View Full Version : The Orbs of Dragonkind (IC)

2012-02-27, 01:08 PM
Quarion's Rest was a small town in Arisia, an old human kingdom in decline. The small town was thriving.

Knowledge (local) CD 15 to open
Quarion's Rest was a good example of what was forcing Arisia's fall. The town was mostly rules by elves.
In the forests around Arisia, the elves usually kept for themselves. But as the squables between Arisia's lords began hurting the people, the elves intervened. They brought food, they brought magic, they brought swords and knowledge. The lords still owned the land in paper, but his knights dared not collect tribute, for the elves would simply chase them away. If the lord would attack the elves in large numbers, he would be defenseless against the other lords. And this way, Arisia became less and less rules by its human founders.

Quarion's Rest looked very much like a standard human town at first glance.

Spor DC 15 to open
...but then one would notice the tall trees - and the houses intertwined on them, above it. One needed only look up to see the elves, like shadows, walking on their vine-and-wood walkways, bows at hand, slender blades on their hips.

The group came here hurriedly. After returning from their last expedition, they learned their friend and frequent employer Sallistan fell ill and wanted to meet them. All they knew was that he was last seen in Quarion's Rest.

2012-02-27, 01:28 PM
Armand eyes the crowd and buildings, all of them. He glances around a bit more and straitens his hood and mask, and keeps his right hand on one of his swords, and his left on his coin purse. "Where to first?" He asks in a low, quiet voice.

2012-02-27, 01:34 PM
Danielle approached the town, curious to see if the man who'd given her more then one worth while cause to fight on the side of in the past was doing badly, and if there was anything to be done about that. And or course, to see what he wanted them for that was so important that he felt the need to speak to them form the sick bed.

She was a tall, well built woman. It was true she was strong and fit, and it did show a bit in her limbs and her abdominal's when they were visible, but she had the curves many women would trade less favored body parts for and in all the right places and proportions, including a rather impressively long set of legs afforded her by her considerable height. At present however, not much of this could be terribly well scene, except the implication of the curves owning to the heavy plate mail armor she was favoring, a suit that would have crippled the mobility of most but did nothing to inhibit her pace as she walked. Across her back was a large square shield made of steel with an oak back siding, and wrapped around her breast plate and shoulder plates was a long heavy steel chain covered in large, pointed spikes on two thirds of it at either end. Also visible was a dagger at her belt, and an unusual collar about her neck. she presently was leading a lighter horse, clearly an animal to aid travel and not combat, who carried a backpack of hers across the saddle.

What was not visible behind the helmet and armor, were her other features. Hair as black as a ravens feathers, and eyes of a dark shade of midnight blue seldom seen outside of some of the rarest of gemstones, with skin pale and fair as snow in spite of the physically rough style her life lead.

"I'd suggest we try checking in on old Sallistan first, given that he's not well. If he want's us at his sick bed, it stands to reason he has something of meaningful importance to say to us."

She spoke in a level, strong voice that suggested she was neither shy nor lacked confidence, but also suggested a level or restraint and respect for most if not all of present company.

2012-02-27, 01:47 PM
Armand glances at the rest of the group, he stands barely over five feet high, his black clothes hug his skin tightly, aided by the black chain shirt that is also snug. He wears a black hood and mask, his forehead and eyes being the only visible features of his head. His dark hazel eyes scan the area, constantly darting back and forth behind the clear crystals fitted into a goggle-like contraption. He wears a backpack, along with a shortbow across his back and two short swords at his hips. His boots, are obviously not the original ones that came with the clothes, these almost seem to push is feet off the ground with every step.

2012-02-27, 08:19 PM
"This used to be a human town, but I believe it's ruled by elves now." Ilzjar Grath murmurs softly. He places an odd accent on the word 'elves', as though placing his own elven heritage apart from the thin, lithe elves that seemed to be the norm.

The stern cleric ran his gauntleted fingers over the tattoos on his cheeks softly as he glanced about. His powerful frame and height seem at odds with the elven cheekbones and pointed ears of a pure-blooded elf. He stretches one shoulder beneath the heavy platemail and adjusts the massive greatsword strapped to his back.

He glances to Danielle and offers a comical grin.

"Some inheritance, perhaps? Time to divide up his estate with his favorite employees? Nay... More likely a fool's errand. If he is at death's door, we should make sure we're paid up front." Realizing he may have overstepped good humor, Ilzjar pauses and glances about for chuckles from the others.

2012-02-27, 08:48 PM
Looking up Coal spotted the armed elves. Not sure what they were there for he gripped his shield harder, he assumed that they were guards but this did little to calm his mind. Nervous he tried keeping up with the rest of the party, he didn't want to be left behind.
Coal was the tallest person in the group, the armor added to his height. Despite his presence it was obvious that he wasn't in charge.

"I uh." Pausing for a moment he tried to get his thoughts in order. "I hope Mr Sallistan is alright." He was genuinely worried for the man.

"That was mean Mr. Grath!" He scolded slightly offended. "I'm sure he'll be okay." He said mostly to assure himself more then anyone else.

Though he seemed nervous, the helmet that covered his face had hidden that. His movements were stiff however because of his size most assumed that it was because of his armor rather then his temperament.

2012-02-27, 09:25 PM
"I hope your right Coal, for his sake if nothing else. But will find out. And while an Inheritance may unlikely Ilzjar, it would be good to hear him out. Hell, gods willing will get there and find out it's just a head cold and he simple needs to see us because he has a job of urgency. "

Denielle noted the fact that everyone seemed to be tensing, and that the gazes kept going to the Elvin guards, a recent addition since they'd been here last. She found her instincts taking over, and her hands straying to deploy chain and shield if need be.

2012-02-28, 01:58 AM
Aran walked behind his companions, silent as usual. He appeared unarmed and wore common clothes, except for his billowing red cloak.

Before becoming a Dragonborn he had lived his life in accordance to a vow of silence shared among his people and, though he has moved on and began a new life in service of Bahamut and is no longer bound by his vow, he tends to remain silent in most situations.

Overhead flew Ellen, an incredibly large eagle that called Aran master. She kept in tight circles, eyes open and ready to call out any approaching danger she spotted.

Ellen is 80 ft up, staying directly above Aran. She is spending her move actions easily keeping pace with the party and her standards taking 10 on spot checks (for a total of 36).

2012-02-28, 11:40 AM
"Eh, I wouldn't be too concerned. The guy's lived through plenty, he ain't gonna get taken out by some sickness." Daranthos commented, leaned back on his saddle.

Daranthos remained calm and relaxed, riding atop his newest ally, as he remained at the back of the group. Occasionally catching the eye of people frightened by the Tiger, he chuckled to himself.

"I'll agree to that, Ilzjar, I don't want him to get a last joke on me! But he's probably fine."

2012-02-29, 02:28 PM
After asking around for three hours, the group still had no idea on how to find Allistan.

Listen DC 23 to open
You hear footsteps aproaching.
Listen DC 28 to open
4 humanoids. Medium-sized.
Spot DC 29 to open
You notice four humanoids jumping down from the trees around you.

2012-02-29, 03:56 PM
"Contact!" Armand says as he drops into his battle stance, drawing his shortswords in the process, holding the blades so that they point to his elbows, his preferred stance. The workings of his favorite spell being brought to the front of his mind. Just in case. he thinks.

2012-02-29, 04:16 PM
Hearing the sounds of people coming, Daranthos taps Z on the shoulder, as he has in the tiger's training, while readying his grip on his bow. The tiger stops, and begins to growl, looking around him. "It sounds like we just might have company, guys. Four of 'em. Maybe men our size." Daranthos calls out.

As he levels his bow, he begins to look around for the source of the sounds. Though it is not drawn, Daranthos’ free hand begins to head toward the bow anyway, making the movements as if holding and readying an arrow.

2012-02-29, 06:28 PM
Upon seeing his companions draw their weapons Coal grips his shield even harder panicking on what might be going on.

Mr Grath needed the most protection in Coal's eyes. Though he wasn't sure where the danger was he could certainly get ready for it!
"Be careful!" He tried to say but all he could get out was
"Grahhh!!!" Which sounded more like a growl, the echo within the helmet distorted his voice even further.

2012-02-29, 10:44 PM
Ilzjar squints upwards at the unseen foes. One hand flies to the huge handle of his greatsword as he grins slightly at the thought of an impending battle.

2012-03-01, 03:56 PM
Danielle took a point position, moving in the general direction her comrades seemed to be facing and motioning for them to hold.

"Wait. Let's first make sure there no guards keeping tabs on a sizable group of heavily armed individuals wandering the streets before we start a fight, shall we? I'm not shy about defending myself, but right now it might not be completely necessary.

She slid off her shield as she moved forward, and set it down before her, leading on it as one might with a walking stick while readying a mental command to the band around her neck.

"Ok, can whomever's creeping about there Identify themselves? Would really like to know if I'm about to be mugged, or about to accidentally assault someone I shouldn't have. Would be nice if we could avoid the last one don't you think?"

She spoke in a voice that was firm and strong, holding a air of natural authority about it, spoken like a practiced veteran or someone who'd been in the court circles before, but there wasn't any actual aggression in her poster or tone. Yet anyway. She didn't want to provoke a fight, she wanted them to start it on there own if they were so inclined.

Anyone who knew her well knew that was dangerous, because if they did she would not be inclined to pull her punches.

[roll0] Diplomacy roll to get them to show themselves and tell us who they are and what there sneaking about for.

2012-03-02, 10:58 AM
Four elves came out of the shadows. They were garbed in mithril chain shirts and forest-green cloaks, slender elven weapons at hand. One of them, a female with short black hair and hazel eyes, spoke for them.
"You are intruding on our domain while heavily armed. We have orders to make sure you don't cause any trouble."
Her voice sounded devoid of any passion.

2012-03-02, 01:43 PM
"I see, then I believe we can all be returning our weapons to there proper sheaths?"

She fixed both sides with a meaningful look as she did what she'd suggested and returned her shield too it's place at her back.

"Where in town looking for someone, gentleman by the name of Sallistan. He's been known to point us in directions were are particular skill sets are valuable, and last we'd heard he was about ready to do so again and wanted to get in touch with us. Wouldn't know were we could find him, would you? Cause that would go a long way toward getting us back out of town that much faster in all probability.

It was spoken calmly, with a civility one wouldn't really expect of her most of the time given her tendency to snark when she didn't feel the need to exert her, as her mother had called it, gift of the gab. And it certainly wasn't what one might have expected from her if they'd witnessed her in battle before.

[roll0] Diplomacy check to try and persuade the party and the elves to put up there weapons and in the case of the elves to tell us were we can find Sallistan if they happen to know.

2012-03-02, 10:06 PM
Realizing his aggression may not be needed; Daranthos puts his bow away, and performs another series of taps to Z's back. The tiger retracts his claws and stops growling, but remains alert.

Daranthos jumps down from Z, and makes his towards the female elf. "She's right; we're not here to make trouble. Just doing some business for a friend. Maybe you can accompany us to our employer?"

2012-03-02, 11:19 PM
Ilzjar releases the grip from his sword. He had yet to draw it from its sheath, which hopefully made him appear less threatening. He turns towards the guard that just spoke.

In Elven:
"We are not here to cause trouble, and I don't think we'll be staying long. We're just here to find an old friend."

2012-03-03, 02:04 AM
Looking around confused Coal wondered what was wrong.
When things became clearer he realized that the guards thought they were trouble makers or possibly bandits.

Somewhat offended and shocked that anyone could accuse him or his friends of such an act he remained silently indignant not quite grasping the irony that he thought these elves were out to rob or hurt them.

Then something clicked in his head.

"Wait orders? They had orders to look after us?" He wondered out loud.

2012-03-04, 04:35 PM
Armand slowly sheaths his swords, but keeps his hands on them, and keeps an eye on the elves.

2012-03-04, 08:04 PM
"Our leader told us to keep an eye on armed people. We were not looking for you specifically. And we do not intend to help you in any way. Be on your way... but remember you're being watched.", the elf stated ominously.

2012-03-04, 09:31 PM
"Such a shame. Maybe if you helped us with our business, it would make your job a bit easier, what with one less group to need to keep tabs on." Daranthos spoke. And I was hoping I might have had a chance to mix business with pleasure... he thought to himself, trying to hide a smile.

Before remounting Z, he takes a moment to study the leader of the elf pack.

Spot Check of [roll0], to see if the elf has any noticeably identifiable features. Her possessions, her build, her facial features, her muscularity, her figure, how much armor she wears... for protection.

Anything noteworthy.

2012-03-05, 09:42 AM
Ilzjar scowls and mutters under his breath.

"****ing elves..."

2012-03-05, 09:35 PM
Armand rolls his eyes. 'Being watched.' These people wouldn't be able to begin to see me on a job. He thinks to himself. He looks at the one who spoke. "Is that all? Or do you have further business with us?" He said, a slight tone of annoyance in his voice. Never liked guards, the world would do fine without them.

2012-03-08, 09:37 AM
Ilzjar stops glaring at the town guards.
"Look on the bright side... At least they aren't yelling at us 'STOP! You've violated the law!' Silly humans... So... I guess we just keep searching? We could try asking the locals?"

2012-03-08, 02:39 PM
"I see. Will keep that in mind."

She turned away form the elves, her smile fading as it did.

"Ok, talk to the locals, might just have to do that one if there's no other ideas." She nodded to Ilzjar as she spoke, glade at least someone had an idea.

2012-03-08, 08:20 PM
Still worried about the gaurds despite thier intentions Coal simply nods and quietly follows the rest of the group.