View Full Version : A new Warhammer Army Book PDF - Halflings

2012-02-25, 09:29 AM
A great Fantasy Battle army book and well worth a read - it had me in fits of laughter :D with the likes of the Bee Keeper, the Dawg Riders, The Pantry Guard and the flying Swan archers. It actually looks very well balanced.

https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-DcklS51AnKs/T0fnpf4TP2I/AAAAAAAAQiU/Gug-XBTQveI/s800/Halfling_PDF_warhammer_Fantasy_Army_book_cover.JPG (http://battlereporter.blogspot.com/2012/02/new-halfling-army-book-for-warhammer.html)

2012-02-25, 12:46 PM
looks like an upgraded version of the 2001 army list from the Citadel Journal. Lets see if they can to the original for humour...