View Full Version : I've been dared to play a Mountebank from Dragon Compendium

2012-02-28, 11:20 AM
Hello, guys.
I told my friend (and former DM) about my idea regarding the 'Assassin that does not kill' and he told me the DM did not like evil characters, so I would need to at least make my character 'on the way to redemption'. I don't want them, it ruins his concept all together. My friend then dared me to play a Mountebank, saying he has never seen one played before and that it would play into a concept the DM loves - the good character who uses evil powers/has a superpowered evil side.

I decided to run with it. From what I see, I simply need the ability to feint as a free/swift action otherwise I will be useless in combat. I thought about being a tiefling, to get more infernal flavour, but the -2 Cha hurts (might go for hellbred instead). I'm a bit lost here, and once again I come to the playground asking for advice...

Current party composition seems to be elf wizard, human cleric, changeling warlock, drow duskblade (my friend's character) and half-orc ranger. Aside from the wizard and cleric, I expect them to be somewhat optimized. We'll be starting at level 8. We are using LA buyoff, but I don't plan on using LA races.

TL;DR Help me build a decent good-aligned Mountebank with as most infernal flavor possible

EDIT: Since I want to be good-aligned, I'll probably go for Mountebank 6/XXX 2.
EDIT 2: Also, I'll probably use Uncanny Trickster and Legacy Champion to progress in Mountebank without taking levels in Mountebank. I really want infernal jaunt, so I need +4 effective Mountebank levels. Meh, I might just be neutral until level 10 and become good afterwards. But the idea is so fun...! There's even a 'between good and evil' legayc weapon.

2012-02-28, 12:03 PM
Well, the main thing to remember about a Mountebank is to avoid the capstone. Even Mountebank 19/Commoner 1 is better than Mountebank 20 :smalltongue:

Anyhow, Hellbred is tailor-made for "Good character with evil powers." Their Evil Exception ability will allow you make use of any of your evil powers without shifting alignment. A Spirit-aspect Hellbred even gets you a bonus to Charisma, and you get the same fiendish look a Tiefling would have given you.

A good way for you to avoid the capstone is to PrC out. My recommendation for you is to grab Wild/Hidden Talent and check out the Psibond Agent from Complete Adventurer. You get to keep your skills up and both classes are Cha-focused. The flavor is really good too as you go around messing with everyone's heads (and ignoring SR in the process.)