attention!" he looked longily at Char (who developed the knack of sleeping while walking) "I need sleep damn it! we need some place more dubious! less straightforward than an Inn!"

Glimji looked at a tiny grate in the middle of the street "hhmmmm, this place has sewers! maybe we can find the entrance and go sleep there?!" Ayla and Lynn balked at the idea "sewers! with that filth? and disease? no way!" Killpi turned to Ayla, pondering. "any chance there are any... brothels in the city? we could hide there, for a pretty coin, no? do you know Ayla?"

Ayla's goddess, Candra goddess of love, is both the patron of marriage and long lasting relationships, but another aspect of her is the goddess of lust and passion, and a few times her temples might be found IN brothels.

Ayla shrugged her shoulder. "I don't know if she is worshiped here, we could try and find out, but maybe we can find some people to shelter un in the meantime?" At this Lynn responded tiredly "So we'll just stay in someone's home till they decide to turn us in?" Ayla returned a coy smile "I can be quite... persuasive" a remark suggestive enough to wake Char "what?"

We heard the starting celebrations from the direction of the temple of Keleno, a festival in her honor. We decided to go look for more information there.

Information gathering, roleplay style
As the party neared the celebration area they noticed quite a gathering, with many food and drink stalls, games and more. the party would be more excited but they were feeling hunted still, and wanting a comfy bed (or a stone floor that doesn't bite back).

Lynn dragged Char (who have fallen asleep) to the side, leaning on a wall, watching the festivities "we probably won't help, you 3 are more gifted... socially", we'll wait her, let us know what you learn." Glimji cast a message spell between them, and ventured in with Killpi and Ayla.

Killpi tries to play the role of celebrator- he tries to dance, to drink, pay for drinks for people, tries to be "jolly" ("Why isn't he jolly?!") but his tiredness, and the population racial prejudice against halfling fails him. He is seen as a poor mishappen foreign drunk, and doesn't succeed in yielding any useful information.

Ayla, perhaps after a long stay with not much appreciation to her beauty decides to throw caution aside, and use her natural gifts to attract attention. in a short while she gathers a group of suitors (some of them married) but her questions regarding brothels and temples of Candra just lead the suitors to assume she is of the oldest profession... (there are no brothels, though there a few "private" prostitutes in town, they believe she is a coming competitor)

Glimji in the meantime decides to play hte role of the sober and flavorful story teller, talking with various people, telling the story of the horrible monsters that came from the sewers in his home town, how they killed many before they were stopped! "where can we find the entrance to the sewers?" some festive people tell him the location near the river "but don't worry, the guards there will ward off any monsters"

Ayla decides to use the misconception about her, and choose a solitary living man, and agrees to... "Accompany him" she whispers the message to glimji, who tells Killpi to follow her, while he alerts Lynn and Char.

some perception and disguise rolls are made. some of us grimace at esults, but we play it non the less.

some thoughts
I think the DM tried to avoid the sewers (guards at the entrance) and the brothel (none in town) for several reasons:
1. the brothel might have led to certain situations i'm not sure all in the party would have felt comfortable playing with.
2. sewers would require a map, or something which might happen inside (i know not all sewers are monster infested, or have rogue guilds in them, but still)
3. most importantly- I think he wanted us to be a bit more creative, and not make things easy for us. As you'll see- the DM is a fan of "not making it easy"... :smallwink:

complication of temptation
Glimji quickly reaches Lynn and Char ("what? I wasn't sleeping!" and they begin following, Char again as the guide to "blind" Glimji. meanwhile Killpi follows the duo, but also notices another man following them... he tries to come closer to him, still playing the jolly drunk, but that man seems intent on his purpose, and shoves "the troublesome halfling" aside.

Ayla whispers to us through the message as they get near the man's house "I'll try to get him into a... compromising position". Glimji slaps his stick on Char's head "Quickly! I don't want to miss anything!" Ayla and her suitor reach a small house and enter, the man immediately taking her into his bedroom. the follower watches for a few more seconds, hurrying after him. Killpi, quietly, hurries after the follower.

the trio reaches the house. Ayla distracted the man well enough so he didn't lock the door, and they barge in, rushing to the... encounter. Lynn is sour in the face as she draws her sword, threatening the naked man, yelling at Ayla to cover up, and for glimji and Char to stop oggling (fine adventuring days! oh the glory and heroism!) they let them both dress, make sure no one lives here except for the man, and knock him unconcious, stiffing him in the cupboard.

the making of a snowman
meanwhile, Killpi was following the other man. he tried once more to get him to talk through the drunken halfling routine, but that didn't work. Killpi had enough- once they were in a secluded enough alley, he took out his chain and stealthily whipped it around the man's torso, ripping it, kilin him on the spot!

not wanting to cause an alarm, he quickly buries the man in the snow, and start making a mound of him. as a couple pas by the tired halfling makes a show of "building a now man". once enough snow has been piled, he heads back to the house.

conscious problem
This last act of Killpi troubled me. I don't want to get into any kinf of ethical discussion, but killing this civilian, who wasn't a direct enemy of us felt a lot like cold blooded murder to me. But how would it feel to Lynn? I honestly didn't know at this point. I was trying to decide while the play was taking place.

this might escalate the conflict between Lynn and Glimji, but I was also worried any kind of retaliation/ "justice rendering" (I hate the term) might cause conflict between me and the player.

there is no place like someone else's home
Until Killpi returned the rest looked over the house. a fairly simple one, 2.5 rooms, one story, easy to guard. Ayla was sorry that we didn't ask the man whether or not he's expected somewhere tomorrow. Lynn however was in a foul mood "first sneaking around with lies and subtefuge, now you- whoring around!" Ayla partly grimaced, partly smiled a coy smile. "and now holding a man hostage, just to use his house? what's next?"

Which is when Killpi entered the house, cleaning the blood of his chain "I took care of the spotter, we won't be found out." Lynn narrowed his eyes "did you make sure he was a spotter?" Killpi eyed her in return. "he followed Ayla here, then rushed to find... someone, what do you think?". Lynn grew angrier "I think you could have neutralized him in other ways." Killpi smiled his sardonic smile "I know but one way to do that".

It nearly came to blows when Ayla stepped in "really? right here? right now? we don't have enough trouble? you want to deal with this NOW?" thankfully, this has damped the fires a bit (leaving me time to think how to the hell handle this! I don't want to play the stick-up-her-ass paladin) And we ready ourselves to some sleep. Killpi tries to rob the place a bit, but everyone disagrees with him, and he decides to let it go.

what the hell, a bit of an ethical discussion
one one point, the spotter was just a civilian, who saw potential danger (we DID bang a guy and took over his house, and we were rumored to be worse) and either tried to cash in the prize money, or just warn off danger.

also, he might have just liked oggling Ayla, and wanted to know where she was next.

on the other hand could we have afforded the risk of being found out? I am fairly certain that Killpi did not have nonlethal means at his disposal (he would say- "what's the point?") and I do think he didn't do this to enjoy a kill, but rather because he thought it was necessary.

These are all thoughts that ran through my head and I think would have run through Lynn's head. But what would be her moral stand on this? i was not sure. I'm trying to play her as sort of neutral, but with goodish tendencies, though i'm thinking taking her more towards the good, but hopefully "practical good". Not sure yet.

Killpi takes the first watch, barely keeping himself awake. Ayla takes the second watch however, but falls asleep in a chair in the middle of it. we all sleep soundlessly through the day...

Lynn's dream/s
In order to help character growth and somewhat deal with the situation, i tried to concoct a quick dream that i'll say to the party, and may also serve as a sort of a subtle request of the player to avoid such extremes next (new character or not).

However, the DM surprised me by handing me a paper with a dream for Lynn! caught me totally by surprise! here it isYou sleep and dream, or is it not a dream?
You walk in darkness, mists swirl around your legs.
The mist becomes thicker, darker. Something is wrong, very wrong.
Whispers, evil whispers rise from the mist, you think you feel a bony hand try to grasp your foot within the mist, but you keep forward.
The mist becomes darker still, something draws you into it, the sense of danger turns to dread. You can't breath the mist, you struggle to rise, but the hands in the mist are too strong.
At your dying breath you see visions of your past, your parents, nw old, trying to warm themselves by the fire of a small and rundown house, darkness surrounds them and ear in their eyes. Then Jonathan and Robert- Jonathan hods his great sword and Robert a staff, they both smile at you, and then face each other, crossing staff and sword, aiming for the kill, killing each other.
You can't breath anymore, darkness creeps at the edge of your view. And then, then you soar to the sky. You are on Glaurnog's back, his huge muscles stretch beneath you as he flies. "Darkness is coming" he says, "but you can stop it". Far below you, you see dark mist envelopes everything, covering the land like a blanket of shadows, yet, something is shining in the south, holding the darkness at bay.
"Go south, you must stop the darkness" Glaurnog's deep voice rumbles. then he disappear and you fall towards the black darkness, only to be awakened covered in cold sweat.

Much of this was clear, though some was not. the mentioning of the south must be the free cities we sought to go to, but the Mist? I think it talks about The area named The Misty Swamo- an area filled with ancient ruins of the other side of the Kaulers. the south? I think the it might lead to the Savage Moore- the lands of goblins, orcs, and... giants...

Aaaaaallll aboard!
As Lynn awoke she checked the sun through the window- they've slept too much! she quickly woke everyone, as they realized there will be little time before boarding the ship, they decide to relive the gag out but knock out the owner again, so when he wakes up he could call for help.

There is a quick discussion on whether to try and board the ship. Ayla's temptress' silk changes her attitude to an annoying "everyhing is fiiiine! we'll be fine! don't worry! it will all be ok!". Glimji suggest scouting the place for Fist soldiers before entering, and they we all grudgingly agree. we want to be reasonably sae already, we want to be out of this place, we want to have Shaina (temporarily) off our backs.

Glimji casts a disguise self spell on each of us (house rules deem all personal range spells are touch range), keeping us with the description on the tickets, but other than that as different as possible. we hurry to the ship.

On the way Killpi and Lynn whisper with each other:
K: "people think I'm just a cold blooded killer!"
L: "I wonder why..."
K: "... he needed to be neutrelized!"
L: "Chron teaches us to kill only our enemies in war, those who threaten us! there were many ways to neutrelize him!"
K: "He DID threaten un, and as I said- I know only one way to do that."
L: "we'll deal with this LATER!

This was initiated by Killpi's player, which I think is cool. a sign that he realizes something may be wrong? makes it easier for Lynn to relate to him. and frankly, I was thrown off by the dream, trying to figure parts of it out, to think clearly on this matter

The airship was called Elvin (bad sign) and was a much finer ship than the Lazy Baloon, powered by a much more powerful air elemental, with several (I think 4? 5?) decks. Glimji and Killpi moved to the boarding grouds first, trying to see any presence of the Fist, but none were seen, just the priest of Keleno and 4 city guards. with somewhat apprehensive hearts, we decided to board.

A few people, of a higher class board before us, we pass as well, but Lynn almost fails her disguise check... almost. ship regulations demand no weapons on ship, so we surrender our weapons (grudgingly), though Killpi hides a dagger. Once inside we learn we have rooms for one of the common rooms, housing 10 people. with a bit of bargaining we manage to buy the rest of the sits, taking the place for our own.

we almost can't believe it- are we safe? but Gllimji, always the suspicious one,e keeps looking out of the window while the boarding takes place. suddenly he calls to us- "Fist soldiers! and Shaina is with them!"

Difficult negotiations
the DM gave us a few minutes to think up a plan. we came with one very very quickly- Killpi and Lynn will head to the weapons vult and try to get their weapon, while Glimji and Ayla will try to get the bloody ship off the ground! The priest of Keleno was arguing with the Fist officials, we have some (very little) time. and Char? we let him sleep under one of the beds in the common room, he would only make things more complicated...

Lynn and Killpi reach the waepon vault, Killpi looks inside and Shadow Jaunt inside, and a few moments later outside with his chain and Lynn's heavy flail, they rush to hold the entrance to the deck whee the pilot cabin's is.

meanwhile Glimji and Ayla rush towards the captain's cabin, which lies in the front of the ship. but it is locked. Glimji curses and casts Glibness. Glimji knocks hurriedly on the door.
G: "please let us in! it's very urgent!"
P: "Everything is! go away!"
G: "It's a matter of life and death!"
P: "It will be if you keep nagging me! get out!"
G: "It's about the safety of the ship! it's of the outmost important!"
P: "I couldn't care less! let it burn!"
G: (a bit at a loss) "The captain is dead!"
P: "good! never liked the bugger!"

at which point Glimji just tired and cast knock on the door, and they burst in. The pilot's room was filled with all kind of valves, levers, and big open windows ahead. he was looking like a dejected punk mechanic, and was furiated with Glimji!

G: "I'm a special agent of the Fist!"
P: "So what? you don't have authority here! get out!"
G: there are corrupted agents of the Fist about to board the ship!"
P: "Good! maybe they'll take you away! get out!"

which is when Glimji cast a charm person... things got a lot smoother aftr this, and the pilot was more amiable (though still gumpy), and in a short while, the ship got to the air, with a big "bang!" as it's holders broke. The Elvin took off!

thoughts on glibness and diplomacy
This is the first time we used the glibness spell, which seems quite overpowered, our DM played it as not mattering much to the pilot- ok, he accepted the lie, but he doesn't much care...

in a previous campaign i adopted Rich' diplomacy laws (check in the gaming section if you don't know them). I'm unsure how much the DM uses them. he seems to rely mostly on roleplaying, which in part is good, but in part nullifies the investment in social skills.

To my personal taste this social interaction was though quite entertaining, a bit too difficult to be believable, especially against a beguiler- it's his thing after all. I think it might have been more satisfying to do this without resorting to a charm spell.

Resisting arrest!
But the Fist soldiers were already on board! we could hear them in their heavy armors approaching. Lynn stood by the entrance to their deck- a sort of a leisure and eating deck, with a sort of bar, some tables and charis. Killpi was standing within reach, on top of the counter of the bar, Ayla and Glimji a bit behind, Glimji closing the door to the pilot's room (named Joker?) "Don't let anyone else come in! we're about to fight these corrupted Fist soldiers!"

2 rounds have passed, Ayla and Glimji casts some defensive spells, and Lynn and Killpi entered their stances. Then they heard from Below "Get ready! i'm going in first!" and then their Captain, a guy with a full plate armor rushed up the stairs.

A sneak attack from killpi hurt him nicely, despite a couter wall of blades maneuver, Lynn rages and smashes him as well, but he stands fairly good against the AoOs. he reaches Killpi, and then uses divine surge! he hits Killpi badly, sending him to the negatives, Killpi falls behind the counter, the player stunned. :smalleek: 7th level at least, probably a paladin... a Fist paladin (our DM said he made some... changes) "oh crap!" goes around the table. Killpi barely avoids massive damage re precautions (damaged limb and such), we ready ourselves for a serious battle.

Then Shaina comes on boards, easily avaiding Lynn with her tumble skills, flips over a table and shoots at Ayla. Ayla barely avaids using an action point herself, and dives over the counter, healing Killpi back to fighting mode with her expert healing spells. Shaina yells in her elven voice "surrender now, or be slain without mercy!" It is obvious from her intonation which option she prefers...

3 soldiers come up the stairs, blocking Lynn's approach to the captain, one of them is a lieutenant. (Note: the "captain" and "lieutenant" are stronger than the ones in the previous session's retrieval squad. even the simple soldiers have some maneuvers). They attack Lynn but don't hit her. (thank you combat expertise)

Glimji moves under one of the tables, taking cover he casts Glitter dust and blind a soldier and... Shaina. her will saves are quite low. good. :smallamused:

Lynn passes the soldiers, taking their AoO, wishing to take thecommander down, she hits him strongly with a bone crusher, but he then moves aay and drinks a healing potion.

Shaina uses iron heart surge, negating the blindness. Killpi's player goes "wha...?" (he barely knows maneuvers) "can she do that?" I wonder how often she can do that with our refreshing mechanices.

Killpi rises and uses a shadow garrot on the commander who is badly hit. Ayla casts a curse of ill fortune on Shaina, and succeeds. more soldiers come up, now 6 in total (2 lieutenants) are around Lynn, they attack her and 2 hit, but they don't cause much damage. it seems so far she is tanking well...

Glimji calls form his legion of sentinels once again around the soldiers and captain, giving Lynn and Killpi flanking bonuses. this time Lynn is so into her rage to notice, welcoming the help.

We are torn against focusing on the Captain or Shaina, both proved to be deadly, both hard to defeat, but the captain is nearly down, we pursue him. Again the captain moves and drink a potion, again Killpi pursues and hits him badly. Shaina shoots Killpis, hitting him for 2d8+3d6+10 damage (2 arrows, some skirmish bonuses i think, and she probably has some feat adding dex to damage). Killpi barely survives, but thnafully Ayla is there to heal him back again.

Lynn gets fully surrounded by 2 more soldiers, she rages and roars as she fights up the attacks against her. most miss, but some hit, penetrating some of her DR due to the soldiers switching to punishing stance (+1d6 damage). But Lynn is mostly infuriated that she can't get to the REAL fight. the soldiers have many hit points, it's hard to take them down.

Seeing Shaina's deadly arrows (without even criting, which is her specialty), he casts another glitter dust on her, blinding her again. which is when the commander surprises us, by raising his sword and using some power which dispels all spells in the area! down go Shaina's blindness, her curse, our shields of faith, sentinels, Glimji's mirror images, and even the disguise self spells we still had going...

there are surprised looks, and some begrudging (mostly from Glimji's player who feels he's counteracted on every turn) but we quickly come back to the fight. this is turning more challenging by the round :smallamused:

thoughts about the paladin's power
i'm unsure at what to think of it. I think it comes to replace, and enhance the alignment based paladin powers (which in our rules do not exist). they also fit quite nicely with the "anti magic" theme of the Fist. but is it too strong? all spells in the area, no save, and no CL check or way to counteract this (that I know of)

In another campaign of mine Ialso put paladins againt the party, who had the ability to attack a witch (caster of the party's culture) and nullify her spell casting for a short while (but probably enough for an encounter). they are supposed to be quite rare opponents, are the Fist paladins rare opponents as well? I wonder how often they can use their power?

taking it up a notch!
Shaina uses the downfall of Glimji's images, and shoots him, leaving him with 1 hp (we roll all on the table). Glimji whimpers and runs and jumps over the counter, asking Ayla to heal him, but she casts hold person on Shaina and hold her.

Lynn sees this opportunity, bashes the lieutenant nearly to unconsciousness, and takes 1 more soldier down, she moves through his space taking more damages from attack of opportunities, towards Shaina, wishing to coup de grace her before she gets out of the hold.

Killpi motionsat the captain and shadow garrotes him, taking his head off! finally! Lynn yells at him "protect them!" and he goes on the counter to protect Glimji and Ayla

Shaina however uses another Iron heart surge, turn tails and runs up the stairs to the upper deck. the soldiers move to attack the counter trio, and hit Killpi hard. Ayla heals Glimji, who casts another glitter dust ("no one can take my magic now?") blinding 5 of them. Glimji follows Lynn.

The ex Fist soldier moves to the upper deck- other then 2 masts, the ari elemental ring, and a slight rail, there is nothing there... nothing except for Shaina. the air ship is gaining speed and height. Lynn moves towards her and tries a bone crusher blow, but Shaina uses some maneuver (dummy shot?) of the Iron Rain discipline (online homebrew discipline for ranged combat) and distracts her (I think it works like wall of blades, only for ranged).

Killpi start attacking the blind soldiers, while Ayla heals him. some however are not blind, including the lieutenant, against which Killpi is helpless- he can't sneak attack him, and his chain doesn't bypass his armor DR.

Meanwhile up deck Shain tries to evade, but Glimji halts her moves and tries to blind her with spells, but fails. and Lynn doesn't get past Shaina's dummy shots (she got a very high attack bonus). Lynn yells at Killpi and Ayla "get here!" and Killpi shadow garrots the lieutenant, and they both rush up, another lieutenant and some soldiers after them.

Shaina hits Glimji one more to single digits, and he runs down below. Lynn notices Shaina near the edge, and tries to bull rush her, but the quick elf throws some caltrops (another maneuver) that penetrate to Lynn's foot and stop her charge. she then moves away and shoots Lynn to negatives!

Top deck battle!
Ayla rushes to the hatch and casts a close range curing spell (due to some feat or something) bringing lynn nicely back to fighting condition. Glimji mumbles bleeding "always me last, eh?" Killpi covers her rear from the coming soldiers, knowing well that withough our healer we're doomed. Glimji moves a bit up and casts obscuring mist, blocking the site. Lynn gets up and move just ast to arrows whislte by the place she has been in.

Glimji is also healed, and Ayla and Killpi come on deck. Glimji uses his crown to cast one of the stored mirror images on Lynn, who moves out of the fog and engages Shaina, only to miss her again. Killpi shadow garrots her, and wounds her nicely.

as a lieutenant comes up the stairs, and Lynn and Killpi get Shaina between them, she suddenly... puts her hand on her chest and tumbles over a rail, to the air below! we look after her, but don't see her fly, or lower her fall, or anything, but then- there is a limit to our vision (clouds and such).

the lieutenant tries to grapple Killpi and throw him after Shaina, but fails. soon after he and the few soldiers remaining surrender.

Badly injured, few if any maneuvers left, few if any spells left, we seem to have won.

some thoughts on the battle
this was a tough battle. Shaina is lvl 9 if we're not mistaken, the paladin at least lvl 7, the two lieutenant at least lvl 5, and the soldiers... we don't know, but there were 6 of them, with many hit points (30+ each i'd wager)

we did a few mistakes here:
- first Lynn could have blocked the stairs themselves, then they couldn't get in. only 1 at a time (and Shaina's arrows
- I think we should have went for Shaina first, on the whole she dealt much more damage than the captain. but then again, that may be beacue we got him occupied.
- after the session I looked at Lynn's character sheet again, and was bummed out. I was so set to turn Lynn into a more ragin, damage dealing warrior, that I forgot the two maneuvers i've invested in before- disarm (about +20!) and trip. these could have either took out Shaina's bow (and she could not dummy shot me while I AoO her as she retook it), or trip the soldiers and let me get out to her sooner. (Guy, if you're reading this, please don't make her somehow have an "anti disarm maneuver"- I haven't used this still in the whole campaign!)
- I think that we spent too much time on the soldiers. either Lynn while being surrounded at first, or later the counter-trio.

we did quite a lot of good stuff as well though, I do believe casualties were expected from this fight.

Not out of this yet
We were just discussing what to do with the surrendered soldiers, when the captain of the ship with some guards came to the eating deck, looking around with concern. He looked stern, and just mouthed "explain yourself".

Glimji started to try the same lies he used on Joker, but the captain seemed harder to convince "you looked different looking aboard, you look like these wanted posters, and.." he looked and the beheaded captain "you killed commander Ironland, which is well beloved in Gordion". Glimji then added to his story, telling of the BlackForest Witch, an elf archer of great power who can charm and control and trick the minds of humans! the captain then brought Char up. "and you're associated with this... goblin... he confirms a slightly different story than you've told." the soldiers we captured also started to tell other stories. the captain even brought up another Fist personal from below "This scribe also backs up the story". A scribe? who the hell is this?:smallconfused:

As the lies didn't seem to work (in reality, they were veeeeeery far fetched against the evidence against us) we prepared to fight, when the captain took out a small rod, and pressed a button- 10 small hatches opened, and out of them came small sized spider looking constructs, with two blades in front each. We contemplated to fight, but Ayla whispered "i barely got any power left".

Level Up!
I was hoping we'll get more time before leveling up, but didn't get to that, despite the dire situation I delayed what class Lynn will take for the next level. Ayla and Glimji and Killpi took the 7th level as favored soul, beguiler and rogue (Killpi expected to change characters by now, so he's a bit surprised as well)

it only gets better
the party was waiting in their rooms, aching, silent. but only for a few more minutes, before they felt the ship move. Glimji, more accustomed to boats cursed "it's turning around! back to gordion!"

This seems to set Lynn off "first illusions and deceit, then cold blooded killing, Ayla whoring and then further lies, further deceit! where has all this gotten us?!" she started hammering on the door furiously. "what are you doing?" asked Glimji panicking "trying something else!" answered Lynn.

The captain soon came, And Lynn told him the story, the true story, quite quickly and hastily (or in other words- DIDN'T let him read this log). trying to emphasize being persecuted by the Fist, and the story of Far Reach. the captain listend silently, and spoke at the end "I spoke with the goblin some more, and your tail has some bearing. however, I am caught between angering the Fist, and avoiding doing the right thing." he turned, and started closing the door. "It would be terrible, just terrible, if you happened to convincingly take over the ship"

so we had a chance! we needed to take over the ship! just that, while locked away, without weapons, with those spider thingies in our way, wounded nicely and nearly no spells or maneuvers to use, and a few minutes to do this in, before being brought to "justice" and killed... right... :smalleek: did i mention our DM doesn't believe in things coming easily?

run Killpi! run! (but stealthily please)
Killpi used his last action point, and picked the lock. Glimji had one more spell in his crown- invisibility sphere, which he focused on Killpi, and on himself. however the spiders sensed GLimji, so Killpi had to go by himself. first he ran, looking for the captain, finally hearing his voice in the Pilot's room. he tries to draw him out, to threaten him, but without much success.

then he runs past the spiders (stealthily) towards the weapon vault, but this time with no maneuvers left. he tries to open the lock but fails. what next? again past the spiders (he has a hell of a stealth modifier) towards the captain "captain! the prisoners are breaking loose the elemental!" this time he partially succeeds as the captai nsends his spiders towards the elemental's room.

from the room we leave. enqueries about the ship reveal there are no "life rings" such as in Eberron air ships, but there are sort of... parachutes! we assume they are up and go there, only to find...

the Fist's scribe! attaching a parachute to his back, with five more parachutes ready for us! "took you some time to get here!" we feel the ship starting it's descent, and grab the things, putting them on as the stranger instructs "just don't forget to pull the cord as soon as you're off the ship... we don't have a lot of way down."

So we jump! we reach the ground with a few minor bumps and scraps, but otherwise ok. It is then we realise that most of our bigger pieces of equipment( tents and such), as well as our weapons (except for Killpi's dagger) are still on board! we landed about 1 km- mile from Gordion. great advancement this session! :smalltongue::smallbiggrin:

The stranger moves to Killpi, handing him a letter "this is from Emanuel, he gives the blessing of the 7 leaves". Killpi nods and grimace, but we turn to the "scribe", wondering.

Welcome Killpi's new character!

dealing with the ship's captain
I'm sure the DM had 1 or more options in mind, for telling the story and persuading the captain as well as taking over the ship. our tries were... not that successful. We did get a way out at the end in the parachute scene, but that was the failure scenario- we could have taken it all the way to Arlen I think, had we came up with good enough ideas.
So this is how we ended the session, only a tiny bit father, but a whole lot worse. We haven't yet started to think up what to do now, a lot may ride on Killpi's player' new character, we'll see.

It's tough going, but this session (especially the battle) was one of the best we had. very "edge of your seat" kind of thing. Going on the air ship was a stupid mistake (As the DM said "it's not my fault you went right into the TRAP!), we even discussed avoiding it between sessions, but went ahead and did it anyway... :smalltongue: thanks Ayla's dedication to healing- it kept us up and running. Hopefully we'll be more careful in the future, but who knows?

I still need ideas for Lynn's class for this level, currently thinking of taking 2 more levels of fighter, before the Kensai. Suggestions are welcome.

Also, I've finished updating the log till were we currently are. from here on i'll update as frequent as we play, which is not a whole lot. I'll appreciate any and all feedback, good or bad, and would love to answer questions.

thanks for reading, till next time, Kol. :smallsmile:

Kol Korran
2013-02-08, 11:06 AM
Session 9A
In which once again- one ally lives, one ally joins (but quite a disturbed one), some travel is made, disguises are had, and a late night meeting turns... unexpected...

Hey folks! still no readers, hmmm... Oh well, Hopefully someone other than the DM and me are following this. This meeting has been quite eventful, but not in the combat department, but rather in the roleplay/ conversational part. a lot of talk, some nice character development, and good fun.

I'm separating the session into two parts (see above- 9A) as there was quite a lot happening. so where were we? oh right- no weapons, most of our equipment gone, about a mile out of Gordion, with a new guy- the "scribe" who just happened to come to our aid...

This is really not the place to be having this conversation.
At the first part the DM played the new comer, and Killpi's player still roleplayed Killpi, but they gradually changed) As the party gathered the parachutes they conversed quickly.
Lynn: Killpi! who the hell is this man?
Killpi (faking innocence): he is... some one I worked with? part of the... resistance?
Mystery man: There is no time for this! we should be in a hurry! Killpi- you need to go on Emanual's orders- we were betrayed! (Killpi's eyes light up) and treasure was stolen!" (light up brighter- The DM knows what sorts of motivations the characters have)
Lynn: but who are you?
Mystery man (turning slowly towards Lynn): "Who? Who is but the form following the function of what and what I am is a man in a mask." (and if you recognize this quote than you know who this new character was based upon)
Lynn: you speak in riddles stranger. why did you save us?
Mystery man (exasperated): there is no time for this! I saved you because you showed great potential! we share a common goal. (at this the man's eyes narrowed, his pupils momentarily becoming pinpoint)
Lynn: What potential? I'm just a warrior of Chrone!
Mystery man: you proved yourself quite worthy against the Fist!
At which point Ayla interjected, with a calm and low voice: I don't much like the Fist...
Glimji and Lynn (confused at this new turn): Why?
Ayla: They... had a thing with my father, framed him as a sorcerer...
(all players at the table): WHAT?!
Mystery man: lets get a move on! we reallly, really don't have time for this!

Ayla's player is know for making fairly simple backgrounds, that rarely if ever comeinto play. it was weird for us that it took him 8 sessions to come up with this, given the AMPLE opportunities before. quite shocked us really!

late night talk show (and the great hunter!)
the party finished getting their parachutes, but still the questions remained.
Lynn: Killpi, do you trust him?
Killpi: I don't trust anyone, especially you b*tch!
Mystery man: you ask HIM?
Lynn: yes, I trust his conniving lies more than the words of men in masks...
(meanwhile GLimji casts detect magic on the new comer from a hidden angle, seeing some sort of magic all over him... so probably another sort of magical item?)
the party decides to get away from the town, after a short heated discussion they decide to head towards Arlen, the mystery man (who for now calles himself "M") thinks that is a bad idea- Arlen is the biggest city around, and there might be a good number of Fist soldiers there .Lynn confirms it- she trained there. but Glimji says that it could be easy to get lost in a place so big. M still disagrees, but Glimji also suggest Nimgat, a small town, close by. Lynn feels a pang of homesickness- Nimgat is the home of her parents. they decide to start make way, and decide on route. Killpi joins in the meantime, sullen and deep in thoughts, defensive.

On the start Lynn asks M if he has any weapons. M gladly hands her his morning star, with some reverie, which troubles Lynn a bit. at her request, he also gives Char a dagger.

Lynn leads the navigation, relying on the skills she learned in Far Reach Valley (not many points, but a few ranks still), with CHar, M and Ayla all trying to give directions. Lynn at first goes the wrong way and the navigation ends up closer to the river. both small folks however keep their eyes to the sky, looking for Shaina's bird, but see nothing following them in particular. They make a small camp and manage to get some sleep with heating packages and some use of natural method (survival skill)

At preparation Lynn asks Ayla more to her past. Ayla says her family were circus folks, and her father was a legerdemain of sorts. however, a Fist officer who have seen her wanted her, only she didn't want him back, so he framed her father and family as sorcerers, and they were taken to jail, for an execution. Lynn felt great shame. "but how, how did you become a priestess of Kendra after all of that? I would have felt hate! rage! anger! I would seek to lash out, not to share the love, sort to speak". Ayla smiled calmly "The goddess chose me, and later I opened up to her as well. one of her priestesses found her and took me. I am not as strong willed in anger as you are Lynn, I vented my frustration to another way". Lynn was confused. "And why were you traveling the Lazy Baloon?" at which point Ayla became a bit more distant. "I needed to... get away." this seemed to end the conversation.

It was at this point that we noticed that Char went missing. he returned some time afterwards, draggin what looked like the smallest, oldest, most sick ridden (probably blind and crippled) deer to camp! "Char is great hunter! look at the feast Char brings his good good friends!" he beamed. some turned to hurl, some to laugh, some tried to congratulate Char and encourage him. we didn't have any food, but thanks to a few "purify food" spells from Ayla, the deer provided some nourishment.

the first watch was left for Killpi and M (and this point the player played both, which made him quickly talk to himself in changing demeanor, it was amusing) they talked in fairly hushed voice, the only outburst coming from M: "does she know NOTHING? why you useless piece of..." (The DM has been passing notes to the player at this point, though I know not what they were about)

Lynn however used this time to meditate, trying to focus inward, to speak with the remains of Glaurnog. the others could hear mumblings coming from her as well. "lost focus battling Shaina... letting my anger get to me in Gordion... only learning of Ayla now... I need focus Glaurnog, make me see clearer, develop this gift!"

Glimji opened one sleepy eye looking at the people around him. "crazy people, the lot of you!" before turning to sleep.

Lynn's new level
character sheet level 7 (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=502864)
So... I continue with what is probably quite an unoptimized route of dipping- I took a level of psychic warrior (flavoring the powers coming from Glaurnog) took the force screen power, and thanks to wild talent feat i currently have 2 power points. next level 2 more, and another power on which i haven't quite decided. (suggestions?)

also took the extra rage feat to be able to rage 3/ day instead 1/ day (we get a feat every odd level).

as to maneuvers: 4th level that i gained are mithril tornado (the DM seems to favor large packs, and after the last fight on the ship, surrounded by Fist soldiers it seemed appropriate) and lightning recovery (for those important times you just HAVE to hit) lost the charging minotaur.

important note though: now I can use mountain hammer with no recharge time, which gives a dependable way to overcome DR and do added damage as well.

not optimized, but getting better? :smalltongue:

trek cross country
As we had south the next day Glimji has a nice surprise: a spell called Dead End, which somehow camouflages our tracks, or just make it hard to track us. he casts this a few more times during the move, saying that this will throw the pursuers into some turmoil.

We try and move fast, and so little talk is had, this time the navigation seem a bit more on route. as they near evening Lynn thanks Galurnog, which prompts the following conversation:
M: who are you talking to?
L: someone I'm trying to learn how to trust.
M: can't you just trust yourself?
L: (a bit confused) what if you don't fully know yourself anymore?

at this point there is a bit of tension between the two, until suddenly both speaks almost in unison (we as players know each other for quite long): "an exchange of information?"
L: "How did you come to happen to us just there on the ship? find Killpi that way? It takes a lot of... luck"
M: "oh, no luck. I followed you for some time through the mountain valley. I know how to remain hidden when I want to. You showed some potential... we share the same concept of the Fist" (at this point again M's voice changed a bit, slightly harsher, more feral, his eyes again pinpoints. "I HAAATE the Fist!"
L: (a bit thrown off by the intensity) "You know I was a part of it, yes?"
M: "you WERE a part of it, past tense. and you've proven once and again to stand against them". (and then suddenly M returned to normal) "You seem to have... contacted some magic in the process?"
L: (grudingly) "yeah... a lot of good it did to me. I'm still trying to understand it, learn how to use it, make sure it doesn't use ME" (she looked sharply at M)
M: If you want, I can teach you how to use it, guide you, instruct you...
L: perhaps later, there are too many people I need to learn to trust yet, yes? perhaps later...

There is a small discussion about moving on or setting camp, but at M's urgency, we continue to move through the night. Navigation is harder though, and by morning we reach a hill from which we can see the sea. Glimji taps Lynn's side "great work navigator!" and Lynn curses.

Future goals, M revealed (at least partially)
The DM decides to rush things on a bit, and we fast forward a hastened march of two more days (with a few hours of sleep and Glimji's spells) till we reach a big crossroards, leading towards 3 settlements:
- the closest is Green Shire: a wide spread farming community, with basic amenities, but probably anonimity
- more to the west is Arlen, the capital of this region. 50,000 people or so, ruled by a king that though does not support the Fist fully, is known to greatly dislike Arcane Magic (he has his own soldiers, though a small Fist fort is in town). the best place to trade off our loot, gear up, and maybe catch horses, a sea ship or an air ship. Also- Lynn trained here and the family has a house here.
- Nimgat: More to the east, Lynn's original home, a failry big town but not nearly as large as Arlen.

As usually with the party, we start to argue. M suggest giving him the loot, and he could go inside and get whatever is needed and be back. when questioned he laughs "who would question me?" and suddenly shape shift to a striking beautiful elven woman. the party immediatly take guard, shocked, before M then changes appearance (and voice, and demeanor) to that of a an old shaking begger. Lynn is shocked for a few moments, but then remembers Glimji with the hourglass eyes, Ayla and her vestment, and the dragon inside her, and lets down her guard. "why am I surprised anymore?"

M urges the party: our goals are alike!
Glimji: not like mine! you're not getting anything out of me!
M: (again snapping out, his/ her eyes turning to pinpoints) and what ARE your goals little gnome?
G: to get to the southern cities, and get away from the Fist! and then be done with you! I've had enough!
L: (contemplating) Well, this may sound odd, but while we were chased I had a strange dream. a danger coming, not from the Fist or what seem like mortal entity, but something truly super natual, aiming to take down all of us... (at which point she tells the dream she received from Glurnog, but not the parts about her family). My guess is that there is something coming from the Misty Swamp to the east, and that possible salvation may be found to the south, probably the Savage Moor, land of orcs and giants. I need to go find this "light in the south". I always felt as if I was without cause, without purpose, but this seems... right. worthy. will you join me?"
Ayla: "This sounds like something worthy of the goddess, I will come with you."
M: I concur! I knew there was great potential! I will follow and guide you Lynn, the spirits, my spirits, have told me so... (changes to the elven figure again. only without bow and arrow, but a crossbow)
G: (... grits his teeth) well thats a hell of a dream... I... I... lets get to the southern colonies first, ok?
Char: (ears down) "This great danger. If you no leave Char, Char no leaves you!"
K: you are all mad! I've had it! we got back to the city, and now good ridden! You think I will go on such a fool's quest? no thanks! now give me my loot and be off with you! I'm done with THIS group!

knitting the group together
I'll admit this was an odd place to reveal this Dream, but it suddenly occured to me that there is no real reason for us to continue after this point- we were sort of "making do" because we had to, and though I tried a few times to get closer to Glimji's character, the player didn't go my way a lot, staying true to the original idea of his character. It might have been a lot harder to get Killpi on board as well, especially as he could "get lost" the easiest amongst us.

I think we sort of came to an agreement to try and patch Glimji to the group more by the time we reach the southern cities, or find some other way to get him motivated (the crown perhaps?)

About Morden's race and class
So we know Morden is an elf. (he showed us the pic. I don't think he gave a pic to each alter personality). elves in our campaign have +6 dex, +2 cha, -4 str, -4 con. along with some magical abilities. which explains her ranged tendencies.

It was at this point I realized her class- Binder. The player have been wanting to play this class for a loooooong time (failing all his tests for personality changes). so he had been binding Naberius all this time? I wonder what other surprises he has for us...


Bright Lights Bigger City!
We spread the loot around, not much (about 2000 gp each), but a fair deal in this campaign's ranges. we give Killpi his share (and then he's off) and decide to go into Arlen, in small groups. M takes out her disguise kit as she fixes us up, and Glimji prepares some spells to aid for those it didn't go well (especially Char).

The party agrees to meet after the gate ,but Lynn gives general directions of the City. hesitant she mentions her parents old home, but Ayla says that will be the first place they'll look, So they decide to avoid it.

M makes Lynn looks quite older, (she sells her battle gear, worried that it might attract glances) Ayla looking sick, Char is turned into a halfling, and Glimji just undergoes minor changes, making him look like a traveling craftsman. M herself changes her looks to that of a merchant, and we decide to let her (now him) go first. each group is about 10 minutes after the other.

M passes the gates freely, getting a pss for one week. next Are Lynn and Ayla, who try to pass as an elderly woman accompanying the sick to the temples in the town. uncharacteristically Lynn bluffs for them both (the player got tongue tied all of a sudden), thanking Killpi for little lessons by observation. last come Glimji the gem cutter and his apparentice Char. they chat a bit with the merchants and get a pass inside.

we meet nearby and decide to let Glimji and M conduct the shopping, while the rest get Char out of sight before the magic wears off, we decide to head off towards the docks, to an inn called Berdig's place, a place where Lynn snuck to a few times on training to drink unharnessed.

They reach the place, an inn for sailors, deck hands and the like. some look strangely at the small bunch, but Lynn manages to convince (with a few coins) to just be given rooms and be let to rest.

meanwhile the other two go about purchasing some common gear, some new armor and weapons for Lynn, and some potions and the like. Morden keep asking Glimji about his magic, his eyes, the strange crown and more, and Glimji grunts his teeth and tolerates her, but only barely.(it seems that ALL of these players characters are opposed to each other)

the two then separate .Glimji seeks to purchase some thieves tools (now that Killpi ain't around) and make some... delicate inquiries. Finally a person agrees to meet him:
stranger (suspiciously): you were looking for some... special tools?
G: why yes! often when I go out drinking I lose my keys, and I get stuck out of my house. I need to have means of getting back, you know?
S: I see... how drunk do you get? I got some simple tools, and some better tools, to help you when youre really drunk of course!
G: oh! I get drunker than a dwarf on his wedding day! I need some quality tools, can't sleep out of the house anymore! wife will get pissed!

and so on, until he got his masterwork tools. M in the meantime went to check the docks, and got to talk to the Dock Master- a burly rough built like a brick house woman. the usual charms didn't work here, she wasn't a woman for charms- she liked to keep things straight and simple. non the less he tried to find out the cost, and more importantly the secrecy- of getting a few crates (G: "you want us to go in CRATES?") on a fast going ship towards Loran and Daranel. He then saw an opening (a box of cigars) and started chatting her up on them.

Meanwhile at the Inn Char fell asleep almost immediately. Lynn still wished to get to her house "I need to see it Ayla, I've gotten my parents, my family into so much trouble now!" Ayla smiled but nodded negatively. "NO Lynn! this will endanger everything. put your past in the past, as I have mine. It's the only way to move forward. How about... a massage instead?" Lynn resigned "Sure, why not? it has been a long time since I had some relaxation."

Char woke up.

eaves dropping, Nightly sneaking
After the massage Lynn went down to get some food. while there she noticed two Fist soldiers, but not just any soldiers- these were from the Eagle knights! a special elite unit from which paladins rose. but theywere not paying attention to her, they were drinking and eating. she took her meal and sat near them, eaves dropping. the conversation wasn't special- their unit was in Arlen for training, tactics, women and so on. Lynn wondered- could Jonathan be here? she carried some food upstairs to Ayla and the famished Char, and went outside, to wait for the others.

As Glimji and Morden arrived she told them the news, and they told her of what they accomplished (and passed goods under blankets). Morden told her plan to hide them in crates, but neither Lynn nor Glimi liked this (Ayla's player also weighed in). it will put them in the captain's mercy, and if Morden fails to succeed, they will be stuck in crates. and most likely disguises and magic won't go all the way. They decided to take horses tomorrow morning, and just speed their way towards Katula or Talas. They sought more rooms, and went to sleep.

well, almost all went to sleep. around 1:00 A.M. Lynn snuck of her room, wearing only a concealed dagger, heading down. Unknown to her Morden took another form and was down as well, stil llistening to the two Fist soldiers (eyes going pinpoint on and off). As Morden saw her, she followed. Where would she be going to so late at night?

Lynn's choice, and metagaming
from a pure tactical gaming point of view I knew that going back to Lynn's house would be dangerous, But I previously asked the DM to plan something here, and I was curious as what it was. I was hoping this won't be the ruin of the party, but I trusted him not to go so overboard. I wasn't sure though...)

Also, at the table I tried along with Morden's player to find a way for him to follow Lynn (I wanted some backup), but came to way too heavy metagaming (it happens). luckily the dice were in our favor, at least at first (Lynn's abysmal sneaking along with good perception from Morden)

Lynn reached the merchant gate, and it's guard, once more selling some lie that she was a servant who forgot some of her work, she got inside. Morden who followed however, but this time he failed his tongue:
Guard: where are you going this time of night?
M: I'm looking to buy some wine.
G: AT 1:30 A.M?
M: it's a special wine, he can't sell it at morning. (party face palms)
G: what is this merchant's name?
M: I... don't know.
G: (more menacing) what are you really doing here?
M: I'm but an honest businessman!

at which point he fumbled some excuse and got quickly away, only to then return as a young poor 20 year old woman, looking for her old mom who went this way. this time the lie stuck, but Morden has already lost Lynn's tracks.

Lynn reached her former house- a two stories house, neglected a bit for some time, since her parents went back to Nimgat. past memories steered in her. to her surprise there was a light at the top window. Jonathan? (she expected his presence from the conversation of the Eagle Knights- the unit to which he belongs) despite warnings from the group Lynn tried to climb the vine fence at the side of the building, peek inside. otherwise, what would be the point of coming here at all?

which is when the dice failed Lynn, and she felt clumsily to the ground, making quite a ruckus in this time of night. Cursing she got up. "Who's there?" she heard a shout. scrambling, she got up and tried to run away, but she was quickly pursued, quite fast. she turned to meet her pursuer, firghtened, shaking, fearing she has now doomed her party members in her foolishness. (I was worried I really, really, really screwed this up this time!) "Jonathan! it's me, Lynn!" there was a stunted pause, then his voice came "YOU! You have ANY idea what you've been doing? running away while i'm trying to save you? come here!" which is when he drew Lynn into a big hug.

tell the truth, I was stunned, I kinda expected Jonathan to be an even more extreme version of the Fist soldiers we've met so far. I thought I was doomed- next adventure: get Lynn out of jail! I wasn't expecting a hug! but I was welcoming it.

Brother and sister went to their old home, to the old room, the now dusty kitchen and got something to drink. "I've been trying to help you Lynn, but I can't help you no more, not after the deal in the airship, not after you've killed a paladin of the Fist." He looked weary, tired. "I've pulled all my favors, and I've gotten some of the pursuit off you. But Alex? you know her right? she has taken your fight as a personal insult. she has mobilized quite a few forces against you, you must be careful!"

Lynn was touched, but also a bit ashamed "Jonatahn, thank you. I know I must have caused great trouble for you, for mom and dad. I... I... didn't plan this. but I couldn't just leave the Fist to wipe out that village." she then looked up in determination "Jonathan. I've heard so many horrors about the Fist. It is not what you think it is, please- if you can try and leave..."

But we smiled at her. "The Fist is not perfect little sister, far from it, but it does real good in the world, and protect from real dangers, horrible dangers that you are blessed to know nothing about. I try and do the good I can for it from within."

they talked a bit like brother and sister, reminiscing, till Lynn has grown more sad "You know one day you might need to hunt me." he waved her away "let that day never come! you've eluded one of our best trackers, Shaina is missing, try to elude us some more, ok?" he hugged her one last hug. "now go! before your absence is missed."

As she turned from him, she dared speak her words "Mother? Father?" she heard Jonathan sigh "I hid them. for now. not the best of options, but still. our actions have consequences, whether we like them or not." Lynn looked at him, perhaps for the last time. "Thank You Jonathan, this was not what I expected. I'm going to try and search for Robert, starting with the United Cities". For a moment she wondered whether to tell him of her dream- seeing her two brothers killing each other. she couldn't bring her self to do so. Jonathan laughed "we are not all bad, please remember that when you face our soldiers again, ok? and as to Robert- He is beyond my Reach, I don't know where he is."

Lynn, a bit too overcome with emotions (as a player I was a bit at a loss to tell the truth) turned around and left. "good bye little sister, take care and be careful!" were Jonathan's last words.

in the cold night air, feeling shaken more than most battles she has been in, Lynn made her way back to the inn.

My thoughts on the encounter
I really liked it! Jonathan came out to be quite different than I expected, which is always good, and it also gave the Fist a more complex face other than "evil guys! hate magic kill them all!" kind of thing. It also enabled Lynn to kind of put some of her past behind her, a theme which will continue in this meeting.

Now I'm curious about Robert! :smalltongue:

This is a fairly good stopping point at this half. the next half makes Ayla and Morden really shine, through a little twist in the plot. I'm not sure when I will be able to update, but if you have any questions or comments in the meantime, feel free to ask...

2013-02-08, 01:14 PM
Just to let you know, I am reading this and thoroughly enjoying it. Keep it up. I wish more people had the time to put up interesting campaign journals. Great for ideas and see fun things other people have done with the game.

2013-02-08, 04:43 PM
Do you have any tips on how to make a campaign journal interesting?

Kol Korran
2013-02-09, 12:37 AM
Just to let you know, I am reading this and thoroughly enjoying it. Keep it up. I wish more people had the time to put up interesting campaign journals. Great for ideas and see fun things other people have done with the game.

thanks! actually there is a fair number of journals (not a lot, but enough). I suggest googling "GiTP: campaign log" to find more. of the top of my head:
- SilverClawShift's journals (go to the main roleplay forum, and click on stickied threads, look there): excellent complete campaigns- cool concepts, great DM and players, and very flowing reading. highly recommended!
- Kaveman26' journals in the main roleplay forum. we write quite differently, and the focus is different, but he has some very interesting ideas, and his posts are shorter (and thus probably more readable).
- LOTS of Red Hand of Doom journals: this is a module that take characters from level 5-10, and is considered one of the best made campaigns for 3.5. however most journals assume you know the encounters, characters and so on, so it may be a bit hard to follow. it's great to see how different groups and DM went through the same challenge.
- I have another journal (complete one) from the DM's point of view, in my sig ("many facets of darkness"). it's better received than this journal, and I think it's quite an entertaining read. focuses on the DMs point of view- planning, running the game, difficult decisions and so on.
- all kind of other journals, just look for campaign/ adventure logs/ recaps. note that not all follow throuh to the end- many fall short due to lack of response. which leads me to...

Do you have any tips on how to make a campaign journal interesting?
Not sure... my logs don't get that many responses, I think you may better ask Kaveman26- he's quite more popular, so I suppose his logs are more interesting. A few things that come to mind:
- content: if the game experience wasn't thrilling/ exhilerating to you, then it probably won't be to the readers. you must start with a fun and cool game experience.
- characters with personality: this differs- some like to know the characters' race, class, and 1-2 easy quirks, some seek more than that, they seek more complete people. find your balance.
- descriptive, but not too descriptive: explain enough to make things understood, but no need to go all-Tolkein and describe the way the light falls on the leaves of the trees and such.
- point of view: you need to decide it early on: DM's point of view, player's point of view, (these first two are the most interesting), character's point of view and lastly a narrator's point of view. the last two are often frowned upon, as people come not to read a novel, but a game, and a game needs the players and DM. you can try and mix some things up (As I try to do in this log, not necessarily to my success)
- Important decisions: Many people look for this- what were the crucial decision points of the characters, where things could go here and there, and what did the party decide upon and why. (even if it led to a fail)
- correct English: I fail at this (I forget capitlaization often) but it helps if you can write correctly and clearly- like driving on a smooth road instead a bumpy road.
- suspense: try to build it and use cliff hangers when you can.
- humor: always appreciated. doesn't need to be in character. at-the-table humor is quite fun too!
- try to keep posts to a reasonable length (not something I'm good at... :smallfrown:)

I hope this helps?

2013-02-09, 01:24 AM
By the way, if you're looking for more campaign journals, I have one too (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=264661).

Kol Korran
2013-02-11, 08:30 AM
Session 9B
Where love is spread around, for better or worse...

Sick today, so I thought to catch up on this. (I swear in one of my campaigns there will be an arc villain race of microscopic malignant creatures, taking the world one flu victim at a time!) This part of the session got a bit silly. we were caught up by the roleplay atmosphere, and we tried to make things happen, not exactly mattering what they were. we found it quite hilarious, (though Glimji's player may have felt a bit left out) I hope you will find it too.

consider this a... non orthodox break from normal adventuring...

Temple run
Next morning Morden was suspicious "where have you been?" she inquired of Lynn. "I've been some info gathering on my own" she said, and told the party of Shaina and Alex. The party pondered this, but Modrden was more concerned of where Lynn got the info. "This time, from people I trust" Lynn replied. Morden let it go.

As Morden changed to her merchant appearance soon, she went to buy some horses and gear wit hsome ofthe money that was left. the party decided to leave Arlen in a similar manner of entering (disguises and some magic for Char). on their way to the gates however, Ayla sought to visit the temple of Kendra. her garment made her depressed and moody today, so Lynn agreed, thinking it might cheer her up. they went to the temple.

Not sure if i've mentioned this before, but Kendra is both the goddess of lust, but also of "proper" love, marriages and raising children and so on. her temple was magnificent in it's beauty, very aesthetic, with quite a few statues of alluring humanoids. also curtains, soft music, and the like.

As Ayla entered the temple, she felt the effect of the Temptress Silk lifting, and her mind, body and soul rejuvenated. she went to pay homage to the goddess, both in donation (about 200gp, a fair deal of our money at the point) and dancing to praise her goddess (she has ranks in perform) she danced for a few minutes, giving her grace, her beauty, her love and elation to her goddess. "what I can give to my goddess is hers".

As she finished her dancing (Lynn watching grumpy, but slightly envious from far back) A young strikingly handsome man approached her, adorned with fabulous armor and a sword (sheated). "Ayla! my beauty! I have waited for quite some time to meet you!" he kneeled down and skissed her hand. Lynn rushed towards her alarmed, but Ayla smiled and motioned to the symbol of Kendra the young man had on his armor. A servitor to the goddess as well.

quest of the boy fan
Ayla requested the man to rise. "We should probably do this in a more private place" she looked for one of the temple's... conjugation rooms, and motioned the man there, smiling at Lynn. "coming?" Lynn was a bit stunned, unsure. but she followed cautiously "perhaps she misunderstood yesterday night's massage?"

Once in a more private place, The man introduced himself, in a voice resembling the young Sean Connery "Forgive me, I am Sam Burnett, I am an aid to mistress Lauren Hightower from the south, I had a vision to meet you here! You see, we were riding north on the king's road, when we were suddenly belaid by slavers! she had some sort of an important message ,a vision for you Ayla, you must help me free her, before Kendra will reveal more!" he lowered his head, closed his eyes in fervent reverie "I escpaed, and i was given a dream- to seek you, here in the temple of Arlen. You have a great role in the events to come!" he began kissing Ayla's hand passionately again, slowly working his way up.

"I am but a humble servant, it's not for me to disagree with the goddess." replied Ayla, non plussed by the affection, not unlike the suddenly embarassed and almost blushing Lynn. she tried to remain focused "you were riding north? from where? where was the attack?" Sam shrugged "we were coming from Talas, this happened nearly 3 weeks ago! I hope the mistress was allright, they seemed cruel men, even had ogres with them. The attack was about half a day south of Zath village"

Ayla seemed more at calm, more at peace than she had been for a long time (the player too, he was LOVING it!) "we are pursued by the Fist, aiding us may warrant you on the wanted list as well, this may well risk your life! do you understand?" and like an adoring, blind by love (or passion, or a good kick to the head) Sam kneeled before Ayla, and vouched his loyalty, servitude and defense to her cause. "as the goddess wishes it, so it will be!"

Lynn rolled her eyes. "we just got Morden! This is getting weirder" we leave the temple, Sam in tow, Ayla becming depressed and moody again, and go to find the rest outside of Arlen.

Morden's "mood swings"
Glimji grumbled as soon as he saw the next person to join. "you gotta be kidding! does the words "fast escape, travel light" mean anything to you?" Ayla introduced the adoring Sam, and explained the quest.
M: "Slavers?!" (her eyes turning to pinpoints, her voice hissing) "I'll do it for free!"
A: "we ARE doing it for free!"
M: "oh" (suddenly looking at Lynn piercingly) "You said Zath village was on the way?"
L: (slightly stunned by the gaze) "What's the matter with you Morden? are you bloody possessed?"
M: (whsipering) "Are we not all possessed? by the past? by secrets? by things holding us back Lynn?"

thankfully Ayla have just taken off her shawl, and the Temptress Silk worked it's glorious appearance (or lack there off). Sam of course was immediately over awed by Ayla. Morden narrowed her eyes. Char's ears slumped, noticing the competitor. "but... but..."

Morden got us 3 light war horses to ride on. Glimji rode with Ayla, Char with Lynn, and Morden on her own (Sam brought his own horse) We continued south, not straight o nthe main road, a bit slowed, but making good way. near evening we reached Sarthan fields, another mostly agricultural community, and stopped by the inn- "Cathy's place" to freshen up. despite the possible danger we (for some reason I can't remember) do go in.

As we eat Morden, who has been grumpy the entire ride (still looking like the merchant) interrogates Sam- what were his relationship with Lauren ("she was my mistress, a paladin of Kendra"), was there anything more ("Kendra is not possessive if the need not arise.") and so on. suddenly Morden gets up and tell Sam harshly "meet me in my room" before leaving. we all quickly leave as a group of local guards come to eat and drink. we head up.

As Sam knocks on Morden's room, she opens the door in her true form. He is stunned by her beauty, but is quite confused. "I think I am in the worng room!" Morden scowled "yes you are! now come here!" still in a slightly foul mood does not give him more chance to speak, drawing him in, kissing wildly. Sam is a bit confused, but definitely game "we have a mutual path, and I'm quite ready to assist! I'm glad you you see that work and pleasure can go together!" Morden growls at him angrily "you talk too much, just roll with it!"

I will skip the details (as we did so in our session as well, there is a limit to what depths we'll go) Sam was great, Morden was great, they had great fun. as soon as it was over however, Morden got up and grabbed poor Sam, rushing him out, throwing his clothes to him "get up! go away!" she said angrily, menacingly, coldly. This kind of reminds me of this, kind of (http://www.shamusyoung.com/twentysidedtale/?p=951) :smallbiggrin:

In her room, Ayla smiled, she was not the jealous kind, and was happy to see love spread around.

yes, it gets worse
Morden's player looked through his list of vestiges till he said "I'm binding Melphas, and I'm failing my check." seems like this Melphas vestige has an influence that means the character falls rediculously easily in love with the first one who shows her affection, and if her heart is broken, she falls in love with the next one whos whows her a hint of warmth and care. this was going to be hilarious!

At morning Ayla danced her dance, and Lynn was a bit more confused, trying more to meditate inwards, regain focus. Glimji was a bit more secretive than usual, scampering about while CHar was complaining about how fake and stupid Sam was. As Morden appeared however she had a strikingly white raven (one ofthe powers of the vestige) on her shoulder. Glimji tried to discern if this was afamiliar, but was alarmed as he sensed this was something more, some kind of another magic, live magic, sinister magic. he immediately spoke up.

"Where did that come from? I know of no magic like this!" (the player really doesn't) "she brings bad name to arcane magic! SHE" (he pointed a finger at her accusingly) "is why the Fist hunts the rest of us! WITCH!"

Sam however already spoken a few kind words to Morden, and she fell deeply in love with him, going all over him. this has, needless to say, disturbed most in the party.

L: "What's this shape shifter? new kind of magic? what's this raven?"
M: (enamored) "what's the matter Lynn? you're jealous?"
A: "oh leave her be Lynn! wha't worng with some LOVE?"
L and G are astounded by this turn of events.
Char inches forward "but Morden... I.. I love you too!"
Morden hisses at him "My love is only for my dear magnificent Sam!" (the man doesn't know quite how to take it)

Not knowing much what to do, the party rides onwards. Morden suggests the high road, and send her white raven ahead to scout. "i can see through it's eyes! hear through it's ears!" Glimji mumbles back "dark magic! soul bound to darker things!" when Morden' eyes focus on his, pinpoints again, restrained malevolence...

The raven does spot an ambush/ checkpoint of Fist soldiers ahead, so we circumvent around it.

thoughts about the reason for the ambush
I'm not sure if this was planned or not, was the Fist force there to begin with, or did the DM decide to put it in at a moment's notice? It might be that he wanted to make Morden more useful (her raven scheme working) or he might have wished to give us a chance at comabt, which we still didn't have this session. I don't know.
Lynn rides closer to Glimji, and speaks in hushed tones.
L: "you're the expert on the arcane Glimji, what do you make of it?"
G: "It's an unnatural spirit that is! one i'm not sure I wish to trust!"
L: "it did save us from the Fist force"
G: "so we're saved from one thing, at what a price, eh?" he looked at her with his hourglasses for pupils.
L: (to herself) "what a price indeed?" she surveyed the people in her group, herself included. At which point Morden joined the two.
M: "talking about my gift? it is a gift from the spirits I harbor"
G: "A gift? or a trade?"
M: (laughs slightly) "you see magic as simple, i see it as a 3 sided coin."
G: "magic is simple, you learn the shape and form of the spell, you take into your mind and release it!"
M: "so you... control magic? I prefer to... play with it instead"
G: "Lynn! Do you trust this spell caster?"
M: "you're a spell caster as well!"
G: "OH, I have proven myself trustworthy, while you prove yourself more unhinged by the minute!"
Sam rode in, with a stern face: "Do not insult lady Morden!"
At which point the whole thing fell to bickering and heated accusations. at last Morden unsuppressed her vestige's sign (turning her teeth and tongue black) which Glimji misunderstood for a "paltry amateurish illusion! please!" before she rode off.

the party rides on in a sour mood.

at the table
we were quite happy! this was turning interesting once more. some were worried that without Killpi there will be far less conflict. Maybe not so?

heart break motel
At camp Glimji's player passes a note to the DM. we only know that he did something concerning Sam (maybe a message spell or a quiet talk). The young knight of Kendra however blocks any more advances from Morden, saying he needs to meditate, focus and such. Morden is stricken with gried and disaster, taking it overly dramatically heart broken. (due to her vestige) she cries during her shift.

finally she wakes Lynn and Glimji for their shift. the gnome jokes around that he could cast a sleeping spell on her, to make her forget and fall asleep, and she sees this show of "kindness" and... falls in love with Glimji! he grows irritated and shoes her away, breaking her heart once more. as she cries Lynn tries to console her, a bit worried at this rapid mood swings, and Morden falls for her with passion, only to have Lynn turn her down (gently), so she sobs once more.

heart broken 3 times in one night! yikes! finally out of powers Morden goes to sleep. Lynn and Glimji use the time to talk:
L: so, an interesting journey this has turned out to be!
G: Bah! I prefer fighting the Fist to the antics of women! crazy people! the lot of them!
L: ahem...
G: oh! not you Lynn! you're the most manly woman I know!"
L: ahem!
G: really! When you were fighting those ogres I didn't know who to be more frightened from- you or them?
L: (sigh) for a magician of words you sure choose interesting ones... (Lynn walks up and start to walk around camp)
G: "Bah! women! always twist your words against you! can't get it right no matter how much you try!" (he followed Lynn on her walk) "look, we need to deal with the crazy bitch! her kind of magic will exterminate us!"
L: "strange, that is how I thought of your kind of magic when we just met, perhaps we should give her the benefit of the doubt?"
G: "benefit of the doubt?!? have you gone crazy as well? next day she's a Fist lover for all we know! those spirits she "plays" with are making her dangerous!"
L: "maybe we should have to find a way to make her come to peae with her spirits, as we do with ours..."
they walked in silence for a little while.
G: "I don't like Sam however, he a sniveling, worhsiping, flattering little ass licker!"
L: "finally Glimji! one thing we agree upon!"

the rest of the night goes unhindered.

Zath village
Morden binds Melphas again, and summons her crow again. We do not try to get her affection today however, too dangerous, and leave her be. she is in quite a bitchy mood (no wonder). the party rides towards Zath village, but Lynn seems on edge, till she tells her story (the same story as was on my background, so You might skip it if you wish): On her first real mission from the fist she and a group of other were sent to apprehend some gnome arcanists they tracked they to the halfling village of Zath, and the gnomes took cover between a bunch of children. Lynn helped find them, but could not bring herself to endanger the children. The other Fist soldiers were not so gentle. she was thrown out of the Fist that day, but always felt ashamed at her part in this, from both sides perspective. It was obvious this still confused her.

they rode to the sea side swamps (some background music) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ezKiARF3YA&feature=BFa&list=PLEA6F84410599B89C&lf=results_main) where Lynn's mood got darker and darker. it seems the village was rebuilt a new since the last wreckage. Glimji noticed some of the hardy halflings whispering about. "It seems Lynn your friends haven't quite forgotten you." Deciding to take front the gnome rode with Ayla to talk to the gathering halflings.
G: "good day to you sir, I would..."
H: (interupting) "interesting company you got there"
G: "well, interesting times lead to interesting company"
It was then that a very old woman halfling started shouting "murderers! killers! she's a spy for the Fist!" G tried to protect Lynn, when the woman started describing exaggerated and overly dramatic horrors. Lynn cringed under the attack, looking miserable. Ayla tried to peace things over, when Morden suddenly straightened in her saddle, proud, gazing fiercly at the halflings.
M: "You shall respect Lynn!"
L: "Morden! what are you doing? they are right, I did..."
M: (interupting) "You did what? (raven cries) You tried to save their children? you refrained from attacking them? for that you should be called murderer?"
L: (now angry) "How do you know? you werne't there! you couldn't have seen!"
M: "Oh, but I was! I have infiltrated the Fist as one of their own, for my... own reasons. But there I saw you, and it was not as you imagine!"
L: "But I was with The Fist when we began, just like them! I... I was as violent..." (voice trailing off)
M: "the Fist are monsters!" she said with her eyes turning to pinpoints, her voice harsher "they acted monstrously on me, and they created a monster! but you Lynn?" there was an odd proud, cold, yet somehow warm smile "You turned away from that, you are not monster" she turned to the crowd of halflings "once she was, but no more. Lynn is not one of them." turning to Lynn she adds softly "you struggle with the past so much, perhaps a time to let it go?"

for the first time in a long time Lynn smiles "perhaps it's time to let the past stay in the past... but what about you Morden, will youl et your past demons lie?" this however brought the start of rage and pinpoint eyes again, when Sam rode next to Morden. "you my lady, are the most kind of women!" which in turn made Morden french him right there and then. Glimji rolled his eyes "not this again!"

behind the scenes of Zath village
I have no idea what the DM really planned for Zath village, I have a feel he kind of winged it once Lynn told her story and it became more of a matter of inter party play. It enabled the last piece of Lynn's past to be settled (I think) before we move more to the south. It also enabled Morden's player to integrate a little bit of her back story in. originally the player wanted to add Killpi to the event in some way, but characters change, so...

towards some action!
we rode a bit more and made camp. we were close to the ambush point. Sam rejected Morden's advances "tomorrow I shall be with my mistress, mind, body and soul. we had our little fun, didn't we?" Morden again, is crushed, and falls to the wamr arms of Ayla. As Glimji and Lynn are woken to their shift, they find them cuddled together.
L: Do you know of a remove curse or possession spell Glimji?
G: I think it might be the Temptress Silk- the mood swings are infectious now? next it will be us!"
(exchaning alarmed looks)

Next morning Morden binds some sort of vestige named Focalor, making her depressed, moody, her eyes on the verge of crying. ("yep! it's the Temptress Silk allright! any way on how to... um... remove it?") Ayla however is fine this morning.

we're just a big bunch of emotionally unstable people, aren't we? :smallamused:

we move south, towards the Troll Hills (nearby the ambush was sprung) we continue till we make camp. only we're quite weary tonight, and for a good reason- at night a human dressed in hides wielding an axe comes closer, trying to cajole us to come closer to his position. Glimji calls to him "why don't YOU and your friends join us?" at which point the man laughs, and about 20 more people come from the area.

Ayla looks at Lynn: "Lynn my dear, didn't the past few days make you... ANGRY?" Morden was crying on the other side "oh it's hopeless! we're all doomed!" Lynn rolled her eyes and let out a growl "well, this does! come and meet MY spirits!" with that she focused inwards and brought on a shimmering shield of force, made out of tiny spectral flames (force screen) and let out a wild roar, waving her flail up high (rage)

the 20+ bandits charged, but it sooned turned out to be a simple battle. Blimji got into a position where he unleashed a Cone of Dimness, making most blind (only 4 made their saves) Morden came closer to some, weeping and bemoaning, affecting them with an aura of despair, before using a fire burst (?! where did that came from?) to incinerate some, even knocking Sam deary into negatives ("love burns! traitor! that's what happens when you break up with me!") Ayla rushed to heal Sam, while Lynn and Char fought with unbidded passion. the fight turned out to be a wipe out from then on. 2 of the bandits escaped (un blinded ones) but most others were killed, though we captured 2 for investigations.

behind the scenes of the battle
i'm unsure if the battle was planned. Usually the Dm has maps and so on but this one didn't and felt a bit like a rushed job. I think he might have been worried we'll feel that we didn't get our kill quota this meeting (though I personally felt fine without it) and so this was brought up.

still, this is good. now that he sees our comparative strength, it might give him some cues into designing the next encounters to the slaves better. I expect us going deep into the troll hills. :smalleek:
so that's the second part of the meeting, a bit more goofy and a tad weird. Party dynamics are being rearranged now with the arrival of Morden, (and to lesser extent Sam). An interesting observation is that much of this session's play we had between ourselves, but the DM provided some cool opportunities. Introducing Sam was a stroke of genius, I've never seen Ayla's player more involved in the game.

so all in all- cool! :smallsmile:
As always, I'd love to hear from readers.

2013-02-13, 02:21 PM
I must say I'm impressed with the role-playing! It's really enjoyable to see the party members develop. Your posts are great - keep it up! :smallsmile:

Kol Korran
2013-02-24, 10:06 AM
thanks dsender!

and a bit of news to any who might wait- due to RL constraints (again :smallsigh:) our next meeting is only in the middle of march. so updates will come after that unfortunately.

Kol Korran
2013-03-23, 09:45 AM
Session 10
Where some dungeon crawling is had, and some crits are spread around

once again a long wait between sessions. we need to find some way to address this. we're considering playing with a player missing, but that may or may not work (we tried it in a previous campaign, and it was kind of "meh...").

I think our DM wants to give each session a different feel. we seem to have quite themed sessions, in terms of action/ roleplay/ tension/ so on elements of the game. This session is mostly dominated by dungeon crawling for example.

It is also interesting i nthe amount of criticals and fumbles rolled (yes, we use fumbles). since we roll all rolls in the open, this can't be just a case of a DM trying to create more risky ventures (in fact, by our rules the DM rolls very, very few rolls in a session, if at all).

last thing before we begin- we decided to try and alter our maneuver mechanics, which seemed to be somewhat overpowered and problematic and return to something more similar to the original rules, with preparing maneuvers and using only readied ones. This affects Lynn only so far, which knows 8 maneuvers, and can prepare 5. those stayed the same throughout the session: mythral tornado (attack every enemy around her), iron heart surge, bone crusher (extra 4d6 damage, and helps to confirm crits), mountain hammer (bypass DR and add 2d6), and steel wind (attack 2 enemies).

time to start the session, no?

Interrogation/ preview of what it is to come
Last we left the party they just beaten a big group of bandits. a few ran, and one was captured. the party knew they were a part of a group of slavers, who have captured Lauren Hightower, a high priestess of Candra, who sought Ayla for some reason...

Lynn tries to intimdate the poor sap, but her voice betrayes her. so she turns to Glimji "master Glimji, your expertise with words is required..." The gnome is a bit surprised, but conjures a smallillusory flame in his hand, moving it pass his sandclock pupils. This works well, and the mook answers our questions easily.

He begins the conversation wrong though- "I'm just a simple soldier sir! I do what my leader tells me!" (And we've heard that excuse a few times in history now, haven't we?) this gets him a glare of Morden, who surprisingly stays silent at the moment. a few more questions yield the following- him and the other bandits camp outside some ruins in the inner hills. they capture people and bring them to work in the ruins. they give the people to Nari's group- some slaver with a small group of highly skilled soldiers and even ogres! Morden eyes, despite her mournful demeanor, flare up at the mention of Nari (I don't know if it's someone important to her personally, or just because he is a slaver). When Ayla asks the soldier he remembers someone befitting the description of Lauren Hightower. when questioned more about Nari the prisoner almost weeps, just saying that "he gives me the creeps! something wrong with him!" seeing as we get most of our info, the prisoner begs that we'll let him leave, which immediately raises tensions in the group, but Glimji offers him freedom if he leads us to the compund.

We move into the troll hills, up till late morning (Ayla passes her save of the Mistress Silk, and Morden binds someone called Dahlavelnar?). we reach some area with ancient ruins, and upon cresting a hill we see the camp of the bandits... abandoned. our prisoner motions to some big doors and an opening at the side of another hill, and asks to go.

he begs profusely, saying he will change his ways, even battle slavers, but we do not quite believe him. Ayla say to release him, Sam surprises us saying to kill him, Morden agrees with him, while Glimji wishes to stay by his word. Lynn turns to him "He is a slaver, he did this of hos own free will, and he might do so again. would you give him a chance if say he was a Fist soldier saying he'll amend his ways?" to Which Glimji retorted quite quickly "Oh, In that halfling village not long ago I saw a Fist woman who changed her ways..."

As Lynn ponders this, Sam say he will put up an Ambush, but the paniced prisoner promises he won't. Glimji tries to play another trick, and makes a show of casting a hidden curse on the prisoner, one that will force him to leave this place, and act good, or slowly be consumed by an ill omen.

But as the prisoner runs off, Morden silently cast true strike, and then aims to his head and shoots true, killing him on the spot! (I think the DM allowed this use due to the dramatic affect). Lynn is pissed off "we decided to let him go!" Morden retorts "correction- you decided to let him go! I will never let such scum live!" Glimi gets annoyed, but only shakes his head sadly "and you wish to travel with her? we can't trust her!" Lynn looks at Morden, torn between the need for group coherence and believing that she did right. "Morden, as long as you're with us, you must abide by the group's decision." Morden lifted her head "I know those kind of people, they don't desreve to live! I know you- would you let him go free?" Lynn gritted her teeth "that's beside the point! even if you don't like the group's decision, you need to abide by it!" Morden shook her head "some decisions are beyond those of the majority, lets get on with it!" Reluctantly, the group agreed.

Lynn's morals, and the "Belkar dilema"
I'm having some trouble with playing Lynn, especially in the sort of a leader role it seems i'm half thrust into. I was yet unsure as to where Lynn stood on the matter, before Glimji and Morden offered their "solutions".

As to Morden, the player has a tendency to play with the group, except at certain lines that he sets to himself which are prime personality traits. I guess we've stumbled into one. It may not be apparent in the log (I don't remember everything) But she made a reference here and their at being captured and tortured.

I don't want to have to reign the character (mark of justice is fun in comic, but annoying in game), but something may need to be done. in a strange way- though Morden has better motives to work with the group than Killpi, she may clash with Glimji much more often.

Bigger and meaner!
We decide to try to sneak towards the doors, but Lynn is not the greatest sneaker, and makes some ruckus, which gets a shout from the inside. strangely enough Morden continues to sneak, as if not getting it (later the player told me the vestige makes her understaing of a situation a bit delayed) battle was joined!

We prepare to see who comes, while Ayla casts a few defenisve spells. a big menacing ogre appears in the doorway. But it differs from the previous primitive ogres we fought- this is better equipped, and has a more trained posture on him.

Morden tries to use some power that transfers damage dealt to her to the attacker, but fails, so she tries to shoot him, but instead hits the doorpost, and we kid and say it hit the Mezuzah- jewish ogres! (this became a running joke through out the session) Lynn creates her force screen of dragon spirits, and moves to block the ogre, seeing 2 more bhind him. "he got friends!"

But the ogre is much more skilled than expected, and smashes Lynn forcefully, causing 33 damage after bypassing her 10 DR! Lynn passes her saving throw against massive damage, but is quite stunned by the blow. Sam and Char close distance ("die you big sack of bones!") to the chargin of the party. Glmji uses some invisibility and mirror image spells to protect himself.

Ayla heals Lynn from a far (some feat she has, quite useful!) and Lynn uses her max combat expertise bonus to defend herslef, which is quite needed as the ogre tries to smash her. from here on Lynn and Char try to keep the ogre at bay (Sam get hit by a javelin and nearly dies, and get thrown away). while Morden blasts, and Glimji makes short work of the ogres by blinding them and baffling them and more beguling magic. Lynn gets inside and crtis one ofthe blinded ogres, who fails his save, breaking his leg, at which Char jumps and double crits, causing serious damage.

as the ogres get mostly neutrelized/ ineffective by Glimji's magic, Morden gets in and lays her hand on one of them, channeling a shocking grasp. she continues to do so round after round, never breaking contact, burning him slowly, until she ends up frying him. Glimji and Ayla wait outside, conserving spells, waiting for the "clean up crew" (Lynn and Char) to finish the job.

5 criticals so far. 1 fumble by Lynn (not detrimental thankfully)

An odd response
The party finishes the ogres, and get inside the hill into a massive hall. it's quite fancy, and heavily decorated, though most decorations are worn out. it seems like the place went through some sort of catastrophe, some earth quake or such?

as we start to investige the huge room, suddenly we hear a loud sound and the doors slam shut behind us! trapped! but by who? why? we felt unease at this. The room had big set of doors to the right and left, and an opening up ahead. we can't make anything of the markings (some strange geometrical shapes), so we decide to explore the door.

first we go to the right doors, that lead to some make up storage, as well as the lodgings of the 3 ogres (with some loot). but it seems the original purpose of the place was some sort of a... temple? pictures of undead (or at least dead looking bodies) bowing to a skeletal figure of a dead woman- Lilk, goddess of death (NOT a good god to piss off!) Lynn is not pleased "Lets just find Lauren and get the hell out of here!" Sam however wishes to destroy this evil place, supported partly by Glimji (in a sarcastic manner).

We then return to the great hall and go to the doors on the left, where we find... a prison of a sort. It seems here were held the slaves. 4 decomposing (and awefully smelling) corpses are still inside. Sam looks and says, quite apathically, without much emotion "oh no... that is Lauren, my mistress!" we look at him oddly- he doesn't look much grief stricken, shocked, or much of an emotional response of any kind on his face. alarm bells start to ring off! betrayer?

we decie to open the locks, and search the place. Lauren's body was a bit hurt, but seems to have been mostly dead due to starvation, the other 3 corpses as well. despite the stench we search the place, and find a hidden journal, of Lauren. Sam starts to pray for Lauren (trying to cover up his mishap?) and Ayla joins him, believing in him. meanwhile Lynn read whatever is legible in the journal. a long story short- it details mostly boring stuff about the journey from the United Cities in the south, and goes on and on about the importance of some letter from High General Slavis (High General is a rank in Chrone's priesthood- god of war, whci hLynn follows). the letter however, is nowhere to be found.

Some try to confront Sam a bit, but just a bit, currently just keeping an eye on him, not yet sure.

Sam Burnett, what a mishap?
I'm not sure whether this was an intended mishap (showing the nature ofthe traitor), or if the DM was just not currently fully immersed in roleplaying Sam, and saw our reactions, and decided to play along with it. He likes to confuse the party.

Temple of Lilk
we decided to go through the corridors up front. there was a divergence, we checked one place and found another excavation site, with about 20 more bodies. Morden fumed "yes, that "soldier" really deserved a clean start he did!" we continue down another path and reach a door. Glimji search it for traps, but lets Lynn open it. (quite a bit of our group shenanigens has semblance to some OOTS comics) she sighs and opens it, and we get into a smaller hall, and another divergence, we go right and reach another hall that has steps going down, and sound of rushing water, thereis mist rising from the opening.

Not feeling well with water, and wanting to "explore this level fully" first, we go back and go to the left. another door, another searching for traps, another sigh from Lynn as she opens the door. and we seem to arrive at a temple for Lilk, with bone dust spread over pews, a bit statue at the far end, two doors to the sides, and a tunneled excavation to the rear. Glimji detects a slight abjuration magic on the statue, something about..."locking?" He approaches to examine the statue with Morden, and they begin to argue. Which is when Lynn and Ayla ntoices the skeletons reforming from the dust! and they have some dark foul energy upon their hands...

Ayla tries to net a skeleton, entangling him, while Lynn strikes at two skeletons (Steel wind), but as she smashes some of them, the dust creeps and slowly reforms them again. so... not your typical skeletons. the dozen skeletons finish reforming. thinking of the squishy members, Lynn yells at the others "this is magic! deal with it! i'll hold them off!" and rushes to the midst of the skeletons roaring, wanting to draw their attention.

the skeletons strike her in turn, most miss, but a few hit her. the dark energy feels her with queasiness, as it saps her health (+1d6 negative energy damage) a few move pass Lynn towards the others. Char is frightened, and cowers away, while Sam tries to turn undead- a weak light gets out of his symbol but none are affected (did he just cast a light spell on his symbol?) Morden is fearfull as well, she can hear spirits, many spirtis, and sees the spirits ofthe dead in the skeletons in front of her. in her fear she casts a disrupt undead spell, which is her main artillery for the battle. Glimji feels powerless against the mindles undead, and tries desperately to think of something! anything! he resorts to holy water- at least the skellies don't regenerate from that, but there is a limit to his holy water...

as the skeletons partly advance, partly try to pummle Lynn, Ayla looks at the statue again, remembering that Lilk's ceremonies required blood on her scythe- sword- blade, but the blade is missing! Lynn in the meantime strike more skeletons down, but is struck in return. "Forgive me for angering you Lilk, protect me Chrone, protect me!" which is when another skeleton crits Lynn, hurting her nicely. Morden comes out of her stupor partially "they are sad... so sad... I shall free them!" as she casts burning hands, trying to burn them down. Gimji in the meantime hears Ayla calling "look for Lilk's blade" and opens a door to the side, finding a wardrobe room, but also the hidden blade!

2 more rounds pass till they get the blade, and pass it along to place it on Lilks statues' hands, meanwhile Lynn and Morden hold the line (with Sam who can't seem to turn undead for some reason...) and they both get critted again, Morden even dazed as the spirit of a skeleton tries to engulf her (fluff only, not mechanical) Lynn even drops her flail as she strikes widely around her at the massed skeletons, picking it up, but not in good health.

Ayla, with her weak strength, tries to lit up the sword, when the other door opens

welcome Frankenstein!
in the door stood some sort of a corpse, but with strange coils from it. Glimji identified it as a sort of construct, but Ayla and Sam as a sort of undead? it struck Sam and nearly killed him (again! :smallsigh:) just when Ayla put the sword in place, and cut her hand on it, giving her blood to Lilk.

the skeletones disintegrated, and Lynn, wounded but happy to finally have a "real" enemy, charged the abomination (after picking her flail). she and Char foungth the creature, with Morden shooting a spell or two from back, and Ayla putting her healing spells to work. in the end it was Char who fell it down, with yet another crit! (crits in our rules can somewhat affect undead and constructs)

4 more crits in this battle, 1 critical fumble.

If this happens to look familiar...
it was about at this point I noticed the DM is using some nifty looking map, a premade colored map, which means he was adjusting some premade adventure for this campaign. so if some of this sounds vaguely familiar (I don't know what adventure it is), please don't say anything to spoil things.

we explored the two rooms to the left and right of the temple. one was basically a huge wardrobe, the other was some sort of a necromancy laboratory, where this construct was made. looking at it, grimly and without a word exchanged, we all strated destroying it thoroughly. (it really isn't in any of our characters to start and use things from there).

then we returned to the temple and searched it, and Glimji found a hidden trapdoor, just in the back of the statue. we thought whether to use it or the partly dug corridor, but decided on the trap door. we were running out of spells, and we DID NOT want to sleep in the temple.

again search for traps, again Lynn sighs as the others go back and she opens the door. we get to another corridor. to the right and left there are doors, and the corridor goes onwards and then turn right. we decide to check the left door. again Glimji searches for traps, again Lynn sighs as she opens the door...

only to activate a gas trap, which catches Glimji and saps his constitution (4 con damage). in the room beyond there are some sarcophagi, from 3 of which rise up some mummies! we start to curse, hoping the DM have changed them enough from the original- we don't have remove disease.

Lynn saves against despair, but not all are so lucky. Lynn blocks the exit, intending to block the mummies attacking her friends, and this works for about a round, where the party hear and see figures approaching down the corridor- the carcasses of a panther and tiger, inhumanely fast!

the party get attacked on two fronts. Morden and Lynn try to dispose of the mummies, Lynn by Steel, Morden by Fire (to which they are vulnerable) meanwhile Ayla get hit by the two dead feline, but manage to avoid getting raked, which saves her bacon. she attacks them with positive energy, which in Ayla's case is a LOT of positive energy!

the mummies crit Lynn twice, dazzling her, and hurting her nicely. thankfully she passes her saving throws. Morden and Glimji turn to alchemist fire, igniting the dry mummies, as the tiger attacks Lynn from behind, critting again. in exasperation Lynn cries "Chrone! save me from this cursed abomination of a place!"

the battle continues a bit longer but the party has the upper hand.
3 critical hits now

Level up & Rude awakening
Quite depleted we decide we need to do what I hate most in dungeon crawling- stop to rest. we return to the ogres room, barricade the door and decide to sleep. The Dm tallied some XP and we leveled up!

level up changes
Lynn took another level of Psychic warrior. she took the empty mind power (enabling her to add +2 to a will save as an immediate action), she can now attack twice in around, and took the cleave feat. character sheet for those interested (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=509217)

Glimji and Ayla gained 4th level spells, and Morden got 3rd level spells, as well as the ability to charge her spells using her vestiges or something like that.

Oh! and Char whom Lynn been teaching off screen got a level of fighter.
now, and important thing to mention is that by our rules, spontaneous caster (all of our casters) regain spell slots per partial time they've slept. So this mean that after 3 hours when enemeis tried to barge in, they had some spells left.

we heard crashes and thuds nearthe door. Lynn hastily donned her banded mail, and we went to meet our "guests", casters cast their defensive spells, and then we saw two more "frankenstein" (we learned these are spirit golems) monsters, behind which was some humans, one of them in refined full plate armor. we guessed this was either Nari, or someone close to him.

Nari cast hold person on Lynn. Now Lynn's will save is her weak point (which is why I took Empty mind). I used the power, plus an action point (just got refliied to 4) and barely made it. Damn! a divine caster! the spirt Golems stepped forward and hit Lynn nicely, for about 30 hp! she cast her force screen, and struck back!

Ayla cast recitation, followed by Glimji's glitterdust, blinding 4 of the soldiers as well as Nari and one of the golems! Morden lashed with an ice storm behind the lines, causing nice damage, and then Char and Sam charged.

Nari dispelled the magic on him, as Lynn strove to put the golems down, to get to him. Glimji sought to help by casting an upgraded version of his legion of sentinels- phantom battle, but it did not help before Nari cast another hold person on lynn, this time succeeding. (desptie recitation, empty mind and another action point) which is when the spirit golem critted on her massively... (over 50 hp!)

down went Lynn. :smalleek:

"we are not measured by avoiding the fall, but by being able to rise after we've fallen"
(A little slogan from my army unit) To tell the truth I was quite surprised at how fast this has happened. I... have a tendency to be wiped out at big battles... I rolled to avoid massive damage (nearly had my leg fractured multiple times), But Lynn succeeded, to be followed by a cure critical by Ayla, which brought Lynn back. this was a CLOSE one!

Glimji, worried, cast mirror images on Lynn, and she got back to the fight. meanwhile Morden threw a fireball to the soldiers and Nari (they got burned, he did not- protection), while sam critted a golem, taking it down, and Char rushed beyond it and critted Nari! even dazing him for 1 round! the remaining Golem however nearly crushed Char to a pulp.

the battle continued a bit longer, with Nari trying all kind of spells on us, but mostly failing. Ayla returned with a hold person, but as Glimji tried to take down the priest's defenses, he took down ONLY the hold person. Lynn tried to pummle it, while Morden continued with destructive power (mostly lightning bolts). in the end it was Morden who approached him, and triple critted him with a shocking grasp, frying him deep and brown.

the battle was won... or has it? we didn't get to check for loot yet, but a detect magic noticed an odd aura from the heavy flail the priest was wielding.

5 criticals.

heavy flail?
It seems each of our characters will get some osrt of a unique special magical item. I'm a bit worried about the choice of a flail for Lynn (as I think is the intention?) since Lynn plans on becoming a Kensai, and imbuing her weapon with powers. I wonder how that works if the weapon is allready magical?
total criticals and fumbles: 17 crits, 2 fumbles... weird dice

So this is where we ended things. I still think we're going to investigate the temple- we need to find a way out, and find what the hell Nari (if this was him) was doing in here. and we need to find the letter of the chief priest of Chrone. My guess is that it may lead to a potential purpose for the Kensai class Lynn will take in next level.

we're trying to get an meet soon, possibly even the following week or the week after. here is crossing my fingers! as always- if you have comments, I'd love to hear.

Kol Korran
2013-07-03, 01:03 PM
Been a long time since I posted about this game. The game unfortunately died due to DM burnout. This was some time ago, and our group had some tough time meeting since. We're trying FATE core now, hopefully to revitalize the group a little, we've been having problems... :smallsigh:

I apologize for any people who have followed the log and waited for a follow up post for the time it took me to notify you. If we have a new game picking up, I'll post about it. Thanks for reading, and I hope it was amusing while it lasted.

I shall miss Lynn, she was very fun to play. I loved the dynamics in the group. :smallfrown: