View Full Version : Picture of the Astral Plane

2012-03-03, 07:20 PM
Does anyone have a picture of the Astral Plane? I just need a picture to show someone what it looks like.

Thanks in advance.

2012-03-04, 04:59 AM

It's really just equivalent to the night's sky? It's a big empty black space with starry spots visible. It's pretty much just space.

2012-03-04, 05:19 AM
If only it were that simple. If I remember correctly from the Dungeon Master's Guide, it's actually silvery-white with those weird colour pools that function as portals.

My apologies for not managing to find anything,
I briefly considered getting out a silver pencil and just colouring in a piece of blank paper, but our scanner is broken.

Edit: Oh, and there's also haze and clouds.
However, still no pictures.

Edit2: After being inspired by the weather earlier, I was struck by inspiration.
These are the closest I could find:
These are, of course, much cloudier than the Astral Plane is usually.
And nowhere near silver enough.

2012-03-13, 05:03 PM
I think the Giant's depiction is the most accurate I've ever seen.

The DMG says its an endless silvery clear sky, with random tube-shaped clouds and spinning splotches of color. With this picture. (http://www.wizards.com/dnd/images/Astral_Plane_72.jpg)

That brings to mind pictures of space where they use radio-vision so you can see the gas clouds and the different colors of stars, except silver instead of black.

Personally, I can't help but imagine the gaps inside of storm clouds.

2012-03-30, 06:45 AM
ya, the picture is pretty much just space.
but it's still mesmerizing.. thanks for posting ;)