View Full Version : Backer's Choice PDFs: Dream PDFs and Speculation

2012-03-02, 04:29 PM
I don't know how many of you did the same thing, but as I was pledging in the Giant's Kikstarter drive, I saw the 3 backer's choice PDFs and started doing two things: A)imagining which character/s I would pick and B)praying that the backers select them.

According to Kickstarter update #30, the three PDFs will feature Therkla, the Cliffport PD, and Belkar before he joined the OOTS party.

I created this thread for people to either name which three characters they would have liked to see and to speculate what the actual stories will be about. Too convoluted an idea for one thread? We shall see.

My top 3 were:
Therkla (so psyched someone picked her)
Hilgya (whatever happened to her?)

2012-03-02, 04:35 PM
Too convoluted? For the OotS board? NEVER!

I'd have liked to see an Enor and Gannji one personally. Although I did like the choices, and am hoping we see some of Kubota in Therkla's story.

2012-03-02, 04:49 PM
Ninja-Girl. I'd like to see Ninja-girl facing the Hinjoker.

Not to mention Qarr. That one amuses me.

2012-03-02, 05:03 PM
I'm pleased with all 3 of the backers choice picks. Honestly I probably would have picked Belkar and the Cliffport Cops myself. Therkla is a great choice but didn't really occur to me.

2012-03-02, 05:16 PM
The MitD's father.

But those 3 are good too.

Gift Jeraff
2012-03-02, 05:25 PM
My ultra-dream would have been to buy all 3 and force the Giant to write 24-36 pages about Thog!

In all seriousness, my dream PDFs would have been:

-Demon-Roaches: Rich said in an interview he has no idea what a story focusing on them would be about, IIRC, so I'd love to see what he would think of.

-CPPD: A cop drama, duh.

-Qarr: Just him doin' evil stuff with Kubota and Therkla.

Or maybe a StickTale narrated by Blackwing.

2012-03-02, 05:28 PM
The MitD's father.

But those 3 are good too.

I think it would have to be a character that had actually appeared in the strip. MiTD's father wouldn't count.

2012-03-02, 05:29 PM
I'm looking forward to the Belkar story.

Since we know that Roy is a calming (or at least restraining) influence, I would expect that Belkar would be even more... Belkar without him!

The Glyphstone
2012-03-02, 05:30 PM
My hope had been for a story about exactly how Redcloak managed to determine that they were using psionics in the OotS-verse. It's not an obscure character, but it is a throwaway joke line.

2012-03-02, 05:42 PM
I was hoping for a story about Lien, personally. Still, I'm looking forward to the Cliffport PD story.

2012-03-02, 05:44 PM
I see a big problem with therkla actually -- I mean as it is she has a lot of sympathy because she was redeemed by her love of a certain bard. Before this she was more "just a ninja." So it could reduce her popularity seeing her doing her duty before meeting the oots.

I am quite surprised someone chose Belkar as well. I mean in Origin, the giant said he went with something recent as opposed to old with Belkar because he didnt want to mess with how people see the character...

The cliffport PD doesnt really interest me all that much but at least it will give the giant the ability to show us a different genre in the style.


I would have probably done -- The Oracle, The Dark One, and I will have to think of the third one.

2012-03-02, 05:56 PM
I am quite surprised someone chose Belkar as well. I mean in Origin, the giant said he went with something recent as opposed to old with Belkar because he didnt want to mess with how people see the character...

He said more that it was because he didn't want to give Belkar a sympathetic backstory, or a reason he's so, well, Belkar. A short story that was just hijinks could work fine.

Obnoxious Hydra
2012-03-02, 06:32 PM
Ooh.. tricky..

Definetely Enor and Ganjii for one of them.

My second would probably be the two assasins (the Shadow Walker and Dwarf with explosives).

My third choice is torn many ways. Maybe one of the Kobold characters, Linear Guild or Oracle. Or, the IFCC, just to see what other wacky deals they got themselves in. Or maybe one of the souls that the IFCC bound to Varsuuvius. Maybe even Zz'ditri.

In the end, I wasn't expecting the three that were picked, at all.

2012-03-02, 06:39 PM
In the end, I wasn't expecting the three that were picked, at all.

All three were fan favorites, and Therkla's story was begging for some clarification, so it's not surprising. The Giant gave more consideration to characters that were suggested by multiple people, so it's natural these would float to the top.

That being said, I would prefer to pick a more obscure character just to give him more wiggle room. Half-dragon-centaur...?

2012-03-02, 06:39 PM
My first choice (If I had actually made one of the pledges) was the Chief of the CPPD, so it's nice to see I'm not the only one who thought along those lines. Not sure what my other two choices would have been.

2012-03-02, 07:12 PM
Ooh.. tricky..

Definetely Enor and Ganjii for one of them.

My second would probably be the two assasins (the Shadow Walker and Dwarf with explosives).

My third choice is torn many ways. Maybe one of the Kobold characters, Linear Guild or Oracle. Or, the IFCC, just to see what other wacky deals they got themselves in. Or maybe one of the souls that the IFCC bound to Varsuuvius. Maybe even Zz'ditri.

In the end, I wasn't expecting the three that were picked, at all.

I find it strange that Enor and Ganjii made for such a better story than the two assassins. To be fair the two assassins didn't have to duel each other to the death

2012-03-02, 07:20 PM
Kazumi & Daigo

2012-03-02, 07:26 PM
If I had had the money to pledge that high, I would have loved a Stick Tales version of Edgar Allan Poe's "The Raven" featuring Blackwing. I read it at a young age and it's stuck with me throughout my life, and would love to have seen it get the OotS treatment

That said, I like all 3 choices that were picked, so can't complain too much!

2012-03-02, 07:38 PM

Ganonron, Haerta, and Jephton.

2012-03-02, 07:45 PM

Ganonron, Haerta, and Jephton.

A Haerta story? That would be awesome! You know she dies at the end, so she would be the villain of the story, and some new band of adventurers (Order of the Scribble maybe?) would have to take her down. How exactly could anyone beat her anyway?

:vaarsuvius: I may be in error, but I believe the appropriate proclamation is "Sneak Attack, bitch"

2012-03-02, 07:54 PM
I'd have asked for a story about Miko's fate. I've just read a bit about the outer planes, and Acheron sounds a lot like what Jirix described in 704 (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0704.html), so I could see here spending some time here, hopefully before moving onto a better destination.

2012-03-02, 08:22 PM
Kazumi & Daigo

What's interesting is that it could be said that Sangwaan was in Start of Darkness. When the paladins attacked, a woman who wore the same style of robes had her eyes shot by Redcloak's uncle (I think).

I think it would be hard to do Kazumi and Daigo together unless it was after the events of DStP, and that's only been 2 weeks. Maybe a pre-WaXP with them having little chance meetings all the time, seeing each other across the way, but never having enough courage to go up and talk to the other, or a cart goes by and they are gone. It could be very cute.

As for me, I would have gone with another suggestion I had heard earlier with Miko meeting the Oracle. Those two personalities would be hilarious.

2012-03-02, 08:27 PM
I think it would be hard to do Kazumi and Daigo together unless it was after the events of DStP, and that's only been 2 weeks. Maybe a pre-WaXP with them having little chance meetings all the time, seeing each other across the way, but never having enough courage to go up and talk to the other, or a cart goes by and they are gone. It could be very cute.He could have done a parody of romantic comedy style story covering what happened to them in the three months between the Fall of Azure City and their wedding in DStP.

Dang, now I want to see that story.:smallfrown:

2012-03-02, 08:41 PM
Cliffport Cops. NOOO!!! So disappointed in this choice. Worst of the 3 backers (just IMO of course, I'm not surprised it's already showing strong support).

My first choice would have been Durkon - I'd have asked Burlew for anything that helped out his development. He lags far behind the other 5 OOTS...

Therkla. Meh. A fine choice, but nothing I was hungry to see.

Second choice: I'd have picked either Malack, or if the rules allowed it, the entire Tarquin adventure group before they started the empire shell game.

Pre-OOTS Belkar. Happy about this choice, and sort of mirrors my third fantasy pick - I'd have asked for a story about Belkar's Aunt Judy & his birthday party. He hasn't referenced his aunt for a long time, and the birthday party was a one shot joke when he leaped out of containment and knifed the Azurite guard.

Perhaps I'll get lucky and those elements show up in the backstory anyway.

2012-03-02, 08:53 PM
What's interesting is that it could be said that Sangwaan was in Start of Darkness. When the paladins attacked, a woman who wore the same style of robes had her eyes shot by Redcloak's uncle (I think). Wasn't that like 60 years ago or something? She should be very old woman if she was able to participate in the attack.

I'd have asked for a story about Miko's fate. I've just read a bit about the outer planes, and Acheron sounds a lot like what Jirix described in 704 (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0704.html), so I could see here spending some time here, hopefully before moving onto a better destination.The thing is that the D&D planes are not there to teach you a lesson before you can move "up" (at least not outside of the plane itself).

Acheron is not there to be a purgatory until the souls can move onto a better destination, Acheron believes "itself" to be right and the only true way the whole of existence should be. The souls that are assigned to Acheron did right in their lives and all the other souls on other planes are misguided and have been wrong. Acheron wants to teach it's souls a lesson, right, but that lesson is to become even better exemplars of what Acheron stands for until the souls have become so pure embodiments of Acheron that the plane can swallow them up and become stronger until it can dominate all of creation

There is no hierarchy in the D&D multiverse where Good is the ultimate right, Evil, Law and Chaos are just as right as Good and each would like to annihilate the others. There is no higher authority that says that Good is right and all the souls on the lower planes did wrong, just four equally powerful forces each pulling in it's own direction and not working together with the others for some higher goal

2012-03-02, 09:37 PM
What's interesting is that it could be said that Sangwaan was in Start of Darkness. When the paladins attacked, a woman who wore the same style of robes had her eyes shot by Redcloak's uncle (I think).

Can't be Sangwaan. I'm pretty sure the Giant said something about the paladins who participated all losing their paladin status afterwards.

2012-03-02, 10:07 PM
Can't be Sangwaan. I'm pretty sure the Giant said something about the paladins who participated all losing their paladin status afterwards.

Technically, it wasn't all the paladins - just the ones who "went overboard". And equally technically, neither that woman nor Sangwaan were paladins anyway - it appears the Sapphire Guard also included various caster classes (and I don't think Sangwaan was a member of it in the first place).

Regardless, between the 30+ year difference and the fact that I'm pretty sure Redcloak's uncle killed the SoD caster outright, they are obviously not the same woman anyway, so it's a moot point.

2012-03-02, 10:50 PM
... Acheron wants to teach it's souls a lesson, right, but that lesson is to become even better exemplars of what Acheron stands for until the souls have become so pure embodiments of Acheron that the plane can swallow them up and become stronger until it can dominate all of creation

There is no hierarchy in the D&D multiverse where Good is the ultimate right, Evil, Law and Chaos are just as right as Good and each would like to annihilate the others. There is no higher authority that says that Good is right and all the souls on the lower planes did wrong. ...

I was thinking that Archeron would be for Miko what the first plateau was for Roy - she'd fight goblins until she realized that she needed more a satisfying existence, then she'd migrate to another plane until she found her way to Celestia. In this case, the "higher authority that says Good is right" is Miko. With your added perspective, this story becomes much deeper. It would be about Miko's internal struggle between the desire to truly be Good and her drive to mete out her own ideas of justice. I almost want to write the story myself.

2012-03-02, 11:15 PM
Kazumi & Daigo
Good choices.

Technically, it wasn't all the paladins - just the ones who "went overboard". And equally technically, neither that woman nor Sangwaan were paladins anyway - it appears the Sapphire Guard also included various caster classes (and I don't think Sangwaan was a member of it in the first place).
I'm pretty sure Sangwaan knew about the gates (surely Shojo wouldn't have had somebody who didn't already know about them cast divination spells regarding the destruction of Dorukan's Gate), which would make her a member of the Sapphire Guard on account of them keeping the gates secret to outsiders.

2012-03-02, 11:28 PM
Good choices.

I'm pretty sure Sangwaan knew about the gates (surely Shojo wouldn't have had somebody who didn't already know about them cast divination spells regarding the destruction of Dorukan's Gate), which would make her a member of the Sapphire Guard on account of them keeping the gates secret to outsiders.

You can know that the gates exist without knowing the full Secret Lore of the Sapphire Guard. My impression from the trial scene was that none of the witnesses knew exactly what Dorukan's Gate was.

2012-03-03, 02:57 AM
This is probably just because I'm a huge theater nerd, but my fantasy was a StickTales retelling of Les Miserables (as the novel is public domain).

Yeah. I totally just outted myself as a geek. (And not one of those cool, tabletop RPG style geeks.) :redface:

2012-03-03, 03:15 AM
Yeah. I totally just outted myself as a geek. (And not one of those cool, tabletop RPG style geeks.) :redface:

There is no such thing as non-cool geeks.

What I would have liked to see is some Scribble backstory. Particularly Kraagor and Serrini, actually. I really like the Therkla choice though; I'm less thrilled by the CPPD one, maybe because they don't really have that much of a place in the plot.

2012-03-03, 09:09 AM
This is probably just because I'm a huge theater nerd, but my fantasy was a StickTales retelling of Les Miserables (as the novel is public domain).

Yeah. I totally just outted myself as a geek. (And not one of those cool, tabletop RPG style geeks.) :redface:

Yes yes yes, a thousand times yes! Favourite book and Musical of all time! Miko as Javert, Roy as Valjean, Elan as Marius, Haley as Cossette and Therkla as eponine.

As for the characters I would have picked... Haley, coz I am interested in her childhood, which she mentions repeatedly and keeps dropping teasing details, Miko just coz I didn't get the feeling we ever saw her as "the most reliable member of the sapphire guard" like she apparently was (though a story about her in death would be acceptable too I guess) aaaaand ooh! Maybe Thor and Loki! or some other gods. But I am perfectly happy with the ones that were picked. Especially Therkla.

2012-03-03, 12:14 PM
My dream with PDFs would be that someone picks one of the Linear Guild members, only to hear "No can do, I'm writing a prequel for them already".

2012-03-03, 02:00 PM
I'd like to preface this by saying that there are no really bad choices as far as I'm concerned, as more OotS is always good and I have no right to criticize which characters other readers enjoy. Then I will proceed to do just that, I guess...

I'm really somewhat ambivalent about the choices. I can't say I'm really thrilled with the thought of more Therkla. I never liked her, she was just plain darn uninteresting to me. I'd be more interested in the ninja waitress from Azure City, to be honest. Same with the CCPD... I guess they're not a terrible choice, but I didn't love them all that much when they did appear in the comic. Pre-Order Belkar is the one I'm most excited for, as more Belkar is always fun, but we've seen a lot of Belkar already, and I kind of wish the choice had been spent on someone we never would otherwise get to know more about.

I would have liked to see someone from the Order of the Scribble, maybe Soon Kim, but as there have been at least some rumblings that a future prequel book may be in the offing, I guess not picking one of them isn't a terrible thing.

I guess my top three choices would have been:
1. The Dark One (as a mortal)
2. Tarquin's Adventuring Party
3. Aardinarius

Or maybe Fyron and his son, just to clear up that whole mess. Also, that one warlock in the bar in #730, as I've always had a soft spot for that class... you know, I can see how making this choice would get hard awful quick. Just the choices I would have made, and I hope the people who pledged for the stories like what they get!

2012-03-03, 03:11 PM
My vote would have gone for Therkla, but not so much a story of her past (where she was a loyal follower of Kubota), and i'm also not that much interested in her afterlife - what i really would like to see is a stick-tale with her as the tragic heroine.

2012-03-03, 03:14 PM
I was expecting TGwaH to be one of the PDFs :smalltongue:.

B. Dandelion
2012-03-03, 04:45 PM
I was expecting TGwaH to be one of the PDFs :smalltongue:.

I am so, so glad it was not...

I actually really love the choices. Belkar was kinda... no offense, predictable, but I expected we'd get Belkar, Thog, and Tarquin. Therkla and the CPPD were very pleasant surprises!

2012-03-03, 07:23 PM
All in all, I, too, don't think there could be such a thing as a 'bad' choice.

I'm a little dissapointed in the Belkar request, but not to the point where I'm going to throw a fit over it.

I just love the CPPD one. Heehee. :smallcool:

Therkla I saw coming a mile off. I'm happy enough. :smallbiggrin:

And, there's nothing wrong with the Les Mis thought, btw. What's geeky about that? Now... if you'd wanted Brecht... I'd've called asking for Sticky Mutter Courage und Ihre Kinder pretty darned geeky (for native English speakers). :smallwink:

A choice I'd like to see, (but couldn't afford to), would be... the adventure party that plane-hopped just to get chopped down by Roy and his Granddad. Whatever made them think that was a bright-spark idea, anyway? :smallamused:

2012-03-03, 08:01 PM
I was expecting TGwaH to be one of the PDFs :smalltongue:.

Whatever mixed feelings I may have about the picks, I can at least take some consolation that this didn't happen.

2012-03-03, 08:12 PM
I was expecting TGwaH to be one of the PDFs :smalltongue:.

I apologise for my ignorance but what does that stand for? I often take a while to figure out these acronyms nd this time I just didn't get there.
Is there a thread that lists the acronyms that are commonly used? There should be. Would anyone consider making one?

2012-03-03, 08:53 PM
I was expecting TGwaH to be one of the PDFs :smalltongue:.

I apologise for my ignorance but what does that stand for? I often take a while to figure out these acronyms nd this time I just didn't get there.
Is there a thread that lists the acronyms that are commonly used? Their should be. Would anyone consider making one?

I think it stands for "The Guy with a Halberd". A random Azurite soldier armed with a halberd who fought in the defense of Azure City from the hobgoblin army (maybe the one in 432, I've never been sure). He developed a big following on the message boards because, as I recall, someone wanted to see if they could get a random character a big following and possibly a reappearance. Several self-fulfilling threads later, and here we are.

2012-03-03, 09:11 PM
I think it stands for "The Guy with a Halberd". A random Azurite soldier armed with a halberd who fought in the defense of Azure City from the hobgoblin army (maybe the one in 432, I've never been sure). He developed a big following on the message boards because, as I recall, someone wanted to see if they could get a random character a big following and possibly a reappearance. Several self-fulfilling threads later, and here we are.

Ah thanks. I have seen the halberd guy mentioned before but I couldn't figure out the Acronym :smallredface:

Closest I got was The gnome with a hat.

2012-03-03, 09:32 PM
Ah thanks. I have seen the halberd guy mentioned before but I couldn't figure out the Acronym :smallredface:

Closest I got was The gnome with a hat.

Aw, man, I would love a gnome with a hat story.

2012-03-03, 09:43 PM
Aw, man, I would love a gnome with a hat story.

I agree, but only if it features those grey dwarf and lizardfolk traders.

2012-03-03, 09:44 PM
While none of the choices appeal to me all that much, I don't dislike them and can't wait to read them. The CPPD is probably the one I'd like to see most.

As for my personal choices, I would've like to see...

The Flumphs
Belkar's guidebook to jail cells of the world. (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0733.html)
The 18th level incarnum user. (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0546.html)
Lee, Nero, and Cedric

Some of the other suggestions would have been great too.

2012-03-03, 09:46 PM
How about Biography of Lord Hinjo?
-How did his mom died (birth or old age)?
- What happened to his dad?
- When did Shojo adopted him?
Why didn't he date with Sangwan? (Gay, Too busy, or babies could complicate diviners)?

2012-03-03, 09:49 PM
Oh, I'm an idiot:-

Along with the Idiotic, Evil, Plane-Hopping Adventure Party, I'd rather have liked to see...

A Day in the Life of Julia Greenhilt (Legally Blonde meets Alpha Bitch via Harry Potter). :smallwink:

2012-03-04, 12:54 AM
Personally I would have gone with a Mr. Scruffy story. Maybe post-Belkar?

Second choice would have been the fiendish rat who was summoned in the middle of organizing his spice rack from SSDT.

Third would probably have been Hank, the halfling thief from the guild.

2012-03-04, 12:55 AM
...The Giant gave more consideration to characters that were suggested by multiple people, so it's natural these would float to the top...
I don't understand. Wouldn't The Giant have given more consideration to the people who actually paid the $1250 to have the story made?

2012-03-04, 01:22 AM
I'd go for the MitD, Malak and the IFCC. I think that we could all appreciate a bit of exposition on all of them.

2012-03-04, 01:34 AM
I don't understand. Wouldn't The Giant have given more consideration to the people who actually paid the $1250 to have the story made?

He did. What Smolder meant was that it was possible for the three backers to choose the same character since they weren't coordinating and all. FWIU, at least one of the backers gave multiple options just to try to avoid that possibility. I have no idea if the other two did as well.

Not that it would have mattered that much, as Rich said that if two people had chosen the same character, he could have just written a double length story if push came to shove.

King of Nowhere
2012-03-04, 01:45 PM
I guess sinbce there were only 3 guys who could order a story, that rich would have contacted them anyway, something like "you asked for a story about this character, but another backer already asked for it. would you prefer to have two stories about that character, or would you rather have the story about someone else?"

Anyway, I always said (even before becoming a real fan) Rich's main gift is his ability to create good characters, so there were no bad choices.
And now that i see this thread, I can only weep for all the good possibilities that have been lost. The three choices are good, but I really woul have liked to see more of the dark one before becoming a god, Tarquin, hinjo, haley's family, aunt judy (maybe we'll see her in belkar's story?), Julia. And many, many more...

2012-03-04, 03:38 PM
Hey, Rich ain't dead or anything. There are no 'lost stories' at this point. He is like Anne McCaffrey. He can milk this thing for the next sixty years if such is his desire. I know I'll buy it, whatever it is, if there are stick figures and Rich Burlew's name on the cover.

2012-03-04, 04:37 PM
Hey, Rich ain't dead or anything. There are no 'lost stories' at this point. He is like Anne McCaffrey. He can milk this thing for the next sixty years if such is his desire. I know I'll buy it, whatever it is, if there are stick figures and Rich Burlew's name on the cover.

There are some authors/art producers that I will buy simply knowing they made it, because of their talent. Even if it's not what I expect, I will enjoy it.

In no particular order, here are some of those that I can think of off the top of my head:

Dean Koontz
David Moody

I am glad to say when I ordered SSDT during the pre-order, I added Mr Arby to the list, and haven't looked back.

2012-03-04, 07:46 PM
Eric Greenhilt (but not the story of the accident)
Horace Greenhilt and Princess Damsel (As reinacted in 113, and described in 497)
Diago and Kazumi

2012-03-04, 07:48 PM
Actually, speaking of the Greenhilts, something with Eugene and his adventuring party would've been pretty cool

2012-03-05, 02:36 AM
Actually, speaking of the Greenhilts, something with Eugene and his adventuring party would've been pretty cool

That crystalizes an idea I had earlier today.

I'd be interested in looks at characters that are arguably hated by the fanbase. You already mentioned Eugene Greenhilt. He'd be an interesting choice because outside of one scene in SoD he's been a pretty unsympathetic character.

Could the viewpoint on Eugene change if we all got to see another portion of his life? One that wasn't centered around his antagonism with Roy? I dunno. But many, though certainly not all, opinions of Redcloak changed radically once SoD came out. I wonder if Rich could pull off a similar trick with Eugene. If he wanted to of course.

But to tie this back to what I was thinking earlier today, a nice choice might be The Elven Commander. That is a character that is almost universally reviled. Actually that's overstating things. I should say that he was very strongly reviled by a very vocal section of the fanbase.

For Rich to produce a 8 to 12 page story that possibly showed how he ticked and why he was the way he was....

.... Well I'd be interested to see if it changed people's opinions on him.


Might just decide to start saving up for a future Backer's Choice here. :smallamused:

2012-03-05, 07:45 AM
I was originally not all that enthused by the idea of a CPPD story but upon further contemplation I have come to realise the great potential that has.

I particularly hope the forensic possibilities are explored. From Analysing crime scenes (from the physical evidence we can see that the killer took a five foot step to his left then delivered a full attack for three attacks upon which the victim was reduced to negative hit points and fell prone) to performing tests on the residual contents of discarded potion bottles right down to reducing hostage negotiation to a series of opposed diplomacy, intimidate and buff checks.

I hope it is something like that :smallbiggrin:

2012-03-05, 10:45 AM
No Tsukiko = :smallfrown:

Sgt Pinback
2012-03-05, 11:10 AM
Am I the only one who wanted to see more of Xyklon the Consequential?

2012-03-05, 11:56 AM
Am I the only one who wanted to see more of Xyklon the Consequential?

Yes :smalltongue:

2012-03-05, 04:25 PM
I wanted stories about:

Therkla - SCORE!!!!!
MitD - Aww . . . :smallfrown:
The Linear Guild - How they got together, etc. But maybe they'll get a prequel book all their own!
Aarindarius - Maybe not even with V, but just about the master wizard who could Offhand Backhand an Ancient Black Dragon!
The Earth and Fire Spirits we saw way back when in the Dungeon - I want to know more about them!! We got to know Celia really well (perhaps a little TOO well . . .) and I want to see some Earth and Fire action!
Psionic Steve - Or whatever his name is, from that one Dragon magazine strip!

As for what we get . . .

CPPD - Awesomesauce!!!
Belkar - . . . But why???!!! Should've picked a character we WON'T see in at least half the current strips.

The problem is that there are just so many awesome characters in OOTS we want to know more about. Honestly, I would also have loved a story about Tsukiko, especially in light of her recent demise, and how she came to hate the living so much she would love the dead. It would also have been hilarious, but impossible because of the inevitability of spoilers, to see a mishap-filled, rather slapstick-comedy story about Serini collecting monsters for Kraagor's gate. And MAN, would I love to see some StickTales like this:

"The Little Mermaid" - Could either go two ways: Stick (no pun intended) to the Hans Christian Andersen original, where she dies. Then, you cast Therkla as the mermaid. Elan is Prince Eric, and Haley is the temple priestess he ends up with in the end. Or, we go with the Disney version and Haley is Ariel to Elan's Eric. Tsukiko or Sabine or even Crystal could be Ursula. Probably Sabine. OR, do the Disney one, but ELAN is Ariel and Haley is Eric! Like how he switched the genders for Haleo and Julelan.

"King Roy and the Square Table" - Or some other King Arthurish silliness :smallwink:

"First Edition OotS" - The Order, but in the original First Edition instead of 3rd or 3.5 or 4th!!!!

2012-03-05, 05:12 PM
1) MitD
2) MitD
3) MitD

Yes a full 30-40 page prequel of our favorite monster.
Although, i wouldn't expect a reveal. I would expect that (assuming 9 panels per page) the story would be roughly 300 panels of clever shading, off panel speech balloons, and stew.

In any case, i'm glad we got Therkla. :D

And I have mixed emotions about more belkar, I'm hoping it's more about his childhood or acquiring those chef ranks than his being a shoeless sexy god of war.

Seriously? *sigh*

2012-03-05, 06:25 PM
How Daigo Met Kazumi - a parody of romantic comedies covering their courtship.

The Boyhood Adventures of Roy and Eric - a story further developing Roy and Eric's relationship.

not sure on the third.

Ron Miel
2012-03-05, 09:17 PM
Mr Dragon
Ninja Waitress
The Gods

2012-03-09, 10:24 AM
Do you think Therkla's backstory could be tragic (Not in typical-half-orc story)? But in
1. trying to fit (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0582.html) in Azurite Society.
2. parents (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0555.html) could be arrested or executed or die from resisting arrest.

2012-03-10, 12:26 AM
My choices would be:

The Priest of the Holey Brotherhood (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0276.html)
Goblin Dan (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0326.html)

And not too sure who'd I'd do for # 3, but the recent comics bring Haerta to mind.

Don't know why, but I love the one-off throwaway joke characters. (Granted, Haerta isn't one, but still...) As mentioned before, there really isn't a bad choice to pick. Heck, the ogre that was wearing the girdle of femininity/ masculinity could be given a interesting back story.

2012-03-10, 12:32 AM
I'd like to see one of Redcloak and Right-Eye, in their pre-Xykon days. Just two brothers on a carefree mission to end the world.

2012-03-10, 10:30 AM
Therkla, good choice. Lots of possible backstory to be filled in. Interesting character.

Cliffport PD! Awesome! A comic about a group of minor characters that Rich can have some fun with, writing a D&D police procedural. (I presume.)

Belkar? Really? Not that I'm anti-Belkar or anything but when Rich gives you the chance to make him do a comic about ANY character in the whole strip, we're going for one of the main characters? Fair enough, Belkar at least has one of the least developed backgrounds of the OoTS...

Personally, I wanted to find out how that Cleric of Loki managed after he skipped Greysky City.

2012-03-10, 12:35 PM
Therkla was a good choice. It might give us sum insight into the political situation of Azure City, which works for me since I like world building back story fluff like that, and the opportunity for a cheesy scene when she first sees Elan is just too funny to pass up. Also, she was a good character and i wouldn't mind seeing how she became what she was.

The CPPD is also good, a D&D cop drama would be a nice change of pace from the world saving shenanigans so far. I'm wondering if he'll go into a back story for the chief or follow up on the Rookie and how he sort of took over when the chief died. A confrontation between him and the mayor over the prison breaks would be funny, or hey, maybe he could start investigating the fallout from the familicide spell. A higher crime rate from adventurers finding hundreds of unguarded dragon hoards could lead to some interesting stories.

I'm a little disappointed in the choice of Belkar. I was hoping the backers would decide to flesh out interesting but not well known characters instead of choosing from the Order or team evil. I already know all i want to know about Belkar from the comic and SoD, and was looking forward to some other characters getting their moment.

My third choice would have been for Shojo and Mr.Scruffy. He was a wiley old bastard and could use some more screen time:smalltongue:

2012-03-10, 02:14 PM
Therkla was a good choice. It might give us sum insight into the political situation of Azure City, which works for me since I like world building back story fluff like that, and the opportunity for a cheesy scene when she first sees Elan is just too funny to pass up. Also, she was a good character and i wouldn't mind seeing how she became what she was.

I wonder if Azure City is Racist town or her story will make her this trope (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TragicMulatto). Even though her parents were happily married (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0555.html), maybe they got arrested for Azurites racist laws or they got killed or she hates her own life.

2012-03-10, 02:29 PM
I wonder if Azure City is Racist town or her story will make her this trope (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TragicMulatto). Even though her parents were happily married (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0555.html), maybe they got arrested for Azurites racist laws or they got killed or she hates her own life.

I don't really see where you got this from :smalltongue:. Sure, it's possible, but I don't see anything pointing in that direction :smallwink:.

Besides, I may be wrong since I don't own the book, but doesn't Azure City have a small percentage of half-orcs and half-elves? In a city with a large population (even by fantasy medieval standards) that's a fairly large group.

2012-03-10, 03:24 PM
I don't really see where you got this from :smalltongue:. Sure, it's possible, but I don't see anything pointing in that direction :smallwink:.

Besides, I may be wrong since I don't own the book, but doesn't Azure City have a small percentage of half-orcs and half-elves? In a city with a large population (even by fantasy medieval standards) that's a fairly large group.

Well, she said Kubota give her a place to fit in (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0582.html), which means Azurites, other than Kubota, are racist.
Maybe the Half Orc population are second class citizens. Do you think they defected Azure City and join with Gobbotopia who gives right to monster race?

2012-03-10, 03:40 PM
I like that there will be a Therkla story (she seems to get a fair bit of dislike, but I think she's adorable), but the other two don't seem all that interesting.

An MiTD story would be great, and the comment about a story on Aarandarius makes me think how much fun it would be to have one about V as an apprentice. More on Malack would also be really good.

But I'm guessing more information on Malack and MitD will be provided in the regular plot, and Rich deliberately chose topics that wouldn't provide a lot of spoilers for future events.

2012-03-10, 03:45 PM
I don't know why people keep ragging on the CPPD. There's an awful lot of comic potential in the idea of a police procedural in a D&D setting, and we really only saw a bit of that during their previous appearance. I wouldn't be in favor of a "Cliffport Vice" spin-off or anything, but a 10-page or so short story? Sounds good to me.

2012-03-10, 03:47 PM
I don't really care about Therkla at all, but I love the other two choices. Cliffport PD in particular was a stroke of genius.

My choice would've been as follows:

1) Tarquin
2) Cliffport PD
3) Shojo

I'd also be interested in an Order of the Scribble comic, but that's probably best saved for whatever backstory exposition Rich wants to do (or even a full book).

2012-03-10, 03:49 PM
Besides, I may be wrong since I don't own the book, but doesn't Azure City have a small percentage of half-orcs and half-elves? In a city with a large population (even by fantasy medieval standards) that's a fairly large group.

To be fair, the presence of a group says nothing about the status of that group.

2012-03-10, 04:10 PM
To be fair, the presence of a group says nothing about the status of that group.

Maybe the Half Orc population are second class citizens. Do you think they defected Azure City and join with Gobbotopia who gives right to monster race?
Azurites should have recruited the orcs or half orcs as military (Barbarians could do a number to those Hobbos).