View Full Version : AVB - Maester von Foodle's Wonders and Wands (OPEN SHOP)

2012-02-22, 06:24 PM
I have zero DM power over my own characters, meaning I don't control anything here except Dack von Foodle and his possessions. Everything my characters do is very carefully documented by me and verified by planswalker for adherence to both D&D and AvB rules.

Note: Due to "trade licensing" restrictions, at this time, Dack prepares wands, scrolls, and wonderous items (up to 8000g base cost). He is a specialist in all three. As well, note that Dack von Foodle crafts at double the usual rate due to being a Maester -- meaning your items will be processed very, very fast compared to most crafters.

In the Guild of Starlight and Shadows Sanctum in the Guild Quarter, a shop has been erected by Maester von Foodle, a gnome known for the speed of his crafting and the size of his discounts. A creature of bright temperament and hard work, the proprietor, Dack von Foodle, is a happy and hard worker, as well as a master craftsman.

A sign has been erected that reads:

Maester von Foodle's Wonders and Wands
Custom Magical Items, Created in Half the Time
Great discounts and exceptional service!

It's a small operation, but Dack von Foodle's a little guy. An elven lady by the name of Wynn covers the front. She is a pretty, clever clerk who administers the maester's accounts. She's somewhat brusque, but her employer has enough personality for both of them.

2012-02-23, 08:13 AM
A young orange haired man enters the store. He is dressed in simple but tasteful travellers clothes and wears a rapier at his sword belt.


He looks around the store, smiling at the elven lady and walks forward.

"Good day madam! I have heard the crier speak of the Maester and come with an urgent request for his services and expert wand-making!"

2012-02-23, 02:01 PM
The silver-haired clerk gives him a polite smile and says, "The Maester is in -- please wait, he's just finishing up an order." She heads to the back of the small sanctum shop, where you can see a little gnome of remarkably strange heritage with wild red-blonde hair working furiously on what looks like an amulet of some kind. He is pouring magic into it and it looks like a mad process. And yet, after a few minutes, he takes it from barely complete to done -- it seems the speed of the little gnome is true. He slips the amulet on his neck with a smile and makes his way over.

"Sorry about the wait, sir." He extends his hand to the man. "Dack von Foodle. How can I help you?"

2012-02-23, 04:30 PM
The man smiles and offers his gloved hand in a firm shake.

"A pleasure! I am looking to procure a certain wand for a friend of mine. He needs it for his entertainment gig and I heard you can provide such services fast and cost effective!" he says with a smile.

"And to be more precise it is a wand of summoning of the 3rd circle..."

2012-02-23, 04:37 PM
Dack pulls out an order form and receipt and fills it in. "Your name? And for the record, I can do a wand that summons monsters, not natures allies, but I suspect you expected that..."

"At any rate, that price for that is..." He writes down a bunch of symbols in Gnomish on scratch paper and does some math, muttering to himself as he did. "Eleven thousand two hundred and fifty, but what say we do a twenty percent discount for the new customer, huh?" He smiled broadly. "Nine thousand even will do. And I can have that done for you in... just under four hours."

He grinned at the not-yet-heard compliment about how fast he is. "It's that fast, my friend."

2012-02-23, 04:45 PM
An elf walks in, wearing robes and carrying a simple staff.

"Good day, sir. I've come to check out your wares. And also to sell this little gem. It's a ring of communication. The other half of the pair got lost, but I'm sure you can forge a new one. What can you offer me?"

2012-02-23, 04:49 PM
The youth smiles.

"That is truly fast..." he says honestly.

"And the name let us say that it is Darius, Darius Mortensen..." ((bluff [roll0] with any appropriate pluses for the fact that it is a simple lie with no way to be proven otherwise.))

"And the price is good as well... do you accept cash only or are interested in similar value magical items?"

2012-02-23, 04:49 PM
Dack accepts the name, writing it down, unconcerned with whether or not it is true or false. He says, "Sadly, my operation is getting set up, so I prefer to take cash at this time, if that's possible. You understand; you're actually my first customer!" He grins.

Dack smiles as the second customer walks in. "Well, sir, sadly, my operation is just getting set up, so I'm a bit low on cash to buy new items just yet. But, there's plenty of things I can do for you. Any wand you might want up to the third tier of magic, wonderous items, scrolls... So the question is, what are you looking for?"

2012-02-23, 04:56 PM
Indeed, what am I looking for. I have no clue yet, though perhaps something concercing true sight. I have more stuff to sell as well, I'll post when I've come up with an idea.

2012-02-23, 05:01 PM
Other items you see in the shop include a wand of mage armor, and a beautifully designed, pistol-grip wand of fireballs that is well above base power and very difficult to avoid.

The fireballs wand is CL8 and DC 18.

2012-02-23, 05:02 PM
Sneaky Moranica and his true sight! Out to ruin the hat of disguise business in Aldhaven!

Darius smiles.

"An honor to be your first customer! So yes, cash it is. I can return with the money as I dont tend to carry such amounts on me!"

2012-02-23, 05:11 PM
Indeed. :smallbiggrin:

2012-02-23, 05:16 PM
Dack grins at Darius. "Great! Once you've returned, we'll fill you out a receipt and get your wand done lickity-split. I'll even inscribe it for you so you and all your friends know you got the first sold masterwork wand of Aldhaven's newest Maester!"

C'mon back with the cash, Mono, and we'll get going.

2012-02-23, 05:41 PM
A couple of hours later the same man returns with a pouch full of platinum coins. If you count you find 900 platinum coins and a smile from him.

"The inscription is not necessary. I realise you want to make an impressior Maestro but my friend likes to be as generic as possible. Maybe when he desires something flashier he will be proud to have something with your name and signature but for now keep it low key yet beautiful..." he says and smiles.

"So shall I return in 4 hours for it?"

2012-02-23, 07:03 PM
During that time, Dack had taken the opportunity to go get Summon Monster III for his spellbook.

"As you like, sir. I'll make it a straight wand then with no customizations or signature work. Four hours will be fine. I'll see you then, that'll be right at the end of the day." He grinned, taking the money and filling out a receipt for him before setting out to work. He set aside the guild's cut and marked it down in his ledger.

Wynn, on the other hand, remained to take the other gentleman's orders.

2012-02-24, 07:49 AM
Four hours later the gentleman will return and take the wand thanking the clerk, if she is the one giving it, in elven. Or the gnome if he is there in common.

"Splendid. Can you tell me how long a summoning will last?"

2012-02-24, 04:31 PM
Dack handed him the most generic straight oak wand he could possibly have asked for. It was entirely generic, as per the orange-haired youth's request.

"As per the standard spell, it lasts for thirty seconds."

5 rounds.

2012-02-26, 04:18 PM
A young elf woman walks through the door. Her long her covers the bow, slung over her back. She barely gives a smile to any present.


She walked up to anyone present who looked like they worked or owned the store.

"Good day. I have some items that may be of interest to you," she said somewhat abruptly.

2012-02-26, 07:10 PM
"Well, the Maester is not in right now, but what do you have?" Wynn asks, a smile on her face as she brings out her ledger to write up an order form.

2012-02-26, 08:39 PM
Hmm, too bad. But anyway. I've a wand and a magical mace. Not sure if you'd be terribly interested in some quality chainmail, but I have that as well, Laria replied.

2012-02-27, 12:48 AM
"Well, let's see them, shall we? The Maester can identify these things for you for 150g each."

2012-02-27, 08:18 AM
Laria realized that she hadn't been clear. Sorry for the misunderstanding. I already know what they are. The mace seems to be particularly strong against humans. The wand shapes stone. I just wanted to see what I could get for them,

+1 humanbane
Wand of Stone shape

2012-02-27, 11:37 PM
Wynn thinks for a moment and says, "Why don't you come back later this afternoon when Maester von Foodle is in? I think he may be able to find someone who could use the shape stone wand."

2012-02-28, 08:39 AM
Laria shrugged. "Fair enough. I'll be back then," she replied.

2012-03-02, 03:49 AM
Dack von Foodle was killed in action tonight. His shop is now closed. His brother, Track, is, however, in the area.