View Full Version : Stories of the Planes IC

2012-03-04, 02:58 PM
You are all in Sigil, the City of Doors. Most of the time, the planar gates, or Doors, are stable. You can leave Sigil through them, but not all Doors can always be accessed from the other side. However, recently, some creatures have entered Sigil, going on rampages that are stopped by either the Sons of Mercy, or the Dabus. However, the intrusions are growing worse. Arwyl Swan, the leader of the Sons of Mercy, has put out a call for seasoned adventurers to investigate these planar disturbances. You have responded to this call, and are waiting outside his quarters,where he will give you a detailed report on what as happened.

Give a quick overview of what your character has been doing in Sigil, why they are there for the job, and interact a bit.

2012-03-04, 05:37 PM

Nix walked through the never-ending streets she hadn't seen in a while in a body she hadn't seen in a while. After arriving to Sigil, she had headed straight to the Faceless Papers to contact the poor lad that was going to be Don Raigo for the next few months. Getting Don Raigo out of her head was going to take a while, so she even had skipped checking the job board. For now she was going to be just Nix.

While aimlessly wandering around Sigil was great fun and all, she felt she was wasting valuable Nix time. In the past 8 months, Don Raigo hadn't left the tavern he ran his operations from and Nix needed some action. The fliers put up by Sons of Mercy seemed like a perfect opportunity to get some.

Waiting outside Arwyl Swan's quarters, Nix sits down next to a wall. She tries her best not to notice all the escape routes or the weapons in the room, something Don Raigo had to do every single time he entered a new room. She forces herself to stop going through the mental list before she gets to the "Best Places to Hide a Body In" -part. "So, what's happening in this town? I've heard something about monsters."

2012-03-04, 09:05 PM
The life of a Paladin is never an easy one. Especially a disgraced Paladin on the run from his home. Eltain, however, has managed to do quite well for himself in spite of the awkward circumstances of his past. Fighting with various groups, everything from Kobolds to the undead to demons and devils and beholders have felt the might of Corellon through Eltain's blade and spellwork.

But ever he's moved on, called onward by Corellon's voice whispering into his heart. And thus he had come to Sigil some months past, leaving the material plane and his most recent friends for the mysterious City of Doors. In truth, Eltain wasn't particularly fond of the city. He found it rather drab and dirty and ugly, though he had to admit it was certainly exciting. And the planes...! He'd briefly visited a few during his time, and found himself enchanted by the variety and beauty of the multiverse. Still, he'd mostly kept to Sigil so far, working at the Corellite temple as a guard and running missions for them from time to time.

He'd been sitting in an inn talking to a bard who, while lacking in intelligence, certainly had a way with words and some rather entertaining stories when he'd heard about the Sons of Mercy's call for help. He'd already done a fair bit of running into the monsters plaguing the city, and had already been interested in helping, so he'd come right away.

He looks around, running a hand through his metallic platinum hair as he notices the changeling also in the room with him. He walks over to her and extends a hand in greeting.

"Nice to meet you! I'm Eltain. Ahh, been away for a while? Don't worry, I'll help you catch up. Recently there's been some trouble with portals and monsters getting into the city. Fought a few of them myself. Glad someone's making a focused effort against it." He gives her a friendly smile.

2012-03-04, 10:51 PM

It was his third day in Sigil and Althous woke up to a strange man with a hammer softly tapping on the greenwood wall in his room. The man glanced at Althous, his eyes flickering over him as Althous got out of bed and went back to tapping on the wall.

"Uh...hello?" Althous said, standing by his bed with one hand on his staff. "Who are you...no, why are you doing that?"

The man ignored him and continued tapping on the wall. Althous took his staff in both hands started moving towards him when the innkeeper rushed into the room. "No, don't bother him!" The fey said in a fierce whisper, his butterfly wings twitching in agitation. "Are you barmy? He works for her, you'll get us all killed!"

Althous relaxed his grip on his staff, confusion on his face. "You sodding berk." The innkeeper said, grabbing Althous by the arm and dragging him out of his room. He ran one hand through his silver hair and shook his head. "Look, I know you're cagestruck but here's the chant. Don't mess with those that look like that." He says nodding towards the dabus who has moved on to another wall in the room. "As a matter of fact this room's just been hired, put on reservation."

Althous narrowed his eyes at the fey. "But I'm paid for through the following week."

The fey nodded and reached into his coin pouch, took out a few silver and slammed it onto Althous palm. "There, refund in full. Now get out."

The previous two days had not been much better.

Since arriving in Sigil he hadn't had any luck in following Farin's trail. The only clue he had was that Farin had hired out with some blue skinned merchant and had left the same day he arrived. No one knew where the blue merchant had gone, but Althous had found out that the Mercane went everywhere. Maybe it'd be better to wait here for one of them to show up. After leaving the inn Althous saw the notice and thought it might be smart to get on the good side of the law in this strange place before he did something really dumb.

After a few hours of what he thinks were intentionally wrong directions, Althous finds the headquarters and finds himself waiting with a few other people, apparently here for the same reason. Though in this place, better not assume anything...

"Hello, I'm Althous." He says. "I think I could use some catching up as well. This is my third day in Sigil, and..." He pauses, a confused look on his face. "Well...how do you tell apart these invading monsters from...everybody else?" Dressed in his simple work clothes and heavy leather apron, various tools hang from his belt. He carries a worn quarterstaff and has some kind of intricate face painting around the corners of his eyes, swirls done in blue paint.

2012-03-05, 07:10 PM
Wagneri - Knight


The ancient-looking Dwarf pounded his staff on a crate three times and called out to the heavily-armoured Eladrin again.

"WAG-NER-I!! Get your nose out of those books! You're supposed to be guarding my things, not going through them for your own amusement!"

Startled, the Eladrin dropped the leather-bound tome in which he had been so absorbed. Codex and Communion: Meditations from The Temple of the Mind (Volume 4) fell towards the worn stone floor but then froze in mid-air, caught by an unseen force. Wagneri's hand pulled up as if controlling a puppet's strings, and the book settled back into an open chest riding atop a large floating platform.

"If there's a dent in the cover, it's coming out of your pay. Now get back on the job; these books need to be in Sover Brann's library in The Lady's Ward in FOUR HOURS, and I'm not about to explain why half of them "disappeared" along the way!"

With a sigh, Wagneri closed the chest and picked up his staff from the stack of warded crates beside it on the disc. Bareus, seated comfortably on a cushion atop the pile of boxes, muttered something under his breath about "wannabe wizards" before starting the platform moving down the street again. Wagneri followed closely, scanning the crowd for anyone looking a little too closely at their cargo. "What I wouldn't give for just a day with those books," he thinks (not for the first time), "instead they'll just collect dust in some bureaucrat's collection..."

After making their delivery later that night (with only one minor altercation involving some strangely mutated Pixies along the way), Wagneri and his employer enjoyed a drink together. The Dwarf, looking even older than his already impressive years, handed Wagneri a pouch of coins, a book ("Volume Five!" Bareus said with a wink, "He'll never notice."), and finally a folded up piece of parchment with Arwyl Swan's seal.

"That's the last job I've got for ya boy, you're going to have to find somewhere new to stay. I'm off to see the slopes of Snowbeard with my own eyes while I've still got some fire in me. Time moves fast in the Cage..." Bareus' voice trailed off as he stared into his cup for a long, uncomfortable pause. Reaching out to tap the parchment, he continued, "The Sons are looking for warriors who aren't afraid to do a little portal jumping. You impress Swan, and you'll have no trouble finding all the work you need in the future. Just remember to keep your head up."

The next day, Wagneri finds himself with all his worldly possessions carried in his pack once again. Standing outside Arwyl Swan's quarters, Wagneri leans against a wall, one hand holding his oversized quarterstaff against his plate-armoured shoulder, the other holding up the tome his former employer gifted to him. As usual, Wagneri is too deeply focused on his reading to realize that someone was trying to speak to him.

"Oh. *ahem* Sorry." Hand on his chest, he bows slightly in introduction, "Wagneri Azazel, Knight-Guardian of Iliyanbruen, Honoured Ally of the Sword Guard of Astrazalian." Noticing a fellow Eladrin decorated in symbols of his own favoured God (Corellon), Wagneri relaxes a little. Closing the book and folding away his Reading Spectacles (http://www.wizards.com/dndinsider/compendium/item.aspx?id=2119), he adds, "I'm afraid I haven't been keeping up on recent events... but now that you mention it there has been a sharp increase in requests for security lately, particularly around the Lower Ward."

2012-03-06, 10:50 AM
After half of the group has already introduced themselves, Nix realizes she never did so herself. "Oh, I don't think I introduced myself there. The name's Nix, for now." She says smiling.

2012-03-06, 11:11 AM
"Iliyanbruen? I've been there, actually. Studied some of their techniques during my visit. I'm Eltain, a paladin and mage in the service of Corellon Larethian, our creator and protector, and a sworn champion of the fey people in his name. It's great to meet another servant of our people." He grins happily and you notice that despite his beard he seems little more than a child.

Dacia Brabant
2012-03-06, 11:18 AM
Mai-Sal Stormchaser, Genasi Wizard

Just a few days ago she had been traipsing along a riverside path headed down to the southwestern coast of Tarsus on the trail of an unual weather pattern she took (as usual) to be portentious. And it was: after falling into a whirlpool that had been opened up under her path by sudden flooding, Mai-Sal found herself flushed through an underwater portal that emptied into ornate baths occupied by all manner of outsiders, most of whom should've been at each others' throats instead of lounging around.

Avoiding embarrassment, the Stormsoul Genasi quickly learned that her portal accident had taken her to a place the locals called "the Cage," a strange extraplanar city that seemed to her to be a receptacle for everything and everyone the planes had cast out. Ever the consummate traveler, of course she found this fascinating and set out to chat up the locals, but finding most to be quite rude she instead tried just listening to life in the city instead. What she heard distinctly through the constant noise was a refrain of portals opening randomly and dumping creatures in here, in the same manner she had been, but often much more hostile than her (but just as deadly.)

Interested in finding the cause of the instability--and very interested in the chance to see other worlds--she found her way to the quarters of this Arwyl Swan to take the job offered by these Sons of Mercy. Unsurprisingly others had already arrived ahead of her. She's dressed in leathers that appear to match her crystalline amethyst skin in both hue and texture, but the quartz-topped staff and the sealed book chained to her side reveal her to be a spellcaster.

just offers a simple "Hello," to the other travelers, and leans on her staff, waiting and listening patiently.

2012-03-06, 02:03 PM
Airmer Sunshadow

Airmer enters the dusty, cramped, and dust covered junk shop hoping for good news from his contact. Inching through the piles of accumulated rubbish he weaves his way back to the counter, where he finds the tiefling eagerly counting several large stacks of coin.

"Feel free to browse, I'll be with you shortly.”,the tiefling says with a dismissive wave of his hand."

Making his way over to the counter he slams a fist onto the surface causing the neatly stacked currency to scatter. The tiefling looks up angrily with venom in his eyes and a wicked scowl. Upon taking in the Eladrin his countenance immediately becomes friendly.

Lowering the hood of his cloak he locks his gaze onto the tiefling. "Sorry to bother you Akamenos, I hope I'm not interrupting any important business?", he says with false sincerity.

"No, not at all. What can I do for you today?", Akamenos replies while trying to maintain his composure but is failing miserably.

"Well I just happened to be in the neighborhood and stopped in to see if you had any news for me?", he inquires while adjusting his headband.

The shady merchant shakes his horny head, "Sorry but this Naivara character you’re looking for has been like a ghost." The tiefling leans back on his stool, lightly stroking his chin with his index finger. "I have eyes all over the City of Doors and not one them has laid eyes on your lady, I'm afraid."

Airmer angrily leans across the counter until he is at the tiefling's eye level before roughly grabbing him and pulling him across the table.

"I've paid you a large sum of "jink" as you call it to enlist your services. You claimed you could find anyone in Sigil so I wonder why you've been incapable of finding one eladrin!?"

Akamenos fruitlessly tries to break free from the eladrin's grasp, to no avail. "My people are doing their best, what more do you want from me!?"

"I want results! Every day that woman walks freely is another my family must spend in exile from our home."

"I understand."

"No, you couldn't possibly understand being unable to exonerate your family and end the shame they must endure!", Airmer hisses as he hurls the information broker back toward his his stool.

Akamenos just barely manages to grip a hand on the counter to keep himself from falling off his seat. Taking a moment to steady his breathing he tries to calm the furious eladrin.

"IF this woman is in Sigil, I assure you my employees will find her. Although I'm beginning to wonder if this individual is still here."

"What do you mean?"

"My associates have had tough assignments in the past but none where they've been unable to at least get eyes on someone for this long a period."

"If she had returned to Astrazalian I would know."

"Isn't there the slightest possibility that this person has gone somewhere other than your eladrin city?"

"Not likely, although it is a possibility."

"Well all I can tell you is that my people will continue looking for her."

Airmer gives the tiefling a look of contempt; he then turns on his heels and gingerly begins to make his way out of the shop. He stops upon noticing a large stack of musty tomes stacked very haphazardly.

Akamenos perks up when he sees that the books have gotten the eladrin's attention. "Looking to make a purch-", are the tiefling's only words before Airmer sends the volume of texts to the floor in a rare display of anger. The eladrin then storms from the shop, and back out onto the busy Sigil streets.

He wanders the streets for hours wondering if his quest for truth is just a waste of time. Airmer eventually finds himself outside the bar where Illenia preforms. Unfortunately she is not around to lend her ear or bolster his spirits with song. Somewhat discouraged he heads to the inn where he'd been residing for the last few months in order to plan his next move.

While nibbling on a piece of journeybread he sits on his bed busily fusing over his spellbook, pondering his conundrum from a different perspective.

That tiefling has clearly oversold his abilities and his aid alone is getting me nowhere fast. Perhaps I should branch out and enlist the aid of another organization to improve my chances. The eladrin frowns after he checks his coin pouch. With this meager amount of coin I more than likely won't be able to hire anyone. It looks like I'll have to hire out my services to get more coin or work in exchange for the assistance I need. Hmmm...now that I think about it weren't The Sons of Mercy looking for veteran adventurers to investigate some kind of planar disturbance. I think a visit to their headquarters is in order. Stifling a yawn he plans out his actions for the next day. I'll need to hire a tout as I have no idea where the Sons of Mercy are even located in this city. I will listen to their offer and If their terms are reasonable I may just aid them in their ridiculous quest. Though I shall be far more receptive should they be amenable to assisting me deal with this quandary I currently face.

With a course of action planned out he clambers up onto the dresser in the room to trance.

The next morning he departs quite early in search of a tout that will escort him to the Sons of Mercy compound for a reasonable amount of jink. This proves difficult but eventually he finds a rather reasonable halfling named Gerrard that would be willing to escort him for a nominal fee. It takes more than an hour to reach his intended destination, much to the eladrin's chagrin.
He thanks Gerrard for his service and heads inside, looking for the quarters of Arwyl Swan.

Airmer finds the hallway to Arwyl's quarters already crowded with other interested parties for the job being offered. He becomes physically ill when he notices Corellon's symbol adorning the armor on two of the travelers. Taking a moment to gather himself he tries to make a bit of smalltalk.

"Greetings, I assume everyone is here for the job the Sons are offering?", he asks before finding a spot along the wall to lean on.

2012-03-08, 08:36 AM
"Indeed I am. I wonder what could be keeping him?"

2012-03-08, 10:39 AM
Airmer Sunshadow

The eladrin rests a hand against the wall and begins to tap it impatiently. "I too am curious about the delay. As from what I heard they're desperate to get someone to investigate Sigil's portal problem." He snorts indignantly, "I suppose this problem isn't exactly a priority if they have time to keep us waiting like this."

He tries to change the subject matter after his comment, to keep himself from losing his temper. "So...by the looks of it at least two of you are followers of Corellon. I am curious what brings the two of you to such a strange place as The Cage?", he says placing a lot of emphasis on the word strange.

2012-03-08, 12:27 PM
Wagneri - KnightWagneri lets out a quick nasal laugh. "Time is a flexible concept at best around here."

Self-consciously tapping the symbol of Corellon on his chest, Wagneri sounds almost defensive. "Oh, Corellon, yes, um, well, he is the god of magic, and, uh, Eladrin I guess, and... well, I guess when you spend as much time jumping in and out of existence as I do (kind of my specialty actually), it's probably a good idea to, you know, show some respect and... uh... yeah." Wagneri's voice trails off as his eyes dart nervously between the other people waiting there, particularly the obviously proud and devout Paladin.

2012-03-08, 05:09 PM
A tall man walks into the room, dressed in fairly simple clothes, ones that could easily be removed to put on armor. He carries himself proudly, but there is something about his eyes that make you feel like he is greatly burden by much responsibility. He looks around the room at you, and and speaks. "I'm glad you all came. As you know, there have been portals opening in other worlds, and sending creatures from other planes into Sigil. Most, if not all the time, the creatures are enraged and attack at random. I have a list here of all the disturbances in the last week." He hand whoever is closest the list. "The Sons of Mercy cannot keep up against these. We need someone, you, to enter one of the affected planes and try to figure out what is going on. Any questions?"

The list:
Incidents marked in red are ones that the Dabus responded to.

A pair of Light Wraiths
A pair of Medusas
10 Savage Humans, wearing nothing but loincloths and dressed in war paint
5 Banshees
A Salt Elemental
Several Yuan-Ti, along with 3 Cultists

2012-03-08, 05:47 PM
Wagneri - KnightWagneri's brow creases in thought and he mumbles to himself, "Banshees, Medusas, Yuan-Ti... not likely to be working together, even under a larger power. At least not knowingly..."

Raising his head to their host, Wagneri asks, "Any reports about the portals themselves? Colours, shapes, maybe even a glimpse of the other side?"

2012-03-08, 07:11 PM
Airmer Sunshadow

It's about time. Airmer thinks to himself as he strides into Swan's office.

"The more important question is are we the first people you've contracted to investigate these portals? If so what will we receive for assuming all the risks in this endeavor?

2012-03-09, 02:53 AM
Nix peeks over Wagneri's shoulder to see the list herself. "You left out the savages in loincloth! I say we head there first." she laughs with a wide grin on her face. It doesn't take long for her to add "I mean, they will be the easiest to interrogate."

2012-03-09, 03:00 PM
Airmer Sunshadow

"Appearance isn't everything, they could be quite deadly should we underestimate them. It's also quite possible that their madmen who won't be able to tell us anything useful."

2012-03-09, 03:41 PM
"I don't have any reports about the portals. The only time any Sons were near the portals when they opened was when the banshees came through, and the were killed by the wails. You will be rewarded for this work, as much as the Sons can afford."

2012-03-09, 04:12 PM

Corellon...that's one of the elf gods, I think. Althous nods to Swan as he comes in and glances at the list. "If we could talk to them, that'd be a good starting point." He says, agreeing with Nix. He turns to Airmer. "You mentioned the elf god...maybe there's a deity involved with this. They often have strange titles and powers in the stories, like harvests or fertility. Maybe there is a god of portals? Could we talk to his or her priests?"

Untrained Religion...whoo. :smallsmile:

2012-03-09, 05:29 PM
Airmer Sunshadow

"In addition to whatever reward you bestow upon us would your organization be willing to keep an eye out for an individual I've been looking for here in the city?" The eladrin clears his throat several times during his statement, clearly uncomfortable speaking about personal affairs in front of strangers.

2012-03-10, 08:01 PM
"Don't be absurd, Corellon wouldn't be behind something like this," Eltain says dismissively. "God of portals... Um, I heard a story about one of those from a bard, but the story was that the Lady of Pain killed him, and I've never heard of one otherwise..." He frowns.

"Salt elementals? Whoever heard of such things? It's almost intriguing. Hmm... Perhaps some of the dabus who responded to those two incidents saw something?" He pauses. "And yes, of course I'm willing to help. These incidents need to be stopped. It's too dangerous. Innocent lives are at stake here."

Dacia Brabant
2012-03-10, 08:35 PM
Mai-Sal Stormchaser, Genasi Mage

Mai-Sal had been quietly listening to the discussion over the portals and trying to connect anything that was said to her own experience of falling into this city seemingly at random. She also put her mind to recalling anything relevant about a "god of portals" she may've picked up. But since the others were asking their questions, she had one of her own.

"I'll accept whatever's offered for the job--travel is its own reward, that's my belief, and the chance to see other world is, well it's the chance of a lifetime!" here her calm, innocuous demeanor changed to become almost giddy, but she quickly changed and became more introspective. "I am curious about one thing, sir. I came here a couple days ago through a portal randomly, but I didn't detect a way back home. Can you offer us any assurances we'll be able to return here from...wherever it is we go?"

Arcana check about the portal she came through: [roll0]
Religion check about the god of portals: [roll1]

2012-03-12, 08:56 AM
Airmer Sunshadow

The eladrin seems surprised at the Gensai's question. "You know, I never thought about that. Being trapped on an alternate plane without a means of return would be most unfortunate."

He lowers his head and begins pacing the room, obviously deep in thought.

2012-03-12, 05:53 PM
Wagneri - Knight"There are always means of getting from one place, or plane, to another. Perhaps we could arrange to be granted the use of a permanent teleportation circle to use as a local anchor, and maybe a Planar Portal (http://www.wizards.com/dndinsider/compendium/ritual.aspx?id=14) scroll to ensure our safe return in case of emergency?"

Wagneri's acceptance of the job is as obvious as it was immediate. He is clearly excited about the idea of travel to distant planes, though probably not taking the threat as seriously as their host would like. As with most things, his interest is more academic than practical.

2012-03-13, 03:29 PM
"I'm sure we'll be fine. Corellon will watch over and protect us." He ponders. "Now, where shall we start? The sooner we start looking into this, the sooner we can figure it out and make this city... Relatively safe again."

2012-03-13, 05:35 PM
Airmer Sunshadow

"Hold your horses, paladin. I would like an answer to my question before we depart."

2012-03-13, 09:14 PM
"...Actually, it's a mule, but." He shrugs and utters a quick prayer to his god, upon which a rather magnificent-looking dark brown mule with a white blaze on his forehead shaped like an eight-pointed star appears from seemingly nowhere, stamping a hoof and butting his nose against the Paladin's head. Eltain grins and cheerfully takes hold of the mule's reins as he climbs up into the saddle. "I can hold Frank for you, sure."

Dacia Brabant
2012-03-13, 10:07 PM
Mai-Sal Stormchaser, Genasi Mage

Mai-Sal, who was about to thank the Eladrin knight for the Planar Portal suggestion, instead gives the Corellite paladin a wide-eyed look before erupting into thunderous laughter.

"AH-Hahahahaha!" When she finally gets hold of herself she grins at him and adds, "A paladin *gasp* with a sense of *gasp* humor. I'll cross that one off the list. *snerk*"

2012-03-14, 02:35 AM

Rather impressed by the paladin's antics, Nix gives a small applause. She then turns to the Eladrin and says smiling "It seems like you'd rather arrange your business in private. How about the rest of us go hunt for this Plane scroll and meet you back here. The price of the damned thing is steep of course, we'd need to take your share of it up front."

2012-03-14, 03:13 PM
Airmer Sunshadow

The eladrin tries to hide a smile but is unsuccessful, letting out a long hearty chuckle at the paladin and his mule.

"That's a good one!", he laughs.

He then turns his attention to the female. "No, that won't be necessary. Once my query is answered I'll be ready to go."

2012-03-15, 04:37 AM

"Very well." Nix says, waiting for Arwyl to answer.

Nix has a feeling the scroll they're after is far beyond their budget, so she starts going through the list of fences in Sigil in her mind.

Streetwise 1d20+5 to know a good second hand scroll dealer.

(Apparently I have no idea how to roll on these forums, despite my best efforts.)

2012-03-16, 11:51 AM
"I'm afraid I don't know anything about a God of portals, so I can't help you there. I don't know of any way you could talk to the Dabus, they left after the threat was dealt with. As for getting back, I have a Planar Portal scroll for you." He turns to Airmer."If you can figure out what's happening, I'd be glad to have my men look out for this individual during their patrols."

2012-03-16, 01:13 PM
Airmer Sunshadow


The eladrin produces his writing case and quickly jots down a description of Naivara which he promptly hands to Arwyl.

"I hope your men are able to find her, Swan."

Airmer then turns to the other adventurers. "I apologize for the delay.", he says with a slight bow. "Since we have the Planar Portal scroll already, what's our next destination?"

2012-03-16, 02:18 PM
Wagneri - KnightWagneri's eyes widen with anticipation over having the chance to view, and maybe use, a Planar Portal ritual scroll. After a pause, he collects himself and asks Swan, "Where was the most recent incident? That would be a good a spot as any to begin our investigation. Unless, of course, you already have an idea of where we should start?"

2012-03-16, 02:33 PM
"My wizards have figured out where each plane the incursions have come from, and where the doors for them are. We haven't gone through them yet, so you'll be going in blind."

2012-03-18, 02:37 AM
"Sounds exciting. Do you have a list for us?"

2012-03-18, 10:26 AM

Backing away at the sudden appearance of the horse, Althous smiles and relaxes. "The scroll will be useful, thank you." He says to Arwyl. These people seem very eager to go through some random portals into certain danger. Are all planeswalkers like this?

2012-03-19, 11:54 PM
Airmer Sunshadow

Airmer gives a quick look to the other travelers. "So shall we be off?"

2012-03-20, 12:40 AM
"Indeed, let's get that list and go. The sooner we start, the sooner we can get to the bottom of this and stop this trouble for the glory of Corellon."

2012-03-25, 04:37 PM
"The list I gave you is a list of all the planes we have traced. I can get one of of my wizards to show you to the doors when yiu're ready."

2012-03-26, 01:47 PM
Airmer Sunshadow

Airmer taps his foot impatiently. "I believe we would all like to get underway, though which plane we visit has yet to be decided."

2012-03-29, 05:41 PM
"I say we investigate the men in loincloths or the yuan-ti first. They seem easiest to deal with, and also it seems more likely that we'll be able to communicate and ask questions. As varied as that list is I doubt they're behind it, but they might have seen something and be able to tell us." He shrugs and nods to Airmer.

"As to your earlier question as to what I'm doing here, I'm here to learn, and to spread beauty. Corellon is the god of arcane magic, of course, and there is much strange and interesting magic here I've seen in the last six months. There always seems to be something new to learn here," he smiles. "And he is also the god of spring and beauty. There are no seasons here, but spring's renewal can still be brought, and while I find the city generally ugly, that just means that there is all the more need to bring beauty to it through good deeds and kindness." He grins sheepishly.

"Anyway, I don't have much of a preference as to which of those two we visit first, but I do think one or the other should be the first on the list."

2012-03-29, 11:46 PM
Airmer Sunshadow

Airmer tenses up at Eltain's mention of Corellon and has to fight the urge to vigorously grind his teeth. As the young eladrin speaks, Airmer rolls his eyes several times, quietly scoffing at his sermon.

There is no beauty in my father's good name being tarnished or my family being exiled to the Prime. Our house was cast down, where is the beauty in that!? The worst part is that when I finally get a lead I am still no closer to finding the culprit and bringing them to justice.

Airmer begins shaking violently barely able to contain the rage boiling up inside of him. He takes several deep breaths which settle the anger coursing throughout his being.

"Well if our moral compass is finished preaching about Corellon let us go deal with these savages humans. Although I am wary that they will not be as easily dealt with as some of you have claimed."

With that Airmer lifts the hood of his cloak onto his head and gracefully strides toward the door.

2012-03-30, 11:32 AM
Wagneri - KnightWagneri nods in agreement with Eltain. "Yes, and hopefully there will still be some sign of who or what activated the portal that sent their people through. If they were as agitated as you say when they came through, we may even find some allies on the other side."

The rest of Eltain's comments about Corellon and spring and beauty and the rest didn't register with Wagneri. To the Knight, magic was a tool; a subject to be studied not worshipped.

Seeing the rest of the group getting ready to leave, Wagneri turns back to their host, "I think we're ready to take a look at that portal now, the one where the humans came through, if your Wizard could show us the way."

2012-03-30, 01:57 PM

"Yuan-ti are snake people, right?" Althous asks as he follows the others. "We've got no snake people of our own to negotiate with them, but I might be able to talk with the savages, human to human."

Dacia Brabant
2012-03-30, 03:01 PM
Mai-Sal Stormchaser, Genasi Mage

Mai-Sal listened to the others with a mixture of amusement and interest, attentive even to the paladin's impromptu "sermon" about his god's portfolio. Not particularly religious herself (though still praying to Ioun for guidance when stumped by the occasional factoid), she still finds it interesting to hear how others approach their understanding of the world.

So she gave Airmer a bemused look, but said nothing, instead putting her mind to the task at hand of choosing a portal.

"Yes, yuan-ti are the snake people. As for the humans, recall that the Sons of Mercy's report states they were in war paint, so while not monstrous they may still be quite hostile. Still, they do seem the least alien of the bunch," she replies, then her face lights up a bit.

"Ah, it strikes me that I haven't introduced myself. Since we'll be working together--cooperatively I hope--that'd probably be a good idea. I'm Mai-Sal Stormchaser, and by my name if not my markings you may know that I'm a Stormsoul. So if things get, shall we say, unfriendly with the natives, I'm likely to throw some thunder and lightning around. Don't worry though, I'll be careful," she ends with a smile.