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2012-02-19, 08:06 AM
Basically exemplars ability "Persuasive performance" augments any non-threatening skill check that you have linked with skill artistry so that you can make diplomacy checks to change npc attitudes with that skill instead of diplomacy.

Now because it says non-threatening I would think Intimidate is not allowed since it is at its essence based on threats. Which is too bad, because it would of been a fun skill for this thread.

"I am gonna beat you to a pulp! (glare :smallfurious:)", says our adventurer.

"I LOVE you MAN!" says the shopkeeper.

"I'm gonna make bread outa your BONES! (:furious:)", our adventurer says.

"Take me with you!", the shopkeepers wife says.

"Take me with you, too!", the shopkeeper begs.

So the point of the thread is to basically explore and find the silliest skill to match this with.

Persuasive performance is supposed to represent that you are sooo good at this one skill that people go "ooh ahhh wow, such talent." But some skills are just not appropriate for that dynamic, yet the skill allows them to work with it anyway.

So for the thread there is 2 parts.

Part 1:
The silly part:
This is where you type out a comical example of the skill wowing someone.
(feel free to provide multiple part 1's if you feel you will bring a different perspective).

Part 2: The competition serious business part
This is where you give a correct impressive example of the skill wowing someone. (you can self correct if you want or someone else can post after you and give a part 2 example)(feel free to provide multiple part 2's if you feel you will bring another perspective).

The Goal:
Is to find the silliest part 1 skill, with little or no part 2 slowing it down.

Ok I am going to kick us off with the JUMP skill.

Part 1:
"Oh, the jumping guy! I freakin' love that guy! He just bounces through town. It's awesome."

Part 2: Patrick looked at the king's 12 foot tall golem guardian. Then he looked to the king. "Watch and be amazed", he said as he lightly leaped into the air. And with what seemed to be the most miniscule effort, Patrick soared up and over the golem's head, clearing it by 3 feet. The king was amazed! He didn't even get a running start! The king knew he was going to like this Patrick guy.

Jeff the Green
2012-02-19, 08:22 AM
Well, in BoEF, there's Perform: Sexual...

2012-02-19, 08:28 AM
Well, in BoEF, there's Perform: Sexual...

lol now we need a part 1 and a part 2 example.

2012-02-19, 08:29 AM

Silly: *hand people ridiculous, yet somehow incredibly believable pamphlets saying you're the greatest guy in the world*
Not quite as silly: "Hey, Grand Emperor! You might want to get some new guards. They actually believed me when I showed them this simple piece of paper, which said I'm supposed to take the throne. It would be unbelievably easy for someone actually dangerous to just walk in. But you're in luck, 'cause I can help you with that."

I think it's quite hard to give... appropriate examples of Perform: Sexual being used for this. Maybe a spontaneous lap dance for anyone you want to convince? Does the skill cover that?

EDIT: Autohypnosis.

Silly: *steps on caltrop* "Hnnghhh...! See, that didn't hurt at all! Ain't I a real badass, eh?"
Not quite as silly: *give the subject a perfect list of something you saw in their home/palace, such as every single book in a library*

2012-02-19, 08:56 AM

Silly: *hand people ridiculous, yet somehow incredibly believable pamphlets saying you're the greatest guy in the world*
Not quite as silly: "Hey, Grand Emperor! You might want to get some new guards. They actually believed me when I showed them this simple piece of paper, which said I'm supposed to take the throne. It would be unbelievably easy for someone actually dangerous to just walk in. But you're in luck, 'cause I can help you with that."

I think it's quite hard to give... appropriate examples of Perform: Sexual being used for this. Maybe a spontaneous lap dance for anyone you want to convince? Does the skill cover that?

EDIT: Autohypnosis.

Silly: *steps on caltrop* "Hnnghhh...! See, that didn't hurt at all! Ain't I a real badass, eh?"
Not quite as silly: *give the subject a perfect list of something you saw in their home/palace, such as every single book in a library*

Well done xD

Also the problem I see with perform sexual

no matter how hilarious the part 1 example (and I have already laughed quite a bit at it)
the reality of the part 2 is ... this can actually work.

You can definitely get people to like you with some perform sexual.

But I agree it is probably best not to give examples on that particular skill.
They will either be to X-rated or be offensive or both.

My recent Iron chef entry used Truenaming with this skill. I thought that one was pretty funny.

Part 1
*drumroll* "Your name is BOB!" our pc exclaims.

"That's right! How did you know?!" the audience member gasps.

2012-02-19, 09:16 AM
Oh, I've got more.

Knowledge (arcana)
"Oh, that's just a dragon. You can kill it by stabbing it enough."
"OH WOW, YOU'RE SO WISE" (seriously, you need to make a DC 50 check to recognize a Great Wyrm Red Dragon)
Not as silly: Just replace the dragon with something actually obscure.

Gather Information
Silly: "So, I heard you're the king around here."
"Wow, this guy really knows his stuff!"
Not as silly: "I also found out that you had chicken pox when you were 3 years old, but your nanny managed to hide it from your parents, though you still have scars on your royal arse that incidentally spell out the constitution of a certain country in another time and space!" (wait, that was silly... oh well)

Silly: "Hey, hey guys, look at what I can do!"
*does a somersault on the floor*

2012-02-19, 09:31 AM

Part 1: "Hey, I love your shoes! Did you get them at *fancy shoe store*?"
"Why, yes I did! How kind of you to notice!"
Part 2: " Your watch is a antique hand-crafted swiss berginiare, and your shirt is made from the finest silk, hand tailored to a perfect fit. You are a man of impreccable taste"
"Well, thank you for saying so!"

Part 1: "Hey, hows it going?"
"Are you listening to me?"
"Wow, you must be really focused on meditating on world peace! What a swell guy!"

Part 2: The guards hold their blades at his throat, but he does not even blink. he ponders the question posed to him, and provides the answer calmly. The man is impressed by his composure under duress.

Jeff the Green
2012-02-19, 09:50 AM
lol now we need a part 1 and a part 2 example.

I just didn't want to make a mod have to drag out their scrub-brush. :smalltongue:

Profession (Executioner):
Part 1. "Any last words?" "Can I get your autograph?"

Part 2. "The demonstration must be... intended to entertain and amuse the onlookers." :smalleek: We are talking about a BoVD skill, I suppose.

Use Rope:
Part 1. "So there I was, trussed up like a calf at a rodeo, the tide was coming in, and all I could think was 'I wonder if she has a boyfriend?'"

Part 2. ...Actually, I think we might have the same problem here as with my first one. :smallamused:

2012-02-19, 09:54 AM
Craft (poison)

PC: Look what I made! *drinks a vial of poison and dies instantly*
NPC: Damn, that' was impressive! How'd you do that? *while standing near the corpse with a charmed smile on his face*

PC: I solved your rat problem, all you needed was some poison.
NPC: But they were wererats!
PC: I know, I just added some alchemical silver to the recipe. No big deal.

2012-02-19, 10:01 AM
Sense Motive is a great one. Because the part 1 and part 2 are funny.

Part 1:

"You are a liar." says Pete.

"OMG, I love you, your so great."

And part 2:

Your basically some kind of savant human lie detector test and people fall in love with you for it.

Edit: I lol'd at Executioner.

and yeh the crafts can get pretty silly for part 1 but there is always going to be a part 2 counterpart for them.

Even if you get really silly.

Part 1
Craft (booger sculptures) *picks nose a lot and mashes it together into a shape* the response is a thunderous applause.

Part 2
You sculpted the boogers into a 3-D model of some breath taking architecture.

2012-02-19, 10:36 AM
Knowledge (local)
part 1
"OMG did you hear what you know who did over at the tavern last night"
"I like Toootally don't, I'm hanging on your every word 'fanatically'"

part 2
"oh yeah I'm sorry I heard that you were having some girl troubles so I came over to help."
"What would I do without you?"

profession (salesman)
part 1
"And just for the low low cost of your free will I can sell you your very own Idol to worship, ME!"

Part 2
You sell some stuff for an NPC and then they never leave your side again.

2012-02-19, 10:40 AM
profession (salesman)
part 1
"And just for the low low cost of your free will I can sell you your very own Idol to worship, ME!"

Part 2
You sell some stuff for an NPC and then they never leave your side again.


(in a Zapp Brannigan voice) "For my next trick.... I will make you buy this."

2012-02-19, 12:13 PM
Autohypnosis could be kind of like Shawn Spencer from Psych (has photographic memory). After seeing a room only briefly, you can point out every detail of the room, and impress people.

Profession (sailor):

PC: You see this? This is called the rudder.
NPC: He's so dreamy...


PC (to captain): ...And by using my method, we were able to patch the ship twice as fast and twice as well.
NPC Captain: If you are half the sailor you claim to be, I'd love to have you aboard!

2012-02-19, 12:40 PM
Hide (or Move Silently)
"Hmm, this guy I'm not even remotely aware of is so totally awesome!"
A mysterious caped vigilante striking evildoers from the shadows and vanishing into the blackness of the night.