View Full Version : Help finding an old iniative tracking file

2012-02-24, 01:35 PM
My google-fu fails me.

Years ago I used to have a .pdf file that I used for initative tracking. It had input for name, hp, iniative and a few boxes for conditions that would count down when the round cycled.

Anywho, it was in .pdf format. The file or maybe the site it came from had something like "SS-X" or maybe "SSX" to do with it. There were other .pdf files there too for character sheets and spellbooks.

If anyone knows what I'm talking about and can provide a link I'd most appreciate it.

2012-02-24, 07:29 PM


Is any of these the right one? i just googled a bit

2012-02-24, 09:15 PM
No, unfortunately. Though I may use the latter one in my next game. Or just do it the old fashioned way :)

2012-02-25, 03:01 PM
After much training upon a high mountaintop, my Google-fu has improved.

The files come from SSA-X2.com which is defunct. So I'm still out of luck.

2012-02-25, 05:31 PM
After much training upon a high mountaintop, my Google-fu has improved.

The files come from SSA-X2.com which is defunct. So I'm still out of luck.

Is the Internet Archive (http://wayback.archive.org/web/*/http://www.ssa-x2.com/) of service here?

2012-02-25, 10:19 PM
It lets me find the site, but the file itself is inoperable.