View Full Version : Dark Streets and Dirty Lies IC

2012-02-20, 11:30 PM

A gleaming, emerald city.
A shining port on the edge of the Americas.
Green jewel of the United Canadian-American States.
Tourist hotspot, capital of industry, major seat of corporate power.
A multicultural wonderland glimmering on the rim of tomorrow.

At least, that's what she wants you to think about her.


A filthy warren of "undesireables."
A rancid, steaming urban wasteland rife with corruption.
Acid rain-washed outpost surrounded by danger and far from help.
Ghoul-infested, crime-ridden, playpen of the corporate overlords.
A pit of racism and repression, mired in past hatred.

That's what she really is. At least, to anyone who doesn't have the cold hard nuyen to buy the tourist version. Oh sure, you can set your AR to show the nice emerald buildings, the clear skies and shining streets. But you'd better not forget your corrosion-resistant slicker, or you just might come home with a few less layers of skin. And maybe a new tumor or two.

I say "new" because there's a decent chance that if you're reading this, you've already got a few. And maybe a nice case of HMHVV, probably the Krieger strain if you're really unlucky.

Actually, most ghouls are blind, so maybe not.

Anyway, here's the skinny: Seattle likes to pretend she's some emerald lady, but strip away the AR paint job and the corporate marketing, and she's really just a torn-up old joygirl with cheap green lipstick. Sure, the prices are a little different, and the venue might look strange to a newbie, but the rules remain the same.

Shoot straight, conserve ammo, and never, ever cut a deal with a dragon.

Welcome to the city.

2012-02-20, 11:50 PM
January 1st, 2073
Sunday, 9:17 AM local time.
Seattle, UCAS.

Each of you receives a message tagged "Urgent". It's author is a man you've only met in passing some weeks ago, an Orc who goes by the name "Uncle Jack." Tall, maybe 6' 6", greying around the temples, your memory of him is a little fuzzy. Though you don't remember giving him your CommCode....

Message received from: "UncleJack6886", CommCode 68873JCVN33KL253. Message marked URGENT.

Subject: Need help, job opportunity, RSVP soonest!

Message begins:

Ok, I know you're probably wondering who I am and what the hell I'm doing with your commcode. Just hear me out, and you'll stand to make a hell of a lot of nuyen.

I got your code from a mutual friend who said you'd be perfect for this job, and I don't have time to run around finding someone else. Payout is 10,000 nuyen, 15,000 if we do it before Friday.

Details if you're interested. Meet me at the Casa del Carne on 15th Ave and Columbian Way, across from the middle school. I'll be there at 11:00pm tonight.

And no guns, there's a school nearby for ****'s sake.

Message Ends.

2012-02-21, 04:43 PM
Slumped in what passed for his office in the rundown apartment he called home, Snails smiled as he reread the message.

I think I can treat myself, he thought, drawing out a short, cheap cigarillo, lighting it with a spark of magic that he flicked from his thumb into a small flame, before puffing it into life. If this is what I think it is, I might just make it as a runner.

Once, the only thing he'd of been doing with this sort of communication, was rejoicing at having broken into a runners circle, and a chance to catch some criminals, and improve his career. Now, he was the criminal. But still, he smiled as he puffed his smoke, poured himself a generous shot of rotgut, and contemplated... Do I bring a Gun or do I rely on Magic Fingers?

Gray Mage
2012-02-21, 09:55 PM

Cleaning and maintaining his guns in his hellhole of a "home", Hound frowns as he reads the message. He didn't have many friends, not these days, and he could think of plenty of old "friends" that'd love to catch him with his pants down, but they'd settle for with no guns. The only one he could think of that could be if it wasn't a trap was Red. Yeah, setting me up and not telling me is right up his alley. Still, one quick message couldn't possibly hurt.

TO: Reinhardt the Red
Subject: Info needed, ASAP.

Quick question, have you given someone my commcode recently or set me up for some job and forgot to tell me?
Other then that, what do you have on one "Uncle Jack", ork, probably middle age?

Soon after sending the message to his fixer, he sends one to uncle Jack, confirming his presence. If it was a legit job offer god knows he was in need of one, his muscles where itching for some action, and if it wasn't.... well, better to get it over it and when he knows it's an ambush then in some alley someday.

Finishing assembling his SMG, waited until some hours before the time to leave. He wanted to have a a notion of the ins and outs before entering. Putting his lined coat, picking up his blades (he didn't say anything about swords and Snap Blades) and, on second thought, his Ceska Black Scorpion, properly hidden, of course. What kind of kids stay around school at close to midnight anyway? Then he went on his way.

2012-02-21, 10:32 PM

A man with dark hair and scraggly beard, with hands full of callouses and quick movements darting on a keyboard stands leaning towards a terminal. His steel grey eyes quickly dart from one side towards the other, deeply focused with a frown.

"Hm, interesting. If i change this component towards this axis..." he continues mumbling as he quickly types a set of complex commands in a computer, he barely notices that a message has arrived only expanding a single thought before finishing his calculations.

After a while he leans back and a large crack is heard as the kinks acquired with staying in such a position are righted. He begins reading the message and ponders.

"Tor, can you come here." he hears a female voice calling out towards one side of the facility. And while thinking he approaches a beautiful woman, with short black hair and deep blue eyes her face covered with spots of oil, he remembers the first encounter and how his life was completely changed after it.

He says with a gruff voice "What do you need." as he spots his guard bot disassembled. She quickly answers with a happy tone "See, i am learning. No mistakes." she points towards Kronus. "Yes you are, lets put it back together i have a meeting later." and for a brief time you pass time for a while before heading out.

2012-02-22, 08:43 PM
Jacob is playing his favroit game in VR, He gets a message and looks at it.

"The frag! I was just going to level up!" He says in game. Logs out and finds himself back in pigsty called home. He accese his comlink in his head and reads the message.

"A job! Old Mick got me a Job! Im going to be a shadow runner!" He get to work right away by sending a mesage to Old Mick.

To: Old Mick
Subject: I got a Job!

So I just got a message from UncleJack6886. I meet him before...perhaps in VR? Cant remember.

But anyway you said you would help me out right? Can you give me info on Uncle Jack? He is a ork.

Next he send a message to Uncle Jack

Subject: Sure! Just to ask...

Hey. I dont know were you can my comcode but let me ask bout this job.

What am I doing and do I have to do it in the meat? I have 1 drone ready for combat and one to....Make a building disappear XP.

I can also hack if im n the meat.

2012-02-24, 01:15 AM
Personal Messages:
Message received from: ReallyRed22277
Sent on: Sunday, January 1st, 2073, 10:15 AM

Subject: Info request

No way chummer, you know I don't just sling personal info like that around. I'd at least have the Johnson send to a bouncer code, much safer that way. Them's the rules, and I didn't get where I am by breakin 'em.

As for this "Uncle Jack" fellow, not too much. He's either new in town or well concealed, probably the former. Only bit I got is he flew in under an Aztek SIN, then trashed his comm and picked up a burner. Gets a little fuzzy from there, but he's been in town for about 6 months now, and no one I know has heard a peep from him.

So an orc calls you out of the blue, and he's got no fixer or Johnson credentials that I can see. My advice, keep on your toes, razorboy.

And thanks for that delivery last weekend, made a great gift for my favorite joygirl.

Red, out.

Message received from: MickeyYouSoFine
Sent on: Sunday, January 1st, 2073 11:05 AM

Subject: What?

Glad you got work, not so glad you won't be paying me your 10%. Thought we had a deal, chummer. If you're shopping around, at least say so.

Anyway, never heard of 'em. And that's usually a bad sign. Make sure he's up front with ya, and get half before you do the job.

Mickey (I'm not that old, dammit!)
Message received from: UncleJack6886
Sent on: Sunday, January 1st, 2073 11:45 AM

Subject: (none)

Glad you have the firepower, but if you want the details meet me tonight. And yeah, I know you can hack. That's why I called you, not for your charming smile, decker.

Gray Mage
2012-02-24, 01:49 PM
TO: ReallyRed22277
Subject: RE: Info request

Yeah, that didn't look like your work, but it's good to know. Dun worry, I'm not the kind of orc that goes in the lion's maw empty handed, if you know what I mean. I'll be ready for them.

And about that delivery, well, it's just a way to say thanks for all the things you've done for me, like that piece of info you've just sent me. Good to know that it's a shady invite. Thanks Red, that can just save my hide.


Karen Lynn
2012-02-26, 12:27 AM
Waking at 6 that evening, Malik crawls forth from his bed. Mentally logging in, he is startled to find someone having his newest line, burning his old one just two nights ago. A quick text out to his friends Ted, Franky, and Hamed is sent as he peels open a breakfast bar.

"Hey. Just got tagged on a new line by some guy calling himself 'Uncle Jack'. Any info?" As an aside to Franky, "The turbo you recently installed? it's pinging a bit. Might not be much. I just wanted to make sure."

Hmmm... I gotta do laundry... Screw it. I'll grab some flats on the way and change at Hamed's SS. Wonder what the guys are doing online...

After checking with his friends online, he heads to the meet. A deep purple souped up sports car rolls up to Casa del Carne. A shorter tan human steps out, wearing a white coat and violet tinted glasses walks in at about ten minutes to 11.

2012-02-28, 11:52 PM
Personal Messages:

Ted replies right away, telling you that he's never heard of the guy. Franky responds about an hour later, saying he's heard the name in connection to a guy he knows who sells fake SINs. He also says the turbo's compression might be a bit off, bring it back by whenever and he'll recalibrate it for free. Hamed is last, about 20 minutes after Franky, and hasn't heard anything specific.

January 1st, 2073
Sunday, 11:25 AM local time.
Seattle, UCAS

Hound arrives at the intersection of 15th Ave and Columbian a little before the lunch rush. Finding a quiet spot across the street, he begins his stakeout. A little after 12:15 there is a small burst of activity as the local middle school starts lunch period and a group of around 10 teens hop the fence and head into the Casa del Carne. They hang out for around an hour before splitting up and heading north along the sidewalk. Looks like they aren't interested in going back to class.

The restaurant quiets down again, and stays that way for almost two hours before Hound's vigil is interrupted. A group of 4 gangers, all white males sporting scuffed and defaced flats and gleaming chrome hands, begin calling out insults and threats to Hound.

Hoy, slot-face! What you doing down here, don't you got little kiddies to spy on? Get your meat off our street, you cheap slotter!"

Gray Mage
2012-03-02, 10:38 AM
(OOC: Sorry, I haven't seen your post here, Destrude, but it didn't show up in my subscription feed, it still says Adrian had made the last post. :smallredface:)

Great, everything I needed, thick-headed gangers. Not the time to start a war with them, though. he thinks. Best to ignore, I guess.

Having decided that, he checks the time, and figuring that this isn't his best work and he won't find out anything at this rate anyway and figuring it's too early to wait in the restaurant, he sights and strolls away, walking around to kill some time before the meeting. At about 10:30 PM he'll head back to the restaurant.

2012-03-07, 05:48 PM
January 1st, 2073
Sunday, 10:45PM local time
Seattle, UCAS

The Casa del Carne is pretty quiet this time of night. A couple of dealers down on the corner, and a few joygirls walking the block, but not much real action. The sounds of police drone sirens echo up from the south, and far to the north you can hear the rumbling of late night city traffic. It's cold out, breath freezes in the air and fingers and noses tingle with numbness. A light snow drifts downwards, but winter has been light this year, and it melts on the walk into cold and sticky puddles.

There are a number of cars and bikes parked around the area, but it's become apparent to all of you that there are others staking out this block. It's unknown whether they are other runners contacted by Uncle Jack, his bodyguards, or some third party.

Walking quietly up the walk is an ork, tall and grey-haired. Dressed in a faded business suit, tie hanging loosely around his neck, he walks like a man who works too much and sleeps too little.

Gray Mage
2012-03-07, 10:43 PM
Hound is standing just a little off ways from the restaurant, trying, with little sucess, to escape from the snow. Freezing and drenched to the bone, the old orc was almost a sight for his sore eyes. Almost.

He had to admit though, the first impression he got from his potential employer was not was he expected. He looked like a low level suit from any old corp, very unlike any regular Mr. Johnson. No bodyguards in sight too (at least not any obvious ones, he corrected himself). Still, no suit would have been able to be that invisible, Red would have found something, he had to be hiding something.

Deciding that he'd rather face a trap then freeze to death out there, he enters the place a couple minutes after Uncle Jack does. Walking towards the orc, he takes a seat (opting for whatever seat leaves his back least exposed).

So, Uncle Jack, you wanted to meet me, huh? Well, here I am.

2012-03-07, 11:14 PM
Martin is sitting at a table with a menu, and rises and walks over to the pair.

"Good evening. You asked to meet me, I presume as well as our friend here. Would you two object to me sitting down so we discuss the purpose of this meeting further? Incidentally, do we have any more people attending this meeting?"

Karen Lynn
2012-03-07, 11:27 PM
Walking up behind Martin, Malik smiles. "Well, I'm coming." The slim young man slips around, taking a seat at the table closest to the registers. Quickly hacking the order register, he programs in his water and salad to be made, then logs out. He keeps his glasses on at all times, doing this in AR, grimacing at the delay in commands and inability to do this Hot in his current location.

2012-03-08, 01:43 PM
January 1st, 2073
Sunday, 11:00PM local time
Casa del Carne, Seattle, UCAS

The ork slumps into a seat near the back of the restaurant, bags heavy under his eyes as he taps an order for soykaf into the dusty old manual-order keypad built into the table. His eyes track Hound's approach, and he replies in a quiet and raspy voice.

"Yeah, I did, and yes, here you are." He looks about to say something else, but is interrupted by Martin and Malik's approach. "Good, that's most of you. I'll give the others a few moments to show up, so grab yourselves a few soykafs to warm up." He gestures to the keypad and gives a half-hearted smile.

2012-03-08, 02:43 PM
Clockwork had already been in the restaurant for a while, just enjoying a few beers, passing time and thinking about a few experiments he wanted to try out.

Soon enough he noticed a rather large and diverse group converge upon a tired looking Orc it didn't take a genius to understand that was probably Uncle Jack. He stood up and approached the table, waving slightly to Uncle Jack and saying simply "Hello." towards everyone.

Gray Mage
2012-03-11, 10:29 PM
After a quick internal conflict Hound turns his paranoid side down for a bit, so that his almost frozen bits could reach for the keypad and order some good, hot soykaf.

Waiting for his soykaf, he leans back on his chair and begins to think about the upcoming job. A group work, it was a while since he had one. Well, that shouldn't be much of a problem.

2012-03-15, 01:33 AM
January 1st, 2073
Sunday, 11:15PM local time
Casa del Carne, Seattle, UCAS

Uncle Jack smiles slightly as the Casa's waiterdrone wheels its way to the table bearing a round of soykafs and Malik's water and salad. "Aah, much better. I think the cheap stuff has a special flavor all it's own."

He sips cautiously at the steaming beverage, then looks around the table. "Ok, this should be enough. I know you all have questions, I'll lay the job on the table and then try to answer as many as I can."

Ok, first the basics. There is a new prototype and related research data coming into the city in two days. It's going to the head office of a fairly small corporation, where it will be evaluated by their R&D department head and then, more than likely, be approved for mass production." He pauses for a moment, sips from his soykaf, then continues.

"The object of this job is to prevent the prototype from going into production. Where and how you achieve this goal is not important to me, or my superiors. The timing, however, is very much so. If you can stop it from arriving at their headquarters, there will be a bonus. If you manage only to stop it from being approved, there will be a smaller bonus. If you do not manage to stop it from going to the factories, there will be no pay at all, obviously."

Sitting up straighter in his seat, Uncle Jack takes a long swig from his mug and pulls a cigarette from his front jacket pocket, resting it behind his ear. "That is all I can tell you before you decide if you will take the job or not." He pauses, grinning. "Well, that and the fact that base pay is 10,000 nuyen each. Feel free to converse among yourselves, I'm going outside for a smoke. I hope to have your agreement when I come back, and we can pin down details and deal with questions."

He makes to get up, eyes on the front door.

Karen Lynn
2012-03-15, 02:36 AM
T_R waits for Jack to leave, then looks at the rest. "So... I guess I'll get started. You can call me Tech Rat, TR for short. I'm a 'Trix monkey, and more than just half decent at what I do." He takes a bite of his salad, smiling.

2012-03-15, 04:48 AM
After listening to TR introduce himself he decides to step in "Call me Clockwork, i can build almost anything you can name. Explosives, drones, guns, although i am a little out of practice." he says with a depreciating smile before continuing "And i also have some experience infiltrating. And working demolition." he bows slightly.

2012-03-15, 03:51 PM
My guy speaks up and in a slurred tone. "My...name is Squished...or Squish for short. Im....Or was a...spider for a corp. I can hack... and...rig drones. If you need fire power im good too.." He looks like he has a wave a pain with every word.

(OOC snip: He has good and bad times. this is a bad time for him"

Gray Mage
2012-03-15, 09:43 PM
The big orc listens as the others introduce themselves, then drinks his soykaf in one gulp before speaking. Name's Hound. I'm pretty good at infiltrating places, it helps that I know a thing or two of basic security and can find out the specifics, plus a couple of mixed skills, like some basic first aid or demolitions 101. But what I'm really good at is fighting, though we don't want that if it needs I can handle a lot. I can also serve as a diversion if we need one. He nods his head to his now co-workers.

Karen Lynn
2012-03-18, 10:05 PM
"Well, here's Mr. Strong and Silent," <alik smirks, pointing at Martin, "So, a Spider, huh Squishy? And you would be Mr. Boomy?" Malik smiles at the large Ork.

Gray Mage
2012-03-19, 10:32 PM
Hound lets out a muffled laugh at his newly given nickname. And what should we call you then, maybe our little mouse? - he says with a smirk on his face.

2012-03-20, 12:45 AM
Martin smirks at Malik.
"I would have introduced myself already, but you seemed to be having such a good time... I'm Martin, and rather focused on the peaceful side of things. I'll be generally leaving the more violent side of actions to you guys, but I assure you I'm more than capable enough in most situations - and really, I can probably talk most things off buildings if I have to.

I believe that should make us generally well introduced. Shall we find out what this item of interest is?"

Karen Lynn
2012-03-20, 01:17 AM
Smiling, knowing this group will be fun, he agrees. "I guess we just wait for Unca to come back, and then get to work." Looking back at Hound, "Sure. Mouse'll work. I'm always slipping and scurrying through security systems."

Gray Mage
2012-03-28, 08:31 PM
Agreed. By the way, do any of you know anything about our employer? It could pay well to know about the guy that is sending us to a shady biz.

Karen Lynn
2012-03-28, 09:51 PM
"My people found nothing."

2012-04-03, 12:34 AM
January 1st, 2073
Sunday, 11:25PM local time
Casa del Carne, Seattle, UCAS

Uncle Jack takes a final, long drag from his cig before flicking it into the slush in the street. He smiles as he returns to the booth, saying "No one has left yet, so it looks like we have agreement. I'll get straight to the specifics." Reaching into his jacket pocket, he pulls out a set of folded papers and spreads them out on the table.

"The package and it's handlers will be arriving at the Sea-Tac airport on Wednesday, on the 8AM flight. They will be carrying the prototype in a carry-on case, probably reinforced and biometric locked." He pauses to point out the airport's location on an old and dog-eared Seattle map. "From there, the handlers will pass the package to a courier, probably from a local high-class service. It will then be taken here." He points to a largish building on the map with one hand and pulls a photo from the pile of papers with the other.

"This is the R&D branch of Johnson and Johnson Tactical Solutions, and the prototype's first destination. I have a few photos of the building and grounds over here, feel free to keep them." He gestures to the pile of papers as he continues, "I don't know anything about their interior layout or defenses, just what I could spot from the outside. I'll leave the rest of the legwork up to you."

The grizzled orc pauses to sip from his now cold soykaf before continuing. "The prototype will stay here for at least two days for testing, although probably not much longer than that. I'll warn you that the building more than likely extends a few floors underground, so you may have some trouble getting to the labs. After the tests are done, it'll be shipped out to this building here." He points again to the worn and faded map, this time at a building closer to the docks.

"I don't know when it'll be shipped, but if it makes it to the fabricator array then you won't have long to finish your job. They'll scan the prototype and begin programming the nanofaxers to build it en masse. Once that's done, they'll be able to print out copies anywhere in the world. Obviously, that's a mission failed for you guys." Uncle Jack leans back, the smell of smoke still lingering around him, and pushes the paperwork into the center of the table.

"Like I said, base pay is 10k, 15 if you stop it from even getting approved. If you can manage to catch it before it hits the R&D building, it's 18k each. Not a bad deal, in my opinion." He grins, and says "What do you think, gentlemen?"

Gray Mage
2012-04-03, 06:34 PM
Hound analyses the pictures: Simple exterior shots, not helpfull at all, but if they could get inside info they probably wouldn't need us, right? he thinks. Ordering another soykaf, he watches Uncle Jack. He still doesn't like the way this guy simply found him, with no explanation. But still, the pay was tempting, his funds were running out and the job looks legit. Of course there's more to that, but there always is, anyway.

It is a nice deal. How will you be paying us? And how are we supposed to find it inside the labs? I expect they have more then one prototype at a time, no? I'd be a shame to go to all the trouble and pick the wrong one, you see? Other then that, well, I'm still in. Better start preparing those creds, uncle. Would be good to have a set of wheels with us, though, in case it doesn't go so smoothly.

2012-04-10, 07:39 PM
Clockwork thinks it over and asks "Do you know the route they will take from the airport? Other than that i think the job should be feasible." he says as he inventory's his resources and multiple plans, focusing on how to gain the biggest pay bonus.

Karen Lynn
2012-04-11, 06:10 PM
"I'm down for this." Malik smiles, sending mental commands to his link, storing data. "Sea-Tac Airport WED0800, High class courier. Who? Hack. Sea-Tac hack? No. Not after last time. Get before it hits R&D building. When there, too many people. Possible death. Not allowed."

2012-04-11, 09:52 PM
The grizzled orc smiles broadly. "Ah, payment. I'd be worried if you didn't ask about that. To answer: content me at the same commcode as before after the job is done and I'll arrange to drop a certified credstick for each of you." He shifts in his seat before continuing. "As for finding the prototype, well that might be slightly tricky. I don't know the layout of their labs, so you'll have to find it for yourself. As for recognizing it, well that should be easy. It's an implant, made to go into the midbrain. It'll be about the size of my pinky nail, and covered in filament connections."

He looks slightly uncomfortable as he continues. "It is a weapon, or rather it makes people into weapons. I highly advise you don't touch it, the filaments are designed to attempt contact with any nerve endings they can. I don't know what it would do if it bonded with your hand, and I don't think you want to find out." Jack turns towards Clockwork and says "No, I have no idea what route he will take, but I imagine it depends on traffic and if he thinks there's a threat. I have no doubt that they will hire a professional though, the prototype is much too valuable to them to leave in sloppy hands."

He stops to listen to Malik and nods at his appraisal of the run. "Any other questions?"

Gray Mage
2012-04-12, 09:03 PM
No, I'm good.

Now, best to get it before it gets inside. Easier, less protected and bigge pay to boot. Perfect. He museso himself, figuring that it's best to start fishing for information. And luckly he just know who he could ask.

Hound focus, mentally sending a message to his contact.

TO: ReallyRed22277
Subject: Info for new job.

So, it turns out that that invite was a honest to god job offer, as honest at it usually is anyway. Who could've guessed, right?

So, anything you tell me about Johnson and Johnson Tactical Solutions' R&D building? Something from the insid would be great. Or about any contact they had recently with top class couriers or courier bussiness/ runners?


2012-04-14, 08:57 AM
"Not for me, i think i have the beginning of a plan." he then turns towards the others that accepted the mission and asks "Your contacts would be nice." he pauses slightly before continuing "I do have some ideas, on how to handle this, most of them involve explosives." he smirks before grabbing his canteen and pouring a small bit of coffee.

Gray Mage
2012-04-16, 08:58 PM
I don't have too many ideas, but I think that our biggest shot of getting it is before it leaves the airport. Any suggestions? he asks, looking around carefully.

2012-04-17, 02:05 AM
January 2nd, 2073
Monday, 12:03 AM local time
Casa del Carne, Seattle, UCAS

Uncle Jack leans back in his chair, looking tired. "All right then, it's in your hands. I'll be out of contact until Wednesday, so good luck gentlemen. If any questions come up, message me and I'll get back to you when I can." He pulls himself to his feet and makes his way out into the cold and snow.

Karen Lynn
2012-04-17, 08:12 AM
"I was thinking we could just hack the local couriers, figure out who will pick it up, go and borrow two of their cars, and pick it up ourselves."

2012-04-17, 06:40 PM
"Could work. I can probably jack the cars, but hacking? Not my speciality. And backup in case something interesting happens." he says with a slight smirk.

Gray Mage
2012-04-17, 09:36 PM
"That sounds good. I assume little TR can hanlde the hacky bits himself, if he's more then half decent as he says. Might have to make the real couriers not be there, it'd be bad if they showed up too. Think you can also hack your way for that too, or do we do it the old-fashioned way?" Hound says, cracking his knuckles with a smirk on his face.

Karen Lynn
2012-04-19, 11:49 AM
"That was the plan, as I don't believe in hurting people..." Malik looks about, "I'm... I'm a pacifist..."

2012-04-19, 11:59 AM
"Well that's pretty nice of you." he smiles at him and then continues "But while you are one we aren't. Although i dislike hurting people without reason." he leans back on his chair sipping on his coffee "So we have a basic plan then?".

Gray Mage
2012-04-19, 08:44 PM
"Fine then, but you know that if it comes to that, it'll get messy, right? But yeah, that sounds like a good plan. I'll take a look into the R&D building this night, anyway, in case we miss our window. If we're all set, then we will talk tomorrow, once we have more details, yes? We should pass our Commcodes, if we want to work together." Saying that he gives them his'.

When no one else has anything more to say and they break up, Hound'll head to somewhere near the R&D Research building, somewhere higher then the building itself, and check for patrols of the area and other security measures.