View Full Version : Keep the Keep 3: Rweird vs SlyJohnny

2012-02-18, 12:16 PM
It is a time of war and struggle upon the continent. The ancestral monarchy of King Wallace and his plains dwellers is under assault by the self-made empire of Wilbur the Vile. The war has continued for two years in a state of stalemate, with Wilbur unable to take the fertile floodplains and Wallace's armies too few to make an effective counterstrike. It seems there will be a continued stalemate in this next campaigning season.

Wilbur the Vile hatches a plan, using what cash he has and promises of glory he secures the aid of a horde. He sends the horde to the north of Wallace's border; where there is a keep which could be used to launch assaults upon the headwaters of the Lafupa river, and better threaten the fertile cities of floodplains to the south.

King Wallace's spies inform him of the massing of the horde, but there is no time or troops to spare. So he makes a desperate plea to a mysterious mage, please hold the keep, defend my people, destroy the horde and I shall grant you any boon within my power...

2012-02-18, 01:30 PM
DM(s) and Observers:
An old gnome slowly approaches the keep, sending his raven to the Scrying Pool, he calls the Elementals, telling to gather round. (In Auran) "Alright, you, patrol the skies, stray no further than a mile from the keep, alert me you see anything."
(In Ignan) "You, patrol the base of the keep, guard it against attack."
(In Terrain) "Stay under ground, tell me if anone approaches."

Raven's Scrying on the Warlord (Will DC 16) +3 on warlords will save if the raven's check succeeds well enough for it to sketch a picture of him, +5 if it fails.

Raven's Knowledge (History) on the Warlord: [roll0]
Raven's Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty) on the Warlord:[roll1] Raven's Knowledge (Geography) on the Warlord:[roll2]

2012-02-18, 01:57 PM
DM and Observers:

The clerics cast Magic Aura from their scrolls and domain slots, veiling all the magic items in the horde to not give off magic auras, and also on the persons of the clerics and warlord, to obscure any buffs they may receive. They prioritize the clerics and warlords equipment first, then move off to cast on the various potions and scrolls the horde has.

50 elven commoners with longbows, 25 half-orc commoners with spears and 25 half-orc commoners with longspears mount up the horses. The 100 halfling rogues take 15 shovels and each get on to the back of one horse. By my calculations, the horses should still not be encumbered, as the halflings are unarmoured and weigh very little. 10 should ride ahead as a scouting force, and bring the group to a halt once they can't get any closer to the stronghold without being spotted. The horses are following the rules for forced marching and should arrive early at the stronghold. If forced marching isn't enough to get them there before 7 hours has elapsed, they should Hustle for the last 3 hours.

One of the higher level clerics will cast from an Augury scroll, with the intended course of action of "We're not gonna take any unusual measures to protect the seige or prevent infiltration for the next 30 minutes, is that gonna work out okay for us?".

The army travels in a loose staggered formation, with the seige towers in the middle and ballistas and catapults forming a rough figure of eight around them, weapons facing outwards so they can cover each other. They are widely spaced apart. They are crewed at all times; the replacement crew will mix in with the regular horde, with the first replacement 30 feet away, and the next replacement 60 feet, so there is always a replacement within a move action, one more within a double move, and a couple more within a full-round running action. Lookouts are posted on the towers. At least one level one cleric is always within a move action of a ballista or catapult, with a couple more slightly further away, as with the seige engineers. The other level one clerics tend to hang nearby the archers.

The distribution of the army is otherwise a bit laissez faire, with units commingling freely, though the commoners who aren't preoccupied with tending to the seige animals tend towards the outskirts, and archers and slingers tending to keep more towards the centre of the formation.

In general, the army has a series of pre-arranged drills and a very distributed command structure, relying on individual training for certain eventualities, rather than a rigid and obvious chain of command. Everyone is dressed the same, and the warlord and clerics are not keen to stand out from the crowd.

2012-02-18, 09:27 PM
I instruct my Formians to attempt to Scry the warlord Via pool. DC 18, 2 of them, Will, +5 to the will save. My raven scrys the Trumpet Archon on it's mission. (The Archon chooses to fail it's save.) I cast Both of my Hallucinatory Terrains (Metamagic rod, Extend x2) to make a 30 ft. across, 30 ft. high, 660 ft. long mound that cuts off into a straight drop on the far side, wrapping itself around the hill surrounding the keep at a distance of. 150 ft. at the far side. I proceed to the keep tell everyone that the mound is an illusion,(I have them walk through it so they can be certain, and instruct my elementals, excepts the air ones, to hide in the mound and attack anyone that tries to get through the "mound" without my permission.(Will DC 26 disbelief if interacted with, (The keep staff will be given permission+ Formian taskmasters and Trumpet Archon, each new bound creature that accepts my deal will be given permission))

2012-02-18, 10:34 PM
DM Only:
After making the illusion, I Use Move Earth to make a 20 ft. Pit, 10 ft. back, underneath the illusion, (there is a 10 ft. ledge on the far side underneath the "mound" I leave a route going straight across at each corner. 50 ft. further down the hill, I make a 20 ft. area level completely circling the hill. I make 1 20ft. area right at the front of the keep exempt forcing you to take a single route an additional 30 ft. from the smooth area I make a 10 ft. Wall, with scaled size to the keep rise 10 ft. and the 10 ft. area further from it sink 10 ft. and the area further than than that sinks to make the way up to the first wall, even or lower with the base of the wall. I believe this would take 2 hours, maybe three. I'm not sure how much I moved though it is within my limit. After that I sleep for 2 hours.

2012-02-21, 04:29 PM

In the clear perfect voice of a being from the upper planes "I shall seek out this horde of evil and eliminate all those would us magic against the keep as you have instructed."

Instructions for reference
I'm telling the Trumpet Archon my best guess of where the horde is. I'm casting Invisibility (Last 15 minutes) on the Trumpet Archon right before it teleports. (it's attack strategy is sound it's trumpet when it is next to the casters, use blade barrier to cut off there escape, then use Dictum,the use your greatsword to to finish those casters, teleport to another caster group, use holy word. then return via Teleport. (The trumpet archon casts Aid and Divine Power on itself before leaving. (1d8+24)[30] temporary HP, +6 str, +1 moral on attack and saves.

Turning towards where you believe the horde to be approaching from he disappears.


Seven minuets into the tense vigil the bat as well as those with See invisibility see a Powerful Being (http://dl.dropbox.com/u/19500165/AN_Trumpet_Archon.jpg) appear 50 ft above the center of the horde.Its noble visage seems to be searching for something among the mass of the horde below.

*uses surprise round to make a spot check Initiative [roll0]

2012-02-21, 04:59 PM
Saeroone calmly observes the creature materialise in the distance, in the center of the seige killzone. "Hold your fire." she murmurs softly to the archers nearest her. Unnecessarily so, as they won't fire until she orders it, but she says it anyway. "The bat has seen it." She glances at the seige below, checking it's ready to fire, and then calmly turns and takes a couple of steps down the ramp of the seige tower's roof, stepping behind the solid cover as she removes a scroll from her belt, so she'll be unseen. Just another soldier on the seige tower moving back and forth. She reads from the scroll, and casts True Strike upon herself, gasping softly as her mind reels with a thousand possible images of her arrow's flight, and an instinctive sense that her next shot is going to be a real doozy. She idly wonders if she knows what the creature is.

((Knowledge: The Planes to identify the creature [roll0] ))

The tiny bat, operating in accordance with it's orders, flits over to the creature, utterly incapable of harming it.

((Other archers are delaying action. Whatever the unaware portion of the horde rolls for initiative, horde will effectively delay until after the archon's action in the first round of regular combat. Noone's shot at it to alert it to their awareness of it's presence yet, and it's not going to pick up any magical signatures (or realise that their arn't any to be found, more to the point) in 12 seconds of looking. Nor is it going to pick out anyone in particular from a sea of 3800 identical helmets in the same 12 second timeframe, by my reckoning.))

2012-02-21, 05:06 PM
The gnome bows his head. If only the Glalae would join us. The keep must have a defense. I cannot fail. Snapping out of his though he begins creating the defenses.

OoC: Did you see my post explaining my use for Move Earth?

2012-02-21, 05:19 PM

Her knowledge indicates that this is a Trumpet Archon, a powerful servant of order whose trumpet's sound would be paralyzing to all who hear it.

However confident in its invisibility it continues to search among the helmets below, the beginnings of frustration starting to show on an otherwise perfect face.

2012-02-23, 08:04 PM
GM/Spectators only (Description)

The bat's shrieking and constant circling begins to alert the horde below. Cries of alarm ring out, and bowstrings are drawn, arrows hastily fired by the twitchier members of the horde. Saeroone's group are amoung the first to launch their arrows. Saeroone takes a moment to cement her prenatural consideration of the shot, and then looses an arrow tipped with adamantine.

The peasants handling the horses pulling the seige towers immediately bring them in, towards the Archon and away from the rest of the seige, clearing the catapults line of fire. Catapults hastily reaim, their crew chiefs screaming orders at perspiring half-orcs as they aim wherever they think is most intelligent. Ballistas and their operators are both the subjects of hastily spoken blessings and psalms, are fired, and are rapidly reloaded.

There is a commotion in the ranks of the horde, about 50 feet away from where the Archon hovers. A cleric yells loudly to the men around him, producing a scroll, and his cry is echoed by the men further away. Immediately they converge on him, the nearer ones snapping off shots from their bows as they move, and the ones on the outskirts following the urging of their fellows. 370 men occupy a 60 foot circle around him and the nine others surrounding him, though the ones further out actually seem to move away from the group, maintaining the normal spread-out formation and not exposing more men to risk than they have to. The commoners standing in a line with the cleric also produce their 'scrolls' of papyrus and pretend to read from them alongside the cleric in the centre. Not all of those clustered are in range of the cleric in the centre, but this imprecise calculation is to be expected in the chaos of war.

Priest Jonty, the Skull of the Divine being, slipped up beside his warlord, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Saeroone confirms. It's an outsider from the celestial planes. It's trumpet paralyses all that hear it play. This could be trouble for us, Warlord."

The Warlord nodded, looking up at the beast with fascination. "With a trumpet... amazing. Then I must not hear it's song, if we are to kill it. Fill my ears with wax, Skull. I almost weep that I cannot die at this creatures hand."

Jonty nodded. "We are thinking the same thought. I will remove this curse when you command." He reached for the warlord's face.

The Warlord looked up the archon again as Jonty prepared the spell. "Wait. What do they call this species of outsider, Skull of the Divine?"

Jonty said, impatiently, "It is a kind of Archon. We call it a Trumpet Archon." So saying, he placed his hands on the Warlord, and murmured the incantation that would make him deaf. The warlord did not resist, and his world fell silent.

The Warlord looked up at the being he fully planned to choke the life from. "Archon." He whispered. "What a beautiful name." Then he jogged off to join the middle of the ranks of those clustering for a blessing. The group was bathed in a shimmer of divine energy as the cleric completed his spell.

GM/Spectators only (Rolls and mechanics)

NB: Forum dice roller does NOT add specified bonuses to the individual die rolls, they must be added manually. Please take that into account when determining what I hit... or just tell me the things current AC and I'll take of that myself :)

Jonty casting Deafness on Warlord.

Bless on people surrounding the cleric, 9 peasants making untrained Bluff checks to pretend to cast from a spell also, to confuse the archon about who is actually the real spellcaster: [roll0]

The 12 people who fired them this turn reload the ballistas. Ballistas use their move to reposition so they can target the archon if he was to land at or near his current location, next turn.

Seige towers converge on the archon, close enough so they can reach him with a double move next round, anticipating he'll remain where he is or move to the Blessing crowd to try to assassinate the most visible spellcaster.

Initiative of crew chiefs: [roll1]
Full round action to aim. Three target the square 30 feet above the cleric, three target the square directly above the cleric, two catapults target the cleric's square, two target the Archon's current position. If there's not enough initiative winners to go around, priority is the order listed. 10 level one clerics cast Magic Weapon on the catapults. Initiative doesn't matter for everyone else.

Longbows fired at concealment:
[roll2] Jumpy souls fire at the archon's square before it's rendered visible to everyone, which should hopefully cover Saeroone and the other's aimed shots. Concealment Miss chances: [roll3] Low miss, high hit

Saeroone's shot:
[roll4] Adamantine arrow. If hits, discharges Glitterdust. If misses, Jondas will cast Glitterdust from a scroll. If Saeroone got it right the first time, Jondas will shoot from his heavy crossbow of spell storing: [roll5]


[roll8] 12 level 1 clerics will cast Magic Weapon on the ballistas, and another 12 will cast Guidance on the current operators, who will then fire them:

Heavy Crossbows:



Initiative for ballista operators: [roll11] If up to 12 beat the archon, those men they will have passed up the chance to shoot the archon early, but will NOT have delayed; they just spent the previous time moving nearer the ballistas or something.

In a similar vein, these guys should cast True Strike on themselves until six of them can make it stick. If the first six fail, others will attempt to read a scroll instead of shooting. So at least six, and possibly more, will cast from scrolls instead of attacking; the attacks that are not made will be the first ones from the above 28. Doing it this way may seem weird, but saves me having to make too many posts per round, and there's no risk of cheatery as long as we always invalidate the first attacks. DC 21, [roll12]




Spell storing weapons:

Heavy Crossbow, Tomas [roll15]

Sling, Warlord [roll16]

Sling, Longbow, Heavy Crossbow, held by 3 great-axe wielding hordemembers: [roll17]

Assuming I manage to make it visible, Knowledge: The Planes checks to identify the archon and it's capabilities

Level 1 clerics: [roll18]

Jondas, Tomas:[roll19]

Jonty: [roll20]

I want three guys from a group of 30 people who aren't contributing to range attacks right now to successfully cast True Strike on themselves this round. I should probably start rolling even for those "sure thing" UMD checks, so here we go: DC 21 [roll21]

15 remaining clerics not doing anything this round cast guidance on a bunch of guys.

Let me know what hits, and I'll roll damage for stuff.

2012-02-23, 10:39 PM

Oh to kill it with fire, i'm working through your numbers but both of us will probably get it done faster, the AC is 27. Since none of your horde is evil and the Archon has gone so its not flatfooted. All of your troops first actions will take place b4 the Archon goes again.

Saeroone Hits, Jondas misses, warlord misses, tomas misses

It looks like only Nat 20 are hits for each of the groups, especially with range increments (until next rounds true strike).

You can count up the hits or for the large number groups (80 or more) if you want we can do a normal distribution I.E. 5% of each number. And just roll dmg for the hits, crits are just multiplied one dmg number.

If you want to search and check go ahead, if not the simple way is all crits
6 longbows from concealment
35 after glitterdust
12 heavy X-bows
25 sling hits

Edit: maybe this post would be better in the OOC thread...

2012-02-23, 11:36 PM
Zeb and SlyJohnny
Um, I'm not sure what you mean by "all crits," but rolling a 20 to hit only makes it a critical threat. They'd need to roll another 20 to make it a real critical hit.

2012-02-24, 12:17 AM

Sounds good, chief. Rolling 4000 dice a turn against something that's only hit on a natural 20 anyway is going to be unwieldy.

Saeroone's damage: [roll0]

Confirming crits on the natural 20's:
Longbows [roll1]
Heavy Crossbows [roll2]
Small Slings [roll3]
Medium Sling (w/ Magic stone) [roll4]

2012-02-24, 12:24 AM

Critical Longbow hits:
[roll0], [roll1], both x3

Longbow damage: [roll2]
Heavy Crossbow damage: [roll3] heavy X-bows
Sling Damage: [roll4]
Sling with magic stone damage: [roll5]

2012-02-24, 09:36 AM

For a brief moment the sky is darkened as the Horde near the intruder lets fly with their ranged weapons.

The flying figure now outlined in glitter seems to have only 2 arrows embeddin in it as the rest just bounced off ineffective. (DR 10/evil)

It sounds its Trumpet (Su)

(An archon’s trumpet produces music of utter clarity, piercing beauty, and, if the trumpet archon wills it, paralyzing awe. All creatures except archons within 100 feet of the blast must succeed on a DC 19 Fortitude save or be paralyzed for 1d4 rounds. Since he was 50 ft above the horde at the sounding it should only do a 100 ft radius centered on him on the ground)

Then shifts it to a great sword and flies to the closest group of troops that playacted at spellcasting.

2012-02-24, 04:19 PM
Fluff to come later. Note to self: write up fluff before mechanics, so as to avoid waning attention span.


Affected by trumpet: 3 slingers and 5 longbows from the commoners, and 3 battleaxes and 2 guisarmes seems like a fairly representative sample, and makes the rolling simple.

Commoner saves, slingers first: [roll0] paralysed for [roll1] rounds (Taking the first results only, if one or more make their saves)
Warrior saves, battleaxes first: [roll2] paralysed for [roll3]rounds (Taking the first results only, if one or more make their saves)
Bat's save. [roll4] if paralysed, will stop flying and fall to the ground and die regardless of duration.
all vs DC 19.

Saeroone dismounts from her seige tower before it moves, and casts a targeted Dispel Magic on the Archon. How many magical effects are currently in place on it that I need to make checks for? I will choose to fail the caster level check vs the Glitterdust, but will aim to strip it of anything else.

Tomas throws a targeted Dispel Magic on the Archon, electing to fail the caster level check

310 people blessed last round. Some of those head into the towers opposite the archon, but it will take them 2 rounds of double moves to get up to where it is.

945 total, 940= 47 natural 20's, with a remainder of 5, who are elven commoners in the two violently shaking double-movement towers and won't fire this turn.
[roll5] to confirm crit.


12 operators finish their full-round actions to reload the ballistas.

6 fire at the start of the round. Have Magic Weapon. [roll6]

6 ready their actions. Have True Strike, Magic weapon, and Guidance which they will expend this turn. READIED ACTION: Will open fire on the archon when it tries to take any standard action, especially spellcasting or using spell-like abilities. Or if it appears to break free from the nets and grapplers. [roll7]

Heavy Crossbows:

240 total, 12 natural 20's. [roll8] to confirm.

6 Balllista operators will reload ballistas this turn.

10 ballista operators are trying to cast True Strike on themselves, until 6 succeed. If the first six do it, the other 4 will reload ballistas. First six expend Guidance:
DC 21, [roll9]
DC 21, [roll10]


20 slings with magic stone = 1 natural 20 [roll11]

~400 small slings which are incapable of penetrating the archon's DR, even on a crit. Seeing as the archon visibly doesn't have Stoneskin or Protection from Normal Missiles for me to plink away at, they'll all fire to cover for the other slingers, but I won't bother rolling for this. Man, halfling slingers are useless. I wish I hadn't been so terrified of Wind Wall.

Spell storing weapons:

Sling, Longbow, Heavy Crossbow, held by 3 great-axe wielding horde members: [roll12]

DC 27 knowledge the planes check

Seige towers double move to five feet away from the archon.

Three net-throwers lining the seige tower floors below and level to the archon will throw nets. All have Guidance and will expend it on this roll.

Touch attack rolls for nets:
Lower Left Side: [roll13]
Lower right side: [roll14]
Left side: [roll15]
Right side: [roll16]

Three men stand behind them. The one in the middle is barbarian grappler with STR 17 who will grab the trailing rope of the net and Aid Another on the strength check for the first person to entangle the archon. The ones on the edge are elven commoners, who will make a Use Rope check to securely bind the trailing rope to their corner of the seige towers. The three men behind them are three battle-axe wielding barbarians, one of whom is standing ready to operate the winch to extend the seige ramp; three of the remaining four have True Strike cast from last round.

NB: Archon has -4 dex as soon as the first net hits, so after the first hit, the others will have an easier time of it. Also, you mentioned an attack penalty for violent movement :)

After the archon has been netted and tiedas much as it's going to be, the soldiers manning winches extend the seige ramp on the level where the archon hovers

On the levels above the archon are 9 half-orc barbarian grapplers, who will leap off the side of the seige tower onto the archon.

The ones in front will rage and jump first, planning to do so even if the ramp can't be extended for some reason. They will keep jumping until up to four of them manage to grapple the archon, or they've all jumped. Each have a jump modifier of +14 with rage, so can make the 5 foot jump to the archon (DC of 5, doubled to 10 due to lack of runup) automatically, unless the penalty for violent movement applies to jump checks, and is worse than -4. They all have improved grapple, so do not provoke AoO's, and in any event the archon will be entangled and so won't threaten. If any of the people who missed would block the True Strike ballistas line of fire, they'll go prone.

Touch attacks to initiate grapple:
[roll17] to grapple for the first three guys, who have guidance

Opposed grapple checks to come once I see how many are needed.

This done, the two barbarians at the back of the seige tower will approach from either side into melee range. The one without True Strike will start calling out a prayer to the Horde's mad deity, thanking him for providing them this mighty Archon sacrifice to them, personally promising the Honoured Archon that they will kill it as quickly and painlessly as is practical, and then enthusiastically expounding on exactly how they will mutilate it's body with the utmost reverence and dedication and in proper observance of ritual, effectively making an Intimidate check [roll19] . The three with True Strike will ready an action. READIED ACTION: Will make a Power Attack on the archon for 2 when it tries to take any standard action or full-round action, especially spellcasting or using spell-like abilities. Or if it appears to break free from the nets and grapplers. [roll20] +4 to damage from power attack.

I want four guys from a group of 23 people who aren't contributing to range attacks right now to successfully cast True Strike. [roll21] These guys will then move up the tower.

Warlord will start moving up a tower, but will keep an eye on the Archon, and ready an action. He will take a cold iron greataxe from a barbarian, who will relinquish it freely. READIED ACTION: Will blast the Archon from cover with 3 charges from the Ring of the Ram when it tries to take any standard action or full-round action, especially spellcasting or using spell-like abilities. Or if it appears to break free from the nets and grapplers. [roll22]

40 clerics fired their Heavy Crossbows this turn. 6 cast guidance on guys, including the warlord. Warlord receives Magic Weapon from the one that cast Bless last round. 3 cast Magic Stone and distribute them to the elven slingers/catapult crew chiefs.

Jondas casts Aid on the Warlord.

Jonty moves a little closer and readies an action. READIED ACTION: If something happens to damage one of the seige towers or the seige ramp, and doesn't seem likely that it would immediately repeat itself if the damage was fixed (ie, he won't bother if something gets cut up by a Blade Barrier which appears to be sitting there), and the damage isn't obviously irreparable, Jonty will use his metamagic rod and cast an enlarged Make Whole on the area. He will do this as soon as the damage is noticeable, hopefully before anyone falls to their doom. He will also cast this on the nets surrounding the archon if they are somehow all broken at once.

2012-02-24, 04:57 PM

Spells other than glitterdust on the Archon, Invis Cl 15(I dont think playing the trumpet would break invis), Aid CL 12, Divine Power CL 12

Toouch AC is 13 but the aura of menace(DC 21) is active so it should effect your net troops.

-4 for the towers movement

2012-02-24, 05:18 PM

[roll0] to confirm criticals from bows. Messed up the previous roll.
[roll1] to confirm criticals from crossbows. Messed up the previous roll.

1 non-true striking ballista got a natural 20. Rolling to confirm: [roll2] and damage: [roll3]

Readied actions:
6 readied true-striking ballistas all hit. 1 crit. Rolling to confirm: [roll4]

Damage, with crit-threat ballista being first:

Ballistas all have +1 from Magic Weapon, and -10 from Damage reduction.

Axemen readied actions all hit, +4 from power attack with two handed weapon, +6 from rage-enhanced strength with 1.5 bonus from two handed weapon, -10 damage reduction. [roll11]

Damage from Ring of Ram is 12-10= 2. I am not sure if Damage Reduction applies here... I assume that it does.

Lower left, 1 wielder makes opposed strength check: [roll12]
1 Aid Another check by barbarian on first strength check: [roll13] DC 10, if successful, above roll gets +2 bonus.
If opposed strength is successful, elven commoners will make Use Rope check to securely bind it to seige tower's corner. [roll14] Scratch that, after modifier, none of these guys hit due to Aura of Menace and violent motion.

Lower right, 2 wielders makes opposed strength check: [roll15]
1 Aid Another check on first strength check: [roll16] DC 10, if successful, first above roll gets +2 bonus.
If either opposed strength is successful, elven commoners will make Use Rope check to securely bind trailing ropes(s) it to seige tower's corner. [roll17]

Adjacent left, 2 wielders makes opposed strength check: [roll18]
1 Aid Another check on first strength check: [roll19] DC 10, if successful, first above roll gets +2 bonus.
If either opposed strength is successful, elven commoners will make Use Rope check to securely bind trailing ropes(s) it to seige tower's corner. [roll20]

Adjacent right, 3 wielders makes opposed strength check: [roll21]
1 Aid Another check on first strength check: [roll22] DC 10, if successful, first above roll gets +2 bonus.
If any opposed strength is successful, elven commoners will make Use Rope check to securely bind trailing ropes(s) it to seige tower's corner. [roll23]


Opposed grapple checks: [roll24]
And another 12 in case those don't work and the others had to jump down: [roll25]

Made on the assumption that at least one Net got through. Otherwise, I will have less successful touch attack rolls to make opposed grapple checks from.

What I need from you in order to do my last few rolls:

*How many caster level checks I need in order to dispel any buffs the archon may have. We should do this first, if you have buffs that will affected the other rolls.

*Archons opposed checks to the two dispels. Will do in next post

*Seven opposed Strength checks from the archon. We should do them in the same order as I rolled them; it might be relevant to know exactly how it's movement is restricted, in what directions, if it doesn't wind up bound from both directions.

*A number of opposed grapple checks from the Archon (remember entangled penalty, unless it won all the opposed strength checks).

2012-02-24, 05:59 PM
2 longbow crits [roll0] x3, -10
2 heavy crossbow crits [roll1] x2, -10

Invis DC 26 (Can't dispel this, but will roll anyway)
Divine Power DC 23
Aid DC 23

Rolls (Will do them in order, even if one of the earlier ones gets dispelled, so the first roll for the first spell, etc)

Dispel 1 [roll2]
Dispel 2 [roll3]

Net throwers are unable to make that save. Surprisingly, those modifiers on those awesome rolls means that only one will miss despite the Aura and violent motion.

Apart from the last one the grappling barbarians would have all hit anyway, and thus now be immune to the aura, and the ones that don't jump and don't rage will all fail the save anyway.

The very last jumper would only hit if immune to the aura, and so I'll make a save for her, but it's unlikely that the people before her would all miss or fail grapple checks, so in all likelihood she doesn't rage and fails the save. [roll4]

2012-02-24, 09:42 PM
I haven't read the spoilers so I'm not sure what is going on but you infer my monster is still invisible meaning that your attacks all would have a miss chance. I'm not sure how you got all those attacks, on average, if miss chance isn't applied, the four criticals would require 1600 (3200 if you apply miss chance) attacks that I'm not sure how you would get. I don't think the entire horde would have ranged weapons and fire at a single place or be able to know exactly where it is. Dispelling Divine Power wouldn't be DC 23, it would be 25. You don't have to explain this to me, I just want to make sure that all this is accounted for. I would be rather reluctant to believe you can via yelling in one round get 3200 people to shoot at the right place in thin air. Also, you would apply DR once for each critical making it take a total of 13 damage.

2012-02-24, 10:32 PM

Str checks

2012-02-24, 10:48 PM
@ Rweird


2012-02-25, 03:11 AM

Sorry about that, forgot the spoiler. Don't worry, we're taking the DR into account and I am aware it applies to each attack separately, which is why a couple of critical hits are the only things doing even a couple points of damage consistently to this bloody monstrosity of yours. You're probably right about the dispelling thing; I think Zeb was going off the 12 hitdice rather then the 'casts as a level 14 cleric' thing, but either way, it didn't work.


Blergh, looks like none of the net throwers won the strength check. Definitely will hold onto the nets and get dragged by the archon rather than let go.

I need a bunch of opposed grapple checks from the archon, too, as many as 13.

2012-02-25, 09:07 AM
Okay, thanks, I though that the -10 after the attack meant you where applying it once. After this game is over I would love to see what happened. Until then I'll just have to wait or question the Trumpet Archon, I presume you know what it is though your horde may not.

2012-02-25, 11:29 AM

Grapple Checks (with divine power) if necessary see below

Your men dont have improved grapple so the archon will take the first AOE it can, Attack roll [roll13]
then cleave (to its "cleric" target) [roll14]
then uses combat reflexes on the next 3
Attack roll [roll15]
Attack roll [roll16]
Attack roll [roll17]

Ring of the ram was force Damage so no DR on that.

If that covers your turns, then the readied actions are gonna go off because unless he is grappled its attempting to cast blade barrier.

2012-02-25, 01:59 PM

By my count, two of the grapple checks succeeded, and another one was a draw, which the archon wins because of it's superior grapple modifier. So the archon is grappled by two barbarians, and Entangled from both sides, although none of the net throwers won the opposed strength checks so they can't check it's movement. They can refuse to let go and thus prevent it from flying higher than 10 feet, however, as even with it's improved strength, seven men and their gear exceed it's light carrying capacity.

The grappling men do have improved grapple, so they don't provoke AoOs. In any event, the archon was entangled by nets before they jumped it, so it no longer threatens the area around it until it can break free. Their stats are reproduced below:

20 Level 2 half-orc barbarian 1/ fighter 1, Cold Iron handaxes Str: 17, Dex: 14, Con: 13, Int: 8, Wis: 12, Cha: 6
Feats: Unarmed Strike, Improved Grapple

20 Level 2 half-orc barbarian 1/ fighter 1, Alchemical Silver handaxes Str: 17, Dex: 14, Con: 13, Int: 8, Wis: 12, Cha: 6
Feats: Unarmed Strike, Improved Grapple

Now that it's grappled, it can't cast spells with Somatic components, and has to make several Concentration checks to successfully cast a spell that doesn't have them- it's modifier is high enough to automatically succeed on attempts to Cast Defensively or Cast While Entangled, but it will have to make rolls to Cast While Grappled, and against the damage from my readied actions.

So it can't cast Blade Barrier or use it's trumpet, but it could try to make the concentration check to Teleport, which doesn't have any components and would let it escape, or the concentration check to cast Holy Word or Dictum, as those are Verbal only, and would automatically free it from the grapple and restrictions on flight by virtue of automatically killing everyone nearby.

As I didn't manage to tie it to the seige towers, I'm kind of banking on the fact that it wont't realize I have all these carefully set up readied actions, and that together they'll be enough to disrupt it's spell :) *crosses fingers*

2012-02-25, 08:07 PM

Indeed you have his ire up so its attempting to cast Dictum

Concentration DC 22


Note any damage you do will be added to the above DC and the check is for all of it.

2012-02-26, 01:38 PM

I already rolled for the Readied Actions with my regular attacks. So it took a total of 62 damage from the readied Ring of the Ram, the readied true-striking ballistas, and the readied true-striking power attacking greataxes, which means it failed that concentration check and lost the spell.

Not relevant to it's Concentration check, it also took 18 damage from the two bow crits and regular ballista hit that round, and 16 damage last round from bow crits. 96 damage sustained so far, but feel free to check my math. That's wayyy better than I dared hoped! I kind of figured that everyone would be dead by now :)

It still has a move action to spend; is it doing anything with it, or are we onto the next round?

2012-02-26, 02:48 PM

Having read both the grapple summary and entangled things do not look good, nothing to do with the move action.

The look of confidence shifts to surprise and panic as the holy words that were to bring about its freedom are cut short buy the surprisingly accurate strikes of the horde...

Currently down 96 hp, grappled by two Half orcs and is still invisible but glitter dusted and entangled in the net but not secured. correct?

2012-02-27, 09:37 AM

(Yeah, you've got it :) I'm playing as if I need to succeed on an opposed strength check to tie the net ropes to anything, but technically I probably don't need to if I'm adjacent; it just seems to make sense. Last round I forgot sneak attack damage from the barbarians. And possibly the warlord too, as I think you can make sneak attack damage from magic attacks?)

"We have it! We have the beast!"

"True Strikers step forward! It's very skin is like tempered steel."

"Stay clear of the ballista fire, they need a clear shot!

"It's trying to speak! Cover it's mouth!"

Some soldiers back away, others pile in, but the basic strategy is something they've honed a hundred times. The barbarians may be nihilistic and somewhat crazy, but they've strenuously trained to fight superior combatants such as this one, and it's paying off. The net-throwers continue to struggle to drag their ropes over to the corners of the seige tower, wanting to tie the archon. Axes and ballistas stand ready to strike the archon even as more men dogpile it, attempting to pin it's limbs or shove handfuls of dirt into it's mouth.


The two barbarians grappling the archon attempt to Pin it. If either of them succeed, they will prevent the archon from speaking as a free action.

Four barbarians surronding the archon attempt to join their comrades in wrestling it. They don't need to roll to hit to join an established grapple, but they do need to make opposed grapple checks: [roll1]

Any who fail will step back 5 feet and go prone.

If any of the earlier 4 grapplers succeed, their space will be filled by other barbarians, who will crawl over to the struggling archon, lean up to press their face close to it, and yell prayers and exhultations to unnerve it and get it to accept it's fate gracefully, promising that it will live forever once they said it's soul to their mad god. (Making an Intimidate check. These men have Guidance and will expend it on this roll. Will roll up to four, but there's only one for each successful grapple check.) [roll2]

6 ballista ready their actions. Have True Strike, Magic weapon, and Bless. READIED ACTION: Will open fire on the archon when it tries to take any standard or full-round action, especially spellcasting or using spell-like abilities. Or if it appears to break free from the nets and grapplers. [roll3]



Ballistas all have +1 from Magic Weapon, and -10 from Damage reduction.

4 True Striking battleaxe people step into melee range and ready an action. READIED ACTION: Will make a Power Attack on the archon for 2 when it tries to take any standard action or full-round action, especially spellcasting or using spell-like abilities. Or if it appears to break free from the nets and grapplers. [roll10]

+4 from power attack with two handed weapon, +6 from rage-enhanced strength with 1.5 bonus from two handed weapon, +1d6 sneak attack damage which I also should've added last round but forgot, -10 damage reduction. [roll11] + [roll12]

It's AC is down to like 22 now, so all the ballistas and greataxes will hit.


READIED ACTION: Will blast the Archon from cover with 3 charges from the Ring of the Ram when it tries to take any standard action or full-round action, especially spellcasting or using spell-like abilities. Or if it appears to break free from the nets and grapplers. [roll13]


Lower right, 2 wielders makes opposed strength check: [rollv]2d20+1[rollv]

(Apparently you can't aid another on strength checks, sorry I included it before.)

If either opposed strength is successful, elven commoners will make Use Rope check to securely bind trailing ropes(s) it to seige tower's corner. [roll14]

Aid Another checks on above Use Rope rolls: [roll15]

Adjacent left, 2 wielders makes opposed strength check: [rollv]2d20+1[rollv]

If either opposed strength is successful, elven commoners will make Use Rope check to securely bind trailing ropes(s) it to seige tower's corner. [roll16]

Aid Another checks on above Use Rope rolls: [roll17]

Adjacent right, 3 wielders makes opposed strength check: [rollv]3d20+1[rollv]

If either opposed strength is successful, elven commoners will make Use Rope check to securely bind trailing ropes(s) it to seige tower's corner. [roll18]

Aid Another checks on above Use Rope rolls: [roll19]

2012-02-27, 10:39 AM

Before I start the rolls, im gonna have to backpedle adn reduce some of the dmg on th aarchon because under combat modifiers (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/combat/combatModifiers.htm) ranged attacks into a grapple
Roll randomly to see which grappling combatant you strike. That defender loses any Dexterity bonus to AC.

Because I missed it the first time im not gonna do the rolls and see who got shot im just halving the ranged dmg the archon took, (he still fails the concentration check and is still grappled)

No sneak attack because even though they know his square unless they have see invis he is still invisible.

on to dice!

roll vs pin

four new grapplers (note only 4 creatures total can grapple a med creature)

modified lvl checks vs intimidate

Remember the aura of menace for your attackers who have not hit

2012-02-27, 10:43 AM

Oh my it seems he is pinned

well only action available is to try and break the pin

2012-02-27, 12:43 PM
Oh! I didn't realise that. I figured there must be rules like that, but I couldn't find them. Thanks for the correction.

In light of that, my suggestion would be to remove the 37 damage from last rounds true strike ballistas entirely, rather than half it. As it would have been very likely to kill my grapplers, I wouldn't have had them fire at all until someone got a Pin, so it seems like nixing the damage is fairest to my opponent. The damage from the Ring of the Ram and the power attacks would've been enough to make it fail it's Concentration check anyway. I'll leave it up to you whether I get the 6 scrolls of true strike back, or whether they are an idiot tax :)

Man, Pinning is even more important then I thought, as it does away with the chance to hit other grapplers by accident and reduces the archons Dex to 0... I just want to point out that Readied Actions occur just before the action that triggered them, so when the ballistas shoot the archon as it tries to escape this round, they'll be shooting at it while it's Pinned and at 19 AC, with no risk of accidentally killing my grapplers.

I do disagree with your interpretation of Glitterdust, though. It says it "completely outlines" the target, and the hide modifier from invisibility gets reduced to +0. It's covered in the dust and doesn't get concealment because we can see exactly where it is and exactly how it's moving; concealment is what makes sneak attack automatically fail. Faerie Fire does a similar thing and specifically calls out Invisibility as having no benefit to someone completely outlined. Invisibility isn't going to give it any benefits until the spell duration runs out, two rounds from now.

As for the Aura of Menace, for the grapplers, I'm having the ones that hit on the earlier touch attacks but failed the grapple checks be the ones making the grapple checks now, so they're immune to the aura. The ballistas don't get the penalty because they're not within 20 feet. The battleaxes do get the penalty, because I swapped out the ones that hit with ones that havn't had a shot yet. But they're flanking it and it gets a -4 ac versus melee attacks while it's grappled or pinned, so it cancels out :)

2012-02-27, 12:59 PM
Just FYI, if it's trying to escape with an opposed grapple check rather than Escape Artist, it makes it in place of an attack. If it makes a full attack, it can make two more escape attempts at it's lower second and third attack modifiers, -5 and -10 respectively. It might even escape from the grapple on it's second attack and then get to stab someone, though it would have to beat both guys at once to escape the grapple.

In anticipation that it'll make it's three attacks, here's three opposed checks:
Escaping Pin: [roll0]
Escaping Pin/Grapple: [roll1] and for second guy if the first roll succeeded and it's now trying to escape from Grapple: [roll2]
Escaping Pin/Grapple: [roll3] and for second guy if either the first or second roll succeeded and it's now trying to escape from the Grapple: [roll4]

2012-02-27, 01:10 PM
Looks like I screwed up the rolls for the net-throwers opposed strength checks. Rolling them in order previously declared here. Then I'm going back to class to get some work done. >_>


2012-02-27, 06:55 PM

Will remove all the damage then and call the scrolls a tax for not harpooning the grapplers.

Re-read the rules of the game article on invis and it seems glitterdust does get rid of concealment and thus allows for sneak attacks.

here are the two additional grapple checks

let me know if there is anything else I missed.

2012-02-27, 07:13 PM

Those rolls didn't work. Also, as the first one succeeded, if the second one also succeeds, then the third one can be an attack against somebody :)

2012-02-27, 09:21 PM

Try again if the first wins then the next is an attack, which might get a cleave...


2012-02-27, 10:03 PM
That's definitely a hit no matter who he's aiming for... eep. I can't afford to lose too many of these guys.

Right now he's surrounded by humans wielding Greataxes, and half-orcs wielding Handaxes. Let me know which he's aiming for and roll for damage... and you might as well roll to-hit and damage for the extra Cleave attack too, as odds are excellent that with the str bonus from Divine Favor he'll instagib whoever he hits. But they're all part barbarian and are raging, so I can live in hope :)

2012-02-27, 10:35 PM

well lets call it an attack on one of the grapplers, then cleave to the other if he drops him.

dmg [roll0]

dmg if it hits

2012-02-28, 12:00 AM
"Taril, lock it's arm! Do it now!"

"I'm trying! It's like wrestling a bear!"

"It's got it's sword free! LOOK OU-"

The frantic voice is cut off with a gurgled scream as the archon shakes itself free of it's opponents, impaling one barbarian straight through his studded leather armor. The archon whips it's sword free of his chest with both hands, sending the hulking wrestler flying off the edge of the blade in the manner of someone wrestler rain from an umbrella. In the same motion it turns the sword upon the other man, slamming it into him before he's fallen even halfway to the ground. Some part of Taril's mind has just enough time to admire the fluidity and grace of the attack, before the blade slams straight through his shoulder and into his torso, and then there is only darkness.

((I think the bonus damage was +16 rather then +13, putting the grapplers them at -4 and -6 hp respectively))

Someone starts to howl rhythmically. Immediately the men surrounding the archon, many of whom were getting ready to attack it or lunge for it, start to back away. The four men with battleaxes hesitate, eying the stricken half-orcs on the floor beneath the hovering archon; then they make a decision as one, lunging forward to retrieve their fellows and drag them to safety. The Archon, entangled by nets though it is, lashes out at the first two, but elven archers leap off from the siege towers and run over to help, ready to retrieve any that fall. They drag their comrades back away from the archon, dropping down out of the line of fire and screaming for healers at the top of their lungs.

((Most everyone is taking a Withdraw action to get away and then go prone, but 4 barbarians and two elves are provoking AoO's to pull the downed grapplers to safety. Archon only gets one extra AoO from combat reflexes, due to reduced Dex from being entangled, though. First two barbarians will eat the AoO's so the others can pull them and the original two casualties to safety. Moving the bodies back 5 ft.))

No sooner is everyone out of the way, than the archery of the horde opens fire again. But now the archon has finally been in the same place long enough for the catapults to target it. Following on from the hail of arrows and ballista bolts come boulders sailing down from an open sky.

((Catapults are firing. Crew chiefs have a total of +6 to hit DC 15 and damage the archon. Catapults are under the influence of Magic Weapon.

[roll0] DC 15 to hit, [roll1] if hit, Reflex DC 15 for half damage (remember archon currently is at -4 dex for purposes of reflex saves) and -10 for dr. If miss, [roll2]: on a 1, hits lefternmost seige tower, on 8, hits righternmost, any other number is random direction with empty squares.

[roll3] DC 15 to hit, [roll4] if hit, If miss, [roll5]
[roll6] DC 15 to hit, [roll7] if hit, If miss, [roll8]
[roll9] DC 15 to hit, [roll10] if hit, If miss, [roll11]
[roll12] DC 15 to hit, [roll13] if hit, If miss, [roll14]
[roll15] DC 15 to hit, [roll16] if hit, If miss, [roll17]
[roll18] DC 15 to hit, [roll19] if hit, If miss, [roll20]
[roll21] DC 15 to hit, [roll22] if hit, If miss, [roll23]
[roll24] DC 15 to hit, [roll25] if hit, If miss, [roll26]
[roll27] DC 15 to hit, [roll28] if hit, If miss, [roll29]

Rest of archery and the warlord are taking readied actions to shoot the archon as soon as it takes any action, but I want to see if the catapults finish it off first so I don't have to both making a bajillion bloody rolls... if the catapults don't cut it, I'll post tomorrow with this rounds archery and ballistas. No true strikes readied this turn.

16 barbarian grapplers are making readied actions to jump and grapple with the archon if all the archery fires and the archon is still alive and kicking.

Rolls to stabilise for dying grapplers:
[roll30], 1 to 10 stabilised, otherwise bleeds down to -5 hp
[roll31], 1 to 10 stabilised, otherwise bleeds down to -7 hp))

2012-02-28, 09:14 AM

AOOs and dmg and cleave if necessary
[roll0] Dmg [roll1]
[roll2] Dmg [roll3]
[roll4] Dmg [roll5]

The skill and training of the Catapult crews pays off as all on them are on target.

10 reflex saves for half DC 15 at only +9/ starting dmg b4 reflex and DR10
[roll6] 20
[roll7] 19
[roll8] 22
[roll9] 21
[roll10] 28
[roll11] 22
[roll12] 33
[roll13] 23
[roll14] 23
[roll15] 28

2012-02-28, 09:30 AM
The hail of heavy stones staggers the Archon but amazingly it remains standing
Dmg from catapults 52
total damage taken 111

the catapult fire damages everything in the square so I am thinking the net is at the least broken and probably pulverized.

he is attempting to activate his Su ability to teleport, so no concentration check is required but those readied actions have a chance...

2012-02-28, 01:10 PM

((He took another 63 damage this round just gone- the one where he was Pinned. Or 77, if you allowed the sneak attack damage. That puts him at 174 or 188 damage sustained, which I think should be enough to finish him, with the buffs he has- 158 hp assuming he rolled an 8 for the Aid spell and had average HP to start with.

Going to post on the assumption that he dropped this round, but will edit this post out if that turns out not to be true.))

As they dart forward to rescue their comrades, attempting to duck under the archon's blade, one barbarian is cut down with an agonised scream, and two others sustain wounds so grievous that only their berserker rage keeps them moving. But the three who stand are able to drag their friends to the dubious safety of a short distance away. Three clerics come running, immediately healing the wounded soldiers to stop them bleeding to death. The two wounded men who helped rescue them wander off to find other clerics, politely asking the staring acolytes if they would mind healing them, as they both think they can see their own guts. ((Five CLW wounds channeled in place of Magic Stone, order is -6, -5, -3, walking wounded last. [roll0] ))

As soon as the catapult stones are hurled, wrestlers immediately lunge forward, grabbing the motionless archon and locking themselves around it in a submission pose. Men with battleaxes- including the warlord- step forward with a growl, ready to deliver a coup-de-grace. They're not willing to accept victory yet. ((Three men taking full round actions))

One of the high priests murmurs, "This may not be over. We should take the animals and their handlers to search outwards from the seige. This may have been a flashy diversion for a stealthier infiltrator."

The bats and various ground animals patrol the area, looking to sniff out someone who looks like a regular humanoid, but doesn't smell like an elf, halfling, orc or man.

The catapult crews start the long-winded process of reloading their weapons, each having three burly half-orcs who throw themselves into the task of turning a huge winch to pull the arms down.

[roll1], DC 15. Aid Another rolls at DC 10: [roll2] [roll3] Fail
[roll4], DC 15. Aid Another rolls at DC 10: [roll5] [roll6] Fail
[roll7], DC 15. Aid Another rolls at DC 10: [roll8] [roll9] Fail
[roll10], DC 15. Aid Another rolls at DC 10: [roll11] [roll12] Success
[roll13], DC 15. Aid Another rolls at DC 10: [roll14] [roll15] Fail
[roll16], DC 15. Aid Another rolls at DC 10: [roll17] [roll18] Fail
[roll19], DC 15. Aid Another rolls at DC 10: [roll20] [roll21] Success
[roll22], DC 15. Aid Another rolls at DC 10: [roll23] [roll24] Fail
[roll25], DC 15. Aid Another rolls at DC 10: [roll26] [roll27] Success
[roll28], DC 15. Aid Another rolls at DC 10: [roll29] [roll30] Fail

Saeroone moves into a seige tower and clambers up for a better view, looking around for anything obviously invisible.

A crowd of men gather around an elf who has retrieved the archon's trumpet. They can barely contain their excitement over the possibility it's magic.

"This is what it used to cut Taril and Duskan? It isn't sharp like a sword any more..." muses the elf.

A dazed looking soldier with a battleaxe steps forward. "Sword? Hah, no. It's a magical trumpet. It played the most indescribably beautiful song... about the birth of Creation, but I don't even know why I think that... my whole formation was paralyzed, except for me. Just standing there sighing after it played, even while everyone else fought."

A wrestler pokes the trumpet with a pudgy finger. "You both right! Tammik says he saw it change when the archon cut down our brothers. It was a trumpet before, then a greatsword when he swung it."

The elf looks up. "Really?" he murmurs, and then swings it, whacking the wrestler in the leg. "Well, it didn't do it for me just then." The wrestler snarls, baring his teeth and reaching for the elf, as a tired-looking cleric walks over. "Fools, all of you. That was a trumpet archon. It's trumpet is only magic while it is wielding it, and doesn't work for anyone that steals it. Now it's dead, it's just a hunk of metal to mortals."

"How does it know? asks a barbarian, plucking the trumpet from the elf's grasp. The fingers on one of his hands is covered with the archon's blood.


"How does it tell who is an archon and who is a man? It is not the nature of my tribe to be told what we can and can't be." he raises the trumpet above his head. "I am an Archon."

((25 Barbarians will try using UMD to Emulate a Race (Archon) and see if the greatsword will respond to them when one succeeds. The cleric earlier got a natural 20 on his Knowledge: The Planes check, for a total of 27; is that sufficient for him to know if there's anything UMD can emulate to get this to work for us?))

2012-02-28, 09:19 PM
As the Archon falls it's last thoughts were "How? the plan was so simple... elegant... brilliant..."


As the time passes and you finish your defenses the Archon fails to return, you fear the worst.

So no weather change, any other updates you want to make before you rest?

hint: bodies are objects and dont usually have SR...


the UMD is just the kind of brilliant that makes me love this game, Looks to me like it would be the DC 25 check to emulate race and if successful it works for an hour, the a new check is needed.
Relevant bits from the SRD

If you are using the check to emulate an alignment or some other quality in an ongoing manner, you need to make the relevant Use Magic Device check once per hour.

You must consciously choose which requirement to emulate. That is, you must know what you are trying to emulate when you make a Use Magic Device check for that purpose

Emulate a Race

Some magic items work only for members of certain races, or work better for members of those races. You can use such an item as if you were a race of your choice. You can emulate only one race at a time.


None. The Use Magic Device check is made as part of the action (if any) required to activate the magic item.
Try Again

Yes, but if you ever roll a natural 1 while attempting to activate an item and you fail, then you can’t try to activate that item again for 24 hours.

You cannot take 10 with this skill.

You can’t aid another on Use Magic Device checks. Only the user of the item may attempt such a check.

For simplicities sake I am gonna say that they can take one swing an hour to get it to work as a sword unless they roll a 1.

your search reveals nothing, the reload goes without incident.

Since it was called as opposed to summoned the crushed and mangled body of the Archon remains...

2012-02-28, 10:14 PM

As soon as the archon is reduced to a thoroughly chopped corpse, a great cheer rises from the army. Most of the soldiers don't realize exactly how powerful their enemy was and how much trouble they were in, they only know that it was a magical being and it died in their presence, making them all stronger. The archon is thoroughly searched to see if it carried any spellcasting materials, weapons, or equipment other than the trumpet.

Five different clerics replace their fellows and tend to the wounds of their battle brothers, torn between needing the men to be abe to walk, and not wanting to expend their precious magic on healing when it might be needed to enchant the siege weapons. They are further limited by the fact that fully half the horde's clerics are unable to channel positive energy, so not all of them are able to burn their prepared spells for healing. ((Channeling Magic Stone for CLW spells)) [roll0]

Catapults and ballistas are reloaded, the net-throwers retrieve their nets and check them over, seeing if they can be repaired without magic (how many can be patched up without resorting to magic, and how many are irreparable?), and there is some debate about what to do with the archon. Most want to honor it by wreathing it in faerie fire and trussing it up on top of one of the siege towers for all to see; but slightly more sober minds prevail, reasoning that outlanders and celestials can be finicky beings, and the ancestors of the creature might not understand that they are paying respects rather than mocking it. The proper rituals can be observed later. For now, it is wrapped up in treated animal hides from one of the siege engines, and then securely trussed to the side of it by one of the nets.

The search for other intruders continues for the little time the summoned animals remain, and then Saeroone takes a minute to cast another Augury to gauge whether they should expect more attackers, using the same question as before. In less then five minutes, the Horde marches off like nothing happened.

The Archon's trumpet is passed around the best warriors of the horde. The men that can activate it will form a small squad of up to six men near the center, staying 40 feet away from each other. Every hour, the warriors congregate again, passing the sword around to see who can master it, and the squad reforms with those who managed it. Whoever is wielding it at any given time will pass his greataxe to the Warlord and instead wield the sword proudly.

((UMD Rolls from the level 3 greataxe wielders to imitate race and wield the archon's greatsword for the first hour. They'll redo this every hour. The wounded three warriors go last.

[roll1] ))

2012-02-29, 06:51 AM
I'm Scrying my Archon with my familier. I ask the Glalae what spells it has prepared.

2012-02-29, 08:17 AM

your scrying reveals "the archon is reduced to a thoroughly chopped corpse, it is wrapped up in treated animal hides from one of the siege engines, and then securely trussed to the side of it by one of the nets."

Your scrying sensor also gives you your first view of the horde. All are uniformly dressed and seem to be carrying holy symbols. Over your time observing it seems every one eventually pulls out a scroll or drinks from a potion flask. their location also seems spot on to where you estimated them to be.

A squad of 6 men in the center carry what currently appears to be a useless hunk of metal. (knowledge planes check)

The army travels in a loose staggered formation, with the seige towers in the middle and ballistas and catapults forming a rough figure of eight around them, weapons facing outwards so they can cover each other. They are widely spaced apart. They are crewed at all times; the replacement crew will mix in with the regular horde, with the first replacement 30 feet away, and the next replacement 60 feet, so there is always a replacement within a move action, one more within a double move, and a couple more within a full-round running action. Lookouts are posted on the towers. At least one level one cleric is always within a move action of a ballista or catapult, with a couple more slightly further away, as with the seige engineers.
The distribution of the army is otherwise a bit laissez faire, with units commingling freely, though the commoners who aren't preoccupied with tending to the seige animals tend towards the outskirts, and archers and slingers tending to keep more towards the centre of the formation.
Everyone is dressed the same.

The Ghaele says he prepares spells at (1 dawn, 2 midday, 3 sundown)
thus you will have input on his reparation b4 the next Cha check.


The Archon has no other possessions as its sword was its holy symbol.

Half the nets will need magic the other half craft checks.

Further augury are weal.

About two hours after the encounter with the archon I need some int checks.

Any creature with an Intelligence score of 12 or higher can notice the sensor by making a DC 20 Intelligence check

2012-02-29, 10:42 AM

UMD/Archon's sword/Dead Archon:

Ignore what I said before about making UMD checks to wield the sword every hour: I've rethought it. After the previously rolled check that took place immediately after the battle for this first hour, they won't continue to make the check every hour unless battle commences or one of the Auguries comes up Woe. I don't want to further reduce the number of viable wielders by giving them lots of chances to roll 1's and thus disqualify themselves from rolling again within the timeframe of this game.

Also, a general question about Archons and Trumpet Archons, assuming the previously attained Knowledge: The Planes check result of 27 is sufficient to know this, and if it varies from celestial plane to celestial plane, to identify the plane the archon likely came from, based on its physical appearance and attire. What are the standard funeral practices or death rites for an Archon that dies honourably after falling in battle? Both if the body can be returned to it's home plane, and if it can't.

Assuming that it's less about what particular plane the archon came from and more about what deity it fought for, Knowledge: Religion checks [roll0] (acolytes) [roll1] (Tomas) to identify that archon's patron deity based on it's attire and the aesthetic design of it's trumpet, and to identify the funerary practices and death rites for a Trumpet Archon of that deity that dies honourably after falling in battle, both if the body can be returned to it's home plane, and if it can't.


Tutting at his acolytes that they need to be more perfect vessels of The Divine's will, Jondas steps in, and channels Magic Stone into a CLW spell cast on the most wounded. Jonty silently assists (his high Wis entitles him to a second extra 1st level spell I forgot to add, so I guess he channels that).

2 greataxe barbarians will be at 9 hp and 7 hp after rage drops.
1 greataxe barbarian will be at (-2, plus [roll2] healing she just got) after rage drops.
1 grappler will be at 5 hp after rage drops.
1 grappler at (-3, plus [roll3] healing he just got) after rage drops.

In honour of the wounds they sustained for the good of the horde, each wounded man is encouraged to bed down on an unoccupied level of a seige tower so they don't have to march the rest of the way, getting the chance to rest as they are ferried along. A few horde members who were on the periphery of the fight visit them and ask to be regaled with tales of what it's like to be skewered on the edge of an Archon's greatsword, and then the clerics usher their visitors away and bid the wounded men to sleep for the rest of the march unless called upon.

Repairing nets:

40 of the jungle halflings who have experience crafting and maintaining weapons are urged to look at the nets. They tsk disapprovingly, chatter to each other in their native tongue, and then go to work on them. Not having the necessary materials on hand, they use the materials of some of the most broken nets to patch up the others.

Craft: Weaponsmithing against DC 18 [roll4]

Sensor sensing/Horde movement:

I'm assuming you mean a sensor for a scrying spell. What does it appear to be watching/focused on? Does it look like it can it can see far enough away from it's target to get scouting data on the horde? Does it seem like it can see the archon through it's coverings, or did it appear before the archon could be covered? Can clerics make a Spellcraft check to know what spell created it and how it works/how far it can see, even if they didn't notice the sensor themselves and have another soldier point it out to them? Is it in range of a Detect Magic, or will I need to bring a seige tower over and have a cleric cast from one of the higher floors?

For purposes of my following actions, I am assuming the scrying sensor is too high to obstruct sans magic without putting a seige tower next to it and somehow permanently suspending an obstructing object in mid air, and that it's not focused on anyone specifically, and can see far enough to get scouting data on the entire horde. If Spellcraft reveals these assumptions to be false, I will change my actions.

Int Checks:
Guisarme warriors [roll5]
Longbowmen with special arrows [roll6]
Catapult crew chiefs [roll7]
Ballista operators [roll8]

Spellcraft checks:

Jonty [roll9]
50 level 1 clerics: [roll10]

Several of the horde notice the scrying sensor, pointing it out to their fellows. A few take the time to jump around and wave at it enthusiastically, smiling and shouting about how much they are looking forward to meeting it's caster, utterly delighted that the mighty wizard is apparently taking notice of them, but a few are less enthusiastic, and urge the horde to move out of range of the sensor as quickly as possible.

((Entire horde will Hustle for exactly one hour, to move away from the sensor as soon as possible.))

2012-02-29, 04:10 PM
Knowledge (The Planes): [roll0]. Do I know that it is the Archon's trumpet and all that?

I ask the Glalae "Is it you don't want to submit to my command that you refuse me? Do you want to defend the keep and try to save the kingdom, or do you believe it isn't worth your time?"

Other than the lack of weather, my defenses do not change. Does the Glalae tell me the spells it has prepared now?

2012-02-29, 05:15 PM

Your knowledge checks indicate that the Archon served the causes of Law and Good to the exclusion of all others but seemed especially focused on Law, probably as part of a court on the mounting Heavens of Celestia.

Healing and nets no problem.

Yes the sensor is from a scrying spell it started out over the Archon's Corpse in the bag and then spiraled out over the rest of the horde. The spellcraft informs you the senses has a small area it can see but it can move rather fast (150ft a round)

The hustle is noted in the move time 2 something to 3 something.

I will have a description up shortly for your scouts arrival at about 3:30


Yes you are pretty ure its the trumpet and that it is usless in the hands of a non archon.

You command me to "...defend the keep from the attacking horde and and follow the orders I give you, will fight until the horde is defeated." after trapping me here on your plane? You mortals are so demanding and are then upset if we interfere in your affairs. there are other planes full of those who would blindly follower orders into battle, and while your cause seems righteous perhaps you would consider allowing me more leeway in the deal or at the very least make it less open ended. though if you really want to stick to this deal, i could fly out there and challenge the horde to see who glows brightest, defeat them and be on my way...

His spell list is based heavily on what domains he has, you can pick the two and say you summoned him from a plane focused on that (Air, Animal, Chaos, Good, or Plant)

Could I get a quick recap on your defenses/watch schedule especially the location of the elementals?

2012-02-29, 07:41 PM
He has Air and Plant.

"You make generalizations about mortals. I notice that there was no celestial coming to aid me in my defense of the keep. I know that you want to help, but flying out there to face a horde isn't the way to do it. I don't need you under my command but I don't want you to go and get yourself killed. If you won't serve me, will you listen to my advice? I have a few ideas on how to defeat the horde. If you will, I will set you free. Do we have a deal?"

((OoC: This isn't an offer, it is me asking if he is willing to help me. If so I will release him and hope he listens to my plans.))

Knowledge (Geography) to figure out where the horde is via Scrying: [roll0]

The air elementals are patrolling the skies with the instructions to alert me of anyone that comes within two miles. They will stay high in the air and try to be hidden. The fire Elementals guard the west entrance (third wall). The earth elementals will lurk inside the outmost wall and punch anyone that I don't say they shouldn't (The keep staff, my summons, each other) excepts for one that serves as a messenger for the Formians. with orders to bring a message if they are overwhelmed. The Formians are in the breach in the south wall where the will dominate any member of the horde that comes within range and order them to "return to the camp, destroy any scrolls or other magic items the horde possesses, burn the siege engines and attack the casters." I'm currently in the keep.

2012-02-29, 09:43 PM

Thanks. Will hold off on spending the magic to fix the nets for now. The four or so net throwers without nets will just have to make do with their clubs and slings. So do the clerics have any idea of how an Archon would wish to be honored after it's death? What it would want to happen to it's body?

2012-03-01, 08:09 PM

On your scrying

Several of the horde notice the scrying sensor, pointing it out to their fellows. A few take the time to jump around and wave at it enthusiastically, smiling and shouting about how much they are looking forward to meeting it's caster, utterly delighted that the mighty wizard is apparently taking notice of them, but a few are less enthusiastic, and urge the horde to move out of range of the sensor as quickly as possible.

the horde looks to be 4-5 hours away.

About the Ghaele, you are taking a big risk but
You would release me just to hear your advice... Very well mortal, What is your plan?


As fallen celestials are not common your troops best guess is some kind of funeral pyre.

Your scouts traveling across the dry scrub-grass covering the summer planes approach what appears to be their destination.

Map (http://dl.dropbox.com/u/19500165/Keep%20closeup%20KtK3.jpg) your scouts are approaching from the SE.

As they close in the see the keep on the hill seemes to be framed by square earthen walls 10ft higher than the normal slope of the hill and what could be ditches in-between some of the walls.

Map (http://dl.dropbox.com/u/19500165/Keepkeep3%20Keep%20defenses.png)
All areas on the hill have a slope of 2 feet over for each 1 foot up.
green is the normal baseline for the hill.
Red is raised up 10ft
Brown is down 10ft

2012-03-01, 11:35 PM
Skazz fiddled with one of his tusk-like fangs as he looked down at the keep, his scarred and eternally frowning face masking the battle of emotions he was experiencing. In one respect, this mission was tantamount to suicide. But from another, it was a chance for glory greater than any the horde was likely to see. If they really could catch this wizard off guard... why, they could end this war without a single ballista shot.

He turned back to Nok, the chieftain of the halfling sappers he and his men were carrying. The halfling was nestled stock still against the half-orc's pack, his plain earthy fabrics and skintone aiding his concealment. Somewhat ruining the efforts of concealment were the chieftain's head dress, a crown made of the multicoloured plumage of some foreign jungle bird. Nok returned the stare, sniffing from a nose almost obstructed by the ornamental bone piercing it.

Skazz murmured, "We here, but the wizard did something to the hill. It's like a giant's staircase."

Nok nodded to show he understood, but said nothing.

Skazz continued "Charge, then, but in two groups. And... stay hidden until we get there."

The men stare out over the keep, spending several minutes studying it and contemplating their task. They ride through the forest and plains around the perimeter of the keep, not close enough to be seen, but to make sure that there were no large-scale traps or ambushes that the horde was going to walk into; paying close attention to the predicted passage of the larger horde.

With this sweep complete, assuming the cost is clear, Skazz directs a half-orc long spearman to ride back to the horde and deliver a report. The halfling that was riding with him drops down into the foliage, and then with a rustle of leaves is gone; he will sneak around to make absolutely sure there are no nasty surprises awaiting them, and deliver a report to the horde when it arrives.

That business concluded, with the halflings concealing themselves behind the travel packs worn by the half-orc and elven riders, Skazz calls the order to charge. He leads the first group himself, splitting his force into two: the other 49 horses ride about half a minute behind him.

There is no mighty war cry uttered at the charge, just a kind of nervous anticipation as their horses race towards their destiny. Skazz hopes the halflings won't be spotted, and whatever sacrifice his little band makes to distract from their infiltration is worth it.

2012-03-02, 07:04 AM
"Do you have the following spells prepared?: Blade Barrier, Control Winds, Air Walk, Holy Word, and Freedom of Movement? If so, I have a plan. The plan is as follows you cast Freedom of Movement, Air Walk and every other defensive spell you have that is long lasting. Use on of my beads of karma to increase your power. Take the other with you. Under Greater Invisibility Teleport out to where the horde is, my guess is 10 miles to the east, maintain your Invisiblility and be in your Globe form. Proceed to find the horde while invisibly. Stay at least 70 ft in the air while you do this. Once you reach to horde, leave your globe form, activate the beads of karma I gave you, stay invisible and teleport to the center, of the horde, ten ft. in the air. Cast Control Winds around the horde making an eye around 5 ft. out. Make the winds as strong as you can. Have the winds go inwards at you. Cast Blade Barrier at the edge of the storm, revert to globe form and make sure that the horde is defeated. Then go about your way. If you don't have these spells, please wait until nightfall when you get them."

I know i'm taking a risk, I will only release the Glalae if it can follow the plan, if so, the horde can't dispel it's powers via scroll or normal, can't shoot it for over one round, and can make it visible (aura of protection) once it is in it's globe form it is incorporal making it immune to none magic attacks. It has at will healing so if the horde has some way to stop it, they would have a lot of trouble. The Glalae really should have a name.

2012-03-03, 12:33 PM
um, Zeb, are you still here?

2012-03-03, 02:25 PM
Yea sorry was at a work conference with crappy internet all week then had to put together baby furniture today.

on to the game!


Well mortal that seems to be a plan that will bring much destruction to your enemies I do not believe to would destroy them utterly but perhaps it would dent the forces against you is they are as numerous as you believe.

I do not have all those spells prepared nut that could be remedied in a matter of hours.

If I had know you were offering such a prize reward then you would have Alzahar's service sooner.

I will carry out your instructions at the setting of the sun.

An Air elemental awaits you outside the room In a breathy voice that sounds almost like a gasp "Riders approach, almost a hundred.


your sweep reveals no traps adn tour troops charge silently toward the hill, the first earthen frame is about 220ft from the walls of the keep and a little less than halfway up the hill. Your troops meet no resistance as they close to the wall...

2012-03-03, 07:06 PM
Glad you didn't leave us. On with the game!

"Thank you Alzahar." says the old wizard stepping into the circle, breaking the spell. As he meets the elemental he pauses. "Call the other air elementals" he orders. Turning back into the room he says "Alzahar, I wish to inform you of about 100 horde horsemen approaching. If you would be kind enough to dispatch of them I would be much obliged, though if you won't, I understand. If you will, I suggest your globe form, it would put you at much less risk.

2012-03-04, 02:12 PM
DM only.

The halflings split into groups of three and drop into the long grass, stalking through it to approach from different sides of the hill, confidently and efficiently climbing up the first wall, tethered to each other in groups of 10 on their leaf-covered silk ropes. They continue to conceal themselves as best they can, rapidly climbing down into the pit opposite.

Fifty riders approach as one unit from the front, the rest remaining at a discreet distance. They dismount, and then the elves let the half-orcs step onto their hands and clamber onto their shoulders, allowing them to easily climb the short distance remaining to the top on the other side. When the half-orcs reach the top, they lower down the hafts of their longspears for the elves to grab on to, and they are in turn pulled up.

The elves and half-orcs call out what they are seeing to the other horsemen, and chatter to each other, in the way that people do when cooperating on a physically strenuous task. The halflings move in complete silence, staying hidden.

When they reach the top of the first mound, the half-orcs and elves are more hesitant than the halflings have been. Longspearmen probe the ground below, checking that it's firm and unoccupied, while others extend their longspears across the gap, leaning over it with a comrade holding them from behind, seeing if there generally is a wall opposite, and this isn't some elaborate illusion.

Assuming it's safe down below, the half-orcs will lower the elves down by their longspears. The elves will drop harmlessly for the rest of the distance, and then the half-orcs will clamber down behind them, the elves positioned to catch them if they fall.

(( [roll0] Elves will make touch attacks to catch them if they fall, half-orcs will relinquish dex bonus.

Would the Climb DC for a wall made of sod be 10 or 15? If only 10, they'll take 10, and we can disregard the rolls.))

2012-03-04, 08:36 PM

Your halflings begin their easy ascent when suddenly from the wall an earthen fist strikes out at one of the climbers [roll0] dmg if hits: [roll1]

Two rippling figures pulsing along within the wall indicate it is not alone.

Initiative by group
Earth elementals [roll2]

South wall correct?


The air elemental has been waiting for you for a few minutes, as it calls its fellows they inform you that half the horsemen circled the keep, while the others proceeded straight to the south wall and are being engaged by the two earth elementals stationed there an the roaming one.

My globe form is not particularly lethal but if you think it to be the best way to fight.

He turns his head from side to side.

Which direction is south?
After you point he turns into a multicolored globe and flies the indicated direction.

2012-03-04, 08:47 PM
By engaged does it mean being punched by walls so they can't hit the earth elementals. Also, I think the Glalae would Teleport. (Greater Teleport is safer. (I know it isn't as dangerous but it is much safer.) Prismatic Spray, Color Spray and Chain Lightning all are dangerous though. I order the air elementals to swoop in in a whirlwind, carry as many as they can 50 ft. into the air and drop them, when they lose whirlwind, (4 rounds of whirlwinds. round)

"I know it isn't as dangerous but they can't hurt you as a globe, I believe your safety is more important, than maximum effectiveness. Use your spell-like abilities as well as your light rays but be careful not to hit the elementals."

2012-03-04, 11:00 PM
GM only

((When is the group engaged? As soon as they started climbing the first wall?

The first and most obvious group is the group of fifty riders, approaching from the south. They start climbing first. The halflings are being sneaky and coming in from that, and two other directions. I'll assume the riders get hit first, unless you specify otherwise.

One of the half-orcs being hoisted up by an elf is suddenly knocked off as he steps onto the other man's shoulders, the earthen fist shattering his pelvis. He screams in agony and falls to the ground, losing conciousness rapidly. The elf backs away, raising his bow.

"Creatures! Magic creatures, here! We die blessed today, brothers!"

The 25 elven archers at the wall back up and open fire on the elemental that attacked them. (Initiative [roll0] ), Attacks [roll1]

The other archers hanging back also open fire, but they are firing from very far away, at the maximum limit of their longbows range. (Initiative [roll2] ) Attacks [roll3]

13 half-orc longspearmen (Initiative [roll4] ) charge the elemental, roaring battle cries. [roll5] (-2 ac next turn.) 12 half-orc Spearmen move to stand beside them (Initiative [roll6] ), readying their spears against an expected counter charge. [roll7] (Double damage if the elementals charge, Readied Action to hit them when they come into range of the half-orcs.)

The other 24 half orcs hold their formation, guarding the archers near the back, even as they argue with themselves about whether they should go to aid their comrades.

The halflings do not stop to aid their brothers. They have their orders. They climb stealthily onwards.

((Will post hits when you tell me what AC and DR I'm dealing with.))

2012-03-05, 12:07 AM

Since the earth elementals don't have tremorsense they have to stick their head and part of their body out of the wall to see or target the troops climbing the wall.

Chain lighting and prismatic spray are my only lethal attacks and they are but once a day, if you think I should use them now instead of against the main horde...

The air elementals mutter something in auran about helping 'earthies' and ask if you would like them to attack all at once or one at a time?


The medium earth elementals have partial cover for being halfway in the walls. AC 20 currently, the first attacl came 2 rounds after the first group began climbing. Depending on how long till your other groups start on the other walls they could be in combat soon as well.

6 arrow hits against the elemental immune to crits so I will just roll the dmg here [roll0]

All the spearmen miss

The elemental moves upward through the wall and makes an attack against a climber [roll1] if all the climbers are standing on top he gets an additional +1 to attack and dmg.
if a hit [roll2]

The other two elementals move close (40ft) and are now back completely within the wall. the wall is over 500ft long so it will take them 2 more rounds to arrive.

2012-03-05, 12:30 AM
I guess the halflings started climbing a round after the half-orcs and elves, so their three groups are on the wall, too. Have any of the halflings botched their Hide rolls (if they need to make them against preoccupied guards), or is it just the obvious tall folk that are being seen and attacked right now?

Also, if these are earth elementals, they probably have damage reduction... we'll need to use the rollv tags to get seperate dice rolls for damage.

Bloody damage reduction. We hates it, precious.

2012-03-05, 07:40 AM
I want the air elementals to attack all at once and the air elementals retreat. "The windstorm should destroy them, use those now, if the windstorm doesn't completely destroy the horde, i'm sure other things could finish them."

2012-03-05, 11:16 AM

Lucky for your troops these are medium and thus no DR, and the damage to the one is accurate.

As for your stealth team and regular team their spot is 13, so what is the hide for your stealthy groups?

after your troops next action this happens

Also looking up at the keep your group further back sees three large man shaped tornadoes and a 5ft globe of rainbow light rise up from the keep and start heading your direction.

We go then

Alzahar goes globe then he and the elementals fly out to deal with the attackers.

2012-03-05, 12:08 PM
GM only

((Urgh, bugger. The halflings can't automatically beat that DC. Serves me right for not taking Skill Focus: Hide instead of the useless feats they have. Or divided them into smaller groups... Lesson learned for next time, I suppose.
I'll call it a group of thirty who started climbing near the half orcs and elves, and thirty and thirty-nine further out. All equidistant from each other, like a triangle. Each halfling is attached to a silk rope and tied to 9 other halflings, but that might not be immediately obvious to anyone that spots them. Any roll above 1 beats the DC.

Halfling group one: [roll0] hide.
Halfling group two: [roll1] hide.
Halfling group three: [roll2] hide. ))

The longspearmen surronding the creature seize the opportunity to stab the earth elemental as it pulls away from them, surging towards Skazz, intent on his demise. (Attacks of Opportunity: [roll3] )

Skazz narrowly avoids getting his ribs broken by the earth elementals fist, staggering back as it's powerful blow is cushioned by his armor. He backs up a step, and his men all reposition to allow the archers the chance to make another volley. (Archers [roll4])

The other archers hanging back fire again, cursing the fact that they're firing at something so distant. (Max range archers [roll5] ) The half orcs standing guard near this group argue that they should charge to assist their friends, twitching with excitement. They shout frantic warnings about the approaching elementals to those near the wall. One of the longspearmen gets back on her horse and rides away, intent on carrying this information to the horde.

The 12 half-orc longspearmen finish repositioning so they are again surronding it, jabbing with their spears again. (Longspearmen attacks [roll6] )

The men carrying the shorter spears are frustrated they can't get in on the fight. Four of them move into the corners of the rough circle/box like shape the longspearmen have made surronding it, and hurl their spears at the elemental.

(Thrown spears [roll7] )

2012-03-05, 12:18 PM
GM only

(Total 5 longspear hits,
[roll4] = 39 damage

3 longbow hits, [roll5]

39+17 = 56 damage total)

2012-03-05, 03:23 PM

Partial cover from being in the wall meant it doesn't provoke AOO's so no spear hits.

Archer hits are still good and the total should be enough to drop this one.

2012-03-05, 03:36 PM

It looks like someone was spotted in each of the other groups. The spacing of the elementals in the walls means that within two rounds of the halflings getting to a wall an elemental will be at their position and attacking. (i'm giving the climbers the benefit of a doubt tat they could be hanging from a rope and thus no earth mastery bonus for the elementals)

the air elementals and Globe of light move at an amazing speed and are now within 70ft of the outer wall but still at the height of the top of the keep (about 170ft up from your troops current position) moving towards your main body of troops.

2012-03-05, 04:11 PM
I observe the battle from a window.

2012-03-05, 04:12 PM
(Okay, noted for future reference. Only two of the spears went through, then... If the elemental is dead now, it doesn't matter which attack rolls were the "right" attacks.

I'm assuming the men currently standing on the wall can see the elementals attacking the halflings from their vantage point. Also, that the "main body" refers to the group of 50 men and their horses that are hanging back, rather than the 48 guys who were being attacked by the elemental. Let me know if either of those assumptions are false, and I'll edit my actions.)

"We got it! Hahh! They aren't so tough!"

The halflings do not share in their friends joy: only the group that snuck up beside the horsemen are unmolested. The other two groups find the wall suddenly shifting beneath them, and a halfling on each rope is attacked. One's skull is fractured under an earthen fist, going limp on the rope, and the other is killed outright, his upper body being torn away.

In each group, the reaction is immediate: the halfling ahead of him immediately turns and begins sawing at the rope with his knife, cutting the dead halfling loose and separating the group into the ones that were ahead of him, and the ones behind. (Full round action to automatically sever the silk rope. Four halflings ahead will keep climbing, four below will engage the elemental, fighting defensively. Everyone on a rope that wasn't attacked will keep climbing.)

"Look, two more! Let's get them!"

The force on the wall splits, the longspearmen chasing after the elemental on the right with, the archers following behind at a slower pace and each pausing to snap off a shot, and the spearmen going towards the left.

[roll0] (NB: This roll is assuming that one move action puts them within 100 ft of the elemental. For every 100 ft further it is away, they each get -2.)

The archers in the main group waiting away from the hill surge forward, putting them a little closer to the hill and just within range of the elemental. They fire at the same one on the right as the others did.


The halflings who were cut loose from their rope group waste no time. The ones ahead simply resume climbing, intent on their goal as if nothing had happened. The four behind lunge at the elemental with their long, wavy kris knives. When arrows rain down and they spy that the half-orcs and elves are running to assist them, they fight cagily and defensively, stalling for time.

Halflings on left: [roll2] fighting defensively, +2 ac next round
Halflings on right: [roll3] fighting defensively, +2 ac next round

2012-03-05, 04:15 PM
Oh, and the halflings will attempt to remain hidden at all times, even if their group is attacked.

2012-03-05, 05:05 PM
Observable portion of the battle:

The three tornado shaped humanoids move to directly above the farthest force at 100 feet above them.

The rainbow globe moves among the force along the wall and with a thundering crack unleashes a chain lighting among the forces. (1 primary target and 12 secondary Ref DC19)


the halflings hiding after they attack take a -20 to the check.

The earth elementals move to the outside of the wall so they cna look around/see their target then move closer and back into the wall, the only time they are partially out of the wall is if they are attacking. And they only attack something climbing or on top of the wall.

2012-03-05, 05:10 PM
Where are the other three air elementals?

2012-03-05, 05:34 PM
Apologies, I had mixed up the number of certain defenders

It is six tornado shaped large humanoids above the far defenders.

2012-03-05, 06:57 PM
(("the halflings hiding after they attack take a -20 to the check."

You mean, all nine halfling survivors on each rope that was attacked? Or just the one that was attacked, should they survive? Any halflings that are revealed will just climb as quickly as possible, the rest will continue to be stealthy. All three groups have been climbing for I think 4 rounds now, they should be... what, clambering over the second wall about now, or in the second pit?

And are you saying the earth elemental appeared, attacked and then disappeared too quickly to be shot, in one action? If so, the archers on the wall will instead take a Readied Action to shoot the next elemental that pokes it's head out, as soon as it appears. We can use the rolls I already made, or we can roll again if you want. The half-orcs will continue on to the site it was last seen, ready to stab it if it appears. The halflings will continue climbing.))

Screams erupt amoung the half-orc soldiers as the front of their line is ravaged by the lightning, and everyone that the lightning forks to drops, dead or dying. The ten surviving spearmen start shouting joyfully as the souls of their brothers depart, and cast their spears up at the air elementals. Those that die do not, perhaps, feel like it was everything it was cracked up to be. But they are unable to voice their thoughts, and only the glory of battle matters.


The archers fire at the same target and then all spread out, widening the gap from away from each other as much as they can.


2012-03-05, 06:58 PM
Oops. Rerolling for spear throws: 10d20-

2012-03-05, 06:59 PM
...and again, [roll0]

2012-03-05, 07:28 PM
Do I see where the intruders are?

2012-03-05, 08:20 PM

Your halflings that attack suffer the penalties to hide if they attack the others continue to be stealthy.

You are correct, the Earth elementals are only targetable on their turn or if they have attacked, so readied actions are how you can hit them.


You can see a mixed group of spearmen and archers with horses beyond the outer wall, the rest are too close to the wall to see from your vantage, but you presume more of the same.

Spot check for more, but with a -1 per 10 feet your probably not getting much.

2012-03-05, 08:35 PM
Yeah, I just wanted to know roughly what it looked like. How close are they to the illusion? I'm having the staff also watch for anyone that gets on the walls.

2012-03-06, 11:00 PM

Right now they are about halfway between the illusion and the corner.
The earth elementals engaged them as they tried to climb the wall so so far not much to be sees, sadly by RAW the -25 to spot at that distance means you need to rely on the troops you have out there no no good real time communication. and hiding the earth elementals in the walls while stealthy really hurts their enemy detection.

go ahead and make the spot checks for whatever staff you have on watch since your usual spotting crew: the air elementals are doing the combat thing.

2012-03-07, 04:14 PM
They're taking ten, It just is the "you can't hide while observed" so I hope that they won't be able sneak over the wall.

2012-03-09, 03:39 PM

The spear's range increment is only 20ft, so they are just tossing them up at the air elementals or were these directed at one of the two earth elementals approaching the climbers, lets call them left and right.

Currently the last actions were earth elementals moving in the wall towards the climbers, one rainbow globe of light that moved among your troops closest to the wall and unleashed chain lighting, and 6 air elementals moving to 100ft above your farther group of troops.

Am I correct that you have halfling climbers on three different walls, not just three different spots on the south wall?

2012-03-11, 02:01 PM
Hello Slyjonny, Did you see this? Did you make the reflex save. Is this dead?

2012-03-12, 08:55 AM
Sorry to keep you waiting, I thought I was waiting on you guys! I guess I wasn't clear for my actions this turn....

I didn't make the reflex save. Unless you roll improbably low on the damage, even a successful save means that all the people affected are at -10. Man, you don't mess around when it comes to possible threats, do you? :P


On the spears: they are for the group being attacked by the globe of light and air elementals. They'll throw them as soon as one of the air elementals (or the globe) comes in range. The archers are firing at one of the air elementals.

The other shots I made for the guys on the wall can instead be readied actions, to shoot an earth elemental when it emerges to attack again. The halflings will ready actions to back away when it reappears. I was originallu under the impression the elementals that attacked the halflings were still visible targets, but if they're not, they'll just ready to shoot it when it pops up again. If you'd like me to reroll the attacks instead, I will. The spearmen on the walls are instead heading to the last spot they saw earth elementals attack, rather then straight for them.

Halfling climbers coming from three sides, yes. Each group is divided into three teams of 9 or 10 halflings roped together. Individual climbers have been spotted and attacked in two out of three groups, but none of the third group that was heading up with the archers and spearmen have been spotted yet- at least as far as I am aware.

2012-03-12, 12:38 PM
And so the battle continues

Visible to all: after moving into position for maximum effect the multicolored orb unleashes a blinding 60ft cone of rainbow light at the remaining troops up front. (DC 20 prismatic spray (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/prismaticSpray.htm))

whilst the Air elementals decend in a evenly spaced line amoung the back group of troops after transforming into whirlwinds. (5ft wide 40ft tall and reflex save DC 16) also note
If the whirlwind’s base touches the ground, it creates a swirling cloud of debris. This cloud is centered on the elemental and has a diameter equal to half the whirlwind’s height. The cloud obscures all vision, including darkvision, beyond 5 feet. Creatures 5 feet away have concealment, while those farther away have total concealment.


Thea earth elementals at right and left continue to attack the detected climbers
right [roll0] dmg if hit [roll1]
left [roll2] dmg if hit [roll3]

In the center the earth elementals approaching end their turns only partially concealed in order to make spot checks for more climbers (still 40ft away from the center group)
spot right one [roll4] left one [roll5]

2012-03-12, 04:08 PM
In my opinion, in battle, there is no over kill, only 'Open Fire, and 'I need to Reload.' :smalltongue:

2012-03-13, 05:37 AM
((May be slow to post for a day or two, but will hopefully get back on track soon.))

2012-03-13, 02:46 PM
((that is ok, the ghost post is freaky))

Edit: And now my post has made it real

2012-03-16, 03:16 PM
((So we've got one earth elemental dead, one each attacking the two groups of 4 non-hidden halflings, and two more moving around in the hill which I can't see yet? Also, you never told me what hit and what didn't- I'll just assume all the elementals are using their normal AC, except for the earth elementals that have +2 from cover. On that assumption, here are the hits from last round:))

3 longbow hits on the first of the air elementals so far. They're all large, with DR 5, right? [roll0] [roll1] [roll2]

Dismounted half-orc and elf riders on the plains:

The half-orcs, clustered in front as they are to hurl their spears, all fall victim to the prismatic spray. Screams rise up as each is subjected to a different brand of misery. ((They have -1 to fort saves and will autofail results of 4 or 5. Rolling for the rays:))


The air elementals descend amoungst the struggling troops, their rapid speed each allowing them to capture three archers apeice, despite the distance of their descent and the archers attempts to stagger their formation and spread out. ((I imagine they can each catch 6 next round, once they're on the ground and can double move. Does that sound right?))

1st (wounded one): [roll4] vs damage, [roll5] vs suspension.
2nd: [roll6] vs damage, [roll7] vs suspension.
3rd: [roll8] vs damage, [roll9] vs suspension.
4th: [roll10] vs damage, [roll11] vs suspension.
5th: [roll12] vs damage, [roll13] vs suspension.
6th: [roll14] vs damage, [roll15] vs suspension.

Those few archers who remain uncaptured fire once again at the 1st elemental, thankfully not victim to the concealment as they can aim for the upper part of the whirlwind, beyond the cloud of dust.


Halflings and dismounted rider group on the hill:

The halflings who have been cut loose from the rest of their group nervously move around, daggers brandished, each having the crushed body of their fellow lying beneath them to spur them to action. They cry out in alarm and lash out with their daggers as the earth starts to shift nearby, each moving away as they do so...

Left: [roll17] Right: [roll18]

The archers who had arrows nocked to their bows fire as soon as the elemental on the right appears. ((5 longbow hits from readied actions of last round. I'm assuming it's Medium, with no DR, right? [roll19] ))

Despite this, the earth elementals strike with intense force and speed, each crushing a halfling, reducing their number to three climbers who now find themselves tied to the crushed body of one of their fellows.

The half-orcs who were running to intercept the earth elementals position arrive, too late to strike, but readying themselves to attack next time it attempts to crush someone else.

The other halflings in their three groups continue to climb, climb, climb, intent on their destination.

2012-03-16, 03:36 PM
2 damage dealt to air elemental. BOOYA SUCK IT etc. 28 damage done to right-hand earth elemental.

Prismatic Spray hits: 1 red ray, reflex save: [roll0] Fails. Target burns to death.

1 yellow and 1 orange ray, targets burned or fried dead regardless of slave.

Two green, cannot make fort save, die of poison.

Three blue, cannot make fort save, turned to statues of half-orcs with exulting faces, screaming up at the sky above.

One indigo, [roll1] vs Insanity, [roll2] for insane response.

One hit by two rays. Will roll 5 times to reroll any more eights: [roll3]

Aww. I wanted some of them to be sent to another plane. That'd be fun :)

Targets of air elementals, saves and the survivors attacks this round:

Eight damaged and suspended. Assumed to be dead as of next round.

6 damaged, not suspended. Might roll stabilisation checks for these guys to see if any can be recovered, if the air elementals don't think to sweep for survivors. [roll4] [roll5] [roll6] [roll7] [roll8] [roll9]

2 not damaged, suspended. They will frantically take shots at the wounded elementals, only hitting on a natural 20 due to penalties, before succumbing next round: [roll10]

2 not damaged, not suspended. They will take shots as normal: [roll11]

2012-03-16, 03:46 PM

One more longbow hit dealt to air alemental. Total 2 damage + [roll0] dealt to air elemental. Total 28 damage done to right-hand earth elemental.

Sixteen archers neutralised, though six are not suspended and may stabilize, will roll next round. Nine conscious remain in the plains group.

The two insane half orcs scream with rage and swing punches at each other. One is just a fraction faster, and slams his friends lower jaw up into his head. The other half-orc drops, twitching.

[roll1] for [roll2]
[roll3] for [roll4]

All half-orc's neutralized, though one is on negative hit points and may stabilize, will roll next round. The only one conscious is insane.

2012-03-19, 03:54 PM
Zeb, I don't think your subscriptions updated. I'm posting this so you hopefully will return so I can kill (or be killed by) the horde.

2012-03-20, 08:34 AM
Sorry busy weekend

Having wiped out the forward group the multicolored globe flies back towards the keep.

The twisting air elemental tornadoes split um and begin trying to catch as many troops as they can in their lifting funnels. (I agree they should be able to try for around six each)


the earth elementals on the far walls continue their attacks
[roll0] if hit [roll1]
[roll2] if hit [roll3]

The halflings combating them each can see another earth elemental approaching their position from the far side of the keep within the wall.

Seeing no climbers the two earth elementals in the center wall decide not to risk themselves and glide back into the wall where they feel it is safe.

2012-03-20, 12:58 PM
((Damage from last round: Total 2 damage dealt to air elemental. Total 28 damage done to right-hand earth elemental.))

Party on the wall:The halflings again lash out with their tiny knives, buying their comrades time to climb higher and higher, further towards the keep. They back away again to avoid the volley of arrows they know is coming.

Left: [roll0] Right: [roll1]

The archers, bows already loaded and half drawn, open fire on the elemental on the right once again.


The longspearmen reach the elemental and spread out around it, flanking it and jabbing with their spears as it attacks.


On the other side, the beleagured halflings are offered less assistance. The first three half-orc spearmen to spring into action as the earth elemental emerges throw their spears; the remaining eight men surrond it from all sides and attempt to stab it.

Thrown spears: [roll4]
Melee spears: [roll5]

One halfling on the right hand side of the hill is crushed like a bug against the dirt wall. The one attacked on the left was more fortunate, managing to sway back on the rope out of the way.

Men on the plains:
((As there are only 9 men remaning, and so many elementals, I'm going to assume that none of the unconcious yet unsuspended troops realistically get to go unmolested. They could probably afford to pass over everyone, just to be sure. I won't bother rolling stabilisation checks. There's also no way they'll make that many saving throws, so I'll assume the elementals kill them all this round.))

The few remaining archers frantically attempt to shoot at the first air elemental again, even as the air swirls about them, before they too are consumed...

Longbows: [roll6]
Insane half-orc's response this round: [roll7]
His attack this round, whether it's against his comrades or throwing a spear at the elemental... [roll8] +2 or +1, depending. Does nothing but babble incoherently, before being cosumed by the whirlwinds.

2012-03-20, 01:05 PM
Air elemental not further damaged this round.

6 Longbow hits on the right hand elemental. [roll0]

5 longspear hits on the right hand elemental. [roll1]

2 melee spear hits on the left hand elemental: [roll2]


Total 2 damage dealt to first air elemental. At the end of their double move this turn, the group of fifty horsemen they were engaging will have been wiped out.

Total 96 damage done to right-hand earth elemental, which should kill it. Yay! Two down and... what, five or more to go? The two surviving revealed halflings will untie themselves from their dead comrades instead of attacking next round, but will ready an action to make a 5 foot step away from the elemental to give the archers a clear shot.

Total 11 damage done to left-hand earth elemental, and it's now surronded by half-orcs; let me know who it attacks next round, half-orcs or halflings.

2012-03-20, 03:33 PM
The air elementals should be able to hold more, as much as it's volume 5 ft. at the bottom, 30 ft. at the top, 40 ft. high, the 40 ft. high part alone can hold eight people in a 5 ft. cylinder. They can each move 200 ft./round if they double move (Can make slam attacks normally so that is about all they can do.) Unless there are under 36 guys left, I think they would be able to get more, though I don't know the exact positioning.

I ask the Glalae when it returns: "Could you also prepare Control Weather and cast it around the keep to make the winds about 25 MPH, making it so you can create a tornado with Control Winds"

2012-03-20, 09:22 PM
Because of the debris clouds created by the air elementals they cannot see their targets beyond 5ft so the pretty much have to run a grid or spiral to find and pickup troops, horses are large, and in addition there are only so many there.

Confident they have "taken care of" that group they all double move to the other horde members they can see outside of the debris clouds. (2 more rounds of whirlwind left)


After his double move to return to the keep "I can, and I feel I would be remiss to not inform you that since you committed all of your areal scouts to combat no one has yet noticed a group of halflings scaling the east wall and combating your earthen defenders there."


What troops are left at the south wall?

Your east and west groups are attacked by the elementals via a charge by the ones approaching and again normal attack by the ones there.

charging east [roll0] if hits [roll1]
normal east [roll2] if hits [roll3]
charging west [roll4] if hits [roll5]
normal west [roll6] if hits [roll7]

2012-03-20, 10:00 PM
((You're rolling for four elementals, the two already fighting and the two that charged, but I think I killed the one that was already there on the east, last round; I've killed two medium earth elementals so far, right?))

2012-03-21, 04:44 PM
The Elementals are 40 ft. tall, they can see from the top of it.

The Glalae has Greater Teleport at will FYI. "Please go and dispatch of them, if you have Wall of Thorns prepared, use it there. The earthen defenders will be in the wall so they won't be effected." (Total cover blocks line of effect.) "If yo don't, I believe my defenders will still need your aid. Remember, don't expose yourself to risk, stay in your globe form as much a possible. Only leave it to cast wall of thorns if you have it. You can move through the wall as a globe, though they will be in it."

2012-03-23, 01:41 PM
One long re-read and a few notes later...


It seems I don't have a clear locations for where your scouts are.

~~~~~~~~Actions and Placement~~~~~~~~~~~~~
3 groups of halflings, one on the east, west and south walls. Starting total of 100 roped together in small groups.

50 horde members with horses further back.

50 horde members who charged the south wall and started climbing, near the halflings on that wall.

The horde on the south wall is engaged by an earth elemental and two more are observed approaching.

The halflings on the east and west walls are each attacked by one elemental and each have one more en route.

The horde kills an elemental on the south wall and then the one approaching from the right.

The reserve group of 50 in the back is attacked by the Air elementals.

The group that tried to charge the wall is attacked by the multicolored globe.


You have killed two earth elementals in the south wall, the one that started the fight and one approaching from the right.

The back group of horde troops has been wiped out by the air elementals, the group that charged the wall took a chain lighting and prismatic spray. At least one roped group of halflings on each of the walls has been stopped due to an attacked or dead member.

The other halflings have had 4 rounds in which they tied themselves together and started to climb. Got to the top and crossed the 10ft surface to the other side. Climbed down the other side. Crossed the 20ft wide normal elevation area and are now facing a 10ft drop into a 10ft wide pit with what is effectively a 20 foot wall on the other side.

The Air elementals are going to move to the remains of the group that charged the walls. The Multicolored globe returned to the keep. Earth elementals within the walls continue to attack from partial cover anyone attempting to climb or directly next to the wall.

Is this all correct or is something mixed up?


Making sure everything is square with Slyjohnny

Did you have clearer instructions on the wall of thorns or should he just plop it down to try and get the most climbers?

Flying affords me a better view of the battlefield and I am less likely to be surprised by potential dangers than teleporting over such a short distance.

Plus he thinks zipping around as a multicolored incorporeal globe looks cooler in the 6 seconds before he kills them.

2012-03-23, 02:23 PM
I give no further instructions excepts to remain at least 30 ft. away from them if possible, confident that he can make the choices needed.

2012-03-23, 03:44 PM

One long re-read and a few notes later...


It seems I don't have a clear locations for where your scouts are.

~~~~~~~~Actions and Placement~~~~~~~~~~~~~
3 groups of halflings, one on the east, west and south walls. Starting total of 100 roped together in small groups.

50 horde members with horses further back.

50 horde members who charged the south wall and started climbing, near the halflings on that wall.

Yes. Although, the horsemen are dismounted, and technically there were only 49 people in the group further back, and 99 halflings in total. One rider rode off back towards the main horde soon after the scouts arrived, and one halfling is sort of lurking around and watching the various battles unfold from afar.

Also, when the 50 people who charged the wall saw the halflings get attacked, they effectively split into three to go and aid them. The longspearmen went right, the spearmen went left, and the archers went right, but at a slower pace then the longspearmen.

The horde on the south wall is engaged by an earth elemental and two more are observed approaching.

The halflings on the east and west walls are each attacked by one elemental and each have one more en route.

The horde kills an elemental on the south wall and then the one approaching from the right.

The reserve group of 50 in the back is attacked by the Air elementals.

The group that tried to charge the wall is attacked by the multicolored globe.

Ahhh, I misunderstood you there. I thought the air elementals and the globe were in one group and were all attacking the group at the back, and that the globe opened up on the front of the group of fifty hanging back (where the half-orcs were) with a chain lightning, and then a prismatic spray on the same turn that the elementals descended on the archers behind them, killing the longspearmen and spearmen with those two spells. I didn't realize the globe was attacking the group on the wall, and the air elementals were attacking the group on the back.

The dismounted rider group on the wall has split into three- the longspearmen running around towards the elemental on the right which just died, the archers some distance behind them, having moved 30 feet and then taking a readied Standard Action to shoot every round, and the spearmen have run around towards the elemental on the left and done some damage this round.

I guess there's two ways to resolve this... either the globe went with the air elementals and helped them kill the rearmost group in two rounds, and the attack rolls I made were against the earth elementals, OR the globe went for the group on the wall, destroyed the longspearmen first, frying them all with chain lightning, and then flew over to the spearmen, blasting them with prismatic spray, and now all the half-orcs on the wall are dead, and now there's one group of 25 archers who just killed the earth elemental (fortunately it would've died anyway, regardless of spear damage.) The attack rolls for the half-orcs can instead be some of the attack rolls they would make before being sucked up by the air elementals.

If we do the second one, I'll roll some more saves and attack rolls, as I think the rearmost group would last at least one more round, if half their number havn't been blasting by a flying globe of light. And then we should be back on track. Sorry again for the confusion, let me know how you want to resolve this.

At least one roped group of halflings on each of the walls has been stopped due to an attacked or dead member.

When the earth elementals attacked, four halflings from both rope groups that was attacked were cut free by others, and have spent two rounds engaging the elementals, so the other five could keep climbing. So those five are one round behind the others now, but still moving. Also, I think only the east and west groups have been attacked this way- the one on the south group, that came in with the riders, has yet to be discovered, right?

2012-03-24, 10:58 AM

Check on the warning rider.

I guess there's two ways to resolve this... either the globe went with the air elementals and helped them kill the rearmost group in two rounds, and the attack rolls I made were against the earth elementals, OR the globe went for the group on the wall, destroyed the longspearmen first, frying them all with chain lightning, and then flew over to the spearmen, blasting them with prismatic spray, and now all the half-orcs on the wall are dead, and now there's one group of 25 archers who just killed the earth elemental (fortunately it would've died anyway, regardless of spear damage.) The attack rolls for the half-orcs can instead be some of the attack rolls they would make before being sucked up by the air elementals.

Lets go with the second way since it more accurately describes the defenders orders. The air elementals can continue to try and tornado up the back group. The globe would have still retreated after blasting twice at the front group. Make whatever extra attack rolls you need

The halfling groups cut free is fine but since they were a couple hundred feet away and hiding I don't think the front group would be able to see any of the groups except the halflings climbing the south wall who haven't been detected.*

*That you know of:smallwink:

so you forces are
1 scout returning to the horde
1 observer hidden
4 halflings on the east wall fighting 2 earth elementals
4 halflings on the west wall fighting 2 earth elementals
28 halflings approaching the pit and second wall in the east
28 halflings approaching the pit and second wall in the west
32 or 33 halflings approaching the pit and second wall in the south
< 50 archers fighting air elemental whirlwinds
all longspear men killed by chain lighting
spearman incapacitated by prismatic spray
25 archers playing "whack-a-mole" with the south wall earth elementals

If nothing else needs to be changed you can take the rolls you need then all of their next turn.

2012-03-28, 08:23 AM
Urgh, sorry for the delay again. This game requires sit-down number crunching which I don't always have time for... though things should settle down soon and let me post regular-like, things have just been really busy on my end for the past couple of weeks.

Thanks to you both for your patience, and sorry again to slow the game down like this, particularly when it's getting interesting.

2012-03-30, 07:02 AM
No problem, the number crunching is whats holding me up in the completion of my own horde.

I'm running a youth retreat this weekend so I will be away from the interwebz.

2012-03-30, 03:41 PM
Have a good time, see you Monday.