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2012-02-23, 04:33 PM
EoTs are due on [Date Pending].

PC Factions:

Baylin Split
Player: ArcaneStomper
Trait A: ?
Trait B: Ancient Lore
Trait C: Madness

Swords: 0
Wealth: 0
Magic: ?
Espionage: ?
Loyalty: +++
Reputation: +-
Leadership: ?

Influence: Magic ++++

Baylin Loyalists
Player: ArcaneStomper

Swords: +
Wealth: -
Magic: +/+++++
Espionage: ?
Loyalty: +++
Reputation: 0
Leadership: 0

Artificers Guild
Player: Nibleswick
Trait: Relic Makers
Trait: Ritual Magic Focus

Swords: +
Wealth: ?
Magic: ++/++++-
Espionage: ?
Loyalty: ++-
Reputation: -
Leadership: +++-

Influence: + (Nobles)

Zexan Consortium
Player: oblivion6
Trait: World Market
Trait: Kingdom's Trade

Swords: ++++
Wealth: ++++?
Magic: 0
Espionage: ?
Loyalty: +-
Reputation: +++
Leadership: +++

Influence: + (Mob), +- (WO), (-) (WO: Asimar)

Silver Shields
Player: Imperial Psycho
Trait: Watchmen
Trait: Join the Shields!

Swords: +++++ +++-
Wealth: +++-
Magic: 0
Espionage: ?
Loyalty: +++-
Reputation: +++
Leadership: ?

Influence: +++++ (Mob), + (WO), ++++ (Military, Militia), Seal of Taxation

Golden Circle
Player: razovor
Trait: Anti-magic
Trait: ShadowMancers Heritage

Swords: 0
Wealth: 0
Magic: ?
Espionage: ?
Loyalty: +++-
Reputation: +++++ -
Leadership: -

Influence: ++++ (Mob), Minister of Finance

House Tercel
Player: Murska
Trait: Lords of Colors Lineage
Trait: Way of Free Baronies

Swords: ++-
Wealth: +++-
Magic: +
Espionage: ?
Loyalty: ++
Reputation: ++++
Leadership: ++++

Influence: + (Nobles), Minister of Foreign Affairs

Church of Endless Ocean
Player: TsukikoJ
Trait: Faith of Uro
Trait: Church

Swords: +++
Wealth: +
Magic: ++/++++
Espionage: ?
Loyalty: ++++
Reputation: +++++ -
Leadership: +++++ +

Influence: +++++ (Mob), Minister of Civil Affairs

Scholarium Arcana
Player: Zemalac
Trait: University of Magic
Trait: Library of Scholarium

Swords: -
Wealth: +++-
Magic: +++++/+++++ +++++ +++
Espionage: ?
Loyalty: +
Reputation: +
Leadership: +++

Influence: + (Nobles)

Player: Copper8642
Trait: We Are Legion

Swords: ?
Wealth: ?
Magic: ?
Espionage: ?
Loyalty: +++++
Reputation: 0
Leadership: ?

Influence (Mob): +-
Income: ?

Adventurer's Guild
Player: Lizard Lord
Trait: Secret

Swords: +++-
Wealth: ++-
Magic: ++/++++
Espionage: ?
Loyalty: +
Reputation: +
Leadership: ?

Influence: + Nobles

Ghost Lover's Children
Player: C'nor

Swords: -
Wealth: ?
Magic: +
Espionage: ?
Loyalty: +++
Reputation: ++-
Leadership: +

Influence (Nobles): +

Deep Trolls
Player: Grimsage Matt

Swords: ?
Wealth: +++++ +
Magic: ++/
Espionage: ?
Loyalty: ++++
Reputation: 0
Leadership: +++++

Influence: + (Science)

Faction: Switchblades Company
Player: Ragnar Lodbrok

Swords: ++++-
Wealth: ++
Magic: -
Espionage: ?
Loyalty: ++++
Reputation: 0
Leadership: ?

Faction: Refugees of Ceit
Player: Forum Explorer

Swords: -
Wealth: ?
Magic: ++
Espionage: ?
Loyalty: +++-
Reputation: ++
Leadership: ++++

Influence: + (WO)

NPC Factions

Knights Aqua

Swords: +++++ +++++ +++++
Wealth: +++
Magic: +++
Espionage: ?
Loyalty: +++++?
Reputation: ++++
Leadership: ?

Influence: ++ (Military, Nobles), Minister of War

Night Guild
Player: daelrog
Trait: Shadows in Crowds
Trait: City of Primval

Swords: ?
Wealth: +++
Magic: +/+++
Espionage: ?
Loyalty: ++++
Reputation: +++++
Leadership: ?

Influence: +++++ +++ (Mob)

Order of Starry-Wisdom

Swords: +++?
Wealth: ++
Magic: ++?
Espionage: ?
Loyalty: +++++?
Reputation: +++++ +
Leadership: ?

Influence: ++ (Magic, Mob)

Cult of Primeval Delights

Swords: 0
Wealth: 0
Magic: 0
Espionage: ?
Loyalty: +++++ +
Reputation: 0
Leadership: 0

Influence: 0

Cult of Reason

Swords: +?
Wealth: ++
Magic: ++++/++++ +++++ ++?
Espionage: ?
Loyalty: +++-
Reputation: +-
Leadership: +++

Influence: +++++ ++ (Magic)

Cult of Harbringers

Swords: [-]
Wealth: 0
Magic: 0
Espionage: 0
Loyalty: ++++?
Reputation: 0
Leadership: 0

Influence: ?

Order of Patterned Battlefield

Swords: +++
Wealth: +
Magic: ?
Loyalty: ++
Reputation: ++
Leadership: +

House Aenaris

Swords: ++++-
Wealth: -
Magic: +
Loyalty: ++++
Reputation: +++
Leadership: ?

Influence: +++ (Military)

Forbidden Darkness

Swords: ?
Wealth: ?
Magic: ?
Espionage: ?
Loyalty: +++-
Reputation: +
Leadership: ?

Influence: ++ (Magic)

Cult of Blood

Swords: ?
Wealth: ?
Magic: ?
Espionage: ?
Loyalty: ++++
Reputation: +
Leadership: ?

Influence: ?

Red Anslen

Swords: +++++ +-
Wealth: ?
Magic: ++++/++
Espionage: ?
Loyalty: +++
Reputation: 0
Leadership: ? (Ghostlord Alistair Quen)

Influence: ? (Broken-Back Mountains)

Ironcloaks (Conservative Faction)

Swords: +++++ +
Wealth: +
Magic: ?
Espionage: ?
Loyalty: ++++
Reputation: +++
Leadership: ?

Influence: +++++ +++ (Military: Legion)

Ironcloaks (Conservative Faction)

Swords: +++++ +
Wealth: +
Magic: ?
Espionage: ?
Loyalty: ++++
Reputation: +++
Leadership: ?

Influence: +++++ +++ (Military: Legion)

Demon Crux Scourge

Swords: ?
Wealth: +++++
Magic: +++
Espionage: ?
Loyalty: ++++
Reputation: ++++
Leadership: ?

Influence: +++ (Demon Crux)

+ The Masters

Swords: ?
Wealth: ?
Magic: ?
Espionage: ?
Loyalty: ?
Reputation: 0
Leadership: ?

+ Malvoc Conosrtium: Guilder Nossuro

Swords: +
Wealth: ?
Magic: +
Espionage: ?
Loyalty: +++
Reputation: +
Leadership: ?

Crime Lords

Swords: +++
Wealth: ++
Magic: +
Espionage: +++
Loyalty: ++
Reputation: +
Leadership: ++

Influence: ++ (Mob)


Darran Cox
Swords: ++
Wealth: +++
Magic: +
Espionage: ?
Loyalty: +
Reputation: 0
Leadership: ?

Swords: +?
Wealth: +?
Magic: ++?
Espionage: ?
Loyalty: +++
Reputation: ++
Leadership: ++?


Swords: ++?
Wealth: ?
Magic: ?
Espionage: ?
Loyalty: +?
Reputation: +
Leadership: ++?




An alliance of Dominion Lords and Cult of Reason, raising an army of Mages in the western provinces. The Calibrum claims the need for powerful magic to bolster the kingdom defenses. The name of the alliance comes from the Calibrum Tower, where the main training camp for war mages is located.


Mob: ++
Nobles: +++
Magic: +
Military: ?
WO: ?

There is a growing fear of magic and return to the time of Mage-Lord tyranny.

The Impending Doom: ++++

The people are growing fearful as more and more dark portents appear.

Hatred of Dragonblood Empire
Mob: +++++ ++
Nobles: +++++ ++
Magic: +++++ +++++
Military: ++++
WO: +++++

Militias: +++++ +++
Obelisks: +++++ -


Military Contracts: ++

The contracts to supply the army have always being extremely lucrative for any merchant.

Polyhedron: ++ [Mulden]

The ancient magical factory, where old enchantments produce thousands of goods of supreme quality. Polyhedron broke five decades ago and the noble family, that owns it, has spent all of its fortune trying to fix it.

Merchant of Secrets: ++

The nobles would pay handsomely for a reliable source of information on the events of Primval and happenings in the Royal Palace.

Seal of Taxation: ++ [Silver Shields]

The organization that holds the Seal, has the duty of collecting the taxes across the land and the privilege of keeping part of the collections.

Mulden Ambassador's Favor: ++

Mulden is the largest trading partner and creditor of the Kingdom. And Mulden's ambassador Frederick Nohlden is an influential man, whose word the Mulden's merchants heed.

Customs Office: + (Espionage), ++ (Espionage/Economy) if Corrupt.
Owner: House Tercel

Broken-Back Mountains Mines:



Tower of Baylin Split [++] (Baylin Split)

The Tower was constructed on a Mana Node, using construction methods that greatly amplified the extraction rate. Furthermore, Balin Split appears to have a connection to the Tower, that allows him to perform complicated spells with ease.

Ritual Chamber [0/+++]

The Artificer's Guild has long held in their possession a Mana Node, that supplies energy for the work of their Mages. The Ritual Chamber is attuned to the Artificers and there are a number of seals to protect it's mana from theft.

The Cathedral of Uro [+/+++]

Some say that the Cathedral was build on a Node, but followers of Uro know, the Node was created by his hand, when the Cathedral was built. It was noted, that only the priests of Uro can fully draw on its power and they claim, that Uro guides their magic, when they prey in the Cathedral.

Scholarium Node [0/++]

The Mages of Sunken Tower has sent a special team of Node Hunters to select the best location to help establish the Scholarium. They found a Node on the outskirts of Primval, already famous for the number of Mana Nodes it possesses. There are special charms to make sure only professors or students with authorization can draw on its Mana.

Isle of Dragons [0/++]

The Knights of Aqua have obtained a Mana Node from the lands, that were given to them for fighting the Dragonblood Empire.

Twenty Hidden Sanctums [0/+++]

There are over two dozen minor Nodes scattered all around Triestre and Cult of Reason managed to uncover and record their locations.


Staff of Magus [+/++]

The Adventurers Guild have managed to locate a rare and powerful Relict, Staff of Magus, that both makes the spellwork easier and draws in Mana to supplement Mage's reserves.

Mantel of Warlord [+++]

A great necromantic Artifact, that adorns Ghostlord's shoulders. It's power is simply astounding. It's attuned to it's current bearer, bestowing upon him its full power.

Ghost's Tears [+++]

The Ghost's Tears is a Artefact and symbol of faith for the Church of Ghost Lover's Children. It's attuned to the believers of the Church, who claim, that it's power guides their magic.


Grimoire Vault [++/0]

The Scholarium's famed library has texts, copied from the Sunken Tower's manuscripts, that describe the nature of magic and provide answers to many questions.

Clay Jar [/++] (Baylin Split)

What's in the Jar? Blood Mana. Lots and Lots of Blood Mana.
Where did it come from? You don't want to know.


Traits: Ancient Lore

Baylin Split’s effective Magic Skill is increased by 4 and he has access to many secrets and lore long forgotten.

Traits: Madness

Baylin Split is mad and his sanity is slipping. Insanity sometimes has its advantages, but the long-term prospects for him and everybody in a hundred mile radius from the mad Mage aren’t sunny.

Trait: Relic Makers

Artificer’s Guild has a special skill in enchantment magic and they can create powerful relics.

Trait: Ritual Magic Focus

Artificer’s Guild has Skill+2 for Ritual Magic and they are very good in researching and fixing the old enchantments.

Trait: Kingdom’s Trade

Zexan Consortium’s fortunes are directly tied to the flow of trade. If Kingdom of Triestre opens new trade routes and increases its exports and imports, Consortium would automatically increase its wealth. If trade dies down, so would the Consortium’s profits fall.

Trait: Join the Shields!

The Silver Shields can easily replace losses of men by aggressive recruitment campaigns and it’s easier for them to increase their numbers.

Trait: ShadowMancer’s Heritage

Golden Circle has +1 to Skill in Shadow Magic and Demonology. It has deeper insight into the ShadowMancer’s methods and history.

Trait: Way of Free Baronies

The nobles and serfs of the Baronies have long upheld an agreement. The nobles would protect and serfs would serve. The negative random events Nobles/Mob are less likely to affect House Tercel and additional military of volunteers would rise to defend the Dukedom, if it’s ever threatened.

Trait: Ghostlord

Ghostlord receives +2 Skill to Necromancy and greater ability to summon and control the undead.

Trait: City of Primval

Night Guild’s know the city better than anyone else. They receive bonuses to most actions in Primval and slight penalties for acting outside of it.

Trait: Faith of Uro

The Church has +2 Skill bonus to Grace Magic and true believers know, that Uro watches over them and protects them against all harm.

Trait: Church

Unlike the Cults, Faith of Uro is considered to be a Church and faith in Uro a state religion in Triestre.

Trait: Library of Scholarium

Each turn Scholarium can receive +1 Skill to any type of Magic they chose for that turn. This bonus can be extended to other factions.

2012-02-23, 04:36 PM
World Map



Council of Triestre

Mob ++
Nobles +
Military +++
Magic +
WO: ?

Ministry of War: High Marshal François Javez [Knights Aqua]
Ministry of Trade and Taxes: [Golden Circle]
Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Richard Tercel [House Tercel]
Ministry of Magic: Scholarium
Ministry of Civil Affairs: High Priest Maedro [Church of Endless Ocean]
Royal Courts: None

The Council's authority is practically non-existent.


Legion Lords & Dominion Lords

Mob: ?
Magic: ?
Nobles: ++++
Military: +++++ +++
WO: ?

Great Assembly

Mob: +++++
Magic: +
Nobles: ++++
Military: ?
WO: ?

Night Guild:

Mob: +++++ ++-
Magic: ?
Nobles: ?
Military: ?
WO: ?

Royal Heirs

Mob: ++
Magic: 0
Nobles: +++++ ++
Military: ++++
WO: ++

Kingdom's Power


The Kingdom Legions are believed to be on par with Republic of Sandara and Clovis, weaker then Iron Lords and vastly inferior to the might of the Dragonblood Empire.


Triestre is the most prosperous nation in the north, with the fall of the Dominion. Republic of Sandara has grown in wealth as it now controls half of the Dominion and a major trade route with Middle Lands.


The Battle-Mages of Triestre are weak compared to other nations in the north.


The kingdom is on the verge of civil war.


The Kingdom is generally viewed with suspicion and mistrust around the world.

2012-02-23, 05:31 PM
Turn 1 Begins

Overlord’s Reports:

[Overlord only. Unless Overlord provides access.]

Legion-Lord Callahan’s Report to Overlord

Delivered from the Legion of Mountain Lions, fighting the monsters of the Broken-Back Mountains.


''The trolls, goblins and spirits are formidable, but they are the usual trouble, so I believe I have sufficient force to destroy them. The problem is, I’ve got reports of twelve Major Elementals among them. The most dangerous of them, was identified as ''Allegiance'' and it holds two other Elementals, ''Blades'' and unidentified one, a force of monsters and soldiers of several nobles and army’s outposts in thrall. My own battle mages won’t be enough, so it will be a bloody victory. I have dispatched messengers to the Sentinels, asking for help, but I haven’t got an answer yet, and they are stretched thin.

I have been holding the forts for the past months, hoping to wait out this plague, but the raids don’t stop. So my new campaign plan is advance from our territory, deeper into the Broken-Back Mountains. I’m hoping to disrupt the current flow of monsters and break their moral, so they shift from descending upon our lands, to somewhere else, as well as destroying mountain passes to our lands. This hasn’t been done before, since we held a hope of reclaiming the Fife-Finger Mines, but the lives of our citizens today, outweighs the prospect of potential profits in the future.''

*[Elementals - Magical Beings, natural users of Power Magic. They are highly destructive. Their intelligence is usually limited, but they are often very adept at fighting. Elementals are named after the Power they wield. Elementals often appear after great natural catastrophes – storms, earthquakes, fires.]

Military Report

All Legion Lords are requesting supplies and men to replenish their strength. Each is presenting arguments, why their request is absolutely vital to Kingdom’s survival:

Mountain Lions are actually engaged in fighting and expecting to take very heavy losses.

Albatrosses speak of raising number of pirates, and even Gen Corsairs, as well as presenting a report, which provides evidence, the Dragon Blood Empire maybe secretly constructing a fleet.

Sun-Shields claim the war is about to erupt in the North and lists reports, that indicate Clovis Military has grown much stronger in the recent years, while the Revolutionary Army of Republic of Sandara is recruiting heavily.

Sun-Spears on other hand point the high risk of rebellion and treachery. They are the ones protecting the Capital and Overlord, after all.

The Watchers present a report that claims once Emperor of Dragon Blood Empire takes throne, there is going to be war – a test of strength to solidify his rule.

Treasury Report

The canal works in the north have been destroyed, fields flooded and crops burned. The mines have been abandoned due to the monster attacks, so the kingdom is forced to rely on imports of metals. If the monsters break through, the whole north may go through one of the richest regions of the Kingdom into a desolate wasteland.

There is probably going to be a famine in the winter, as the food reserves are low. The most affected would be western and central provinces, where crime and banditry continues to plague the population, as well as ongoing battles between Dominion nobles for land and resolution of the old feuds.

The customs fees are all-time low, as either the trade went down or the customs officers grew lax or corrupt. The lucrative trade with elves have completely stopped, as they’ve closed their borders after the civil war began. The only good news are that the trade with other Northern Nations has been growing due to relative peace of the recent years (apart from Free Lands raids).

The Cult of Primeval Delights appears to be drawing in a lot of people, who are bringing their entire wealth into the Cult.

Ministry Reports

The Royal Courts are flooded with complaints on the army for looting during the civil war and nobles for a variety of crimes.

The Ministry of Magic is requesting greater funding and manpower, since there was a great increase in the number of Mages in the nation.

The Ministry of War is asking for the same thing, as they are facing a massive amount of work, figuring out the state of the military.

Ministry of Magic Report

Apart from the Elementals in the North and a Cult of Reason, there are no reports of any trouble. The Cult of Reason has been gathering Mages and proclaiming their wish to restore the Age of Magic, but so far they did no violence.

A Sunken Tower delegation visited the Scholarium Arcana recently. The artificers guild is making no trouble as usual.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs Report

Dragonblood Empire:

There are rumours across the Empire of the thinning of the blood. People say little remains of the dragonblood in the Vault and it’s being diluted so the more recent Emperors lack the strength of the old. Such talk is of course highest treason, punishable by death.

There are five candidates, who stand a chance of becoming the Emperor:
Elisa Tersiel
Dominic Tersiel
Elaina Tersiel
Garret Thornfield
Allandor Dane

Republic of Mulden:

There are rumors, Guildmaster Erwin Goodfreed is rebuilding a Livingship, a marvel from the Age of Magic. The Republic continues to support the Dawn Lords against the Gen Hegemony, although they avoid openly confronting the mighty Gen.

The ambassador is working hard to secure an extension on loan repayments for the Kingdom, arguing, Mulden doesn’t want the Kingdom to fall, so Dragonblood Empire could turn its attention west.


The Kingdom’s espionage network in Clovis has been growing weaker, as King’s Cloaks are rooting out spies and infiltrators. The ambassador on the other hand is receiving a warmer welcome, as Clovis is either showing signs of warming up to Triestre or preparing some ploy.

Republic of Sandara

There are rumors the Revolutionary Council is planning a second round of purges against the nobles, less for ideological reasons and more for half-empty treasury. The remaining nobles or even merchants with a trace of noble blood are shaking in their boots. Kingdom’s Ambassador is asking permission to shelter some of the nobles in the embassy.

Free Lands

The spy network has grown weak, with a number of agents dead and others considering switching allegiance, the first agent is requesting additional funding to strengthen the network.

Across the Land:

Monsters Threaten Northern Provinces

The news from the north is dire. Hordes of monsters have been descending from the Broken-Back Mountains for the past year and defences against them have been whittled almost to nothing. The civil-war has prevented proper reinforcements to end the threat, so the Mountain Lions Legion stands alone to fight the threat, before it ravages the entire Northern Provinces. Legion-Lord Callahan has pledged on his honor, that that won't happen and rumors speak of a desperate counter-offensive being planned.

The Northern Provinces are a major supplier of food to the rest of the Kingdom and if harvest season fails due to the monster attacks the entire nation may face famine.

Northern Nations

The monsters from the Broken-Back Mountains have descended on the Free Lands, Clovis and Dominion as well. The Free Lands warlords have turned their attention to defending their fiefs, mercifully sparing the rest of the North from their raids. Clovis Knight Orders are successfully battling the threat, guided by the Church of the Scarlett Rose. In Dominion, the Kingdom's Sun-Shields Legion is holding the line.

Meanwhile in the Republic of Sandara, the latest round of arrests has targeted nobles of the wealthy Devlin line. Their fortunes were confiscated and distributed among the citizenry.

Scars of Civil War

The war has lasted for three years, yet it has dealt damage, that may last for decades. Bandits, burned fields, destroyed public works, land disputes of nobility.

Cults, Cults, Cults

The Cult of Primeval Pleasures has held a major festival, reveling in orgies, debauchery and pure hedonism. Many have joined its ranks during the civil war, seeking to escape from horrors before their eyes, deprived of moral guidance or having their beliefs and trust shattered. The Cult now has a huge and growing following. Its leaders are preaching fulfillment of personal desires and placing love and pleasure above everything else.

A smaller Cult, Brotherhood of Reason has been gathering Mages and spreading teachings that the time has come to restore the Age of Magic and its splendors. The Mages must rule, for only their power can feed the hungry, protect the weak and lead people to true glory and enlightenment.

There is also a minor demon-worshiping cult, worshiping the ''Harbingers'', who will summon the ''Emperor of Demons'' and lead the second Demon Crux crusade, that will cleanse the world of the weak and unworthy, so the strong may grow and prosper. The Cult is naturally unpopular, but general state of disorder in the nation, has prevented their elimination by authorities.

Dragonblood Empire

The Games of Blood to determine the next Emperor or Empress will be held in the Dragonholm. Each candidate will lead a thousand soldiers in a special maze against other pretenders for the throne. This trial tests the intelligence and ability to command loyalty in the ruler of Dragon Blood Empire. Soldiers fighting in the maze are usually promised fortunes to desert their leader, and its one case, where desertion isn't punished.

Heirs to the Throne

Across the land the rumors of Corwin and Madeline Skyros, the last descendants of King Brand's lineage grow. The people speak, that the elves have taken the two, protecting them against assassins during the civil war. One day they shall return, reclaim their throne and bring justice and order to Triestre. Few actually believe this story, treating it like a fairytale, but stranger things have happened.

Order of Taxation

Meanwhile, on a rare occasion of acting as united front, the nobles have announced, that as Overlord is technically not a king, they aren’t obligated to pay the royal taxes, before their own collections. Since the civil war left peasants without much, many of them won’t be able to pay both their dues to their lords and to the crown, so the order of collection takes a far greater significance.

2012-02-24, 05:44 PM
Baylin Split: Ascension of the Overlord

Baylin Split stood in a small clearing near an old boulder. Magical tendrils extending from his hands danced around the stone examining it.

"So this is it then."

"Magical Signature is within 99% of target."

"IT BURNS. WE REMEMBER THE BURN." "Hahah burn you demons burn."

"Well I suppose that's as good enough confirmation as we're going to get. Let's do this."

Pulling an object out of his robes Baylin holds it in front of him. Chanting in a strange long dead lonaguage he channels power through the object which unfolds a dizzying array of arcane mechanisms and magical constructs.

"I sure hope this works. We didn't have a lot of time to make the copy."


"QUIET! ALL ENERGY MUST BE DIRECTED TO THE FOCUS." "Distraction, Distraction Distraction!"

As the chants grows louder energy starts accumulating in the air around Baylin. The very air begins to grow brighter and brighter until with a final syllable Baylin releases the energy. Within a sudden inrush all the energy gathers into the device which releases an orb of pure magic at the boulder.

Hitting the boulder the magic is absorbed causing runes to dimly light up at the bottom of the rock and slowly crawl their way to the top. Once at the top the magic seems to pause to gather itself and then flings out as another ball of magic flying across the countryside. The stones it hits are disparate. Some are long buried with only the very tips above the eart, some have been worked into buildings frightending the occupants as the very walls light up. And some are still standing lonely sentinels to a forgotten age. But each in turn lights up and sends the ball ever further in its jounry, ever further north towards the distant mountains.

Arriving in the mountains the ball of light flies over a small legion fort to impact on the side of a nondescript. Except the cliff did not stay non descript for long. Within minutes the earth is shaking and then a stream of pure mana burst from the cliff face exposing an intricatly worked runic surface.

Heading south the stream of magic impacts on the first monolith and splits into seperate bracnhes. One retraces the journey of the ball of light, but others go to other pylons activating them and splitting further. Soon a wb of energy is strung across Trieste. It soon dies out, but the pylons it has activated remain. Glowing softly with magical energy.

Back in the small clearing Baylin Split watched as his device projected the progress of the web. "Dang it"

"They were pompous gits, but you have to admit they did some good work."

"Power levels are at 10%. The source is impeded."

"Well it's going to be awhile before we can fix it. Those mountains are crawling with monsters."


"Yes yes as you've said. Anyway I think it's time to say something don't you. Let me handle it. YOu two are nuts."

All across Trieste ghostly images of a hooded mage flickered into life amidst any gathering of more than a few dozen people. "My name is Baylin Split. Unless you're blind I believe you will have seen my work a short while ago. I am here to simply declare this civil war over. I have things to do and all this fighting is making me very annoyed."

In a small castle in western Trieste a large man jumps to his feet and yells at the image. "You foreign mages. You come in here and just think you can order us around, well you just listen here. I'm the lord of these parts and I'll do as I wish."

"Ah what was it Baron Flust, or was it Flost, Frist maybe hmm." Puffing up with rage the Baron splutters, "Baron Flast you impertinent welp."

"Yes Baron Flast then. Well I'm afraid I can't have that. I'm in a hurry and fighting a few wars would just be troublesome so if you would kindly die now."

The Baron is about to speak when three rays of light intersect on his position. Looking at them wildly he tries to move away but they remain locked on his position until suddenly, three massive pulses fly down the lines and converge on the baron instantly vaporizing him.

Elsewhere the image of what had just happened had replaced the ghostly apparition. Now the apparition came back. ''As you can see my reach is quite long. And you may be thinking, He only killed one baron surely he can't kill all of us. Well let me assure you I was simply attempting to keep collateral damage to a minimum. I can be supremely more destructive if I want to."

"So what will it be citizens of Trieste peace and prosperity under my rule, or would you rather make me do this the hard way."

The power of the Mage was awe-inspiring, his spellwork never seen before. The structures, Monoliths and Pylons, that stood a ruined remnant of the ancient times, suddenly brimmed with power. There were attempts to resist, magic and swords were used, but they were insufficient and with every attempt at resistance crushed there were less and less people willing to oppose him. The Mage has chosen his targets well, slaying the most hated men in Triestre, dispersing the worst of the marauding bands, and raising a wall of destruction to stop the approaching Free Lands raiders. If this didn't happen so suddenly and inexplicably, if the nation wasn't bled dry and divided by the civil war, if the people didn't yearn for peace, by whatever means necessary, perhaps the Mage would not have succeed. But it ended there, the Primval city guard opening the gates of the palace to their new master and Sun-Spear Legion acknowledging his authority, followed by others. The nobles dithered the longest, but even they chose to follow in the end.

The civil war was over and hesitantly the people of the Kingdom of Triestre hailed their new Overlord, Baylin Split.

Note: Narration added by Thelonius

2012-02-24, 06:19 PM
House Tercel

"Mage-Lords... we live in interesting times."

Baylin Split usurping power was done quickly and decisively. Richard Tercel recognized the signs soon enough - for now, the war was over. But it is easy to take power, harder to keep it. It would remain to be seen whether this mage could rule well enough to stabilize the realm.

It was in his interest for this peace to last. The kingdom of Trieste was not in very good shape. The North needed urgent support, and there were many other threats and troubles. In a series of private meetings with other Southron Lords, Tercel convinced them to wait and see. Even a ceasefire would be better than continuing the battles, for now.

Then, he rode to the capital himself to assess this new development.

Tercel to Overlord:


I wish to meet with you to discuss the current state and future of this kingdom. I will make my way to the capital to meet you in person, should you agree. I believe there is much that needs to be done for the stability of Trieste, and I believe I can help.

~ Grand Duke Richard Tercel of Valesholm

Tercel to Aenaris:


We must meet to discuss recent events, the sooner the better. In fact, we should invite the most influential nobles all to decide some common points to stand together on. Other than taxation.

None of us wish a return to the times of the Age of Magic, but there is a need to end this war now, or we will all meet ruin.

~ Grand Duke Richard Tercel of Valesholm

2012-02-24, 09:13 PM
Golden Circle

To the Baylin Split [+++-]
"Overlord, my mages are ready and awaiting your orders. Where do you have need of us most?"

2012-02-24, 09:55 PM
hmm. interesting. i never anticipated that old mage would declare himself overlord the merchant kholad muses to himself thinking back to the first time he and the archmage had met to discuss the consortium selling his artifacts on the market. guess i'll have to make the best of this odd situation. who knows. it might even be a good thing

to house aenaris
we never expected that mage to declare himself overlord. despite your loss in gaining toe postion we would still like to pursue the alliance we had discussed earlier. is that acceptable to you?

to baylen split
well, well, well. always full of suprises arnt you old mage? we never expected this from you. i would like to offer up my services as minister of trade and taxes. my experience in trading would certainly be invaluable in such a postition

2012-02-25, 01:59 AM


Hello! Monsters destroying your peasants villages? Evil cults at your door? Massive armies of maniacs looking to prove a point at your borders? Look no farther than the CORE. The Corps of Respected Explorers is ready and willing to bring the fight to the enemy for a low, low price. If you need strong, loyal Mercenaries, then CORE is right for you!

Elite Units, Mages, and long term missions may add to the total cost. Prices are negotiable.

2012-02-25, 02:50 PM
Red Anslen

OOC:sorry for lack of fluff

LOY ++++
To House Aenaris

OOC: I assume you have a territory in Dominion (?)

To Noble and Acient House Aenaris,

the thread of warlords was stoped for now; but we should organize to face the moster that attacked dominion.

Ghostlord Aleister Quen

To Sun-Shield Legion Commander (Thelonius)

Greetings commander,

We try to organize defense of Dominion against moster horde. Will you coordinate with our effort?

Ghostlord Aleister Quen

2012-02-25, 04:23 PM
Legion-Lord Madera of Sun-Shields to Red Anslen

Colonel Alister Quen,

Your skills at warfare and magic will certainly prove to be invaluable in this operation.

The Clovis and Sandarians are sending troops to reinforce Dominion as a show of good faith. I’m concerned, that they may play the nature of your Regiment as a political card. We both know the attitudes towards magic in the Dominion. Therefore, I would recommend deployment away from coalition forces and more densely populated parts of Dominion. Information to help coordinate the joint campaign would be sent to you. I would advise you not to risk lives of your soldiers without absolute necessity, but that may not be applicable to your forces.

May you walk in grace,
Adeleine Madera.

2012-02-25, 06:48 PM
"How did he do it?"

Magus Hax was pacing, glaring at the floor, repeating the question for the third time. Magus Garron, meanwhile, was expressing similar feelings by frowning at his reflection in the black marble table. To someone who didn't know him, it was a minor expression. To anyone who did, it was a shockingly extreme reaction.

Archmagus Barreto was the only one who seemed cheerful. "I have no idea," he said happily. "Amazing, isn't it? All those monoliths we didn't even know were there!" He looked at the more somber faces of his two colleagues, the only members of the faculty who had remained in the room when the shouting had started about fifteen minutes ago. "Oh, come on," he said, "this is wonderful! Think of it! The war is over, students will start coming in again, research interrupted to defend the University can be resumed...it is a new day! A wizard is in charge of the Kingdom! Someone who can understand the work we do here, who can know its importance from first-hand experience!"

"How did he do it?" was the only response he recieved.

"Quiet, Hax," Garron said absently. "These developments don't concern you, Archmagus? We had a good thing going with the power structure before the civil war. Things are markedly different now, would you not say? The actions of Overlord Split could reflect on all mages, including the Scholarium, and that might not be entirely a good thing."

"Always the pessimist." The Archmagus smiled. "Gentlemen, what we have here is an opportunity. What it will become is what we will make of it, nothing more." He leaned across the table, radiating enthusiasm. "Now, I had some ideas I wanted to talk to you two about..."


The messages went out the next day.


To All Factions
For a fee, the Scholarium Arcana will be happy to accept students from any background or association. We will educate them, teach them the mysteries of magic and return them to you wiser and more powerful than before. In this new time of peace now that the Kingdom is no longer at war with itself, we can now refocus on ideals of higher education and the betterment of all mankind.

Also: The Scholarium will pay good money for magical relics, artifacts from the Age of Magic, and information regarding mana nodes and places of magical power.

To Overlord Baylin Split
First off, the Scholarium Arcana would like to congratulate you on your ascension to Overlord. May your reign be long and prosperous, and the Kingdom prosper under you.

We are going to once again restate our request for government funds. In return we will work on any project you request, and be able to offer scholarships to the poorer gifted in this Kingdom. We realize that your reply to this request will most likely remain the same as before, but we felt that we ought to submit it again in a more official form so it will at least remain on the official records, and can be referred back to when the Kingdom's monetary situation stabilizes.

To Artificers Guild
The Scholarium has a proposition for you. We'd like to set up a program to get our students more experience with creating artifacts. I was thinking some sort of work exchange program; we send you student mages, you help them with their ritual magic and relic crafting, and we split the profits of everything they make. You get a more expansive workforce and some money, we get ritual mages with real-world rather than classroom experience and a little money. We consider it to be a win-win situation. Thoughts?

To Cult of Reason (Thelonius)
I'm not entirely sure how to get in contact with you, but I trust our man will be able to find one of your members to pass this message off to. From what I can tell, the Scholarium and your movement have many goals in common, and I was hoping to have a chance to meet with a representative of yours in person to discuss the potential of working together towards bringing back the glories of the Age of Magic.

-Archmagus Barreto

2012-02-25, 07:13 PM
Cult of Reason to Scholarium Arcana, Personal Message to Archmage Barreto [++++-]

A message was delivered to the Scholarium and despite the protestations of the secretary, the man insisted on handing it personally into the hands of the Archmage Barreto.

''Naturally. Hand in hand we can accomplish the great work of restoring the Age of Magic. I would propose, that members of our Cult could reach out to your students. The more Mages share our ideals, the stronger we get. You also have access to a considerable magical resources, that we can use to further our cause. Our nation is in peril, monsters and foreign nations circle around us like wolves. We plan to develop spells of war and destruction to be able to defend our borders and hope your libraries and laboratories would be of immense help. So let us join together to stand against all foes and for the good of magic.''

Mage-Lord Arturo

2012-02-25, 10:58 PM
zexan consortium

to scholarium arcana
we seem to have a few artifacts lying around from our deal with baylen split before he became overlord. we would be willing to sell them to you

OOC: permanent - magic for permanent + wealth?

2012-02-26, 12:10 AM
Scholarium Arcana

To Cult of Reason [++++-]

A hastily scribbled note, passed to the same mysterious messenger by the Archmagus himself. (I assume this means I can use the same counterespionage rating)

Together we could do great things, but I would caution against focusing our joint efforts entirely on war magic. To bring back the Age of Magic we must make the people see that we can make life better. We must not allow them to turn on us, or worse yet chain us, as they do in the Empire. As such, I would agree with your proposal, with one change; that for every new war magic that we create, we also undertake another project to aid the people of the Kingdom in a more direct fashion--water purification, growth of the fields, summoning of rain, etc. There is much we could do together, much that would make the people look to us as saviors instead of threats.

To Zexan Consortium [-]
The artifacts you are offering are most definitely intriguing, but the price you ask is a high one. While we are interested in acquiring these artifacts, we would prefer to do so for less than you are asking.

OOC: Counteroffer: permanent - magic for permanent - wealth.

EDIT: Actually, I don't think I can trade my wealth to you permanently, since I get most of the money from tuition and I can't really give away that source of income. Considering that, I'd be willing to give you the full + in generated wealth for the next three turns in exchange for those artifacts. Considering your merchant connections, I think you could turn that into permanent wealth in that time.

2012-02-26, 12:14 AM
House Aenaris Loyalty ++++

To Tercel
We agree wholeheartedly. Would you like to visit us on Aenaron, or did you have another location in mind?

To Red Anslen
OOC: No, off the coast.

To Zexan
Yes, that will still be agreeable. Hopefully we can assist eachother greatly.

2012-02-26, 01:15 AM
Baylin Split

To Legion of Mountain Lions
Legion Lord,

Your report has been heard and evaluated. The Broken-Back mountains must be cleared so that Trieste will not be in danger. I will divert forces and supplies to reinforce your campaign as well as send battle mages to take care of the elementals. What are your estimates as to the forces required to complete the campaign. Both with and without destroying the passes.

Baylin Split

To all Legions
What are your estimated needs to resupply.

To the Treasury
Deliver a report as to estimates on future revenue as well as the cost of repairs in money, time, and resources.

To the Royal Courts
Compile a list of which legions and nobles who were the worst offenders.

To the Ministries of War and Magic
I require estimates as to the cost of increasing your respective departments sizes.

To the three cults (Separately)
I invite your leader, whomever that might be, to meet with me in Primval. I simply to establish the basis of each cult and your safety will be guaranteed.

To Tercel
Very well what do you have to say.

To the Golden Circle
I will be establishing a ritual to restore harvests to the kingdom and alleviate the coming famine. If you could assist with that it would be most helpful.

To the Zexan Consortium
Very well if you wish to be given the position of minister of trade then prove your worth. Develop a tax plan that will both satisfy the nobles and keep the ministries funded.

To the Scholarium Arcana
If you wish to be granted funds then you will have to help prove to the people of Trieste that magic is something to be lauded and not feared, and thus not a waste of money. As such there are two projects you can aid in. The first help my battle mages fight the 12 elementals of the Broken Back mountains. The second aid in a ritual I am designing to restore the harvest and prevent famine in the lands.

OOC: Sorry for the terseness of some of these replies. I was in a hurry to get everything responded to. And I think I already put out a good bit of fluff. :smalltongue:

2012-02-26, 03:55 AM
The Artificers Guild ++-

To Arch Mage Barreto
Our knowledge is extremely precious, during the war many masters were killed to obtain their secrets, and you outsiders expect me to hand them to you? You will have to come up with something better than that.

To Overlord Baylin Split
I understand that you are in need of a Minister of the Exchequer, I am putting myself forward for that position. In this position I will do what I can to peace and prosperity in the kingdom and let you get on with your work uninterrupted.

Guild Master Julien Koll

2012-02-26, 04:53 AM
zexan consortium

to baylen split
i will get right to work on a tax plan as soon as i am able

to scholarium arcania
rule number 1 of business: always set a high starting price and see where the negotiations take you, we didnt expect you to take that offer. with that said we will accept your counterproposal

2012-02-26, 08:18 AM
Cult of Reason to Scholarium Arcana [++++-]

''That's like fixing the house, while it's still on fire. If we use our magic to achieve prosperity, the other nations would invade and destroy us for it. Or perhaps it would be monsters, demons or elves, the times are such, that nothing is impossible. We need weapons first. And you must see the appeal it would have with your students, the power of destruction is far more intriguing and exiting, that an ability to fix one's shoes with magic. The time for peaceful magic would come, but right now we need spells to boil the blood and make their eye go pop.''

Legion-General Callahan to Baylin Split [PM]

''At the moment I expect victory, that'll cost me two thirds of my Legion. The destruction of the passes may shift the number to only a half. If I need at least two regiments [+++++ +++++ ++] more to make the losses less grievous, although the more you send, the better. The Battle-Mages are absolutely essential for the war effort.''

Legions to Baylin Split:

Requested Supplies [Wealth]:
Sun-Shields: 25
Sun-Spears: 20
Watchers: 30
Albatrosses: 20

Reports to Baylin Split

Treasury Report:

The Treasury estimates, that unless the Kingdom spends 20 Wealth on bringing the nation in order, the situation will get even worse, then it is now.

Ministries Report:

Funding & Manpower Requests:
Ministry of War: 10
Ministry of Magic: 3

Royal Courts Report:

The work on the list commences.

Primval, The Meeting of the Cults

Three delegations arrive to Primval to meet with the Overlord.

A colourful procession of scantily clad man and woman, led by high priest Antonio and high priestess Rosetta, announce themselves as servants of the Cult of Primeval Delights.

Three Mages, led by Mage-Lord Derrick Hurston claim to represent the Cult of Reason. They request lodgings at the Scholarium Arcana, before proceeding to the palace.

A lone, unshaven man, wearing ragged clothes and torn leather vest, calls himself Darren, herald of Harbingers. The guards are hesitant to let him in and send a runner to inform Baylin Split.

2012-02-26, 11:17 AM
House Tercel to House Aenaris:

I believe Aenaron is a suitable place. It should be safer than almost anywhere else, and more private.

Perhaps we should bring in others. We will need to discuss the situation in the North as well as the enemies of Trieste on our various borders in addition to the internal situation. I will let you make the decision, bring in whom you will.

House Tercel to Red Anslen:

We believe that it is the duty of us as part of this nation to help the new Overlord with the necessary expedition to the North. The threat to our lands can be contained, but what I wish for us to do is to make it cease altogether, at least for enough time to put our other problems in order.

Perhaps we should discuss this with others who share our point of view, such as House Aenaris, and organize our support.

House Tercel to Baylin Split:

Trieste is in bad shape after the civil war. I'm sure you are already organizing an expedition to save the North, which I would like to support with my meagre resources, sending my son to lead + Military and + Magic to join the Mountain Lions as they move into the mountains. This threat should not just be barely contained, it should be stopped altogether to give us enough time to put everything else in order.

There are other enemies all around, and many wounds have been inflicted by the war. It will be hard for the nobility to trust each other and their ruler, and for the people to trust their lords. I've already done work to ease the transition, yet I will attempt to do more.

However, most importantly, the enemy for which the Kingdom of Trieste was formed. The Dragonblood Empire is currently undergoing internal upheaval due to the succession, but once that ends, they will seek more lands to conquer. And we, currently, look weak and splintered. My lineage is well-respected in the former Free Baronies that form both our southern provinces and the core of the Empire itself, and I know people on both sides of the border.

An official position would help me both in giving me authority for meetings with my fellow Lords in Trieste and in resources to utilize my contacts and find a way to turn the gaze of the Empire elsewhere, so we can repair our nation in time for the war that is sure to come. I ask you to appoint me to handle the Foreign Affairs of the nation for this purpose, as while our swords point north, our pens must instead turn south.

Tercel Troops to the North

Grand Duke Richard Tercel has decided to send fully half his troops and all of his mages, including the Court Mage Arnold Gerthusen, to support the Mountain Lions in their fight. The commander of these forces will be Count Percival Tercel, the son and heir apparent of the Duke.

"The survival and prosperity of Trieste is all our concern, not just the Overlord's. If we do not beat these monsters back now, we will have to contend with them later, probably along with the Dragonblood Empire or others."

2012-02-26, 01:19 PM
The Golden Circle

To Baylin Split [+++-]
"I will send the best of my mages to assist you, and some of my men to help distribute the food when it is grown."

To the Knights Aqua [+++++]
"I understand you may be busy with the fighting in the north. I was wondering if we could meet in private to discuss a response to this famine, among other issues."

To the Order of Starry Wisdom [+++++]
"I am concerned with the legitimacy our Overlord is giving to the Demons and their cult. We must always be wary of such magic. I was wondering if we could meet in private to discuss measures to protect the people, in the case of betrayal."

2012-02-26, 02:17 PM
zexan consortium

to house aenaris
please forgive us for reading the mails between you and house tercel, we are just trying to keep abreast of the political situations. we understand you are holding a meeting with other nobles. baylen split has asked me to come up with a tax plan that will keep ministries funded and please the nobels. i would like to be present at this meeting so i can figure out what the various noble houses think is important

2012-02-26, 03:12 PM
Malick the farmer was a rather nondescript citizen of the town in which he lived. He grew vegetables, drank at the tavern, and was a regular customer of the blacksmith.

Nokyx was glad that Malick had given his body up to Legion. Such a starting point was the perfect place to begin his conversion of the willing in this town.

Loyalty: +++++

Legion to House Aenaris

A sailor for a ship docked at the port slips away from his ship and attempts to get a message to the lords of Aenaris. Though stopped by the guards, his does manage to pass off his message to them before he is done away with.

"Lords of Aenaris, your position in this kingdom is one of great power and respect. Excuse me if I'm mistaken, but I can only believe that Baylin's plans for this kingdom are not in line with yours. I will do nothing to force your hand, but if you ever require assistance in any acts that will weaken Baylin's hold on the kingdom, there are those out there who are willing to help. If the produce merchant near the port were to hear of any such requests for help, for instance, I'm sure the message would fall upon willing ears. Keep in touch."

Legion to Scholarium Arcana

A student asks his professor, "Professor, is it a goal of this Scholarium to bring about a second Age of Magic?"

2012-02-26, 03:32 PM
Church of the Endless Ocean
Loyalty: ++++

(RP when I'm less tired)

To the Knights Aqua
Greetings to my brothers in faith,

Where do I begin? The war is over and the kingdom finally has a tenuous peace. But on every border we face threats to the kingdom and to the people of Uro. Sinful cults are popping up everywhere. The Church of the Scarlet Rose is a major threat to our efforts to spread the true word. What must we do to confront these threats so that Uro's people are not swayed by demons and false prophets? First, the Church plans to continue helping to stabilize the internal issues in the kingdom. However, we've had our differences in the past, but it is of the utmost importance that the Knights Aqua and the Church work together for our common cause. Do you have any ideas?

High Priest Maedro
To the Overlord, Baylin Split
I will not try to mask my surprise that you are the one leading our people, mage. However, you've also surprised me in that you don't seem to be doing a bad job at it.

Numerous organizations are eagerly marching troops to deal with the problems on our borders, and they are not wrong to do so. However, the situation at home remains chaotic and disorganized and something must be done to help stabilize the situation and help the people. The Church has been consistent in serving the people of Uro and protecting them as best we could during the bloody civil war, and now that the war is over we will continue to heal the kingdom of its wounds.

I understand you are looking for people to fill several positions within your new government. I would like to apply for the position of Minister of Civil Affairs. I am loved by the people for the work I do to help them, so I am the perfect candidate to organize the masses and stabilize the kingdom.

High Priest Maedro

2012-02-26, 03:48 PM
Red Anslen

LOY ++++

To Sun Shield Legion Commander

OOC: what kind of information I get? I belive the Horde imply at least little organization. It is a horde of goblins, talking bears or flaying sharks? Please give me some informations :smallwink:
Also, Quen title is "Ghostlord" not Colonel (:smallyuk:).

Legion Commander Adeleine Madera,

we will do as you command. I will deploy my troopes as a Skirmishers (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skirmisher); we will conduct sabotage and raids. I would advice to infrom our new overlord about political situation in Dominion.

May you walk in grace,
Ghostlord Aleister Quen

To House Tercel

Noble House Tercel,

North is not only place where Kingdom need more soldiers. Red Anslan regiment is part of our forces in Dominion. We coordinate our defense with Sun-Shields. I belive I cannot move my Legion to expedition into North.

Ghostlord Aleister Quen

2012-02-26, 03:52 PM
House Tercel to Red Anslen:

Dominion is north enough for me. It's the exact same enemy we're facing, just on two battlefields. I wish you luck in your efforts to hold the line while the Mountain Lions move in to cut the flow of the monsters at the source.

2012-02-26, 05:16 PM
Scholarium Arcana
Loyalty: -

To Overlord Baylin Split

The Scholarium would be glad to help with both of these projects. We can provide the Kingdom's battle mages with new war magics and send our own trained mages to assist them, and our laboratories and researchers are most definitely available to aid in designing the ritual you mentioned. Consider it done.

To the Artificers Guild

We did not wish to imply that you would give up your secrets for anything so tawdry as gold. However, in the future, it is most likely that the ritualists who join your Guild will be Scholarium-trained, and we thought you might appreciate having new members who already have some experience in the way you work. While there is the possibility that some of those students would try to break away and produce relics apart from the guild, we believe that the gains in efficiency and knowledge from working with the Scholarium would outweigh the downsides.

However, we realize that at this point you'd just be taking our word on all this. To prove that working together would be beneficial, we have another proposal. We are about to acquire some magical artifacts from the Zexan Consortium, items created by Baylin Split before he became Overlord. We'd like to invite your masters to study these artifacts alongside our own researchers at the Scholarium, in order to perhaps replicate them for your own purposes. All we ask is to share in any insights into the artifacts you have, and to partly share in the profits if you manage to replicate and sell them. This way we both profit, at no risk to yourself, which I think would be more acceptable to you.

To Zexan Consortium
Excellent. Good doing business with you. The monies we agreed on will be delivered to you for the next three turns.

To Cult of Reason
A fair assessment, I suppose.

Also: Welcome to the Scholarium Arcana, Mage-Lord Derrick Hurston. If you don't mind, the Archmagus would like to speak with you privately after your visit to the palace, about a project that I think you will be most agreeable to.

To Legion
"A good question. I think it might be fairer to say that the goal of this Scholarium is to bring back the greatest aspects of the Age of Magic, rather than the whole of it; there are some things that may, regrettably, be lost forever. I'm not the main expert on the subject, sad to say--if you want to hear more, you may want to listen in on the Archmagus during one of his fundraising events. I believe he's planning on hosting one soon, now that the war is over."

Imperial Psycho
2012-02-26, 05:54 PM
The Silver Shields Loyalty ++-

The Shields, since the rise of Split, had begun taking over Watch duties in towns all over Trieste. They watched for bandits, put out fires, and arrested criminals. They continued to fund themselves from the rents of the Golden Fields and Tearwoods in the heartlands of Trieste. There, Silverwatch keep, renamed from the old Redmoor keep, remained their base of operations.

However, the order itself was in some disarray. Reman, known across Trieste as a hero, had made no public statement on the new overlord, and the Shields were confused. Reman appeared in the morning patrols, and he drilled the men mercilessly in the afternoons, but otherwise was confined to his quarters. Reman's quarters themselves were entered only by him, and were filled with hastily scrawled notes and letters, and a fire, constantly fed by burned letters. Finally, a single letter, rewritten in a fine hand, was sent out from Silverwatch.

To the Overlord Baylin Split
Your Ascension to power has been a sudden one. All Trieste has been shaken by the meteoric rise. I feel I must meet the man who has risen so swiftly to power in my country for myself, if only once.


2012-02-26, 06:43 PM
Knights of Aqua to Church of Endless Ocean [++++]

''We have stayed out of fighting in these three years and we won't oppose the new Overlord. Whatever he is, he can't be worse than continuation of this civil war. We will work with you for our common cause, but we have no plans of action to offer you.''

To Red Anslen [PM]

The monsters assaulting the Dominion are mostly nature spirits, beings of flesh manifested from mana. They are mostly hybrids of animals or half-man, half-animal creatures, although they are also followed by wild animals inhabiting the mountains. There are also several minor elementals and a rumours of one or two major ones. There may be a couple bands of trolls, large, brutish creatures of stony flesh, believed to be an ancient experiment of Mages.

Edit: Also, the monsters usually aren't acting as one massive army - rather they are collections of small bands, that don't particularly like each other, but hate humans even more.

''Perhaps informing him would be prudent. He might see reason in resolving this mess. I'm however concerned, that my messages to Primval are being intercepted and I can't spare anybody I can trust, now that I need them on the battlefield. I do not know the character of our new Overlord and making a wrong move now, may see me removed from command.''

Legion-General Madera

*Elementals - magical beings, wielding Power Magic.
**The Military is a bit uneasy about Mages commanding troops, so General Madera used your military rank equivalent.

2012-02-26, 07:55 PM
The Artificers Guild++-

To Arch Mage Barreto
I expect that we will have no problem in the future teaching our sons and apprentices artifacting as our fathers and and masters have taught us, ans as their fathers and masters taught them for centuries. We do not need your foreigner's ways.

We will agree to examine your artifacts, but it will be done at a secure location and we will have our own armed guards there. Our masters will be available for this in several months (next turn).

To Baylin Split
We know of the challenge you have giving to the Arch Mage Barreto and feel that we could develop your prosperity rituals better. We propose that you make it a competition.

2012-02-26, 11:57 PM
The Scholarium Arcana [-]

To Artificers Guild
If we caused offense by suggesting that we might be able to better train ritualists than your Guild, please know that none was intended. We are simply an educational institution; training mages is our central purpose, and we like to think that we might be good at it.

Your conditions to the agreement are fair and reasonable. Understand, however, that if you take the artifacts to your own facility for examination, we will hold you responsible for their condition when they are returned to us.

If this arrangement works out well, we look forward to many similar ones in the future, to the mutual benefit of both our organizations.

2012-02-27, 12:16 AM
zexan consortium

scholarium arcania
OOC:should we initiate the trade now or wait until the EOT?

Lady Serpentine
2012-02-28, 09:32 AM
The Ghost Lover's Children
Loyalty: +++

To The Scholarium Arcana:

A messenger, dressed in dark purple and black clothes, with occasional hints of midnight blue, and wearing a cloak is fastened with an enameled pin in the shape of a grey-skinned hand, the full moon resting on its palm, arrives. Her horse (which she will surrender to be stabled if someone approaches her about it), is a fine black mare, with subtle grey markings, about eighteen hands in height, gaited, and with the broad feet common in the breeds used to pull wagons over marshy terrain, though it's clearly otherwise adapted entirely for running, so it's likely that the hooves have been selected for to allow messages to be taken over a wider variety of terrain, if needed.

"I have a message for Archmage Barreto, from the Ghost Lover's Children."

2012-02-29, 12:24 AM
Scholarium Arcana

Savorla's messenger was met in the courtyard by the Master of the Stones. The golems he oversaw had let her through, as they let everyone through, but the old mage had seen through their marble eyes that this was no student riding through the Scholarium gates. No, this was a stranger, and as such his responsibility. The mystery surrounding the woman didn't last long, once he had stepped out of his gatehouse. A messenger. From the Ghost Lover's Children?

Yes, best to let the Archmagus deal with that.

"Madam," he said, bowing slightly. "It would seem from the dust that you have come a long way to deliver your message. If you would step into the main hall, I will see that your horse is attended to. Someone will be along shortly to take you to the Archmagus."

And, indeed, someone was. The Scholarium didn't believe in keeping people waiting.

Meeting with the Messenger
Loyalty: -
Archmagus Barreto greeted the messenger warmly, as he did everyone.

"Welcome, welcome! I must say, your arrival was somewhat unexpected, but if we anticipated everything how boring would life be, eh? What brings you to the Scholarium on this fine day?"

Lady Serpentine
2012-02-29, 12:37 AM
The Ghost Lover's Children
Loyalty: +++

Meeting with the Archmage:
Loyalty: +++
The messenger laughs softly at the joke, and nods.

"Quite boring indeed. I'm glad you don't have that particular curse, Archmage. As for what brings me to the Scholarium, I assume you're aware of the relic known as the Ghost's Tears? Yrybelh is wiling to let you study them, for a price... Would there be any interest in such a bargain?"

2012-02-29, 08:25 AM
The Forbidden Darkness

A flame, bursting into the night's air. A dancing flicker of light. The robed men surrounded the errant flame, holding it down with magical force.

"This one is contained."

"Good job. You people handle it from here, I've got to get back to the Council and see what they make of this Baylin Split."

Two nods, and the figure strode away...

What the hell was he to do with an Archmage as an overlord?

2012-02-29, 01:09 PM
The Scholarium Arcana
Loyalty: -

Meeting with the Messenger (Ghost Lover's Children)
Barreto was silent for a moment, his eyes distant.

In the library, a quill began to move by itself, scratching out a message on the desk of the Librarian.

"Hmm," the Archmagus said, drawing out the moment.

The Librarian glanced at the quill, writing its message by itself, and sighed. With a crook of his finger he drew a book forth from the shelves, floating through the still air to his hand. He flipped through the pages, barely looking at each one, until he found what he was looking for.

"The Ghost's Tears are an artifact held dear by the Church of Savorla, or the Ghost Lover's Children..."

The Librarian dipped his pen in ink and wrote a line beneath the question posed by the self-moving quill.

Barreto's eyes refocused abruptly. "There would absolutely be interest in such a bargain," he said, smiling. "Of course, whether that interest becomes anything concrete would depend entirely on what this price you mentioned is."

2012-02-29, 09:24 PM
The Night Guild Loyalty ++++

Church of the Endless Ocean
A letter is sent to the Church of the Endless Ocean.

Greetings Priests,
Our kingdom is under siege from within. As you know, three separate cults have sprung up, each more perverse and misguided than the last. Our new Overlord, however benevolent his intentions may be, has legitimized them by holding court with them.

Despite the Night Guild fighting corruption and cruelty during the Civil War on all sides, it appears our cause is still much ignored and loathed by the other powers. This is acceptable as our actions are for the people, not for political favors. However, even the most zealous understand that we cannot hope to combat these cults if those in power turn their swords against us, ending our work before it has begun.

We will begin taking action against the three cults. Preparations are already underway. This is something which no doubt should benefit the true faith, your temple. We ask in return for our efforts to guide the mob back to you that you use your reputation to justify our actions, and to diplomatically prevent people from siding with the cultists.


The Night Guild

PS It would be most wise to burn this letter after reading.

Lady Serpentine
2012-02-29, 10:39 PM
The Ghost Lover's Children
Loyalty: +++

Meeting with the Archmage (Scholarium Arcana)

"Simply a favor, to be called on when we need it. Perhaps magical services later - or a recommendation to the Cult of Reason, if we wish to place an agent in them. Any number of things," she responds, shrugging.

On the surface, those seem like simple examples. And certainly, they are things that the Ghost Lover's Children might ask for. But the second is also a subtle way of saying that they're well aware of much of the Scholarium's business.

"Of course, if you want to propose a counter-offer..."

2012-02-29, 11:15 PM
zexan consortium

to the night guild
we couldnt help but notice your dislike towards the various cults scattered about the kingdom. i would just like to tell you that depending on what measures you plan to take against them i may be willing to offer you some support. we believe that they are bad for business and trade. however i must know what actions you plan to take before i offer support. shall we meet and discuss this further?

2012-03-01, 12:11 AM
Night Guild
Loyalty: ++++

Zexian Consortium
Send a representative or representatives to the Lamb's Hart Inn within the trade's district.

Assuming someone is sent
The Lamb's Heart Inn is lively and full of patrons. A man tries to take hold of a barmaid walking by, but in his drunken stupor falls over his chair instead. When the representative(s) go further in, a pair of large, grim looking men stand in front of them, asking that they hand over any weapons they have and allow themselves to be searched. Assuming they do they are led to the back, where Garth Rowan himself is sitting at a table, enjoying a steaming bowl of broth and vegetables. He finished his bite, and places his spoon on the table, looking directly at who the Consortium has sent.

"How may the Night Guild be of service to the master traders of our fair kingdom?"

2012-03-01, 12:46 AM
Scholarium Arcana
Loyalty: -

Meeting with the Messenger (Ghost Lover's Children)
The Archmagus drummed his fingers on his desk for a moment.

"That would be...acceptable, I believe. I'd like to get the opinions of some of my colleagues first, and of course much hinges on the specifics of what you request--the Scholarium simply cannot be involved in certain things, you understand--but on the whole, I do not see it as an unreasonable arrangement." His smile gleamed. "Most reasonable, in fact."

Lizard Lord
2012-03-01, 03:19 AM
Adventurer's Guild

Open Letter to all: Have dungeons that need exploring, monsters that need slaying, or other....odd jobs? Look no further! The Adventurer's Guild is at your service willing to take on any job for the right price. Descretion is our top priority and our offices are open for any and all private face to face meetings.

Lady Serpentine
2012-03-01, 10:42 AM
[QUOTE=C'nor;12816353]The Ghost Lover's Children
Loyalty: +++

Meeting with the Archmage (Scholarium Arcana)

"Then," she says, smiling, unfastening her cloak, and tossing the pin onto his desk. "We have a deal. Keep that handy. Yrybelh put a fair amount of work into


Belatedly spending + Magic to have Yrybelh create a small token with Shadow Magic that can be used for spy-free long-distance communication.

2012-03-01, 06:01 PM
zexan consortium

night guild(pm lvl)
i have dispatched lelei my espionage head to your inn.

before you stands a slim, beautiful half elf dressed in clothes of the finest make, her long blonde hair tied back in a ponytail. in a rich melodic voice she says i have been sent here by the merchant prince kholad to perhaps lend you some support in your fight against the cults. what kind of actions did you plan to take against them?

2012-03-01, 07:32 PM
Night Guild

Zexan Consortium (Private Meeting)

Garth nods at the half-elf's words as if she had said something of great wisdom. "A very interesting position my dear Lelei, but everything has a price. The Night Guild would hardly be useful if we revealed our plans to anyone offering help. I do believe your offer is legitimate, but just as you discovered with my two compatriots near the door, I am not a man to take chances.

"What gives the Zexan Consortium pause in contributing to the removal of the cults from our fair lands? Are you worried about our methods? Are you worried about our ill reputation? Where do you draw the line? Does assassination go too far? Do you take exception with only two of the cults? If you let me know where you stand, I can tell you whether or not a partnership can be mutually beneficial. If you'd ask us for minor changes to our dealings with the cults, I believe we will be able to oblige.

"Or if you do not wish to reveal your hand, the Night Guild will accept (++) economy this season (turn) for information which could compromise us."

Garth waits patiently for Lelei's offer.

2012-03-01, 08:01 PM
Scholarium Arcana
Loyalty: -

Meeting with the Messenger (Ghost Lover's Children)
"I surely will," said the Archmagus, bowing. "Thank you for your generous offer." He examined the trinket for a moment, but made no move to touch it quite yet. "Now...would you like some refreshment before departing? The Scholarium's hospitality is open to you, as long as you wish to take advantage of it."

Cult of Reason Representatives (Thelonius)
Director Garron would like to speak with the representatives from the Cult of Reason staying at the Scholarium, at their earliest convenience.

Thelonius (Private to GM)
Archmagus Barreto is not going to touch the pin the Ghost Lover's Children messenger gave him until it has been thoroughly examined by Dominic Garron. The focus is on figuring out what, if any, magic is imbued into the item.

Lady Serpentine
2012-03-01, 08:20 PM
The Ghost Lover's Children
Loyalty: +++

Meeting with the Archmage (Scholarium Arcana):

"Thank you, Archmage," she replies returning his bow. "It is a long way from Nemehir, for riders and horses both. But do you really mean as long as I desire to stay, or simply until I become inconvenient? It would be quite useful to have a messenger or two here on a permanent basis..."

2012-03-01, 10:59 PM
zexan consortiom

night guild(PM lvl)
lelei thinks over your words then says i am just here to make sure your actions do not involve too much open fighting here in the kingdom as the consortium refuses to be held responsible for such acts. her eyes grow pained and start to tear up slightly as if reliving some past memory, she recovers her composure quickly though. i personally believe that there has been far too much war here lately

2012-03-02, 01:25 AM
Night Guild

Zexan Consortium-Private Meeting
"Just that, and nothing else? That is a comfort then. Rest assured the civil war is over and we can no longer afford open fighting as you have so aptly put it. We intend to not draw any attention to ourselves if at all possible, and to keep any casualties to a minimum."

He leaned forward. "Now then, since you are aware that we won't be declaring open war on the cults, how does the Zexan Consortium intend to help the cause?"

2012-03-02, 01:40 AM
zexan consortium

night guild(PM lvl)
the consortium does have a very extensive network of spies and informants. we can also provide the funds needed for your actions against the cult

2012-03-02, 06:17 AM
Ghost Lover's Children [PM]

The small token glints as the magical connection has been established in the shadow world. It'll allow faint whispers of the Mage to reach the holder of the token.

Scholarium Arcana [PM]

Garron senses a weak shadow connection on the pin. It could be either a simple communication spell or a complicated shadow spell, masquerading as a simple communication spell. While the pin can serve as focus for shadow magic, the connection to the Mage of Ghost Lover's Children is very weak, so as long as person doesn't stay in constant contact with the pin or has it pierce flesh, the use of pin to lay spellwork on the holder shouldn't be a problem.

To Scholarium Arcana [++-]

Derrick Hurston resides in the rooms that have been provided to him. Several servants surround him, catering to his whims and the Mage clearly has a taste for finer things. There is a bottle of fine wine from Dawn Lands and jewelry box with gems. His own clothes have golden embroidery and are cut in regal, imposing style. He appears to be in good mood and dismisses the servants with a simple gesture.

''Well, my friend. What do you wish to discuss with me?''

2012-03-02, 06:19 AM
Night Guild

Zexan Consortium: Private Meeting
"Any funding would be much appreciated, and returned with diligent service my lady." He tilted his chair back, thoughtful. "Since you do boast such strength with spies and informants, I think they would be best used to undermine the Cult of Reason. They seem the most likely to expand quickly given the current Overlord. The Night Guild can see to the other two with our own informants, and your generous offer for funds."

2012-03-02, 12:11 PM
Scholarium Arcana
Loyalty: -

Meeting with the Messenger (Ghost Lover's Children)
Barreto hesitated. "Well, I don't know about permanent," he said cautiously, "as we do need most of our housing for the students. However I don't see any problem with you staying until your part of the bargain has been fulfilled, at the very least. After we've finished analyzing your artifact, well...we'll see. You understand I can't really make any promises--how much space we will have depends entirely upon how many students attend next semester."

Derrick Hurston: Private Meeting
"Greetings, my lord," Garron said, bowing. "I trust the accommodations are to your satisfaction?" They exchanged pleasantries for a short time, each knowing that Garron had not simply dropped by to check up on his guests, before the Scholarium mage got to the point.

"I had a proposition for you," he said. "The messages we had been exchanging with your organization suggested you were interested in researching war magic and destroying the outside threats to this Kingdom, yes?" He paused for a moment, more for dramatic effect than anything else. "I believe I have good news for you, if that is indeed the case. Overlord Split has requested our assistance in destroying twelve powerful elementals that are fighting with the monster hordes of the Broken-Back Mountains. We plan to send mages to study these creatures from afar, and design ways to unravel the very essence of their being--possibly even capture the creatures, and turn them into sources of mana for the Scholarium. Would the Cult of Reason be interested in aiding this venture?"

Open Contract
The Scholarium Arcana is planning on sending several powerful mages to the north, for the purposes of defeating a dozen or so elementals that are attacking with the horde of monsters from the Broken-Back Mountains. Our mages won't be getting particularly close to the front lines, but we believe in caution. To that end, we're planning on recruiting mercenaries to defend our mages from the more mundane mountain beasts so they can focus their powers on the elementals. We don't need magic, but we do need someone to supply swords.

Mercenary bids for this contract should be directed to Magus Dominic Garron.

2012-03-02, 12:49 PM
Church of the Endless Ocean

Knights Aqua [++++]
No, no. I did not say I wanted to oppose the Overlord. Quite the contrary - I am happy to have peace in Trieste. The threats to our faith that I spoke of are different. The Church of the Scarlet Rose is probably the strongest threat, but we also face problems of the cults within our nation.

Our best course of action would be to cooperate with the Overlord to make Trieste stable. If that means the Knights Aqua help fight the Broken-Back Mountain forces or that you help us, so be it. Someone has offered to help us deal with the Cults that are a threat to our faith. Your help would be appreciated.
The Night Guild [++++]
Several days pass before the Church of the Endless Ocean responds.

To the Night Guild,

Our goals are very much in line. We must speak privately at once. I would have sent a messenger rather than another letter, but I'm not sure he would know where to find you. Please let me know where to send someone or visit us at the Cathedral so we can discuss a course of action.

May Uro watch over you,

High Priest Maedro

2012-03-02, 04:00 PM
zexan consortium

night guild
sounds like a plan. when should we initiate our moves against the cults? the half elf asks you

2012-03-02, 04:01 PM
zexan consortium

night guild
sounds like a plan. when should we initiate our moves against the cults? the half elf asks you

2012-03-02, 05:54 PM
Derrick Hurston [Private Meeting]

Hurston's fingers on his wine glass froze at the mention of twelve greater elementals and his eyes widened in amazement. His lapse of self-control was a mere moment and he answered calmly. ''I see. That's why the rumors of the trouble in the north are so severe. We haven't had such an outbreak in a century.'' He put the glass of wine on the table. ''I'll send my best Mages. If we can find a way to harness the power of those elementals, it would further our cause immensely.''

Knights Aqua to Church of Endless Ocean [++++]

''Our resources aren't infinite and the Golden Circle has requested, that we aid in protection of the next harvest against bandits. Where would you advise us to concentrate our efforts?''

Lizard Lord
2012-03-02, 06:03 PM
Adventurer's Guild

To Magus Dominic Garron: Fighting monsters is our specialty. We would be glad to provide our full military for the cost of +++ Temp Econ. We would also be willing to send our military might, plus the guild founders, for + Perm Econ or +++++ ++ Temp Econ.

2012-03-02, 08:39 PM
Night Guild Loyalty ++++

Zexan Consortium-Private Meeting
"At the end of the season (read: EoT). Now then, with our business concluded, would you care for dinner? The broth today is quite exquisite this evening."

If she leaves, Garth takes no offense. If she stays, he makes small talk, but doesn't dig into her past, or her organizations, and does not reveal anything ofh imself or the Night Guild, simply keeping the subject on mundane topics like the different trade routes, and newest songs to hit the streets.

Church of the Endless Ocean
You may send someone or someones to the poor district. There is a tanner on the third street. Ask the locals for the tanner with a hairlip, and they will point you in the right direction.

Assuming the Church sends someone, they do indeed find the tanner easily, and indeed he does have a hairlip. However, in the back of his store sit five men. One is Garth Rowan, a middle aged man, sitting down with a pleasant smile. Three of them look to be local thugs, men of the cause, but men whose only skills are most likely being big, stubborn, and strong. The last resides in the far back corner, with a plain, white mask over his face.

"Please, sit down, I think there is much to discuss.

2012-03-02, 10:30 PM
zexan consortium

night guild(PM lvl)
i would be delighted to dine with you lelei says with a smile.

later on after the meal she says nice meeting you garth. i look forward to working with you in the future.

2012-03-03, 01:35 AM
The Artificers Guild

To The Adventurers Guild:
I expect that we will often have need of your services and would like to know your terms.

Lizard Lord
2012-03-03, 05:47 AM
Adventurer's Guild:

To Artificers Guild: That depends on what the job is. We are willing to do anything is the fields of military, espionage, or magic for the right price.

2012-03-03, 05:22 PM
The Artificers Guild

to the Adventurers Guild:
In that case we would like to hire you to find for us artifacts. We will pay you a retainer to start then also pay for any magical or very interesting artifacts you find.

2012-03-04, 03:18 PM

Loyalty: +++++

The church seemed out of place in the ruined woods that surrounded it. Its presence was explained by the hamlet that used to exist in the surrounding area. If one gave more than a moment's glance, the remains of the town were still visible. If one looked a little longer, they would soon see Nokyx and a small number of other people approach the church.

"A town like this once was would have been a beautiful place to spread our knowledge among new brothers and sisters. The civil war did a lot to set everyone back... but at least they left this church."

Nokyx moved his body further towards the church, and instructed those with him to begin looking around. They were here because one of Legion heard about the ruins here, and it was decided that it would make a good place for Legion to gather away from the uninitiated. It did not take long to determine the truth of the rumors, that the church was abandoned and not often visited. As soon as this was determined, the cultists headed back to where they came, to spread knowledge of this location back out among the cult.


A messenger arrives with an unsigned letter, and waits wait patiently for a response.

"How much does your organization usually charge for [+ Swords] worth of men and equipment. Do you have any qualms as to who hires you?"

To Scholarium Arcana

A prospective student inquires as to whether a student, or group of students, could request to work with a specific professor... say Professor Hax?

To Church of Endless Ocean

A man asks his priest, "What is the church's relation to the Knights Aqua these day, if you don't mind my asking, sir?"

(OOC: In the initial post, under the "Persons of Influence and Power" could "Nokyk" be changed to "Nokyx?" Thanks!)

2012-03-04, 09:49 PM
Scholarium Arcana
Loyalty: -

Derrick Hurston: Private Meeting
"Wonderful," Garron smiled. "That is exactly what I was hoping for, my lord. The Scholarium is planning much the same. We were hoping to hire a group of mercenaries to defend our mages from the more usual beasts in the monster horde, so that we could focus on the elementals, but thus far the only mercenaries who have responded to our posted contract are asking for more payment than we can currently provide, so we may end up having to deal with the rest of the monster horde in order to get to the elementals. On the bright side, we also have the assistance of the Kingdom's battlemages in this matter."

To Adventurer's Guild
I'm sorry, but we can't actually afford your stated rates at the moment. The prices you have cited simply aren't in the budget this turn.

The Adventurers' Guild has offered to throw their entire military support behind our venture to defend the realm from the greater elementals of the Broken-Back Mountains. Unfortunately, the price they have asked is a little higher than we can fit into the current budget, at (+++) wealth. We were hoping that you might be able to offer us a lower bid.

To Legion
Of course, though the professor in question would have to agree to whatever project you have in mind. If you want course credit for any research projects, you must also have your project plan approved by the head of your department. Budgetary requests must go through Director Garron's office.

2012-03-07, 09:47 AM
Church of the Endless Ocean - Legion [+++++]
We have not had close relations with the Knights Aqua in the past few years. As High Priest, I don't agree with everything they have done in the name of Uro in the past. However, I still have a deep admiration for their zeal and reverence. As Trieste bands together to fight our enemies, I look forward to working more closely with the Knights Aqua to spread Uro's word and protect the nation.
Church of the Endless Ocean - Night Guild [PM-Level]
The church's messengers are led into the tanner's shop and make their way to the back where the representatives from the Night Guild sit. "It is good to be meeting with you," says the man, a middle-aged priest. "My name is Edmund and this is Sister Cassandra - she is one of the Silent Sisters." The priest's companion is a stooped old woman in a navy blue robe. What you can see of her face is tattooed with various symbols that you recognize as symbols of the faith. She bows her head slightly in acknowledgement and says nothing else.

"I have been instructed by the High Priest to handle negotiations with the Night Guild. He was pleasantly surprised when he received your letter and promptly destroyed it. The cults are a threat to the true faith and are of no benefit to Trieste as a whole. We are interested in working with you to see that they are dealt with. In your letter it seems that you had a few ideas for how to go about doing this. We will support you both secretly and in the public, making sure your actions receive the praise they deserve."

Lady Serpentine
2012-03-07, 01:22 PM
Scholarium Arcana
Loyalty: -

Meeting with the Messenger (Ghost Lover's Children)
Barreto hesitated. "Well, I don't know about permanent," he said cautiously, "as we do need most of our housing for the students. However I don't see any problem with you staying until your part of the bargain has been fulfilled, at the very least. After we've finished analyzing your artifact, well...we'll see. You understand I can't really make any promises--how much space we will have depends entirely upon how many students attend next semester."

The Ghost Lover's Children
Loyalty: +++

She nods, smiling at him.

"We understand that your space is variable. Of course, we would be willing to pay a reasonable amount for the space. Or perhaps we could buy enough room to add a small building? A stable and housing for two or three messengers would serve our needs admirably..."

2012-03-08, 12:42 AM
To the Artificers Guild
Very well your propose a contest with the Scholarium, well then a contest it shall be, and the winner will be granted the support of the kingdom. And if you wish to obtain the Minstry of Finance then you must compete to for the Zexan Consortium is already working on a tax plan that will satisfy both the Nobles and the Treasury, can you do one better.

To the Legion-General Callahan [PM]
I will reinforce your position.

To the Legions
All Legions will receive a minimum of [5] wealth.

Each Legion is ordered to send ten percent of its forces north. A further ten percent or more will be cause for [10] Wealth of supplies to be distributed to the legion. Furthermore each legion will be evaluated in the coming campaign against the monsters of the Broken Back Mountains. The most effective legion will be released the full amount of supplies it has requested which have not already been provided, and the second half. Legion Commanders, this will be an appraisal of your legion's skill. Legions which prove themselves are to be commended and rewarded. Legions that prove themselves lacking will not.

As the Albatrosses are specialized for naval combat they are exempt from this command and will receive 10 supplies regardless of what they send or do. But they may still send troops if they wish to prove their mettle.

To the Treasury
What is the estimated income of the kingdom this year [turn]?

The Cults
Each delegation is led to a separate room, including Darren. And before each one appears a shimmering image of Baylin Split. (The advantage of having multiple minds I can multi task. :smallbiggrin:)

To the Cult of Primeval Delights
Greetings Priest and Priestess,

To begin I wish for you to tell me what the aims of your organization are?

To the Cult of Reason
Mage-Lord Hurston,

Tell me, in your own mind how close are you and your associates to restoring the Age of Magic.

To the Herald

Tell me who are these Harbingers. What do you know of them.

OOC: Can we continue this on quicktopic to be easier. I don't mind the collated conversations being posted afterwards its not very secret, but quicktopic would allow for faster responses, at least on my end.

To House Tercel
I will tell you what I will do lord Tercel. I will give you a chance to prove yourself. Tell the clerks that you have my leave to read the reports on other lands. Consider them and then tell me how you would address them. You will have a year to prove yourself with leading the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. If you do well then your position will become permanent. If not then I will find another candidate.

To the Silver Shields
You are welcome in Primval any time that you wish to speak with me.

To the Silver Shields, the Golden Circle, House Aenaris, and the Church of the Endless Ocean
I have found the affairs of state to be many and pressing. And while I do not doubt my own judgment I am still only man. I do not believe that I will be able to rule the Kingdom of Trieste with a fair and even hand. If I focus on one area then another must go unresolved. And such would lead to resentment and eventually the very civil wars I seek to prevent. As such I am forming a council. Four counselors to aid me in the matters of rule. And as each of you was but a hair's breadth from securing the support of the people even before me, I have chosen each of your factions. Send whomever you choose to represent your seat on this new council. Or if you wish decline. I will not begrudge you the unwillingness to rule. I would not do so myself if a choice was at hand. Once all who choose to come are assembled we can discuss what is to come.

To the Church of the Endless Ocean
You may have it if you wish. However you may wish to discuss such matters with the other counselors first.

2012-03-08, 05:12 AM

The income is 120 Wealth.


Cult of Primeval Delights

''Goals? Why, to celebrate the flesh. To venerate love. To exalt pleasure. To fulfil desires. Are we not here, alive, to celebrate every moment of living? We all have our wants and satisfying them is the ultimate objective of every being. We are all bound by the bonds of love and to forget that is a perversion of the natural order.''

Cult of Reason

''We are still making the first steps. But your display of power is the first sign of the new age. The world broke and gone wrong, after mundane overthrew the Mages, who are the true leaders of our race. Once we restore the proper order of things, the world will mend to its proper shape - the Age of Magic will be renewed.''

Cult of Harbingers

''They are the prophesized. The keys, that will fit the lock and open the door. Soon the Emperor of Demons will walk the land and end all of the world's suffering.''

[Of course, I've got no problem with quicktopic.]

Legions (Baylin Split)

The Watchers Legion requests to be relived of the reinforcement duty. ''Our forces have dwindled as it is. If we show a single opening, one of the border Generals of the Dragonblood Empire may decide to strike to prove himself to the new Emperor.''

The Sun-Shields Legion appears to be very enthusiastic to follow your order and Legion-Lord Madera pledged 40% of her Legion to the task. Sun-Spears are sending 15%.

Albatross Legion opt to stay out of fighting in unfamiliar territory.

2012-03-08, 08:46 AM
Tercel to Overlord:

All right. I have taken a look at what the situation is, and here are my suggestions:

Dragonblood Empire

The Empire is by far the largest outside threat to our nation. Currently, they lack unity as they are in the process of choosing a new Emperor - we must take advantage of this in securing our own internal matters, stopping the attacks from the Mountains and rebuilding our strength, for it is likely that once a new leader is chosen, they will seek to show their strength by an attack on a neighbouring nation, possibly us.

Meanwhile, we will need only to look strong enough to prevent any of the candidates from trying to secure support by an attack on us.

I believe we should direct most of our espionage to the Empire, so that we can gain more information on the candidates for Emperor and especially so that we will have advance warning if their target would be us. That threat is a war that we would be hard-pressed to win even at our peak strength, and we must do our utmost to direct their attention elsewhere.

Republic of Mulden

While I do not presume to know the state of the kingdom's finances, I am certain they are not great. However, we need the trade and we need good relations to Mulden. I hope our ambassador is able to secure those repayments, but if it proves impossible, we will have to pay.


I do not like the sound of these reports. They begin expelling our agents and warming up to our ambassador as our nation is being weakened by a civil war? If it were true that their political and strategic aims had changed to be more in line with ours, it may have been genuine, but the only thing that has changed is that we are now weaker. Tread carefully here - we must find out what they are up to. Meanwhile, we should of course make full use of their overtures, but before there is some proof or reason for this change, I would not trust it.

Republic of Sandara

We have two choices here. Either we stick to our old policies, keep our hold in the Dominion strong, shelter these nobles, hope we gain their support and wish for the revolution to quieten down and die out over time or we make friends with the Revolutionary Council, hand out the nobles to them and let go of the Dominion in a controlled fashion, trying to negotiate with the Republic to let us keep the most important of our benefits - the buffer to the Free Lands.

The former costs us more resources, but if we have them, is the better option. The revolutionaries do not trust us and are in ideological conflict with us, they would not be a trustworthy ally for a long time yet, while if a counter-revolution would succeed we would gain a steadfast alliance with the nobility we saved. And Dominion is important to us, without a direct hand in guiding them we would most likely lose out. Free Lands raids in our back could be devastating if we were, say, at war with the Dragonbloods.

Free Lands

The situation here is worrying. I think that we may wish to consider negotiating with Warlord Shok'An. If we support him in legitimizing his holdings as a nation, he could prove to be a stronger buffer against the Free Lands than Dominion and require less of our future assistance to do so. If our diplomats deem him trustworthy, he could make an useful ally - he would not want his new kingdom to be threatened by the Dragonblood Empire, after all.

Meanwhile, I think we should deny the request for additional support from the first agent for now. I hope our attack on the Mountains will end the threat of the monsters for now, at which point we can focus on the Free Lands more. There is always the risk of a massive raid right when our forces are in the North, but we have heard no rumours of such a thing and I believe it is unlikely. After the battle, we should be capable of throwing back the attack of any single Free Lands warlord. We must concentrate on the volatile situation in the Dragonblood Empire first. Order the first agent to focus his resources on keeping the core intelligence gathering on the nearest warlords as intact as possible while downsizing the operations elsewhere.

I believe we should allocate our resources as such:

Dragonblood Empire: 40
Republic of Mulden: 15 (Switch to 10 once the payment negotiations are over)
Dominion: 5
Clovis: 20 (Focus on finding out whether their army is preparing)
Republic of Sandara: 25 (Shelter the nobles. Try to keep them out of Dominion, and if possible, try to spark internal division, infighting and ultimately a counter-revolution.)
Free Lands: 15 (Negotiate with Shok'An)

2012-03-09, 11:57 PM
Scholarium Arcana
Loyalty: -

Meeting with the Messenger (Ghost Lover's Children)
Archmagus Barreto smiled at the suggestion. "You have circumvented my concerns wonderfully," he said. "I find your proposal to have both merit and wisdom, and thus it shall be done. Magus Garron will handle the details." He thought for a moment. "Something on the south side, I should think, far away from the training ranges. The Master of Stones will know of a suitable spot."

The Archmagus stood. "It has been a pleasure, both meeting with you and hearing from the Children," he said. The words were not couched as a dismissal, but the meaning was nonetheless plain.

Lizard Lord
2012-03-10, 12:35 AM
Adventurers Guild:

To The Artificers Guild: Very well, we would request temp +++ Economy for the task. Negotiations for more interesting artifacts will depend on what we find.

2012-03-10, 01:49 AM
Night Guild

Church of the Endless Ocean - PM Level
Garth Rowan smiled pleasantly. "And that is all we ask. It will be a pleasure working with you."

2012-03-10, 07:15 AM
Golden Circle

To Baylin Split
"I will try my hand at a council seat, though I know not how well I will take to it. I trust my second to lead the Golden Circle in my stead."


2012-03-14, 08:42 AM
Turn 1: Winter Season

Battle in the North

The war in the North opens well as the Elementals are neutralized by the magic of the Kingdom’s Mages. The rumors speak of Baylin Split confronting the strongest Elemental Allegiance himself and of Scholarium and Cult of Reason binding several lesser Elementals into their service. The monsters are driven back and there is talk about retaking the mines as well.

The Sun Shields, Sun Spears and Mountain Lions fight alongside each other. And apparently hate it. It’s unclear whether Legion General Callahan is a poor leader or the Major-Generals of Sun Shields and Sun Spears are obstinate fools, but the forces move utterly uncoordinated and supply lines are in complete disarray. And the fact that Sun Shields and Sun Spears have sent nearly half their strength to the north, means a lot more food, weapons and winter clothes to deliver, doesn’t make it easier.

There is massive competition to prove one’s valor on the battlefield and in many cases this is accomplished by sabotaging others. The monsters are massively outnumbered, but the army seems intent on fighting itself, rather than them. There are rumors flying, that least efficient Legion would be reduced in size by half to strengthen the other two, which drives the officers to ruthless competition.

The Harvest Ritual

The Mages of Scholarium, Golden Circle and Priestesses of Cult of Primeval Delights preform rituals on the fields of the kingdom to improve the upcoming harvest. The Scholarium Mages prove their reputation of having their heads in the clouds, while knowing nothing about where the food on their plates comes from. Golden Circle and Cultists are more down to earth and their magic actually seems to do something. People are surprised to see no priests of Uro assisting with the ritual.

The Church however was active in trying to organize restoration of the canal network in the north. The Kingdom’s funding is enough to rebuild a few essential waterways, but many side canals will be left ruined without additional coin and work, as most of the treasury is rumored to be diverted to the Legions.

Silver Shields Protect Kingdom & Banditry Fought

Silver Shields have being protecting the Kingdom from banditry, earning great respect from the population. Many of the wandering bands of soldiers and former brigands chose to join their ranks.

Kngihts of Aqua escort carts, distributing the food to the starving, while House Tercel keeps their lands safe.

There are sparks of gang war in the Primval as an unknown gang has begun to muscle in on the shadier parts of the town.

High Priestess Rosetta of Cult of Primeval Delights Assassinated

High Priestess Rosetta was found brutally murdered in one of the Cult’s temples in Primval. This is believed to be connected to bandits, who have recently began to rob the cultists and taken over several of their temples. However some believe that assassination is unrelated to the bandits, as the criminals have proven very restrained in their methods and haven’t committed any murders so far.

There is a great outpouring of support for the Cult, whose members rally together in mourning for the passage of their beloved leader. Rosetta is hailed as a martyr, brought down by the forces of evil. Many hope that the Silver Shields would bring the perpetrators of the crime to justice and deal with the bandits preying on the cultists.

War in Dominion

In the Dominion the monsters are fought off by the combined armies of Dominion, Sun Shields, Knights of the Rose and Sandarian Foreign Legion. The Domina awards medals to the generals, however there are rumours Sun Shields are in disfavour with public and Dominion nobles.

Man in Ironcloak

There are rumors of a lone person, wearing an Ironcloak, appearing in the western provinces.

Imperial Psycho
2012-03-14, 11:13 AM
The Silver Shields

To Baylin Split
Given your recent correspondence, it seems we will be meeting face to face regardless.

I will consider your offer of a position on this Council. I will come personally, to meet with you and those you invite. I will make for Primval as soon as I am able.


2012-03-14, 05:37 PM
zexan consortium

night guild
how did your efforts against the cults go? we were able to prevent the spread of the cult of reason but we didnt do any real damage to it. were you responsible for high priestess rosettas death?

2012-03-14, 07:25 PM
The Night Guild
Loyalty ++++

Garth Rowan sat back in his chair, the room was almost empty, save for the chair he sat on, the individual leaning against the wall across from him, and the haze of dust lingering in the air.

"Is it done?"

"It is."

Garth tilted his head back, looking at the stain on the ceiling. Rain, piss, something less wholesome? It mattered little what it was, only that at that moment the stain represented everything he was trying to accomplish. "Ensure this ends up being to our benefit." Garth looked back down to see the individual gone already.

Zexan Consortium
What is important now is that the people realize that the cults are not to be pitied, but loathed. Now we must ensure that the good people see the losses of the Cult of Primeval Delights as justice.

What the people need is a divine intervention to cast down their idols, and any monument to their vaunted martyr. Would you assist us with this?

Church of the Endless Ocean
You can see that the Cults are under pressure now, however the people side with them. Publicly decry the Cult of Primeval Delights and we will deliver the people to your doorsteps.

2012-03-14, 07:54 PM
zexan consortium

night guild
of course. we might as well see this matter through to the end

2012-03-15, 03:22 PM
Loyalty: +++++

Artificier's Guild:

A small, well dressed man rides towards a guildhouse. He's a merchant, and in a quick, professional manner, he poses a question, "Does your Guild deal in weapons and armor of a magical variety?"

2012-03-15, 11:16 PM
Artificers Guild++-

To Legion:
If you can pay our prices we do.

2012-03-15, 11:32 PM
Scholarium Arcana
Loyalty: -

To Baylin Split

We would like to once again open the discussion about government grants. We realize that we weren't much help with the harvest ritual, but our efforts aiding yourself and the Kingdom's battlemages against the elementals bore significant fruit. We plan to make up for our failure to majorly aid the harvest ritual by experimenting with water purification. If you, in your position as Minister of Magic, could allocate some funds to the Scholarium to help in this endeavor, we might be able to help the people of this Kingdom in a way that we failed to do with our harvest magic.

To the Ghost Lover's Children

We owe many thanks to the Children for allowing us to study the Ghost's Tears for these past few months. Magus Garron, who oversaw the analysis of the artifact, has some interesting findings he wishes to share with you, as well as a proposal to make, if you are inclined to hear him out.

OOC: Did you ever get that messenger hall built? You had the Archmagus' permission, but I haven't heard anything about it after that.

To the Cult of Reason (Thelonius)

The Archmagus would like to speak with you, whenever it is convenient. We have a suggestion to put forth regarded the elementals captured in the north, a proposal that we believe will be of benefit to us both.

Lady Serpentine
2012-03-16, 12:00 AM
The Ghost Lover's Children
Loyalty: +++

To The Scholarium Arcana:

"We are indeed inclined to hear him out. We'll be sure to have our best mages present to hear his findings and the proposal."

Yrybelh Amerel, High Priestess of Savorla

OOC: I'm afraid not... I came down with something around the time EoTs were going out, so nothing other than what I posted in-thread got done.

To Thelonius:

+- Wealth to build a small stable, with attached living quarters for up to five messengers, as well as one permanent resident, and a small section in them for services to be conducted, on land bought from the Scholarium Arcana. +- Magic to have a team of Grace mages put wards on the place to protect it.

2012-03-16, 08:49 AM
Cult of Reason to Scholarium

''Very well. Should we make sure nobody overhears this meeting?''

Ghost Lover's Children Only

Do note that your magic is reduced by +++ while your Relic is way.

Lady Serpentine
2012-03-16, 09:22 AM
The Ghost Lover's Children
Loyalty: +++

To Thelonius Only:
They took it? Oh... I'd been under the impression that they were studying it in place. In that case, - Magic is used for having a team of Grace mages ward the stable.

To Cult of Primeval Delights:

Merentha Dremis, Lady of the Moon, rides into Primval, on one of the Children's specially bred horses, apparently with a specific destination in mind, as she stops just long enough at Savorla's temple in the city to stable it and change clothes before continuing on.

Soon enough, the silver-skinned woman is around the corner from the building housing the Cult of Primeval Delights, where she pauses, pulling a small mirror from a hidden pocket in her shirt, and checking to ensure that there isn't anything to fix after the walk through the streets, which, even with her unusual appearance, and the fine, if tough, to hold up to the stresses the messenger she borrowed it from might have to put it through, crimson and gold clothing she's wearing, had resulted in quite a bit of jostling; it wouldn't do to look anything less than her best for a request such as she would be making, after all.

Having put her short black hair back into some semblance of order, so that she at least no longer looked as though she had decided to make a hat out of a hedgehog, she continues on, pausing respectfully at the door of the Cult's temple.

2012-03-17, 09:51 AM
Random Events

Kingdom Trait: Magic Unbound
An additional Magic Event would occur in the Kingdom every turn.

Kingdom Trait: Too Tired to Rebel
Random Events that promote unrest against government would be discarded.

Samuel Pax on Deathbed

One of the richest men in Primval, merchant turned noblemen Samuel Pax is not long for this world. He was one of the prominent leaders among the Red Coins, noblemen who purchased their titles or acquired them for great services to the crown. Some fear that with him gone the Red Coins will lose the unity, that kept them strong, despite their low numbers.

After becoming a nobleman, Pax has continued to run his trading empire, working closely with the Zexan Consortium and Artificers Guild, exporting goods to the Free Cities. He was also a proponent of increasing trade with Dragon Blood Empire, a radical and unpopular view, he didn’t fear to express.

Pax has never been a very devout man, but he attended Church of Endless Ocean’s ceremonies and made regular donations to its coffers. Some say in the last year he has grown closer to the Cult of Primeval Delights and their philosophies, perhaps due to a young mistress, who was a member of the Cult.

His older son Reginald Pax is expected to inherit his father’s massive fortune.

Rumors of War

A merchant from the Free Cities arrives to the Primval’s port. His younger son gets drunk in a tavern and spills the news – Gen Hegemony is preparing a fleet to conquer the Republic of Mulden and it doesn’t look like anybody has the power to stop them.

Cannibals in Primval

The City Watch has managed to arrest the criminal, who is believed to have eaten three men, a gruesome crime even in the dark times of the civil war. The man was imprisoned and scheduled for public execution, but two more deaths under similar circumstances have cast a suspicion on his guilt. The Watch however believes that the insane criminal had an accomplice and has redoubled efforts to find him or her. Meanwhile the citizens fear to walk the streets – it’s one thing to get knifed in a back alley, it’s another thing to be eaten alive by a fellow human being.

Cult of Primeval Delights To Ghost Lover’s Children

The attendants let Lady Dremis in and guide her through the temple. The followers of the Cult don’t hide their appreciation for beauty and it’s clear that uninhibited displays of affection are commonplace here. The Cult appears to maintain equal rights for both genders, with priests and priestesses being in high and low spectrum of authority.

The leaders of the Church greet the emissary of Ghost Lover’s Children. They look a bit young to be in position of authority and two of them wear dark with silver in mourning of the passage of High Priestess Rosette. Lady Dremis is offered food and drink, before she is asked to explain the reason for her visit.

Imperial Psycho
2012-03-17, 10:34 AM
The Silver Shields
Loyalty ++-

To Zexan Consortium
I have recently found myself in need of a large amount of weaponry to outfit new recruits. I was wondering if your ties to trade could allow me to gain such a supply.

Lady Serpentine
2012-03-17, 10:53 AM
GLC to Cult of Primeval Delights (+++):

While, as Savorla has other aspects, and they don't wish to make those that follow only them uncomfortable in the temples, they're not as open about it as the Cult seems to be, the priests, priestesses, agents, and messengers of Savorla aren't exactly chaste, so Lady Dremis doesn't particularly mind anything she sees, especially as she was fairly sure of what to expect when she came here.

At the offer of food and drink, she smiles, and thanks them, gladly accepting it after her rather long journey just to get to the city, and, once she's presumably seated herself to wait for it to arrive, answers their question as to why she came.

"I came to offer my services as a Necromancer," she replies, trying to read their expressions when she does. "It's possible High Priestess Rosetta saw something relating to who it was that killed her, or at least heard who, if anyone, hired them to do so, even if the identity of the people who actually did is impossible to find out from her. We've been able to learn some things from the Zexan Consortium that make us suspicious of the Night Guild, but there's no solid proof..."

With that, she pulls a pair of messages from the same hidden pocket that contains the mirror, and goes to hand one of them to the leaders of the Cult.

First Message:
How did your efforts against the cults go? We were able to prevent the spread of the Cult of Reason but we didn't do any real damage to it. Were you responsible for High Priestess Rosetta's death?

"This was sent to the Night Guild quite recently, and is part of why we're wondering about them. But as I said, there's no clear proof in it, at least not that we'd be willing to confront them on..."

Lady Dremis then tries to hand them the second letter. Or, more accurately, copy of a letter.

Second Message:
Of course. We might as well see this matter through to the end.

"This was their response to whatever the Night Guild sent back. Unfortunately, we've been unable to find out what they're replying to, but I'm sure you can see why we might be wary of them."

GLC to Silver Shields (+++):

"If you have found yourself in a position to need a large amount of weaponry for your new recruits, you're going to have to assign a great deal of skilled men to train them... Would you be interested in hiring some of our soldiers for a while, whether to make up the difference or train the new recruits in place of your people?"

Yrybelh Amerel, High Priestess of Savorla

2012-03-17, 11:16 AM
Scholarium Arcana
Loyalty: -

To the Ghost Lover's Children

Magus Dominic Garron was in the laboratory when the Children's mages arrived. He was still wearing the heavy robes and gloves, glowing faintly with protective seals, when he met them at the door.

"Good day, ladies and gentlemen," he said, giving a nod that could be interpreted as a slight bow if one were so inclined. "I really cannot thank you enough for allowing us to examine this artifact. The mana coalesced inside it is of a type I myself have never seen before, and...well. I suppose we should get inside first. Come in. Would you care for refreshments?" There was a slight pause, of no more than half a breath as he examined the visitors. "And, of course, if you desire this meeting to be more private, I could arrange that as well. I do not know if you would wish our findings spread to the general public, what with the religious significance of this artifact."

To the Cult of Reason

That might be for the best, I think. Magus Garron has warded a room against scrying, for our convenience.

OOC: I'm just going to assume it's Mage-Lord Hurston again, to move things along.


Archmagus Barreto smiled as Derrick Hurston entered the room. There was a small electrical hiss as the Mage-Lord closed the door and the wards resealed themselves, plunging them into complete isolation from the outside world. Barreto always got a little nervous when inside wards like this, though he didn't let that show on his face. He was used to being able to send messages and receive reports by manipulating the ever present energies of the Scholarium Node, and Garron's anti-eavesdropping measures always cut him off from that. Sometimes, he thought, Dominic was a bit too thorough in his protective rituals.

"Derrick!" the Archmagus boomed, shaking the Mage-Lord's hand enthusiastically. "So good to see you again. Please, sit down. I have tea, if you'd like, before we get down to business--something to celebrate our victories, eh?"

The pleasantries continued for a short time. Barreto was good at small talk.

"Now then," he said finally, leaning forward, "To business. The Scholarium is in the process of constructing a more permanent facility to contain and control the elemental we captured during our joint venture in the north. We understand that your organization requires that your sanctums remain hidden, which might be compromised by the addition of fully-secured structures to control elementals; as such, we would like to offer the Scholarium's facilities for this purpose." He paused, gauging Hurston's reaction before continuing. "Having containment facilities that you do not have to construct yourselves and which you know you can safely rely upon would be a great boon to you, and having a larger variety of elementals to study would benefit the Scholarium in turn. At the moment, we have no way of knowing whether or not the results we are gathering from our captured elemental remain true to all elementals, or just this particular one. You would of course have full access to the elementals while they were here at the Scholarium, but barring locations that we do not know about, it would seem that this University would be the best place to hold them."

Lady Serpentine
2012-03-17, 11:39 AM
The Ghost Lover's Children
Loyalty: +++

To the Scholarium Arcana:

The yellow-eyed woman with shoulder-length golden hair at the front of the party, Yrybelh Amerel, nods, setting the silver symbols designed for Shadow magic she had sewn into her clothes flashing, which was made all the more prominent by the fact that they were on a background of gold and midnight blue.

"Refreshments would be delightful, Magus Garron."

The woman at her left, silver-eyed, with short black hair, and wearing fine, though tough, crimson and white clothing, with Necromantic symbols sewn into it in gold, recognizable to some as Merentha Dremis, Lady of the Moon, nods as well.

"As would a more private location. We aren't necessarily going to keep what you've learned a secret, but we would prefer to know what it is before deciding."

The rest of the party - Karissa Gaelthem, the messenger who arrived with the offer in the first place, now wearing clothes similar to the ones she came in the first time, but with Demonological symbols on them in white, and Darnel Ataerthis, a dark-haired, green-eyed, man in grey and black clothing with the symbols a Grace mage on them in green, and the leader of the team of Grace mages who have been warding the stable and attached quarters, along with a few mages picked by them, several agents, and a few temple guards - remains silent for now, observing their surroundings closely.

2012-03-17, 12:35 PM
Scholarium Arcana
Loyalty: -

To the Ghost Lover's Children

"Wonderful," Garron said, his voice full of a warmth that never quite reached his eyes. His tone never reached his eyes, it quickly became apparent; his words might seem cheerful, or angry, or colored by any other emotion, but his eyes remained the same grey-green stone. The casual observer might be fooled into thinking he actually felt the feeling he expressed, but to anyone paying serious attention he gave the disconcerting feeling of trying to replicate human emotions he had studied in books. He replicated them well, mind you, but those eyes were unsettling none the less.

"If you would step this way, please," he continued, stripping off his heavy laboratory gloves, "I've already had some of the apprentices fetch something appropriate from the kitchens. Normally the Archmagus would be present to greet dignitaries such as yourselves, but since I was the mage responsible for the analysis, it was thought that I could provide a better perspective. Archmagus Barreto sends his regards, and regrets that he is unable to attend." The words came out smoothly, well-practiced. "I have already warded one of the observation rooms against eavesdropping, and have assembled my notes there. Shall we?"

Hesitating only a moment to be sure that the delegation was following, Garron strode briskly towards the stairs. The observation room turned out to be a glass-walled room situated above the floor where the Ghost's Tears had been studied. Looking out through the thick glass they could see the artifact below, suspended above the floor in a field of gently swirling blue light. There was a pair of mages below, taking notes on the result of some just-finished experiment, but aside from that there was no one else in sight.

Discussion of Tears (PM)

Besides the windows, the observation room played host to a small table covered in pastries and two pots of tea, arranged tastefully. Garron frowned at an out-of-place scone--the only true emotion that had yet touched his face--before turning back to Savorla's mages.

"Now, for our findings," he said. "First, and I apologize if this question is impertinent, but could you tell me a little of the Tears' history? At the heart of the artifact is a mana of unknown origin, just the tiniest drop of which is apparently capable of giving off great amounts of power. If we know the history of the artifact, we might be able to hazard a guess at where that mana comes from. At the moment, our closest guess would be the divine mana of the elvish Goddess, or something very much like it, though we don't have any of that mana to compare with."

He stopped for a moment, staring down at the Tears. "Unfortunately, our research has yet to uncover anything particularly applicable, except for one thing. It would be difficult, but with the proper safety precautions..." his voice trailed off, his eyes fixed on the Tears. "We believe we could increase the amount of mana the artifact releases in any given moment of time. Of course, doing so incorrectly might release all of the contained mana at once, with rather...disastrous consequences, but I firmly believe in my own ability to prevent such a situation." He smiled, thinly. "That was the proposal I wished to put before you. Allow us to keep the artifact for another span of time, and we will attempt to increase its power for you."

Lady Serpentine
2012-03-17, 01:16 PM
The Ghost Lover's Children
Loyalty: +++

Discussion of Tears (PM):

"You haven't guessed where it comes from with what its name is, and your knowledge of its nature?", Yrybelh asks, sounding slightly amused, and looking the same way, in sharp contrast to Magus Garron. "The artifact contains the tears of our goddess."

"Specifically, those that she shed for Miskriila, her avatar, and the first Lady of the Moon, when she was killed," Merentha elaborates, sipping a cup of tea. "As for your proposal, it's intriguing, but.."

"We'd need to know the risks first," Karissa picks up when her commander trails off, selecting a snail, of the pastry variety. "If the Ghost's Tears could be damaged or destroyed, we wouldn't be able to risk it."

Darnel, after taking his own cup of tea, and a scone, nods.

"And, of course, there would have to be some way to guarantee we'd get it back," he points out, smiling a bit, though there's a slightly dangerous undercurrent to his expression, as though the soft-spoken, easy-going Grace mage isn't as harmless as he might appear. "It would be hard enough for us to retrieve it against your will now. With it made more powerful..."

2012-03-17, 01:26 PM
Golden Circle

To the Valish Family [+++-]
"Greetings. I am Tiberius of the Golden Circle. With our nations economy weakened after the civil war, I believe now would be a good time to rebuild the Polyhedron. I understand you've been working on this for some time, and I would like to offer you my assistance."

"I would be interested to see the factory for myself, and hear what progress you have made thus far. Might you be able to arrange that for me?"

2012-03-17, 02:29 PM
zexan consortium

silver shields
of course. we could easily outfit your new recruits. if the price was right of course

cult of primeval delights
we would like to hold a private meeting with you. we may be able to shed some light on certain messages that found their way into your possesion. send a representitive to the manor of prince kholad in primeval if interested

2012-03-17, 05:17 PM
Golden Circle

To Baylin Split [+++-]
"I'd like to volunteer my organisation to hold the Seal of Taxation. I understand this usually carries a wage. We would be willing to do it for free."

2012-03-17, 05:19 PM
Cult of Primeval Delights to Ghost's Lover Children [+++++]

''We believe the murder was conducted by a professional assassin. The chances your séance would identify him or her are thus slim. Still, if you want to try it, we won't object.''

The cultists carefully read the messages.

''We have heard similar rumours. It's strange. We aren't certain why Zexan Consortium would consort with our enemies. Or that we had enemies. Perhaps the Church of Uro has grown concerned we'd steal their followers, but it's hard to believe such peaceful religion would employ assassins.''

Cult of Reason to Scholarium [PM]

''We'd commit the Elementals to study, but right now we need them in action. The civil war left a considerable power vacuum and we need to establish our niche, before the it's too late. We'll use the Elementals to cement our power base, that we'll use to defend the rights of Mages. After we are confidently in control, we'll be happy to provide them for you to study.''

Andre Valish to Golden Circle

''I would of course be glad to accept your generous offer of help. It's seldom, that one encounters such selfless acts of charity. I'll be happy to give you a tour of the Polyhedron.''

Cult of Primeval Delights to Zexan Consortium [+++++ +]

The emissary, an elderly priest Dalton Cross arrives to the Kholad's manor.
''What would you like to discuss with us about the messages we've received?''

2012-03-17, 05:40 PM
zexan consortium

cult of primeval delights(PM lvl)

the cults emissary is led into an extravagant room of someone who clearly enjoys his wealth. sitting in a fine chair by a window you see a small rat faced man

we may be able to shed some light on who killed your high priestess if you would be willing to pay me for the information. business is business you understand

2012-03-17, 08:10 PM
Golden Circle

To Frederick Nohlden [+++-]
"Greetings. I am Tiberius, head of the Golden Circle. I wonder, have you heard of the Polyhedron? It's an ancient factory of significant value, located within Trieste. Though inoperable for some time, with the proper investment, I believe it could be rebuilt within a few years."

"My concern for it is purely domestic. I hope it will allow us to produce tools and goods to help the populace rebuild after the war. However, the factory also has great potential to produce goods for trade. Our nation, and yours could stand to benefit significantly from this."

"With this in mind, I was wondering if you could convince your government, to assist in the Polyhedrons reconstruction. Or perhaps pursue it as a personal venture, if you prefer. Either way, the current owners of the facility have invited me to a tour of the complex. I'd be honored if you'd join me, to inspect the facility for yourself."

2012-03-17, 08:37 PM
Night Guild

So I notice that my partner in crime, the Zexan Consortium is now talking with the Cult of Primeval Delights. Since my espionage is higher than his loyalty, can I read the one that is not PM level? It will be worth spending the espionage if that's needed I think.

Also, just wanted to give you a heads up on my plan at the moment. I can only assume that Cult is going to make a monument to ther deceased High Priestess. The idea is to, using all the information and resources the Night Guild got directly from the Cult to take control of the acutally sculpting of the statue. The statue will be a fraud, waterskins filled with saltwater making up its insides. That way, on its presentation... if any "righteous citizen" wanted to prove that the priestess was condemned by the Church of the Endless Ocean...

It's not the most clever, won't-come-back-to-the-Guild kind of plan. The idea is it to be flashy, to shock the crowd, and to turn the weak minded away... which according to Garth Rowan is likely most the common populace.

EDIT: Looked up the rules again in the OOC, and I think I'm good to read it.

That backstabber.:smallannoyed: Two can play at this game!:smallamused:

Overlord Baylin Split, Pretenders, and Silver Shields
Garth Rowan wishes an audience with Overlord Baylin Split, to confess the Night Guild's role in the recent misfortunes of the Cult of Primeval Delights. It is suggested that his own council, and the watchmen have representatives as well, as the security of the very kingdom is at stake.

2012-03-18, 02:16 AM
Scholarium Arcana
Loyalty: -

Discussion of Tears (PM)

"Guesses are worth less than the breath it takes to air them," said Garron dismissively. "But the story makes sense, I suppose. Certainly there is barely enough of the mana inside the artifact to count as a teardrop. I cannot help but wonder how it was collected and contained within the current structure, though--did someone catch the tears as they fell, standing ready with a magic jar?" He eyed the priestesses and guards skeptically. "That seems rather...sinister. And convenient." He shook himself. "No matter. The artifact is most likely of Savorla's making, then, which means that your goddess can create mana comparable to that of the goddess of the elves. Fascinating."

He glanced out the observation window back at the Ghost's Tears for just a moment. The turning gears of his thoughts were all but audible.

"Now. Your concerns," he said quietly. "I will not attempt to mislead you; I do not believe I can fully assuage them. If something should go wrong, the full force of the artifact would be released in one burst. I do not believe the structure that contains the mana would be able to withstand such a release of energy. However, I just as firmly believe that the likelihood of such an event is low. I would personally be organizing and overseeing the project, and I do not allow mistakes." He spoke as though stating an unarguable truth. The sun will rise in the east, water will flow downhill, and Dominic Garron will keep the research safe.

"And as for your worry," he continued, looking pointedly at Darnel Ataerthis, "I would take it as a personal favor if you would refrain from insulting the honor of the Scholarium. We were lent the use of the Ghost's Tears for a short time, for the purposes of study and for a quite small price. Should you request the artifact's immediate return, it will be granted without question, no matter what point we are at in our research. Should we turn the artifact into something even greater than we expect to, if it somehow becomes an item capable of granting a mage powers as that of a god, we would still return it to your keeping. We are in the business of gathering knowledge, not stealing religious artifacts."

Garron seemed completely sincere, as he always did.

To Cult of Reason (PM)

"A fair arrangement. However, seeing as it would very much benefit us to have at least a second specimen to study immediately, I would like to make a suggestion. Over the past months, someone has been attempting to halt the expansion of your organization, if not destroy it entirely. This has been a deliberate campaign by a certain faction in this Kingdom, not mere happenstance. Informing you of the malefactor responsible would greatly aid in your goal of constructing your power base; as such, you wouldn't need all of the elementals to push your agenda, as you would know who to target with the power afforded you by the remaining ones. Would you agree with that assessment?"

2012-03-18, 02:43 AM
zexan consortium

here is a tax plan waiting for your approval

the legions:35(the legions need some extra funding if theyre to protect the kingdom)
WO expenses:20
foreign and domestic debts:20
public works:35

the only major changes to note is the increased spending on both the legions and public works. both are essential if the kingdom is to be protected. however to accomplish this we may have to cut the kingdoms administrative staff down to the bare minumum

night guild
garth rowan

we would like you to come to the busted mace flagon here in primeval. we have much to discuss


to GM
seeing as how its more than likely the night guild will desire retribution should they figure out what im doing, lelei is too take every precaution possible to make sure she makes it out alive should the guild have any tricks up their sleeve

2012-03-18, 03:42 AM
Baylin Split

To the Silver Shields
I will await your arrival.

To the Scholarium Arcana
Unfortunately there are no funds available to give to non governmental mages. Even using my own personal funds I have only managed to keep the Ministry of Magic barely funded. If you have some suggestion as to whom I should deprive of money in order to grant you the funds you have repeatedly asked for then I will consider it.

To the Golden Circle
Ah, but you are member of the council. The organization which decides such matters as taxation. It would be unkind to also place the burden of collecting those taxes on you as well. After all if the prior kings and overlords saw need to create a separate office there is little reason to think that a council member would be any better able to divert time to carrying it out. And in addition it is quite likely that the seal will need to be given as a political reward to gather support behind the council.

To the Night Guild
Very well what do you have to say.

2012-03-18, 04:26 AM
Night Guild
Loyalty ++++

Baylin Split-PM
Garth Rowan arrives to meet the Overlord himself, with only one common thug as his escort. He's a man in his late thirties, but by the way he limps in holding his cane, he appears a man much older.

He kneels to show fealty as best he can, though it comes across as more awkward than anything as his right leg won't bend at the knee.

"Greetings Overlord Split. I had hoped to speak with you sooner to congratulate you on your ascension to leadership. The people still speak of the display you made to keep your rivals in check, and give our fair kingdom the chance for peace, at least for a time...

"The alleged bandits that have been dealing with the criminal underground, and with the Cult of Primeval Delights are indeed us. Just as we took no side in the civil war, and waged battle against the orst elements of all sides, so we continue to do so, the criminal underground for obvious reasons, the Cult for reasons I hope will be made clear.

"However, I come to you because we have been framed for the murder of the High Priestess. I do not grieve for her passing, her cult a poison sapping our people's resolve, but as you've no doubt heard we have taken the utmost precautions to keep from dropping blood. It is their cause we fight, not their misguided followers.

"I come here now to make an understanding between your rule and the Night Guild. I admit I was skeptical at first at an alleged mad wizard leading us all, but your actions thus far have proven wise and just, a far cry from what your detractors would have me believe."

Zexan Consortium
Garth Rowan is currently busy speaking to the Warlord Baylin Split about possibly using our talents for use against foreign powers. Will another representative be acceptable?

2012-03-18, 01:15 PM
zexan consortium

night guild
of course

2012-03-18, 02:32 PM
Cult of Primeval Delights to Zexan Consortium[PM]

''The question is if this information can be trusted, at least in the light of the messages we received. We aren't prepared for a product of dubious quality. Will we receive definite proof or only your word on the identity of the cuplrit?''

To Night Guild Only

Well, as Zexan Consortium is using a VIP, you don't know what's being said at the meeting, but you know it's taking place.

There is indeed a plan to make a monument for the high priestess.

Frederick Nohlden to Golden Circle [+++-]

''Well. Consider my curiosity piqued. Let's visit the place and I'll see about making my decision.''

Golden Circle: Polyhedron [PM]

The factory is a vast and dark complex, with bizarre architecture and filled with strange devices and huge machinery.

''My family left the Dawn Empire many generations ago, but by ancestors kept the interest in magic. The power of the Rituals is traditionally used for long-term, mass-produced enchantments. Power is too dangerous, not everybody can wield it and not get burned. Shadow is too mutable and ephemeral. It's enchantments tend to shift. Mana is too expensive.''

They passed through a row of clay figures with markings on them golems.

''Fully operational. They provide the security. My grandfather moved to live here after the chaos of Seal breaking. Too bad they can't leave. Anyway, Polyhedron is a fusion of Ritual, Power and Shadow magic. It's extremely rare for three types of magic to work together. There must be a careful balance to it. But the results are simply outstanding.''

They entered one of the smaller production lines, a hall filled with boxes and triangles, with half a dozen tubes protruding from the walls.

''Polyhedron is operational, but it's unbalanced. The three magics must be in concert and before I achieve it, I must supervise the production process, which limits the productivity. Now let me demonstrate how production process works...''

Nohlan: ''I will be frank. I've heard some rumours... They say the building is possessed. I would discount the talk, that you have chained demons here making the goods, but magic is indeed a dangerous thing. I wouldn't want to lose my investment, if things go wrong...''

Andre Valish: ''That wouldn't be a problem, if an organization dedicated keeping magic under control were to be ready to step in and resolve the issue. I'm certain that the Mages of Golden Circle can ensure complete safety of the operations.''

Cult of Reason to Shcolarium [PM]

''Somebody tried that?'' Dursten raises an eybrow. ''Was it Golden Circle? And what exactly was their plot to undermine us? How did you learn of it?''

2012-03-18, 02:47 PM
zexan consortium

cult of primeval delight[PM]
well we do not know for certain who it was either however we do have some suspicions based on information we recieved from an unnamed source

reginald pax
we of the zexan consortium understand that your father is on his deathbed. we are sorry to hear that, he has always been a good friend to us. however we also know you would inherit his fortunes. we would like to offer you a place in our wonderful trading empire

fredrick nohlden
we of the zexan consortium would like to begin expanding our business dealings farther into mulden. we thought maybe we could work together. you help us gain business contacts in mulden and since we are primarily based here in trieste we can help you secure an even larger hold on triestes trade. then we can split any profits we make through this deal evenly so we can become the 2 richest groups in the world

Lady Serpentine
2012-03-19, 12:00 AM
Cult of Primeval Delights to Ghost's Lover Children [+++++]

''We believe the murder was conducted by a professional assassin. The chances your séance would identify him or her are thus slim. Still, if you want to try it, we won't object.''

The cultists carefully read the messages.

''We have heard similar rumours. It's strange. We aren't certain why Zexan Consortium would consort with our enemies. Or that we had enemies. Perhaps the Church of Uro has grown concerned we'd steal their followers, but it's hard to believe such peaceful religion would employ assassins.''

Post to come soon.

Scholarium Arcana
Loyalty: -

Discussion of Tears (PM)

"Guesses are worth less than the breath it takes to air them," said Garron dismissively. "But the story makes sense, I suppose. Certainly there is barely enough of the mana inside the artifact to count as a teardrop. I cannot help but wonder how it was collected and contained within the current structure, though--did someone catch the tears as they fell, standing ready with a magic jar?" He eyed the priestesses and guards skeptically. "That seems rather...sinister. And convenient." He shook himself. "No matter. The artifact is most likely of Savorla's making, then, which means that your goddess can create mana comparable to that of the goddess of the elves. Fascinating."

He glanced out the observation window back at the Ghost's Tears for just a moment. The turning gears of his thoughts were all but audible.

"Now. Your concerns," he said quietly. "I will not attempt to mislead you; I do not believe I can fully assuage them. If something should go wrong, the full force of the artifact would be released in one burst. I do not believe the structure that contains the mana would be able to withstand such a release of energy. However, I just as firmly believe that the likelihood of such an event is low. I would personally be organizing and overseeing the project, and I do not allow mistakes." He spoke as though stating an unarguable truth. The sun will rise in the east, water will flow downhill, and Dominic Garron will keep the research safe.

"And as for your worry," he continued, looking pointedly at Darnel Ataerthis, "I would take it as a personal favor if you would refrain from insulting the honor of the Scholarium. We were lent the use of the Ghost's Tears for a short time, for the purposes of study and for a quite small price. Should you request the artifact's immediate return, it will be granted without question, no matter what point we are at in our research. Should we turn the artifact into something even greater than we expect to, if it somehow becomes an item capable of granting a mage powers as that of a god, we would still return it to your keeping. We are in the business of gathering knowledge, not stealing religious artifacts."

Garron seemed completely sincere, as he always did.

Discussion of Tears (PM):

"Darnel is well aware that the majority of the Scholarium is not," Yrybelh explains, frowning slightly. "What he is concerned about is that that, even among the Children, there would be some individuals tempted to take the Ghost's Tears for their own use. The Scholarium is not one entity any more than any other group is - less, in fact, judging by how easy it is to gain information from your students - and it would be quite difficult to track down one student, especially one skilled enough to have taken it in the first place, when they have that kind of power to draw on."

"As for your question about how the tears were collected, we would take it as a favor if you refrained from implying that we murdered the avatar of our own goddess," Merentha says, looking not at all pleased about the question. "Savorla was well aware of the power contained within her tears, and harvested them herself. And if you require further proof, she was well aware of who killed Miskriila; they were caught by a group of our mages and temple guards on her direct orders, and executed at our temple in Primval."

2012-03-19, 04:06 PM
Scholarium Arcana
Loyalty: -

To Baylin Split
Disappointing, but wholly understandable. We will withdraw our request and attend to our own projects until such a time as the Kingdom's finances are in better condition. If there are any further projects the Ministry wishes assistance with, we would be happy to consider them.

Discussion of Tears (PM)

"Of course, of course," said Dominic Garron smoothly. "I meant no offense, and I can see that none was intended. I can see how the Goddess must have taken the time to, as you said, 'harvest' her own tears while distraught at the murder of her much-loved avatar." He cocked his head to the side, as if examining a new idea. "That may what separates the divine mind from the mortal; a certain practicality in the face of such tragedy." He waved a hand dismissively. "Perhaps I am not the best person to interpret religious teachings. I will step away from the subject, leaving it in your more capable hands." His eyes narrowed. "As for your legitimate concerns for the safety of your artifact...well. I would suggest that you do the same favor and leave that to my capable hands, but that would be a less than sufficient response, would it not?"

Garron stepped towards the window and nodded down at the Ghost's Tears below. "You see the structure containing the Tears, yes? That blue light? That is a suspension grid constructed of power drawn from the Scholarium Node itself. It serves many purposes. With that magic we can examine the structure of the artifact, feel out the potency and attempt to classify its mana, and map out how the energy flows through it. In the event of some sort of accident, the Node will also attempt to contain the event, so as to protect the mages who might have accidentally set it off." He paused for a moment before continuing. "That containment is very, very strong, and is not only active during a disaster. It would be possible, yes, for a student with more nefarious intentions than usual to gain access to this room, especially one of our more advanced pupils. It might even be possible for someone of great power to have slipped into the school disguised as a student and do the same thing."

He stared down at the blue light swirling around the tear and gave a satisfied smile. "They would not, however, be able to remove the artifact from that field. Anyone even attempting such a thing would alert both myself and the Archmagus, and would shortly feel the full brunt of our wrath. Anyone with enough strength to defeat both the wards powered by the Node and then fight their way out through a University filled to bursting with mages attuned to any shift in the local balance of magical forces...anyone capable of doing such a thing could take the Tears from anywhere, and as such need not be factored into the equation."

He turned back to the High Priestess and her delegation, a more somber look on his face. "I do understand your concerns, however. If you do not believe the risk to be worth the potential gain, I will understand completely. It would be a shame to end our research here, but we have dealt with such disappointments before, and no doubt will again."

Cult of Reason (PM)

The Archmagus looked uncomfortable for a moment. "You understand that what I'm about to tell you is not, strictly speaking, standard procedure," he began. "We had made a deal with the Zexan Consortium to purchase some interesting relics, a legacy of Baylin Split before his ascension to Overlord. Because of that deal, we have been keeping a rather close eye on the Consortium's activities--scrying and the like, you know how it is--and found something rather troubling. It would seem that the Zexans are in some sort of alliance with the Night Guild to stamp out the cults in Trieste. What they stand to gain from such a thing I do not know, but the messages we read indicated that..."

He sighed and patted his pockets. "Hang on, I had the transcript here somewhere..." he muttered. "It was encoded, of course, but these merchant types always use the same encryptions, all based on languages they think no one else knows just because no one else has traveled so widely...ah, here we are." He pulled a scrap of parchment out of his pocket and read it aloud. "'How did your efforts against the cults go? We were able to prevent the spread of the Cult of Reason but we didn't do any real damage to it. Were you responsible for High Priestess Rosettas death?'"

Baretto paused for a moment. "This was from the Zexan's to the Night Guild. It's rather unsubtle, I think, but they were trusting their faulty encryption." He tossed the parchment into a brazier of glowing coals. "We weren't able to catch the response, unfortunately--by the time we realized that perhaps we should be looking for one, it had already been received by the merchants." He watched the piece of parchment flare and die in the fire. "You understand, of course, that we do not know this information. I have not told you it. We have had a simple chat about the arrangement of the captured elementals, and come to an agreement based on our mutual interest in forwarding the cause of magical knowledge. Yes?" He smiled brightly. "For if you walk out now and move immediately against your enemies, certain people will put two and two together and realize what I have told you. The assumption will be that this information was the sole purpose of this meeting, and if that should occur I'm afraid that further information such as this might be hidden from our scrying eyes much better than this little tidbit. We wouldn't be able to pass more information on to you later. If, however, we were to some to some solid agreement now, and have people see that this meeting was all about the elementals and not intrigue, if they see this in a physical sense and not just because that's what I have told them in my unsecured message asking you here, then assumptions might change. It will be assumed that you obtained the information on your own and not through us. Mysterious are the ways of mages and all that."

The Archmagus' smile faded. "That, my friend, is the offer I give you today. I have just given you my main bargaining chip, it is true; but, as you may have guessed, nothing in this life is free. Not even that already given."

Imperial Psycho
2012-03-19, 04:11 PM
The Silver Shields Loyalty ++

Reman, head of the Silver Shields, arrives in Primval with little fanfare, other than the lodging of half a dozen or so of his watchmen in the local Shields barracks.

To Night Guild
Reman will be in Primval soon. He will wish to be informed of this matter.

To Baylin Split
A messenger is sent to the Overlord, informing him of Reman's arrival in the captial.

To Zexan Consortium
Name your price for the weapons, and we will negotiate from there. We will need enough to supply around half our organisation.

2012-03-19, 04:34 PM
Cult of Primeval Delights to Zexan Consortium [PM]

''So all you have are unconfirmed suspicions from an untrustworthy source. I don't think we'd be willing to pay much for that.''

Reginald Pax to Zexan Consortium

''My father was quite involved in the business, but I feel he was never quite happy in his life. He neglected a lot to build a fortune, that's quite useless to him now. I'm considering to dedicate myself to spiritual growth, rather than counting coins.''

Frederick Nohlden to Zexan Consortium [PM]

''Our cooperation would certainly be profitable. Now I've heard some rumors about a Council and that you may hold a position there. Is that true? And how much do you know of that? ''

Cult of Reason to Scholarium [PM]

''The fear mundane feel about us no doubt. That's what has driven them to act against us. Well, if they persist, they are going to regret it. Perhaps we can arrange for an Elemental for you to study. We'll deliver the creature to you soon.''

2012-03-19, 05:14 PM
zexan consortium

edit: to overlord
it seems my other messenger was robbed by bandits and didnt reach you. however as promised is a proposed tax plan for the kingdoms wealth

military:35(they needed some extra funding to keep the kingdom safe)
WO expenses:20(we need to make peace in ourown lands before worrying about others)
foreign and domestic debts:20
public works:35(we need to focous on improving the living conditions in the kingdom if we are to survive)

the only real drawbacks to this plan is it would involve cutting the administrative staff down to the essesntials

i took the liberty of applying the 20 extra wealth but i can modify this if youd prefer to keep that in reserve
cult of primeval delights[PM]
no. we never said the source was untrustworthy in fact my informant would know this better tha anyone. and as for the suspicions they never directly stated they were responsible for the murder, however they did imply that they were behind it

reginald pax
oh. what do you plan to do with the money then?

fredrick nohlden[PM]
yes the rumors of a council are true. as for my postition i am still waiting for the overlord to approve my tax plan before i know for sure whether i got the job. it is still very much a work in progress

silver shields
very well. i shall look into your organization and i will make you an offer later on after i get in touch with my contacts in the business

to GM
about how much temporary wealth would it take to order a shipment of about [++++] worth of weapons and armor

2012-03-20, 12:10 PM
Loyalty: +++++

To Artificiers Guild:

OOC: Sorry I've taken so long to respond.

"Though I imagine the prices for such things may be great, and I may have to lower my ambitions, how much would it cost to equip 10 men with fantastic armor and swords. Not only must these blades be able to cut down their opposition, and the armor deflect near all incoming harm, but this equipment, if you can do this, must amplify fear. If their enemies feel that hope is gone and their gods are dead, then you will have done your job. If you can do this, name a price."

2012-03-21, 05:15 PM
Cult of Primevel Delights to Zexan Consortium [PM]

''Well, how much would you ask for the information then?''

Reginald Pax to Zexan Consortium

''Well, there are many worthy causes. The people have suffered much during this war and their souls are in turmoil. I'll use my wealth to try to heal the scars of war and guide them to the right path''.

Frederick Nohlden to Zexan Consortium [PM]

''I wish you all the best. Many of merchants in Mulden are concerned about the stability of the new government and its direction. If their fears can be dispelled by information, certainly the business with the Consortium would pick up.''

To Silver Shields & Zexan Consortium Only

Just to clarify, Silver Shields need +++++ + weapons to outfit the entire force with regular quality weapons.

Zexan Consortium Only

The Asimarian Kingdom's merchants are selling considerable quantities of normal quality weapons - enough to outfit +++++ +++++ +++++ +++++ soldiers. They give good discounts, if you buy a lot. You can get 2 Weapons per 1 Wealth, plus bonus from discount. They are a recent entry into the market and haven't established a name for themselves.

The Malvoc Consortium has weapons of Gen craftsmanship - high quality. They want 1 Weapon per 1 Wealth. Their reputation is impeccable. What they premise, they deliver.

There is also a merchant in Mulden, who's got a shipment of Shadow Blades. There are enough to outfit a small force of + soldiers and he wants ++++ Wealth for them. The Blades are enchanted with Shadow Magic that links the soldiers together allowing communication and cooperation as well as boosting morale and defence against Shadow Magic. Well, so he claims. Merchant's reputation is decent, but magic always involves risk.

If you buy locally the price is 2 Wealth per 1 Weapon and the supply is limited to +++. The price would increase after that mcuh weapons are sold.

2012-03-21, 05:25 PM
Red Anslem

LOY +++
To Zexan Consortium, Cult of Reason, Golden Circle and Artificiers Guild

Greetings ,

Red Anslem has an offer of [+++++ ++] usable mana in form of monster's bodies and rare substances used in magic. We wish to sell it to one (or more) of you. We await offers until [EoT].

Ghostlord Aleister Quen

To Overlord/House Tercel, Ministry of Foreign Affairs


we raport that Dominion is relatively monster free at the moment; but there is other thing that, in my humble opinion, should be dealt with care. Other kingdoms are trying to discredit Triste forces in Dominion and downplay our participation in defense of our land.

The Domina awards medals to the generals, however there are rumours Sun Shields are in disfavour with public and Dominion nobles.

It is more than true. We urge you to take appropriate actions.

Ghostlord Alister Quen

To Sun-Spear Commander in Dominion


Dominion is moster free. I am going to realocate Undead Legion to prevent another losses to Kingdom of Trieste reputation in Dominion.

May you walk in grace,
Aleister Quen

2012-03-21, 06:04 PM
Sun Spear Lieutenant-General Valdez to Red Anslen

''It's a damn shame to have such skilled commander leave us at this time. The Sun Spear Legion remains in your debt. Hopefully we'll survive long enough to repay it.''

Cult of Reason to Scholarium [PM]

''Red Anslen has offered to sell some monster reagents to us. We lack the funds, but perhaps you'd be interested.''

2012-03-21, 06:19 PM
Scholarium Arcana
Loyalty: -

Cult of Reason (PM)

"Wonderful." The Archmagus beamed. "This opens up so many more options for us...anyway. Thank you for informing us about Red Anslen's reagents; I will send a messenger to him straightaway."

Red Anslen

We have been informed that you are in possession of some interesting monster reagents that you wish to sell. The Scholarium is greatly interested in things of that nature, and as such we were wondering what your price was.

2012-03-21, 06:48 PM
zexan consortium

to cult of primeval delights[PM]
hmm. i was thinking an amount thats not too outrageous but still substantial enough to justify me betraying my partner.

OOC:+++ temp wealth

to fredrick nohlden[PM]
i will contact you once i hear back from the overord

to red anslen
we might be interested in accuiring [+-] of the regents

to silver shields
well you have a couple options here. the choice is yours

there is one fairly new organization who is offering discounts if we buy in bulk. that will obviously be cheaper on you but the goods are not as high quality as say the melvaunt consortiums

the melvaunt consortium is offering much better quality goods but at a higher price which means more expensive on you and me

then there is another merchant who is offering [+] worth of supposedly very high quility magical weapons. however the costs for that would pry be many times higher than you would be willing to pay

to reginald pax
as i stand to potentially gain a postition in the kingdoms goverment if you would be willing to entrust the wealth to me i can make sure the money goes directly to improving conditions of the sick and poor

Imperial Psycho
2012-03-21, 06:54 PM
The Silver Shields
Loyalty: ++-

To Zexan Consortium
Well, higher quality is obviously important, but I think perhaps I would prefer the bulk pricing, considering my current financial situation. (I can pay ++ t. Wealth this turn, with more to follow later of course, and I am hoping to negotiate with the Overlord for subsidy)

Still, I would be grateful if you would put me into contact with this merchant of magical blades, or at least ask him to hold his goods for me.

2012-03-21, 08:16 PM
zexan consortium

to silver shields
alright its a deal. and i will let the merchant know to hold on to the goods. let me know when you want me to set up a meeting between you and him. if you are ever unable to pay me then just let us know. im sure we can come up with some other payment options. we will place an order about [+++++ +] worth of equipment

to GM
going to order the weapons from the amisiren kingdoms and ship them to the silver shields. also going to request that the merchant in mulden hold on to those shadow weapons for a season or 2

2012-03-22, 06:52 AM
Baylin Split: Loyalty +++

To the Night Guild
And what are these reasons you have to pursue bandit activities against the cult.

To the Scholarium Arcana
I will indeed keep you in mind, although for now there is nothing pressing.

To the Silver Shields
Now that you are here, have you decided that you wish to accept my invitation?

To the Zexan Consortium
It seems there has been a misunderstanding. This is not a tax plan. This is a budget. I require a tax plan to deal with acquiring funds for the government which is both equitable and able to cover the kingdom's needs. Not a plan for using those funds afterwards.

To the Red Anslem
Further clarification as to why is needed before action can be taken. Do you have any further information.

Imperial Psycho
2012-03-22, 08:47 AM
The Silver Shields
Loyalty: ++-

To Baylin Split
Ah. My apologies, but on balance, I have chosen to refuse your offer. I do not wish to take a place on your Council.

I am afraid I come to bring another matter to you, I desire the Silver Shields recognised as the arm of law and order in Trieste, and the state of Trieste assists us in bringing calm to the land.

2012-03-22, 10:04 AM
To Silver Shields/Baylin Split

Just a note: there are two set of laws - for commoners and for nobles. The nobles won't mind Silver Shields resolving issues with commoners, but for passing judgment on nobles, they'll recognize only Overlord or his sworn followers (or maybe a high ranking noble like Tercel or Aenaris) appointed to act as Overlord's Justice. And since Silver Shields don't owe Overlord a direct oath of fealty, their appointment to judge nobles would be frowned upon. It can be done, but it would erode your support and heighten tensions between Nobles and Silver Shields.

[Naturally, not all nobles view matters as such and in northern provinces commoners and nobles laws are almost indistinguishable, but for the most of country it's like that.]

2012-03-22, 12:16 PM
House Tercel to Red Anslen and Overlord:

We are aware of the situation in Dominion. The Republic of Sandara is fighting our influence in the region, and we don't have the resources to deal with everyone at the same time. We are focusing our efforts into destabilizing Sandara from within and supporting the remnants of the nobility there.

2012-03-22, 05:06 PM
zexan consortium

to overlord
oh of course. i dont know what i was thinking. i have been in contact with several wealthy merchants anyways so i will discuss accuiring funds for the kingdom with them

to reginald pax
i just spoke with the overlord. he is looking for ways to fund the kingdom and keep it from falling apart. since you wont have much need of it would you consider donating a lump sum of wealth to the kingdom every half a year or so? i guarantee you that the overlord will make sure the money gets to where its most needed

silver shields
as the head of the consortiums mercenary forces it is my responsibility to protect the consortiums holdings by any means necessary. i have a business proposition that you might be interested in. because of the delicate nature of this job we would like you to send a representitive to the manor of prince kholad if interested so we can discuss this in person

general atesca

2012-03-23, 12:48 AM
The Artificers Guild

To Legion:
We can certainly make such swords and armor, our price is (+++ of either Wealth or Magic (or a combination of the two) for the next three turns, or one of each permanently).

To Baylin Split:
For a tax collection plan and budget the following things:

The Nobles are refusing to pay till after they collect their dues from the peasants, I say fine let them, but we get to say how much they can collect. This lets us put in controls that keep down corruption, and gives us time to asses the people and levy a fair tax that will allow the peasants the resources they need to rebuild after the war. This will require our government to tighten its collective belt for a little while but will provide a stronger tax base next year.

Out of yearly income of 100

30 is to go to the Military
5 WO We don't want to make other countries mad, but we need fix our own needs before we can look to our neighbors
7.5 on the Administration, we will have to cut out some corruption to do this.
32.5 Public works Again we will be working on cutting corruption here. The support of the Military will probably be necessary.
20 is for paying our debts The largest amounts of money will go to the highest interest debts and to the debts that we can pay off quickly. As that smallest debts are payed off the money will then be allocated to the next smallest all the way up the line till all are paid and we are free again.
5 in to be saved as just in case resources, we will probably need to buy food from other countries this next year.

2012-03-23, 04:24 AM
The Night Guild

Overlord Baylin Split-PM
Garth gave a warm smile as he stopped his slow, limped pace, and stood in one spot, keeping his eyes focused on the Overlord.

“Bandit activities? Yes, I suppose that is an accurate description. It much similar to why you blew apart a man… Baron Flast I believe, at the end of the civil war. He was a man who would have continued the war regardless of the consequences, his pride, his beliefs anathema to peace. The Cult of Primeval Delights is far more subtle, yet no less a threat to Trieste. They are heralds of weakness, and moral depravity. At a time when war surrounds us, they would have us forget the troubles of the world through fornication and mind-numbing herbs. When we need able bodies reinforcing the catastrophe in the north, the Cult asks strong bodied men and women to join then, promising their lust’s desire. Some may see them as harmless, but that is exactly their fault, for each convert, each gain they make, they make more of our people harmless alongside them.

“We are not alone in this belief. The Zexan Consortium funded our efforts, even did their own part by paying mercenaries into their own service that would have otherwise gone to the Cult of Reason. Personally the Night Guild has no qualms with the Cult of Reason, yet. However, I could see where they may lump all three cults together. After all, they do share one commanility that sets them apart from the lawful Church of the Endless Ocean. Whereas the church benefits from a strong Trieste, the cults were born from the suffering during the civil war, and continued to grow strength from Trieste’s wounds.

“As to why we have resorted to these bandit tactics? We simply have no other means at our disposal. At the present we are naught but vigilantes, most of us with jobs and families within the city. I also hate to admit it, but the Night Guild is not loved. We have a thankless task to curb the corruption within Primval, seeing how even the most law abiding citizen is too worried to see if we will cast our eye onto them, overlooking the good we have accomplished.

“However, this is where we can aid one another. Legitimize the Night Guild. Recognize us as an order under your rule. With that, and with the support of other factions I am confident we can get, we will have the strength and prestige to act above such ruthless tactics. In return, you will be aware of our actions. Though we will not yield our cause, there are many who stain our dear city, and the Night Guild is more than willing to… delay justice upon those you have need of, and focus our attention and those ill elements most troubling you. The Silver Shields alone cannot take the burden of security within our borders alone.

“Or, you may condemn our actions. I will return to the city, or will be thrown in the dungeons, your preference, and the Night Guild will continue to be vigilantes, attacking the cruel and wicked at the most inopportune time, blending back into the crowds. The nobles will demand you finish us off, and you will expend valuable resources to root us out, or incur their further enmity. Victory you will have over us there is no doubt, but it will not be worth it, not when here I stand, offering to pledge myself, and the entire guild, to your services."

Zexan Consortium-PM
The Night Guild sends a young man named Farwick Dowery, a handsome and strong boy of sixteen. He introduces himself as a recent initiate of the guild, and by his seeming naiveté, it is likely his story is true. [OOC: It is true]

This is his first assignment, tasked with hearing the Zexan Consortium out. The question on the Night Guild’s mind is why did the Zexan Consortium approach the Cult of Primeval Delights to “shed light” on things, and what exactly the cult and the consortium are discussing in this meeting, as well as hearing out whatever else they have to say. At the moment the Night Guild’s leaders are not sure whether or not they can trust the consortium, and are looking for assurances.

Farwick is only here to listen, and to hand over a letter should the Zexan Consortium seem true to their word. (OOC: Basically anything other than “We’ll kill you all” will be enough for him.)

The letter’s contents
Dear Leila,
I truly did enjoy our light conversation from before. Under better times, I perhaps would have entreated you for another night under less formal circumstances. However, my true love died fighting our cause in the civil war, you deserve a man more able bodied than I, and these are not better times.

I hope you understand that until I can be certain what was, and what was not discussed with our mutual enemy, you will not find me, and any attempt to meet me in person will not be taken lightly.


Garth Rowan

2012-03-23, 05:24 PM
zexan consortium

to night guild[PM]
yes. i will be the first to admit that we should have shared our intentions with you sooner but we knew not how our meeting would go. i assure you that we have no intention of turning you in to the cult. our intention is to plant doubts in the cults head and turn them against... certain other factions

2012-03-23, 06:21 PM
The Artificers Guild

To Scholarium Arcana
Our resources are ready and at you disposal to examine those artifacts that you acquired.

2012-03-23, 08:42 PM
Night Guild

Zexan Consortium-PM
Farwick took out a parchment and began scribbling down a few words. "Not turn us in". "Blame other factions." Could he not remember it on his own?

"Ah, I see! That's very clever of you. All right then, I think the others might want to know who the other factions are. Oh, and if there is anything specifically the Zexan Consortium thinks we should do in particular against the cult?"

2012-03-23, 10:58 PM
Scholarium Aracana
Loyalty: -

To Artificer's Guild

Ah, yes. We had almost forgotten about that.

We will deliver the artifacts to you posthaste. If you believe you can replicate their properties, we would like a percentage of the profit from the sale of any derived items. The actual percentage can be negotiated after we know if the artifacts are actually going to be at all useful for that purpose.

If you could share your findings on how to operate the relics, that too would be appreciated. We haven't had a chance to figure out how to use them efficiently yet.

2012-03-24, 01:24 AM
zexan consortium

night guild[PM]
well its actually 2 factions. my main focous is turning the cult of primeval delights against the cult of reason. it would make our job much easier if the cults began fighting eachother. however there is also the matter of the ghost lovers children. i think it is they who managed to persuade the prmeval delight to suspect your involvement in the assasination.

and as for the cults i recomend we focous on the cult of reason for now. they seem to be the biggest threat. i dont think the cult of primeval delight has much force behind it so we can take them later

2012-03-24, 05:06 AM
Cult of Primevel Delights to Zexan Consortium

''I believe your price is too high.''

Reginal Pax to Zexan Consortium

''I'm not certain of how kind the current government would be to the poor and lost. From what I have heard of this Baylin Split, he cares not for much, but his magic. Will my gold go to feed the hungry or to fund his experiments? He may wish to buy the loyalty of the people by throwing coins on the streets now, but I don't trust his benevolence would persist.''

To Artificer's Guild/Overlord

There are currently laws establishing the upper limit of the taxes, nobles can collect for themselves. It's pretty high, designed not to let Nobles utterly ruin their peasants. This law isn't always enforced.

2012-03-24, 12:26 PM
zexan consortium

cult of primeval delights
the merchant grins and says it was worth a shot. how about [++-]

reginald pax
there is a special council being formed to prevent him from making all those decisions for himself

to GM
does the cult of reason have any particular symbol or anything? what im getting at is it possible to implicate the cult of reason in an assasination or something by dressing assasins up as them?

2012-03-25, 12:09 PM
Baylin Split

To the Knights of Aqua

As you may know I am forming a council to govern the Kingdom of Trieste in my stead, as I have no wish to be bogged down in the minutia of rule or in fact rule at. I simply endeavored to restore stability so that I could go about my own work in peace.

As you may also know the recent defense in the Broken Back Mountains while technically a success, was also a complete disaster as the various legions sabotaged each other to ensure that they came out of the campaign looking the best.

I freely admit that this was my fault. I ordered them to commit to the campaign in order to prove which legion was superior. With the legion that proved most effective gaining additional support. I had expected that this will encourage them to fight harder and more valiantly not try and sabotage each other's plans. The fact that I completely misjudged their response has proven to me that my own area of expertise is quite definitely not in the military fields.

Which is why I have come to you. Your own order commands the respect of many factions. And your strong military record means that the legions would be willing to accept your orders. And as a neutral outsider you would be able to what is best for Trieste without favoring one legion over another.

If it is not clear yet I am offering you a position on the Council of Trieste. Either as the Commander of the Armies or at the very least a military adviser if you do not wish to involve yourselves in politics too closely. Do you accept?

Baylin Split

2012-03-25, 03:26 PM

Loyalty: +++++

To Artificier's Guild:

Good, good. We cannot get this to you immediately, but the payment can begin soon.

OOC: I agree to this, but not until next turn. Need other uses for my magic and cash this turn.

2012-03-25, 04:54 PM
Church of the Endless Ocean

During one of the Church's regular ceremonies following the death of High Priestess Rosetta, High Priest Maedro speaks to the crowd regarding the murder.

"Our sympathies go out to those who were close to Rosetta. Her death was tragic as the loss of life always is. Trieste has seen much bloodshed recently and it is a shame that it continues. Though she was not one of the faithful during her life, we pray that Uro judge her soul kindly on her journey across the Endless Ocean. It saddens me that she neglected to forsake her sinful ways to accept Uro as her god before this unfortunate circumstance. I can only urge that others do not make the same mistake as Rosetta. Give your lives to Uro in preparation for the long voyage that begins at death."

Baylin Split,

I will accept your offer to serve on the council. Preferably overseeing something having to do with the internal affairs of the kingdom. Trieste's well-being is my second-most priority, the first being Uro's humble servant.

High Priest Maedro
Reginald Pax
Mister Reginald Pax,

The Church of the Endless Ocean is sad to hear of your father's condition. Throughout his life he was a faithful man, one of the few who dedicated their lives to making Trieste a better place and serving Uro. Recently it has been rumored that he has turned to the Cult of Primeval Delights for... delight. As High Priest, I wanted to speak with you about this urgently. The cult is made up of mostly blasphemers and I would hate to see your father's ears filled with their lies. Nothing saddens me more than seeing one of Uro's faithful mislead. Your father's health is in my devotions and I can only hope that he finds his way back to Uro before he begins his long voyage.

If it would please you, I would personally like to visit your father and speak with him as we once did when he attended the cathedral for regular worship. I hope that with my guidance I can lift the veil that has been placed over his eyes by the members of such a sinful cult.

Your Brother in Faith,
High Priest Maedro

2012-03-25, 05:10 PM
Red Anslen

LOY +++
To Scholarium

Yes, we have [+++++ ++] rare moster mana.

To zexan consortium

We are willing to sell you [+-] of mana for [++ t. econ].

To Overlord/House Tercel

I just wanted to warn you; but if House Tercel is aware of it, I am leaving it to Lord Tercel.

2012-03-25, 05:56 PM
Scholarium Arcana
Loyalty: -

To Red Anslen

That is a very impressive amount, there. We would be willing to give you ++ (temp wealth) this turn and the next in exchange for +++ of the mana, if you are interested. If you have a counteroffer, please let us know.

2012-03-25, 05:58 PM
Red Anslen to Scholarium Arcana

It is good deal. We agree to trade [+++] mana for [++t.eco] this turn and next.

OOC: we have deal. :smallsmile:

2012-03-25, 06:07 PM
Scholarium Arcana
Loyalty: -

To Red Anslen

Excellent. Good doing business with you. If we are able to come up with more funds, and you should still have some of that mana left, we'd be willing to purchase more of it at a later date.

2012-03-25, 08:51 PM
Artificers Guild

To Legion
Just so I can plan for it, which payment plan are you going for?

Lady Serpentine
2012-03-25, 10:08 PM
Scholarium Arcana
Loyalty: -
[B]Discussion of Tears (PM)

"Of course, of course," said Dominic Garron smoothly. "I meant no offense, and I can see that none was intended. I can see how the Goddess must have taken the time to, as you said, 'harvest' her own tears while distraught at the murder of her much-loved avatar." He cocked his head to the side, as if examining a new idea. "That may what separates the divine mind from the mortal; a certain practicality in the face of such tragedy." He waved a hand dismissively. "Perhaps I am not the best person to interpret religious teachings. I will step away from the subject, leaving it in your more capable hands." His eyes narrowed. "As for your legitimate concerns for the safety of your artifact...well. I would suggest that you do the same favor and leave that to my capable hands, but that would be a less than sufficient response, would it not?"

Garron stepped towards the window and nodded down at the Ghost's Tears below. "You see the structure containing the Tears, yes? That blue light? That is a suspension grid constructed of power drawn from the Scholarium Node itself. It serves many purposes. With that magic we can examine the structure of the artifact, feel out the potency and attempt to classify its mana, and map out how the energy flows through it. In the event of some sort of accident, the Node will also attempt to contain the event, so as to protect the mages who might have accidentally set it off." He paused for a moment before continuing. "That containment is very, very strong, and is not only active during a disaster. It would be possible, yes, for a student with more nefarious intentions than usual to gain access to this room, especially one of our more advanced pupils. It might even be possible for someone of great power to have slipped into the school disguised as a student and do the same thing."

He stared down at the blue light swirling around the tear and gave a satisfied smile. "They would not, however, be able to remove the artifact from that field. Anyone even attempting such a thing would alert both myself and the Archmagus, and would shortly feel the full brunt of our wrath. Anyone with enough strength to defeat both the wards powered by the Node and then fight their way out through a University filled to bursting with mages attuned to any shift in the local balance of magical forces...anyone capable of doing such a thing could take the Tears from anywhere, and as such need not be factored into the equation."

He turned back to the High Priestess and her delegation, a more somber look on his face. "I do understand your concerns, however. If you do not believe the risk to be worth the potential gain, I will understand completely. It would be a shame to end our research here, but we have dealt with such disappointments before, and no doubt will again."

Discussion of Tears (PM):

"That would seem to alleviate our concerns," Yrybelh admits after a minute or two, releasing the small token she had used to hold her now-removed cloak, which is currently pinned to her belt, and nodding thoughtfully. "Continue your research, I suppose. The risk is... Acceptable, if unpleasant. The Children were not founded by people sitting around afraid to lose what they had, after all."

The rest nod silently; apparently, they all have similar tokens to those given to the Archmage, and they discussed it amongst themselves before she said something, which would certainly explain why she was holding her cloak-pin, and thus don't feel the need to say anything else.

GLC to Red Anslen (+++):

It has come to our attention that you currently have ++- mana, of a rare variety, for sale. Would you be willing to sell it to us for [+p. Wealth]?

Merentha Dremis, Lady of the Moon

2012-03-25, 10:44 PM
Scholarium Arcana
Loyalty: -

Discussion of Tears (PM)

"Excellent," said Dominic Garron. If he had noticed the interaction of the cloak pins, he gave no sign. "I assure you, every measure to prevent the artifact from being damaged will be taken. When we next meet, I will personally see it safely to your hands, I assure you." He smiled his stone-mask smile. "Now, I believe with that our business is concluded, and there is much work to be done; if you would be so kind as to excuse me..."

He left the same way he had come, plans moving like silent gears behind his eyes.

Lady Serpentine
2012-03-25, 10:59 PM
The Ghost Lover's Children:
Loyalty: +++

Discussion of Tears (PM):

The group, having nothing further to say, as Magus Garron's statement doesn't seem to require a response, exits the building, unless something would prevent them, heading over to the recently completed quarters for some rest before they return to their various assignments.

2012-03-26, 07:35 AM
Cult of Primevel Delights to Zexan Consortium

''I'm afraid your price is too high for the product you offer, merchant.''

Reginal Pax to Zexan Consortium

''I do not know the nature of this Council and whether it would be effective and honest. Your words do not alley my concerns.''

To Zexan Consortium

Cult of Reason has trappings of what they believe the Mage Lords of the past wore. They have special dress and symbols, including the circlets, indicating their allegiance to the old Circle of Mages.

Knights of Aqua to Overlord

''We will accept your commission.''

Reginald Pax

''You can meet my father. You do not have much time, for his hours grow short. He may not survive a night.''

2012-03-26, 04:49 PM
Loyalty: +++++

To Artificiers Guild:

Unfortunately, that is part of why I am waiting. I won't know until after [this turn] as to which I would rather part with. Sorry. I can inform you [soon after the EOT].

2012-03-26, 08:21 PM
Golden Circle

Polyhedron [PM]
"Thank you for your confidence. Anti-magic is one of our organisations specialties. I'm sure we can deal with any problems that might emerge."

2012-03-31, 12:33 PM
Turn 2, Summer Season


[The Council Authority: Mob +++++ +, Nobles +++, Military ++++]

Ministry of War: High Marshal François Javez [Knights Aqua]
Ministry of Trade and Taxes: [Golden Circle]
Ministry of Foreign Affairs (None Voting): Richard Tercel [House Tercel]
Ministry of Magic: Baylin Split
Ministry of Civil Affairs: High Priest Maedro [Church of Endless Ocean]
Royal Court: [Cult of Primeval Delights]

Council Affairs

Authority Undermined

The people of Primval are uneasy. The cannibal murderers stalk the streets, Cult of Primeval Delights, now member of the Council was harassed, now the officials of the Council – in the Customs House are being kidnapped and assassinated.

Northern Mines

A group of Half-Elf Nobles wishes to have their claim on the Northern Mines confirmed. They have owned half of the mines, before they were overrun by monsters.

Customs House

The people of Primval murmur on streets, that Council should give the Church of Endless Ocean the right to decide, who should become head of customs, after the assassination of the previous one, as the Church worked hard to cleanse corruption of customs officials.

Petitions for Protection

Several groups petition the Council for protection. The followers of Uro in Kingdom of Clovis, a small group of no more than three hundred, ask Triestre to intervene, as they fear the Church of the Scarlett Rose would have them declared cultists and either forcibly converted or exiled.

In Dominion a few Gifted (untrained Mages) have sought sanctuary in the Sun Shields garrisons against mobs of angry citizens, blaming them on the monster attack from Broken-Back Mountains. At the same time several groups of nobles have arrived from Republic of Sandara, fleeing from accusations of treason and executioner’s axe in their homeland. They have begged the commander of Sun Shields to protect them and give them safe passage to Triestre.


The rumors that Mulden was going to be attacked were ignored and soon the talk died down. The merchant’s son soon was proven a teller of tales, who made the whole thing up based on some vague rumors.

Saumel Pax died leaving a sizeable donation to the Church of Endless Ocean. His son, Reginald Pax used his wealth to aid the poor. While mistrustful of the Baylin Split, an opinion he didn’t conceal, he was persuaded to work with the Council to donate part of the wealth to help rebuild the kingdom. His fortune was soon spent and the trading empire his father built dissolved. This has affected the major business partners – Artificer’s Guild and Zexan Consortium lose [+] p. Wealth each.

The Red Coins nobles weakened by the death of their leader break into smaller factions. Their position was never strong and now many of them seek alliances and protectors.

The horrendous murders continue in Primval as City Watch desperately tries to stop them. People blame the Council for not acting, despite it being formed just recently.

A marriage between royal houses of Al-Makim and Kingdom of Asimar was announced. The guests from Triestre, the long-time ally of Al-Makim are invited to attend the wedding.

In the eastern part of the Kingdom, tall people with silver heir, dressed in strange clothing of translucent robes have been seen. Their motives are unknown and people have grown uneasy. It is unknown where they are coming from and where they disappear to.

In a recent clash on the southern borders, a Dragonblood noble was slain, who carried a dagger. The one who slain him, a minor noble Raith Sileas found it strange, that a plain looking weapon was carried by a high-ranking Dragonblood, so he had consulted a Mage, who revealed the weapon to carry no magic, but an ancient history, for once it was wielded by the great founder of the Dragonblood Empire.

Kingdom News:

The Victory in the North

The monsters of the Broken-Back Mountains were driven back and the Kingdom of Treistre is safe once more. The Legions return to their old positions, the Mountain Lions recruiting heavily to replace their losses.

Hunger Averted

The worst of the damage to the Canal network has been repaired and water flows to the fields once more. The peasants are busy preparing their fields as the planting season approaches, many hope that fertility ritual of previous year has worked.

Weapon Shipment

In the Primval, a ship carrying a cargo of weapons arrives and they are unloaded to the Zexan Consortium's warehouses.

Scholarium’s Power

In Scholarium Arcana the students observe the Elemental of Paper, bound by the Scholarium Mage’s enchantments it whirls in the library, restoring the old tomes of power.


Polyhedron, the great magical factory, has received a generous investment from Mulden Guilds, and began to operate. Many people have feared the magic of Polyhedron, whispering that it’s haunted and wo-uld bring misfortune and calamity on Primval. However, the Golden Circle has pledged to deal with any trouble, should it arise. Golden Circle orators have spoken on the squares of Primval, promising, that Polyhedron would be no threat and the common folk has quieted down, wary, but not hostile.

[Mulden gained control over Polyhedron.]

Mines Liberated

The army has managed to clear out monsters in the northern mines, reclaiming them for the kingdom.

[Ruined Asset: The Mines will become +++++ + Income asset, if they are restored. There are several influential half-elf noble families, who have owned [+++] of the mines for a long time and they present their claim to the Council to be confirmed.]

Demons Spotted

Several bands of demons were seen prowling in the countryside. Fortunately they steered clear of roads and populated villages.

Artificer’s Guild Delivers Master Work

The merchants of Mulden praise the craftsmanship of the Artificer’s Guild in their work on a magical relict. Three powerful Mulden galleons prepare to return the restored device to Mulden.

Kidnappings & Assassinations

Several customs officials disappear. At first they are suspected of fleeing the city, as there were rumours of corrupt dealings in the Customs, but several witnesses come forward, claiming masked men have seized them and hauled in unknown direction. A few days later the head of the Customs is found dead, his throat slit.

The people of Primval watch over this with unease. The kidnapping and murder of the servants of the Overlord and the Council are no laughing matter after all.

Zexan Consortium’s Good Works

The popularity of the Zexan Consortium grows among the common folk, as rumours spread that the merchants are working to support the Kingdom.

Peace in Eastern Dominion

In the Eastern Dominion, where the worst of banditry occurred, the separate efforts of Silver Shields and Cult of Reason have managed to hunt down the worst of the bandit gangs.

Cult of Reason in Eastern Dominion

In the Eastern Dominion the last smouldering fires of the civil war were put out, when the Cult of Reason sided with a group of nobles, bringing a swift victory by their magic. It is yet unclear if that was a one time deal or a long-term alliance. The Cult has settled in a masterless land, the noble family, that ruled it in the past all killed in the civil war.

Soon the servants of the Cult have spread calling on the Mages of the Kingdom to join their ranks, showing the power of captured Elementals, recruiting in Scholarium and claiming that the new Age of Magic will soon arrive. Their numbers grow daily, as Mages across the Kingdom find protection and sense of purpose in serving the Cult of Reason.

The Cult of Primeval Delights & Church of Endless Ocean

Funeral of the High Priestess Rosette

Many gather at the funeral, cult members and curious citizens alike. As the casket with the body is laid to rest, it suddenly bursts with water, that begins to pour out, for a few seconds creating a small torrent. Then thunder rolls and grey skies erupt in a down pouring rain scattering the crowds and washing away what little snow Primval had that winter.

The next day flowers bloom as if its spring and the city looks refreshed and clean.

The Demagoguery

The Church of Endless Ocean declares what happened to be a clear sign of Uro’s displeasure over the blasphemy of the Cult.

The Cult of Primeval Delights claims a different interpretation of the events:
''The skies themselves have wept for the passage of our beloved Rosette! The world grieves at her untimely death. But look at the flowers blooming and breathe the fresh air. Rosetta has re-joined the world and her love for us is expressed through the beauty of this day.''

The Return of Rosette

Something completely unexpected happens twenty days from the funeral. The Cult of Primeval Delights declares High Priestess Rosette alive. They claim she has returned from the realms of shadow to guide her people once more. Rosette makes public appearances, surrounded by her numerous acolytes – she wears a robe of dark and silver, with cowl that conceals her face.

The opponents of the Cult claim the resurrection of Rosette to be a trick – and that it’s an imposter, pretending to be her. However others note that Rosette’s voice and manners are the same as before and chose to believe in the divine miracle.

The War of Faiths

Church of Endless Ocean and Cult of Primeval Delights stand opposed each other. The people watch uncertain, whom to believe and follow. Are the miracles of Cult false? Are the accusations of the Church nothing but envy?

World News:


The Church of Scarlett Rose has struck against a cult that has appeared recently, and managed to amass great power and influence. Calling themselves the Listeners, the cultists have sought to undermine the Kingdom in preparation of ''Worm’s Heralds'', some mystical figures who would take the power and ''awaken the world to it's true glory''.

The Paladins of the Church have fought the priests of the Cult, breaking its power and putting its followers to the sword. They were met as heroes on the streets of Red City, with crowds throwing flowers as they passed and bards singing songs of their heroic deeds. The Lady of the Church has called on the extermination of the dark cults and evil worship in Clovis. One after another the cults are assailed – the evil are put to sword, the misguided are converted and the fools are exiled. Only the worship of the Elven Goddess has been accepted as a true religion and in no danger from the Church of Scarlett Rose.

Iron Lords & Ironcloaks

There are rumours, that Ironcloaks are assembling a Legion to march on Triestre and bring Baylin Split to the Iron Cages in chains. Others say the Ironcloaks are gathering to support Domina, cleansing the taint of magic from the Dominion, once and for all.


In Dominion the people talk about the cowardice of the Triestre's Legions and evil of the the it's magic. The public's opinion is turning against the Kingdom.

Sandarian Republic

The Revolutionary Council has uncovered a plot by the old nobility to restore the Kingdom to the royal rule. In response the soldiers raid the manors and arrest nobles related to the plot. There are rumors, that Triestre's embassy is sheltering several noble families, including a distant relative to the Sandarian royal line.

Dragonblood Empire

The Trial War that will determine the succession in the Dragonblood Empire have begun. After Dominic Tersiel have died of night termorrs, or as the locals call it ''too much steel in heart'', only four candidates with any real chances of victory remain - Elisa Tersiel, Elaina Tersiel, Garret Thornfield and Allandor Dane.


House Tercel & Artificer's Guild Only

The small adventuring group has travelled deeper and deeper into the mountains, soon venturing into uncharted territories. They have received additional supplies from both House Tercel and Zexan Consortium, however that deep into the mountains, they couldn’t count on more. [You no longer can receive supplies, while on this quest].

You come to crossroads in your travels. The Mage claims to sense some power in the dark caverns, going deep beneath the mountains. An ancient, half crumbled road leads to an old fort, surrounded by trees. And to the right, there is an animal path leading to a very high mountain, it’s peak covered in snow. From there you’d be able to see far.

Before you make your decision, darkness falls and you make camp at a small mountain spring. At dawn Brennan Koll, standing watch sees a group of men approaching you. Percival recognizes their leader, Adrian Vasque, a son of a minor noble, whose lands border the Tercel’s lands. They have met and played together in childhood. Half of his companions look like soldiers, while the other half are no better than common brigands.

''I’m glad to have found you Tercel. Another day and my men would have turned back from these damned lands. You’d better surrender. We outnumber you and we have better position, then you.'' His men grin some of them cocking crossbows. There are two Mages among them.


''My father’s lands are small and we live in your shadow, looking at your wealth and power. I’m going to change that, and you are going to help.''

To House Tercel Only

The situation looks grim and hopeless, but then you recognize one of the more cleanly looking soldiers of Vasque, apparently an officer. Your father has saved his wife and child, by paying for expensive medicine in an act of charity. The soldier returns your gaze and you feel, he may remember and wish to return the favour.

2012-03-31, 03:54 PM
Scholarium Arcana
Loyalty: -

To the Ghost Lover's Children

I have good news, and I have bad news. The good news is that the project we discussed with you has been entirely successful--as much as we could have hoped for and more. The bad news is...well, we might want to discuss this with you more privately, but until we see you in person...do the Tears have a history of making people vanish?

Respectfully yours,

Archmagus Vincent Barreto

To Frederick Nohlden

Honored Ambassador Nohlden,

Now that peace has come to the Kingdom, we are planning on expanding the Scholarium Arcana's educational services, to both citizens and foreign students. As the ambassador from Mulden, we were wondering if you would be willing to assist us in enticing students from your fine nation, to further cement the alliance between Trieste and Mulden. We also hear that the magical Polyhedron factory is once again up and running, thanks to your people; I realize it may be a long shot, but if you could help us get an opportunity to examine the enchantments there, all involved might learn great things. The fact that these ancient enchantments are still operational is a marvel unmatched in this world.

We would also like to invite you personally to a gala event we are planning to celebrate peace returning to the realm and the dawn of a new age of learning.

Respectfully yours,

Archmagus Vincent Barreto

2012-03-31, 04:28 PM
The Council - Foreign Affairs (GM and Council Members)

Here are the news from abroad.

Dragonblood Empire:

Our agents have found no evidence of the Empire strengthening their fleets. While we can never be absolutely certain, the Trial Wars would also make me suspect that they will begin concentrating on their future targets only after the new Emperor or Empress has been chosen.

Of the candidates:

Elisa Tersiel, Elaina Tersiel and Garret Thornfield appear to be the most likely to win, although some consider Allandor Dane to be a dark horse candidate.

Elisa’s ascension is believed to lead to war with Triestre – her brother whom she apparently liked, died in that war and she has been talking about northern conquests. She is driven, ruthless and talented as well as charismatic.

Elaina Tersiel is an unknown, except she is extremely talented general. What she is going to do with Empire is anybody’s guess.

Garret Thornfield is another talented general and diplomat. He is one of the few Dragonbloods who doesn’t consider alliances with other nations as a sign of weakness and it’s believed he’ll seek to ally with another power for his campaign of conquest.

Allandor Dane is a believer in the destructive power of magic and he controls Chains, an organization that manages Chained Mages of the Dragonblood Empire. It’s believed he’ll seek to strike at either Triestre or Dawn Lords to get more slave-mages for Dragonblood Empire’s army.

Obviously we would rather Garret Thornfield won. However, the blood of Tersiel is a strong ace and both of the Tersiel candidates are very capable. Allandor Dane would be a disaster, of course. However, I doubt we have the resources to affect the situation much. We could, if the Council wills it, attempt to secretly approach Thornfield with our support, hopefully giving him an edge. Or we could attempt to 'help' one of the other candidates and make a large enough blunder to get caught, which could discredit them. However, any interference in these matters stands a high chance of backfiring very badly, and we do not want the attention of the new ruler on our nation. My recommendation is that we sit back and watch, and improve our defenses and position in the meanwhile.


They have agreed to extend the time on the loan repayments. However, we owe them a favour now and this isn't something that will happen again. Please handle our finances in a manner that we won't have to ask it of them.


Situation in the Dominion is turning critical if we intend to hold to the status quo there. The ambassador of kingdom in Dominion sent a letter complaining about Legion Lord Madera’s decision to send heavy reinforcements to Mountain Lions Legion.

‘’This has sent a message to Dominon, that we don’t care about their protection and Sandara and Clovis were there to present themselves as a reliable alternative. Domina is wavering and not in our favour, while General Madera is making an ass out of herself and inviting Necromancers to fight on Dominion soil, despite knowing how the locals perceive magic. She is highly unpopular in the Dominion’s court and may cost us everything. I ask for her to be replaced, before situation grows worse.’’

I believe that we have several options, but we must choose which route to take. If we want to hold to status quo, we must devote resources and funds to combatting the Sandarian influence. We may even be dragged into a war with them. If we can lessen the threat from the Dragonbloods, a war may be something that ends well for us but if not, we will be in trouble. In addition, we should switch the legion in Dominion with another one - keeping Madera there will be a deathblow to our political ambitions even though she is a capable general and deserves our highest unofficial praise for her defense of the Dominion.

Another option is simply forsaking Dominion, declaring that we do not have the resources and leaving it to the Sandarians. This might defuse the tension between us and the Republic, or it might make them bold and willing to test our strength. It will also hurt our reputation elsewhere, but it will save us valuable resources to combat the Dragonbloods in case of a war in that direction.

And, the most radical one would simply be the use of force. Perhaps even arrange something with the Sandarians, attempt to directly destroy the remnants of Dominion self-governance and attach parts of it directly into Trieste. This can, obviously, backfire horrendously. However, if it works, we'll end up with more benefits than we had before, less enemies and less trouble with keeping them in line.


The situation balances on an edge of a blade. Our spies may be found out any day or the hunt for them may finally get called off. Our diplomats can’t read if the Clovis intentions are good or if they are being played.

The army of Clovis has grown much stronger, mostly due to Church of the Scarlet Rose bringing together the nobles and them actually working with each other for a change.

I still do not trust the Clovis. They're hunting for our agents, offering friendly overtures while strengthening their army. I see it as either a ruse to attack us, or preparations to attack someone else and them wishing to keep us neutral. But with our current resources, we simply do not know.

Republic of Sandara

The ambassador is concerned that Sandara may stop playing nice. They are pressuring the embassy into giving up nobles and there is talk of foreign saboteurs. The chances of counter-revolution are slim – the Council have been generous in distributing the wealth of executed nobility to the people, so they have popular support and they have ruthlessly exterminated most of the nobility’s power. They're also serious about spreading their influence into Dominion. We do not know the details yet, but they do intend to wrest the land out from under us.

I suggest that, depending on our decision about the Dominion, we try our best to defuse the situation in Sandara. However, we cannot be seen giving up the nobles. We must arrange some way to secretly transport them to safety in Trieste. If things come to a war with Sandara, those nobles will be the core upon which we will have to build a new, friendly nation. Of course, if the Council deems it more wise to placate the Sandarians by giving up the nobles, it can be done - it must be done in secret, however.

Free Lands

I have negotiated with the warlord Shok'An. He has agreed to a proposal made - if we acknowledge his rule as legitimate and his nation as a real one, he will act as our shield against raids from the Free Lands. I believe he truly intends to leave a lasting legacy for his sons, though whether he would risk attempting to expand his territory towards civilized lands remains to be seen. However, I urge you to take this offer. It would mean one large threat off our back, and one new friend that might provide us help. We will, in the future, end up in a conflict with one of our neighbours. We will need help.

Also, on a long-term view, this might be the beginning of the slow reclamation of the Free Lands by civilization. If we support Shok'An, we may be setting up prosperity in the entire region, though this will be far off in the future if it ever comes to pass.

On another tangent, our head agent in the Free Lands complains of reduced funding. With the sheer amount of developing crises surrounding us, I find our resources stretched very thin. If there is any wealth you can spare for the Foreign Operations, it would be well received. Meanwhile, I will attempt to make do with what I have, but I fear we may miss critical information if we have to cut our operations so much.

On other Council matters

While I do not have a vote, I believe we should offer sanctuary to the refugees in Dominion and I support the Half-Elf claim to the mines.

Tercel to Raith Sileas:

They're on our southern border, so they'd be Lords of Colours?

I wish to approach him and see if we can't talk him to handing the dagger to us based on our blood relation to its original owner. We won't pressure him though - if he declines then we'll leave it.

Tercel on the Northern Mines

We support the old claims of the half-elf nobles on the mines. The claim is just and true. I would wish to see my own lands returned to me if they were taken over by a foreign invader and then liberated.

Tercel to Red Coins

We begin approaching key individuals within the Red Coins, trying to forge useful alliances. Tercel is old nobility and an influential figure, so we would act as protectors and the 'superior' in the relationship. We'll offer them a long-term path to true recognition by their peers and stability for their holdings in exchange for their political and economic support in the Tercel efforts to stabilize the realm. We'll make it clear that we are, in fact, working for Trieste right now and not to increase our own political influence - for example asking them to contribute for the funding of Trieste's agents abroad and so on. We won't ask too much of them to start with, just try to make ties.

The Quest (GM and Artificer's Guild only)

Percival orders his men to hold back. Fighting here would be dangerously close to suicide.

"What is it you wish of me, Vasque? What do you think I can give you?"

To GM:

Well, even if he personally likes us asking an officer to order his men to shoot at their allies all of a sudden just like that is sort of unlikely. Perhaps I can find a chance to talk to him if we're taken prisoner, and arrange an escape.

What is the tactical situation like?

2012-03-31, 11:28 PM
Night Guild
Loyalty: ++++ plus an additional +++ to defense this turn

Overlord and his Council
The Night Guild has the corrupt customs official in their custody, along with proof of their crimes. In these troubled times, it's more important than ever to make sure that Trieste has every coin it can used for the right purposes. We will hand them over to the city watch as soon it is made clear that the corrupt officials will be tried, and that the Night Guild will be thanked for its assistance. Please note we have a very narrow definition of the word "thanks". We understand that the people have thought ill of the "Overlord's officials" being "kidnapped". We are more than willing to give credit of these important arrests to the Overlord stopping corruption. In this way, not only has the port corruption been all but stopped, and the people will hold more faith for you because of it.

Also, the Night Guild volunteers its service putting the individual or individuals committing these murders to justice. The city watch has tried, but the murders continue. It is time to pass on the responsibility to those who know and understand the city of Primval. We wait for your leave to continue.

As a final note, the Night Guild anxiously awaits the decision of Overlord Split and his Council on regards of legitimizing the Night Guild. The recent damages to the integrity and faith of Trieste committed by the Cult of Primeval Delights and by the Cult of Reason have justified our actions against the cults to date. The Cult of Primeval Delights rails against the lawful faith, the Cult of Reason gathers an army, and little news of the Cult of Harbingers could be even ore dangerous.

Zexan Consortium
Now that the Cult of Reason has taken hold of a foreign kingdom, it becomes troublesome to root them out, as they can retreat beyond the borders of Trieste. The Church of the Endless Ocean is now caught in a battle of faith with the Cult of Primeval Delights. News of your bringing in weapons has reached the ears of even the common man.

Our own hands are tied until we learn whether or not the Overlord will legitimize us. If there is any small way we can help though, we are all ears.

Church of the Endless Ocean
The deed is done, and the corrupt officials have been stopped. These new revelations concerning the cults is troublesome. We ask you to win over the Knights of Aqua to approve of our legitimacy.

Golden Circle
Garth Rowan, leader of the Night Guild, would like to hold a private meeting with the Golden Circle, in hopes to solicit their support within the Overlord's council.


"Hm?" Garth looked up, taking his eyes off the reports he had received. "How can I be of service?"

"The men are restless. Taking the businesses of hedonists, arresting corrupt officials, this is work for the Watch."

Garth put the papers on the table in front of him. "You would have me give the word to spill blood, like during the civil war."

"We're ready."

Garth tapped his hand on the table twice, holding his fingertips on its surface. "If you have been listening to the news, the people are not keen on violence. In fact, our arrests of the corrupt officials has been called kidnapping. The will of the people does not want blood spilled."

"It's unavoidable."

"Yes, it is. However, men still fool themselves into thinking that peace has been reached in the city. We will not be the ones to remove the veil of idealism from their eyes. We will stand ready when another does it for us. Until then, you will keep your swords sheathed, or you will find another guild. With the supposed resurrection of Rosetta, I suggest you all keep both swords sheathed. There is no telling what kind of magic the Cult of Primeval Delights is capable of, and I would hate for our weapons to suddenly break. Wouldn't you agree?"

The flustered chimney sweeper nodded his head.

"Very good then." As the man walked away, Garth whispered to the shadows behind him. "We cannot save Triestre within Primval alone. We must extend our reach."

Iron Lords
Garth Rowan, leader of the Night Guild within Primval, capital of Triestre, wishes an audience with the Iron Lords, and is willing to make the travel to meet them. The Night Guild, though not officially recognized, is an organization that has been fighting the corruption with Primval, against the cults, including the Cult of Reason which has now taken over Dominion.

We have insights into certain problems we feel may help you determine the best course of action to take.

Church of Scarlett Rose
Would you be interesting in cleaning the corruption outside of Clovis as well? There are certain conditions to be discussed first, but if you are willing, and our goals are as in accord with one another as we believe, we can help you into Primval to help root out our own cultist problems.

GM Only
Time to have a little fun. With the extra boost to my defense, now seems the opportune time to start pitting my enemies against my enemies, and my other enemies at my allies (better they get the backlash than me). The Night Guild throws a few rocks into the political lake to see what happens...
1) The Night Guild lets it slip that the Zexan Consortium were the ones who took the Cult of Reason's mercenaries fro mthem in Turn One, and did so on purpose. Not knowing whether the Consortium was going to lay blame for the assassination of the Guild or the Cult, the Night Guild intends to force their hand on the matter.
2) The Night Guild spreads a rumor that it is the Cult of Harbingers responsible for the roaving demons in the countryside. (This one shouldn't be too much of a stretch). As part of the rumor, the question is put forward "What will the Silver Shields do about it?" putting them as the ones who should handle it.
3) The question is thrown to the people of who is responsible for Eastern Dominion, the Cult of Reason or the Sivler Shields? The Night Guild operatives do not try to insert an opinion, only to make the question more prevalent, seeing if either side tries to take more claim than they deserve if the citizens bring it up.

Also, what would it take to get the Wolf to be present at the foreign wedding?

2012-04-01, 02:26 AM
zexan consortium

prince kholad looks up in disgust from the reports he had recieved over the last few months. that idiot!! he shouts

what is it? the baron vaska asks the merchant.

reginald pax. i knew he was unworthy of his fathers trading empire. he completely squandered his fathers wealth. now we are left paying for his mistakes!

what should we do then? the baron asks

i think i was able to prevent us taking any losses. but in order to make any reasonable profit we must put our other plans forward. you know what to do

to the night guild
we may have some ideas about what to do about the cults. would you be willing to come to the busted mace tavern so we can discuss this privately

to the red coins
i will approach several of the more influential members of the red coins to try to persuade them to join my consortium and help fund me in exchange for protection and a high position in my empire. using my [+++] reputation as merchants and my formerly close connections to samuel pax to help me persuade them if necessary

to the C.O.R.E
we would like to discuss business if you would be willing to send someone to prince kholads manor in primeval

2012-04-01, 04:02 AM
House Tercel (Raith Sileas)

Raith Sileas, a knight of Free Baronies listens to Richard Tercel's request, clearly hesitating. He promises to decided, after he gives it a bit more thought.

House Tercel [PM]

Before you approach Red Coins, several powerful southern nobles gather to discuss the issue.

''Perhaps we would be better destroying the Red Coins. They are merchants, who came to nobility through coin, not by serving as defenders of the land. Will their loyalty be with the realm or with their purses? We would be lucky if they become pawns of Mulden, but can we trust that if Dragonblood Empire offers coffers of gold, they won't betray the realm?''

Quest [Tercel/Artificer's Guild]

''You are the heir to your father. A valuable hostage. Surrender, and your companions wouldn't be harmed. I will release them, after my business with your father is done. ''

Iron Lords to Night Guild

After some trouble an audience is gained with a low-ranking Iron Lords noble:
''Who exactly are you? What has your organization done to fight corruption in this kingdom?''

Church of Scarlett Rose to Night Guild

''Of course. It doesn't matter where the corruption resides, the borders of the nations shouldn't serve as protection against justice. What can you tell us?''

Night Guild Only

I'll do a mid-turn update for rumors.
And you can attend wedding as private citizen, although they probably won't let you get too close, unless you bring an expensive gift or hold a noble title.

2012-04-01, 04:46 AM
Night Guild
Loyalty ++++ (Plus an additional +++) this turn

Zexan Consortium-PM
The Night Guild sends Hardell Smith. He's someone who was in the Night Guild during the civil war. A large man in his late forties, he is a blacksmith. He is more inclined to listen than talk.

"So... looks like the Cult of Reason's as strong as ever."

Iron Lords-PM
"I am a middle aged ship hand, who is out of work." Garth taps his crippled leg. "The Night Guild is an organization of ill repute within Triestre. During the civil war we took no side but our own, assassinating the most wicked, at least those we could get our hands on. We are comprised of ordinary citizens. Bakers, tanners, maids, common ruffians. We have little impact on foreign affairs, but in Primval there is no one who can match our ability to find out information, or dispense justice save the Overlord himself.

"You haven't heard of us, because our very existence is an embarassment to Triestre. To admit of our existence, Triestre would have to admit that not only vigilanteism exists, but there is a need for such.

"As of late we have been trying to curb the influence of the rise of the cults, including the Cult of Reason. We have no sway in Eastern Dominion though, as I'm sure you can tell by what has occurred. You may also have heard stories of customs officials disappearing. Each one of them was corrupt, and we are already negotiating with the Overlord to hand them over... in chains.

"We are a kingdom suffering from a bitter civil war, and from the weakness of the kingdom, several ill elements have arisen. We are trying to determine whether the Overlord is a friend or foe to our cause. I believe much will be made clear whether he is willing to punish his own corrupt workers, and whether or not he will deal with the cults accordingly. Would you agree?"

Scarlett Rose
Triestre is currently suffering from three cults.

The first is the Cult of Reason. They wish to return the world back to the era where mages and wizards controlled all. They are now in control of the Eastern Dominion.

The second is the Cult of Primeval Delights. They are now deadlocked in a war of faiths with the Church of the Endless Ocean. The funeral of their high priestess was at first highlighted by the ocean waters that sprayed from her tomb. Naturally the two faiths disagreed on its interpretation. However, this high priestess is now alive again, though she hides her face. Most curious to would fake a resurrection. Even more curious if it is true, but she cannot show her face.

The last is the Cult of Harbingers, and in truth it is this one that worries us most, not for their actions, but for lack thereof. Most demon worshippers come in two forms, the noisy kinds and the silent kinds. The noisy ones will go on about doom and suffering, for nothing to happen. The silent ones... generally have something to hide. This Cult of Harbingers is the latter. We know nothing of them.

GM Only
How much wealth would I need to spend for such a gift?

2012-04-01, 10:44 AM
To GM:

Well, we'll talk about the Red Coins then.

Tercel stance is that the civil war showed it's possible for nobility to be corrupt regardless of their origin. And while the Red Coins are more likely to betray the nation than most, attacking them outright will surely cause them to do so. Their wealth is still based on their merchant origins, not so much their land holdings, and this wealth would immediately be spent against Trieste or join Trieste's enemies. In addition, it would cause instability and threaten the fragile peace we have finally found in Trieste. Tercel will not stand for anyone who would reignite the civil war.

We will make sure they can't organize with each other to create a powerful enough group to be able to really harm Trieste by linking them into different groups of 'real' nobility. This way their strength can be used for the nation.

2012-04-01, 12:46 PM
zexan consortium

to the night guild[PM]
as the guilds blacksmith arrives at the tavern he immediantly led up to a small room on the second floor where he is greeted by the consortiums usual representitive. the half elf lelei.

yes apparently. we were not expecting the return of priestess rosetta either. i believe we need to focous our efforts on both the cult of reason and finding out more about the harbingers. their demons have us concerned. we are currently trying to contact several mercenary groups in hopes of hiring them to strike the cult of reasons leaders. however we also believe an invasion of the eastern dominion would be prudent in order to root them out

to the red coins
i will approach several of the more influential members of the red coins to try to persuade them to join my consortium and help fund me in exchange for protection and a high position in my empire. using my [+++] reputation as merchants and my formerly close connections to samuel pax to help me persuade them if necessary

2012-04-02, 05:43 PM
Iron Lords to Night Guild

''Yes. We shall judge this Baylin Split based on his actions.’’

Church of Scarlett Rose to Night Guild

‘’I see your need is great. If you could help us establish presence in Trieste, we’ll stand with you against the evil of the Cults. Great evil stirs in the world and we must stand united.’’

To Night Guild

Well, + may be enough to get you to more private reception, although you may not be able to speak to high ranked nobles, unless they take interest in you. I’ll be making a check with your Leadership for that. The type of gift you present would of course be a factor.

House Tercel Only

''That would make sense. If we can get other nobles to agree, it may even work. Will you act to resolve this matter?''

[The Free Baronies Nobility are hestiatn, but they’ll listen to your advice. The East Dominion nobility are scornful of merchants, the Half-Elves hold little respect for them. Al-Makim Blood would be supportive – their nobility are half warriors, half-merchants. The others don’t care.]

Red Coins to Zexan Consortium

''And what sort of protection can you offer us? You hold little political power and command no swords. If we faced financial ruin, you could be of assistance, but we face hostility of other nobles and the crowds accusing us of greed, as if our purses were boundless.''

2012-04-02, 06:42 PM

All right, I'm hoping my overt support of the half-elves on the northern mine matter should give me enough credit to get them to cooperate on this. After all, the plan doesn't really call for respect - more common sense. (Understandably low in some nobles though)

So that'd mean I get Al-Makim on my side, the Free Baronies, the Half-Elves and this should be enough to sway the rest. If the Eastern Dominion nobles are too stubborn to help then we don't really need them - it's not like we're doing anything against them, and they can't really attempt to work over the heads of pretty much everyone else.

If the Dominion nobility is absolutely necessary for all this, I'll need to talk to Aenerys about it, but I'd rather resolve it like this.


"I think you should think this over.

I would be a hostage, yes. And worth high ransom to my father. But what do you expect will happen to your lands afterward? There is a reason nobility is ransomed only between sides at war.

The way I see it, you cannot gain anything long-term of this unless you plan to betray your nation and escape abroad. You won't be welcome in Trieste if this becomes public. And so, I do not expect there is a chance of my own life being spared regardless of whether or not I surrender and whether or not my father agrees to your demands.

If you back away, we can all forget this. Nobody will lose name or face, and nobody has to die for nothing. We were childhood friends, Vasque - you do not need to do something like this to attain name for yourself. You should join our quest instead, attain glory and wealth by honourable actions instead of treachery in the dark."

Tercel and his soldiers prepare themselves to fight. Percival attempts to subtly raise an eyebrow at the familiar officer if the situation attempts to be tensing up. Psychologically, I want to play upon both his loyalty to his Lord (if he allows the brash young man to go ahead with this ruin will come upon their House) and his debt on Tercel (killing the son of someone you owe a debt upon would be dishonourable). Perhaps even if he can't actually fight his friends, and Percival's nature prevents him from surrendering and hoping for a rescue in the night, he may prove a voice of reason to try and get Vasque's men to question him. I'm sure some of them will realize that in the long term this plan will doom them, and many of them will have families back home that they don't want to run away from to avoid execution.

I still don't know the tactical situation. If we're surrounded, the plan is to have any Magic we might have to distract enemy crossbows for long enough for our troops to charge into melee where they cannot shoot. We must engage as much of the enemy force as possible so they cannot stop the VIPs who gather a few elites and attempt to break through the enemy ring at what appears to be the weakest point to us. Oh, and if the thugs seem to have a leader other than the noble kid, so that we could break their morale, any of our ranged weaponry should be aimed at him first.

If we're not surrounded, Percival will lead a charge into the front of the enemy. We want to attain momentum and initiative so that the enemy do not react properly and surround our push, especially if we gain support from the sympathetic officer. As well as reach melee so their crossbowmen can't shoot. Their leaders seem to be at the front, so Percival will attempt to cross swords with Adrian (maybe the brigands won't but the soldiers should know not to disturb a duel of commanders between nobility.) If we can make the brigands run and/or disable Adrian to force his soldiers to surrender, we should be able to survive this.

The biggest problem is the two Mages. I don't know what they'd be capable of. I'm hoping our troops mixing into melee would cause problems for them as well, but if we can't identify key brigand leaders to break their morale we should aim our own arrows and bolts at them and try to do whatever we can to minimize their effect on the fight.

Hopefully it won't result in a fight, though. If we lose troops here we probably won't have much to fall back on to continue the quest any further.

2012-04-02, 08:31 PM
zexan consortium

to red coins
we do hold some influence with the silver shields due to a weapons shipment we recently made to them. im sure i could secure their aid as well as the CORE if i needed too

to silver shields
we would like to hold a meeting with you to discuss business. if interested send a representitive to prince kholads manor in primeval

2012-04-02, 11:23 PM
Artificers Guild

So, a couple of things: the Koll brothers grew up around the mages of Trieste and work closely with many of them. Are the two mages that are with the attackers anyone he might know? Or does anyone in his group know them?
Second, using one of the useful magical doodads that I sent, Brennen will have one of his men sending a message home in a sneaky manner.

Brennen steps up and addresses the the unsavory looking types:
Good morning my fine gentlemen. I expect that most if not all of you have no idea who I am or why I am here. My name is Brennen Koll, and I am here representing the Artificers Guild. We are here testing some very dangerous new weapons the we have come up with, and they are in the hands of some of the most dangerous fighters in the country. Currently those talented hands are pointing those dangerous weapons at that man over there. Brennen Points to Vasque. Now you have to ask yourselves if the man who is supposed to pay you dies then what happens? That is if he was planing on paying you in the first place. After all once this is done he doesn't need you any more and you become a dangerous liability because you know his dirty secrets. Just some things to think about on this fine morning.

((OOC: I hope you can tell what I'm going for here, mix some intimidation with a dash of distrust and see what happens:smallamused:))

2012-04-02, 11:37 PM
Night Guild
Loyalty: ++++ (plus +++ defense this turn)

Zexan Consortium-PM
"As you say. However, the Night Guild isn't exactly an army. Last time I checked the Overlord Baylin Split wasn't calling the Cult of Reason's act treason either. How do you intend to legitimize a war with them? At least the Cult of Primeval Delights has the Church of the Endless Oceans to contend with now. It frees our hands a little, no?"

Iron Lords-PM
"Very good then. It puts to rest the rumors you had come to usurp him... at least for now. This makes the second part of so much easier, the discussion to how much you will be contriubting to the Night Guild's cause." Garth smiled amiably. He made a point not to say 'if', but 'how much'. "Forgive me for saying, but it seems you may have need to interact with Trieste, and I don't think it's a long list of those willing to help. The stronger the Night Guild is, the greater your ability to see that wild magics do not run loose in our kingdom."

Scarlett Rose
We are in agreement then.

GM Only
Very well then. + wealth is spent for a pair of the finest, swiftest steeds (preferably matching) for the bride and groom. The person attending is a wealthy merchant's daughter, Elania Farnsmoore.
But it is actually the Wolf. She's going to be playing a bit of a spy this turn. No assassinaitons (probably). Just getting a gauge on the allied nations, find out any interesting hearsay and rumors, and trying to find a foreign sponsor to supply the Night Guild.

2012-04-03, 02:06 AM
zexan consortium

night guild[PM]
we have not figured out a way to justify an invasion as of yet but we are working on it. somehow there must be a way to turn the council against them. perhaps framing them for all the recent assasinations

to GM
is it logical to assume that there would be some wealthy merchants at the royal wedding? if so would it be possible to get a merchant into the wedding?

2012-04-04, 05:08 AM
Quest [House Tercel/Artificer's Guild

The assailants sneer at Koll’s claim of dangerous weapons. ''Artificer’s Guild crafts trinkets for the nobility.’’ Some of them spit and scowl ''They think us fools to fall for such obvious lies’’

On Vasques face hesitation shows for a moment at Percival’s plea. Then it passes and he shakes his head. ''No it’s too late for that. Dragonbloods would rule us in the end. They’ve never been defeated. It’s better to make arrangements in advance''. His soldiers however observe his hesitation nervously.

Suddenly one of the Mages cries out ''He just sent a message with magic!'' looking at Koll. ''Fool!'' Vasques yells, ''You were supposed to guard against it. Intercept the message!'' The Mage furrows his brow falling into magic trance, leaving only one Mage to oppose you.

''You have gone too far!'' One of the officers turns towards Vasques. ''Treachery against your friends. Treachery against the realm. I beg you my lord, reconsider!’’ Vasque’s face contorts in anger and he draws his sword against his officer, but some of his soldiers decide to side with their officer, rather than with their lord turning their crossbows on their former comrades. Seeing an opening the adventuring group rushes to fight.

Gerthusen’s magic is countered by the enemy Mage. While Percival’s skill at swords is matched by Vasuqes, who taunts him: ''You could never quite beat me. The fight under the oaks. I lost on purpose, so you would look good, since you were the great and mighty heir of Tercel. This time I won’t hold back.'' Still despite his bravado, the traitorous noble can only fight Percival to standstill.

Meanwhile Koll Brennan cuts through the enemy with vengeful fury. The bandit’s ranks collapse under his pressure and he manages to cut down one of the enemy mages.

The enemy is driven away, their numbers reduced to a handful of Vasque’s personal guard. They have managed to flee deeper into the mountains. The expedition lost [+-] Magic and Geruthsem is lightly wounded by crossbow bolt. The losses suffered in fighting men can be replenished, if the soldiers who abandoned Vasques are allowed to join the expedition, otherwise you lose [-] Military.

Iron Lords to Night Guild

''So what do you want?''

Zexan Consortium [PM]

Well, you’ll still need to present a gift, although you do have some WO influence, so they’ll be more accommodating to you.

Imperial Psycho
2012-04-04, 05:58 AM
The Silver Shields Loyalty: +++

Zexan Consortium
I am currently in Primval on business, and will be able to meet with you personally.


2012-04-04, 09:38 AM

If Brennan Koll (whom I thank greatly for his assistance) does not voice a complaint, Percival will allow the soldiers to join the expedition - they are unlikely to betray us at this point and they've proven themselves loyal to the realm.

"This is a dark day for us and the realm. To think that Vasques would work with the Dragonbloods...

You have made the difficult choice, men. Society is built on a hierarchy, and military all the more so, and when the one in command tells you to do something that your heart tells you is wrong, it is not many a man who has what it takes to refuse. If you wish, I, on behalf of House Tercel, would be proud to work with honourable men such as you."

Now we have three options, correct? Pursue Vasque, head for the ruins or climb the peak. Can I get some details on the first one? Where'd he go, could we track him and how many people does he have with him? My preference is to pursue, but if that is unlikely to work out, then just climb the peak - we're here to scout, mainly, so that we can tackle any more difficult challenges head-on with a specialized force later.

I also suggest we send a messenger or a magical message to inform people in the realm of this event.

2012-04-04, 01:48 PM
Baylin Split

To the Council
Authority Undermined
The restoration of Trieste relies on the people believing in the council. And they will not do so as long as they fear the council to be weak and unreliable. Contributing to those fears are the troubles in Primval itself. Something must be done both to ensure the safety of the citizens and a establish our authority. Several months ago the Silver Shields approached me with a request to be authorized to adminster the law in Trieste. I have been thinking on their request, and I believe this is a suitable test. And a way to safeguard the streets of Trieste without further stretching the already over spent budget. We will tell the Silver Shields that if they can restore order in the city they will be authorized to restore order in the rest of Trieste. And we will make sure before hand that all of Primval knows that the Silver Shields act in our name in this matter. What say the rest of you.

Northern Mines
I see no reason not to support their claim in this matter. Although I believe they should also be ordered to maintain watch fortresses along the mountains for the Mountain Lions so that this does not happen again.

Customs House
High Priest Maedro, the people want you to decide who should be the new head of customs. So who do you recommend?

Petitions for Protection
And what do you suggest we do about your fellows in Clovis High Preist Maedro.

The Gifted will be welcomed in Trieste if they have not already joined the Cult of Reason.

Whatever will be done with the nobles from Sandara they must first be brought here. I do believe they should be transported in secret as Tercel suggests so as not to further anger the Sandarans however.

I encourage an appropriate party be sent to the wedding in Al-Makim. We have few true allies, and strengthening our bond with them can only be to our benefit. Perhaps we can learn more of the Asamir as well.

A party should also be sent to investigate the reports of the silver haired people. They remind me of the Adori’naix’celtis. And if there are survivors of that empire we would do well to find out about it.

I recommend we waive any taxes on the Ployhedron. It would not hurt to gain some favor with the Mulden Guilds.

The demons must also be investigated.

World Affairs
Dragonblood Empire
My estimates match those of Tercel. The best course of action is simply to wait. But perhaps our delegation to the Al-Makim can discuss the potential of a new Emperor or Empress with them further.

Now that the work on restoring our own lands has begun, Mulden should be our top priority to repay this year. Unless anyone has a differing opinion.

High Marshal have you had time to evaluate the situation of Trieste's legions. If so what is your view on what to do with General Madera and her Sun Shields.

My recommendation is to withdraw our agents from Clovis and leave the matters in the hands of our diplomats. Yes that will leave us with little information, but we do not have the resources to support their efforts if they are being actively hunted. In the end we will have wasted resources, our agents will be dead or captured, and we will still know little about what is truly going on.

Republic of Sandara
We can only deal with Sandara by force if we do not have to worry about the Dragonblood attacking. Which I do not believe is a worry we can leave behind us. At best I see the Dominion being split. At worst we may have to cede the entire Dominion. But perhaps build additional forts on the western border. So that they know in no uncertain terms where the line has been drawn.

The Free Lands
I support an alliance with this Shok'An. However we must make certain that he doesn't see this as a sign of weakness on our part and attempt to exact further land from us later. If [Whoever the Golden Circle] would see to it. Perhaps we could free additional funding to monitor him. Although from my experience over the last year, I doubt that will be possible.

The Night Guild
The NIght Guild continues to petition for legitimacy. I will withhold my recommendations while the other members of the council considers this matter.

Council Matters
As Tercel has already given the report of the Ministry of FOreign Affairs, I will now give the report of the Ministry of Magic. It considerably shorter and contains nothing surprising.

The Ministry reports that many mages have joined the Cult of Reason. In addition it requests more funding as I'm sure all of your own ministries do as well.

What is the status of the other ministries?

To the Cult of Reason
Greetings Mage-Lord Derrick Hurston,

My reports indicate that you have been doing quite well for yourself in Eastern Dominion. I congratulate you. However you have probably also heard rumors of the Iron Lords forming. If they come I doubt it will be to give their congratulations. Have you researched the appropriate counter spells and defenses against them yet.

Baylin Split

To the Iron Lords
There are rumors that your forces are gathering to march either to Trieste or the Dominion. I believe that avoiding the question would only be a waste of both of our time, so I will ask you directly. What do you intend to do?

I admit that my past encounters with you Iron Cloaks have been less than peaceful, but I am willing to put that behind me if you are.

Baylin Split

To the Order of Starry-Wisdom
I wish to know if your order has any tomes on the history of this land. Preferably dating back to the age of Magic.

Baylin Split

2012-04-04, 02:54 PM
zexan consortium

silver shields[PM]
as reman arrives at prince kholads manor he is immediantly led into a large well lit room on the manors 3rd floor. this room clearly belongs to someone who is quite fond of his wealth, as it is covered with finery from all over the world. sitting in a cushioned chair behind a desk is a small rat faced man. motioning for you to take a seat in a chair on the other side of the desk

i am prince kholad. pleased to finally meet you in person. i trust the weapons shipment made it to you safely? without waiting for a response he continues on how extensively trained are your commando's? i have a job that needs doing and i want it done well

GM only
okay. i will spend [++] wealth on a pair of suitable gifts for the 2. a fine gown of the finest silk for the bride. and perhaps a finely crafted sword inlaid with high quality gems for the groom

i will send prince kholad to the wedding. he is to just listen around for interesting bits of gossip involving trade and wealth. he is also to look for wealthy merchants or other rich nobles who might be interested in loaning money to the consortium

Imperial Psycho
2012-04-04, 04:57 PM
Silver Shields

Zexan Consortium [PM]
"No, as a matter of fact, I was hoping to ask you about that. According to my reports, the weapons have not arrived. Until I receive them, I am afraid your mission will have to wait. "

"However, I will answer you about the training of men. Mixed. We have peasants and we have seasoned veterans. In a pinch I could likely field a solid force of well trained soldiers. However, stealth is not their forte. "

2012-04-04, 05:04 PM
To Silver Shields/Zexan Consortium Only

The issue with the weapons is that they've been purchased from the distant lands at a much better price, but unfortunately with a delay, since it takes time to transport them. I think it's in the trait's description, that it takes time for good to arrive. At the moment they are in the Consortium's warehouses waiting for the pick up, so you'll have them at this turn's EoT.

2012-04-04, 05:54 PM
Artificers Guild


My vote would be head towards the peak and on the way find a good place to stop for a bit so that we can ambush Vasque if he tries anything again.

Thelonius: Did that message I tried to send get through? Do I still have the resources to try and send another more detailed one explaining everything that happened and what are plans are (once we've made them)?

2012-04-04, 06:30 PM
The Quest:

All right. Let's head for the peak.

The Council:

I suppose I will have to send someone to travel to Al-Makim, as the foreign minister? If the Council has recommendations on who else should come with, I will listen, of course. I am unable to go myself, which I hope won't be an affront to our allies, but my son, the obvious choice, is currently somewhere in the northern mountains and I can't contact him. Therefore we would lack the authority and importance in such a delegation that we should present to our southern ally.

We agree to the Silver Shields securing the capital. We should use all the resources we can, as we must be in as strong a position as we can muster by the time the new leader is chosen in the Dragonblood Empire.

2012-04-04, 07:47 PM
Artificers Guild

to The Council
The Artificers Guild would like to lease the rights to the recently cleared mines in the North. It will take a great deal of work and money to get them operation again and I am sure that our government doesn't want to have to foot the bill. Please contact me if the Council feels that an equitable arrangement can be reached.
-Julien Koll

2012-04-05, 01:56 PM
Red Anslen

To Scholarium Arcana
Loyalty: -

We remaind of next installment of payment this [turn].

To Lord-Commnader of Mountain Lions
LOY +++

We are going to perform reconnaissance in Broken-back Mountains. We will send raport next year.

2012-04-05, 04:01 PM
zexan consortium

silver shields[PM]
i trust that no word of this will leave this room? we do not want anyone to know of our plans just yet. i must ask you what are your thoughts on the cult of reason in the eastern dominion? we believe they must be rooted out and destroyed

Imperial Psycho
2012-04-05, 04:37 PM
Silver Shields

Zexan Consortium [PM]
"The Cult of Reason? I confess I know little of them, other than that they also hunted down bandits across Trieste. What have they done to earn your ire so?"

2012-04-05, 04:57 PM
zexan conortium

to silver shields[PM]
call it intuition more than anything else. they are bad for trade. they also wish a return to the age of magic. no one wants a return to that horrifying age. we also believe they are allied with the demon cult known as the harbingers

2012-04-05, 05:12 PM
Church of the Endless Ocean
Loyalty: ++++

"Brothers and sisters, children of Uro. I have resisted making bold statements regarding the Cult of Primeval Delights in the past, but the time has come for me to speak up. With the 'resurrection' of High Priest Rosetta, my suspicions have been confirmed. The Cult's very existence is the definition of blasphemy and Uro has shown his distaste for them through his demonstration of power at the Priestess's funeral. He washed away the filth of her body and cleansed the city with his gift of rain and bounty. Now the woman has been seen walking around the city, cloaking herself. Either the Cult has seen the flaws in their ways or they have turned to demonic rituals and witchcraft to achieve something that they will be punished severely for. Uro is a merciful god and his show of power at the funeral was a clear sign to the misled members of the Cult to forsake their ways and give their hearts to Uro. I can only imagine the pain of forever drowning in the Endless Ocean as Uro's punishment for ignoring his warnings.

Today I call for all of the followers of the Cult to turn to Uro. I would be glad to speak to anyone regarding our Faith. Uro is a loving god and those who accept his embrace will not regret it."

The Night's Guild [+++++ ++]
I will do what I can. We are now in a war with words with the Cult, but this season and more we will continue to help you achieve legitimacy.

Making you head of the Customs office should be a good start. (Increase of + ESP and also of + ECO if it becomes corrupt) In fact, if all goes well, I would like to see that the Night's Guild becomes the Council's Head of Justice in charge of keeping the peace and security.

If I give you the position of dealing with the Customs Office, I would appreciate your assistance in helping to preserve those in danger in Clovis.
Clovis, Followers of Uro
My friends, your cries have not fallen on deaf ears. Unfortunately I think evacuation may be the best way to preserve your lives. The Church will help you to establish yourselves here in Primeval if you are willing to pick up your lives. If not, I am not sure what protection can be granted in a hostile country like Clovis without direct military intervention. Is there another way we could help you?
The Council
I will give my support to what Overlord Baylin Split has suggested. Additional comments, however:

Customs House & The Night's Guild

The Night's Guild has worked hard to fight blasphemy and corruption in Primval and Trieste so far. They are interested in unifying our nation and improving overall morale even if they use somewhat questionable means. I fully support legitimizing them. In fact, I recommend a representative from the Night's Guild be put in charge of the Customs House as they helped to clean it of corruption.

We should consider continuing to utilize them and their agents as keepers of the peace and the Council's justicar.

Petitions for Protection & Clovis

I am deeply troubled by what is going on in Clovis. It is my belief that they are preparing for war, a war inspired by the belief in their false deity. But I know our soldiers are already tasked heavily. My recommendation is that a fellow council member and Uro's own soldiers, the Knights Aqua, work with the Night's Guild to bring the followers of Uro to safety in Primval if they are willing. The Church will help establish them in the city and start new lives in Trieste with our own funds.


(I don't believe the Cult has a representative assigned to the council... yet. If they do, this is to members that are not her.) I do not approve of the Cult of Primeval Delights being a representative on this council. In fact, it would please me if the selfish, blasphemous cult was removed from this nation. They do nothing but cause strife between our people. I would appreciate the Council raising their voice to our cause on this matter, but I will continue to denounce their blasphemy and demonic practices on my own if I must.

The canal projects could use continued funding to finish their construction, especially now that the north has been secured. The Church has funded the efforts thus far, but we cannot continue to spend all of our money month-after-month on the construction.

To Knights Aqua:
We would appreciate your support in helping to secure the safety of our brothers and sisters in the Faith that reside in Clovis. Additionally, the Night's Guild is a proven friend to Uro and we would appreciate you supporting them on the Council and giving them your trust.

Imperial Psycho
2012-04-05, 05:17 PM
Silver Shields

To Zexan Consortium [PM]
Reman leans back. "I see. So what is it you want of the Shields? We are not a mercenary group, we do not work for coin. "

2012-04-05, 05:23 PM
zexan consortium

to church of endless ocean[++++]
you and the night guild are not alone in your war with the cult of primeval delights. my agents have been fighting their own war with them as well as the cult of reason. although i am not a religious man, i do believe these cults are bad for trade. you have my support

to silver shields[PM]
we believe you have some influence with the council. all we wish is for you to speak up and try to get the council to do something against these foul cults. we of the consortium intend to continue this fight alone if need be

2012-04-05, 05:25 PM
Church of the Endless Ocean - Zexan Consortium [++++]
Thank you. It would be good if we can find a way to work together to minimize their influence and end this war of words.

2012-04-05, 05:35 PM
zexan consortium

to church of endless ocean[++++]
we are currently trying to persuade the council to take direct action againt the cults and we are planning to do something about the cult of reasons hold in eastern dominion

2012-04-05, 05:37 PM
Church of the Endless Ocean - Zexan Consortium [++++]
It would be good if we could get our two factions and the Night's Guild to convince the Council. Knights Aqua will support being rid of the blasphemers, but I know the Overlord favors the Cult of Reason. At the very least we can start with the Cult of Primeval Delights and the demon worshipers, but maybe the Overlord can be convinced with enough protesting.

2012-04-05, 05:44 PM
zexan consortium

to church of endless ocean[++++]
yes i believe the overlord would like a return to the age of magic which would not be good. however we do believe that the demon cult is allied with the cult of reason. it would explain why there is no word on them other than the demons in the countryside. perhaps theyre holed up in eastern dominion

2012-04-05, 05:58 PM
Church of the Endless Ocean - Zexan Consortium [++++]
Perhaps it would be most effective to approach the Council regarding the demon cult and the Cult of Delights first, then. I doubt we'll get support regarding the Cult of Reason. Once we deal with those two, we can move on to the issue with the Cult of Reason. Baby steps, as they say.

2012-04-05, 06:17 PM
zexan council

to church of endless ocean[++++]
agreed. i will send a messenger to the council immediantly. we will also talk to the night guild. between us we can probably find out more on the demon cult

to council
we at the zexan consortium would like the respected council of trieste to atleast consider direct action against the cult of the harbingers and primeval delights. they may not seem like much today but i guarantee you that eventually their actions will begin to noticabely affect the kingdoms trade and economy. look at their actions already. the cult of primeval delights has already attempted to subvert the kingdoms faithful and the harbingers have gone so far as to summon roving bands of demons in the countryside

to night guild[+++++ ++]
i suggest that in the next few months we pool together our respectable espionage branches to find out more on the cult of the harbingers. we believe they may be holed up in eastern dominion with the cult of reason

2012-04-05, 09:45 PM
Loyalty: +++++

To Artificier's Guild:

For this turn, your payment will be in +++ Magic. Can I pay you on a turn by turn basis, because I don't really know what I will be paying next turn and the turn after. If you really need specifics, I can probably figure something out, but I'd rather have my resources flexible.

To Church of Endless Ocean

A man goes to church in Primval. He goes through the motions of his worship, until he reaches the end of the service. He leaves his pew, and approaches his priest with a sealed letter.

"Please get this to High Priest Maedro. If you cannot, you would do best to let me know how I can get this to him. If you will not, you had best pray for Uro's protection."

The note read: "Dearest High Priest,
Are you up for a personal meeting with a friend of mine? The only incentive I offer is the possibility of an insightful meeting, and the promise that this offer is genuine. Return messages can be sent the way they came to you.
The Legion

2012-04-05, 10:55 PM
Artificers Guild

to Legion
That is good enough to get started.

Lady Serpentine
2012-04-06, 03:03 PM
Scholarium Arcana
Loyalty: -

To the Ghost Lover's Children

I have good news, and I have bad news. The good news is that the project we discussed with you has been entirely successful--as much as we could have hoped for and more. The bad news is...well, we might want to discuss this with you more privately, but until we see you in person...do the Tears have a history of making people vanish?

Respectfully yours,

Archmagus Vincent Barreto

To Scholarium Arcana (+++):

Not to our knowledge... Karissa Gaelthem, our usual representative at the Scholarium, is currently on assignment elsewhere, unfortunately, so a personal meeting may be delayed. Do you have a preference for who you meet with?

Merentha Dremis, Lady of the Moon

2012-04-07, 07:33 AM
Quest [Artificers Only]

The message didn't go through and you are dry out of juice. Of course here in the Broken-Back Mountains there are ways to replenish your mana. The trick is not getting killed while doing it. You definitely can get some Mana if you go underground - strong magic is felt from there.

Lord-Commander of Mountain Lions to Red Anslen

''Are you mad? Well.. Just don't go calling us to bail you out. We are busy as we are rebuilding our ranks.''

Followers of Uro (Clovis) to Church

''Can you not find a way for us to stay and continue our worship? We have grown roots here and we'd rather not leave.''

Knights of Aqua to Church

''Very well. We'll support your nomination of Night Guild''

[Reputation Check passed].

''Our influence on Clovis is rather weak. If you recall we have issues with Church of Scarlett Rose and they won't tolerate us interfering. Our help may be more of a hindrance. We may be of assistance to smuggle your followers out.''

To Shcolarium Arcana

Can you please repost your message to Nohlden?

2012-04-08, 08:03 PM
Scholarium Arcana
Loyalty: -

To Ghost Lover's Children

Not at all. We should note that you will not be able to meet with Magus Garron this time--he is currently indisposed. Which is sort of what we want to talk to you about.

To Frederick Nohlden

OOC: This message reposted at Thelonius' request.

Honored Ambassador Nohlden,

Now that peace has come to the Kingdom, we are planning on expanding the Scholarium Arcana's educational services, to both citizens and foreign students. As the ambassador from Mulden, we were wondering if you would be willing to assist us in enticing students from your fine nation, to further cement the alliance between Trieste and Mulden. We also hear that the magical Polyhedron factory is once again up and running, thanks to your people; I realize it may be a long shot, but if you could help us get an opportunity to examine the enchantments there, all involved might learn great things. The fact that these ancient enchantments are still operational is a marvel unmatched in this world.

We would also like to invite you personally to a gala event we are planning to celebrate peace returning to the realm and the dawn of a new age of learning.

Respectfully yours,

Archmagus Vincent Barreto

2012-04-10, 06:00 AM
Artificers Guild

to Scholarium Arcana
I just received the preliminary on those Artifacts you sent. Mostly little charms for storing mana and the like, nothing all to special.

It seems that my earlier message didn't get through, so we will have to let our families know what happened the old fashioned way.

I'm sending some runners home with reports.

2012-04-11, 02:00 PM
The Golden Circle

To the Council
From what I've seen of the Silver Shields, I think they can be trusted. I say we give them the chance.

We've suffering from a shortage of metals, but we should start to recover when the mines reopen. The recovery would of course be faster if we had all the mines, but I don't believe it's worth damaging our relationship with one of our allies.

The canal network has been rebuild, banditry is down, and our farmland is growing nicely. If we can find someone competent and honest to head the customs office, we should see a significant increase in revenue.

The war has left the taxation office in some confusion, with taxes unpaid, out of date records and unregistered land changes. My men will start fixing the records right away. How is the search going for someone to hold the seal of Taxation?

The debt to Mulden has been delayed, what of the small sum we own to Al-Makim and the Malvoc Consortium?

2012-04-11, 04:28 PM
Frederick Nohlden to Scholarium Arcana

''Well, I'll certainly inform any citizens of Mulden in Triestre, they'd be welcome to study in the Scholarium Arcana. You should speak with the Polyhedron's master about studying the enchantments. I deal only with the financial side of the enterprise. And I'm delighted to receive the invitation to your gala.

Iron Lords to Baylin Split

''The rumors are as always exaggerating, but we may yet intervene, although not in political squabbles, but in disasters of magical nature. The times are rather odd. Of what encounters with Iron Cloaks do you speak?''

Order of Starry-Wisdom to Baylin Split

''I'm afraid we have no such thing, although we do keep some records of magical phenomenon, our brothers and sister encountered over the years, but none of them are as ancient as that.

2012-04-12, 12:44 AM
Scholarium Arcana
Loyalty: -

To Red Anslen

We'll have the second part of that payment to you shortly. [++] t.wealth, right?

To Artificers Guild

Well, I suppose it would have been too much to hope for something revolutionary. If you think you can replicate them, we'll let you keep them for a time as long as we can get a share of the profits of any copies you sell. Even if they themselves are nothing special, they are artifacts created by Baylin Split, and you may be able to get some money for artifacts based on their design just on that merit.

OOC: If the wealth gain from having a new artifact design is [-] or less, just keep it. Higher than that, we split it. Either way, I'll want those charms back next turn.

To Frederick Nohlden

Excellent. I'm afraid the gala won't be for some time yet--we're still putting together the funds to hold it properly, and the guest list may take a while to assemble--but we are very much looking forward to it.

OOC: Gala will be next turn, after I've paid off Red Anslen and whatnot. I probably should have mentioned that in the first post.

To Polyhedron

Honorable Sir,

It is with a happy heart that the Scholarium heard of the reopening of the Polyhedron magical factory. The fact that such ancient enchantments are still operational, and still useful, after so long gives us hope that the glories of the Age of Magic are not yet behind us. With your permission, we were wondering if we could send faculty mages to study the factory's enchantments, to better understand the wonders of that fabled age. If we discover anything interesting, we will surely share it with you, in the interests of advancing magical knowledge.


Archmagus Vincent Barreto

Open Invitation (To All Factions)

The Scholarium will be hosting a gala event in six months time [next turn] to celebrate the return of peace to the Kingdom, and to mark the dawn of a new era of learning and enlightenment. You are cordially invited to attend, in the spirit of forwarding the knowledge and well-being of all mankind. The Scholarium will also be announcing the creation of several scholarships at the event--we would like to encourage the best and the brightest to improve themselves, so that they can better serve the Kingdom and their fellow man.

I hope to see you there.

Respectfully yours,

Archmagus Vincent Barreto

OOC: I haven't figured out how to give attending the gala any sort of mechanical benefit, so it's just fluff for now. I figured it's the sort of thing you'd all get invited to, so I might as well write up the invitation. I might give scholarships to VIPs who want to become students, as the Scholarium can increase the skill of mage VIPs over time, but beyond that I have nothing planned.

2012-04-13, 07:16 AM
Trieste Foreign Ministry to Shok'An

The ambassador bows in front of the warlord.

"Congratulations, King Shok'An. While we will still need to have a few meetings about formalities and minor details, the Council of Trieste has accepted your legitimate claim on the lands you hold. I hope we will be allies for a long time to come against forces that would subjugate our realms."

2012-04-15, 01:22 PM
Andre Valish (Ployhedron) to Scholarium Arcana

''I believe I know enough of the secrets of the Polyhedron and what I don't know, I'll find out by myself.''

Shok'An to Triestre Foreign Ministry

Shok'An a heavily built man with fiery red hair and a half-mask concealing an old battle-scare grins. ''Excellent. I will await the treaty with Council seal on it. I hope we can establish profitable trade relations.'' A large battle-axe, hung on the wall, catches light from the sun and reflects inside the room. The rumors speak it tasted blood of a thousand men, when Shok'An and a dozen of his most trusted followers took the city fortress of Dalhn. ''Perhaps we can discuss the situation to the south of my relam, Dominion. There are rumors, your power there is weakening''

2012-04-15, 01:43 PM
Shok'An Meeting (PM)

The ambassador looks somewhat wary at the topic. "Well, the Republic of Sandara is attempting to convince the people of Dominion to their cause. The Council of Trieste is discussing the matter, and we have presented various options on how to deal with the matter.

What is your angle on the matter? Your help would open up several courses of action that could be useful for us both."

2012-04-15, 01:54 PM
Shok'An [PM]

''Well, naturally I would be interested in the political stability of the lands, bordering mine. And if you require assistance in keeping order, I could be of assistance.''

2012-04-15, 02:06 PM
Baylin Split

The Council to the Artificer's Guild
The Council sees no reason not to let the Elf Lords bear the expense of restoring their own lands. You are free to present your case as to why it would be better for Trieste to grant you the mines than to their rightful owners.

To the Zexan Consortium, (Also addressing the Church of the Endless Ocean. And the rest of the Council if they want.)
Perhaps you should consider exactly who is on the council. The Primeval Delights is a respected member, and fully expected to aid in restoring the nation to its full power.

And now I ask a more direct question. Why do you people persist in judging the cults so harshly, just because they have only existed for a few scant years. I am no advocate of them, but on the other hand I am no advocate for the Church of the Endless Ocean. I have been around for far far longer than either the cult or the church. In my youth the dominant religion stretched across the world, it's clergy kept back the powers of darkness in a way nothing I have ever seen has matched, and yet now it is so long faded into dust that its name no longer even remains in history. I have watched cults rise, form great religions, and then fall to the wayside. Why then should I believe either the cult or the Endless Ocean to be any different than all the rest. And so why should I regard either as superior to the other. What reason do you have to suggest otherwise?

The Council to the Silver Shields
We have decided to give you a chance to prove yourselves. Even know murderers run rampant in the streets of Primval, mocking the council's grasp. Clear them out. Restore peace and stability to Primval, and you will be awarded the right to administer Justice throughout Trieste.

To the Cult of Reason
It seems there is something of a ground swell of movements against cults, which I am sure you have noticed. Perhaps it is presumptuous of me to suggest, but why do you not change your name to something with less religious connotations. Something to suggest not only that you are mages, but also the majesty to which you aspire.

To the Iron Lords
If the Iron Cloaks have not chosen to report our encounters then it is not my place to say. I wish you well, and extend you an open invitation to send an embassy to Trieste.

2012-04-15, 02:10 PM

"Well, we have three paths to take concerning Dominion. Either we leave them to the Sandarans and hope that it is enough for them-" It's not difficult to hear the disdain in the diplomat's voice for this course of action.

"-we can continue as we have, to try and maintain our influence indefinitely, or we can attempt to rearrange the rulership of the territory.

As of yet, the Council has not come to a decision. Things depend on how the situation in Sandara develops, on the information our agents bring, on the decisions of the Knights regarding the placement of our Legions... many things. However, in the end, there may only remain one choice."

2012-04-15, 05:04 PM
Artificers Guild

To the Council
The Elf Lords don't own all of the mines, or even the majority of them. I have no interest in their property, my goal lies in what Trieste owns but cannot make use of currently.

2012-04-15, 05:45 PM
The Golden Circle

To the Artificiers Guild
The Kingdom is suffering from a shortage of metals. We require all the mines we own, to end this shortage as quickly as we can. In a few years the shortage should be over, and we'll begin to produce an excess. That would be a better time to request access to the mines.

2012-04-15, 07:25 PM
The Artificers Guild

to The Council
The mines are not producing anything, no one is working them, whatever equipment is left in them is in an extreme state of disrepair, there is no support infrastructure in the area any more. Does the government really want to foot the bill for getting the mines running again? Because that is what I am offering, I will hire workers, build new equipment, and restore the towns in the area. Then the country will have the metals it needs.

2012-06-04, 02:04 AM
Turn 3 Begins...


Friend of the Kingdom: Shok’an

The Kingdom of Triestre has officially recognized Shok’An as legitimate ruler of his domain. The Warlord has taken on a title of Duke and has proclaimed friendship to the Kingdom, promising military cooperation and increased trade. Already his retainers move across the Kingdom, hiring professionals, taking loans and trading for goods.

This friendship has received a lukewarm response among the Kingdom’s military and nobility, who are highly suspicious of anybody out of the Free Lands, the worst cesspool of corruption and vileness in the world, and the international reaction is expected to be very chilly.

Ironcloaks March

The rumors are confirmed, that an Ironcloaks Legion has gathered in the lands of the Iron Lords. The Legion is marching to the borders of the Dominion.


War, Mages and Nobles

The news are announced that Sun-Shields Legion would be replaced by Sun-Spears Legion in the duty of protecting the Dominion.

In the western provinces the Dominion Lords have joined with the Cult of Reason in a project to raise an army of War Mages. With their support many of the kingdom’s free Mages are finding their ways into the Cult’s training camps, where they practice battle magic. The nobles claim their motives are to bolster the kingdom’s defenses, but many whisper of the greed with which the Dominion Lords look across the border at Dominion.

The Red Coins dither between either supporting the Dominion Lords or allying with the Lords of Colors. The Half-Elves openly speak against the Dominion Lord’s folly, showing their characteristic dislike for war and violent magic. The Brand’s Men, nobility that was closely aligned with the former monarchy, keep their intentions secret. Their influence with the Sun Spears, who will be replacing the Sun Shields as defense of the Dominion, makes them highly sought allies by the Dominion Lords. The Mage-Lords and Al-Makim Blood remain silent.

The Cult of Reason has reached out to the kingdom’s Battle Mages, but it appears their loyalty is leaning to the Minister of Magic, Baylin Split. The enigmatic Mage has been meeting continuously with the leaders of the Battle Mages, apparently tutoring them in the arts of magic. The Battle-Mages serve in the Legions, but they fall under the authority of the Ministry of Magic.

Fear of Magic

There is a growing fear among the population, that Mages might seize power and rule as tyrants. As usual such sentiments are strongest in the North, but there are more and more people across the Kingdom, who share this sentiment.

Some of the Ironmen* have been calling on the Church of Endless Ocean to declare Power and Shadow magic to be evil and join with the followers of the Goddess in eradicating its use.

[Unlike other nations, the Ironmen of Triestre (nickname for those, who oppose magic) accept Ritual, Grace and Mana magic as generally benevolent, unless twisted for evil purposes, while believing Power and Shadow, as well as Necromancy and Demonology, to be inherently evil.]

Order in Primval

The Silver Shields have reinforced the city guards, bringing order to the streets. The crime has subsided and the gangs watch warily, trying to adjust to the new situation.

Meanwhile the Night Guild has grown highly active, dispensing their special brand of justice. Their symbol appears burned on the doors of the men, they accuse of corruption. When their warnings aren’t heeded, those they deem evil, are kidnapped, beaten and left tied up in humiliating positions in public places. In a few cases, when the alleged offenses included particular heinous crimes, the victims disappear without trace. The Night Guild flamboyant methods have won them a certain admiration of the crowds, who like a good show and justice, been served, but others see them as nothing more than dangerous thugs, hiding their natures under the veneer of self-righteousness.

The tensions between the Church of Endless Ocean and Cult of Primeval Delights continue to grow, and some begin to fear, that riots may break out. Meanwhile, rumors of dark omens are on the rise, whispered in the taverns and wine gardens. The nature of the threat remains ill-defined, but most tales mention the dark machinations of the Cult of Harbingers and their sinister power. A number of people complain, that Church of Endless Ocean is too focused on dealing with Cult Primeval Delights that while immoral, certainly can’t be as bad as the Harbingers. In the north, the followers of the Goddess gather, some say to divine the nature of coming evil, while others think it’s an effort to counter the growing power of Mages.

Northern Mines

The work on the restoration of the mines stalls, as it becomes apparent the Artificers Guild has purchased most of machinery and supplies required for rebuilding the mines on the market. They however lack workforce as the professional miners so far remained loyal to the old half-elf owners.

Dragonblood Empire

The relations between the Dragonblood Empire and Triestre are at risk of getting even worse, then they are now, after a diplomatic incident, involving delegation of the Golden Circle and Dragonblood nobles, during negotiations for opening of trade. The Golden Circle Mages have either deliberately insulted or were manipulated into breaking Dragonblood Empire’s rules of courtesy, by casting magic in presence of the High Blood nobles. The negotiations quickly broke down with both sides hurling insults and threats. The public’s reaction was natural hatred towards the Dragonblood Empire, but Golden Circle has gotten hit by accusations of seeking to trade goods to the vile vipers of the Dragonblood Empire.

At the same time in the southern provinces, rumors have begun to spread, that House Tercel has been negotiating with the Dragonblood Empire, the worst of them claiming the subject was conditions for preservation of Tercel titles, should the Dragonblood Empire conquer Triestre. The House Tercel is defended by those, who point to the fact, that Duke Tercel is Minister of Foreign Affairs and naturally would be negotiating with the Dragonblood Empire for the good of the Kingdom.

Word on the Streets

The Adventurers Guild has being recruiting spies among the major factions of the Kingdom.

The Baylin Split hasn’t been appearing on public recently.

Guests of the Scholarium Arcana’s Gala

The arrival of the Night Guild leader Garth Rowan is met with some hesitation of the guards, but they let him pass. Rowan, dressed in a sweeping black cloak, and white shirt, walks into the ballroom, supported by his date, a woman in her late twenties, wearing a sky blue dress, matching her eyes.

There are two high-ranking representatives of the Sunken Tower – Magister Gawain and Magister Dwight. There are seven circles on their ceremonial staffs, identifying them as being ranked one step below the Inner Circle, the ruling body of the Sunken Tower. They have positioned themselves in two opposite sides of the ballroom, each surrounded by a circle of their followers, Mages of lesser rank. The two have spent some time admiring the Elemental of Paper that the Scholarium has on a leash of magical wards.

High Priestess Rosetta is dressed in an expensive dark robe that has patterns on it in the same color, but of a slightly different tone, so they are almost impossible to see. Her face remains concealed, one of the reasons her resurrection miracle is called in question, yet her graceful and sensual movements, hold the same captivating power as she had, before her assassination and her voice is clearly the same. Her followers wear a lot less clothing, as usual walking at the edge of what society considers acceptable. They clearly hold no shame and flirting during conversations, is the same as breathing to them.

The Mage-Lord Arturo and Cultists of Reason of lesser rank mingle with the Dominion Lords, such as Duke Mezza and Count Aeneris. A number of Scholarium’s mages are there as well, such as a number of younger sons, who having no chance to inherit title, have sought power in Magic.

Frederick Nohlden, the Ambassador of Mulden is enjoying the wines, hardly moving his place and amiably talking with the other guests. Various figures of power and influence seem to gravitate to his company, as soon as the previous group departs.

The ambassador of Duke Shok’An, Erast Belkov, a small, wiry man with neatly trimmed moustache and a permanent smile plastered on his face attached himself to the Marshal Javez, Minister of War and a high ranked member of the Knights of Aqua.

A lone half-elf of unknown affiliation watches over the guests from a spot, that doesn’t get enough illumination from glow globes. A group of CORPS officers entertain a mixed group of noblemen and wealth merchants with stories of their exploits. A dour looking ambassador of the Iron Lords politely listens to some Lords of Colors noblemen, trading a single word for twenty spoken to him. A beautiful raven-haired woman in dress, styled in fashion of Dawn Lands chats amiably with the band of musicians. An Al-Makim ambassador with his wife mingles with the guests.

Imperial Psycho
2012-06-04, 07:45 AM
Silver Shields esp +++-

Report to the Council
"As requested, my men have kept order on the streets of Primval.

Additionally, I have learned things that may be of interest to the council. Someone was attempting to hire bands of thugs for some ill work recently. They failed, but my men were unable to discover the group behind it.

One of the gangs has been wiped out, but not by the law. There appears to be a new power moving in in the city.

Finally, I cannot see the justice behind the actions of the Night Guild. They are playing to the crowd, nothing more. They do not have the right to dispense justice.

I believe my organisation has proven itself, and hope to see the Shields given right to be the hand of justice.


2012-06-04, 11:20 AM
To House Tercel/Artificers Guild

Since your quest encounter involved trolls, I've made a check and determined, that you've met Deep Trolls faction, or rather one of their remote outposts.

2012-06-04, 11:45 AM
The Quest (GM and Artificer's Guild)

We'll make it a diplomatic meeting then. Anyway, my stats and VIPs will head back to restock and regroup and meet up with additional people from other factions. We'll head to that magical fort with Golden Circle support.

House Tercel to Deep Trolls

It so appears that our explorers have stumbled upon one of your outposts. With wary looks and readied weapons they survey what they see.

Red Coins:

House Tercel would like an opportunity to persuade you to ally with the Lords of Colours. Magic and war are two things that are often bad for those who wish to live in peace and create wealth with their work, and both are concentrating on the Dominion border. We believe that together we could counterbalance influences on Trieste that seem to be leading us to ruin.


And, of course, the Foreign Ministry has access to plenty of information that could help individuals privy to it. There is much going on beyond our borders, many threats yet many opportunities...

Lord Tercel to the Ironcloaks

The gathering of your Legion has caused concern in our lands. We would like to inquire as to your goals.

House Tercel to the Half-Elves

There is a threat of war on two borders of Trieste currently, and many remnants of the civil war still remain. As the Foreign Minister I can survey the progress of our diplomats and agents abroad and the results do not sound very good. But there is hope, though the actions of Hawks within our borders threaten that.

I would wish a political alliance between our factions to oppose the intentions of the Dominion Lords and to try and negotiate our way through the crises that face our nation.

Lord Tercel to Scholarium Arcana

We would like permission to study the historical origins and ancestry of our House in your library.

Lord Tercel to Knights of Aqua

I would like to arrange a private meeting to discuss current events and Trieste's situation.

Lord Tercel to House Vasques

Grave news have reached me from my son, out in the mountains. News we should discuss privately, at your earliest convenience.

Lord Tercel to Shok'An

We should discuss in private about the situation in both Dominion and the Free Lands, and the future of your Dukedom.

Grimsage Matt
2012-06-04, 12:57 PM
The Deep Troll City of Tolon-Dour

House Tercel

They see a place of breathtaking, and impossible, mechanics. Lights, that neither burn, nor run off magic, great mechincal and clockwork devices, from a smilple clocktower, to what seems to be some sort of massive foundry. But even more, there is a weird, unfamilliar beauty in this place, where every surface is not only completly functional, but a masterpeice of smiths art.

However, you are shocked by the people. Trolls. Diffrent, with skins that remeble granite, and eyes of smouldering coal. One of them approchs you, clad in robes of a strange meterial, and appears diginfied, and slightly annoyed.

"Surface dwellers, by what right do you trespass in the holdings of the Deep Trolls? We have never interfered, nor cared for your surface lands, so why have you come to our lands? Or will you insist on being barbaric savages that attack without thinking apon encountering that which you do not understand?"

2012-06-04, 12:59 PM
Deep Trolls

Trolls. But these ones appear to have brains. Strange things, magic causes...

Certainly no manners though.

"Um. Greetings to you as well, I suppose. We're explorers from the Kingdom of Trieste, to the south of this land. I am Count Percival Tercel. Who might you be?"

Grimsage Matt
2012-06-04, 01:09 PM
The Deep Trolls

To House Tercel
The Troll gathers himself. Maybe these ones aren't total savages.

"I am Sage Dour, head of this Grimholds counsil of twentyone. I apologize for my... gruffness, but over the years we've come to distrust surface dwellers as overagressive and superstious who will attack anyone and anything with the slightest provaction. But, in any case, as you appear to be civilized, might as well invite you in for tea. Would you be intrested in accepting?"

You manage to get a look in his eyes. They may resemble smouldering coals, but they're old. Older then anything you can feel comfortable with.

2012-06-04, 01:16 PM
Deep Trolls

Snap decisions, one of the things his father is bad at, but Percival has trained to master during his years in Exile. There is no apparent danger, and if a fight is provoked his band is sure to lose. Besides, how many men in the Courts can claim to have drank Troll tea?

"Having been on the road, and off it, for many months now, I gratefully accept on behalf of my men.

You appear to be... people, of great age and wisdom, judging by our surroundings. Perhaps we can benefit from knowing each other better."

2012-06-04, 01:20 PM
Red Coins to House Tercel [++-]

''Peace is of course preferable. But we fear a war may break out whatever we do. Both Clovis and Sandarians appears to be very interested in taking over Dominion. If war is inevitable, why not profit from it? Of course if you have some information about the situation in Dominion, that we don’t…’’

Ironcloaks to House Tercel [+++++]

''Our intentions are to protect the Dominion from evil magic. Domina has given us permission to cross the borders and act freely, so there shouldn’t be any problems.''

Half-Elves to House Tercel [++-]

''Of course we’ll work with you to avert the war. Do you have any plan?''

Knights of Aqua to House Tercel [++-]

''Very well. Send your representative to our chapter on the Isle of Cracked Rocks.''

Edomond Vasques to Duke Tercel [PM]

''What sort of news? Pray tell me. I’m gravely worried for my son, who left to travel the world, emulating his childhood friend, Richard. He has travelled to the Broken-Back Mountains seeking to meet up with your son.''

Duke Shok’An to Duke Tercel [+++++]

''Very well. You can speak freely with my ambassador, Erast Belkov. He speaks with my voice.''

Grimsage Matt
2012-06-04, 01:25 PM
To House Tercel

He smiles at the compliment, and leads them to a well apointed structure, made of sturdy stone.

Inside, the decorations are simple, but very well done, and often seemed to be worked into the construction of the dwelling. He leads you to a long table, and passes around cups, and on a strange, non-wood burning stove, heats up a pot of tea. As he is the host, he pours for you. The tea itself is earthy, not quite sweet, but with a slight numbing effect, simmiliar to a glass of fime wine.

"I thank you for the compliment you gave us ealier. Most look at us and see those damned twisted replicas. But in anycase, it's been quite some time since I was on the surface, would you mind telling me just how the world is faring?

2012-06-04, 02:04 PM
Deep Trolls

While many of the soldiers are wary, Percival remains calm and persuades them to not act rashly.

"The world... well, each Era has it's own troubles and ours is no different. The long peace in the North has broken and our own Kingdom is under threat of invasion from the south. There are many problems facing us, but I suppose they seem rather trivial to an outsider. I'm sure you have your own problems that we do not know of."

House Tercel to Red Coins

Well, we know of the intentions of the Iron Lords, for instance. And having an army of mages enter Dominion is the worst possible thing for us to do if we intend to hold any sort of influence in those rich lands in the future.

Generally those who profit the most from a war are the ones that do not take part. The Legions of Trieste are able to fight off Sandara, or Clovis, or potentially even both - but we do not need to and nor should we. In the short term we might be able to gain a profit, though that is doubtful, but if we waste any of our strength then once the new Emperor or Empress is crowned in the Dragonblood Empire, we are going to sorely miss that which we no longer have.

You have heard rumours of our negotiations within the Empire. We have been assessing the candidates and trying to gather information from the Low Bloods. It is not looking good for peace on that front.

Lord Tercel to Ironcloaks

Commendable. I wish you luck in your endeavour. But also a warning - tensions in the Dominion are high. Be very careful lest you trigger a war that will doom us all once the Dragonbloods invade.

Lord Tercel to Half-Elves

I think we should meet in private to discuss what to do. I have some information that you need to know, and I need your help to save our land.

Knights of Aqua Meeting (PM)

Duke Richard Tercel arrives himself. A rare occasion, considering his busy position. After all the greetings and courtesies are past, he attempts to get to the point of the matter.

"I will be honest with you. We are in a position of grave danger, if I am to believe the reports of my Ministry.

First, the Dominion. We have a rogue faction of Hawks building an army of Mages within our borders, close to theirs. You all know the attitude of Dominion towards Magic. The Ironcloaks are sending a Legion into Dominion to hunt mages, with the permission of the Domina. Clovis and Sandara are both gearing for a war, and both are gathering influence within the Dominion. It's not difficult to see the picture here - we are in danger of getting dragged into a war that will not end well for our nation.

As for why it won't end well... the Dragonblood Empire. Our agents tell us that most of the candidates there have the intention of a war with the North, and even the ones who don't need to attack somewhere according to their tradition. Tensions are high, especially after the mistake of the Golden Circle. And Al Makim is weakening. If we fight in the Dominion, I am afraid that we will both weaken our forces that might be sorely needed in the future and also lose any chance of unity amongst the Northern nations, unity needed to help stop the Dragonbloods.

I am working within Trieste to fight the Hawks, and outside Trieste to gather allies. Shok'An is a necessity to act as a buffer against the Free Lands, I even have people in the Broken-back Mountains trying to scout and find out if we can mitigate the raids somehow. Myself and my people have visited several Dragonblood nobles to find out more of their situation and to possibly gain allies within the enemy. I would ask of you some things that might be of importance as pertaining to the situation.

First, what do you know of Clovis? They have forced our agents to escape or go underground with a relentless campaign, while acting nice to our diplomats in turn. They are working within the Dominion. Your organization has history with them.

Second, have you managed to allay the divisions between the Legions at all? If they do not work together when the time comes, the results will be catastrophic.

Third, and this is a personal favour I am asking of you - I wish to be granted a vote in the Council assembly. Baylin Split is barely present, the Cult of Primeval Delights and the Church of the Endless Ocean are at each other's throats. We need to stabilize Trieste quickly and have a leadership with enough authority to get the people to listen, if we are to survive."

Lord Tercel to Edomond Vasques (PM)

The Lord arranges seating, privacy and a drink and then solemnly narrates the story of the attack as told by the runners. He does not say anything else, nor anything more but the facts of what happened, ending in silence to let his guest digest his words and formulate a response.

Lord Tercel to Erast Belkov (PM)

"I am sure you are aware of the tensions in the Dominion. It is exceedingly likely to spark out into a war, and a war that Trieste should not join. It is also likely that the Dragonblood Empire will invade one of their neighbours the moment an Emperor is crowned, and we are one of the main targets.

What we need in the North is not a divisive war, but unity and stability if we are to survive and repeat the miraculous victory over the Dragonbloods. Otherwise, we shall all fall, and your nation will be very short-lived. And even if other nations see reason, we've still got the Free Lands and the Broken-back Mountains as threats behind us.

Do you think it is possible for your troops to begin pacifying regions of the Free Lands and adding them to your domain? We have little to support with, especially if a war begins, but we can help and you can move slowly and cautiously if necessary.

The raids must stop, and in the long-term you will benefit from the added stability and power to your realm. If you managed to unify and stabilize the whole Free Lands, you would soon become a nation powerful enough to face any one of your neighbours, and so avoid being stuck in the political games of others. And Trieste could use a friend."

2012-06-04, 02:30 PM
Scholarium Arcana
Loyalty: -

To House Tercel

Certainly. Our records are open to you.

To All Who Were At The Gala

Thank you for your attendance. We hope you enjoyed the gala, and the Archmagus' speech.

2012-06-04, 02:39 PM
Red Coins to House Tercel

''We aren’t certain if Iron Lords would interfere. They have always remained neutral. Then again the times are changing, so we can’t count on that.''

''Do you believe we’ll be able to keep the western trade route, if either Clovis or Sandara take power there? The Sandarians are already charging high tariffs. And we hardly know what Clovis would do anymore, now that they got that Church of theirs.''

Ironcloaks to House Tercel [+++++]

''We will act as our duty dictates.''

[Your aid sounds concerns: ''Such blunt answer is unusual from them. If it's one of the conservatives in charge, they'll do as they please and damn the political implications. Their golden cloak faction is more politically mindful, and they are usually in charge'']

Half-Elves to House Tercel [PM]

A meeting of several prominent Half-Elf nobles is arranged. They wait for Duke Tercel to speak.

Knights of Aqua to Duke Tercel [PM]

Loremaster Henris:

''Clovis follows the Church of the Scarlett Rose. Their Legions are strong, after decades of fighting each other, the chevaliers of the Clovis are formidable warriors. Now that they are united, we think them to be on par with our military might. The Church seeks unity and they’ll try to achieve it by crusades. You shouldn’t expect them to stop with Dominion. They’ll continue to expand, as long as the Church remains in control.''

''We are trying to establish greater cooperation between the Legion, but it’s a difficult task. Then again, against the Dragonblood Empire, we believe all Legion-Lords would put their differences aside.''

''If you secure another member of the Council to support you, we’ll second the motion to give you a vote.''

Edmond Vasques to Duke Tercel [PM]

''I… I can’t believe what I hear. My son, to do such act of treachery… I must beg for forgiveness. And for mercy. It’s clear my poor child was tricked in this dark path by agents of the Dragonblood Empire. I beg you not to destroy him. Confinement and punishments, but do not destroy his good name. A chance for redemption is all I ask for, my Duke.''

Erast Belkov to Duke Tercel [PM]

''Well. How much assistance are we talking about here? My duke has achieved a certain understanding with the other warlords and if he breaks it, he’ll face a unified front. Plus, there is always resistance, unless the local players are brought to heel or bought. And the Free Lands are rather poor. When winter comes and we’ll have to feed all those starving mouths in the newly acquired lands, well, Duke would have to resort to raiding to feed them.''

''Now if you could provide us troops, food and some coin… It may sound like I’m asking for much, but certainly stability at your borders and powerful ally are worth that.''

Grimsage Matt
2012-06-04, 03:04 PM
To House Tercel
"We don't have that many problems in this neck of the caverns, most of any fighting is down much deeper, but we're but one city, and mostly just a rail hub here." He shrugs.

"But in anycase, it seems that a old truism bears wisdom. The more things change, the more they remain the same. But, there are a few other matters I would wish to dicuss with you. Primarily, why were you around our caverns? I mean no offence, it's just that your the first surface vistior in the last fourty thousand years, and the last ones where violent, uncultured and attacked us immiditly. Your much better company then they were, but we would apperciate if you could tell us how you found us, so we can fix the gates. And no, that is not a death threat. As you are our guests, no harm may come to you in our realm."

2012-06-04, 03:52 PM
Deep Trolls

"Our expedition was sent to scout these mountains. We've recently beaten back massive raids of monsters, and were hoping to find some information as to what the situation was and if we could expect peace to deal with our other issues. There's also my personal objective in hoping to find proof for or against the existance of a rumoured Dragon.

As for how we found you - well, there are no good maps of the Broken-Back Mountains. We stumbled upon your caverns mainly by complete accident."

House Tercel to Red Coins

Currently this is the main concern about the situation in Dominion. I personally believe that we would probably be able to reach a satisfactory outcome to ourselves if we were to support one of the competing sides and have them fight each other. The price for our support would, of course, be trade priviledges and influence in Dominion matters.

Lord Tercel to Knights of Aqua (PM)

Do you think Clovis will fight the Sandarans over Dominion? And whom do you think would win that confrontation?

In the Council, we've attained the support of the Church, as well as potentially that of the Golden Circle.

Lord Tercel to Edmond Vasques (PM)

"Of course. Our Houses are friends, and we should work together to get over bad times. But we do not know where your son currently is, as he was not caught in the fighting. I am willing to forgive him, I am much more concerned about what happened to him to convince him that the Dragonbloods cannot be defeated in the first place. And I fear that now that his actions are known he will try to disappear..."

Lord Tercel to Erast Belkov

I will have to discuss with the Council on what they are able to give to you in aid. But if you were to initially concentrate on extending your realm to cover the entire border of Trieste, we could convince them to support this venture. You must be aware that you aren't very popular among many of the people who're used to Free Lands being the source of frequent war and raiding, but those attitudes will change quickly if you can truly pacify the border and turn the river of swords into a river of coin.

You could always negotiate to become a Province of Trieste. Our Legions would protect your lands and our wealth would develop your cities. That brings with itself its own responsibilities, of course, and understandably the loss of independence is too high a price for most, but I'm just mentioning it as an option.

Grimsage Matt
2012-06-04, 05:30 PM
To House Tercel

"Well, we don't know about anything near the surface that could be stiring up the population, though rumors of a Full Dragon are... worrisome. The only one we've been plagued with is a annoying little pest that calls it self Al'dun. Fancy name for a pesudodragon. If you want to talk to the pest, it normaly lurks in the lower southeast mushroom grove. And don't worry, it's harmless, though a relentless practical joker." He goes from worried at the begining, to slightly annoyed at the end. But then he gathers himself and looks very serious.

"Recently, there has been a order passed up from Kazham'kor, and it reguards the surface." He looks exxeding grim at this moment. "To put it simply, the Thane has thought that we might need to take part in the affairs of the surface. Why, this change in policy has occured, I don't have the faintest idea. However, we had been preparing to look for a surface nation to nominaliy join. And because yours is the first, and you seem like reasonable beings, we intend to submit a petition for member ship to your state. Just this city, not the Entire Deep Realm. How should we go about doing this? After all, it's your country."

2012-06-04, 05:41 PM
Loyalty +++++

To Artificier's Guild

We trust you received our [+++ Magic]? Our next payment to you will be in the form of [++ Economy and + Magic], if that is ok with you?

To Golden Circle

Hello, friend. We have not spoken in such a long time, and I feel it important that we know eachother's goals and progress. I, to my shame, feel that I am moving too slowly. Have you made progress in empowering our lords?

2012-06-04, 06:03 PM
Deep Trolls

"To join Trieste...?

Hmm. Well, I have to be honest and tell you that, as you look quite similar to degenerate monsters who keep attacking our lands from the mountains, it's likely that there will be quite a lot of suspicion and distrust.

However, you could send an emissary to the Council of Trieste to negotiate the matter. I assume you would stay mostly here, so it wouldn't be such a big problem..."

Grimsage Matt
2012-06-04, 06:31 PM
To House Tercel
Regular Troll- 9 feet tall, ape like posture, bad complxion and greenish warty skin.
Deep Troll- 12ft, perfect posture, stone like skin. And glowing emberish eyes.

IC; He sighs. "Yes, I'm aware that there are problems because mages twisted some of our people into war machines, and yes, most of us would be staying here. However, if you could write a letter of introduction? Just to reassure whoever it is we end up speaking to. Also, where may we find the counsil?"

2012-06-04, 06:34 PM
Deep Trolls

"I'll write one, but better yet, we were about to head back to gather more people and supplies and tackle a ruin full of dark magic. So if your ambassador accompanies me, we should avoid most difficulties.

The Council is situated in Primeval, to the south of here. I have maps with me, of course."

Grimsage Matt
2012-06-04, 06:42 PM
To House Tercel
"Very well then, and, we've been arranging transportation. That is, if you wouldn't mind traveling in a converted Jorrmunger Class mining rig? And if you'd like to see it, it's currently in the loading dock."

The Converted Jorrmunger Class Mining Rig- A massive 16 wheel tread rig, this mechanical beastie can easily carry up to 200 Deep trolls and their provisions.

2012-06-04, 06:49 PM
Deep Trolls:

Percival is quite confused as to what it is and how it works, but attributes it to magic anyway. Making the trek back on foot would be a pain, so he's happy to accept.

Grimsage Matt
2012-06-04, 06:55 PM
The Deep Trolls Travel Rig

Exiting the mountians, a massive mettalic thing on treadwheels emerges. It's avoiding running anything over, but it's impossible to hide it's presence. Smoke occasionlly billows out of one of the starnge potriousons on the top, and any bandits that attempt to waylay it are blasted apart by a cannon. Making extremly good speed, they reach the outskirts of Primeval, were it stops with whaty seems to be a loud sigh, and then it opens up on the side, sending down a ramp.

To House Tercel
"Well, here we are. This old girl makes good time, eh? No magic tricker either, just good old fashioned clockwork and steam coils."

Ragnar Lodbroke
2012-06-04, 11:29 PM
The Swithchblade Company

In a camp, close to the frontier of the Western Provinces, the Triunvirate discuss strategy.
After a long (And almost non-violent) argument, they decide to send messages to several of the Powers of Trieste to prepare their position.

At dawn, several riders are sent with messages to many important figures in the Kingdom.

To Baylin split, Minister of Magic and Overlord:
Milord; we send you a message to introduce ourselves. We are the Switchblade company, and our ranks are formed by fearsome warriors.

We are currently camped in the western reaches of your kingdom, and we send you this message to offer you our services, if you ever want them (We wouldn't dare to imply that you would need them).

We can march anywhere you like, take any city, fight any army. All we ask in return is gold, and one of the conquered cities to form a base.

Signed: Selim

To House tercel (Minister of Foreign affairs)
Greetings. We are the Switchblade Company, and we are offering our services to the Kingdom of Trieste.

We know some things about the conflict in the Dominion and the Free Lands, and we are looking for a place to form a base.

We will accept gold, supplies, and weapons as payment for any war effort that you need. In the meantime, we offer to take and hold a small city or fort in the Free Lands, to defend the Frontier better against the raids.

Signed, Selim.

To Zexan Consortium
As we are newcomers, we would like to introduce ourselves. We are the Switchblade Company, a professional private army.

We would like to offer you some of our most experienced warriors to serve as further protection to your western caravans, should you need them.

We will take a fair and reasonable price (In gold, money, weapons, food, etc) in return of that service.

In the meantime, I'd like to inform you that all my men are disciplined and that if any of them lays a hand in one of your belongings, the hand will be cut.

Signed: Selim.

To Artificer's Guild
Greetings. We are the Switchblade Company, and are interested in buying magical weapons and artifacts. We will gladly pay for them, and we will offer you a few guards for your buildings if you need them.

Signed: Selim.

2012-06-05, 06:01 AM
House Tercel [PM]

Red Coins appear to be swayed by your rhetoric, at least for now.

Knights of Aqua to House Tercel [PM]

''They might. But I wouldn’t rule out a possibility of alliance, if they see a chance to convert the Republic to their faith.''

''I can’t say for certain, who’ll win. I believe Clovis army to be superior in skill, but the Republic has numbers and better equipment on their side, and they’ll be more used to fighting on the terrain of the Dominion.''

Edmond Vasques to House Tercel [PM]

''I will make certain to tell you, if he returns, if you hold to the promise of not harming him, beyond imprisonment. And I will investigate my house for any Dragonblood sympathisers.''

Erast Belkov to House Tercel [PM]

''I believe it would be possible to protect your borders under such arrangement. We’ll wait for the Council’s decision on the issue, then?''

Grimsage Matt
2012-06-05, 12:53 PM
To House Tercel
Well, we'll be getting out now, and heading over to the counsil building.

The City of Primevil

Emerging from the large metal thing that's parked outside the city walls, is a very strange delgation. What seems to be a triad of very odd Trolls. Well dressed, if the clothes are simple looking, and well mannered, they're heading to the counsil building.

To the Counsil
The Deep Troll city of Tolon'dour would like to submit a petition to join your kingdom. We're not entirely sure of the details and the legal neccities, and yes, we're aware we're trolls.

2012-06-05, 01:31 PM
Lord Tercel to Half-Elves (PM)

"The reason I have invited you all here today is simple. Trieste is not yet out of the state of crisis the civil war caused, and we're in danger of utter ruin if we continue on the path we're on right now.

I personally have spent many weeks negotiating with several nobles inside the Dragonblood Empire, trying to gather information. My agents have done the same amongst the society there. We know that once a new Emperor or Empress is chosen, they will almost certainly declare war on one of their neighbours. Most of the candidates appear to regard Trieste as the most likely target, especially with the Golden Circle delegation's mistake. And if they target the Al Makim, we'll be dragged into the war nevertheless. In summary, it's very likely that a war with the Dragonbloods is going to happen in the near future, no matter what we do.

To repeat the miracle of the previous war, we need a stronger Trieste and a stronger, more unified North. But as you can see in the Dominion, this is unlikely to be achieved. Clovis and Sandara are both vying for power there, and the Ironcloaks have invited themselves, sending an entire legion to kill mages there. A legion led by their Old Guard, who will care nothing about politics over their zeal for their mission.

And the Dominion Lords and Mage Lords are gathering an army of mages, seeking to send it over the border to, supposedly, 'secure our interests' there. I don't think it's unclear to anyone what the attitudes in Dominion are about magic? They will not be welcomed. The entire region is very close to erupting to a massive bloodletting, and if we take part then we will not be able to avoid the sort of losses that destroy any hope of resisting a Dragonblood invasion.

I've negotiated with Shok'An, and hopefully I can get them to secure our borders against the Free Lands raiders. No matter his origin and methods, if he fights them and not us he's going to be an ally. The fight against the monsters from the Broken-Back Mountains should provide us with some respite against them for a while, I haven't been able to think of any way to pacify them. Help from the elves does not seem forthcoming, and the border is still closed, but at least there is no threat there.

So, if we can just stay out of Dominion and, if possible, convince everyone that their fight will be meaningless if we fall against the Empire, we could face the coming storm to our full capacity on one front. That is what we need if we are to face it at all. And the Calibrum foolishly threatens to unravel the entire thing and destroy us in the West before we can even turn to face the South.

We could utilize the anti-magic sentiment and gather a broad front across the entire Kingdom against the politics of Calibrum. We'll force them to back down, and instead take the blades they have forged, bring them under the control of more rational minds and aim them against our true enemy if, as is likely, that war will come.

And if they refuse to back down, we will have to cast them out. I'll have the support of the Council in this matter - they will not have the Legions if they wish to fight in the Dominion, and no coin from the Kingdom will enter their war chest.

Will you back me in this?"

House Tercel to Switchblade Company and GM

We will most likely have a war in which your services will be required, sooner rather than later.

For now, do move out to the Free Lands. We can arrange support for you from our ally Shok'An, if you support them in turn. Bring them this sealed letter from us.

To Shok'An (PM)


Take this as my personal contribution to what we discussed. The men bringing this letter belong to a mercenary company, who will help you in the Free Lands near Trieste's border. They will take a single stronghold for their own base of operations and support your forces in securing that stretch - if you find them worthy you should negotiate with them about further commitments.

Awaiting to see how the Council responds, your friend,
Grand Duke Richard Tercel

2012-06-05, 03:03 PM
Trolls in the City

The procession of trolls attracts a lot of gawkers and a certain attention of the city guards and Silver Shields patrols. The crowds part to let them pass, displaying mostly curiosity, rather than hostility.

Half-Elves to House Tercel [PM]

''Your plan sounds reasonable. We will support the anti-magic sentiment, to bring some order to the present chaos.''

Grimsage Matt
2012-06-05, 04:20 PM
The Deep Trolls to the Overlord
We would like to present a petition from the City of Tolon'dour to join your kingdom.

2012-06-05, 05:32 PM
Lord Tercel to Sandara

We would like to discuss the matter of Dominion with you privately.

Lord Tercel to Clovis

I think it's time we had a high-level meeting about the matters concerning us both, instead of our diplomats beating around the bush. Would you agree?

Council (PM)

I have several matters to bring to the attention of the Council.

One, war with the Dragonblood Empire is seeming ever more likely as things progress. Most of the candidates wish to attack us, those who don't would probably go for Al Makim, our ally, and the Golden Circle delegation failed to make things any better.

Two, the Ironcloaks are sending a Legion to hunt for mages in the Dominion, at the Domina's invitation.

Three, the Calibrum is increasing the tensions between us and Dominion, and Sandara and Clovis are both attempting to move in on the Dominion lands. War seems likely there as well.

Four, Duke Shok'An is willing to extend his lands to cover our borders fully against Free Lands raids and even work to pacify the entire region over time, but they need funding. I would like to be granted a small fund from the Treasury to be able to work at my discretion on matters such as this and other delicate situations that arise elsewhere - we do not have much funding for my agents at all, resulting in us having to prioritize the obvious threats and easily overlook the less obvious ones.

Five, I would like to be granted a vote on the Council, my position being just as important as any other.

Six, there is a matter of these Deep Trolls that our expedition found in the Broken-Back Mountains. We might be able to use them to mitigate the raids from that direction, at least for now.

I would like to ask the Council to vote on those matters that require it, as well as publically denounce the actions of Calibrum as threatening the stability of the entire North and the security of Trieste, and for Baylin Split to personally demand the army they have trained to be placed under the command of the Council and moved to the South to be aimed towards the true enemy of our people.

We must stay out of the fight in Dominion, even if it costs us our influence there, to be able to even hope to repeat the miracle of the previous war.

Lord Tercel to Elf-Friends

Is there any way you might know of to contact the Elves? Their peaceful ways would help us keep our own Hawks in check, and their trade would be extremely important to the rebuilding of the nation considering Sandara is blocking the other major route we have in operation.

2012-06-05, 07:24 PM
Baylin Split

To the Council and the Silver Shields (PM)
Baylin Split does not personally attend the council meeting. Rather the barest whisper of a robed shade speaks appears at the table and speaks with his voice.

The Silver Shields have done as we asked. I move to extend to them the right of the high and low justice. Although we do ask that you be circumspect in your accusations against the nobles in this time of instability. I suggest you speak with the Royal Court. They are supposed to have compiled a list of the worst offenders in Trieste during the civil war.

Private Council Matters
On the Deep Trolls. Now is not the time to be accepting any and all who petition to join Trieste. Their aid would be useful, but not at the cost of further alienating a populace that already grows to fear all that is magic. And do not speak to me that they do not use magic. I recognize a steam wagon when I see one, but the peasants will not make the distinction. I suggest proposing a task for them to achieve while the sentiments of the populace are further deciphered.

On the Dragonblood. There is only so much preperation we can do. The best defense is to simply quell the unrest here and now. United Trieste can whether an attack, but divided it will surely fall.

On the Ironcloaks. I find the Ironcloaks to be irritating, but not a threat if they remain in the Dominion.

On the Calibrum. I will speak with them on their intentions.

On Duke Shok'An. The ministry of World Affairs lack of funding is noted. As is the lack of funding in every other ministry. I query the Ministry of the Treasure as to what the state of the Kingdom's Finances are to plan a budget for the upcoming season.

On the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Vote. I will support this. If only because it is one of the only Ministry's which at least gives reliable reports and appears to be performing its function.

On that note I report that the Ministry of Magic remains underfunded, and is inadequate to deal with the mounting anti magic sentiment and the Council of Reason Recruitment. Despite this we are about to embark on a multi year ritual to finish restoring Trieste's farmlands, mines, and infrastructure. I request that disturbances to the ministry be kept to a minimum.

To the Switchblade
I do not personally need your services at the moment, although I am sure that Trieste as a whole could use your support in the near future.

To the Cult of Reason
One of Baylin's shades appears and requests a meeting with Mage-Lord Arturo.

Ragnar Lodbroke
2012-06-05, 08:13 PM
The Triunvirate members were sitting down around a small fire, in the Commander's Tent.

They passed the letter from Duke Tercel and Overlod Slint while discussing its possibilities.

"Very well, so this is it."
The Captain said. He was tall and muscular, with blond hair and blue eyes. A true northener.
His armour looked clean and free of rust, but not overly polished. It was a warrior's armour.
He didn't have a sword, but he had a good quality battle axe in his belt.

Korgan answered:
"We must not be careless about this. He probably just want us out of his lands."

The wizard was a little shorter than the captain. He was overweight and had black hair and eyes. He kept a warm smile at all times, and joked a lot.
He was wearing a leather armour, and was completely dressed in brown.

He had a longsword, but he always kept his staff close.

"Yes, but this Warlord is the Kingdom's ally, and could prove to be a good employer for us."

Selim smiled. A trickster's smile.
He had black hair, and was the only one with beard. Although his name sounded like an Al'Makim name, he had the white skin and the green eyes of a northener.
He wore plain silk clothes and a turban, and only his closest allies knew of the chainmail he always wore under the his shirt.

A scimitar and a shortbow completed his attire.

"We will take this mission. You know the plan."

Captain Logland nodded.
"Yes. I move forward with a small scouting force, take the message to Shok'An and seal the deal. I'm the rough one, so if he is not impressed, he will at least respect us."

"And I will go right behind ya, with the bulk of the army with me. I'll wait a couple of days to depart, to give time to the guards to know we are coming. That way, they don't see us as a threat and we avoid stupid fights."

"Exactly. In the meantime, I'll go to the Western Province Capital and settle there. I'll buy a small property and start a recruiting house. That way, I'm closer to the Kingdom's Capital, and I can act as a liaison between us and our masters.

In the meantime, we'll send the following messengers:"

To House Tercel
My Lord:
We'll do as you say, and have a small request: Please send riders to warn the Legion guards we'll be passing through the border in a few days, so they don't attack us. We'll send messengers to Shok'An to tell him of our arrival.

We promise to respect the Kingdom law, and to help their subjects and property when needed.

I will stay in the Western Provinces Capital and start a recruiting house. If you need anything, I will serve as the liaison between the Kingdom and our Company.

Signed, Selim

To Shok'An
Great Overlord Shok'An:

We are the Switchblade Company, and I'm Captain Longland, one of its Commanders.
We are the finest mercenaries in the region, and I will fight anyone who says otherwise!

We have been sent by your ally, Lord Tercel, to further support you in the war to secure the border between Trieste and the Free Lands.
I will be arriving shortly to your domains with a letter from him, and I would like to ask for an audience to discuss further details.

Captain Longland

To Baylin Split
We thank you for your kind answer. Should you ever need our services, I will be staying in the Western Provinces capital to manage a recruitment house, and to serve as the voice of the Company to the civilized world.

Signed, Selim.

The meeting finished, Korgan walked out to talk to the men. He would be the one guiding the bulk of the army, so he had to roganize the march.

He was direct and precise: No sacking, no hunting in noble property, and specially no KILLING, MAIMING or anything like that (Unless provoked).

Thugs found along the way would be delivered (Naked of all belongings) to local guardhouses.

The soldiers reacted normally. That was the usual way to march when they were in campaign, and passing through nonhostile territory.

And orders that came from any member of the Triunvirate were like orders from the Gods to the company soldiers.

Selim (And a small bodyguard group) and the Captain (And his personal guard) left the camp at dawn.

2012-06-06, 02:29 PM
Republic of Sandara to House Tercel [4]

Ambassador Dio Santos meets with Duke Tercel on the territory of the Sandaran Embassy.

Clovis to House Tercel [4]

Ambassador Jacqueline Daye meets with the Duke Tercel on the territory of Clovis embassy.

Half Elves to Duke Tercel

''We do not expect them to meddle in our political affairs, but resuming trade would be beneficial. However, they are highly averse to conflict and instability. We can try to reopen relations, but can we count on the Council to remain united and keep Triestre stable? If things grow chaotic once more or the Council proves abusive of its authority, they may close the borders again, and it will be very hard to convince them to open relations a second time. We were waiting to see, if the current calm prevails, before contacting them.''

Mage-Lord Arturo to Baylin Split [PM]

''Greetings, to the great Mage Baylin Split. Why do you require my counsel?''

Shok’An to Switchblade Company [++++]

The reply from Shok’An arrives promptly: ''Your arrival will be most welcome. I’ll await your arrival at my fortress Litchenhold.''

Your passage through the Triestre is marred with a near clash with Silver Shields patrol, that mistakes your advance party for brigands. ''There are a lot of mercenaries, who turned bandits, after the war.'' The captain of Silver Shields force explains when the misunderstanding is fortunately averted. ''One such group burned a village nearby. Nasty fellows. Worse than usual, might be Harbringers.''

The Mountain Lions Legion let your men pass without problem, but they clearly hold little respect for your company.

The domain of Shok’An look like a war raged there just recently, with gaunt looking peasants working on meagre fields. The locals look hostile and don’t hesitate to cite Duke Shok’An’s protection, as if fearing violence from your company. A captain of the Shok’An troops arrives to accompany you soon and the passage becomes much smoother, with supplies and shelter being provided.

Across the land, the Shok’An banners are displayed prominently and in one town, three corpses hang, their crime apparently sedition. The surrounds of the Litchenhold, unlike the rest of the Duchy, bustle with activity, with troops and merchants going in and out, the fortress being repaired.

2012-06-06, 03:21 PM
House Tercel to Half-Elves

Probably best to wait then, to be honest. The Council is yet untested and more importantly it is likely Trieste will be in a war before long.

House Tercel to Clovis (PM)

"Good to meet you, Ambassador.

I suppose you are just as aware as us of the situation. Sandara is spreading their republican ideals, wishing to use their distance from the Dragonbloods as their advantage and trying to take control of the wealthy lands in Dominion. You have your own interests in the area and the Dominion is an old protectorate of Trieste, of course.

Your recent gestures of friendship stand in stark contrast to the posturing of the Sandarans, and you are close enough to the Dragonbloods to realize that if Trieste falls, all of the North will follow. We're likely to be the target of a Dragonblood invasion soon, and so would be grateful for a friendly power in control of Dominion, securing our trade interests and supporting our home front while we fight for the entire region. Getting involved in a fight over the Dominion is likely to make our position untenable, after all.

I would like to hear your thoughts on the matter."

House Tercel to Sandara (PM)

"Greetings, Ambassador.

Our two nations have experienced an unfortunate increase in tensions due to various recent events mainly centering on the Dominion.

However, we are about to be targeted by an invasion of the Dragonblood Empire, and will need to focus our entire energy into keeping the North safe from their tyranny. Meanwhile, the Church of the Scarlet Rose is increasing their influence in the Dominion as well.

A friendly nation in control of Dominion is preferrable than being dragged into a conflict over a theater that is, frankly, secondary in priority. A friendly nation being one that keeps our border stable, does not embark on senseless crusades and most importantly keeps our all-important western trade routes open so we can supply our war. After all, if Trieste falls then it won't be long until the Dragonbloods take Dominion as well.

We would like to hear your thoughts on the matter."

Imperial Psycho
2012-06-06, 03:40 PM
Silver Shields
Loyalty: +++

To the Council (PM)
"I thank you for your response. I will request that the Courts send me their documents. "

"In light of this appointment, I wish to put in a request. The Shields are currently funded from my own pocket, from the lands the Shields inherited in the war. This is enough to fund a local force to defend the area, but if the Shields are to administer justice throughout Trieste, I must request at least some small measure of Council funding. "

"I am aware that Trieste is hardly filled with wealth at this time, but half my men do not even have decent weapons and armour. I ask that the Council gives me the means to rectify this, and my men will serve Trieste. "

2012-06-06, 03:56 PM
Clovis to Duke Tercel [PM]

''It is certainly true that Republic of Sandara is less likely to cooperate with you, in the event of the invasion. We seek unity of the north, and while the traditional way has always been to seek it with steel, I believe my nation would be willing to settle for ink and paper. If you help us with the Dominion, we’ll support you in turn against the Dragonblood Empire. If you can withdraw your troops and let our soldiers move in, without alerting Republic of Sandara, we may be able to avert the war altogether.''

Republic of Sandara to Duke Tercel [PM]

''The tensions between our nations have been unfortunate, but we can erase them, if you assist us with the Dominion. I can guarantee the safety of the trade routes and we would naturally support you against the Dragonblood Empire. If we have an alliance, we can keep the Clovis in check as well, ensuring continued peace and stability in the north.''

Ragnar Lodbroke
2012-06-06, 11:03 PM
"Well, this is it."

It was the next day after the Company's first group to Litchtenhold.

Captain Longland had prepared himself for the meeting with Shok’An.
He had taken a bath (An incredibly short bath, it must be said), and he wore his best armour and clothes (That is, non-blood stained clothes with an armour that looked a bit decent) and presented himself in the fortress, acompanied by the Shok’An captain.

He hoped to seal the agreement and get to work. He wasn't a diplomat unless necessary.

2012-06-07, 08:19 AM
Church of the Endless Ocean

Council [PM]
High Priest Maedro supports the movements suggested by House Tercel. Funding should be granted to Shok'An and his borders extended to help pacify the region.

Additionally, House Tercel deserves a vote on the council.

(To all but Priestess Rosetta) I urge the council to publicly denounce High Priestess Rosetta and her cult of sinful pleasures. I would even suggest going as far as imprisoning the undead monster. She certainly does not deserve a vote on this council.

Most of our problems regarding civil affairs are connected with magic and cults. Fortunately I think my department is one where I won't have to ask for increased funding. I do however think it is important that these cults are looked into and systematically shut down. They are creating unrest with their demon practices and it taints the overall opinion of magic. Your public support (Leaderhsip/Reputation) would be appreciated against the Cult of Pleasures. Without followers, the cult is powerless. Additionally, perhaps someone such as the Silver Shields would be able to look into more dangerous cults like the Cult of Harbingers. They are a threat to our entire nation, yet we know little yet about them.

I support the movement to give the Silver Shields council funding, particularly if they're willing to support the Church against the Cult.
Brand's Men

I would like to arrange a meeting with you to discuss matters in Trieste. We would be happy to host you at the Cathedral, if you would consent.

High Priest Maedro
Minister of Civil Affairs

The Church of the Endless Ocean shares your sentiments regarding the dangers that can come with magic. I would like to meet with you in person to discuss the matters in more detail and to see if there's anything we can do about it.
Red Coins
It seems you are deliberating between supporting the Lords of Color or the Dominion lords. I can assure you that the former are interested only in the well-being of Trieste and that is good for us all. Please take my recommendation into consideration when you make your decision.
(I don't know the difference between these two.)

I would like to discuss with you to see if there is any possibility of us working together. The Church of the Endless Ocean's beliefs align with your own - that violence is a great evil. We are not a monotheistic religion and believe that Uro and Goddess are of a similar alignment. There is a storm brewing in Trieste and it would be nice if we could work out a way for our factions to cooperate to make sure that the storm does not tear our nation apart with violence. If you are interested, I would be happy to discuss how we can peacefully deal with the problems together.

The Elves in the North are a wonderful and knowledgeable people. Their closed borders are a tragedy to Trieste and the world at large. It would have been my pleasure to interact with them. Do you think there is any way that this is possible? Even if only for me to speak with them.
The Night Guild
Do you have any information about the "resurrection" of this High Priestess that you killed? It is deeply concerning to me. We would like your support in dealing with her and her cult once and for all.
What is the general feeling I'm getting from the Cult of Primeval Delights? Their membership, that is. Not so much the priests. I've hoped to just win over the support of their membership to convert them to the faith. Not only stamping out the cult, but taking their stats with their membership and bringing more to the light of Uro. I'm wondering what the general impression my people have got from them is so I know how best to deal with things. I've already tried a magic spectacle, so maybe I'll have to use my influence and leadership here.

2012-06-07, 09:57 AM
To Switchblade Company [PM]

Shok’An has the look of an experienced warrior with a few scars to show for his past. A red axe displayed prominently above his seat looks to have dried blood on it and has an inscription, so worn out, it’s indecipherable. He is surrounded by his lieutenants, who include two mages.

He quickly reads the sealed letter from Duke Tercel and then passes it off to his secretary.

''So, the Duke hired you to assist me with securing the border territories. Very well. If the coin from Triestre arrives, I will move to the Thornfields in Free Lands and construct several forts, where my forces could be garrisoned safely. Your job would be to make sure those forts are finished in five months’ time. You’ll need to protect the workers, the supplies and buildings, until they are finished. There is an additional danger – the borderlands between Free Lands and Triestre at that particular area are inhabited by rather vicious spirits. They dislike newcomers and may attack the forts. Then again, you might get lucky. Just be prepared to fight both men and spirits.''

Council [PM]

The motion regarding Shok’An is supported.

Marshal Jacques of Knights Aqua takes a wait and see approach, on the issues concerning magic and cults, refusing to voice an opinion.

Ironmen & Brand’s Man to Church of Endless Ocean [++++]

Various anti-magic proponents gather to discuss the situation with High Priest. Several nobles bearing the signet of the king arrive as well.

Ironcloaks to Church of Endless Ocean [PM]

A solitary figure, wearing the Ironcloaks arrives to the Cathedral. ''I believe, I’m expected'' he tells the clerk on duty.

Red Coins to Church of Endless Ocean [++++]

''We’ll take it in consideration.''

Half-Elves to Church of Endless Ocean [++++]

''We hope to reopen the borders with the Elves, as soon as we are confident in the stability of the Kingdom and good intentions of the Council''

''We are prepared to cooperate with you, if it means addressing the ills, that plague our land.''

Elf-Friends to Church of Endless Ocean [++++]

''We do not wish to meddle in the politics of your kingdom. We hope the Elves would open the borders soon, but we’ll be honest. A contact with humans will only bring peril to them – your kingdom is filled with evil, who will use every trick to gain power by murder and robbery.''

To Church of Endless Ocean [PM]

Well, I’d say you can somewhat compare Cult of Primeval Delights to hippies, who are more extreme in their substance abuse, orgies and freedom from norms of society. They encourage people to seek personal happiness and satisfaction as ultimate goal, refusing to acknowledge any sort of bonds on the behavior, such as duty, marriage, nationalism, although they discourage violence in the pursuit of ‘’love eternal’’. They have a nonchalant attitude towards death, believing that dying at the height of pleasure is the best way to go and it’s better to live fast and die young, then endure a drab, joyless existence for decades. A number of their followers take that to heart, and it’s hard to say, how many of them are true believers and how many simply enjoy an excuse to waste their lives with wine, women/men and drugs. They get people from all walks of life and finance themselves mostly by donations of the wealthier members.

Night Guild to Church of Endless Ocean [++++]

''Don’t worry. We are working on striking against Cult of Primeval Delights. Soon, they’ll get what’s coming to them.''

Ragnar Lodbroke
2012-06-07, 10:29 AM
To Shok’An [PM]

Longland nodded. He liked Shok’An. The Warlord had a straight aproach to things that suited the Captain's way of thinking.
Selim had been right to ask him to talk, after all...

"The Switchblade Company proudly accepts your mission, Milord.
We'll fight anyone, men or spirit alike.
Just three questions:

First, what information can you give us on the state of the enemy's troops and forts?

Second, what is known about the area spirits? do they answer to the power of any mortal, or are they completely independent?

Third, about our payment; will we have one of the aforementioned fortresses? Is it possible to negotiate its location?"

Selim arrived at the Capital of the Western Provinces with his bodyguards.

2012-06-07, 12:37 PM
Church of the Endless Ocean - Half-Elves [++++]
As Minister of Civil Affairs and as the mouthpiece for Uro, protector of humanity, the stability of the kingdom is my top priority. Unfortunately the Church has few resources of its own and must instead resort to other means to achieve our ends. The fact that the elves will be more willing to open their borders if the kingdom stabilizes only makes it even more important that we cooperate for a better Trieste.

As the man in charge of civil affairs, my belief is that Trieste's biggest threat to stability is the use of dangerous types of magic being utilized largely by cults. Some like the Golden Circle can be trusted to wield magic properly, but there are those such as the Cult of Harbingers that have no good intentions. Would you be willing to help us? The influence, leadership, and espionage of the half-elves could be very useful to help us bring peace and stability to the kingdom.
The Council [PM-Level]
It appears that the seal of taxation has not yet been granted to anyone in particular yet. The Church would like to apply for the duty of tax collection in Trieste. It will tie in well with our duties as the Ministry of Civil affairs and we have shown in our work with the Customs Office that we are capable of keeping the government positions and offices clean and upright.

2012-06-07, 01:41 PM
Half-Elves to Church of Endless Ocean [PM]

''We would be willing to aid you, but what is your plan? To exile the Mages? To enact Mage-Hunts, like they do in Dominion or to chain them as is done in Dragonblood Empire? Or force them into sealing their magic?''

Shok'An to Switchblade Company [PM

''First, there’ll be bands of thieves, who’d try to steal anything of value. I doubt that they’ll risk attacking a serious armed force, but stretch your forces too thin or become careless and they’ll swarm you like a pack of rats. The locals will seek to cheat and aid your enemies. Just make sure they fear you most, they respect only strength and see mercy as trick or weakness.''

''You should take over Vanden as your main base of operation. It’s a hole that strong Warlords don’t want, so you’ll be easily able to depose its current master. It used to be a decent city, but most of it has decayed and anything of value was stripped away. It’s still in a good position to bring supplies and perhaps you can fortify it somewhat.''

''There are three Warlords in the area – Jack Eyefish, Darren Cox and Valentine. They won’t like my forts, but they won’t risk moving against you individually, since it’ll let the other two to strike against them. But if they work out a truce, you might be in trouble. Well, Valentine is mad enough to try it and Eyefish can think himself strong enough to take you on and fend off the other two.''

''Eyefish controls the river and knows the local terrain the best. He’s got some power over spirits, claims to be some holy man. Rumours say he drowns girls as sacrifices to appease them. I’d say he is the most dangerous one, clever and his men are experienced and strong.''

''Darren Cox is a lieutenant of a strong Warlord, who mainly trades in drugs and slaves. His masters main holdings are near Dominion, but he keeps town of Shald under his control in borderlands. I have no idea, why he maintains presence here, probably smuggling something out or in Triestre. He’s well-funded and equipped, but you need more then coin to keep your men loyal. Cox hasn’t got the steel in him, so he gives them drugs, women and wine to keep their loyalty.''

''Valentine has knifed the former leader of Blood Foxes, a mercenary company, and took his place. He took over some fort and is trying to make himself into a lord. He’s got a reputation of being a sadistic madman. His position is weakest, but apparently he’s a cunning enough commander, since he managed to outfox a joint effort by Cox and Eyefish to corner him. They came to a true after that.''

''Then there are spirits. I don’t know much about them. If you get a Sentinel to talk to you, he might know something. Or locals. They often know about spirits, though getting them to talk will probably require some hot tongs. Well, use cold steel, make a threshold, if you have Mages have them cast wards, all the usual stuff. I don’t think they’ll bother you, unless you go into their territory.''

''I have assumed the Duke Tercel has paid for your services, but if not, I’m willing to grant you lands.''

Grimsage Matt
2012-06-07, 09:13 PM
To House Trecel
A small contingent of Deep Trolls are planing on linking up your your expidition. A fully armed and stocked Battle Rig is inbound to the meeting place. Jarl Cragnam is on board, and several Deep trolls are riding mettalic mounts with wheels. If anyone asks, they call them scout bikes.
OOC; Sending all my "swords" and me VIP to join your quest. A fully stocked Battle Rig containes; 12 Scout bikes, 20 Heavy mortar placements, 6 light machine guns and a pair of flamethrowers. Mostly fluff, as my stats havn't been PM'd to me yet:smallsigh: Also, the Jarl is in a command Tank. However, at this point, I don't have it fully stocked:smallredface: just the bikes, 2 Cannons and the flamethrowers.
To Thelonius (GM only)
Please PM me my stats

Ragnar Lodbroke
2012-06-07, 11:47 PM
Switchblade Company to Shok'An [PM]

"The city of Vanden and the supplies to take it and fortify it will be enough for this mission, and I thank you for that in the name of the Company, my Lord."

"Now, how open will any of the warlords be to diplomacy? We will probably end up fighting them, and I don't mind. But it might be wise to fight them one by one. And I'd hate to send a messenger to receive only his head. I'd have to gut the man who did that"

"About Darren Cox; you claim he "doesn't have the steel in him". What do you mean exactly? I'm foreign to these lands and never heard the term."

"I think I can understand Valentine: Ambitious, still in an uneasy position, and clever. He may very well be the most dangerous of the three."

"And the Holy Man... Are his beliefs against the religion of those lands in any way?"

"I am satisfied with this meeting. Our main force should arrive tomorrow. We had a different plan, but I'll send a message to our Spymaster. It sounds like we'll need his services around here sooner than we expected."

2012-06-08, 01:42 AM
Shok'An to Switchblade Company [PM]

''Diplomacy is certainly an option, if you can outwit them.''

''Darren Cox can’t inspire loyalty by his own strength, so he has to rely on other means. I suspect his master chose him, exactly for that reason, as it would make him less likely to stage a coup. In Free Lands, you can’t have subordinates, who are too competent.''

''We haven’t got any Churches here and too many Cults to count.''

2012-06-08, 07:44 AM
Duke Tercel to Clovis (PM)

What sort of support would you be willing and able to give? What we really need is soldiers on the field.

Duke Tercel to Sandara (PM)

Your words are wise. However, we would like to ask of you what sort of support are you talking about - what we really need is more soldiers on the field, though anything of course helps.

Council (PM)

I have discussed the matter of Dominion with the ambassadors of both Sandara and Clovis. Both promise us support against the Dragonbloods as well as protected trade routes and an alliance if we were to support them in Dominion.

The negotiations are still underway, but based on the knowledge I have I would be more willing to trust Sandara for now. It's the lesser of two evils, and they can at least make sure our trade routes stay safe.