View Full Version : Your Pokemon. Tell me about them.

2012-02-22, 11:04 PM
So, anyone that's done a Nuzlocke knows how attached you get to your Pokemon. You name them, fight with them, stress over those near-deaths, and grieve at those that fall in battle. And through it all, you may give those survivors personalities, likes, dislikes, and turn them from simple pixels throwing more pixels at other pixels into real characters.

I'd like to know about those characters (Be they Nuzlocke or non-Nuzlocke). Also, I'm bored.

Here's mine (Way big list):

Currently on White
(Pokemon transferred from Diamond to SS, then a mass exodus to White)

Genevieve (Shiny Gardevoir), is probably the most elegant one out of my Team. While out of combat, she's pretty demure and polite to a fault. When in battle though....well, violent doesn't quite cover it. Using Psychic to asphyxiate the opponent? Uh....yeah....

Amnity, Arkham and Rose Red (Mismagius, Gengar and Banette) tend to share a communal personality that would best be considered "compliant". They're probably the most balanced of my Pokemon (Mentally and stat-wise). Named after the Amityville Horror, Arkham Massachusetts (H.P. Lovecraft) and the Stephen King miniseries Rose Red.

Jillian and Amalee (Lucario and Zoroark) are sort of like sisters, despite Jillian being born in Johto and Amalee being born in Unova. While cooperative, they do have an intense rivalry between each other. Named after two of my favorite D&D characters.

Liliana (Honchkrow) is the "wise one" of the group. She's that voice of experience and common sense, as well as the main source of inter-region travel. Named after Liliana Vess from MTG.

Titania (Rhyperior) is the gentle giant. While EXTREMELY powerful (with currently only Joanna surpassing her), she is slow to anger and is, at least in private, very girly. Is very good friends with Jackson.

Jackson (Shuckle) is a Pokemon that is simply content to watch the world pass by. He's often used as a wall during battles (thanks to his Defense being in the 600's). Is very good friends with Titania, a relationship which may or may not be romantic in nature (they aren't talking). Named after "Stonewall" Jackson.

Nikola (Electivire) is a scholar for the most part. He is also quite the gentleman and often escorts Genevieve about. It's hinted that they may be a couple, as they've been together since their time in Johto. Named after Nikola Tesla.

Maya-11 (Porygon-Z) is...odd. During an accidental upload, M11 got uploaded with a good chunk of the Internet, which has led to some...interesting events. Mostly stays inside with Shodan. Named after the 3D animation program Autodesk Maya 2011.

Teresa (Vespiquen) takes up the mantle of "mother" (Alongside Grace) for the Team. She's always there to lend an ear to help one of the Team work out their issues, or a shoulder for them to cry on. Unlike Grace though, Teresa has a more practical attitude towards things while still maintaining that motherly warmth.

Nora (Froslass) is "retired" from the Team and spends most of her time either lounging around the house or acting as the maid.

Nightmare (Shiny Rapidash) is a practical, no nonsense Pokemon that often serves as short to medium ranged transport.

Shodan (Rotam) is still in training and usually doesn't get out a lot. Shodan is best described as "curious" and often hangs around Maya-11 who has pretty much all of Wikipedia stored in it's brain. Named after the System Shock 2 antagonist.

Grace (Meganium) is the semi-official mother figure of the team. She no longer battles and spends most of the time looking after the unhatched eggs with her long time partner, Eli.

Eli (Shiny Feraligatr) was once a battler, but has since retired and settled down with his long time beau, Grace. Thus far they have not had children.

Solomon (Nidoking) is best described as "wise but stupidly powerful". He usually keeps to himself and only butts in during disputes or when a neutral party is needed. Strangely, he gets along with Joanna (Or at least as well can get along with a psychotic rampaging monster). Named after the biblical King Solomon.

Joanna (Shiny Haxorus) is a beast. 90% of the time, she has to be restrained, either with manacles or by locking her Pokeball. When unrestrained, she....well, she rampages. It's as if her "Outrage" attack is set on automatic. The only Pokemon that can seem to deal with her is Solomon, and that may just be a respect of power. Partially named after the lizard from The Rescuers: Down Under.

Arsenic (Gliscor) is a nasty piece of work. He's the closest thing to an actual "murderer" on the team. Carries around a Toxic Orb with him. Says it makes him feel good. Everyone else either keeps a good distance or at least an eye on him.

Kipling (Tangrowth) is something close to a scholarly hippy. Spends most of his time indoors or in the forest reading, mostly Rudyard Kipling books. Very laid back and very mellow. Named after, obviously, Rudyard Kipling.

Lorna (Glaceon) is a cold, bitter Pokemon. It may be due to the fact that he's always at a disadvantage during battles, or that he never got enough love while leveling. Or that he was named after a girl.

Aemodaeus (Absol) is one of the few original Pokemon from my first Sapphire run that made it out of Johto when my game crashed. If possible, he's even more grim than Chronos, most likely attributed to losing all his friends. Spends most of his time alone.

Chronos (Aerodactyl) is, as stated above, grim and rather dour. He's mentioned this is due retaining memories from before he was revived as a fossil, and as he remembers everything, he remembers what he has lost.

Clara (Lilligant) is the newest addition to the "Team". Like most Lilligants, she loves dancing, though to how she was trained, she prefers faster paced dances.

Diamond Nuzlocke
Just gonna post those that I actually use.

Osira (Female Garchomp) is outright violent. She's quite possibly the most violent one on the team, aside from Emma. She knows her tactics well though, and waits until Ulrich get the chance to do his thing before running roughshod over the enemy.

Orlando (Western Gastrodon) is the friendly one. He's a lot like Kipling in that he's almost always got a chill, laid back vibe about him. He brings the pain when he needs to though.

Vlad (Torterra) is a life-draining, earthquake causing, sandstorm striding monster. He cares very much for the rest of the team, but expects nothing less than victory when battling. Often backed by Ulrich and has slowly been losing his position to the more aggressive Osira. Has an on/off relationship with Emma.

Nikolai (Crobat) isn't as strong as the others, but he's fast. Very fast. Combine that with Air Slash and Bite, and you have a very annoying attacker that will just chip away at an enemy. Best friends with Vlad as they've been on the team the longest.

Victor (Drifblim) is the transport and doubles as the meat shield. Of course, that's under the assumption that meat shields had an uncanny ability to blast their targets with 90% accuracy with massive lightning bolts from the sky. Otherwise, he's content with just floating around and napping on the breeze.

Ulrich (Hippowdon) is the glue that holds the team together. He's almost always the first on the field, throwing up a huge sandstorm and laying traps for the enemy. Off the battlefield, he's a fat, jolly old Pokemon that loves good food, good drink and good friends.

Emma (Luxray) was the most violent Pokemon before Osira joined the team. More accurately, she was the most violent towards other females, convinced that they were trying to take her Vlad from her. Only Osira is exempt from Emma's jealous and paranoid rage, both out of respect and out of fear. In an on/off relationship with Vlad.

2012-02-22, 11:16 PM
Totally check out the unofficial Pokemon thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=226563).

What I have off the top of my head is Smugwuffer my Smugperior. Ever since he was a Smugleaf, he had a knack for taking a critical hit early in battle, and then dominating the battle afterwards.