View Full Version : Need an Aberration (For a Role)

2012-02-19, 11:18 PM
My players, don't read.

I need an aberration for a possible chapter in a PF campaign I am currently running. I've looked through the bestiary, and I haven't found one that really stands out, but I could be missing something. Alternatively, if you have a homebrew to recommend, go ahead.

What's going on:

The aberrations have taken over a sovereign city-state in secret. They rule it completely without anyone knowing. The nobility and other influential individuals are under their direct thrall, and keep the common folk oppressed. They also use the populace for breeding purposes similar to Illithids (I would probably uses illithids but I don't have the MM. I've looked at and considered Phrenic Scourges, but they don't quite fit me.)

2012-02-19, 11:40 PM
Aboleths are always a good pick if the city is coastal.

Aside from that, are you allowing 3.5 material, or Pathfinder only?

2012-02-19, 11:44 PM
OGL of either is acceptable; I can convert it, but I can't pay for it.

Aboleth don't have the chestbuster part of the criteria met.

Fable Wright
2012-02-20, 12:08 AM
OGL of either is acceptable; I can convert it, but I can't pay for it.

Aboleth don't have the chestbuster part of the criteria met.

Have the Skum they convert people into turn out to be a larval stage of the Aboleths. If the Skum survives long enough, it undergoes a metamorphosis, and becomes an Aboleth itself.

2012-02-20, 12:09 AM
Tsochar in Lords of Madness would be suitable. They're a small size mass of tentacles which communicate telepathically and can bore into a humanoid creature to either stow away or take direct control of their host. While hiding within a host they can inflict severe pain on him at will, and will often instruct a host to carry out its wishes under threat of punishment. It can instead destroy the host's nervous system and replace it with itself, taking control over the humanoid's body while it's still alive, and slowly devour it from the inside over the course of several months or even years.

2012-02-20, 02:36 AM
There is a template in BoVD called "Corrupted Creature." Add it to your favorite monster and viola you have an aberration.

2012-02-20, 03:07 AM
I would recommend reading thru all the Lords of Madness if you have not done so already. Aside from that, I think Planar Handbook or Complete Arcane (where the alienist is from) had Pseudo Natural creature Template.

A good alternative would be simply Elans. They ARE aberrations, they can be evil [no reason why they would or wouldn't, just like humans], they can be powerful Psychics, and since psychics are hard to detect without other psychics [even harder than magic, they don't need hand gestures and etc. to use powers]. Classes like Thrallhearder or just a normal Psion Telepath could do as puppet masters, secretly controlling the town.

The last good alternative I remember are the stuff from Mindlflayers of Thoon. They have quite of a few Thrall-like templates. I do not remember which MM they come from.

P.S. If you are looking for something in the motive of "The invasion of Body Snatchers" or "Alien"... I am not sure what in D&D has similar mechanics. Some Grafts from Fiend Folio I think can be of similar nature, Savage Species has "symbiotic creatures", and one of the MM has something similar to not fully formed illithids? (like tentacle from skull and such, I do not remember the template's name)

Good Luck w/ you devious plans!

2012-02-20, 10:57 PM
Unfortunately, I don't have any of those books. Like I said, I'm looking for something OGL or homebrew. I'm considering the suggestions I've been given so far, but I'm also wondering if there are any others.

2012-02-20, 11:03 PM
Um... Maybe my Yeerk homebrew? Just tweak their life cycle, give them some sort of host-killing ability...
The "Request a Homebrew" thread in the Homebrewing section could also be worth a try.
What do you mean, though, by "chest-bursty"? What is it, exactly, that you're expecting them to do?

2012-02-20, 11:14 PM
What do you mean, though, by "chest-bursty"? What is it, exactly, that you're expecting them to do?

They use humanoids to propagate their species in such a way that kills or severely wounds the host, rather than changing the host into one of them.

2012-02-21, 07:06 AM
Unfortunately, I don't have any of those books. Like I said, I'm looking for something OGL or homebrew. I'm considering the suggestions I've been given so far, but I'm also wondering if there are any others.

How about Kaorti? They're outsiders, but very aberrationish. Fiend Folio, but I think their stats are available via a series of online articles (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/re/20030916x).