View Full Version : The Zealot

2012-02-23, 03:42 PM
Alright, Trying to build the Protoss class. Problem I'm running into is that there's so many sources that can point towards their construction and it seems almost like I need to mesh sources into one semi-coherent idea.

Option 1: I've tried this and it mostly failed. This is the Soulknife. Sure, it has the psi-blade set up but that's about the extent of it. In fact the only reason this character hasn't died during play testing about 5 times in 2 gaming sessions was the energy shields and power armor.

Option 2: Soulbound weapon PsiWar. Seems cool and all but I'd need to customize the call-weapon set up to basically work for energy blades. Honestly, I'd need to try to mix this with idea number 3. Even if the manifesting does mostly fit the idea for the limited psionics use Zealots use (as opposed to Templar types).

Option 3: Battle Mind from D20 Modern. They have a psi-blade and psi-shields already built in. Problem here is that it's a prestige class.

Option 4: Item of Power from BESM. This was my DM's suggestion. He however is a HUGE BESM fan to begin with. PRoblem here is that I very much dislike the BESM psionics. He was already with simply applying Item of Power with house rules to another existing class like those above. In this case the Item of Power would have Radiant Energy+whatever else I'd have points to spend on it for.

Sky is the limt though. DM uses "anything D20" in this setting. One guy is using M&M, another is using D20 Modern/Future to build a Terran Marine (inspired by my choice for Protoss), a VoP Bard (he's gonna be hurting...), and a BESM Gun Bunny who at the moment is RIDICULOUSLY powerful with offensive damage.

P.S. The Terran player and myself are using the D20 Future mecha (Large size) for the basis for the power armor. Standard power armor mechanically doesn't work with the fluff all that well.

2012-02-23, 03:46 PM
I like the idea of a Psywar. It captures the psionic flavor of the zealot well, as well as giving you psyblades. Hmm, if you'd really like, you could make a claw-focused Psywar, and refluff the claws as psyblades. Then you'd have one on each hand, and plenty of ways to buff up your weapons. The King of Smack (http://community.wizards.com/go/thread/view/75882/19866038/The_king_of_smack) is actually a Psywar who uses claws, so maybe you could take a look at that and see what you can cook up.

2012-02-23, 03:53 PM
Have you tried the Pathfinder Soulknife (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed/classes/soulknife)?

2012-02-23, 04:00 PM
I like the idea of a Psywar. It captures the psionic flavor of the zealot well, as well as giving you psyblades. Hmm, if you'd really like, you could make a claw-focused Psywar, and refluff the claws as psyblades. Then you'd have one on each hand, and plenty of ways to buff up your weapons. The King of Smack (http://community.wizards.com/go/thread/view/75882/19866038/The_king_of_smack) is actually a Psywar who uses claws, so maybe you could take a look at that and see what you can cook up.

I should have specified earlier. I was aiming to use the "double scythe" for the psi-blade as per Dark Templar. That is the eventual progression I was wishing to reach at least. Which would mean I'd eventually transition to a Warp Blade too for further upgrades.

Because of the power of the campaign I was briefly considering meshing the PsiWar and Battle Mind into a single 10 level class. The Manifester progression would stay the same but combine their two lists. Just not sure if the psi-blade (Battle Mind) and Soulbound Weapon could somehow stack. RAW prevents it.

That seem plausible for house rulling? DM likely won't mind. I'd still be one of the weaker characters in the party.

Have you tried the Pathfinder Soulknife (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed/classes/soulknife)?

I haven't tried it but I did read through it. Still not impressed. At least not enough for the character to keep up in this particular campaign. I'm still seaking manifester levels as per the fluff* for the Zealot.

*I'm aware in gameplay the Zealot has no psi powers of their own. In the fluff however they do have access to minor powers; sometimes rather impressive telekinetics depending on the specific Zealot. It's also insinuated that a Zealot eventually becomes a (______) Templar later on anyway.

P.S. How would scaling work on weapon damage when applied to mechs? I realize they're just "large". I only ask though because some of the Mecha weapons--even for the Large category-- do insane damage when compared to conventional weapons.

2012-02-23, 04:02 PM
I haven't tried it but I did read through it. Still not impressed. At least not enough for the character to keep up in this particular campaign. I'm still seaking manifester levels as per the fluff* for the Zealot.

You could throw in some levels of War Mind to gain some powers. Or go with the high psionics prestige class option (listed in side box labeled Soulknives And Prestige Classes) and do something like Soulknife 9/ Phrenic Slayer 1/ War Mind 1/ Slayer 9 to get an 18th level Enhanced Mind Blade and 6th level powers.

2012-02-23, 04:23 PM
The melee weapons for mechs in D20 future say what size they are for what mech in their descriptions. In this case the laser scythe would do 4d10 + 1.5(str mod) and would take up two mecha slots. I've been playing with mech designs a lot lately and am actually using a dark templar style one in an upcoming mecha campaign, so i can give a hand if you want to use mecha for more than armor.

Using the Psywar for claw boosts are pretty good, but fluff zealots used more defensive psionics and pure rage. is there a class for raging psionics?

2012-02-23, 04:26 PM
The melee weapons for mechs in D20 future say what size they are for what mech in their descriptions. In this case the laser scythe would do 4d10 + 1.5(str mod) and would take up two mecha slots. I've been playing with mech designs a lot lately and am actually using a dark templar style one in an upcoming mecha campaign, so i can give a hand if you want to use mecha for more than armor.

Using the Psywar for claw boosts are pretty good, but fluff zealots used more defensive psionics and pure rage. is there a class for raging psionics?

I must've missed the laser scythe. Seems like a good candidate to alter for use as a psi-scythe. I'd just need to figure out what differences the second blade would make (if any).

Also, I did forget to ask about energy shields. Or specifically something to work analogous to the Protoss Plasma Shields. Anything for this that you guys know about?

2012-02-23, 04:37 PM
I'd just need to figure out what differences the second blade would make (if any).

Just count it as a two ended weapon. You can use it for two weapon fighting, it counts as a normal and a light off hand weapon. This would make sure it is still a good investment once you move past the zealot stage.

2012-02-23, 04:40 PM
FYI, this homebrew version of the Soulknife has a picture of a Dark Templar on it for a reason...


2012-02-23, 04:55 PM
Just count it as a two ended weapon. You can use it for two weapon fighting, it counts as a normal and a light off hand weapon. This would make sure it is still a good investment once you move past the zealot stage.

Thanks. I was going to have the feat for it anyway.

FYI, this homebrew version of the Soulknife has a picture of a Dark Templar on it for a reason...


That's a little weak for a Dark Templar. A DT would be like a Lurk with psionic Sneak Attack (seen in manga). Their weapon has ghost-touch, shown to affect constructs (robots), and ignores hardness/DR. They're also invisible/hide in plain sight. And using Zeratul as an example could have Dimension Slide at will (would it still be at-will with a cool down?).

Never mind the continued manifesting too which ANY soulknife still lacks.