View Full Version : Looking for access to Celerity spells:

2012-02-22, 11:48 PM
Hello everyone,

I'm playing in a low optimization group with a two-weapon fighter, who has some swashbuckler and legendary captain levels. Thanks to flaws, I've been able to scrounge enough feats to pull off a Jack B. Quick build. We're level 12 now, and about to turn 13.

My character has recently met her mother for the first time. The woman is a "Chronomancer," which is something my DM shananagined for a small group of NPCs. The class is off-limits to us PCs.

Fluff: my character would like to get closer to her mother, and start learning that particular breed of magic.

Crunch: I'd like to represent this by trying to gain access to the Celerity spells.

It seems the fastest way to do this is to put a level in Chameleon. That would give me access to level 2 arcane spells, and Lesser Celerity, immediately. Sadly, if I take this route it means I will never gain access to Greater Celerity, as Chameleons only gain access up to level 6 spells.
Items are something else I'm looking into, but a quick search through the MiC doesn't seem to turn anything up.

Any help is appreciated. Thank you!

2012-02-23, 12:11 AM
Unless it is in a domain (Then go Ordained Champion), and I'm assuming you aren't qualified for Sublime Chord (which I'm not sure has it) and I don't recall it being on the cleric list (No Ur Priest), without retraining I don't think you can at 12.

2012-02-23, 12:45 AM
See if you can swing a retrain to Swiftblade. Heavy on the time theme, keeps fightyness and you can get both Greater Celerity and their pseudo-Time Stop by going ten levels, though you'll need to keep to only one casting level lost (aside from the Swiftblade ones) if you want Greater Celerity.

2012-02-23, 12:46 AM
Sublime Chord is your best bet, although qualification for that is pretty awful. I'm pretty sure that there's no domain for the Celerity line (not even the actual Celerity domain), but if there is Ordained Champion is probably easier and a lot more specific.

There might be a way to get them as SLAs.

2012-02-23, 12:49 AM
Have you considered looking into Swiftblade instead? It's a lot more friendly for fighty types, and does the whole time shtick pretty well.