View Full Version : Hello there

A kLoKwErK kAoS
2012-03-04, 06:23 AM
I'm an RPG vet of 20 years and PBP for going on 5.

I know tons of systems, train DMs and people in PBP techniques and have been on a bunch of sites.

I have a very large project I would like to run and am perusing this site as a prospective option.

I would run it on my current PBP home, but their smaller population makes me have doubts as to whether they can support it properly as it's a massive beast of a game. I have run a previous incarnation of this before and it was wildly successful with about 50 players and a dozen GMs, and now I've ramped up the production value and beefed up the platform in the hopes of seeing the project reach it's intended potential.

I'm wondering aloud if there are private tags, fieldset tags, tooltip tags, a cheat proof dice roller, character sheets that can be set to GM only edit mode and what other bells and whistles are hiding under the hood.

If those things exist and more I'd be excited to look into this site further.

Any response on this would be helpful, thanks :)

2012-03-04, 08:49 AM
No, but we get along just fine.

We do have:
Spoiler tags
Forum-based dice roller
a strong faith in the honor system

2012-03-04, 08:56 AM
Welcome to the Playground.

Anyway, in response to your question, you'd have to ask the people over the relevant sub-forums. They'd be able to answer your questions much more effectively.