View Full Version : Incarnum Monk Help

Elric VIII
2012-03-03, 12:35 PM
I am trying to stat out some NPCs that are Totemist/Monks.

I was wondering what Soulmelds help normal unarmed strikes (not by adding other natural attacks) and any that increase general monk-ness.

I plan to use BlinK Shirt + Sun School + Snap Kick for some fun times. Is there anything else you can suggest?

Also, is there a way to increase the nimber of chakra binds you can make at a given level by 1-2?

2012-03-03, 01:14 PM
Some argue that the Open X Chakra feats give you an extra bind which can only be used on the given chakra. Other interpretations include that they don't give any extra binds, or that they give one more general bind.

Heart of Fire bound to the totem adds fire damage to natural attacks. Unarmed Strike is a natural attack.

Wormtail Belt gives pretty decent AC. Ankheg Breastplate would be fun except it counts as light armor. Worg Pelt on feet gives +move which is kind of monk-ish. I like Rage Claws for giving Diehard+. Pegasus Cloak gives featherfall, which is like slowfall but better. Unlikely to help NPCs though.

2012-03-03, 01:38 PM
Dread Carapace: Bonus damage on natural attacks.
Bind to arms: Doubles threat range of natural attacks. Basically duplicates the effects of Improved Critical (Unarmed).

Bluesteel bracer: +2 initiative. Essentia adds insight bonus to damage

Crystal Helm: Bonuis on saves vs charm. Essentia adds Deflection bonus to AC.
Bind to Crown chakra to make your attacks Force effects.

Sphinx Claws: Bind to Hands chakra for Pounce

Lucky Dice. Luck bonus to various things. Essentia increases duration, which causes them to stack. Luck bonuses explicitly stack with themselves.
Bind to Hands chakra to share bonus with allies. So five monks with Lucky Dice each with Lucky Dice bound to Hand chakra gives you an effective +5 luck bonus to attack and damage. Then if they have essentia invested, next round they have +10, since the +5 persists from the previous round. It's really good for mook-boosting.

Mantle of Flame. Hit me, eat fire damage.

Thunderstep Boots. Charge gains bonus sonic damage. Handy when paired with Sphinx Claws, but probably not useful to ghetto-shadowpouncing since it doesn't involve charging.

Totem Avatar. Bonus hit points is never a bad thing. Essentia to natural armor bonus is good as well.
Bind to Shoulders chakra to increase effective size category of natural weapons by one.

Worg Pelt. Bonus on Hide and Move Silently checks.
Bind to Hands to make free trip when you hit with a bite
Bind to Totem to gain a bite.

Therefore, some useful combos might be:

Totem Avatar bound to Shoulders
Blink Shirt bound to Totem
Use the Dual Bind feat to bind Worg Pelt to Totem, then class feature from Totemist to bind to hands as well.
Blow a feat for Crystal Helm and bind to Crown
Blow a feat for Lucky Dice, bind to hands, and essentia-dump into it for stacking bonuses.

2012-03-03, 03:45 PM
Mauling Gauntlets are a very good soulmeld, if you have the feat to spare to grab it off the Soulborn list. Basic effect gives you a 2 + 2E bonus to trip checks, and the Hands bind grants you the same bonus on your unarmed strike damage.

2012-03-03, 07:44 PM
I mean you can use unarmed strikes and natural weapons in the same round (google rules of the game unarmed strikes). Heck you can TWF two weapons, flurry of blows, bite in the same full round attack action. Though I doubt anything would hit.

Elric VIII
2012-03-03, 08:24 PM
Some argue that the Open X Chakra feats give you an extra bind which can only be used on the given chakra. Other interpretations include that they don't give any extra binds, or that they give one more general bind.

Well, I suppose I can choose to interpret it that way, since it adds to the overall experiance (and I don't mind giving meldshapers a little extra power, anyway).



Thank you for the suggestions, I will look them over ASAP. It's a shame the the soulmelds don't have better crossrefencing/organization.

I mean you can use unarmed strikes and natural weapons in the same round (google rules of the game unarmed strikes). Heck you can TWF two weapons, flurry of blows, bite in the same full round attack action. Though I doubt anything would hit.

I was aware of that, but this is mostly a flavor thing. I don't want the monks to be biting and scratching. Especially because the soulmelds are visible; often, meldshapers end up looking really goofy with all those apendages everywhere. Thank you for the help, however.

2012-03-04, 01:15 AM
Well, I suppose I can choose to interpret it that way, since it adds to the overall experiance (and I don't mind giving meldshapers a little extra power, anyway).

Its the less obvious but more RAI interpretation, imho. Easy way to check for the RAI of the feat is to ask yourself two questions:

1.Does it give non-meldshapers(who are allowed to take it!) the ability to bind chakras?

2.Is it supposed to work differently for meldshapers over non-meldshapers?

2012-03-04, 02:06 AM
I like Rage Claws for giving Diehard

I support using Rage Claws if you can invest one extra point of Essentia so you can live forever :smallsmile:

Remember reading that trick on a thread here... Can't remember where... Thought it was pretty kick ass :smallbiggrin:

2012-03-04, 09:35 AM
I support using Rage Claws if you can invest one extra point of Essentia so you can live forever :smallsmile:

Remember reading that trick on a thread here... Can't remember where... Thought it was pretty kick ass :smallbiggrin:

I'm not sure how they let you live forever. Possibly some shenanigans with Dead taking you to -10, and rageclaws letting you live past -10, but being Dead should shut down your class features, soulmelds, etc. They are amusing in the rare instance when something says it puts you at -10, but I can't think of any examples offhand.

2012-03-04, 12:23 PM
I mean you can use unarmed strikes and natural weapons in the same round (google rules of the game unarmed strikes). Heck you can TWF two weapons, flurry of blows, bite in the same full round attack action. Though I doubt anything would hit.
Is there a cheaper way than Shou Disciple 5 to get bites as a monk weapon?

2012-03-04, 01:16 PM
Is there a cheaper way than Shou Disciple 5 to get bites as a monk weapon?

Unorthodox Flurry would do it. Natural Attacks are considered light weapons, so it should work fine.

2012-03-04, 01:49 PM
Luck bonuses explicitly stack with themselves.

Where do the rules state this? The Rules Compendium does not, but being wrong here would open up quite a few interesting options.

for OP:
* Girallon Arms unbound give a nice bonus to grapple checks if they selected that bonus feat
* Totem Avatar bound to the Shoulders chakra gives Improved Grapple even if they did not select that bonus feat. Bound to the Feet chakra it gives a massive bonus to resist a bull rush, grapple, overrun, or trip attack. Bound to the Heart chakra it gives DR/magic.
* Shedu Crown unbound gives a bonus vs. mind-affecting. Bound to the Crown chakra it gives telepathy quite a bit earlier than the Monk ability to communicate with anyone. Bound to the Heart chakra it gives Ethereal Jaunt.
* Phase Cloak bound to the Shoulders chakra lets you go ethereal whenever you move.
* Wormtail Belt bound to the Waist chakra gives you Awesome Blow usable on creatures up to your size. Very kung fu fighting even though the PHB Monk gets nothing along this line.
* Basilisk Mask bound to the Brow chakra gives Blind Fight.
* Blink Shirt bound to the Heart chakra gives Blink as the spell.
* Displacer Mantle bound to the Shoulders chakra gives Blur as the spell.
* Dragon Mantle (DrM 82) gives energy resistance and a Fort bump unbound, fast healing on the Heart chakra, DR/magic on the Shoulders chakra, and mighty leaping (like Superman before he could fly) on the Totem chakra. Requires dragon blood.
* Great Raptor Mask bound to the Totem chakra gives Evasion. Useless if your NPCs already have two levels of monk, though.

The current Zinc Saucier challenge is to replicate the Monk with no Monk levels. I started to build a Totemist for the thread, but it ended up too messy to submit; check when the builds are released in a few days to see if someone else managed it.

I have a sortable html table of soulmelds if anyone wants to PM me an email address (or suggest an easier way to share).

2012-03-04, 05:30 PM
Where do the rules state this? The Rules Compendium does not, but being wrong here would open up quite a few interesting options.

Luck bonuses don't stack:


2012-03-04, 08:47 PM
I support using Rage Claws if you can invest one extra point of Essentia so you can live forever :smallsmile:

Remember reading that trick on a thread here... Can't remember where... Thought it was pretty kick ass :smallbiggrin:

Rage claws are very bad because they create a bypass for being immune to death by damage, not the reverse. It's one of the biggest traps in the game.

2012-03-04, 09:08 PM
The Following things made me think of Asura's Wrath:

* Girallon Arms unbound give a nice bonus to grapple checks if they selected that bonus feat
* Totem Avatar bound to the Shoulders chakra gives Improved Grapple even if they did not select that bonus feat. Bound to the Feet chakra it gives a massive bonus to resist a bull rush, grapple, overrun, or trip attack. Bound to the Heart chakra it gives DR/magic.
* Wormtail Belt bound to the Waist chakra gives you Awesome Blow usable on creatures up to your size. Very kung fu fighting even though the PHB Monk gets nothing along this line.
* Dragon Mantle (DrM 82) gives energy resistance and a Fort bump unbound, fast healing on the Heart chakra, DR/magic on the Shoulders chakra, and mighty leaping (like Superman before he could fly) on the Totem chakra. Requires dragon blood.

That is all.

I'm not sure how they let you live forever. Possibly some shenanigans with Dead taking you to -10, and rageclaws letting you live past -10, but being Dead should shut down your class features, soulmelds, etc. They are amusing in the rare instance when something says it puts you at -10, but I can't think of any examples offhand.

Rage claws are very bad because they create a bypass for being immune to death by damage, not the reverse. It's one of the biggest traps in the game.

Ah lame...thought it was cleaver :smallfrown: Oh well!

Hiro Protagonest
2012-03-04, 09:13 PM
The Following things made me think of Asura's Wrath:

That is all.

Occasionally, bind Girallon Arms to totem.

But that still leaves you two arms behind. Maybe it would be easier to build Yasha.

Refluffed Pegasus Wings or Airstep Sandals also gives you the big jump effect.

2012-03-04, 09:21 PM
Occasionally, bind Girallon Arms to totem.

But that still leaves you two arms behind. Maybe it would be easier to build Yasha.

Refluffed Pegasus Wings or Airstep Sandals also gives you the big jump effect.

Arms of Plenty or Girallon's Blessing can solve that. Alternatively, be a Diopsid or Thri-Kreen or something somewhat more obscure for players, like an Arrow Demon or a Xill.

Hiro Protagonest
2012-03-04, 09:29 PM
Arms of Plenty or Girallon's Blessing can solve that. Alternatively, be a Diopsid or Thri-Kreen or something somewhat more obscure for players, like an Arrow Demon or a Xill.

There's also the fact that Girallon Arms to totem doesn't actually grant you arms, but refluff the claws as punches and you're good.

But if you have a base of four arms, that doesn't work either. So using the spell and the bind (or both spells together, if they stack) is the best way. If both spells stack and they're both from the same spell list, one of the monk gish PrCs (they have "fist: in the name) could work, dip some totemist levels and get some feats for the melds.

2012-03-04, 10:39 PM
There's also the fact that Girallon Arms to totem doesn't actually grant you arms, but refluff the claws as punches and you're good.

But if you have a base of four arms, that doesn't work either. So using the spell and the bind (or both spells together, if they stack) is the best way. If both spells stack and they're both from the same spell list, one of the monk gish PrCs (they have "fist: in the name) could work, dip some totemist levels and get some feats for the melds.

As far as I'm aware, Arms of Plenty and Girallon's Blessing stack. The only issue is Arms of Plenty is basically a worse Girallon's Blessing, since it has a much shorter duration and just gets you an extra set of arms without changing any of them into claws, yet is the same level. It's kinda there for novelty value, I suppose.

The PrC you're looking for is Enlightened Fist, I'm assuming, though you'll want to throw some Carmadine Monk on that to make it not totally MAD. The Open Chakra line is probably viable for getting some neat toys.

Hiro Protagonest
2012-03-04, 10:46 PM
As far as I'm aware, Arms of Plenty and Girallon's Blessing stack. The only issue is Arms of Plenty is basically a worse Girallon's Blessing, since it has a much shorter duration and just gets you an extra set of arms without changing any of them into claws, yet is the same level. It's kinda there for novelty value, I suppose.

The PrC you're looking for is Enlightened Fist, I'm assuming, though you'll want to throw some Carmadine Monk on that to make it not totally MAD. The Open Chakra line is probably viable for getting some neat toys.

Does Girallon's Blessing stack with itself?

But now we're trying to build Asura. Who doesn't really make sense as a really smart guy. Or an insightful guy. Maybe make it sorcerer and take the feat (I think it's Ascetic Mage) that lets you use charisma instead of wisdom.

2012-03-05, 12:07 AM
Does Girallon's Blessing stack with itself?

But now we're trying to build Asura. Who doesn't really make sense as a really smart guy. Or an insightful guy. Maybe make it sorcerer and take the feat (I think it's Ascetic Mage) that lets you use charisma instead of wisdom.

Hmm... Asura would be a Monk Arcane/Divine-Incarnum Theurge Gish... type thing...

Hmm... gave me a new project for the week :smallredface:

EDIT: I realized this is impossible :smallannoyed: Maybe a simple Monk Gish will suffice :smallconfused:

2012-03-05, 10:23 AM
Does Girallon's Blessing stack with itself?

No, all I was saying was comparing Arms of Plenty to it. They stack just fine, since they're different spells. You generally can't stack the same buff or debuff on a target unless it's explicitly designed that way (like several spells in Complete Mage), as they otherwise just overlap effects.

2012-03-05, 12:15 PM
I understand that they're NPCs, but Totemist/Monk is a cruddy combination. A plain Totemist can basically replicate every Monk ability, but better. The only advantage that the Monk offers is less book keeping.

Elric VIII
2012-03-05, 01:33 PM
I understand that they're NPCs, but Totemist/Monk is a cruddy combination. A plain Totemist can basically replicate every Monk ability, but better. The only advantage that the Monk offers is less book keeping.

Well, it would only be a 1-level dip of Monk for FoB, so that I can use Sun School. This NPC will most likely be Totemist 9/Monk 1. I'm thinking Kalashtar + Hidden Power: Dimension Hop for Swift- and Move-action teleports.

2012-03-05, 01:42 PM
Well, it would only be a 1-level dip of Monk for FoB, so that I can use Sun School. This NPC will most likely be Totemist 9/Monk 1. I'm thinking Kalashtar + Hidden Power: Dimension Hop for Swift- and Move-action teleports.

You can do this without psionics - just give the teleporting ones Blink Shirts. You can even have their Totem Chakra still be available for binds with the Double Chakra feat.

Elric VIII
2012-03-05, 01:54 PM
You can do this without psionics - just give the teleporting ones Blink Shirts. You can even have their Totem Chakra still be available for binds with the Double Chakra feat.

Right, but Blink Shirt on the Totem is a move-action teleport. Dimension Hop gives me a swift action as well. Plus, Blink Shirt's DDoor mechanic prevents any subsequent actions, so having a secondary teleport will allow the monk to Dimension Hop in to attack, standard attack (for a total of 4 attacks, with Snap Kick), and use Blink Shirt to move away.

So far the plan is Totemist 8/Monk Martial Monk 1/Totemist +1. With the feats Hidden Power, Shape Soulmeld (Bluesteel Bracers), Bonus Essentia, Snap Kick (from martial Monk), and Sun School.

2012-03-05, 02:11 PM
Right, but Blink Shirt on the Totem is a move-action teleport. Dimension Hop gives me a swift action as well. Plus, Blink Shirt's DDoor mechanic prevents any subsequent actions, so having a secondary teleport will allow the monk to Dimension Hop in to attack, standard attack (for a total of 4 attacks, with Snap Kick), and use Blink Shirt to move away.

So far the plan is Totemist 8/Monk Martial Monk 1/Totemist +1. With the feats Hidden Power, Shape Soulmeld (Bluesteel Bracers), Bonus Essentia, Snap Kick (from martial Monk), and Sun School.

Is there a reason you are married to Monk and not Unarmed Swordsage? It's... strictly superior. Also, have you ever heard of Shadowpouncing?

Plus... Wormtail belt bound is a TRAP. Look at the DC again... it's based on the essentia invested in it, rather than on the damage like the feat does. Never ever do this.

Dread Carapace to Shoulders nets you Improved Natural Attack (effectively) for all of your natural attacks. Like your fists of fury.

If you want to combo with Psionic... combo with Expansion. Large sized critters attacking with unarmed attacks that are treated as Huge...

Elric VIII
2012-03-05, 02:38 PM
Is there a reason you are married to Monk and not Unarmed Swordsage? It's... strictly superior. Also, have you ever heard of Shadowpouncing?

Because Flurry of Blows is a prerequisite to the Sun School feat. Shadowpouncing is great, but I have to design the encounter to not (unfortunate typo)kill the party. In order to meet the prereqs for Teflammer Shadowlord and get shadowpounce I need ECL 13-ish. Plus there's the fact that it requires the Spring Attack tree. Then Crinti Shadow Marauder has a bunch of useless stuff if I'm not mounted.

Plus... Wormtail belt bound is a TRAP. Look at the DC again... it's based on the essentia invested in it, rather than on the damage like the feat does. Never ever do this.

Dread Carapace to Shoulders nets you Improved Natural Attack (effectively) for all of your natural attacks. Like your fists of fury.

At level 9 I have 2 Chakra Binds, these will be Blink Shirt to the Totem and Totem Avatar (not Dread Carapace) to the Shoulers.

If you want to combo with Psionic... combo with Expansion. Large sized critters attacking with unarmed attacks that are treated as Huge...

I just want the psionics for a 1PP secondary teleport that allows me to get the most out of my actions.