View Full Version : What's an epic evil planeswalking brain to do?

2012-02-27, 09:45 PM
This weekend I took part in a pretty epic one-shot involving a disparate group of evil planeswalkers that were assembled by the forces of evil to track down artifacts of EVIL needed for an ultimate showdown of ultimate destiny.

Said one-shot was not able to be finished, and we're going to try and finish it. Since the group loved it so much, we're probably also going to try and extend it, and the DM's going to allow us to shift some aspects of our characters around to plan them out a bit better (since we made them up on the spot in about two hours).

I think my character is already pretty awesome :smallbiggrin:, but I'd appreciate any observations or suggestions people might be willing to offer. Of particular worry to me is my character's lack of dispelling ability, and how to go about ensuring that once the inevitable double-cross occurs (either by me or by my "companions"), I come out on top!

Here's the party:

Xyklon, a 19th level Sorceror Lich. Unknown full spell list, but definitely has Shapechange, Plane Shift, Greater Teleport and Meteor Swarm, and possesses a Vest of the Archmagi and (I think) a Ring of Freedom of Movement.
Velk, a huge-size Storm Giant valkyrie-style warrior with an unknown number of Fighter levels, a set of highly magical adamantine armor and greatsword, and a frickin' roc named Orc to fly around on.
Shaka, an Astral Stalker with 10 levels of Assassin, an Amulet of Natural Attacks +5 and some fairly powerful intelligent bracers, along with some other unknown magic items and the epic feat Blinding Speed.
(Me) Kranek the Knowing, an advanced Half-Fiend Elder Brain of Thoon!

We all got a fair amount of magic items to start and the array of 18, 16, 14, 12, 11, 10, and were able to pick from pretty much anything we could think of except Spell Compendium and Magic Item Compendium, which he's saving for later. Here's my build (warning, it's a doozie):

Kranek the KnowingNE Large Aberration/Outsider
Init +5, Dual Action; Senses darkvision 60 ft; Mindsight 1 mile; Perception (Listen/Spot merged) +34
Languages Everything in the PHB (minus Druidic), Modronic, Limbic (Chaotic language), Gibbering, Spheres, Squirrels; Telepathy 1 mile

AC 41 (-1 size, +4 Mage Armor, +5 Dex, +18 natural, +5 deflect), Touch 19, Flat-Footed 36
HP 429 (Aberration HD, 24d8+312); fast healing 10
SR 38, DR 10/magic
Immune acid, fear, poison, Resist cold 10, electricity 10, fire 10
Fort +21, Ref +13, Will +21

Speed 10 feet, fly 20 ft (perfect), swim 30 ft
Melee 8 Tentacles +32 each (1d6+14 plus 2d6 acid)
Space 10 ft, Reach 10 ft
Base Attack +19, Grapple +41 (+4 size, +4 Improved Grapple)
Attack Options Combat Reflexes, acid burn, Smite Good 1/day
Special Actions confusion sphere, overmind blast
Spell-like Abilities
Elder Brain (CL 27th):
At will -- charm monster (DC 26), detect magic, detect thoughts (DC 24), mage armor, plane shift (DC 27), suggestion (DC 25)
3/day -- dominate monster (DC 31)
Half-Fiend (CL 24th)
3/day -- darkness, poison (DC 34), unholy aura (DC 30)
1/day -- blasphemy, contagion (DC 25), desecrate, destruction (DC 29), horrid wilting (DC 30), summon monster IX, unhallow (DC 27), unholy blight (DC 26)

Abilities Str 38, Dex 20, Con 36, Int 34, Wis 24, Cha 34
SA acid burn, confusion sphere, dual action, overmind blast, smite good, spell-like abilities
Feats Ability Focus (Overmind Blast), Arcane Mastery, Boost Spell-Like Ability (BoVD 47), Combat Reflexes, Improved Grapple, Mindsight, Quicken Spell-Like Ability (Plane Shift)
Epic Feats Spellcasting Harrier, Tenacious Magic (Dominate Monster)
Skills Bluff +39, Concentration +40, Decipher Script +39, Diplomacy +49, Handle Animal +15, Intimidate +43, Knowledge (Arcana) +39, Knowlege (Architecture & Engineering) +39, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +39, Knowledge (Geography) +21, Knowledge (History) +39, Knowledge (Local) +21, Knowledge (Nature) +39, Knowledge (the Planes) +39, Knowledge (Religion) +39, Knowledge (Royalty & Nobility) +21, Perception (Listen/Spot merged) +34, Sense Motive +34, Sleight of Tentacle +22, Spellcraft +43, Stealth (Hide/Move Silently merged) +14, Use Magic Device +25 (+33 for scrolls), Speak Language +10
Skill Tricks Never Outnumbered, Clarity of Vision

Possessions (note: DM gave me 8 rings to start with and no other magic items; mirror was loot) Mirror of Mental Fortitude (in lair), Ring of Blinking, Ring of Evasion, Ring of Freedom of Movement, Ring of Protection +5, Ring of Spell Battle (CArc 144), Ring of Spell Turning, Ring of Sustenance, Ring of Telekinesis

Dual Action (Ex) Kranek is a creature made up of multiple minds, all touched by the unreality of the Far Realm. Make two initiative checks for the creature. The higher result represents a mental action turn, and the lower result is used for a physical action turn. This means Kranek can do more in a single round than most creatures. For example, it could perform an overmind blast (a purely mental action) on initiative count 17, then move and make a tentacle attack (a physical action) on initiative count 12. These initiative counts can change if Kranek readies an action or delays to let its other half go first.
Acid Burn (Ex) The acid delivered by Kranek's tentacles continues to burn in the round after Kranek hits. At the beginning of each of Kranek's physical action turns, the acid deals 4d6 points of acid damage to any creature Kranek hit with a tentacle attack during the previous round. The damage is always 4d6 points, regardless of how many times Kranek hit the creature.
Confusion Sphere (Su) Kranek can scramble the thoughts of nearby creatures. This ability functions like a confusion spell (CL 27th, Will DC 26 negates), except that all creatures (except for creatures of Thoon) within a 10-foot radius centered on Kranek are subject to the effect. The effect lasts 15 rounds, but it cannot end for an affected creature when that creature is still within 10 feet of Kranek. The save DC is Charisma based.
Overmind Blast (Su) Kranek can project the horror of its consciousness against a single foe within 100 feet. That target must succeed on a DC 30 Will save or take 2d6 points of Wisdom damage. Though overmind blast isn't a fear effect, a creature that has immunity to fear or a save bonus against fear receives a +4 bonus on the saving throw. The save DC is Charisma based.
Smite Good (Su) Once per day Kranek can make a normal melee attack to deal 20 extra damage against a good foe.

Thanks in advance to anyone who actually read through that whole statblock! So, any advice? I'm most worried about the Lich Sorceror, as aside from beating him to death or planeshifting him to the plane of Positive Energy, there doesn't seem to be much that Kranek can do against him.

2012-02-27, 09:58 PM
Thanks in advance to anyone who actually read through that whole statblock! So, any advice? I'm most worried about the Lich Sorceror, as aside from beating him to death or planeshifting him to the plane of Positive Energy, there doesn't seem to be much that Kranek can do against him.

Well, the easiest thing to do is the typical anti-spellcaster technique of anti-magic field + grapple. With your huge UMD skill, you should be able to easily use a scroll of AMF. So stock up on those. Of course, with your SR you should be able to resist any spells he throws at you anyway, but you might not want him to escape and come back later when he's prepared for you.

2012-02-27, 10:09 PM
Well, the easiest thing to do is the typical anti-spellcaster technique of anti-magic field + grapple. With your huge UMD skill, you should be able to easily use a scroll of AMF. So stock up on those. Of course, with your SR you should be able to resist any spells he throws at you anyway, but you might not want him to escape and come back later when he's prepared for you.Ah, I'd forgotten about AMF ... I'll consider that, thanks! With this DM, though, I know that finding scrolls of any spells past 4th level is not a given and requires some pretty good Gather Information rolls at the least, so I'm not totally sure I'll be able to find one.

I know that my SR is ridiculous enough that I can ignore most SR: Yes spells he throws my way (although I'm fairly sure he has Spell Pen and Greater Spell Pen so it's not quite as much of a given), but I also seem to remember there being many SR: No tricks that casters who have time to prepare can abuse, so yeah, I'm most worried about being unable to deal with him swiftly and then having him come back ready to smoke me.

2012-02-27, 10:16 PM
Ah, I'd forgotten about AMF ... I'll consider that, thanks! With this DM, though, I know that finding scrolls of any spells past 4th level is not a given and requires some pretty good Gather Information rolls at the least, so I'm not totally sure I'll be able to find one.

I know that my SR is ridiculous enough that I can ignore most SR: Yes spells he throws my way (although I'm fairly sure he has Spell Pen and Greater Spell Pen so it's not quite as much of a given), but I also seem to remember there being many SR: No tricks that casters who have time to prepare can abuse, so yeah, I'm most worried about being unable to deal with him swiftly and then having him come back ready to smoke me.

Your an Elder Brain, why not use your Mindflayer followers to do your bidding? :smallconfused:

With the proper preparation (and as an Elder Brain you have that) you can do anything :smallamused: Hell I'm sure you can even dominate a MindFlayer and go and do field work, remember "When all else fails, go in and do it yourself"

2012-02-27, 10:29 PM
Your an Elder Brain, why not use your Mindflayer followers to do your bidding? :smallconfused:

With the proper preparation (and as an Elder Brain you have that) you can do anything :smallamused: Hell I'm sure you can even dominate a MindFlayer and go and do field work, remember "When all else fails, go in and do it yourself"Sadly, one of the things I traded away to be able to play this character was possessing my own flock of mind flayers :smallfrown:. If nothing else, though, I'm sure I can con the Astral Stalker into finding me a scroll.

2012-02-27, 11:06 PM
Sadly, one of the things I traded away to be able to play this character was possessing my own flock of mind flayers :smallfrown:. If nothing else, though, I'm sure I can con the Astral Stalker into finding me a scroll.

I understand mate... :smallfrown: I once traded off an entire temple so I can play a Demi-Lich... I was gonna name the temple the Dungeon of Terrible stuff...

The trick I found around it? Dominating the minds of everyone withing a mile radius of you... As an Elder Brain don't you have 20th level Sorcerer casting? :smallconfused:

Just prop up a mind raped follower and have him bring more and more subjects to be dominated by your powers and bing bang boom! you have a band of followers.

2012-02-27, 11:39 PM
I understand mate... :smallfrown: I once traded off an entire temple so I can play a Demi-Lich... I was gonna name the temple the Dungeon of Terrible stuff...

The trick I found around it? Dominating the minds of everyone withing a mile radius of you... As an Elder Brain don't you have 20th level Sorcerer casting? :smallconfused:

Just prop up a mind raped follower and have him bring more and more subjects to be dominated by your powers and bing bang boom! you have a band of followers.I'm sure I'll get to Dominating a band of followers soon ... or even Diplomancing some. But not sure if I'll have enough downtime in this adventure to begin any appreciable cult of personality. Although I did Dominate an elder earth elemental in the last few minutes of the session, so perhaps I can begin there ...

Anyway, I'm an Elder Brain ... of Thooooooon (MM V)! So no, sadly, I don't have the ridiculous 20th level Sorc casting of the Elder Brains from Lords of Madness. I'm just an advanced version of a CR 15 Elder Brain, with the Half-Fiend template thrown on and some smexy ability bumps and feats.

2012-02-28, 12:46 AM
I'm sure I'll get to Dominating a band of followers soon ... or even Diplomancing some. But not sure if I'll have enough downtime in this adventure to begin any appreciable cult of personality. Although I did Dominate an elder earth elemental in the last few minutes of the session, so perhaps I can begin there ...

Anyway, I'm an Elder Brain ... of Thooooooon (MM V)! So no, sadly, I don't have the ridiculous 20th level Sorc casting of the Elder Brains from Lords of Madness. I'm just an advanced version of a CR 15 Elder Brain, with the Half-Fiend template thrown on and some smexy ability bumps and feats.

Why not just remove the Half-Fiend Template, remove the increased hit die and take some levels in a Psionic Class (Psion)

2012-02-28, 01:31 AM
Why not just remove the Half-Fiend Template, remove the increased hit die and take some levels in a Psionic Class (Psion)Because then I'd be a CR 22 character (the party is balanced around CR) with 12 Aberration Hit Die, a ridiculously fewer amount of skill points, much lower stats and DCs, no epic feats, and just 7th level Psion manifesting and 15th level SLA casting, and be IMO far less badass. Also psionics isn't allowed (this DM hates them for some reason). :smalleek:

2012-02-28, 01:37 AM
Because then I'd be a CR 22 character (the party is balanced around CR) with 12 Aberration Hit Die, a ridiculously fewer amount of skill points, much lower stats and DCs, no epic feats, and just 7th level Psion manifesting and 15th level SLA casting, and be IMO far less badass. Also psionics isn't allowed (this DM hates them for some reason). :smalleek:

Your DM is a tool... and coming from me that actually says something :smallmad:

Hmm... Damn shame you could't pick the Elder Brain from Lords of Madness :smallfrown: But i KNOW for a fact there is something you can do that isn't Gestaling to give yourself as much power as the Sorcerer is packing...

2012-02-28, 12:48 PM
Your DM is a tool... and coming from me that actually says something :smallmad:

Hmm... Damn shame you could't pick the Elder Brain from Lords of Madness :smallfrown: But i KNOW for a fact there is something you can do that isn't Gestaling to give yourself as much power as the Sorcerer is packing...Nah, I like this DM a lot, most of the things he bans he'll be honest about the reasons why. Heck, my first idea for this one shot was to play a land kraken sorceror and he was going to let me do so.

The LoM Elder Brain is CR 25 sadly; it's also a 3.0 monster, so I'm not sure how he would have translated it. What's the thing I can do to give myself as much power, though?

2012-03-13, 07:12 AM
So we've accrued enough XP to advance a level. My DM has said that for this level, we have to choose a class level; I can't simply take more Aberration HD and by so doing get a feat, ability bump and some narstier SR (42 SR when the only spellcaster I'm really worried about only has +24 to overcome it). I have some ideas for classes; I'd appreciate comments on which ones would be good/bad, and suggestions on any I might have missed. Thanks in advance!

Barbarian with Lion Totem ACF
Monk (DM might let me take it despite being non-lawful)
Cloistered Cleric (with Charm and Time domains, maybe?)
Wu Jen, if I can get my DM to give me a bonus SLA metamagic feat
Swordsage! Makes everything better, especially since I can get Shadow Blink
Illithid Savant from Savage Species, if I can get my DM to count me as a Mind Flayer (which I don't think is too far-fetched)

I'm particularly interested in classes with Lore abilities or which might be able to get me some sort of ability to identify artifacts, as we've discovered several and still have very little clue what they do (and none of us have Lore abilities or spells like Legend Lore on our lists).

2012-03-13, 07:28 AM
Illithid Savant. It's a short hop from there to Unlimited Power.

Lonely Tylenol
2012-03-13, 09:28 AM
LEARN ALL THE THINGS (http://futurama.wikia.com/wiki/Big_Brain).

Which I guess means Cloistered Cleric and Knowledge Devotion it up, or... Something.

2012-03-13, 10:19 AM
The LoM Elder Brain is CR 25 sadly; it's also a 3.0 monster, so I'm not sure how he would have translated it. What's the thing I can do to give myself as much power, though?Small nitpick. The Lords of Madness Elder Brain is a 3.5 monster. The whole book is 3.5

2012-03-14, 05:12 PM
Illithid Savant. It's a short hop from there to Unlimited Power.Sadly I doubt the campaign will last long enough for the true ridiculousness to kick in (VERY sadly; looking at things like War Troll's Regen and consuming an epic spellcaster's brain makes my own mouth water), but I'm definitely leaning that way from a fluff perspective.

LEARN ALL THE THINGS (http://futurama.wikia.com/wiki/Big_Brain).

Which I guess means Cloistered Cleric and Knowledge Devotion it up, or... Something.Hah, I have a good start, but yes, that is the end goal.

Knowledge Devotion has been explicitly disallowed in this game, otherwise I'd have gotten it long ago.

Small nitpick. The Lords of Madness Elder Brain is a 3.5 monster. The whole book is 3.5Huh. So it is. I could've sworn that was one of the old 3.0 ones.