View Full Version : [E6]Feinting for Sneak Attackers

2012-02-23, 03:55 AM
What is the best way to approach a feint-based build for a rogue-type character? In an off-site forum campaign, the bard who was with my TWF-based assassin dropped out, leaving me without a reliable method of getting my sneak attack damage. The DM suggested I rebuild my feats around Feint, but I don't know the best way to approach this. Here is his character sheet. Rules are E6.



2012-02-23, 04:33 AM
Wild Cohort (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/re/20031118a), Riding Dog (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/dogRiding.htm).

2012-02-23, 04:49 AM
Hmm, feint might actually work in E6, since you won't be making multiple attacks without dual weilding or something similar.

You would normally want charisma on a feinter, but if enemies don';t train sense motive you can get buy without it.You will, of course, want max ranks in bluff. Skill focus (bluff) might work, depending on if you want to go full-hog into this; bluff is a very widely applicable skill, at least. E^ does have more feats than typical for your level, from my understanding. See how your bluff works and see how badly you need to improve it.

You have enough int at least, so going combat expertise-> improved feint. ow you can spend a move action to feint, then use your standard to sneak attack. I notice you have TWF; feinting and TWF are generally inapplicable together.
You can also take tumbling feint; if you tumble by an opponen to avoid an AoO, you get a +5 on your feint the next round. This would allow you to do a tumble to maneuver to position, then feint/strike on the next.

combat panache could also tap into the bluff skill. After getting hit, you make an opposed bluff check as your move, then use your immediate action on their next turn, and get them to attack a creature of your choice, Like one of their allies. An enemy gets damaged, and one of your allies, perhaps yourself, doesn't. This keys more strongly off of charisma though, and you would need bluff, intimidate, and perform with 8 ranks. It has some other nifty things.

2012-02-23, 05:30 AM
A feat to learn Cloak of Deception (Shadow Hand 2) might be worthwhile next, and maybe EWP (Spiked chain). For now swapping TWF for Improved Feint is all you need to get this working.