View Full Version : Movement Teleport

2012-02-23, 08:49 PM
Ok, my DM is trying to convince the group we are playing in to make the teleport (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/teleport.htm) spell a move action instead of a standard action. So monsters can teleport and attack us in the back (we are using facing from UA). Opinions?

2012-02-23, 09:19 PM
He's gonna drop a Balor on you and then have what we would call "The ultimate mobility" OR he's gonna do something far more sinister...

2012-02-23, 09:19 PM
Casters don't need any more help. There are loads of ways of teleporting as a move, swift or free action already.

2012-02-23, 09:28 PM
Oh, by the way... We are level 5, except the wizard he is level 4.

2012-02-23, 10:15 PM
If you're thinking, "Hey, it cuts both ways, let's use it against him," consider: the DM can give any oneshot monster he wants an item or ability to teleport. If you try to use teleportation offensively and it works, hooray, you killed one monster. PCs are in it for the long haul and are less flexible, and have to devote their limited resources to this rules change.

2012-02-23, 10:29 PM
Yeah this plus facing rules seems like a recipe for expendable assassins to murder PCs with good chances of success before retaliation is even possible.

2012-02-23, 10:46 PM
If you did want to do this, there would probably need to be some caveats:

If a creature teleports within 100 feet and in line of sight of another creature, the other creature is considered aware of the presence of the first and is not considered flat-footed against their attacks, regardless of whether they were aware of the other creature before the teleportation. If the teleporting creature attacks another creature the same round he has teleported, he is not allowed to add sneak attack dice to his damage, because he is not considered to have had enough time to properly aim for the enemy's vital spots. In addition, any self-applied temporary status effect that is non-magical in nature (such as a barbarian's rage) is suspended until the teleporter's next turn.

A creature who has teleported that round does not threaten the spaces around them (though they can still attack normally), and therefore cannot take attacks of opportunity or confer flanking bonuses to allies for their first round after teleporting.

Any spell cast after teleporting that normally would require less time than a full-round action is considered to take a full-round action to cast. Metamagic feats that reduce casting times can still be applied normally, except that the spell slot used to cast them is increased to twice the normal slot increase from applying any metamagic feat that affects casting time (so using, say, quicken spell would cause the spell to use a spell slot 8 levels higher than normal, rather than 4).

Hopefully this would actually make it not so overpowered. It could still be used to tactically move yourself into the enemy formations or behind them, but the first action would be heavily gimped.

The way I see it, teleporting from one place to another should be penalizing you, not the enemy, since moving from one place instantly to another will not leave you fully aware right away, no matter the distance.

2012-02-23, 11:29 PM
That is an amazing boost to teleportion. Seriously, there are high level feats dedicated to allowing that type of thing. Expensive ones. Unless the party builds itself around exploiting that, it will be a huge advantage against you. That is the type of ability I stuck on my uber-world killing CR 20 monsters.