View Full Version : [3.5/PF] New DM, help me brainstorm?

2012-02-19, 12:04 PM
My campaign is set to begin soon, and I just wanted some feedback, advice, anything you guys think could help me out. I have DMed before, but something always came up (family matters, group issues, etc.) so I have never finished a campaign, which has made me paranoid about running again.

Meet the party:
Elf Rogue, female
Human Paladin, male
Human Fighter, male
Gnome Summoner, male (could be alchemist instead)
And one as yet undecided, although he usually compliments the party well.

I know there is a balance issue as far as no real arcane, poor ranged and such, but most of our group is pretty in your face melee. It works for us, makes for fun and inventive ways to fight baddies normally easily offed by magic users or ranged.

The world is one of my own creation, won't go into the details here but might post something in the Homebrew section later on (or PM me if you're really interested). The game will be fairly normal by Faerun standards, no real focus on anything too abstract as I don't want to get in over my head with some high seas adventure or frost-covered tundra that might prove too complex for me at first.

In a twist (and based on a random WoW comment from the wife) I have decided that the first driving baddie presence in the world will be druids. Partly because I like the idea of people, both PCs and NPCs, being afraid to venture into the forest or too far from civilization due to animal attacks, and because it breaks away from the norm of my groups (the same people, alternating DMs) where the game was a demon invasion, or dragons killing people, or good guys really being bad guys.

In short, anybody have any advice for me on creating unique druids, animal encounters, tactics for early hooks and such. I was thinking of making an entire druidic circle to be corrupt, with druid baddies for the party to face as bosses at different levels. I tend to be very good at narration, description, story telling and getting the group together, but because of my fail past, I'm just a tad nervous.

Any help is much appreciated.