View Full Version : Yugioh Spring Tournament: Mercenary Pen vs. CoreBrute23

Mercenary Pen
2012-02-17, 06:33 PM
Colonel Tenzou stepped forwards to face his opponent.

"Well, it seems we must settle once and for all the debate over which is more effective at keeping order, the self defence forces or vigilantes such as yourself."

Graveyard: -

Banished: -

Face-down: -

Hand: -

Deck: 1- Legendary Six Samurai - Kageki
2- Legendary Six Samurai - Kageki
3- Legendary Six Samurai - Kageki
4- Kagemusha of the Six samurai
5- Kagemusha of the six samurai
6- Kagemusha of the six samurai
7- Legendary Six Samurai - Kizan
8- Legendary Six Samurai - Kizan
9- Legendary Six Samurai - Kizan
10- Grandmaster of the six samurai
11- Grandmaster of the six samurai
12- Hand of the six samurai
13- Spirit of the six samurai
14- Shien's Squire
15- Shien's Smoke Signal
16- Six samurai united
17- Six samurai united
18- six samurai united
19- shien's dojo
20- shien's dojo
21- shien's dojo
22- Mystical space typhoon
23- mystical space typhoon
24- mystical space typhoon
25- heavy storm
26- reinforcement of the army
27- gateway of the six
28- dark hole
29- monster reborn
30- book of moon
31- solemn warning
32- solemn warning
33- double-edged sword technique
34- musakani magatama
35- musakani magatama
36- musamani magatama
37- solemn judgment
38- seven tools of the bandit
39- mirror force
40- bottomless trap hole

Extra deck:
1x Legendary Six Samurai - Shi En
2x Naturia Beast
1x Naturia Barkion
1x Naturia Landoise
1x Brionac, dragon of the ice barrier
1x T.G. Hyper Librarian
1x Trishula, Dragon of the ice barrier
1x Steelswarm roach
1x Grenosaurus
1x Number 17: Leviathan Dragon
1x Number 20: Giga- Brilliant
1x Leviair the sea dragon
1x Tiras, Keeper of Genesis
1x Blade Armour Ninja

Side Deck:
2x Debunk
2x D.D. Crow
2x Rivalry of Warlords
1x The Huge revolution is Over
2x Maxx "c"
2x Safe Zone
2x Great Shogun Shien
1x Bottomless Trap Hole
1x Mind Control

Mercenary Pen
2012-02-17, 06:46 PM
Opening Draws: [roll0]
Rerolls (if needed): [roll1]
Initiative: [roll2]

Graveyard: -

Banished: -

Face-down: -

Hand=5: Legendary Six Samurai - Kageki
Legendary Six Samurai - Kizan
Shien's Dojo
Shien's Dojo
Monster Reborn

Deck: 1- Legendary Six Samurai - Kageki
2- Legendary Six Samurai - Kageki
3- Legendary Six Samurai - Kageki
4- Kagemusha of the Six samurai
5- Kagemusha of the six samurai
6- Kagemusha of the six samurai
7- Legendary Six Samurai - Kizan
8- Legendary Six Samurai - Kizan
9- Legendary Six Samurai - Kizan
10- Grandmaster of the six samurai
11- Grandmaster of the six samurai
12- Hand of the six samurai
13- Spirit of the six samurai
14- Shien's Squire
15- Shien's Smoke Signal
16- Six samurai united
17- Six samurai united
18- six samurai united
19- shien's dojo
20- shien's dojo
21- shien's dojo
22- Mystical space typhoon
23- mystical space typhoon
24- mystical space typhoon
25- heavy storm
26- reinforcement of the army
27- gateway of the six
28- dark hole
29- monster reborn
30- book of moon
31- solemn warning
32- solemn warning
33- double-edged sword technique
34- musakani magatama
35- musakani magatama
36- musamani magatama
37- solemn judgment
38- seven tools of the bandit
39- mirror force
40- bottomless trap hole

Extra deck:
1x Legendary Six Samurai - Shi En
2x Naturia Beast
1x Naturia Barkion
1x Naturia Landoise
1x Brionac, dragon of the ice barrier
1x T.G. Hyper Librarian
1x Trishula, Dragon of the ice barrier
1x Steelswarm roach
1x Grenosaurus
1x Number 17: Leviathan Dragon
1x Number 20: Giga- Brilliant
1x Leviair the sea dragon
1x Tiras, Keeper of Genesis
1x Blade Armour Ninja

Side Deck:
2x Debunk
2x D.D. Crow
2x Rivalry of Warlords
1x The Huge revolution is Over
2x Maxx "c"
2x Safe Zone
2x Great Shogun Shien
1x Bottomless Trap Hole
1x Mind Control

2012-02-17, 07:59 PM
"I was unaware that was ever a debate." Kamen Dusk remarked, as mechanized armaments appeared on his body, before one converted into a dueldisk. "Still, now I am curious. LET'S DUEL!"


opening hand: [roll1]
reroll if necessary:[roll2]

Dark Megazord Deck

1. Inzektor Dragonfly 3
2. Inzektor Dragonfly 3
3. Inzektor Dragonfly 3
4. Inzektor Hornet 3
5. Inzektor Hornet 3
6. Inzektor Hornet 3
7. Inzektor Centipede 3
8. Inzektor Giga-Grioll 5
9. Armageddon Knight 4
10. Armageddon Knight 4
11. Genex Ally Birdman 3
12. Genex Ally Birdman 3
13. Genex Ally Birdman 3
14. Plaguespreader Zombie 2
15. Inzektor Giga-Grioll 5
16. Krebons 2
17. Krebons 2
18. Dark Armed Dragon 8
19. Level Eater 1
20. Battle Fader 1
21. Inzektor Giga-Mantis 6
22. Inzektor Giga-Mantis 6
23. Destiny HERO – Malicious 6
24. Destiny HERO – Malicious 6
25. Veil of Darkness
26. Monster Reborn
27. Mystical Space Typhoon
28. Mystical Space Typhoon
29. Hand Destruction
30. Heavy Storm
31. Enemy Controller
32. Pot of Duality
33. Allure of Darkness
34. Escape from the Dark Dimension
35. Torrential Tribute
36. Bottomless Trap Hole
37. Solemn Warning
38. Dimensional Prison
39. Solemn Judgment
40. Mirror Force

Extra Deck:
1. Inzektor Exa-Beetle
2. Inzektor Exa-Beetle
3. Ally of Justice Catastor
4. Ally of Justice Catastor
5. Armory Arm
6. Infernity Doom Dragon
7. Thought Ruler Archfiend
8. Ally of Justice Decisive Armor
9. Locomotion R-Genex
10. Red Dragon Archfiend
11. Colossal Fighter
12. Black-Winged Dragon
13. Number 34 Terror-Byte
14. Blood Mefist
15. Dark End Dragon
Side Deck:
Escape from Different Dimension
Snipe Hunter
Verz Golem
Snipe Hunter
Imperial Iron Wall
Burial from a Different Dimension
Spell Shield Type-8
Compulsory Evacuation Device
Miracle Dig
Imperial Iron Wall
Dust Tornado
Sakeretsu Armor
Enemy Controller
Ally of Justice Light Gazer
Destruction Jammer

Mercenary Pen
2012-02-17, 08:09 PM
"Indeed, debate is almost certainly irrelevant, much as your deck will be by the end of this duel."

Graveyard=3: Shien's Dojo
Legendary six samurai - Kizan
Shien's Squire
Shien's Dojo

Banished: -

Face-down: -

Hand=2: Legendary Six Samurai - Kageki
Monster Reborn

Deck: 1- Legendary Six Samurai - Kageki
2- Legendary Six Samurai - Kageki
3- Kagemusha of the Six samurai
4- Kagemusha of the six samurai
5- Kagemusha of the six samurai
6- Legendary Six Samurai - Kizan
7- Legendary Six Samurai - Kizan
8- Grandmaster of the six samurai
9- Grandmaster of the six samurai
10- Hand of the six samurai
11- Spirit of the six samurai
12- Shien's Squire
13- Shien's Smoke Signal
14- Six samurai united
15- Six samurai united
16- six samurai united
17- shien's dojo
18- Mystical space typhoon
19- mystical space typhoon
20- mystical space typhoon
21- heavy storm
22- reinforcement of the army
23- gateway of the six
24- dark hole
25- book of moon
26- solemn warning
27- solemn warning
28- double-edged sword technique
29- musakani magatama
30- musakani magatama
31- musamani magatama
32- solemn judgment
33- seven tools of the bandit
34- mirror force
35- bottomless trap hole

Extra deck:
1x Legendary Six Samurai - Shi En
2x Naturia Beast
1x Naturia Barkion
1x Naturia Landoise
1x Brionac, dragon of the ice barrier
1x T.G. Hyper Librarian
1x Trishula, Dragon of the ice barrier
1x Steelswarm roach
1x Grenosaurus
1x Number 17: Leviathan Dragon
1x Number 20: Giga- Brilliant
1x Leviair the sea dragon
1x Tiras, Keeper of Genesis
1x Blade Armour Ninja

Side Deck:
2x Debunk
2x D.D. Crow
2x Rivalry of Warlords
1x The Huge revolution is Over
2x Maxx "c"
2x Safe Zone
2x Great Shogun Shien
1x Bottomless Trap Hole
1x Mind Control

"I will begin, activating two copies of the continuous spell Shien's Dojo (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Shien%27s_Dojo). I then normal summon Legendary Six Samurai - Kizan (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Legendary_Six_Samurai_-_Kizan), placing a Bushido counter on each of my Dojos. I then send my Dojo to the graveyard to summon Shien's Squire (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Shien%27s_Squire) from my deck, tuning it with Kizan to synchro summon Legendary Six Samurai - Shi En in attack position. I then special summon Grandmaster of the Six samurai to the field. I then send my second copy of Shien's Dojo to the graveyard to special summon another copy of Kizan and end my turn."

Life points: 8000
SE= Legendary Six Samurai - Shi En (ATK: 2500, DEF: 1400)
GM= Grandmaster of the six samurai (ATK: 2100, DEF: 800)
Kz= Legendary Six Samurai - Kizan (ATK: 2100, DEF: 800)

2012-02-18, 06:50 AM
Fantastic Trash talk. I am so bad at this. How does the webslinger make this look so easy? He thought as he drew.

Draw: [roll0]
Hand: , veil of Darkness, Inzektor Giga-mantis,Inzektor Giga-Grioll

"First I cast Veil of Darkness!" He said, as the continuous spell hit the field. "Next I summon Armaggedon Knight!" He added, as the apocalyptic warrior arrived on the field. As it arrived, a red thunderbolt from the sky struck Kamen Dusk's deck, and Destiny Hero Malicious entered the graveyard.

"Now I set two cards facedown and end my turn."

4. Armageddon Knight (1400/1200)

1. Veil of Darkness

Destiny Hero Malicious

2.Solemn Judgement
3.Torriental tribute

Dark Megazord Deck

Inzektor Dragonfly 3
Inzektor Dragonfly 3
Inzektor Dragonfly 3
Inzektor Hornet 3
Inzektor Hornet 3
Inzektor Hornet 3
Inzektor Centipede 3
Inzektor Giga-Grioll 5
Armageddon Knight 4
Armageddon Knight 4
Genex Ally Birdman 3
Genex Ally Birdman 3
Genex Ally Birdman 3
Plaguespreader Zombie 2
Inzektor Giga-Grioll 5
Krebons 2
Krebons 2
Dark Armed Dragon 8
Level Eater 1
Battle Fader 1
Inzektor Giga-Mantis 6
Inzektor Giga-Mantis 6
Destiny HERO – Malicious 6
Destiny HERO – Malicious 6
Veil of Darkness
Monster Reborn
Mystical Space Typhoon
Mystical Space Typhoon
Hand Destruction
Heavy Storm
Enemy Controller
Pot of Duality
Allure of Darkness
Escape from the Dark Dimension
Torrential Tribute
Bottomless Trap Hole
Solemn Warning
Dimensional Prison
Solemn Judgment
Mirror Force

Extra Deck:
1. Inzektor Exa-Beetle
2. Inzektor Exa-Beetle
3. Ally of Justice Catastor
4. Ally of Justice Catastor
5. Armory Arm
6. Infernity Doom Dragon
7. Thought Ruler Archfiend
8. Ally of Justice Decisive Armor
9. Locomotion R-Genex
10. Red Dragon Archfiend
11. Colossal Fighter
12. Black-Winged Dragon
13. Number 34 Terror-Byte
14. Blood Mefist
15. Dark End Dragon
Side Deck:
Escape from Different Dimension
Snipe Hunter
Verz Golem
Snipe Hunter
Imperial Iron Wall
Burial from a Different Dimension
Spell Shield Type-8
Compulsory Evacuation Device
Miracle Dig
Imperial Iron Wall
Dust Tornado
Sakeretsu Armor
Enemy Controller
Ally of Justice Light Gazer
Destruction Jammer

2012-02-18, 06:58 AM
OOC: Just realized you can if you so choose destroy my continuous spell. Also it's your turn.

Mercenary Pen
2012-02-18, 09:15 AM
"I shall not lower myself to destroying your veil of darkness, instead keeping my focus on more important matters- like your impending defeat."

Graveyard=5: Shien's Dojo
Shien's Squire
Shien's Dojo
Monster Reborn
Six Samurai United

Banished: -

Face-down: -

Hand=0: -

Deck: 1- Legendary Six Samurai - Kageki
2- Legendary Six Samurai - Kageki
3- Kagemusha of the Six samurai
4- Kagemusha of the six samurai
5- Kagemusha of the six samurai
6- Legendary Six Samurai - Kizan
7- Grandmaster of the six samurai
8- Hand of the six samurai
9- Spirit of the six samurai
10- Shien's Smoke Signal
11- Six samurai united
12- Six samurai united
13- six samurai united
14- shien's dojo
15- Mystical space typhoon
19- mystical space typhoon
16- mystical space typhoon
17- heavy storm
18- reinforcement of the army
19- gateway of the six
20- dark hole
21- book of moon
22- solemn warning
23- solemn warning
24- double-edged sword technique
25- musakani magatama
26- musakani magatama
27- musamani magatama
28- solemn judgment
29- seven tools of the bandit
30- mirror force
31- bottomless trap hole

Extra deck:
1x Legendary Six Samurai - Shi En
2x Naturia Beast
1x Naturia Barkion
1x Naturia Landoise
1x Brionac, dragon of the ice barrier
1x T.G. Hyper Librarian
1x Trishula, Dragon of the ice barrier
1x Steelswarm roach
1x Grenosaurus
1x Number 17: Leviathan Dragon
1x Number 20: Giga- Brilliant
1x Leviair the sea dragon
1x Tiras, Keeper of Genesis
1x Blade Armour Ninja

Side Deck:
2x Debunk
2x D.D. Crow
2x Rivalry of Warlords
1x The Huge revolution is Over
2x Maxx "c"
2x Safe Zone
2x Great Shogun Shien
1x Bottomless Trap Hole
1x Mind Control

"I activate the spell card Six Samurai United, then summon Legendary Six Samurai - Kageki from my hand to place a Bushido counter upon it. I then activate monster reborn to revive Legendary Six Samurai - Kizan from my graveyard, overlaying my two copies of Kizan to summon Blade Armor Ninja. Now that Six Samurai United has a second Bushido counter, I send it to the graveyard to draw two new cards."

Life points: 8000
SE= Legendary Six Samurai - Shi En (ATK: 2500, DEF: 1400)
GM= Grandmaster of the six samurai (ATK: 2100, DEF: 800)
Kg= Legendary Six Samurai - Kageki (ATK: 1700, DEF: 2000)
BA= Blade Armor Ninja (ATK: 2200, DEF: 1000) (Overlay = 2x Kizan)

Mercenary Pen
2012-02-18, 09:28 AM
(OOC: Slight misnumbering of deck in first draw of turn, is fixed now)

Graveyard=5: Shien's Dojo
Shien's Squire
Shien's Dojo
Monster Reborn
Six Samurai United

Banished: -

Face-down: -

Hand=2: Kagemusha of the six samurai
Solemn Warning

Deck: 1- Legendary Six Samurai - Kageki
2- Legendary Six Samurai - Kageki
3- Kagemusha of the Six samurai
4- Kagemusha of the six samurai
5- Kagemusha of the six samurai
6- Legendary Six Samurai - Kizan
7- Grandmaster of the six samurai
8- Hand of the six samurai
9- Spirit of the six samurai
10- Shien's Smoke Signal
11- Six samurai united
12- six samurai united
13- shien's dojo
14- Mystical space typhoon
15- mystical space typhoon
16- mystical space typhoon
17- heavy storm
18- reinforcement of the army
19- gateway of the six
20- dark hole
21- book of moon
22- solemn warning
23- solemn warning
24- double-edged sword technique
25- musakani magatama
26- musakani magatama
27- musamani magatama
28- solemn judgment
29- seven tools of the bandit
30- mirror force
31- bottomless trap hole

Extra deck:
1x Legendary Six Samurai - Shi En
2x Naturia Beast
1x Naturia Barkion
1x Naturia Landoise
1x Brionac, dragon of the ice barrier
1x T.G. Hyper Librarian
1x Trishula, Dragon of the ice barrier
1x Steelswarm roach
1x Grenosaurus
1x Number 17: Leviathan Dragon
1x Number 20: Giga- Brilliant
1x Leviair the sea dragon
1x Tiras, Keeper of Genesis
1x Blade Armour Ninja

Side Deck:
2x Debunk
2x D.D. Crow
2x Rivalry of Warlords
1x The Huge revolution is Over
2x Maxx "c"
2x Safe Zone
2x Great Shogun Shien
1x Bottomless Trap Hole
1x Mind Control

"If you have any means to slow me down, tell me now because I'm going straight for the finish line. I attack your Armageddon Knight with Blade Armor Ninja, then detach one of its materials to have it attack you again. Then Kageki, Grandmaster and Shi En attack you, seizing victory."
(OOC: Damage 9300LP)

Life points: 8000
SE= Legendary Six Samurai - Shi En (ATK: 2500, DEF: 1400)
GM= Grandmaster of the six samurai (ATK: 2100, DEF: 800)
Kg= Legendary Six Samurai - Kageki (ATK: 1700, DEF: 2000)
BA= Blade Armor Ninja (ATK: 2200, DEF: 1000) (Overlay = 2x Kizan)

2012-02-18, 09:09 PM
"Solemn Judgement when you play monster reborn"

OOC: any change in turn? Let me know.

Mercenary Pen
2012-02-19, 03:34 AM
(OOC: Well, gonna be a bit of a complex replay, but I can do it- but won't quite be able to push for victory)

Graveyard=5: Shien's Dojo
Shien's Squire
Shien's Dojo
Monster Reborn
Six Samurai United

Banished: -

Face-down: Solemn Warning (st3)

Hand=0: -

Deck: 1- Legendary Six Samurai - Kageki
2- Legendary Six Samurai - Kageki
3- Kagemusha of the Six samurai
4- Kagemusha of the six samurai
5- Kagemusha of the six samurai (top of deck)
6- Legendary Six Samurai - Kizan
7- Grandmaster of the six samurai
8- Hand of the six samurai
9- Spirit of the six samurai
10- Shien's Smoke Signal
11- Six samurai united
12- six samurai united
13- shien's dojo
14- Mystical space typhoon
15- mystical space typhoon
16- mystical space typhoon
17- heavy storm
18- reinforcement of the army
19- gateway of the six
20- dark hole
21- book of moon
22- solemn warning
23- solemn warning
24- double-edged sword technique
25- musakani magatama
26- musakani magatama
27- musamani magatama
28- solemn judgment
29- seven tools of the bandit
30- mirror force
31- bottomless trap hole

Extra deck:
1x Legendary Six Samurai - Shi En
2x Naturia Beast
1x Naturia Barkion
1x Naturia Landoise
1x Brionac, dragon of the ice barrier
1x T.G. Hyper Librarian
1x Trishula, Dragon of the ice barrier
1x Steelswarm roach
1x Grenosaurus
1x Number 17: Leviathan Dragon
1x Number 20: Giga- Brilliant
1x Leviair the sea dragon
1x Tiras, Keeper of Genesis
1x Blade Armour Ninja

Side Deck:
2x Debunk
2x D.D. Crow
2x Rivalry of Warlords
1x The Huge revolution is Over
2x Maxx "c"
2x Safe Zone
2x Great Shogun Shien
1x Bottomless Trap Hole
1x Mind Control

"Well, with monster reborn negated, six samurai united does not gain a second bushido counter, and thus I draw only the first card I would have drawn otherwise- the other determining the top of my deck for next time around. I then attack with all four of my monsters, letting Kizan destroy Armageddon Knight before the rest go direct. I then set one card face down on my rear line and end my turn."
(Damage =6000)

Life points: 8000
SE= Legendary Six Samurai - Shi En (ATK: 2500, DEF: 1400)
GM= Grandmaster of the six samurai (ATK: 2100, DEF: 800)
Kg= Legendary Six Samurai - Kageki (ATK: 1700, DEF: 2000)
Kz= Legendary Six Samurai - Kizan (ATK: 2100, DEF: 800)
f= face down

2012-02-19, 05:01 PM
OOC: You could negate the Solemn Judgement. I would still be on half lifepoints, and you could do the swarm.

Anyway-I am on half points, so you've just won. Have I got that wrong? If I haven't I'll prepare for the second duel.

Mercenary Pen
2012-02-19, 05:13 PM
OOC: You could negate the Solemn Judgement. I would still be on half lifepoints, and you could do the swarm.

Anyway-I am on half points, so you've just won. Have I got that wrong? If I haven't I'll prepare for the second duel.

You're correct, that'll teach me to post before properly waking up...

2012-02-19, 05:27 PM
OOC: You could negate the Solemn Judgement. I would still be on half lifepoints, and you could do the swarm.

Anyway-I am on half points, so you've just won. Have I got that wrong? If I haven't I'll prepare for the second duel.

((Shi En can't negate Counter Traps; it's too slow. Still, as you said, it doesn't make a difference in the end.))

2012-02-19, 06:39 PM
OOC: There goes my awesome plan.

IC: "OTK. Very nice. Don't think you'll get so lucky a second time." As he spoke, the dueldisk whirred, as it adjusted his deck. I did not know it could do that. He thought, examining the new arrangement. Interresting.

Side deck swaps:
-1 Dimensional Prison,
-2 Inzektor Giga-Grioll
-1 Hand Destruction
-2 Destiny HERO – Malicious
-1 Escape from the Dark Dimension
-1 Solemn Judgment

+1 Verz Golem
+1 Snipe Hunter
+2 Imperial Iron Wall
+1 Spell Shield Type 8
+1 Dust Tornado
+1 Sakeretsu Armor
+1 Compulsory Evacuation Device

Dark Megazord Deck

Inzektor Dragonfly 3
Inzektor Dragonfly 3
Inzektor Dragonfly 3
Inzektor Hornet 3
Inzektor Hornet 3
Inzektor Hornet 3
Inzektor Centipede 3

Armageddon Knight 4
Armageddon Knight 4
Genex Ally Birdman 3
Genex Ally Birdman 3
Genex Ally Birdman 3
Plaguespreader Zombie 2
Snipe Hunter 4
Krebons 2
Krebons 2
Dark Armed Dragon 8
Level Eater 1
Battle Fader 1
Inzektor Giga-Mantis 6
Inzektor Giga-Mantis 6
Veil of Darkness
Monster Reborn
Mystical Space Typhoon
Mystical Space Typhoon
Verz Golem
Heavy Storm
Enemy Controller
Pot of Duality
Allure of Darkness
Solemn Warning
Spell Shield Type-8
Imperial Iron Wall
Imperial Iron Wall
Dust Tornado
Sakeretsu Armor
Compulsory Evacuation Device
Torrential Tribute
Bottomless Trap Hole
Mirror Force

Extra Deck:
1. Inzektor Exa-Beetle
2. Inzektor Exa-Beetle
3. Ally of Justice Catastor
4. Ally of Justice Catastor
5. Armory Arm
6. Infernity Doom Dragon
7. Thought Ruler Archfiend
8. Ally of Justice Decisive Armor
9. Locomotion R-Genex
10. Red Dragon Archfiend
11. Colossal Fighter
12. Black-Winged Dragon
13. Number 34 Terror-Byte
14. Blood Mefist
15. Dark End Dragon
Side Deck:
Escape from Different Dimension
Escape from Different Dimension
Snipe Hunter
Dimensional Prison
Hand Destruction
Destiny HERO – Malicious
Destiny HERO – Malicious
Burial from a Different Dimension
Compulsory Evacuation Device
Miracle Dig
Inzektor Giga-Grioll
Inzektor Giga-Grioll
Enemy Controller
Ally of Justice Light Gazer
Destruction Jammer

"Do you mind if I go first this time?"

OOC: Opening draw next post.

2012-02-19, 06:41 PM
Opening 6 hand draw: [roll0]

Re-roll if needed: [roll1]

"Thanks, let's go!"

Opening hand: Krebons
Genex Ally Birdman,
Inzektor Giga-Mantis,
Heavy Storm,
Monster Reborn,
Sakeretsu Armor

"I summon Krebons in attack mode, and then set a card facedown. Your move!"

1. Krebons (1200/400)

1. f/d

facedown: 1.Sakeretsu Armor

Dark Megazord Deck

Inzektor Dragonfly 3
Inzektor Dragonfly 3
Inzektor Dragonfly 3
Inzektor Hornet 3
Inzektor Hornet 3
Inzektor Hornet 3
Inzektor Centipede 3
Armageddon Knight 4
Armageddon Knight 4
Genex Ally Birdman 3
Genex Ally Birdman 3
Genex Ally Birdman 3
Plaguespreader Zombie 2
Snipe Hunter 4
Krebons 2
Krebons 2
Dark Armed Dragon 8
Level Eater 1
Battle Fader 1
Inzektor Giga-Mantis 6
Inzektor Giga-Mantis 6
Veil of Darkness
Monster Reborn
Mystical Space Typhoon
Mystical Space Typhoon
Verz Golem 5
Heavy Storm
Enemy Controller
Pot of Duality
Allure of Darkness
Solemn Warning
Spell Shield Type-8
Imperial Iron Wall
Imperial Iron Wall
Dust Tornado
Sakeretsu Armor
Compulsory Evacuation Device
Torrential Tribute
Bottomless Trap Hole
Mirror Force

Extra Deck:
1. Inzektor Exa-Beetle
2. Inzektor Exa-Beetle
3. Ally of Justice Catastor
4. Ally of Justice Catastor
5. Armory Arm
6. Infernity Doom Dragon
7. Thought Ruler Archfiend
8. Ally of Justice Decisive Armor
9. Locomotion R-Genex
10. Red Dragon Archfiend
11. Colossal Fighter
12. Black-Winged Dragon
13. Number 34 Terror-Byte
14. Blood Mefist
15. Dark End Dragon
Side Deck:
Escape from Different Dimension
Escape from Different Dimension
Snipe Hunter
Dimensional Prison
Hand Destruction
Destiny HERO – Malicious
Destiny HERO – Malicious
Burial from a Different Dimension
Compulsory Evacuation Device
Miracle Dig
Inzektor Giga-Grioll
Inzektor Giga-Grioll
Enemy Controller
Ally of Justice Light Gazer
Destruction Jammer

Mercenary Pen
2012-02-19, 08:05 PM
Side deck changes:
None whatsoever.

Graveyard: Dark Hole
Shien's Dojo
Legendary Six Samurai - Kizan
Shien's Squire

Banished: -

Face-down: Solemn Judgment (st2), Musakani Magatama (st4)

Hand: Heavy Storm

Deck: 1- Legendary Six Samurai - Kageki
2- Legendary Six Samurai - Kageki
3- Legendary Six Samurai - Kageki
4- Kagemusha of the Six samurai
5- Kagemusha of the six samurai
6- Kagemusha of the six samurai
7- Legendary Six Samurai - Kizan
8- Legendary Six Samurai - Kizan
9- Legendary Six Samurai - Kizan
10- Grandmaster of the six samurai
11- Grandmaster of the six samurai
12- Hand of the six samurai
13- Spirit of the six samurai
14- Shien's Squire
15- Shien's Smoke Signal
16- Six samurai united
17- Six samurai united
18- six samurai united
19- shien's dojo
20- shien's dojo
21- shien's dojo
22- Mystical space typhoon
23- mystical space typhoon
24- mystical space typhoon
25- heavy storm
26- reinforcement of the army
27- gateway of the six
28- dark hole
29- monster reborn
30- book of moon
31- solemn warning
32- solemn warning
33- double-edged sword technique
34- musakani magatama
35- musakani magatama
36- musakani magatama
37- solemn judgment
38- seven tools of the bandit
39- mirror force
40- bottomless trap hole

Extra deck:
1x Legendary Six Samurai - Shi En
2x Naturia Beast
1x Naturia Barkion
1x Naturia Landoise
1x Brionac, dragon of the ice barrier
1x T.G. Hyper Librarian
1x Trishula, Dragon of the ice barrier
1x Steelswarm roach
1x Grenosaurus
1x Number 17: Leviathan Dragon
1x Number 20: Giga- Brilliant
1x Leviair the sea dragon
1x Tiras, Keeper of Genesis
1x Blade Armour Ninja

Side Deck:
2x Debunk
2x D.D. Crow
2x Rivalry of Warlords
1x The Huge revolution is Over
2x Maxx "c"
2x Safe Zone
2x Great Shogun Shien
1x Bottomless Trap Hole
1x Mind Control

Opening draws: [roll0]
Rerolls: [roll1]

"I find your Krebons irritating, so I will expend the power of Dark Hole to annihilate it. I then activate the spell card Shien's Dojo, summoning Kizan to place a bushido counter. With that counter in play, I send Dojo to the graveyard to summon Shien's Squire, tuning Kizan with the squire to summon Shi En, which attacks you directly. I then set two cards face down and pass to you."

Life points: 8000
SE= Legendary Six Samurai - Shi En (ATK: 2500, DEF: 1400)
f= face down.

2012-02-20, 06:12 AM
LP: 5500

"Nice shot. Let's see what I can come up with."

hand: Dark armed dragon
Inzektor Giga-Mantis,

"I play heavy storm! Any chain?"

1. f/d
4. Krebons (1200/400)

1. f/d

facedown: Mon: Genex Ally Birdman
1.Sakeretsu Armor

Heavy storm
Monster Reborn

Dark Megazord Deck

Inzektor Dragonfly 3
Inzektor Dragonfly 3
Inzektor Dragonfly 3
Inzektor Hornet 3
Inzektor Hornet 3
Inzektor Hornet 3
Inzektor Centipede 3
Armageddon Knight 4
Armageddon Knight 4
Genex Ally Birdman 3
Genex Ally Birdman 3
Genex Ally Birdman 3
Plaguespreader Zombie 2
Snipe Hunter 4
Krebons 2
Krebons 2
Dark Armed Dragon 8
Level Eater 1
Battle Fader 1
Inzektor Giga-Mantis 6
Inzektor Giga-Mantis 6
Veil of Darkness
Monster Reborn
Mystical Space Typhoon
Mystical Space Typhoon
Verz Golem 5
Heavy Storm
Enemy Controller
Pot of Duality
Allure of Darkness
Solemn Warning
Spell Shield Type-8
Imperial Iron Wall
Imperial Iron Wall
Dust Tornado
Sakeretsu Armor
Compulsory Evacuation Device
Torrential Tribute
Bottomless Trap Hole
Mirror Force

Extra Deck:
1. Inzektor Exa-Beetle
2. Inzektor Exa-Beetle
3. Ally of Justice Catastor
4. Ally of Justice Catastor
5. Armory Arm
6. Infernity Doom Dragon
7. Thought Ruler Archfiend
8. Ally of Justice Decisive Armor
9. Locomotion R-Genex
10. Red Dragon Archfiend
11. Colossal Fighter
12. Black-Winged Dragon
13. Number 34 Terror-Byte
14. Blood Mefist
15. Dark End Dragon
Side Deck:
Escape from Different Dimension
Escape from Different Dimension
Snipe Hunter
Dimensional Prison
Hand Destruction
Destiny HERO – Malicious
Destiny HERO – Malicious
Burial from a Different Dimension
Compulsory Evacuation Device
Miracle Dig
Inzektor Giga-Grioll
Inzektor Giga-Grioll
Enemy Controller
Ally of Justice Light Gazer
Destruction Jammer

Mercenary Pen
2012-02-20, 06:33 AM
"I use the effect of Legendary Six Samurai - Shi En to negate heavy storm."

2012-02-20, 06:36 AM
"Very well. I play Monster Reborn to bring back Krebons in attack mode. I also set a monster facedown. Your turn."

hand: Dark armed dragon
Inzektor Giga-Mantis,

1. f/d
4. Krebons (1200/400)

1. f/d

facedown: Mon: Genex Ally Birdman
1.Sakeretsu Armor

Heavy storm
Monster Reborn

Dark Megazord Deck

Inzektor Dragonfly 3
Inzektor Dragonfly 3
Inzektor Dragonfly 3
Inzektor Hornet 3
Inzektor Hornet 3
Inzektor Hornet 3
Inzektor Centipede 3
Armageddon Knight 4
Armageddon Knight 4
Genex Ally Birdman 3
Genex Ally Birdman 3
Genex Ally Birdman 3
Plaguespreader Zombie 2
Snipe Hunter 4
Krebons 2
Krebons 2
Dark Armed Dragon 8
Level Eater 1
Battle Fader 1
Inzektor Giga-Mantis 6
Inzektor Giga-Mantis 6
Veil of Darkness
Monster Reborn
Mystical Space Typhoon
Mystical Space Typhoon
Verz Golem 5
Heavy Storm
Enemy Controller
Pot of Duality
Allure of Darkness
Solemn Warning
Spell Shield Type-8
Imperial Iron Wall
Imperial Iron Wall
Dust Tornado
Sakeretsu Armor
Compulsory Evacuation Device
Torrential Tribute
Bottomless Trap Hole
Mirror Force

Extra Deck:
1. Inzektor Exa-Beetle
2. Inzektor Exa-Beetle
3. Ally of Justice Catastor
4. Ally of Justice Catastor
5. Armory Arm
6. Infernity Doom Dragon
7. Thought Ruler Archfiend
8. Ally of Justice Decisive Armor
9. Locomotion R-Genex
10. Red Dragon Archfiend
11. Colossal Fighter
12. Black-Winged Dragon
13. Number 34 Terror-Byte
14. Blood Mefist
15. Dark End Dragon
Side Deck:
Escape from Different Dimension
Escape from Different Dimension
Snipe Hunter
Dimensional Prison
Hand Destruction
Destiny HERO – Malicious
Destiny HERO – Malicious
Burial from a Different Dimension
Compulsory Evacuation Device
Miracle Dig
Inzektor Giga-Grioll
Inzektor Giga-Grioll
Enemy Controller
Ally of Justice Light Gazer
Destruction Jammer

Mercenary Pen
2012-02-20, 06:40 AM
"Not quite, I activate my face down Solemn Judgment, paying 4000 life points to negate monster reborn. How much does that change your turn?"

2012-02-20, 06:43 AM
"In that case it's just the same facedown monster. Your move."

hand 2: Dark armed dragon
Inzektor Giga-Mantis,

1. f/d

1. f/d

facedown: Mon: Genex Ally Birdman
S/T: 1.Sakeretsu Armor

Heavy storm
Monster Reborn

Dark Megazord Deck

Inzektor Dragonfly 3
Inzektor Dragonfly 3
Inzektor Dragonfly 3
Inzektor Hornet 3
Inzektor Hornet 3
Inzektor Hornet 3
Inzektor Centipede 3
Armageddon Knight 4
Armageddon Knight 4
Genex Ally Birdman 3
Genex Ally Birdman 3
Genex Ally Birdman 3
Plaguespreader Zombie 2
Snipe Hunter 4
Krebons 2
Krebons 2
Dark Armed Dragon 8
Level Eater 1
Battle Fader 1
Inzektor Giga-Mantis 6
Inzektor Giga-Mantis 6
Veil of Darkness
Monster Reborn
Mystical Space Typhoon
Mystical Space Typhoon
Verz Golem 5
Heavy Storm
Enemy Controller
Pot of Duality
Allure of Darkness
Solemn Warning
Spell Shield Type-8
Imperial Iron Wall
Imperial Iron Wall
Dust Tornado
Sakeretsu Armor
Compulsory Evacuation Device
Torrential Tribute
Bottomless Trap Hole
Mirror Force

Extra Deck:
1. Inzektor Exa-Beetle
2. Inzektor Exa-Beetle
3. Ally of Justice Catastor
4. Ally of Justice Catastor
5. Armory Arm
6. Infernity Doom Dragon
7. Thought Ruler Archfiend
8. Ally of Justice Decisive Armor
9. Locomotion R-Genex
10. Red Dragon Archfiend
11. Colossal Fighter
12. Black-Winged Dragon
13. Number 34 Terror-Byte
14. Blood Mefist
15. Dark End Dragon
Side Deck:
Escape from Different Dimension
Escape from Different Dimension
Snipe Hunter
Dimensional Prison
Hand Destruction
Destiny HERO – Malicious
Destiny HERO – Malicious
Burial from a Different Dimension
Compulsory Evacuation Device
Miracle Dig
Inzektor Giga-Grioll
Inzektor Giga-Grioll
Enemy Controller
Ally of Justice Light Gazer
Destruction Jammer

Mercenary Pen
2012-02-20, 07:23 AM
Draw: [roll0]
"Surely you do not still think you can go head to head with me and win, even after our first duel?"

Graveyard: Dark Hole
Shien's Dojo
Legendary Six Samurai - Kizan
Shien's Squire
Solemn Judgment

Banished: -

Face-down: Musakani Magatama (st4)

Hand=2: Heavy Storm
Shien's Dojo

Deck: 1- Legendary Six Samurai - Kageki
2- Legendary Six Samurai - Kageki
3- Legendary Six Samurai - Kageki
4- Kagemusha of the Six samurai
5- Kagemusha of the six samurai
6- Kagemusha of the six samurai
7- Legendary Six Samurai - Kizan
8- Legendary Six Samurai - Kizan
9- Grandmaster of the six samurai
10- Grandmaster of the six samurai
11- Hand of the six samurai
12- Spirit of the six samurai
13- Shien's Smoke Signal
14- Six samurai united
15- Six samurai united
16- six samurai united
17- shien's dojo
18- shien's dojo
19- Mystical space typhoon
20- mystical space typhoon
21- mystical space typhoon
22- reinforcement of the army
23- gateway of the six
24- monster reborn
25- book of moon
26- solemn warning
27- solemn warning
28- double-edged sword technique
29- musakani magatama
30- musakani magatama
31- seven tools of the bandit
32- mirror force
33- bottomless trap hole

Extra deck:
1x Legendary Six Samurai - Shi En
2x Naturia Beast
1x Naturia Barkion
1x Naturia Landoise
1x Brionac, dragon of the ice barrier
1x T.G. Hyper Librarian
1x Trishula, Dragon of the ice barrier
1x Steelswarm roach
1x Grenosaurus
1x Number 17: Leviathan Dragon
1x Number 20: Giga- Brilliant
1x Leviair the sea dragon
1x Tiras, Keeper of Genesis
1x Blade Armour Ninja

Side Deck:
2x Debunk
2x D.D. Crow
2x Rivalry of Warlords
1x The Huge revolution is Over
2x Maxx "c"
2x Safe Zone
2x Great Shogun Shien
1x Bottomless Trap Hole
1x Mind Control

"A rather slow turn, but Shi En attacks your face down monster. Do you have a counter? Otherwise I end my turn with that."

Life points: 4000
SE= Legendary Six Samurai - Shi En (ATK: 2500, DEF: 1400)
f= face down.

2012-02-20, 07:42 AM
"No chain." He said, as he drew a card.


"I set another monster facedown and end my turn. Your move."

hand 2: Dark armed dragon
Inzektor Giga-Mantis,

1. f/d

1. f/d

facedown: Mon: Inzektor Hornet
S/T: 1.Sakeretsu Armor

Genex Ally Birdman
Heavy storm
Monster Reborn

Dark Megazord Deck

Inzektor Dragonfly 3
Inzektor Dragonfly 3
Inzektor Dragonfly 3
Inzektor Hornet 3
Inzektor Hornet 3
Inzektor Hornet 3
Inzektor Centipede 3
Armageddon Knight 4
Armageddon Knight 4
Genex Ally Birdman 3
Genex Ally Birdman 3
Genex Ally Birdman 3
Plaguespreader Zombie 2
Snipe Hunter 4
Krebons 2
Krebons 2
Dark Armed Dragon 8
Level Eater 1
Battle Fader 1
Inzektor Giga-Mantis 6
Inzektor Giga-Mantis 6
Veil of Darkness
Monster Reborn
Mystical Space Typhoon
Mystical Space Typhoon
Verz Golem 5
Heavy Storm
Enemy Controller
Pot of Duality
Allure of Darkness
Solemn Warning
Spell Shield Type-8
Imperial Iron Wall
Imperial Iron Wall
Dust Tornado
Sakeretsu Armor
Compulsory Evacuation Device
Torrential Tribute
Bottomless Trap Hole
Mirror Force

Extra Deck:
1. Inzektor Exa-Beetle
2. Inzektor Exa-Beetle
3. Ally of Justice Catastor
4. Ally of Justice Catastor
5. Armory Arm
6. Infernity Doom Dragon
7. Thought Ruler Archfiend
8. Ally of Justice Decisive Armor
9. Locomotion R-Genex
10. Red Dragon Archfiend
11. Colossal Fighter
12. Black-Winged Dragon
13. Number 34 Terror-Byte
14. Blood Mefist
15. Dark End Dragon
Side Deck:
Escape from Different Dimension
Escape from Different Dimension
Snipe Hunter
Dimensional Prison
Hand Destruction
Destiny HERO – Malicious
Destiny HERO – Malicious
Burial from a Different Dimension
Compulsory Evacuation Device
Miracle Dig
Inzektor Giga-Grioll
Inzektor Giga-Grioll
Enemy Controller
Ally of Justice Light Gazer
Destruction Jammer

Mercenary Pen
2012-02-20, 08:42 AM
Draw: [roll0]

Graveyard: Dark Hole
Shien's Dojo
Legendary Six Samurai - Kizan
Shien's Squire
Solemn Judgment

Banished: -

Face-down: Musakani Magatama (st4)

Hand=3: Heavy Storm
Shien's Dojo
Six Samurai United

Deck: 1- Legendary Six Samurai - Kageki
2- Legendary Six Samurai - Kageki
3- Legendary Six Samurai - Kageki
4- Kagemusha of the Six samurai
5- Kagemusha of the six samurai
6- Kagemusha of the six samurai
7- Legendary Six Samurai - Kizan
8- Legendary Six Samurai - Kizan
9- Grandmaster of the six samurai
10- Grandmaster of the six samurai
11- Hand of the six samurai
12- Spirit of the six samurai
13- Shien's Smoke Signal
14- Six samurai united
15- Six samurai united
16- six samurai united
17- shien's dojo
18- Mystical space typhoon
19- mystical space typhoon
20- mystical space typhoon
21- reinforcement of the army
22- gateway of the six
23- monster reborn
24- book of moon
25- solemn warning
26- solemn warning
27- double-edged sword technique
28- musakani magatama
29- musakani magatama
30- seven tools of the bandit
31- mirror force
32- bottomless trap hole

Extra deck:
1x Legendary Six Samurai - Shi En
2x Naturia Beast
1x Naturia Barkion
1x Naturia Landoise
1x Brionac, dragon of the ice barrier
1x T.G. Hyper Librarian
1x Trishula, Dragon of the ice barrier
1x Steelswarm roach
1x Grenosaurus
1x Number 17: Leviathan Dragon
1x Number 20: Giga- Brilliant
1x Leviair the sea dragon
1x Tiras, Keeper of Genesis
1x Blade Armour Ninja

Side Deck:
2x Debunk
2x D.D. Crow
2x Rivalry of Warlords
1x The Huge revolution is Over
2x Maxx "c"
2x Safe Zone
2x Great Shogun Shien
1x Bottomless Trap Hole
1x Mind Control

"My army appears to be fighting on other battlefields, so I shall have to wait until they arrive. Shi En attacks another face down and I end my turn."

Life points: 4000
SE= Legendary Six Samurai - Shi En (ATK: 2500, DEF: 1400)
f= face down.

2012-02-20, 08:47 AM
"You destroyed an Inzektor Hornet. Now let's see how fatal your army's lethargy truly is!"

"I special summon Dark Armed dragon, for I have 3 dark monsters in my graveyard! If there is no chain, he removes krebons to destroy your facedown. If there is no chain, he will remove birdman to destroy your samurai. If there is no chain, I normal summon Krebons from my hand, and both monsters attack you directly. If there is no chain, you just took 4000 LP worth of damage and lost the match."

OOC: if it's relevant, he attacks with Dark Armed first.

2012-02-20, 09:07 AM
OOC: luckily none of that relied on a spell or trap. Have I won, or where do you chain?

Mercenary Pen
2012-02-20, 09:56 AM
"When you attempt to destroy my face down card, I activate the trap card Musakani Magatama (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Musakani_Magatama), negating the effect activation and destroying Dark Armed Dragon."

2012-02-20, 09:58 AM
"Damn! In that case, I summon krebons in attack mode and my turn."

Mercenary Pen
2012-02-20, 11:01 AM
Draw: [roll0]

Graveyard: Dark Hole
Shien's Dojo
Legendary Six Samurai - Kizan
Shien's Squire
Solemn Judgment
Musakani Magatama

Banished: -

Face-down: Solemn Warning (st5)

Hand=3: Heavy Storm
Shien's Dojo
Six Samurai United

Deck: 1- Legendary Six Samurai - Kageki
2- Legendary Six Samurai - Kageki
3- Legendary Six Samurai - Kageki
4- Kagemusha of the Six samurai
5- Kagemusha of the six samurai
6- Kagemusha of the six samurai
7- Legendary Six Samurai - Kizan
8- Legendary Six Samurai - Kizan
9- Grandmaster of the six samurai
10- Grandmaster of the six samurai
11- Hand of the six samurai
12- Spirit of the six samurai
13- Shien's Smoke Signal
14- Six samurai united
15- six samurai united
16- shien's dojo
17- Mystical space typhoon
18- mystical space typhoon
19- mystical space typhoon
20- reinforcement of the army
21- gateway of the six
22- monster reborn
23- book of moon
24- solemn warning
25- solemn warning
26- double-edged sword technique
27- musakani magatama
28- musakani magatama
29- seven tools of the bandit
30- mirror force
31- bottomless trap hole

Extra deck:
1x Legendary Six Samurai - Shi En
2x Naturia Beast
1x Naturia Barkion
1x Naturia Landoise
1x Brionac, dragon of the ice barrier
1x T.G. Hyper Librarian
1x Trishula, Dragon of the ice barrier
1x Steelswarm roach
1x Grenosaurus
1x Number 17: Leviathan Dragon
1x Number 20: Giga- Brilliant
1x Leviair the sea dragon
1x Tiras, Keeper of Genesis
1x Blade Armour Ninja

Side Deck:
2x Debunk
2x D.D. Crow
2x Rivalry of Warlords
1x The Huge revolution is Over
2x Maxx "c"
2x Safe Zone
2x Great Shogun Shien
1x Bottomless Trap Hole
1x Mind Control

"I attack Krebons with Shi En, though I assume that you pay to negate the attack. Either way, I set one card on my back row and end."

Life points: 4000
SE= Legendary Six Samurai - Shi En (ATK: 2500, DEF: 1400)
f= face down.

2012-02-20, 11:41 AM
LP: 4700

"You assumed correctly." He responded as Krebons deflected the attack with his forcefield.

"My turn!"
Draw: [roll0]

"I set a facedown, and end my turn."
Hand: Inzektor Giga-Mantis

1. Krebons (1200/400)

1. f/d
2. f/d

facedown: Mon: Inzektor Hornet
S/T: 1.Sakeretsu Armor
2. Imperial Iron Wall

Dark Armed dragon
Genex Ally Birdman
Heavy storm
Monster Reborn


Dark Megazord Deck

Inzektor Dragonfly 3
Inzektor Dragonfly 3
Inzektor Dragonfly 3
Inzektor Hornet 3
Inzektor Hornet 3
Inzektor Hornet 3
Inzektor Centipede 3
Armageddon Knight 4
Armageddon Knight 4
Genex Ally Birdman 3
Genex Ally Birdman 3
Genex Ally Birdman 3
Plaguespreader Zombie 2
Snipe Hunter 4
Krebons 2
Krebons 2
Dark Armed Dragon 8
Level Eater 1
Battle Fader 1
Inzektor Giga-Mantis 6
Inzektor Giga-Mantis 6
Veil of Darkness
Monster Reborn
Mystical Space Typhoon
Mystical Space Typhoon
Verz Golem 5
Heavy Storm
Enemy Controller
Pot of Duality
Allure of Darkness
Solemn Warning
Spell Shield Type-8
Imperial Iron Wall
Imperial Iron Wall
Dust Tornado
Sakeretsu Armor
Compulsory Evacuation Device
Torrential Tribute
Bottomless Trap Hole
Mirror Force

Extra Deck:
1. Inzektor Exa-Beetle
2. Inzektor Exa-Beetle
3. Ally of Justice Catastor
4. Ally of Justice Catastor
5. Armory Arm
6. Infernity Doom Dragon
7. Thought Ruler Archfiend
8. Ally of Justice Decisive Armor
9. Locomotion R-Genex
10. Red Dragon Archfiend
11. Colossal Fighter
12. Black-Winged Dragon
13. Number 34 Terror-Byte
14. Blood Mefist
15. Dark End Dragon
Side Deck:
Escape from Different Dimension
Escape from Different Dimension
Snipe Hunter
Dimensional Prison
Hand Destruction
Destiny HERO – Malicious
Destiny HERO – Malicious
Burial from a Different Dimension
Compulsory Evacuation Device
Miracle Dig
Inzektor Giga-Grioll
Inzektor Giga-Grioll
Enemy Controller
Ally of Justice Light Gazer
Destruction Jammer

2012-02-20, 11:49 AM
OOC: Your move.

Mercenary Pen
2012-02-20, 01:27 PM
(OOC: Sorry for the delay, had to pop out to the shops)
Draw: [roll0]

Graveyard: Dark Hole
Shien's Dojo
Legendary Six Samurai - Kizan
Shien's Squire
Solemn Judgment
Musakani Magatama
Six Samurai United

Banished: -

Face-down: Solemn Warning (st5)

Hand=1: Heavy Storm

Deck: 1- Legendary Six Samurai - Kageki
2- Legendary Six Samurai - Kageki
3- Legendary Six Samurai - Kageki
4- Kagemusha of the Six samurai
5- Kagemusha of the six samurai
6- Kagemusha of the six samurai
7- Legendary Six Samurai - Kizan
8- Legendary Six Samurai - Kizan
9- Grandmaster of the six samurai
10- Grandmaster of the six samurai
11- Hand of the six samurai
12- Spirit of the six samurai
13- Shien's Smoke Signal
14- Six samurai united
15- six samurai united
16- shien's dojo
17- Mystical space typhoon
18- mystical space typhoon
19- mystical space typhoon
20- reinforcement of the army
21- gateway of the six
22- monster reborn
23- book of moon
24- solemn warning
25- double-edged sword technique
26- musakani magatama
27- musakani magatama
28- seven tools of the bandit
29- mirror force
30- bottomless trap hole

Extra deck:
1x Legendary Six Samurai - Shi En
2x Naturia Beast
1x Naturia Barkion
1x Naturia Landoise
1x Brionac, dragon of the ice barrier
1x T.G. Hyper Librarian
1x Trishula, Dragon of the ice barrier
1x Steelswarm roach
1x Grenosaurus
1x Number 17: Leviathan Dragon
1x Number 20: Giga- Brilliant
1x Leviair the sea dragon
1x Tiras, Keeper of Genesis
1x Blade Armour Ninja

Side Deck:
2x Debunk
2x D.D. Crow
2x Rivalry of Warlords
1x The Huge revolution is Over
2x Maxx "c"
2x Safe Zone
2x Great Shogun Shien
1x Bottomless Trap Hole
1x Mind Control

"Now to start putting more pressure on you. I activate Shien's Dojo, then Six Samurai United. With both of those on the field, I special summon Legendary Six Samurai - Kizan from my hand, placing a bushido counter on each. I then send Six Samurai United to the graveyard to draw a new card."

Life points: 4000
SE= Legendary Six Samurai - Shi En (ATK: 2500, DEF: 1400)
SD= Shien's Dojo (1 bushido counter)
f= face down.

Mercenary Pen
2012-02-20, 01:36 PM
Six Samurai United: [roll0]

Graveyard: Dark Hole
Shien's Dojo
Legendary Six Samurai - Kizan
Shien's Squire
Solemn Judgment
Musakani Magatama
Six Samurai United

Banished: -

Face-down: Solemn Warning (st1), Musakani Magatama (st4)

Hand=1: Heavy Storm

Deck: 1- Legendary Six Samurai - Kageki
2- Legendary Six Samurai - Kageki
3- Legendary Six Samurai - Kageki
4- Kagemusha of the Six samurai
5- Kagemusha of the six samurai
6- Kagemusha of the six samurai
7- Legendary Six Samurai - Kizan
8- Grandmaster of the six samurai
9- Grandmaster of the six samurai
10- Hand of the six samurai
11- Spirit of the six samurai
12- Shien's Smoke Signal
13- Six samurai united
14- six samurai united
15- shien's dojo
16- Mystical space typhoon
17- mystical space typhoon
18- mystical space typhoon
19- reinforcement of the army
20- gateway of the six
21- monster reborn
22- book of moon
23- solemn warning
24- double-edged sword technique
25- musakani magatama
26- musakani magatama
27- seven tools of the bandit
28- mirror force
29- bottomless trap hole

Extra deck:
1x Legendary Six Samurai - Shi En
2x Naturia Beast
1x Naturia Barkion
1x Naturia Landoise
1x Brionac, dragon of the ice barrier
1x T.G. Hyper Librarian
1x Trishula, Dragon of the ice barrier
1x Steelswarm roach
1x Grenosaurus
1x Number 17: Leviathan Dragon
1x Number 20: Giga- Brilliant
1x Leviair the sea dragon
1x Tiras, Keeper of Genesis
1x Blade Armour Ninja

Side Deck:
2x Debunk
2x D.D. Crow
2x Rivalry of Warlords
1x The Huge revolution is Over
2x Maxx "c"
2x Safe Zone
2x Great Shogun Shien
1x Bottomless Trap Hole
1x Mind Control

"That done, Kizan and Shi En will both attack Krebons in that order, though if you choose not to negate Kizan's attack, Shi En will take out the face down card. I'll then set a card face down and end my turn."

Life points: 4000
Kz= Legendary Six Samurai - Kizan (ATK: 1800, DEF: 500)
SE= Legendary Six Samurai - Shi En (ATK: 2500, DEF: 1400)
SD= Shien's Dojo (1 bushido counter)
f= face down.

2012-02-20, 02:00 PM
When Six Samurai United appeared on the field, the latest card the superhero set flipped up.
"Activate Imperial Iron Wall (http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Imperial_Iron_Wall)!" He said, his expression hidden by his mask.

OOC: Does this change your turn, or trigger anything?

Mercenary Pen
2012-02-20, 03:13 PM
"I'll let you activate Imperial Iron Wall because it doesn't threaten me. I then continue my turn exactly as previously."

2012-02-20, 03:24 PM

"Fine then. My turn." He said, wincing as he felt the mental drain of his monster on his psyche.


"I play Inzektor Dragonfly in attack mode! Any chain?"

1. Krebons (1200/400)

1. f/d
2. Imperial Iron Wall

facedown: Mon: Inzektor Hornet
S/T: 1.Sakeretsu Armor
2. Imperial Iron Wall

Dark Armed dragon
Genex Ally Birdman
Heavy storm
Monster Reborn


Dark Megazord Deck

Inzektor Dragonfly 3
Inzektor Dragonfly 3
Inzektor Dragonfly 3
Inzektor Hornet 3
Inzektor Hornet 3
Inzektor Hornet 3
Inzektor Centipede 3
Armageddon Knight 4
Armageddon Knight 4
Genex Ally Birdman 3
Genex Ally Birdman 3
Genex Ally Birdman 3
Plaguespreader Zombie 2
Snipe Hunter 4
Krebons 2
Krebons 2
Dark Armed Dragon 8
Level Eater 1
Battle Fader 1
Inzektor Giga-Mantis 6
Inzektor Giga-Mantis 6
Veil of Darkness
Monster Reborn
Mystical Space Typhoon
Mystical Space Typhoon
Verz Golem 5
Heavy Storm
Enemy Controller
Pot of Duality
Allure of Darkness
Solemn Warning
Spell Shield Type-8
Imperial Iron Wall
Imperial Iron Wall
Dust Tornado
Sakeretsu Armor
Compulsory Evacuation Device
Torrential Tribute
Bottomless Trap Hole
Mirror Force

Extra Deck:
1. Inzektor Exa-Beetle
2. Inzektor Exa-Beetle
3. Ally of Justice Catastor
4. Ally of Justice Catastor
5. Armory Arm
6. Infernity Doom Dragon
7. Thought Ruler Archfiend
8. Ally of Justice Decisive Armor
9. Locomotion R-Genex
10. Red Dragon Archfiend
11. Colossal Fighter
12. Black-Winged Dragon
13. Number 34 Terror-Byte
14. Blood Mefist
15. Dark End Dragon
Side Deck:
Escape from Different Dimension
Escape from Different Dimension
Snipe Hunter
Dimensional Prison
Hand Destruction
Destiny HERO – Malicious
Destiny HERO – Malicious
Burial from a Different Dimension
Compulsory Evacuation Device
Miracle Dig
Inzektor Giga-Grioll
Inzektor Giga-Grioll
Enemy Controller
Ally of Justice Light Gazer
Destruction Jammer

Mercenary Pen
2012-02-20, 03:36 PM
"Battle is joined. I activate Solemn Warning, paying 2000 life points to negate the summon and destroy your dragonfly."

2012-02-20, 03:43 PM
"Then it looks like another turn ends. Your move."

1. Krebons (1200/400)

1. f/d
2. Imperial Iron Wall

S/T: 1.Sakeretsu Armor

Inzektor Dragonfly
Dark Armed dragon
Genex Ally Birdman
Heavy storm
Monster Reborn


Dark Megazord Deck

Inzektor Dragonfly 3
Inzektor Dragonfly 3
Inzektor Dragonfly 3
Inzektor Hornet 3
Inzektor Hornet 3
Inzektor Hornet 3
Inzektor Centipede 3
Armageddon Knight 4
Armageddon Knight 4
Genex Ally Birdman 3
Genex Ally Birdman 3
Genex Ally Birdman 3
Plaguespreader Zombie 2
Snipe Hunter 4
Krebons 2
Krebons 2
Dark Armed Dragon 8
Level Eater 1
Battle Fader 1
Inzektor Giga-Mantis 6
Inzektor Giga-Mantis 6
Veil of Darkness
Monster Reborn
Mystical Space Typhoon
Mystical Space Typhoon
Verz Golem 5
Heavy Storm
Enemy Controller
Pot of Duality
Allure of Darkness
Solemn Warning
Spell Shield Type-8
Imperial Iron Wall
Imperial Iron Wall
Dust Tornado
Sakeretsu Armor
Compulsory Evacuation Device
Torrential Tribute
Bottomless Trap Hole
Mirror Force

Extra Deck:
1. Inzektor Exa-Beetle
2. Inzektor Exa-Beetle
3. Ally of Justice Catastor
4. Ally of Justice Catastor
5. Armory Arm
6. Infernity Doom Dragon
7. Thought Ruler Archfiend
8. Ally of Justice Decisive Armor
9. Locomotion R-Genex
10. Red Dragon Archfiend
11. Colossal Fighter
12. Black-Winged Dragon
13. Number 34 Terror-Byte
14. Blood Mefist
15. Dark End Dragon
Side Deck:
Escape from Different Dimension
Escape from Different Dimension
Snipe Hunter
Dimensional Prison
Hand Destruction
Destiny HERO – Malicious
Destiny HERO – Malicious
Burial from a Different Dimension
Compulsory Evacuation Device
Miracle Dig
Inzektor Giga-Grioll
Inzektor Giga-Grioll
Enemy Controller
Ally of Justice Light Gazer
Destruction Jammer

Mercenary Pen
2012-02-20, 03:51 PM
"I really must thank you for keeping Krebons around this long, considering everything it does to help me."
Draw: [roll0]

Graveyard: Dark Hole
Shien's Dojo
Legendary Six Samurai - Kizan
Shien's Squire
Solemn Judgment
Musakani Magatama
Six Samurai United

Banished: -

Face-down: Musakani Magatama (st4)

Hand=2: Heavy Storm
Six Samurai United

Deck: 1- Legendary Six Samurai - Kageki
2- Legendary Six Samurai - Kageki
3- Legendary Six Samurai - Kageki
4- Kagemusha of the Six samurai
5- Kagemusha of the six samurai
6- Kagemusha of the six samurai
7- Legendary Six Samurai - Kizan
8- Grandmaster of the six samurai
9- Grandmaster of the six samurai
10- Hand of the six samurai
11- Spirit of the six samurai
12- Shien's Smoke Signal
13- Six samurai united
14- six samurai united
15- shien's dojo
16- Mystical space typhoon
17- mystical space typhoon
18- mystical space typhoon
19- reinforcement of the army
20- gateway of the six
21- monster reborn
22- book of moon
23- solemn warning
24- double-edged sword technique
25- musakani magatama
26- seven tools of the bandit
27- mirror force
28- bottomless trap hole

Extra deck:
1x Legendary Six Samurai - Shi En
2x Naturia Beast
1x Naturia Barkion
1x Naturia Landoise
1x Brionac, dragon of the ice barrier
1x T.G. Hyper Librarian
1x Trishula, Dragon of the ice barrier
1x Steelswarm roach
1x Grenosaurus
1x Number 17: Leviathan Dragon
1x Number 20: Giga- Brilliant
1x Leviair the sea dragon
1x Tiras, Keeper of Genesis
1x Blade Armour Ninja

Side Deck:
2x Debunk
2x D.D. Crow
2x Rivalry of Warlords
1x The Huge revolution is Over
2x Maxx "c"
2x Safe Zone
2x Great Shogun Shien
1x Bottomless Trap Hole
1x Mind Control

"Well, Kizan and Shi En will each take another swing at Krebons, then I'll hand straight back across to you."

Life points: 2000
Kz= Legendary Six Samurai - Kizan (ATK: 1800, DEF: 500)
SE= Legendary Six Samurai - Shi En (ATK: 2500, DEF: 1400)
SD= Shien's Dojo (1 bushido counter)
f= face down.

2012-02-20, 04:02 PM
LP: 1700

"Come on!"


"I sacrifice Krebons for Inzektor Giga-Mantis in attack mode. He will attack your weaker samurai. In my Main phase 2 I set a card facedown and end my turn."

1. Inzektor Giga Mantis (2400/0)

1. f/d
2. Imperial Iron Wall

S/T: 1.Sakeretsu Armor
3. Bottomless trap Hole

Inzektor Dragonfly
Dark Armed dragon
Genex Ally Birdman
Heavy storm
Monster Reborn


Dark Megazord Deck

Inzektor Dragonfly 3
Inzektor Dragonfly 3
Inzektor Dragonfly 3
Inzektor Hornet 3
Inzektor Hornet 3
Inzektor Hornet 3
Inzektor Centipede 3
Armageddon Knight 4
Armageddon Knight 4
Genex Ally Birdman 3
Genex Ally Birdman 3
Genex Ally Birdman 3
Plaguespreader Zombie 2
Snipe Hunter 4
Krebons 2
Krebons 2
Dark Armed Dragon 8
Level Eater 1
Battle Fader 1
Inzektor Giga-Mantis 6
Inzektor Giga-Mantis 6
Veil of Darkness
Monster Reborn
Mystical Space Typhoon
Mystical Space Typhoon
Verz Golem 5
Heavy Storm
Enemy Controller
Pot of Duality
Allure of Darkness
Solemn Warning
Spell Shield Type-8
Imperial Iron Wall
Imperial Iron Wall
Dust Tornado
Sakeretsu Armor
Compulsory Evacuation Device
Torrential Tribute
Bottomless Trap Hole
Mirror Force

Extra Deck:
1. Inzektor Exa-Beetle
2. Inzektor Exa-Beetle
3. Ally of Justice Catastor
4. Ally of Justice Catastor
5. Armory Arm
6. Infernity Doom Dragon
7. Thought Ruler Archfiend
8. Ally of Justice Decisive Armor
9. Locomotion R-Genex
10. Red Dragon Archfiend
11. Colossal Fighter
12. Black-Winged Dragon
13. Number 34 Terror-Byte
14. Blood Mefist
15. Dark End Dragon
Side Deck:
Escape from Different Dimension
Escape from Different Dimension
Snipe Hunter
Dimensional Prison
Hand Destruction
Destiny HERO – Malicious
Destiny HERO – Malicious
Burial from a Different Dimension
Compulsory Evacuation Device
Miracle Dig
Inzektor Giga-Grioll
Inzektor Giga-Grioll
Enemy Controller
Ally of Justice Light Gazer
Destruction Jammer

2012-02-20, 04:07 PM
OOC: Wait I'm confused-How many facedown s/t do you have right now? I thought you flipped your last one last turn?

Mercenary Pen
2012-02-20, 04:29 PM
OOC: Wait I'm confused-How many facedown s/t do you have right now? I thought you flipped your last one last turn?

(OOC: I still have one face down, I was up at two before I flipped solemn warning.)

2012-02-20, 04:33 PM
OOC: I wasn't ending my turn! I was trying to figure out my move!

Mercenary Pen
2012-02-20, 04:35 PM
(OOC: Sorry:smalleek: I'll remove that turn then.)

2012-02-20, 04:42 PM
OOC: Edited in my turn. Do you chain? Your move regardless-my hand is empty right now.

Mercenary Pen
2012-02-20, 04:59 PM
"well, there had to be something that could hurt me in your deck. No matter, that mantis will not survive the turn."
Draw: [roll0]

Graveyard: Dark Hole
Shien's Dojo
Legendary Six Samurai - Kizan
Shien's Squire
Solemn Judgment
Musakani Magatama
Six Samurai United
Shien's Dojo
Legendary Six Samurai - Kageki
Kagemusha of the six samurai

Banished: -

Face-down: Musakani Magatama (st4)

Hand=2: Heavy Storm
Six Samurai United

Deck: 1- Legendary Six Samurai - Kageki
2- Legendary Six Samurai - Kageki
3- Legendary Six Samurai - Kageki
4- Kagemusha of the Six samurai
5- Kagemusha of the six samurai
6- Kagemusha of the six samurai
7- Legendary Six Samurai - Kizan
8- Grandmaster of the six samurai
9- Grandmaster of the six samurai
10- Hand of the six samurai
11- Spirit of the six samurai
12- Shien's Smoke Signal
13- six samurai united
14- shien's dojo
15- Mystical space typhoon
16- mystical space typhoon
17- mystical space typhoon
18- reinforcement of the army
19- gateway of the six
20- monster reborn
21- book of moon
22- solemn warning
23- double-edged sword technique
24- musakani magatama
25- seven tools of the bandit
26- mirror force
27- bottomless trap hole

Extra deck:
1x Legendary Six Samurai - Shi En
2x Naturia Beast
1x Naturia Barkion
1x Naturia Landoise
1x Brionac, dragon of the ice barrier
1x T.G. Hyper Librarian
1x Trishula, Dragon of the ice barrier
1x Steelswarm roach
1x Grenosaurus
1x Number 17: Leviathan Dragon
1x Number 20: Giga- Brilliant
1x Leviair the sea dragon
1x Tiras, Keeper of Genesis
1x Blade Armour Ninja

Side Deck:
2x Debunk
2x D.D. Crow
2x Rivalry of Warlords
1x The Huge revolution is Over
2x Maxx "c"
2x Safe Zone
2x Great Shogun Shien
1x Bottomless Trap Hole
1x Mind Control

"I summon Legendary Six Samurai - Kageki to the field, placing another Bushido Counter on Shien's Dojo. I then send Dojo to the graveyard to special summon Kagemusha of the six samurai from my deck.I then tune Kagemusha and Kageki to synchro summon T.G. Hyper Librarian. Shi En attacks and destroys Giga-Mantis, then Hyper Librarian attacks for game- unless you have anything that can save you?"

Life points: 1400
TG= T.G. Hyper Librarian (ATK: 2400, DEF: 1800)
SE= Legendary Six Samurai - Shi En (ATK: 2500, DEF: 1400)
SD= Shien's Dojo (1 bushido counter)
f= face down.

2012-02-20, 07:26 PM
"When Hyper librarian is summoned, I play Bottomless trap hole! Do you have a chain?" He said, as the card he recently set lifted up.

Mercenary Pen
2012-02-20, 07:33 PM
"I'll negate it with Shi En. Rest of my turn continues as before."

2012-02-20, 07:41 PM
"Gotcha. When your samurai attacks, I trigger the Sakeretsu Armor I've had set since the game started, waiting for you to waste a negate! So all you have left is a 2400 versus my 2400. You going to leave it there, or do a suicide run?"

Mercenary Pen
2012-02-20, 07:57 PM
"Sometimes sacrifices must be made, but this is not one of those times- I activate my face down Musakani Magatama to negate and destroy your Sakuretsu Armour, then my attacks continue as before."

2012-02-23, 06:41 AM
OOC: So sorry thought I already posted! Good game, you win.

IC: The Kamen Rider fell to his knees panting heavily. Finally he said,

"Nice game. You never lost control of either match for a moment did you?" He said. "Shall we head back then? To let them know you won?"

Mercenary Pen
2012-02-23, 07:05 AM
OOC: So sorry thought I already posted! Good game, you win.

IC: The Kamen Rider fell to his knees panting heavily. Finally he said,

"Nice game. You never lost control of either match for a moment did you?" He said. "Shall we head back then? To let them know you won?"

"I would not go as far as saying I never lost control, for there were moments that were tenser than they should have been- but in the end training and experience are the telling factors."