View Full Version : Sightseeing suggestions for eastern Canada?

2012-02-18, 11:09 PM
I'm currently visiting my sister who studies for half a year in Guelph, Ontario. The next days, we will rent a car and go on a roadtrip visiting Ottawa, Kingston, Montreal and Quebec.

I thought there must be some Playgrounders from this area or at least some who have been there before. So, what can you recommend in those cities and and the surroundings? The best restaurant in town, a fascinating museum, interesting architecture, nice landscape ... what would you consider a must-see?

2012-02-18, 11:20 PM
Ottawa has lots of old buildings, but coming from Europe that would not be so impressive. Much of the attractions of the area revolve around skating and skiing, but I'm not sure what the state of the snow up there is like.

2012-02-19, 12:55 AM
A shame it's winter and not summertime, I'd highly recommend Paramount Wonderland, an amusement park of very high caliber.

Also, Niagra Falls. That's a given I would think though. It really is a very beautiful spot, certainly took my breath away. In the same vicinity there is an Aquarium that is purportedly pretty good. Downtown Toronto is particularly nice as well.

Sadly, my favorite restaurant got bought out and when it changed ownership the quality dipped down significantly, it was dead-center in Kingston, had the most amazing hamburgers and milkshakes(it was a throwback diner, and it was delicious), and had little mini-jukeboxes on each table which was pretty awesome. All different now though ><

2012-02-19, 10:06 AM
Well, Quebec city is very touristic, so you can just grab a guide in a shop and follow it, the historical centre of the city is really pretty, and be sure to have a stroll on the plains of Abraham.

Montreal... not so much. There are a few museums and public markets but that's about it IMO.

Ottawa/Gatineau has Rideau Hall, 24 Sussex drive, the war museum, the museum of civilizations, the embassies the Royal Mint... It's pretty great.

Other then that... for my money my area has some of the prettier landscapes I've seen, and that includes most of western europe. It's a bit of a detour from where you said you were going but if you want you can go take a drive around Magog (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eastern_Townships)

Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll
2012-02-19, 11:01 AM
No Toronto? Montreal, you should go see their zoo, they have an amazing indoor zoo. With penguins. MANCHOTS! MANCHOTS! I loved those penguins.
Also worth checking out in Montreal is Habitat 67, and the old Olympic Village.

Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll
2012-02-20, 09:56 PM
Kingston has a nice old fort in it that you could visit. Fort Henry, I think?

2012-02-21, 08:39 PM
Oh yeah in Montreal you should totally eat at La Banquise, they make the best poutine outside of Sherbrooke (every city in Quebec has the best poutine ever... That's how we roll). Oh and Montreal has a lot of awesome brewpubs... IMO Dieu du Ciel is the best brewery in the province, maybe the country, so definitely try them out. Benelux and Brouhaha and l'Amère à Boire also have a nice reputation, but unfortunately I either never sampled their products or was too drunk for them to leave an impression... Fun night. You might want to check out Les Foufounes Électriques (literally the electric bottoms), where the beer is plentiful and the music good.

Gwyn chan 'r Gwyll
2012-02-21, 08:43 PM
If you're willing to risk the long wait and big lines, go to Schwarz's Deli in Montreal. Get a roast meat sandwich, as fatty as you can go (the fattier the better), get a pickle, maybe some slaw, and a black cherry cola.

You won't regret it.

Also, go to a small cafe somewhere and try a bagel. Montreal bagel's are a whole different thing from New York style bagels. I personally prefer them.

2012-02-21, 10:48 PM
Also, Niagra Falls. That's a given I would think though. It really is a very beautiful spot, certainly took my breath away. In the same vicinity there is an Aquarium that is purportedly pretty good. Downtown Toronto is particularly nice as well.

Yes, if you end up anywhere near the area, Niagara Falls is a necessity if you've never seen it. The Canadian side (aka, "where you are") is much better than the New York side. I've been there plenty of times (I've got family there) and it's... not very well-maintained on that side. Some roads are more potholes than road. A few run-down buildings, too, although they sure make the casinos look nice. Yeah, stay in Canada.

If you do decide to check out the area, after seeing the falls head to Niagara-on-the-Lake. It's a really nice town, and there are some beautiful sights nearby. There's a couple historic sites worth visiting too. Several forts.

About the aquarium: is there one on the Canadian side? I know there's one on the US side, which was okay (best part: PENGUINS! :smallbiggrin:) but I can't think of one on the Canadian side of Niagara Falls.

2012-02-21, 10:54 PM
Yes, if you end up anywhere near the area, Niagara Falls is a necessity if you've never seen it. The Canadian side (aka, "where you are") is much better than the New York side. I've been there plenty of times (I've got family there) and it's... not very well-maintained on that side. Some roads are more potholes than road. A few run-down buildings, too, although they sure make the casinos look nice. Yeah, stay in Canada.

If you do decide to check out the area, after seeing the falls head to Niagara-on-the-Lake. It's a really nice town, and there are some beautiful sights nearby. There's a couple historic sites worth visiting too. Several forts.

About the aquarium: is there one on the Canadian side? I know there's one on the US side, which was okay (best part: PENGUINS! :smallbiggrin:) but I can't think of one on the Canadian side of Niagara Falls.

It probably was on the U.S. side, I just remember seeing a brochure for it in one of the gift shops on the Canada side of things. I never visited the New York side, everyone I know that's ever been highly recommended me and the wife steer clear from it.

2012-02-21, 11:01 PM
It probably was on the U.S. side, I just remember seeing a brochure for it in one of the gift shops on the Canada side of things. I never visited the New York side, everyone I know that's ever been highly recommended me and the wife steer clear from it.

Add me to the list of people recommending you steer clear of the NY side. :smallwink: No aquarium is worth that.

2012-02-21, 11:06 PM
I must wonder why this song telling you all you need to know hasn't been posted.

The sights of Canada (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kxTpIMK5NSo)

2012-02-23, 11:24 PM
Thanks for all the suggestions! :smallbiggrin:

I'll definitely have to come back some day with more money and a lot more time. So much to see ... :smallsmile: