View Full Version : Story Trouble

2012-02-19, 02:45 PM
I am the DM of a campaign and I have currently written myself into a corner.

The basic idea behind my story is that my adventurers have to find gemstones from each of the countries on the continent I have created. These gemstones will reunite the continent. Currently, they have two gemstones, and they're looking for the third.
They are on the run from the law, who doesn't want them to find all the gemstones.
I know it sounds silly, but this is the 5 second version. It's really a lot more complicated.

Here's the issue:
They are currently on a side track delivering some dwarf NPCs they picked up to a local branch of the fighter's guild. I want something to happen. I'd like the dwarfs to betray the party and tell the guild master who they really are...
The only problem is I can't figure out what happens after. The next step is to make it to the next country, but I can't figure out how to get them there.
I'm usually excellent at making up stuff like this, but ehhh....

2012-02-19, 03:13 PM
Maybe they do get thrown in jail, but meet a wizard that can teleport them out, maybe in return for a side quest in the third country?

2012-02-19, 03:14 PM
This sounds suspiciously like Deltora Quest...

Hiro Protagonest
2012-02-19, 03:24 PM
Maybe they do get thrown in jail, but meet a wizard that can teleport them out, maybe in return for a side quest in the third country?

That sounds railroady. Give them a decent chance to beat the group coming after them, like make it an EL+2 encounter.

2012-02-19, 03:30 PM
PCs: "So we have all the gemstones. Now what?"

Dwarf Leader: "Correction. I have all the gemstones. And with the power of the Golden MacGuffin, my plan now comes to fruition!"

PCs: :smalleek:

Dwarf Leader: <Insert brief villainous monologue. Teleport away cackling>

PCs: :smallfurious:

Something like that?

2012-02-19, 03:37 PM
That sounds railroady. Give them a decent chance to beat the group coming after them, like make it an EL+2 encounter.

Well, I am new to being a DM. This is what came to mind. I suppose the whole encounter thing might be better for action, but I feel the "meeting a wizard" could help to get the people into the third country.

2012-02-19, 11:40 PM
Well, I am new to being a DM. This is what came to mind. I suppose the whole encounter thing might be better for action, but I feel the "meeting a wizard" could help to get the people into the third country.

If thats how you feel than you should let the encounter run and see if the PCs can beat the EL+2 group. If they do you have an overwhelming (Obviously too big/ strong) group show up (or appear some distance away, and have a guild member lead the PCs to a safe place where a friend of a freind can "Smuggle them out of the country".

This way you can be actiony AND railroady! And if you weave it well the PCs will be none the wiser that they've been dancing on your strings! :smallbiggrin:

2012-02-20, 12:14 AM
Obviously I don't know the details on what all has happened between the dwarves and pcs, but maybe "fighters guild" is secret Thieves guild of the third continent code for "I succeeded on my bluff check" and they have to chace down the thieves to get back the other gem stones or a large sum of money that happens to be in the same bag of holding that the gems are.
Point is Dwarves lie and steal and PCs have to go get their valuable gold back in tada country number three.

2012-02-20, 12:47 AM
Maybe they do get thrown in jail, but meet a wizard that can teleport them out, maybe in return for a side quest in the third country?

This is good. Also can use some sort of other outlaw leader that pays them back with a free trip to the other country through his gangs means for transportation.

2012-02-26, 01:43 PM
This sounds suspiciously like Deltora Quest...

I have no idea what Deltora is...

2012-02-26, 01:45 PM
This is good. Also can use some sort of other outlaw leader that pays them back with a free trip to the other country through his gangs means for transportation.

This is great! I'm definitely going to use this. Thanks a lot!

2012-02-26, 02:21 PM
If thats how you feel than you should let the encounter run and see if the PCs can beat the EL+2 group. If they do you have an overwhelming (Obviously too big/ strong) group show up (or appear some distance away, and have a guild member lead the PCs to a safe place where a friend of a freind can "Smuggle them out of the country".

This way you can be actiony AND railroady! And if you weave it well the PCs will be none the wiser that they've been dancing on your strings! :smallbiggrin:

I'm not a fan of "supposed to lose" fights, partly because I don't think they're a very subtle form of railroading, even if you give the PCs a tough-but-winnable fight first, and partly because if one does try to be subtle with them, PCs (in my experience, at least) often don't take the hint.

2012-02-26, 02:42 PM
I have no idea what Deltora is...


It's a children's book series where the protagonist has to collect 7 gems from across the land and unite them in order to defeat generic BBEG.