View Full Version : Pathfinder - Help me build a Legendary Weapon

2012-02-21, 04:32 PM
I have posted this over at Paizo as well, so some of you will see this twice. :smalltongue:

My current DM likes to try new things, and in the campaign we just started he is having us create our own Legendary pieces of eq. Essentially the world has fallen pieces of metorite that cause all sorts of things when infused with items. All adventurers carry signature items that they use with this mystical metal if they ever come across a piece. So during character creation we had to pick out an item and spend some dm-assigned gold to make it particularly ornate. We came across shards of this metal at the end of the first session, one for each player (and the DMPC healer we needed to survive).

When infused with this metal (happens automatically when the item is touched to the metal), the item gains some special abilities. Generations down the line people will still talk about the great or terrible things you did with this item, and quests could be formed to go find them long after you have died. You know, Legendary type stuff.

So anyways, the biggest problem we have is deciding if the various abilities are about equal.

The party consists of a sorceror, a rogue/fighter, and a monk (my character). The current abilities are as such :

Sorceror - his special item is a rapier. The special ability given to it is that as long as the PC has it on his body, he gains +1 to his caster level. this is the item we are using as a standard, as the closest thing we can find to this is a 30,000 gp ioun stone.

Fighter - his special item is an amulet. The special ability for this is that as an immediate action three times a day he gains +5 to his natural armor that stacks with any other natual armor he already has. It also gives him +1 on his to-hits/damage/CMB rolls all the time.

Monk - my special item is my nine section chain. The special abilities are
- 2/day I can spend 1 ki to cast shield on myself
- 2/day I can spend 1 ki to cast barkskin on myself
- meditate for one minute to change the metal type of the weapon

What do you guys think? Honestly I just feel like my character's abilties don't quite reach the +1 to caster level. I don't really want to emulate the monk's robe or belt or whatever that item is, as that will leave me nothing to buy when I get money. :smallbiggrin: My current purchase list is amulet of mighty fists, monk's robe, and bracers of armor.

What do you think about the fighter's amulet? Too much, too little, just right?

The DM is open to suggestions, and I will sending out the link to this thread later to the whole group. :smallwink:

Some notes about my character. He is sixth level (one level in Unarmed fighter, five in Master of the Four Winds). His unarmed strike deals 1d8 damage, and his elemental fist deals 2d6. He is following the Crane style, so gets minor (currently he only takes -2 on to-hits rather than -4) bonuses when fighting defensively.

The chain is not a reach weapon. It deals 1d8 damage, and is a blocking (+1 shield bonus when fighting defensively), distracting (+2 on bluff checks when wielding it), tripping (+2 on trip attempts), monk (can be used with flurry of blows) weapon.

My character has been trying to trip and Ki Throw most of his enemies if they are his size category, sucessfully half the time. His Improved Ki Throw allows him to try and knock prone people next to him by ki throwing his tripped enemy into them (Bull Rush attack at -4 to be successful). This has worked several times as well, to good effect.


2012-02-22, 06:09 PM
Nobody has any suggestions? Surely somebody has some opinions on if these items sound equivalent, or how to make them so if they are not?

Don't worry, I am not a chronic self-bumper. This will be my last post to this thread unless somebody responds. :smalleek:

2012-02-23, 11:17 AM
Sorceror - his special item is [...] +1 to his caster level.It's around 15k for a +1CL for a slotted item. For a rapier? He's hit the jackpot.

Fighter - his special item is an amulet. The special ability for this is that as an immediate action three times a day he gains +5 to his natural armor that stacks with any other natual armor he already has. It also gives him +1 on his to-hits/damage/CMB rolls all the time.Seems pretty decent, though a bit bland.

Monk - my special item is my nine section chain.Cool...

The special abilities are
- 2/day I can spend 1 ki to cast shield on myself
- 2/day I can spend 1 ki to cast barkskin on myself
- meditate for one minute to change the metal type of the weapon
Drop the "spend 1 ki" for the first two and I'd say you were good. Changing the metal type is gold for a monk, but the extra AC isn't worth ki points (barring Hungry Ghost Monk fighting mooks).
If I were you, however, I'd try to get some +CMB effects on the staff instead, however. Monks aren't good tanks, they aren't good hit-and-runners, but they can be amazing "Combat Maneuver"ers. Besides, Disarming is a hoot!

2012-02-23, 11:35 AM
Hmm. One big difference is that the other two have an 'always-on' effect and yours doesn't. The metal-switch almost is, but the fact that the time constraint makes it an out-of-combat effect takes away from the legendary-ness.

Suggestion: metal-switching ability should be altered.

Fluff change: It's a nine-section chain; each section now counts as a different metal.

Mechanical change: from a minute to switch (meditation) to a move-action (change your grip on the chain to make a different section the business end) or maybe even a free action - a monk whirling his weapon about so that one end strikes a demon, then the other strikes a devil, back to the demon, back to the devil, etc. seems pretty legendary to me.

2012-02-24, 10:34 AM
Well, the GM did offer to give the chain the same +1 to the hit/damage/cmb rolls to me as well. Nothing to sneeze at, to be sure. He has also suggested a static +2 to CMB checks that would stack with the chain's Trip attribute.

When I originally suggested the changing metal ability to the GM, I asked for it to be a standard action. One of my co-players suggested it be a full round acton. But the GM thought the ability was overpowered if it was that fast, and changed it to the one minute time frame. Other than cold iron, I've really not used items with different metals, so I'll admit I'm not the best at judging how powerful the ability is.

Some thoughts I've been noodling for abilities to suggest...

the chain is both a reach and non-reach weapon

the chain has the same spell casting abilities as above, but cost zero ki, but can spend a ki to double the duration

can use my trip/inproved ki throw to instead grapple/pin an opponent (using same rolls as for the trip and improved ki throw...i.e. bonuses for the trip, penalities for the pin)

the chain gains +4 to hit on called shots (I've actually suggested this for the fighter, who is a little concerned about the power of his amulet as well)

the chain gives +2 on to hit rolls when fighting defensively


2012-02-24, 10:49 AM
Monks aren't good tanks, they aren't good hit-and-runners, but they can be amazing "Combat Maneuver"ers. Besides, Disarming is a hoot!

Well, I am enjoying my Monk. I have not done any disarming, I've been triping and throwing for the most part, but due to Improved Ki Throw I have the chance of knocking over multiple opponents, which is fun.

Heh, my current GM is trying something new this campaign, and has stated that any ability throw that rolls anat 20 works like a crit. You roll again, sum the values, and then apply your bonuses. Ss the other night we were facing some Ice Elementals. They were larger than I, and I didn't have much hope, but I decided to try the Trip and Throw (spending ki due to size), though both would get attacks of opportunity against me as I moved into positon. Well, I rolled a 20. Then I rolled another 20. Then I rolled an 18. And I get a huge bonus to my CMB as is. So like my trip and throw CMB check was just a bit over 70. :smalleek: My Bull Rush attack against the other Ice Elemental wasn't bad, so I somehow picked up one and threw him into the other, knocking them both down. :smallsmile: Good times, good times.

And yes, if you roll 1's, things just as bad can happen to you, especially if they are on knowledge checks (you get wrong information but think it the gospel truth type thing).

2012-02-24, 07:05 PM
the ability to change weapon damage is good-however if you upgrade your weapon to a +5 you will be able to ignore the different metal types anyway. so this ability will become pointless.

possibly think about allowing the staff to use your unarmed fist damage instead of the listed damage.

rather than static values see if you can persuade the dm to allow the abilites to upgrade as you level (idea as suggested-possibly look at the fighters weapon training but only applied to the staff)

And yes, if you roll 1's, things just as bad can happen to you, especially if they are on knowledge checks (you get wrong information but think it the gospel truth type thing).
this does not happen-skills you do NOT fail on ones-same as you dont autopass on twenties

2012-02-25, 11:08 PM
Well, we met tonight for our usual game, and the GM came with his final decison on what the items abilities were. He removed all abilities from the items, and gave us this...

For the mage, he got the +1 Caster Level, plus he can now get some of his blood on the rapier blade to give it (+2 per 3 levels) to hit for one minute. If he had been hit by a piercing or slashing weapon already it is assumed he has blood available to just wipe on, otherwise he has to stab himself.

The fighter's amulet now gives him +1 on his to-hit and CMB rolls. Also, three times a day (I think, it might be twice) he, as an immediate action, gains +2 per 3 levels to his natural armor, stackable with his other nat armor. So at this level that is +4. That means he lost a +1, and can do it one less times a day.

As for my character, my chain now gives me a +1 on to-hit and CMB rolls. And twice a day as a swift action I can gain +2 per 3 levels to my CMB. Which means twice a day I can get +4 to my CMB checks.