View Full Version : Secondary Arcanist Help

2012-02-20, 04:59 PM
Our group thus far is a Halfling Scout, A grey elf Focused Conjurer modeled almost exactly like Treantmonk's sample from his handbook, an Elan Psychic Warrior, and a Dragonwrought Kobold Sorcerer. My current character is a Human Warblade. However, I know for a fact, he's not going to be making it (plot related, I was told ahead of time in order to prepare). I know we could use a Cleric, but I refuse to be relegated to healbot. So I've decided to be a wizard. My question is, what kind would be best? Or, opinions on what we actually need. I'm open to Cleric so long as I turn undead so that I CANNOT be the healbot.

TL;DR Type of wizard needed for a party that contains: Prim. Melee, Battlefield Control, Prim. Ranged, and Debuff Lite/Blast Lite.

2012-02-20, 05:11 PM
I would recommend a summoner. Your front line sucks - a Scout needs to be able to flit around to get his damage off, and he can't do that when he has gribblies all over him.

2012-02-20, 06:23 PM
If you are interested in becoming a cleric, you could do one of a few things:

As Flickerdart mentioned, you guys are a bit light on melee. A cleric could use DMM to persist Divine Power and make a very good front line fighter, and if you find a deity with a martial weapon and war domain, you get martial weapon proficiency with that weapon for free (I'm not sure how this works for clerics with no deity, probably have to ask your DM). If you find DMM too cheesy, there is an ACF for clerics that allows them to expend prepared spells to cast domain spells of the same level instead of healing spells, so you could just cast Divine Power from the War Domain like that (it lasts 1 round/level, so by the time you can cast it you have to be CL 7 and it will pretty much last all combat long).

Generally healbot clerics are not the best idea, and rather you should focus on killing the enemy and preventing your allies from taking damage. To that end, it could be useful to take protection as your second domain, but you also mentioned that there was a use for you to be going against undead, so the sun domain could be useful as well if you don't plan on using DMM.

2012-02-20, 06:24 PM
Would a Malconvoker be ideal? I thought about having two focused conjurers in the group would be a bit much, but we'd be focusing on different aspects anyway/

Keld Denar
2012-02-20, 06:30 PM
Maybe Ordained Champion/Bone Knight based cleric? Or Ruby Knight Vindicator? There are lots of ways to do melee on a cleric without DMM Persist (I personally don't like it).

Otherwise, a gish would be pretty rockin. Sorcadin is pretty resilient, and can get the smackdown you want.

Edit: yea, a Conjurer who focuses on summons like a Malconvoker plays MUCH different from a GOD wizard who focuses on BC and disables. I have a high level GOD wizard, and I don't even have a single summon prepped. There might be a little overlap, but not much. Maybe you both open combat with a Solid Fog to divide your foes, but than he goes on to disable foes that emerge from the cloud, while you focus on summoning beaters to quickly KO the foes that emerge from the BC. You will work as a team, even if you have very similar bases.

2012-02-20, 06:35 PM
Would a Malconvoker be ideal? I thought about having two focused conjurers in the group would be a bit much, but we'd be focusing on different aspects anyway/
Malconvoker is pretty great. Losing a spell level isn't, but in return you get nifty stuff like double the monsters, so it all works out.

2012-02-20, 06:45 PM
Bard might be an option.
Bard 8/ Paladin of Freedom 2/ Sublime Chord 2/ Abjurant Champion 5/ Sacred Exorcist 3 - Bard based Gish with 16 BAB and 9th level spells. Snowflake Wardance if you want to melee
Bard 8/ Arcane Archer 2/ Sublime Chord 2/ Abjurant Champion 5/ Sacred Exorcist or Ruathar 3 - Bard archery based gish with 16 BAB and 9th level spells. Can spam antimagic arrows
Bard 8/ Virtuoso 2/ Sublime Chord 2/ Virtuoso 8 - caster based bard with decent bardic music options. Not a gish but definitely support also with 9th level spells.

2012-02-20, 06:57 PM
If you do choose to be a summoner, at least ban different schools than the other conjurer.

Alternatively, you could be a wizard gish.

2012-02-20, 06:59 PM
Bard might be an option.
Bard 8/ Paladin of Freedom 2/ Sublime Chord 2/ Abjurant Champion 5/ Sacred Exorcist 3 - Bard based Gish with 16 BAB and 9th level spells. Snowflake Wardance if you want to melee
Bard 8/ Arcane Archer 2/ Sublime Chord 2/ Abjurant Champion 5/ Sacred Exorcist or Ruathar 3 - Bard archery based gish with 16 BAB and 9th level spells. Can spam antimagic arrows
Bard 8/ Virtuoso 2/ Sublime Chord 2/ Virtuoso 8 - caster based bard with decent bardic music options. Not a gish but definitely support also with 9th level spells.

Funnily enough,I've been banned from playing bards actually. No one respected them, so I made one optimizing IC and DFI. The current group was a Cleric, Fighter, and Scout. Lots of fun was had.

2012-02-20, 07:05 PM
If you do choose to be a summoner, at least ban different schools than the other summoner.

Alternatively, you could be a wizard gish.

This may be hard to do. He banned Evocation, Enchantment and Necromancy. I was thinking of simply swapping Necromancy for Illusion.

2012-02-20, 07:15 PM
You could go Druid for summoning, be able to use Wands of Lesser Vigor between encounters, and be considerably less squishy than a Wizard all day. Get Ashbound and Greenbound Summoning if possible, a Ring of the Beast, and of course Augment Summoning, and you'll have far better minions than arcane summons can offer.

2012-02-20, 07:23 PM
If the game has going to hell with 3 mega casters (and the scout) you might as well join the party. Then blow its roof off.

Lay the boom. You are the man. The Mail Man (http://community.wizards.com/go/thread/view/75882/19868534/The_Mailman:_A_Direct_Damage_Sorcerer)

2012-02-21, 01:32 PM
I would recommend a summoner. Your front line sucks - a Scout needs to be able to flit around to get his damage off, and he can't do that when he has gribblies all over him.

I ran the idea past the DM, but no go. Apparently the last person to play a summoner FLOODED the battlefield. It's either no summons, or a VERY VERY VERY short leash for yours truly. Even knowing that is it worth it if I stay at around two or fewer summons?

2012-02-21, 02:05 PM
If the sorcerer doesn't blast, go evoker. If the sorc does blast, do a little of both the wizard's banned schools. Rather than focusing on fireballs toss one at a good opportunity, and use his other school at other opportunities. Whether he banned necromancy, enchantment or abjuration, they all tend to be situational. Don't prepare too many for that reason but have 1 or 2 prepared and more in your spellbook. Maybe you could start dominating and charming foes to add to the party. Magic circle against evil is a great abjuration buff. Etc. Since you don't have very many of either of these schools, fill the rest of your spell slots with good conjurations and transmutations as usual. Evard's tentacles is good for setting up a fireball for example. Haste is good in the buffing round, or if there's already someone casting haste you can bull's strength the psychic warrior. If you have too many spells try some morning greater magic weapons or pre-dungeon heroisms. Etc. Find what's not already being done.

2012-02-21, 02:53 PM
I ran the idea past the DM, but no go. Apparently the last person to play a summoner FLOODED the battlefield. It's either no summons, or a VERY VERY VERY short leash for yours truly. Even knowing that is it worth it if I stay at around two or fewer summons?
You might try Dread Necromancer and create a single super-buffed undead instead of a typical army of brainless mooks.
Or start with one level of a Commoner to take Chicken Infested flaw and then turn your free poultry into running necrotic bombs (buk, buk, buk, BOOM!) - you will be producing a lot of them, but they will die quickly, so thery would be at most one or two chickens present at a time. And you'll never have to worry about food rations.

A Druid is still a good option - you have Animal Companion and the ability to buff it enough to create a real meele monster, you also have Wildshape and with it, you can apply the same juicy buffs to yourself. It's not summoning, but you get two solid frontliners on top of your full spellcasting.

2012-02-21, 03:46 PM
So, your DM bans bards and restricts summonners, but allows GOD wizards? That's sick. How about you try a Warlock/Binder/Hellfire warlock/Legacy champion. It makes either a decent melee or a 250ft artillery unit

2012-02-21, 04:12 PM
Have you considered being a psion? They're pretty dang wizardly and Shaper psions are pretty good at the single-beefy-summon routine using a customized Astral Construct.

2012-02-21, 04:46 PM
Have you considered being a psion? They're pretty dang wizardly and Shaper psions are pretty good at the single-beefy-summon routine using a customized Astral Construct.

I hadn't actually. I looked at psionics only as far as to understand it. I intend to do the same with incarnum (someday...)

2012-02-21, 05:46 PM
If you want to summon as a psion, I wouldn't go Shaper. I would go something cooler (Telepath or Egoist are both nice) and just take Expanded Knowledge: Astral Construct.

2012-02-21, 06:03 PM
If you want to summon as a psion, I wouldn't go Shaper. I would go something cooler (Telepath or Egoist are both nice) and just take Expanded Knowledge: Astral Construct.

I know this will require some more in depth reading on my part, but what are those two good at? I know Ego is the "buffer" psion but Telepaths are unknown to me. In fact, I'd heard that Nomads were the best in almost any situation.