View Full Version : [PF] Crafting and wands

2012-02-17, 11:35 PM
Ok, if I had the Use Magic Device skill, and the Craft Wand feat, could I use a wand of a spell I didn't know and that wasn't on my spell list to make another wand of that type? Or does the spell required when crafting need to come from a caster capable of casting it?

2012-02-18, 01:16 AM
Short answer: Yes.

Long answer: As noted on page 461, you can use spell trigger and spell completion items to provide the required spell, you will be required to expend a charge for each day you are crafting however. In your case, this means a UMD check each day to use the wand while crafting. Someone more savy then me will probably post the srd link soon. And for further note on crafting:

As described on page 549, first full paragraph, it states that you can ignore the requirements for items except the required item creation feat by increasing the DC by 5 for each requirement skipped, except for spell completion and spell trigger. Wands and Staves are spell triggers, while scrolls are spell completion. Depending on the rod in question, you might be able to.

For your reference, the list of item creation feats you are allowed to use the skip requirement trick on:

Brew potion (Use-activation)
Craft Arms and Armor (Use-activation except for specific ones)
Craft Wonderous Item (Talk with your DM for the item in question)
Craft Construct (The feat states you need the manual and items particular to the construct in question, but the above clause still applies)
Craft Rod (Again, talk to your DM about the item in question)
Forge Ring (Most are Use-activation)

I might be missing one or two. And this is what I get for spending 2 hours comparing this crafting system to the one in 3.5. Any other related questions?