View Full Version : Looking to find out how to make speech bubbles like in OOTS.

2012-02-24, 08:41 AM
Hi all.

I draw comics on occasion, and I've never been able to get speech bubbles I liked. OOTS has absolutely beautiful speech balloons, clean neat lines, and a clear easy to read font too.

I've looked around on here a little bit, and it seems that other people have managed to figure out the exact way Rich does it as well, I was wondering if anyone could tell me? My own speech bubbles are a bit ragged (http://comicpress.socksandpuppets.com/taordis-6-it-beggars-belief/) in comparison.

Thanks for all your help!

Oh, since people seem to like having art to look at on this forum, here you go:


2012-02-24, 10:26 AM
Well, here's the tutorial for the way I do it that I put together last time someone asked. It's inkscape-specific as that's the program they and I use, but I'd imagine the idea is the same for all programs.


Let me know if you have any specific questions!

2012-02-24, 10:35 AM
Just to say I know nothing about bubbles...but that artwork "Young Dwarven Gadgetress" is amazing. So much detail it nearly broke my mind!

2012-02-24, 11:01 AM
Ah, I was hoping to avoid inkscape (it is a horrid torrid mass of whirling death and despair.)

What font are you using? It's not one I think I recognise.

2012-02-24, 11:08 AM
I'm like 90% sure that's a legitimate use of Comic Sans.

Looks like you're hand drawing your speech bubbles though. I think your only issue is that the lines aren't smooth, obviously the commands won't be the same if you're not using Inkscape, but the ideas behind the shapes are, so you could easily transfer the idea to Illustrator/Photoshop/GIMP/MSPaint/A Really Steady Hand.

(also you take that back about Inkscape! :O)

2012-02-24, 11:46 AM
that artwork "Young Dwarven Gadgetress" is amazing. So much detail it nearly broke my mind!

Thanks! - it's got nothing on the level of stuff you can get around the internet, but I've only been drawing a few years. All my best stuff is here (http://www.socksandpuppets.com/portfolio/).

2012-02-24, 12:10 PM
You don't have to use Inkscape, it's just what I use (and I never have trouble with it, so if you're looking for a free vector program, you might want to give it another go). The basic idea should work just fine with any vector program, but you'll have to figure out the exact commands.

It's Comic Sans.