View Full Version : Shadows of the Empire (IC)

2012-02-21, 12:17 AM
You all file into the main common room, it was a vast stone ceilinged dome that could house thousands, and it did. Walking in you see the entirety of the school was assembled in the chamber, organized within its individual houses, schools of thought and within its houses where it’s classmen. The senior most standing in the forefront gaining the best view of the Archmage arcane and his faculty of wizards, mages and loremasters.

You are all senior classmen and walk among your house with esteem, you sit amongst your peers at the head of the row being able to choose the choicest seat or view.

You know not what is going, and an assembly of this magnitude had not been called for years, you only recall maybe the year you all joined. Your mind whirs at the thought of what Old man Hacket was going to say, or do.
The dome was a thunder with talk and the candles that sat atop the chains that hung from the ceiling swayed with a quiet motion, granting the inside a strange flickering radiance. It seemed normal enough, the eternal flames of the school were always flickering.

And then the dome began to murmur, silence spreading like a disease hushing the building with an incurable pestilence except maybe the odd resilient student.

With a cough and a shuffle the old man stepped to the podium and spoke into the gem of speaking, his voice was carried across the whole building, to every crack and crevice as if he were speaking directly before you. His aged voice cracked as he spoke “Greetings.” He pauses as if to remember what he was supposed to say, some said him too senile and beyond his years, but those were few because all knew his power at the arcane arts. “It is a sad news that I bring you all here.” He pauses again, this time to clear his throat, his faculty visibly annoyed by his prolonged speech.

“It has been bought to my attention that the school will soon be closing.” He stops letting the obvious out roar ensue, several of his most senior staff rise at this news obviously surprised by it. Holding out his hand and waving downwards he motions to hush the crowd.

“The Army of Claudius Quintus Aurelius is on the march and it is said his Specialis Virium contra Magia has been dispatched against us.” With that a hush fell over the students, each and every one of you knew and had heard the bed time stories your wet-nurse would tell. Never had the dome been so quiet. The Specialis Virium contra Magia were a specially trained unit of the Emperor’s army designed specifically to root out troublesome mage sects and cabals. Rumors had been flying around like bird crap recently that several aligned colleges had been hit, with no survivors. They were the boogie men and no one had ever seen them and lived.

The old man cleared his throat again, but this time he did not speak, he only stared in disbelief as one of the candles at the back of the hall flickered out. He managed to choke out something before complete chaos erupted “oh Gods they are here”

And then all the candles in the back of the dome blinked out as if a mighty magical wind had blown them from existence.

Hobgoblins dressed in Splint mail and gladius' in hand appeared as if from nowhere, their helms having no affect in hiding their grim visage. Several of the instructors conjured up lightning bolts and balls of flame, but both disappeared at the edge of some un-seeable globe surrounding them, they moved as if predators among a flock of prey, slicing and striking with their blades felling a dozen students before the blink of an eye.


One appeared near the old man, and thrust his sword through the man’s skull, his lifeless body slumping over the speaking gem. At this point it was total mayhem, students were running everywhere trying to save themselves, some would sit still shocked by the bloodshed of their honored mentor; others would curl up on the floor and rock back and forth. Not you though, you acted as those of experience would, whether it came from such or something just discovered you moved with a purpose.

Somehow you all find yourselves following each other, little few managed to escape the domed assembly hall and you have by some subconscious thought grouped together and then one of your senior instructors runs around the corner his cape flying to the side as his heels kick him forward.

“Come!” he says, almost breathless “they come even now!” he leads you to a side passage and casts a simple spell barely managing to complete the orison with the rushed way he did so. Ever looking over his shoulder he rushed you into the small opening and down the stair well. The stairs were dark but lit before you as you descended, they led several stories and stop abruptly to an empty room with a sandy floor. The mage looks at you all and with tears in his eyes starts casting, you watch as he finishes several of you watch barely understanding the intricacies of the spell, years beyond your knowledge. He finishes and a black wave emanates from him knocking you all to the floor, you stumble and fall, your eyes barely able to stay open.

The last thing you see is Elder Gramthorn casting another spell with tears in his eyes and then you pass out.

The next moment you awaken, all you can see is the ceiling of a room obviously underground, it takes you only a few seconds to realize you are in the same room lying on your back.

Getting up you see Elder Gramthorn sprawled on the floor against the wall to the left of the stair well, his head slouched down and his guts staining the floor, the smell of rancid flesh assaults your nose and flies buzz busily around him feeding on the delicacy of his flesh.

It was obvious that he had been dead a long time.

2012-02-21, 01:31 AM
Arith stretched to wakefulness.

Damnation, so does anyone have any idea why the empire has attacked us? Was one of the teachers studying forbidden magics?

Arith sighed.

Well I doubt it matters much. We're now enemies of the empire. And the first living people to see the Emperor's toys and live. Arith added as an afterthought.

My name is Arith. Just Arith, I discarded my old name. I have taken advanced wizardy class, and advanced divine study classes.

He holds out his hand for a handshake from whoever was closest to him.

Spells are prepared. I have 4 0 level arcane spells, 4 1st level arcane spells, 2 2nd level arcane spells. 4 0 level divine spells, 5 1st level divine spells, and 3 2nd level divine spells.

2012-02-21, 02:20 AM
Rayser shakes Arith's hand as he rouses from the magically induced slumber.

"I am Rayser Tandor. You can call me Rayser or Ray, I don't mind either way. I have taken the Stipulations with the Transmundane and Arcane Concordance Through Legacy courses by Elder Marcelus Rakul. Before that I was in Sorcery 101."

Ray surveys the rest of the survivors before looking at the remains of Elder Gramthorn. "We can't be the only ones who got away. There must be others. ...But I think for now the real question is how long have we been asleep?" Ray tries to not think about all those who have been killed. We need to stay calm and assess our situation, otherwise we won't be survivors for very long...

2012-02-21, 08:44 AM
Ulric Ironheart

What the...blast.

The blond, bearded young man stands, shaking his head. He takes the proffered hand. "Ulric Ironheart, of the Northmen." Silvery chain jingles softly as he moves.

"My studies have been eclectic. And not entirely magical." He draws two large axes, a swift incantation sets one floating next to him. "Best to be safe. Our foes seems impervious to spells. I suspect they are less so to axes."

I have been proven right. Magic alone is not enough. Power comes from the totality of a man, mind and body. The school has paid for its short-sightedness.

Now, where is Sky? He looks about, concerned, until a familiar brown head fades into existence, shaking and dribbling drool. Ulric scratches him behind the ear. "Good, I was afraid you would be unable to follow. I suppose your skills are better for evading armored thugs than mine. What is going on out there?"

Familiar is a blink dog, assuming he fled using dimension door at will. Casting dancing blade to over-write punishing stance.

Lord Ruby34
2012-02-21, 11:17 AM
This wasn't her room. It was too cold. It smelled wrong. It felt wrong. Oh Gods. Her memory came rushing back at the same time her vision came back into focus. At least they had escaped

Several people stood talking in the center of the room. My classmates. Rain slowly struggled to her feet. "Gods damn it! This can't be happening!" Rain slammed her fist into the wall and let out a stream of curses.

"Damn it!"

2012-02-21, 06:11 PM

"Come! They come even now!" Alistair was quick to follow Elder Gramthorn, visibly shaken by the bloodshed. He was not young enough to be scarred by death but he was young enough to be angry. The fool! Did the Old Man finally lose his wits? He gathered all the students there like lambs to a slaughter. How could any of them make it out alive...

But Alistair trusted Elder Gramthorn - he was his first teacher and mentor, and one of his closest friends at the school. He was the first person to show him the Sight, how to be wise beyond his years, even as an Elf. It was enlightening....liberating even.

Reaching the end of the stairs, the color drained from Alistair's face. It was a dead end, a barren room that didn't even have anything to hide behind. Turning around, he quietly pulled out his bow. It was a momento really, to allow him to remember the great forests of Rovanna, his cherished home. Stringing the bow, he took a deep breath, remembering the sweet smell of the great white oak trees he grew up in.

"Master, let me use this bow one final time by your side," he said with an air of confidence. But before he even finished his sentence, he saw Elder Gramthorn complete his spell. Alistair could not even cry out as the black waves washed over him, and sleep came over his troubled being....


"No!" Alistair sat up, eyes wide. His nostrils flared at the pungent smell permeating the room. He immediately jumped up, scanning the room for danger. He was up before the others, his body still pumping adrenaline like the battle was only moments ago.

But it wasn't. Time had passed, and there lay Elder Gramthorn, his body desecrated at the bottom of the stairs. Kneeling next to his body, Alistair said a final rite for his mentor. "May you now be among the stars old friend," he whispered as he gently laid his body along the floor. He took off his cloak and placed it as a veil on the body as his final respects.

While the others roused themselves, Alistair sat still in meditation. He had to calm down, to become rational again, Finally standing up, he stepped next to the girl, placing a hand on her shoulder.

While the others remained calm, she alone had shown some compassion for the deceased. For that he held the utmost respect for her. He kept a stiff upper lip, not wanting to chastise the only classmates he had left. The dead would not want strife to desecrate them any further.

"Come now," he said softly, his own eyes filled with sorrow. "Let us not stain the road to Death with hate. We must make haste to use the time that our fallen mentor has given us." For once Alistair did not come off as patronizing or stern; instead he spoke simply as someone who was equally shocked by the death of their classmates.

Turning to the others, he did his best for pleasantries. "My name is Alistair, Grey Elf from the Rovanna Forests to the East."

So before anything else, I just wanna use my Boosted Knowledge (which is basically a Int based Bardic Knowledge check) to see if I can get any more information about the people who attacked us. Since this seems kind of important, I want to use Increased Clarity to get an extra +6 bonus.


2012-02-21, 09:00 PM
Arith thinks to himself for a moment.

Well... I don't really know how long we've been asleep. Or really any way to find out while still stuck here.

But if the Emperor's blasted toys are still out there searching for survivors, then we'll be gutted as soon as we leave the room.

Arith starts pacing while thinking.

We could try out running them they probably can't move fast in that armor, but it can't be that simple or there would be more survivors.

2012-02-21, 10:59 PM
Alistair smiled, his old self partially returning. Casually flicking his hands, he looked around to the other casters. Obviously none of them had the right tools for this job. But how could they? Only the Sight could guide them now. And luckily he was gifted with the Sight.

"Do not worry," he said calmly kneeled down and started preparing the arcane symbols. "At the very least, we will not be going back into the common room blind. Not again." Before long he had drawn a variety of interlocking circles, each bigger than the last. They enveloped each other in a wild design, before settling into a circle, a seat for Alistair to sit.

Sitting down, he closed his eyes and started chanting the arcane words that would open his second sight. Concentrating, he peered back up through the stairs into the center of the common room.

So Alistair casts Clairvoyance into the common room. What does he see?

EDIT: I assume that they cannot sense magic being used (through the Bardic Knowledge use). Since I did hit a 25 I hope I can actually get details like this.

2012-02-21, 11:10 PM
As you cast the spell your sight suddenly lurches to another place, streams of silver and blue burst forth until you are watching as if a spider on the wall of the great domed assembly hall.

Everything is still as death, dozens even hundreds of bodies lie as they fell, their dessicated flesh open to the elements. Swarms of flies buzz excitedly among them, planting their eggs into the cold dead flesh.

The pools of blood had dried to a sticky blot on the marble floor, no longer shiny, the door bangs in the wind and you see nothing move save the insects feeding off the death.

A 25 is good, but it will only reveal what you know, or can recall, and as this is a little known group, you know very little.

Lord Ruby34
2012-02-21, 11:25 PM
Rain shot a grateful glance towards Alistair and let herself wind down. She had to think clearly. Her breath came slower, more steadily. If she wanted to survive this then she would have to keep her cool. She was already starting to form a theory. But first she had to know her companions. For better or worse they would be spending time together.

"I'm Rain. I've been a student at this school on and off for the past ten years, studying Evocation and Battlefield Magic."

2012-02-21, 11:28 PM
Alistair's head snapped back as he felt the threads of Fate and Time pull at him. His eyes glowing a silvery blue as the Sight takes over him. Normally the Sight flows to him naturally, but Alistair was afraid. Afraid of the death that he would see.

His most terrible fears were realized. Everywhere there were dead bodies, the students and professors laying dead alike. Their mangled bodies lay open to the flies. Alistair could almost feel their stench clogging his nostrils.

Alistair's head snapped forward as the spell completed. Shaking off the terrible visages, he slowly stood back up. Taking a deep breath, he looked at the other students. "At the very least," he said solemnly. "There is no one alive left to pursue us upstairs. I cannot promise that they aren't in other parts, or that my spell was undetected. We should make haste while we can."

EDIT: Just saw your post Lord Ruby :smalltongue:

Alistair turned to Rain, smiling. It was rather funny actually. Under any normal circumstances they would have become the fiercest of rivals. After all, Evocation is the complete opposite of Abjuration. The gift of the Sight was meant to defend, while Evocation naturally lent itself onto the battlefield. They were one and the same, and they naturally lead to each other.

Laughing, he shook his head. "Oh the irony," he said softly. "I have been studying for decades myself, slowly mastering the careful intricacies of the Sight. When I am not peering into pools of water, I study Abjuration magic and protective wards and other related magic."


Totally understand BelGareth. No problem and I'll just have to accept the consequences :smallbiggrin:

2012-02-22, 01:48 PM
Ulric ignores the others as he confirs with Sky. When finished, he stands. "It has been a ten-day since the attack. There are no others about. We are alone and certain to be unwelcome anywhere we travel. There is nothing for us in this room, so we must go, but we need a plan. Ideas?"

Would my people shelter us? Not for long, I think. Many miles regardless, best to look elsewhere.

2012-02-22, 02:44 PM
Alistair nodded, scratching his chin. "Let us decide after we leave here. It is important to not stay here any more. The stench of death here....it is just too unnatural."

Ascending the stairs, he took a deep breath as he entered the main common room again. The death...it hung like a heavy silence over the room. Everywhere the flies feasted on the corpses. Did the Empire care not for burials? Did they lack the time to even burn this building down?

"Perhaps they left some of the school intact," Alistair said bitterly. Turning to the others, an idea suddenly popped into his head. "They came and went so quickly, there might be useful tools still left in the school. Since we actually don't have a destination yet, perhaps we can spare some time to search the school for anything that might come to use for us."

2012-02-22, 03:58 PM
Ulric nods. "A good thought. Let's search the grounds. Perhaps the headmaster's chambers first, though I would be wary of precautions. I suspect anything that remains may be warded."

2012-02-22, 04:27 PM
Arith thinks to himself for a minute

I'd actually doubt there would be wards. Anything powerful or worthwhile to have, would probably have been taken after the assault. That would leave the trivial stuff not worth protecting.

2012-02-22, 06:30 PM
"I think that it is still worth checking out." Rayser reaches into his belt pouch and pulls out a piece chalk. "Alistair, do you think that some extra reconnaissance outside the Collegiate would be necessary?" He begins twiddling the chalk between his fingers.

Lord Ruby34
2012-02-22, 06:34 PM
Rain nodded. "If they really are immune to magic then the wards wouldn't stop them anyway. So most items of power would be gone. Although that brings into question the nature of their immunity. Are they like Golems or have they managed to tote around Globes of Invulnerability?"

2012-02-23, 02:24 PM
Alistair shook his head. "No, we should focus on clearing whatever is in the school first. After that we will do some extra scrying outside."

2012-02-23, 09:47 PM
"Understood. Then I might as well prepare some scouting powers before we search the school."

Turning to Rain, “I’m not sure. We don't know to what extent their immunity is, but if it is similar to a Golem’s then I may be able to overcome it eventually. But we also don’t know if they have ways of detecting magic users, arcane or otherwise. The more we think about this enemy the more questions come up.” As Rayser addresses Rain he works on drawing a circle on the ground with his chalk. He then adds the final designs on what appears to be a summoning circle.

Ray stands tall and straightens his posture as he faces the seal. “I call upon you, Malphas, The Turnfeather. Grant to me your sight and your stealth, for I stand before your seal.”

A furious fluttering of white doves that seem to explode out of thin air appears above the seal. They fly away from each other and fade from view, revealing a handsome male elf clad in black. He has pale skin, black eyes, and black feathers for hair.

Malphas’ voice cracks as he asks, “What is it you will give me Binder?”
“I give you what I can grant all vestiges, a chance to feel live again; to see the world through my eyes and to feel what I feel.”
The elf stares into Rayser’s eyes as if having a competition. He breaks the contest and then slyly grins, revealing his black teeth. “Very well. Though… please do find some more aesthetic scenery, and do try find some love.” As soon as Malphas finishes his sentence he vanishes into thin air.

Binding Check:[roll0] (DC 15)
I choose the Fire Resist 5 Pact Augmentation

2012-02-24, 01:56 AM
And if they do have the power to detect magic users how powerful is it. Will it know if we are casting a spell, or is it strong to detect us whether we are casting or not? If the second is true, then we'd have to avoid the guards at any cost. Bu that is a question for a later date. The Archmage may even have information like that in one of his books.

Arith starts heading for the door.

Shall we go?

2012-02-24, 07:57 AM
"Yes, we shall. Sky, you can move faster than any of us. Please sweep around the area, make certain we are alone. It would not due to have a patrol passing by as we leave."

The dog nods once, then disappears into the ether.

"Well, what are we waiting for?"

search [roll0], taking as long as we need to cover the grounds with moderate thoroughness

2012-02-26, 07:38 PM
Rayser passively shrugs to Ulric's question, not really trying to answer it. Rayser will begin to head towards the headmaster's office, trying not to think about the scene of the massacre. As he walks, a raven appears on his shoulder and flies ahead of him.

The raven will scout ahead of me. Since I can see and hear what it does, I should see if there are any looters left. If I make it to the headmaster's office uneventfully then I'll start searching.
Search Check:[roll0]

Lord Ruby34
2012-02-26, 07:43 PM
"Right. I'll check out the rooms of some of our other teachers." Rain turned and walked up the stairs, trying not to choke on the smell.

Search for anything useful: [roll0]
Spot for anything odd: [roll1]
Listen for the same: [roll2]

2012-02-27, 12:36 AM
Arith wordlessly follows Rain. Helping her look for items.

Listen [roll0]
Search [roll1]
Spot [roll2]

2012-02-27, 01:45 PM
Everyone -
You all head out of the stairwell that led from your basement room.

The hallway is littered with paper and detritus of time, sand has begun to creep back in, it seems a doorway is open somewhere letting the dunes take back what is theirs.

Moving further you find the buildings have been gutted of anything useful, most rooms have been torched completely and all you find is the stone husk of the offices you check.

Rayser -
Your search takes several hours but it is obvious there are no stragglers awaiting your return. There is however several squatters that your raven finds located in the kitchen. Several Monstrous Scorpions have set up residence in one of the practice halls, it seems they fancy it as a nest.

Ulric -
Sky finds another denizen that has taken a stake of the ruined school, several Kobold's are sorting through the kitchen area where the food has been kept through preservative magic.

The others do not know of them and may disturb the new 'student's of the school.

2012-02-27, 03:09 PM

Sky materializes at Ulric's side again, reporting his findings. "There is still some food in the kitchen, though it has been discovered by kobold scavengers. I am sufficiently supplied. There is little reason to disturb them if we don't require any provisions. How are you all stocked? There seems to be little else here worthy of our attention. If we do not require food, we should set out, wherever our destination is."

2012-02-28, 06:38 PM
Alistair grimaced, trying to shake off the images of his beloved school being taken over already. One part of him wanted to jump up and shout and curse and scream. It wasn't enough for them to just kill and maim everyone - they had to desecrate the very school itself. He wanted to go back, to reclaim what was lost, to reestablish the proud school.

But Alistair closed his eyes, slowly taking a deep breath. There is a time for everything. Always a time for everything. The Sight had taught him that much as least.

"Then let us go," Alistair said as he turned around. "Nothing....nothing remains for us here."

But I will be back to reclaim this, he bitterly thought as he made his way towards the exit.

2012-02-28, 10:29 PM
Seeing how displeased Alistair was at the thought of creatures moving into the remains of the school Rayser thought, Better not tell him about the scorpions then. If we're lucky the kobolds will sort them out.

Heading out of the school Rayser turned and took a moment to look upon the school. He thought about all of the memories that he had of that place. All the friends he had... and had lost. As he did so, a painful weight had formed in his chest. The weight of losing so much finally hit him and broke his dissonant serenity. Ray brakes down sobbing on the dunes. Why? Why? Why? Why? Nothing could have prepared us for that massacre. Why did it have to happen here? As Rayser begins to calm down he thinks, We have to move on. We have to live on for them. And find answers about all of this bloodshed.

When he regains the last his composure Ray asks "Where do we go now?"

2012-02-29, 02:31 AM
Well I guess we should go to the nearest magical college. Let them know what happened to us. And see if they have any more information about the Emperor's toys. Failing that a church of Boccob, or any other deity of magic.

Knowledge arcana [roll0] For the closest Arcane school
Knolwedge religion [roll1] Nearest church of Deity of magic

Arith will tell the others of the closest he knows.

Lord Ruby34
2012-02-29, 06:03 AM
"Could we escape again if we did though? We barely managed to get away last time, and we still don't know how to fight them. We'd just be walking to our deaths." Rain frowned. "I don't think it's worth the risk."

2012-02-29, 08:03 AM
"Is it a risk? More than wandering the wilderness or marching into the heart of the Empire? The emperor's reach is growing longer, true, but it cannot go on forever. Other peoples will resist. I say we go to the nearest place that will shelter us and plan from there."

2012-03-03, 11:57 PM
Alistair turned around and smiled to the others. "The Sight will guide the way. Nothing is ever truly dangerous as long as we listen. But be careful; my magic is not strong enough to be as specific as I would want. I will search for the nearest city but I cannot be sure if they will allow us to enter."

Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath. As he exhaled, he focused his arcane energies. Once again his eyes grew blue as he drew arcane circles in the air. Reaching outward, he searched for the closest city or college, anywhere that held enough people to help and shelter them. Being stuck out in the wilderness would be the end of them.

Alistair will cast Locate City - I can designate size as a criteria. If say Magical College can be "size" then I wish I could use that. But since you probably won't let that fly, I would say a middle size town, nothing too major.

2012-03-05, 01:13 PM
You cast your spell and you sight instantly clouds at the powerful divination magic works through your body.

Your vision seems to move as if running through the college until you are, actually, out of the college on the steps of the Planes of the Horse People. The grass is brownish red and covers as far as the desert starts near the school.

Turning around your vision you can see the school is stationed on a rocky bluff that borders the desert and the planes, several smoke plumes sail into the sky fading into the air higher up.

And then your movement jerks again as the magic takes hold, your vision blurs as you move faster and faster, and then you find yourself on a path, a fork appears ahead of you and your vision jerks to the right, the left one looking more traveled.

And then suddenly you are in a town of medium size humans and horse walk around and you see the formation of several hobgoblin patrols marching through the streets.

As you look closer the magic abruptly ends and you find your vision blurring back the way you came, opening your eyes you find them still a little blurry, the affect slightly disorienting you.

2012-03-05, 06:00 PM
What did you find? How close is the city? Will they let us in? Arith bombards Alistair with questions.

2012-03-05, 08:48 PM
Alistair's head swam as he recollected his thoughts. It was difficult to refocus his own eyes when the Sight had left him so soon. Taking in a deep breath, he waved Airth's questions away. "Be still for a moment - such magics are taxing on the body and the mind and I have used the Sight so often already. Let me concentrate and remember the information that has been given unto me."

Taking a deep breath, Alistair slowly and meticulously remembered every detail he saw. This was a practice that he had done for a long time, ever since he received his first vision from the Sight. It was a necessary practice - after all what use was seeing the world if one did not remember it?

"Okay," he said with a deep sigh. "The Empire marches onward even now. They have overran the closest settlement, on a path a medium distance away from here. I doubt they would have left anything else within the 700 mile area untouched."

Clenching his teeth, he slowly let out a breath. "Our only hope of leaving this desolate place is to walk as close to our enemies as possible, and try not to be seen."

Lord Ruby34
2012-03-05, 09:12 PM
Rain leaned back against the wall and sighed loudly. "And we don't know if they can sense us or not. They did leave us alone down here, but could have because we were masked, transported in time, or any number of other things. If we encounter any of their troops trained against us we'll probably be slaughtered." Her head fell.

"We need to find a place to shelter us, and we have to figure out what we're going to do. I'd like to go after them, but we aren't strong enough and we don't know enough. Gods Damn it! I hate being so weak!"

Rain slowly controlled her breathing, forcing herself into calm. At least she knew what they couldn't do. She couldn't approach her family again, not without endangering them. At least my family is alright for now, the Hobgoblins would want them alive and working. So as long as I stay away, they'll be safe.

2012-03-06, 08:11 AM
Ulric grips the head of his walking axe, leaning on it as he rubs his temple. "If the horselords are being over-run, where can we go? Who is the empire's greatest foe? We need to be where they are not, as we are certainly not equipped to overthrow the entire country."

knowledge geography to know you is hostile to the empire
[roll0] trained

2012-03-07, 02:10 PM
Alistair scratched his chin. "But logically speaking, the Empire wouldn't employ its toys everywhere. After all Magical students normally congregate in schools, temples, etc. There would be no reason to assume that any of still alive!"

"In fact as long as we hide in smaller settlements, where they will only have a smaller band of troops, we should be safe!" he continued. "After all they did not expect to have any survivors and I doubt they are combing the cities for any. They definitely would not have the manpower to focus on each individual settlement when they are trying to invade the horselords."

2012-03-07, 03:31 PM
Arith chuckles to himself for a moment. Wow the only way to survive is to avoid magic schools and churches. Although on the bright side if we avoid towns with those two things we should be safe.

2012-03-07, 03:55 PM
"Safe is relative. The empire is obviously overrunning the Horselords, meaning that nowhere near here is safe. And magic isn't exactly POPULAR, anywhere. Regardless, we need to go somewhere, preferably away from the empire's reach. We could just go east, into the desert, or South, into the mountains."

May be a good point for a dm hint. We don't really have any hooks beyond 'overthrow empire in 10 levels' and seem to be floundering. Delays kill PBPs, in my experience.

Lord Ruby34
2012-03-07, 04:17 PM
"Really, we can go anywhere the empire isn't." Rain agreed. "But what can we do when we get there, forget about this and try to live normally, screw that! I don't know about the rest of you, but I want revenge."

2012-03-07, 05:14 PM
Alistair looked over and smiled at Rain. "I agree," he nodded. "I intend to take back this magical academy one day, by force if necessary. Their blood was not spilled in vain."

Turning to Ulric, he scratched his chin. "While the Empire has overran the fringes of the Horselords, this may be because the Horselords have not yet known about this invasion. It is possible that deeper in land they are mounting a counter offense already. If we make our way through smaller settlements, we can perhaps hide our Arcane talents for now. That way we do not run the risk of discovery."

2012-03-07, 05:31 PM
As the lot of you stand around and talk about your intended course of action a giant luminescent skull appears before you.


It floats before you for several seconds staring into your soul and it's mouth opens wide revealing a scroll tube filigreed with burnished gold.

It floats there until someone takes the scroll at which it promptly disappears with no trace or lingering aura.

Opening the scroll reveals a handwritten message:

I am sorry.

I let you all down.

By the time you see this all will be gone, it was not a surprise to some of us. We had been warned, but it seems it was not taken to heart...
I digress.
I am most likely dead or a slave to the empire and so to will the school.

But I know something, I know the truth of the matter, the reason why we were targeted was the High Priest of the Empire, Cleric Na'ztha'kull, he is not a real cleric but a high mage of incredible power. He is trying to kill and smother the teaching of magic to cement his role of power within the empire.

I protected you all for one reason, to strike back at the empire, to strike back at this impostor, this charlatan, this fake practitioner of magic. You must seek him out and stop him.

Some how.

Go to the local town of Umlut, once there seek a man known as 'Gregor', he will help you further.

I am so sorry.

Knowledge Local check to see if you know of this town.

May be a good point for a dm hint. We don't really have any hooks beyond 'overthrow empire in 10 levels' and seem to be floundering. Delays kill PBPs, in my experience.
Thanks, I thought of this as I read your post and then confirmed it with your ooc.
Ask and I (hopefully) provide!

2012-03-07, 09:36 PM
know local [roll0]

Ulric composes himself from his momentary shock. "As messages from beyond go, that was refreshingly direct."

2012-03-07, 10:02 PM
So much for avoiding civilization.

Knowledge local [roll0]

Lord Ruby34
2012-03-07, 10:51 PM
Rain was in the process of responding to Alistair when the floating skull showed up. As the words were slowly read her face became more and more resolved. And then something hit her, and her eyes lit up with excitement.

"I've got it!" Rain turned to look at the group"If this Na'ztha'kull is the one responsible for this then we finally have a lead on those soldiers! They have a weakness! If they're his troops he couldn't leave himself without a way of keeping them in line. And it would have to be a weakness to magic! If we can figure out exactly what it is we can exploit it!"

I'm not bothering to roll my knowledge local roll, it looks like whatever I roll won't beat Illven's and duplicate knowledge hardly matters.

2012-03-08, 12:42 AM
Alistair was the first one to recover from the shock of the floating skull. His hands shook as he reached out for the scroll. He knew what this was; the final message of Elder Gramthorn. As his hands wrapped around the scroll, the skull dissolved into dust. He almost let out a cry; goodbye old friend, he thought bitterly.

Slowly unfurling the scroll, he hoarsely read out the message for the others to hear. He had to take several deep breath, but when he was done he looked up to see their reaction. He couldn't quite believe it himself. They had known? Not taken to heart? The traitor was a mage?

Alistair had to take several deep breaths, but he smiled when he heard Rain's words. "Ah...good insight," he said as he weakly smiled. "You are indeed unique, always able to spot the good light even within such dark times."

Looking over the scroll, he read it over a few more times. "Ulmut...Ulmut....where have I heard of that before?"

Knowledge (Local)

Anyone wanna roll to Aid Another on me?

2012-03-12, 11:09 PM
Alistair -
You recall a small town not far from the school inside the border of the Empire, it's a small town and away from the main Imperial Highways, and come to think of it, you realize it is the same town as the one you saw through the Sight.

2012-03-13, 02:34 AM
[Does Alistair tell us this?]

2012-03-13, 12:21 PM
Alistiar sat down, mulling it over in his thoughts. "I remember now! Elder Gramthorn used to talk about that town all the time! That was where he lived before he came to the college. He still has many friends there and they aren't as opposed to practitioners of the Art as most people are. After all since they are so close, we commonly get most of our trade and news from them as well."

But then suddenly sighed. Rubbing his eyes, he sadly shook his head. "But that was the same town that I had saw in my vision! Their town has been taken. We have to rush there to make sure this 'Gregor' is safe!"

Standing up, he smiled to the rest of his friends. "So how's about it? I think we can definitely take on this empire. This fraud has caused the death of our friends, our school, and our entire live. Together, let's make him pay!"

2012-03-13, 01:02 PM
Ulric shrugs. "I suppose its as good a place as any to start. Maybe we can take the measure of our foes. It must be done eventually."

He looks out the window, momentarily lost in thought. "Yes, we should start now. Great deeds do not bear putting off."

2012-03-13, 03:25 PM
Well first we should change into less formal clothes. Anyone that knows anything about our school at all, will instantly recognize that we studied here.

Lord Ruby34
2012-03-13, 10:27 PM
"If they left any. I didn't see much of anything when we searched the place, they destroyed most of what they didn't take." Rain paused "But maybe we could grab something from outside of school, before we get to town."

2012-03-14, 06:57 PM
"Let us get moving then. I don't want to delay us any further."

Exiting the magical college, he stopped at the high steps just in front of the doorway. Looking out, he saw the windswept steppe of the Horse Lords. The tall grass flowed ebbed like huge emerald waves as the wind made music across the plains.

Taking a deep breath, he turned back to the others.


2012-03-14, 07:03 PM
Yes I'm ready.

Lord Ruby34
2012-03-18, 08:39 AM
Rain nodded. "So am I."

2012-03-18, 07:01 PM
As you all move down the steps of the school thoughts regale your mind, your conscious effort to instill an amount of stoicism and steel yourself to the emotions that where within you about the massacre of all you had known was to much. Memories came unbidden to your minds eye and visions of your times scaling the very same steps pass by as you see yourself sitting in the main chamber hall a new student with eagerness and trepidation at what you might learn within the learned halls of the Halls of Arcana.

But now it was behind you and before you lay an open field where you would have seen the carts and wagon trains of those who had bought you and the other students.

Now nothing but the acacia trees dotted the line between desert and the arid drylands of the southern Lands of the empire.

It had not once been as so, the Empire was a stalwart champion of the magics and even granted a hefty donation in return for the choice warmages. Something had gone wrong and you felt, suddenly, that you had been chosen by destiny as if, it was a singular entity and it was guiding you along, like a spirit of yonder sitting on your shoulder whispering in your ear.

Looking back one more time you sigh and move forward, your life, and you will never be the same. It is as it must be.

The journey into the Southern lands of the Empire was mostly uneventful, and you manage to cross into the wild grass of the great Savannah.

You are faced with an option, choose the given dirt road and face the possibility of Empire Patrols/troops and other travelers or go through the grasslands where Tigers and Lions prowl constantly looking for their next meal.

What ever you do, Everyone roll 4 x 1d6

Hint - don't match my rolls.

2012-03-18, 08:08 PM

Ulric takes a moment, leaning on his walking axe. "Roads bear patrols. Beasts will be less resistant to our skills and less likely to be missed."

Lord Ruby34
2012-03-18, 09:40 PM
"We might be able to talk our way past the patrols though." Rain shrugged and went on. "And even if we do get caught I'd rather fight hobgoblins than lions and tigers, at least they won't ambush you."

Let's see if we get any matches.


Number of matches: 0

2012-03-19, 12:18 AM
I could charm my way though one pack of guards, but not anymore. But I think we should take the road, it'll be faster travel, then going though the countryside


2012-03-19, 02:00 AM
"I agree with Rain and Arith. Traveling by the road would be faster and easier and if we run into any patrols I'm confident in our ability to sort things out."


2012-03-19, 04:42 PM
Alistair carefully thought out between the two options. Scratching his chin, he stared out onto the Savannah. He did not doubt their ability to deal with the guards, but he could not vouch the same in the wilderness. At least on the roads he would know what to expect for.

"I think we should go on the road, but pretend to be travelers. We should think twice before engaging any enemy, whether from the wild or the guards. We have to be as quiet as possible, not attract attention by ambushing the guards."


2012-05-07, 09:07 PM
Traveling via the road you encounter no travelers at all, at first a strange sight but with the current happenings it dawns on you all that is normal, no one would be stupid enough to travel towards the magic college that was just razed to the ground.

And then you see someone coming in the opposite direction. A lone man on a donkey pulled cart, or at least that's what it looks like from this distance.

The path is a mud road with big dry divets from wagons forcing their passage with tall dry grass on either side. A few trees dot the plains but the grass is easily large enough for any amount of bandits to hid in.

You are 1 mile away

2012-05-07, 09:14 PM
Arith looks shocked for a moment. Then settles down. Arith looks to his comrades to see if they want to speak to the man.

2012-05-07, 09:50 PM
"Little risk in a lone traveler. Might have useful knowledge. Though if he were ever questioned as to traveler's passing in this direction it would put him and us at risk. Perhaps moving off the road would be the most prudent."

2012-05-08, 08:43 PM
Alistair inquisitively scratched his chin. Looking out ahead, he wondered why a single man and his cart would be this far out from civilization. Even before the invasion, this area was not known to many people and they generally kept to the villages and cities surrounding them.

"Wait, we should not show all of us at once. Here, let me approach the man alone. The rest of you should stay hidden but nearby, in case anything happens. This way we are not all put in danger at once," he said as he started walking forward.

Lord Ruby34
2012-05-09, 04:08 PM
Rain nodded. "See if there's a patrol coming."

Derp, I haven't checked my email for a while. Sorry.

2012-05-13, 07:59 PM
"Be careful Alistair." says Rayser. As he moves off the road, he summons a raven to scout ahead.

I won't have the raven fly right near/next to the traveler but I'll have it fly near the road and past him. I'll have it continue along near the road.

2012-05-14, 09:18 PM
As Alistair moves to engage the lone traveler on the cart the others move to hide in the deep grassland beside the road.

Rayser manages to call his eldritch bird and send it skyward, it circles and caws sharply, making you cringe as it does so. It goes to the lone tree by the road and looks down upon the road. Looking through it's eyes you easily manage to see several dark shapes hidden in the grass on both sides of the cart.

The others only see grass, unless you have a way to see beyond it?

2012-05-19, 07:07 PM
Alistair started moving towards the lone traveler. "Hello there!" he said with a smile on his face. "It's nice seeing another soul out here for once! I'm afraid I'm terribly lost! Do you know where we are?"

2012-05-22, 03:38 PM
The man in the cart sees the man approaching him yards before he was within ear shot, he hauled up on the donkeys that were leading his rickety old cart.

At this distance you can easily tell this is an old man, but he was a warm smile. He wore rough spun and un-dyed clothes, with an old straw hat. He looked glad to see you and bobbed the straw in his mouth up and down as he looked on and listened to your greeting.

"Do I know where we are? Young man, you are lost!" he says slapping his knee as he sits on his rickety cart. "Your on the Imperial Highway!" he says laughing, his mirth obvious to those looking. "Tis the end o' it to be sure, aye, but tis it nonetheless!"

He stops laughing and peers at you with one eye, leaning heavily towards you. "Where are you coming from?" he asks, a glimmer of suspicion in his eye.

2012-05-22, 04:20 PM
Raysers bird prances on the branch it was standing on, flapping its wings.

None of the figures hiding in the grass noticed, or looked up.

At least that you could tell through the birds eyes.

The figures have started to crawl through the grass towards the road, several are only a few feet away, others are drawing bows and notching arrows while others still hold daggers in their mouths.

Player Checks

Roll Spot/Perception

Lord Ruby34
2012-05-22, 04:38 PM
Listen: [roll1]

2012-05-22, 06:20 PM
Spot [roll0]
Listen [roll1]

2012-05-22, 08:00 PM
Alistair took a deep sigh of relief. "Finally! I am lost without a map and I had hoped that I manged to find this road!" Rubbing the back of his head, Alistair put his hands up, a sign that he bore no ill intent to the old man. "Please, do not suspect me or anything. I used to be this assistant for this old grimy professor at one of these colleges - but he had tricked me! I didn't sign up to be some guinea pig for weird magical experiments! First chance I got, I hightailed out of there!" Alistair grinned as proudly put his hands on his hips. Hopefully his extravagant lies wouldn't be too bad.

"But yeah now I'm lost..." he said as he rubbed the back of his head again. "Do you know where Ulmut is? I can't wait to get back!"


2012-05-22, 08:26 PM
"Uhh... guys. There are some figures hiding in the grass a few feet ahead of us and they're drawing daggers and notching arrows. I think this is may be one of those "blast first, sort out later" situations or else Alistair might become a pin-cushion."


2012-05-22, 08:41 PM
spot [roll0]
listen [roll1]

Ulric's second ax falls from his hand, stopping with a jerk in mid-air. "Let us be ready for them then."

Sky stays at his side, but starts fading in and out of view.

2012-05-27, 07:30 PM
Player checks

Spot DC 20
You manage to see several dark shapes moving through the grass, they seem ominous and warn of impending danger. And with Raysers warning, they would seem to be those very same thugs about to walay your friend. They are about 20 feet or so in front of you.

Listen 15

You here the movings of several medium sized creatures about 20 feet in front of you, with nothing else going on, it's either the thugs Rayser was talking about or a wild cat hunting in the grass.

The old man looks on incredulously with one eye trained on Alistair, seemingly he does't believe you for a minute, but doesn't bat an eye lid.

Rubbing the back of his head as if to warm up the thought center in his brain "Umlut? well you'd be in luck! I came from there meself! wus going to the Mages acedemy to do som tradin." he says with a grin, pleased with himself for some weird strange reason.

You see the men move to the side of the road, they seem prepared to strike but are waiting for something.


Map Pending
You may roll initiative in your next post if you like.

2012-05-29, 07:34 AM
Ulric's strains to perceive his surroundings, sensing something is off about all this. "Eyes open, Sky. Get ready to set-up a flank."

His companion nods.

initiative [roll0] (after casting nerveskitter for +5)

spot [roll1]
listen [roll2]

spot [roll3]
listen [roll4]

2012-05-30, 03:48 PM
Still completely oblivious to any danger he was in, Alistair sighed. Hearing about how this man wanted to come visit the magical academy made him sad. He was probably one of the few traders in the regions that was more amicable to magic users. Alistair knew that magic faced unfair superstitions, but at least those superstitions normally kept dangers away. Now? Alistair no longer felt secure in a turbulent world without any refuge to hide in.

"Uhh...oh really?" he said, not knowing what to say in response. "Ummm....could you bring me back to Ulmut first? I'm sure that magical college isn't in any hurry you know," he said with an awkward grin.

As he talked, he started to walk forward to the old man, completely ignorant of the danger he was literally walking into the middle of.

Lord Ruby34
2012-06-04, 05:17 PM
"Alistair, get down!" Rain yelled. He was in more danger than he realized, if she missed, the bandits wouldn't be the only ones in her path of fire.

OOC: Initiative: [roll0]

Sorry that took so long, I started playing some old games again. It's not an excuse, but I got sidetracked.

2012-06-08, 01:56 AM
Alistair turned around, hearing Rain's voice cut through from the grass. Completely unsure of what was happening, he froze in his spot. Looking at the old man, he wondered if he knew what was happening too. Or was he the source of it.

But there was no time, and Alistair couldn't think. Instead, he dove for the nearest patch of grass in Rain's direction, hoping to make it out alive.

Guess this is perfect for Initiative roll, if this game wasn't dead :smallsigh: