View Full Version : Looking at buying an Ocarina

2012-02-24, 02:45 PM
So I'm looking at buying an Ocarina and forming a trio with some friends (violin, ocarina, accordion). Yes it's a weird group, going for more of a medieval thing. Anyway, I don't own an ocarina yet so I did some searching. I ran across a 'brand' I think is quite nice eventuality it will be a little costly (STL Ocarina). Logically I think that a 2 octave double (http://stlocarina.com/12double1.html), or a Max. Range double octave (http://stlocarina.com/maxdouble2.html) would be my best choice.

If anyone can offer advice on ocarina choices please do. But no comments on the trio unless they are positive.

Lastly, I do play the clarinet. Does that give me an advantage when learning to play an ocarina?

2012-02-24, 04:28 PM
The fingering of an ocarina is closer to that of a recorder than a clarinet, primarily in that you have to do semitones with half-covered holes, and also in that your lips and tongue aren't doing anything special to produce the noise. Your clarinet training will help you with basic musical knowledge, breath control, and tonguing/slurring, but beyond that -- no, not specifically.

I've only played a very simple model and it is from that company -- 6 hole I think; it is not nearby to check at the moment -- and the ones you've shown look devilishly complicated.

Ocarina, accordian, and violin sounds like a neat combination. I should say though that unless the broader-ranged models are more powerful than mine, the ocarina would have trouble being heard above the other two instruments.

2012-02-25, 05:45 AM
My only advice is to make sure that it is a high quality one. Ceramic is (almost)always better than plastic. It looks like you have already been doing your research in this field but it never hurts to say it again. I have had the opportunity to hear one played at the Texas Renaissance Fair it was a very nice sound when in a group, (harp and Celtic pipe I think). This was back about 1990-1991 time frame so he made them himself.

Other than that just make sure you don't get one with "time travel" abilities. As Redcloak can tell you, rips in the time-space continuum are hell on the complexion.