View Full Version : Help with low-level spells

2012-02-21, 11:39 PM
I'm DMing a game with a factotum PC, who's never played a spellcaster before - or even a skilled character, really. He's a smart guy and I'm sure he'll be fine, but I thought I'd see if I could get a pile of suggestions for useful ways to use skills and low-level spells. I'd do so myself except, as the DM - who's known for playing skill monkeys, including factotums, in our group - I don't want it to come off like I'm playing his character for him.

So, what are some cool, creative uses of level 0, 1, and 2 spells, possibly in conjunction with skill checks, that he can use to kick a bunch of ass a couple times per day.

NOTE: He's already maxed IJ Focus, he's taken Weapon Finesse with his first feat and he plans on taking font of inspiration with his level 3 feat (and 2-3 times again after that). His stats are something like 8, 17, 10, 18, 10, 17.

EDIT: FOI at level 1 and WF at lvl 3.

EDIT2: What I'm really looking for here are creative uses for spells, Uses that are not obvious from reading the spell description, but that are effective and cool. A guy mentioned using prestidigitation to re-flavor poo on another thread, then selling it. this is a great (and, incidentally, hilarious) example.

I generally know which spells are good, I'm just trying to come up with a list of examples of how to creatively use low-level spells to solve your problems in-game, to give him some idea of the kinds of things he can do.

2012-02-22, 12:21 AM
You'll generally want spells that don't scale, and so are still useful regardless of level. Just keeping things simple for now:

Light (0th-level spell)

Protection from Evil (Wiz 1) grants you near-immunity to summoned monster attacks, along with a healthy number of enchantment resistances. It's not so useful when you aren't fighting a spellcaster, though.

Grease (Wiz 1), assuming a solid flat floor, will make an opponent flat-footed unless they can make a DC 15 balance check. Very nice with Iaijutsu Focus.

Enlarge Person (Wiz 1), as giving the fighter reach is very handy.

Expeditious Retreat (Wiz 1) is a great getaway spell. Most creatures can't move 50/60 feet per action.

Web (Wiz 2) pins creatures down and keeps them from moving, especially small ones.

Invisibility (Wiz 2) is, well, invisibility.

Spider Climb (Wiz 2, Dru 2) gets you to a lot of places.

Entangle (Dru 1) shares a lot of good points with Web.

Flame Blade (Dru 1) is a touch attack weapon, and good if you don't care about STR bonuses.

Bless (Clr 1) grants a +1 attack bonus to everyone nearby.

Sanctuary (Clr 1) can make the target immune to creature attacks, as long as they aren't attacking themselves. Requires a save, though.

And then there are the illusion spells (Ghost Sound, Silent Image) and the summon spells. The latter are even better if you can speak with the summoned creature, such as with knowing Celestial, as you can ask the summoned creatures to do things you aren't able. Flying up and grabbing/moving something, or summoning a creature on the other side of a gate and asking them to pull a level, are just a few options.

2012-02-22, 12:49 AM
[H]e's taken Weapon Finesse with his first feat and he plans on taking font of inspiration with his level 3 feat[.]

I don't mean to bring this up if it's something that you've already resolved, but I'm not entirely certain that a level 1 Factotum can take the Weapon Finesse feat.
The prereqs are +1 BAB, and a Lvl1 Factotum has a +0 BAB. :smalleek:

Also, depending on what route he wants to go, Font of Inspiration may not be what he wants. While it is undoubtedly useful in boosting the existing capabilities of the Factotum, you might suggest he look at feats that add entirely new options to his character.

For instance, when taken at the right point, the Martial Study feat can net you infinite short-range teleportation.

I can't remember offhand if Factotums qualify for the Obtain Familiar or Reserve feats, but those can be pretty wicked as well. :smallsmile:

2012-02-22, 12:55 AM
I don't mean to bring this up if it's something that you've already resolved, but I'm not entirely certain that a level 1 Factotum can take the Weapon Finesse feat.
The prereqs are +1 BAB, and a Lvl1 Factotum has a +0 BAB. :smalleek:

Also, depending on what route he wants to go, Font of Inspiration may not be what he wants. While it is undoubtedly useful in boosting the existing capabilities of the Factotum, you might suggest he look at feats that add entirely new options to his character.

For instance, when taken at the right point, the Martial Study feat can net you infinite short-range teleportation.

I can't remember offhand if Factotums qualify for the Obtain Familiar or Reserve feats, but those can be pretty wicked as well. :smallsmile:

I've seen the (extended) argument both ways on reserve feats and obtain familiar and they probably don't. If he really wanted to spend a feat, just to get a familiar, I'd probably allow it, though, but I digress.

You're right about Weapon Finesse, I have the order backwards. He took FOI and is taking WF. As to martial study, I don't think it's a great idea, long-term. A Swordsage dip at mid-levels? YES. I've told him as much and he's decided to play it by ear. A feat, on a feat-starved build that gets spells for a single maneuver with (I believe) no recovery mechanism? I won't recommend it.

Also, @ erikun, thank you, but I know what the good spells are. What I'm looking for are uses for low level spells that aren't patently obvious from the descriptions.