View Full Version : Help build a Brawler Fighter (PF)

2012-02-29, 07:03 PM
First time poster. Howdy.

I'm not completely unfamiliar with the rules of D&D and Pathfinder, but I have no actual roleplaying game experience outside of the computer games like Baldur's Gate or Neverwinter Nights. A friend got me in a game he's GMing with three other people. No one has any real experience in the game, so my friend is gonna take it easy on us and guide us into it.

The other players and I, a bit overwhelmed with concerns of balancing the team and all, decided to play it simple and go with 'meatshield, skillmonkey, healbot and blaster'. I picked the meatshield/beatstick guy. (I don't know what classes the others are playing specifically, but I'm assuming a Rogue, Cleric or Druid and Sorcerer.)

Looking through the Pathfinder SRD, I fell in love with the idea of the Brawler (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/fighter/archetypes/paizo---fighter-archetypes/brawler) ACF of the Fighter. Getting up and close, beating the snot outta bad guys and knockin' them around like rag dolls. So I'm pretty set on that. I know it's no two-handed, power attacking, charging terror, but it looks fun.

So I know what class and role I want to take, but weapons, races, what tactics are worthwhile and such leave my a little overwhelmed. Any help or advice would be helpful.

I'd like to be effective, but I don't want to destroy the game. Just take the character and have fun.

Current thoughts:
Half-elf (Bonus to strength, trade Adaptability for either Ancestral Arms or Dual Minded)
Stats I rolled:
17, 17, 15, 12, 10, 9
(Probably in the following order Str, Con, Dex, Int, Wis, Cha)
Weapons ideas:
Scizore (best damage in Close Weapons group, but awkward)
Spiked Armor or Spiked Shield
Tekko-Kagi (Low damage, but some versatility, easier Disarm) w/Spiked Armor or Shield
Light Crossbow w/Bayonet (Ranged and melee fun, feats needed)
Generally I want to play a linebacker in American Football, holding people back and generally control the field, allowing the others to flank or blast. (Reposition an enemy to get a clear shot for the blaster's Lightning Bolt. Bullrush a guy away from the Rogue. Overrun enemies to get to the enemy caster and mess up his Concentration.) So more crowd control and toying with the enemy than MASSIVE DAMAGE!

I don't have any books, and I'd have to go to my friend (DM)'s house to see any other books, so if it could be limited to the SRD so I can look at it, I'd be grateful. (All the ideas I got so far were from the SRD.)

The DM doesn't mind if I use Eastern weapons or such, just asks I write it into the backstory, which I can do.

2012-03-01, 03:33 AM
If you're thinking about getting improved unarmed strike at all (which you'll get bonuses for as a brawler) then check out the style feats (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/style-feats). In short, style feats give you nifty bonuses but you can only use one style tree at a time, so I'd recommend just picking one you like. I was looking at an unarmed/spiked shield fighter that used the crane style for a possible campaign. You might want to look at the tiger style as it gives bonuses to bull rush, overrun, and trip and you can get free bull rushes with unarmed strikes.

You can also get some intimidation action going with dazzling display (I believe if you intimidate a foe while they're shaken they gain fear and run away) and some other options which are more derpy than others. (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/general-feats/antagonize) I think any penalty to attack rolls also modifies CMB/CMD which can make your job easier.

You're probably best off picking 2 or 3 control aspects and focusing on that. Make sure to pick up power attack because you never know when you'll need to do damage.

2012-03-03, 10:50 PM
I see you are going for the "offensive linemen" type of brawler, and that's neato.. I am planning to go for a Brandon Jacobs style barbarian/brawler myself.

I don't know if you are familiar with the game "blood bowl" by games workshop, but in a pathfinder game I'm playing a character who is an ex-blood bowl player, who turned to adventuring, after being thrown out of the league...

He was suspended multiple times for using the illegal drug "allnight" but banned from league play after being caught gambling on games. He has the trait "optimistic gambler" and an addiction to allnight. Allnight is basically meth for barbarians allowing them to rage cycle early in their career.

anyhow, my barb is planned to dip into monk(martial artist) and fighter(brawler), and I figured I would share my planned build with you, as it might help with your brawler plans.

basically I am an overrun build, and only the barbarian can do it to multiple opponents in the same round.. well I guess the maneuver master monk can, but not nearly so well ;)

1 Brb1
feat Pow Attk
feat Cmb Ref

2 Brb2
rage Strength Surge

3 Brb3
feat Improved Overrun

4 Brb4
rage Overbearing Advance

5 Brb5
feat Raging Deathblow

6 Brb6
rage Overbearing Onslaught

7 Mnk1 (martial artist)
feat Greater Overrun
feat Vicious Stomp

8 Ftr1 (brawler)
feat Spiked Destroyer

9 Ftr2 (brawler)
feat Improved Initiative
feat Extra Rage Power
rage Quick Reflexes

10 Ftr3 (brawler)

11 Brb7
feat Extra Rage Power
rage Quick Reflexes

12 Brb8
rage Unexpected Strike

I almost opted for straight level 12 barbarian, but flesh wound(rage cycling) + come and get me, would break the game.

OK, with these abilities, the first guy I overrun takes a metric ton of damage...

STR(overbearing advance) + Weapon + Armor Spikes + UnarmedStrike + (Rhino Hide if it's a charge)

that equates to (STR*4.5) + (PowAttk*3.5) + d6(2handed scimitar) + d4(armor spike) + d6(vicious stomp) + various weapon bonuses + 6d6 rhino hide(3 attacks)

the second guy gets to eat all that minus the armor spikes.

if I get to do this as part of a charge, you can tac on an extra 2d6 from rhino hide on top of all three attacks.

with your stats you could do this even better than my barbarian because our stat array was much weaker than your rolled stats.

anyhow, cheers!

2012-03-04, 05:23 AM
I would advice to dash in a 2 or up to 5 level dip of martial artist (Monk Archetype). And to take the Dragon Style feat line.

Brass Knuckles now deal your monk unarmed damage.

Hope this helps.

2012-03-04, 02:34 PM
I would advice to dash in a 2 or up to 5 level dip of martial artist (Monk Archetype). And to take the Dragon Style feat line.

I was thinking about having some fun with 5 levels of MA - that gets you immunity to fatigue, which allows some fun Stupid Ragecycle Tricks. The downside is, you have five levels of monk.

Brass Knuckles now deal your monk unarmed damage.

Apparently, the PF rules guys keep going back and forth on this one. I'd say to ask your GM about it.

2012-03-04, 03:37 PM
5 Levels of Monk aren't THAT Bad anymore.

5 Levels of Martial Artist Qingong Monk gives you a good boost to your concept.
At 5th Level you could trade out High Jump for something else (if your DM allows it).

If you can't get your DM to allow the Brassknuckles if you HAVE 5 levels of Monk take another close weapon. Anything with a greater crit chance or crit bonus than 20x2.

Hope this helps.