View Full Version : Unarmed kobold help

2012-02-23, 05:54 AM
Hey guys :p

I've got it stuck in my head to make a unarmed kobold, yes, it has to be a kobold lol. Anyway, what do you think would be the best way to go? obviously i need to be dex based, and multi attack is almost a must for my nat attacks. I've heard like everyone else that monk is a bad choice, what if i threw VOP on him? I'm currently leaning towards UA swordsage. would multiclassing the two be the way to go?

2012-02-23, 06:56 AM
some swordsage is essential, since if you have a shadow hand stance you can get shadow blade, and deal dex to damage as well. You would then have Dex to accuracy(assuming finesse), damage, initiative, AC, and some useful skills like tumble, making you fairly SAD. Enough str to not hurt your damage, good con for health. Wisdom is also useful, for AC(on top of light armor!) and damage to your strikes. The bonus initiative, combined with the dex focus, means ou will get the jump on things.

Superior unarmed strike,, by RAW, will give you better damage as a monk at low levels, but due to its relationship with monkhood, would trap you at that point at higher levels when superior unarmed strike would surpass it.

I don't see what multiclassing monk would do for you, really. Base weapon damage? Thats not terribly important, and would still be pathetic without taking a lot of monk. Superior unarmed strike serves you better without a monk dip. Wisdom to AC? swordsage does it better. Flurry? Incompatible with your natural attacks. It might save you some feats, but dipping into fighter serves that just as well while also boosting your BaB.

2012-02-23, 08:59 AM
Monk is not a bad thing, if you take to levels you get some benefit (nice feats for unarmed) also stun is a nice debuff. Swordsage has a problem you will have to wear light armor, in order to get WIS to AC (check the wording) so you won't benefit from it without armor check your VoP and your DM to see if you can get a ****ty armor, but a ****ty armor might be overtrowhn by natural armor, so it becomes silly :smallannoyed:

Still monk/swordsage is not a bad idea.

If you somehow get rage, frostfell rager is a nice thing for unarmored. There is also fist of the forest (CON to AC requires power attack though) that advances your unarmed strike with a different progresion (but I fear that you will get stuck in there).

2012-02-23, 09:01 AM
Monk 2 / Sorcerer 3 / Enlightened Fist X

Round out with Abjurant Champion.

Trust me, I just finished a campaign with this build, and it was AWESOME. Enlarge Person, Greater Mighty Whallop, and Wraithstrike are your friends, and if your DM will allow to research a spell equivalent to Lion's Charge, that will be your very BEST friend. Flavor with dashes of Shivering Touch, Shocking Grasp, and Vampiric Touch.

Trust me, this build is a TON of fun and you'll never want for more power. Grab items (such as monk's belt) to continue your unarmed strike progression through Sorcerer levels, and get Practiced Spellcaster feat to keep your caster level consistent with your ECL.

And yes, my character WAS a kobold. Gobold the kobold. :)

2012-02-23, 10:22 AM
Never get vow of poverty. Wealth by level is in all ways superior. Even under wealth by level is superior.

Monk 2 / Ardent X with Tashalatora is nice.

To fix those Swordsage issues mentioned before, you could get the Unarmed Swordsage variant.

Also there are various barbarian based builds that work fine. Remember that unarmed doesn't necessarily mean unarmored. You get claw attacks, too; perhaps consider some kobold that is Transmutation-focused? Especially a Dragonwrought Kobold can alter self into dragon forms...

2012-02-23, 11:40 AM
Thanks for all the replies :)

Dragonwraught is a no go, dm wont allow it and i kinda wanna avoid anything too cheddar. I'll have to take builds into consideration, I hadn't counted on doing anything castery, but that could def. help

2012-02-23, 11:54 AM
Another decent way to go with your natural weapons is with Totemist. No casting, so probably simpler for you, and has a lot of options to boost natural weapons and add extra ones.

2012-02-23, 12:24 PM
While my build looks castery, it does not play like a typical caster. As a sorcerer multiclasser, all of your spells known will go towards 1) buff spells (enlarge person, greater mighty whallop), 2) spell to channel through during full-attacks (shivering touch, Vampiric touch), or 3) utility spells only for boosting your combat (wraithstrike, Lion's charge).

I'll put it this way: Hold Ray single-handedly saved my party once. We were pretty much done for the night, and our DM handed out XP, and we discovered that we were very close to leveling. We begged him for a small random encounter so that we could level before next session. He sends against us, a death slaad (is that's how it's spelled?). It immediately blinds and deafens everyone and then starts tearing us apart. I was blinded for the duration of the entire fight.

Basically our problem boiled down to the fact that it had ridiculously high AC, so no one could get through it. So, while blind mind you, I touch it over and over with ray of enfeeblement (rolled lucky on my miss chances). I sapped it's strength in the space of a few rounds. It goes so low that it can no longer move while wearing it's armor, so while laying down essentially helpless, it summoned a green slaad behind me. I turn around and in one casting of shivering touch I completely immobilize the green slaad too. Our rogue finally coupe-de-graces them both.

*EDIT* The only reason I'm pushing this build is because it isn't some theoretical "this could work" build. I just finished playing it, and it was great. If you don't want tO go the spellcastung route, then you need to BEG your resident spellcaster to at the very LEAST have Greater Mighty Whallop cast on you at pretty much all times (at hour/level, they should be able to do so pretty much all day by the time they can get it), and enlarge person is a HUGE boon as well. I know for me, I like being fairly self-sufficient, and like being able to cast these myself. But if you have someone in your party who enjoys being a buffer, then by all means, go a different route. But if you want to play an unarmed kobold and still do decent damage, imo the best way to go is with a monk's unarmed strike progression (whether through monk or swordsage) and greater mighty whallop. This let's you do a TON of base damage, and Enlightened Fist allows you to channel some pretty devastating spells as touch attacks so long as you have the Stunning Fist uses to channel them. You can end up doing some ridiculous burst damage, and still do decent damage even when you run out of spells, so long as your mighty whallop stays up.

2012-02-23, 12:40 PM
I made a similar build once. I used the decisive strike variant, to replace flurry of blows. Instead of extra attacks, which a gish channeling doesn't need, they made single, powerful strikes.

2012-02-23, 06:00 PM
I built one as a secondary char for our FR campaign recently. I used pure Unarmed Swordsage for the build, nicknamed "KoboldYoda" originally. I wanted to do Setting Sun mostly, but after working it through the most effective schools were diamond mind/tiger claw with shadow hand for util. Shadow Blade, as mentioned, is great for dex to damage. I also picked up the required Adaptive Style, as well as Superior UAS.

Other fun bits were Fanged Ring for picking up Improved Natural Attack(UAS) and bonus con damage on crit, as well as +1 Metalline Necklace of Natural Attacks for never worrying about DR. Also, if your kobold is LE, NE or LN grab a Enveloping Pit for 3928 ft^3 of storage space for your loot.

I did use Dragon-wrought, but only for the Venerable +3 mental, nothing cheesier.
Sheet is up on Mythweavers (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=304001) if you'd like to pick through it.