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Sneaky Weasel
2012-03-05, 11:18 PM
There are those who have power unimaginable, that are above even the gods. They work in silence, weaving secrets through the multiverse. The Incarnations of Immortality, to whom mortals are but brief specks in an unrelenting void. They are the forces that shape the universe, and their wars are the wars that end worlds. They are you. And you sense a change in the air.
In the ever-changing whirl of the multiverse, something unusual is happening. It begins as a prickle on the back of your neck, a feeling of unease. It swells into a sudden sense of bravado, as if death itself had no meaning for you. This feeling, this odd sensation, is felt by everyone, everywhere. It is the herald of a change, a change that may mean an ending, a beginning, or something else entirely. Regardless of the implications, the first thing to be noticed is that the dead are coming back.
Because of how old the Material Plane is, you can hardly find a square foot that has never had something die upon it. Everywhere, in every nook and cranny in the myriad planes, there is the reek of death. And from everywhere, rising from the earth, come the endless dead.
Those corpses that have not yet crumbled into dust rise up intact, zombies and skeletons ripping their way out of the earth like unearthly plants growing from some far away field. Those that have long since become part of the soil rise as ghosts, specters, and similar creatures, flying up on diaphanous wings. Not just the humans, but animals, beasts of all descriptions from hounds that give off mournful undead howls, to the corpses of once mighty dragons, to the spirits of dragonflies, their ghostly buzzing filling the air.
The hordes of undeath rip their way from the earth, and they don't stop coming. More and more, choking the cities, the countryside, washing ashore from the depths of the seas. Panic sets in, the living running from the dead, with nowhere to go but into more of their ranks. But strangely enough, the corpses seem to have no interest in attacking. They mill about aimlessly, as if awaiting orders. They are packed so thickly that it is hard to move through them, but those that try are accosted by nothing other than the smell of rot. The biggest concern seems to be not how to get rid of them, but to find out what they are doing there in the first place.

Ivory Marrow:
King Teresias is in his throne room when the dead start rising from all around him. Because of the marble floors of his palace, it is only ghosts and similar incorporeal undead that appear, including the spirit of the late king. He appears more defined and less transparent then the older spirits, though he shows no recognition of anyone there, simply staring into empty space. The guards of the throne room flee with cries of terror as ghosts wearing the same armor as them appear directly beneath their feet. Some of the specters fly through the walls and ceiling, while other seem content to remain in the room, including the previous king.

The rest of you could be anywhere, but the effect is much the same. If you are on a different plane, you experience the strange feeling, but no undead appear.

2012-03-06, 01:57 AM
Korug and Pellow twirled in surprise as the dead rose again.
"I thought I already killed these humans once. Is that not enough?" he growled. "Mankind is dead, you useless souls! I refuse to have a victory so quickly taken from me. I will kill you a second time as easily as the first! Anon, you can kill the king again."
He drew his chain and breathed a massive cloud of black smoke, although in truth the smoke itself was not dangerous. It was the acid inside the smoke that was.
Pellow stood at attention, back-to-back with his new master. He held his fists up, not particularly frightened by the prospect of being unable to hit ghosts with unarmed attacks.

Alrighty. Gonna throw in a surprise round breath weapon attack before rolling initiative. It's a shame sneak attack doesn't work against the undead.

Breath weapon damage (DC 37 half):
Initiative (Korug):
Initiative (Pellow):

2012-03-06, 05:49 AM
"No thanks, I'm cool. I much prefer to sit in this Throne."
An exact copy of Teresias simply waves his hand, banishing the former king from the Throne and quickly sits in the vacated seat.
"They aren't attacking and seem to have no comprehension of us so I doubt they are going to steal your kingdom."

The Incarnated king flicks his wrist and a pool of blood on the throne is blown away.

Sneaky Weasel
2012-03-06, 05:56 PM
Ivory Marrow:
Korug's breath weapon rolls out over the ghosts, momentarily obscuring them. When it lifts, you see that a few of them have simply disappeared, but the majority are unaffected. They flutter around, evidently disturbed by the attack, but show no hostility as of yet.
You won Initiative.

2012-03-06, 06:45 PM
"Suit yourself, Anon. More for me."
Korug smiled. His spiked chain, specially enchanted against incoporeals, would cut through the spirits like butter. He let out a bellow and twirled it viciously, moving against many enemies at once.

It's full attack time. 6 attacks from Korug alone, that ignore incorporeality due to the Ghost Touch property. I am attacking the ghosts farthest from me, but still within a 65-foot reach.
In addition, supposing that they aren't slain by the blows, every enemy struck must make a DC 45 REF save or be thrown back 30 feet and knocked prone. Critical hits (19-20) are automatically confirmed, and when Korug critically strikes an enemy, they must make a FORT save (DC 45) or die instantly. If they succeed, they still take 8d6+23+2d6+any extra situational damage x 3. So... attack time.

Attack rolls (Korug):
Damage rolls (Korug):

After Korug had finished, Pellow took action swiftly. He twirled on his heel to attack nearby enemies, despite his personal skepticism that they were even actually enemies. He hoped to punch them, rather than through them. He was not so lucky as to have enchanted anti-ghost fists, unfortunately.

And Pellow full-attacks closer enemies, each with a -5 Power Attack penalty (+10 damage bonus). You may roll miss chance; I will roll attack.
In addition, if they don't die, I automatically bull rush them as a free action if I hit them. This bull rush has a +10 bonus to my check. If the target is pushed back more than 15 feet by said bull rush, not only do they recieve the full force of one of Korug's AoO's for every 5 feet they travel, they also must make a DC 28 REF save or be knocked prone.

Attack rolls (Pellow):
Damage rolls (Pellow):

2012-03-06, 07:05 PM
The whole world seemed to shutter for a moment as something terrible happened. All around the ground split open as the endless dead poured forth. Their rotting stench, their clawing hands, driving the living away as the very ground continue to give way to their abominations. Men cried out for help, praying for a savior against the (completely peaceful) Undead masses. Only the wisest were able to hold their heads and wonder why they had come, what their purpose was.

At this particular point in time, Anduilas was doing what he always do. Partying. The floorboards of his favorite tavern were literally being torn up as the endless dead poured forth. Most of the patrons were too drunk to even notice, until the rotting stench has gotten to them.

Taking his weapons, Anduilas yelled a war cry, rallying his friends around him. "To me my friends! Let us repel the Undead Hordes! They must be a revenge from the Lich King!"

It is normally extremely funny to see Anduilas fight, especially when you realize that he has no idea what he is doing. It is even better when he's too drunk to even stand.

For the next 3 hours, the biggest bar fight on the west side of the continent erupted. For 3 long hours Anduilas "held back" the Undead "menace", mainly by tripping and stumbling in the piles of bones and dislocating them. Bards will long sing of the day where even the Undeath Legions could not challenge the famous Anduilas.

But eventually his fans pulled him back from the fray. On one hand, he really was getting too drunk to continue; he had twice given the Undead his weapons and "dared" them to hit him. On the other, they had to regroup for the Undead were pouring out of...everywhere and there was no place left to go!

After a couple of days of rest, Anduilas finally woke up sober in his own bedroom. Rubbing his face, he groaned. Walking up to his balcony, he opened his windows.

A waft of undead odor hit him square in the face, making him double over as he vomited. Steadying himself, he looked out onto the masses of Undead crammed against his house.

"Wow," he said as he scratched his chin. "Guess I wasn't hallucinating..."

2012-03-06, 11:49 PM
The Incarnation sighed.
"Have you tried diplomacy? Wait, nevermind. Orc."
Anon stood, struck a heroic pose and cried "I'm going ghost!". Two rings formed and split, transforming into an exact replica of the spirit of Teresias and grabbing the nearest spirit

"Yo, why are you a ghost now, can you understand me and what are the chances of a good ice cream sundae in this stupid city?"

Yes his colour of voice will change when he transforms.

Sneaky Weasel
2012-03-07, 12:45 AM
Ivory Marrow:
Korug sweeps his chain through the undead ranks, scattering them like ninepins. At least five that you see are torn to tatters by the attack, bits of ectoplasm floating away and slowly vanishing. Pellow's blows shatters only two of them, his other attacks foiled by their ghostly nature. The remaining specters start slowly drifting away from the assault, only to be cut down by Korug's chain. Soon the room is almost empty, save a few that have simply remained motionless throughout. The king, too, is still there, and for the first time he turns a baleful gaze on Korug.
-you dare kill my people- His voice is barely audible. -face justice-
He drifts forward, drawing a ghostly sword and slashing at the ogre. His sword passes through Korug's armor, sending chill shivers through him as it strikes home.
Attack: [roll0] touch.
Damage: [roll1] Constitution and Strength Drain, Fortitude save DC 26 negates.
As all this is happening, the 'King' grabs a ghost, apparently a courtier, and questions it. It stares blankly at him, it's eyes looking right through his face.
-so warm here- -why so warm-

Anduilas's bedroom:
As you lean out the window, you here a voice from directly behind you.
"No, indeed you were not. And despite what you might think, I am not a hallucination either. My master has sent me here because he requires your assistance." The voice has a hoarse, croaking quality. You hear a fluttering sound, and the direction the voice is coming from moves to your left.
"Am I correct in thinking that you are Anduilas Felaund?"

2012-03-07, 01:19 AM
"It's because you are alive again. Kind of.
Something made you all return and I don't know what. And you still haven't answered my ice-cream sundae question. Priorities here."

2012-03-07, 01:42 AM
"He's actually an ogre. Orcs are much smaller," Pellow mentioned.
The attempted drain of Korug's strength and endurance was casually thrown off. He smiled wickedly.
"Oh, you pathetic disgrace of a king. I'm afraid your question will have to go unanswered, Anon," he said.
With a mighty roar, he brought his weapon to bear against the King alone.

Full-attack against the King. He's undead when I think about it, so the on-critical FORT-or-die is irrelevant. The extra damage is not.

Attack rolls (Korug):
Damage rolls (Korug):

2012-03-07, 02:14 AM
OOC: I'm talking to a random courtier, not the king. I'm assuming the form of the King and am Incorporeal

"Same thing. They were both Oks way back when. Only one got bigger and dumber than the other.
The ghostly king shimmered into a different form for a moment and an old-fashioned chinese table with intricate china appeared. Anon took a cup full of piping hot tea and offered it to the fighting Warrior.

Sneaky Weasel
2012-03-07, 02:15 AM
Ivory Marrow:
The spirit struggles in Anon's grasp. -don't know- -what you mean- It's face remains steadfastly blank.

Korug becomes a blur of chains, each attack unerringly hitting the late King. When he pauses for a moment, there is nothing left but a few dissipating wisps. The other ghosts watch impassively.

2012-03-07, 11:40 AM
Korug stopped whirling his chain. He glared at the few remaining ghosts in the room.
"Well? You're next. Run!" he bellowed furiously.


2012-03-07, 02:25 PM
On the great eastern desert, the dunes shook as the dead rose in their multitudes. In their rising, they uncover a crouched figure buried underneath one of the dunes. Irked by the commotion around him, the Incarnation of Dreams, Viserys Ruel, rises from his introspection to survey the scene around him.

"It seems that the Herallachian Wars were but a drop in your thirsty maw. There seems to be far more here than just the workings of a simple necromancer. Are the two gods up to something?"

He rises while sand trickles down his form. Turning in a slow circle to take stock of the undead surrounding him, he sees that they are numerous. In an eyeblink, he floats five hundred feet in the air and sees that their numbers go on and on and on. Taking what appears to be a deep breath, Viserys addresses them in a variety of languages. Over and over in Abyssal, Common, Draconic, Undercommon, Infernal, and Celestial, he speaks the same message.

"What business has brought you forth back into the land of the living? State the reason for your return or you will forcefully proceed to a better plane of existence."

And now we have the promise of something positive used as an intimidation tactic. :smallbiggrin:

2012-03-07, 02:48 PM
"Where did you come from?" Anduilas said as he whirled around. He held his head high. "Of course I am! The one and only! The slayer of dragons! The conqueror of Undead! Who else can I be?"

Turning back to the window, he glanced out. "What your master needs help with this? I hardly think it'll be a problem. I can handle it myself!"

Silently he cursed himself. How was he going to handle this?

Sneaky Weasel
2012-03-07, 06:27 PM
Ivory Marrow:
The last remaining ghosts start to slowly drift away, disappearing through the walls.
Are you taking your AoO against them? If so, you pretty much just destroy all of them that remain.

Eastern Desert:
The undead mill around below you, a few floating up to nearly your level. You repeat your question in several different languages, no effect. When you speak Infernal, however, there is a definite response. The undead convulse, and start moving away from you rapidly. Soon a large space is cleared on the ground below you. Aside from this they offer nothing in response.

Anduilas's Bedroom:
As you turn around, you see that the speaker is a large, sleek looking raven, perched on one of the bedposts. It looks sideways at you as you question it. After a polite pause, it speaks.
"It is not the risen dead that concern my master. They are but a byproduct of a greater calamity. But forgive my manners, for I have the advantage of you. My name is Hugin, Thought in your tongue. There are many things stirring, Anduilas, things that should have been long forgotten. The dead are the least of your worries." It raises one talon and claws absently at the air.

2012-03-07, 10:18 PM
Korug allowed the last of the ghosts to escape. He wrapped the chain around his arm, neatly carrying the 140-pound spiked ball in his hand.
"Much better," he said happily. Pellow rolled his eyes.
"Great job, Korug. You are truly a master of strategy," he said. Sarcasm dripped from his voice. He observed the room. "Well, if your plans are to develop a kingdom spanning across the planes, you will need a base of operations. This city is as good a place as any. I will send letters to your followers immediately, calling them to gather here."
"Already proving useful," Korug said, pleased. Pellow walked off to find enough stationary to contact the scattered followers of the Incarnation. "In the meantime, we should probably tidy this place up a bit. We made quite the mess when wiping out the humans. Do you want to launch the first volley of bodies out of the catapults, or should I?"

2012-03-07, 10:26 PM
"Why use catapults?"
Anon gestured at each corpse and they went flying out the window

OOC: Using Hand of Wind repeatedly to throw the corpses.

2012-03-07, 10:39 PM
"Why, because the catapults are fun, of course. That, and I don't use... magic," Korug explained gleefully, though he winced at the last word like it was poison to him. That was saying something, considering he was immune to poison.
He began to wander around the city, clearing up the bodies and launching them from the catapults while Anon helped clean up with his own form of catapulting. It took a few hours to completely clear out the city, but that was mostly due to the fact that Korug intentionally threw out smaller and smaller loads to be able to launch the catapult more times.
By the time he came back, Pellow had about 800 short letters written. They all said exactly the same thing.

"Korug calls his army. Assemble immediately at Ivory Marrow."

"I should hope you have plans for how to deliver these. I have heard that you have no patron deity to bless you with spells," Pellow said.
"Oh. Um, yes, I, uh..." Korug stammered for a moment. "Anon! Please send these to gather my followers!"

2012-03-07, 11:20 PM
"You're wish is my command master." Anon giggled as she became a busty Genie in a traditional harem costume.
With a poof all the letters disappeared in a cloud of pink smoke... and the throneroom became a princess' bedroom, filled with pink and housing a vast 4-poster bed.

"please, make yourselves at home. I have an.. errand to run."

Somewhere in the Planes

A man cloaked head to toe in black appeared in front of Hades himself.
"Care to explain your lack of security? The Material is covered in Zombies and Ghosts and I blame you.
You are the supposed Ruler of Death and yet you allowed the greatest escape in the history of Time! Even when Kligor fell less prisoners escaped for gods sake! Zane did a better job when on the run from your ancestors and you don't have any F***ing distractions to worry about! We had a deal and you've broken it.
So explain yourself or this Plane will die 4, no 5 millenia before it's time."
The pissed off Incarnation waved his hand and summoned a throne of skulls.

Sneaky Weasel
2012-03-07, 11:30 PM
The Underworld:
The man in black's speech faltered as he realized that Hades was not in his throne room in the Underworld. Nor was Hel, Hades' wife and the joint ruler of the dead. There was no trace to be found of either of them. Their servants, too, were gone, as was every last soul awaiting judgement. Looking out over the Styx, you see the Ferryman's boat rocking slowly on the water, empty and about to capsize. In fact, the whole of the Underworld was empty, silent, and motionless.

2012-03-08, 12:49 AM
Andulias looked at the....bird for a good long moment. "Um...okay? Do you plan on actually telling me anything or do you want to keep playing the 'mysterious talking bird' act? C'mon show me your true form!"

Anduilas honestly had no idea what the Hugin was talking about. But he had to stall for time. If the Dead were rising again, something was obviously wrong with the cosmos and the balance. Something...was off. Licking his lips, he looked out again.

This Incarnation stuff was serious business.

2012-03-08, 12:54 AM
"Well thatexplains it.
I knew killing Death was a bad idea."

Sneaky Weasel
2012-03-08, 01:20 AM
The raven gives you an affronted look. "Actually, for your information, this is my 'true form'. I'm surprised you haven't heard of me. Me and my brother, Munin, are the eyes of the Allfather." It ruffles up it's feathers proudly. "My master requests your presence, in secrecy. Deeds most dire are afoot, and he wishes you to aid him in certain rather circumspect matters. I would tell you more, but who knows what could be watching."
It shifts from one foot to the other, looking around nervously.

2012-03-08, 01:41 AM
Speaking once more in Infernal, Viserys tries to gain more information from the various undead. He ignores the invitation to land.

"If the promise of a better existence does not sway you, perhaps an afterlife worse that what the Nine Hells and the Abyss has to offer would be more suitable?"

He pauses for a moment to let that sink in to their death-addled brains before continuing. "Tell me everything you know. Are the twin pyschopomps, Hades and Hela, the reason for your inglorious second half-life? Keep in mind that even your most wonderful dreams can turn into your worst nightmares and that fiction and reality are but one and the same."

OOC:Intimidate: [roll0]

Sneaky Weasel
2012-03-08, 02:11 AM
The dead falter, and turn towards you, raising their limbs in a pleading gesture. Even the dead have nightmares. They call out to you in a myriad of whispers.
-mother, father- -they spurned us- -they left us-
-nowhere to go- -trapped here--spare us- -the whirlwind-
-they were taken-
-so warm-
-we cant go back-

-the burning man is rising-

2012-03-08, 02:35 AM
"So it was related to the psychopomps... What is this whirlwind you speak of? And you say both Hades and Hela have been taken?"

-we can't go back-

"So the underworld is empty, and all of you are stranded back here in the mortal coil."

After a moment's consideration, Viserys once again addresses the gathered undead in the same languages as before. "Be heartened to hear that Dream is not without compassion."

Slowly setting down to the clearing below him, he continues. "Al you weary dead, line up in front of me in single file according to your size with the largest at the back. Come and tell me where how you wish to spend the remainder of your eternal days and I will provide."

Taking the form of the being known in a variety of tongues as the Starchild, Viserys prepares for the task at hand. "Fear not my current form for it is but the tool to send you on your journeys."

OOC:I'll be using the Cosmic Horror's Dreamscape feature to send them into their very own personalized demiplanes that reside within me where they can spend the rest of their afterlife.

2012-03-08, 06:54 AM
Adding a Diplomacy check if it helps. [roll0]

2012-03-08, 07:24 AM
"I can just tell this will end up in a giant adventure spanning countless Planes.

Anon transforms into a blonde Elf in what can only be called a cheerleaders uniform before blurring out of the throneroom.

Korug's Bedroom :smallwink:

A slightly blurred blonde appears in the room, quickly clarifying.
"The Underworld is empty, atleast two Gods are missing and I'm not to blame.
Welcome to your first Incarnate Crisis.
I did explain to you that you were an incarnate right? I've forgotten *giggle*"

A wise old man replaced the giggling girl.
"I'll be Discerning the Locations of some other Incarnations in a less-pink room.
Whyever did you decide to decorate it like this Korug? Expecting a dashing prince to "rescue" you from this tower? Perhaps spending the night here first to make sure you are physcially unharmed everywherebefore leaving?"

He left, a smirk on his face.

OOC: Casting Discern Location on any party members I've met (which is all unless you have an objection)
@DM: Since the Incarnations can sense powerful beings, can we sense any new major players that arrived in the last thosand years or so? Excluding other Incarnated party members of course.

2012-03-08, 11:16 AM
"Anon, I have every right to-" Korug's enraged response was cut off by Anon's disappearance. Pellow snickered beside him.
"Well done, shapeshifter, well done..." Pellow said quietly. "I mean, I doubt he'd actually be able to see any other Incarnations. You're all incredibly powerful. I expect you're the only one unprotected from scrying. Why, are you even protected from being dominated? That would seem like an important safety measure."
"Stop talking to me. I don't know anything about magic," Korug responded angrily.
"Why, if your mind were to fall into the hands of a Wizard... oh, how embarassing. No, wait, if you forgot to protect yourself from elementary effects, I'm assuming you have no-"
"I can break your nose with two fingers. Do you still want to continue talking?"
"Very well, it appears you're too embarrassed to hear the rest of my sentence I'll leave you to find a way to clean up the throne room. Personally, I'm going to ask your friend for some protection when he returns. I'll leave you to your own devices, though."
Pellow left to inspect the city's defenses and see what would need to be rebuilt. Korug fumed in the pink throne room as he finally realized that of all the creatures in the world that could be his commander, he had to get one immune to fear.

My entry into the city was rather destructive. In order to make this a solid base of operations, what will need to be rebuilt?

Sneaky Weasel
2012-03-09, 03:51 AM
The dead head your call, but they are so uncoordinated that anything resembling an orderly line is out of the question. They do their best, however, making their simple pleas for rest, to be with their families, and similar requests(it is rather hard to determine what the insects want). However many you send off, though, there are a dozen more waiting. You soon realize that to bring peace to every one of them could easily take weeks before it is completed. And that's only for the ones in your general vicinity. But they keep coming, any fear they had overwhelmed by the chance for rest.

Not only did the fighting armies cause quite a lot of destruction, Korug destroyed several major buildings with his chain. If you station yourself in the palace and ignore the outlaying regions, you can make a fairly fortified base without too much work. If you want to rebuild the city itself, it may take quite a lot longer. One of the outer palace walls has a large hole smashed in it, and from there leading to the cities edge is a swath of destroyed buildings. That's what happens when ogre smash puny humans.

2012-03-09, 07:00 AM

Beside Viserys appears an old woman, wrinkled and stooped.
"Hello again Dreamer. I see you are aiding these poor souls. Very admirable.
The Underworld is emptied completely. Hades, Hel, the Ferryman are all missing.
I haven't seen it that empty since it was born.
You realize the Gods will blame us right? Ever since Loki they have been itching for an excuse. They knew we were involved on both sides and realized how much power we hold."

As the Incarnation watches the years fade and the ears sharpen as an Elfin Beauty replaces the hag.
"I'm gathering everyone for a Council right here."
A blurred form later the Incarnate has the Planeshift/Teleport coordinates.

"You shouldn't catch all of them. You know they'll simply fade away in a couple million years, sooner for the older spirits. They are dead, what use do they have for comfort."

With a twirl and a flash of golden light, the Chaotic Incarnation was gone.


"Like me?" Came a rather creepy voice, right next to the Raven.
"What does Odin want with the Incarnation of Luck in secret? The Gods rarely put up with us as it is, less so in a crisis that could be blamed on us.
What secrets do you hold in you're birdbrain huh?"

The bird feels an overwhelming burst of mental energy blast it's way into it's mind, digging through it's thoughts and feelings from the Illithid standing beside it.

I'm using Mind probe
Bird has a DC50 Will Save or answer "What does Odin want with the Incarnation of Luck."
10 + 5 (Power level) + 28 (Cha Mod) +7 (Illithid Cha Bonus)

2012-03-09, 09:52 AM
"Stupid, destructive, senseless mule," Pellow muttered, holding his head as he walked back to Korug.
He was beginning to doubt why Korug was leading the army, when he was clearly not fit for military command of any type. He walked into the throne room, and nodded to the ogre.
"This will require some time to completely rebuild, though we can get the central palace repaired quickly. How many followers do you have, again?" he asked.
"Well over a thousand," Korug answered.
"Ah, yes, that will do nicely. Get them to work on rebuilding it, devoting every one of them to the task, and it should be done within... well, how many of them use magic?"
"Biggest spell I've ever seen from one was a lightning bolt."
"Oh, that's not good at all. Ok, we'll have to build this stuff the old-fashioned way, then. Unless they're particularly far away, you followers should be here within the next 24 hours, especially if they ride. Korug, have you thought to raid the royal treasury yet?"
"Uh, no," Korug admitted. "We just finished conquering, after all."
"I see. Well, it'll be slightly depleted due to wartime, but we can likely still find a good sum to fund the army with. You know, the basics: weapons, supplies, payment. They will likely have their own weapons, but they would be old, rusty, worthless. We need sharp blades and sharp wits to win a war against the gods."
Pellow walked further into the palace to find the treasury and check it's general value.

Now, I have no actual ranks in Appraise. However, I do have Detect Magic. I am going to estimate the value of the treasury, and then search for any magical items, any at all. If any of them give an aura strength of Strong or stronger, I will take them with me back ot the throne room.

2012-03-09, 01:53 PM
"What does Odin want with me?" Anduilas asked carefully. He knew the bird said no lies, but he was still suspicious. Apparently Incarnations and Gods didn't get along well enough, and he had already had a couple arguments with Thor and the like. Something about not actually being a "great and skilled warrior" or something. Pfft, like that actually mattered. Anduilas had proved it time and time again - you don't need skill for anything!

Suddenly an Illthid appeared into the room, trying to mentally dominate the bird. Anduilas just kind of stood there and gawked for a bit. He knew it was probably an Incarnation of some kind - after all he was attacking an agent of Odin after all. Taking a deep breath, he sighed. "I need better security here! Dear Incarnations does no one value privacy at all?"

Throwing up his arms, he merely turned around and started going into the bathroom. Might as well go and wash up.

2012-03-09, 03:32 PM
(It's a Mindflayer, not an old man)

"What's privacy?"
Remarked the Illithid casualy

Sneaky Weasel
2012-03-09, 05:52 PM
The raven flies into the air with a muffled squawk as the mind flayer probes it's mind. It's mind clouds over in a fraction of a second, but you still manage to extract a single phrase.
Mutually beneficial relationship
The raven gives you a look of pure hatred, and then it hovers in the middle of the room, about six feet up, slowly beating it's wings. It starts spinning around, becoming almost blurry. Then, in a flash of darkness, another raven joins it, locking their talons together as they revolve. Dark feathers start appearing, whirling around and making a pillar of shadow. It slowly consolidates as a tall man wearing a traveling cloak and a wide brimmed hat. One eye glitters at you from under the brim. The ravens are nowhere to be seen. The window shatters as an oaken spear with a broad leaf shaped head flies through it, to be grasped by the cloaked man. He glares at the illithid, and you sense the enormous power emanating from him.
"It is not wise to meddle in my affairs, Chaos Crawler. An attack on my eyes is an attack on me, as you well know." He glances around the room, taking in every detail. "I shall let it pass this time, as long as you go from here now. In the future, I will not be so lenient." His eye flickers as if lit by flame.

The treasury consists of around 400'000 Gold Pieces, in assorted forms of currency; precious gems consisting of mostly rubies, worth approximately 100'000; and various paintings, crowns, goblets, and similar objects worth anything from 14'000 to 200'000, in your estimate. As for magic items, there are a few minor magic items, but the only ones worth noting are a ring, obviously powerful and glowing pale blue, a wooden scepter wrapped with chains, and a mask made to look like a lion's head.

2012-03-09, 06:06 PM
"You know the treaties as well as I do Odin. This is a crisis and Mental Probing is justified in Divine/Incarnate dealings. I don't trust you puppets not to try anything to Lucky here."

A burst of Telepathy gives Anduilas the coordinates of the meeting before the Illithid shimmered out.

2012-03-09, 06:15 PM
Pellow inspected the more powerful items carefully. He was no expert with arcana, but he was certain he was more knowledgable than Korug.

I'm gonna take 10 on my Arcana and Spellcraft checks, for a total of 28 on each. I am attempting to learn the school of magic, the general effects, and, if possible, the exact spells used.

2012-03-09, 11:20 PM
Anduilas emerged from the room, using a cloth to wipe his face. Having his taken a quick shower, he was now shirtless and slightly wet. Not that most people would really mind; his body was sculpted to perfection with perfect abs and a slightly tanned skin. The water simply made his skin radiant and glow.

He winced slightly at the mental shout, but he recorded the coordinates nonetheless. He didn't like the ideas of meetings. Anduilas was a hero. He's supposed to be strong enough to handle world ending threats by himself. But of course proper etiquette was key and it wasn't wise to anger the other Incarnations already. Guessed he just had to get used to it.

Turning to Odin, he smiled. Walking over, he started putting his shirt back on. "So to what do I owe the honor of your presence, All Father?" Anduilas said. "Last time I checked, I believe that you wanted nothing to do with me?" Anduilas still smiled at the time he had visited the Gods. They had never really gotten along, even before he was an Incarnation. It was nothing really personal, although Odin had to step in before Anduilas was about to fight Thor head on. Those were fun times, he thought with a smile.

Sneaky Weasel
2012-03-10, 01:32 AM
Odin glares at the space where the Incarnation had been. As Anduilas enters the room, he sighs softly.
"This is not a safe place for talking, as your fellow Incarnation has so kindly proven for us. Come to my hall, and we can discuss this further. Come on the eleventh hour of night, as we must meet in secrecy. I realize that we have had disagreements in the past, but now is the time to put them aside.
I would advise you to go be with your kind now. It would not do to make them suspicious."
He turns, drawing his cloak around him. As he starts to fray around the edges, he speaks once more.
"Tell no one. Trust no one. I feel that a betrayal of dire proportions is on the horizon. You would be a fool to take the advice of anyone but yourself."
He explodes into a cloud of black feathers that float down to the floor, turning into ash and fading away. Aside from this, you can't determine anything more.

The ring gives off a strong aura of no particular School. The mask is strongly tied to the School of Evocation, and seems to amplify sound for the wearer. The staff gives off a very strong transmutation effect, but it seems to be one of those items only usable by spellcasters.

2012-03-10, 11:52 AM
Pellow returned to the throne room, setting the three magic items down.
"You should get this fixed when you see your friend again. It's amusing, but it will eventually impede construction," he said, pointing to Anon's decor. "Personally, I'm not going to wait for your army's arrival. I'm going to start working on the palace's primary defensive walls that you tore down. I will see you again later, unless you wish to help."
"I don't know anything about construction," Korug pointed out.
"Oh, big surprise," Pellow responded sarcastically. "I'm going to be doing all the hard work around here..."

Alright. Pellow's a fairly skilled craftsman (+31 to Craft (masonry)), so even in the short time of less than 24 hours he should be able to get a good deal of work done on the palace defenses.

2012-03-12, 08:03 PM
Anuilas laughed at Odin's words. His threats and warnings did little to faze the young Incarnation. He had already made it this far and he feared nothing. He was Anduilas! Incarnation of Luck and the Greatest Hero of all the Ages! Betrayal would mean nothing - Anduilas would just stomp it out!

Looking around him, he realized that he had to get going soon. Putting on his clothes, he looked into the mirror. Dashing! Taking his cape, he let it unfurl behind him. It waved in the wind, like a golden beam of light at his back. His trusty blades were at his sides, with their golden chains hanging around his legs.

"Time to go," he said as he put on his stylish shades. "And bring some luck to these dire struggles."

2012-03-15, 11:04 PM
Anon shimmers into the throneroom right next to Pellow in the form of the Grim Reaper.
"You know, I could probably imprint some knowledge into his head about this stuff. Though it may also leave him a gibbering wreck if I leave the link open too long.
Also we have guests coming soon, other Incarnations. I've contacted the Incarnations of Luck and Dreams and I'm sure Time atleast knows about the meeting. Then again Time matches that wizards quote that circulated a few generations back "A wizard is never too late or too early, he arrives exactly when he means too."
I wish we had that old Time. I liked him, with his flowing beard and inability to know which days of the week he was in.
Here's the old throenroom back."
Anon becomes the Genie from before and the room reverts to it's normal form, along with Anonymous as he changes back to the Grim Reaper.
"I'll be back when the meeting starts. In the mean time I'm going to go prank some people. Byebye now."
Anon shimmers back out again.

Note: When Anon Shimmers it's him Morphing into a Teleporting/Planeshifting creature, Teleporting/Planeshifting then Morphing back. This produces a shimmering effect due to the speed she can do so.

Thor's place.

"I have come for the souls of the Immortals. I am the Incarnation of Death Reborn. Did you truly think I was destroyed all those years ago? No I was gathering my power for a rebellion the likes of which the world has never seen! MWAHAHAHAHAHA! Your pathetic crisis is just the distraction I need to destroy the "Gods" once and for all!"
The Reaper's Scythe (which had literally grown out of the end of his arm) began tracing patterns in the air, ready to stab out at anyone who gets close.

If anyone gets close to me I use my Immediate Full-Action.
The Scythe is a Tentacle with 8 Large upgrades (turning it from 1D4 to 8D6) and 122 Serrated Upgrades (+122 Damage)

Iron Whirlwind

Greater Firestorm

Greater Firestorm





Fire Blast:

Water Blast:

Air Blast:

Earth Blast:

Push them back to the full extent. I don't move with them, they are blasted back.

Sneaky Weasel
2012-03-16, 03:33 AM
Thor is currently in the Hall of Valhalla, sitting at the head of a long table and drinking mead. All around him are the souls of warriors, the Einherjer. The room extends as far as you can see in all directions, and it is crammed with tables similar to this one, all occupied by Einherjer engaged in feasting, drinking, and ribaldry. The noise slowly dies as they stare at you, food falling from their fingers and cups pausing halfway to their mouths. Thor was taking a deep quaff from his tankard, and upon seeing you he spews mead across the room and roars.
"What is this? Death, come back from the grave? I shall smite you like the worm you are!" His eyes bulge comically as he draws out his mighty hammer, Mjolnir. Drawing it back, he releases it with a mighty roar. It flies throw the air unstoppably, leaving a trail of flame from the friction caused by it's speed. It slams into you despite your best efforts to avoid it, with enough power to kill any mere mortal. It returns to his hand just as fast, and he rises from the table, quaffing the rest of his mead as he does so.
Natural Twenty on his attack roll. Crit confirmation: [roll0] 98 Points of damage, 294 on a critical, plus [roll1] points of Sonic damage.

2012-03-16, 04:27 AM
Death simply smirks and turns into a little girl right before the impact.
*sniffle* "You wouldn't hurt a little girl would you?"

Changing into a Succubi, Anon laughs.
"Good to see you kept your touch. How are you Asgardians doing?
Though your reaction times might need improving. I didn't expect to actually finish that speech."

Anon blurs with speed and takes Thor's seat, grabbing a chicken wing she turns into a hulking Viking, comlpete with blonde pigtails and helmet.

"Good chicken by the way. My compliments to the chef."

Sneaky Weasel
2012-03-16, 04:56 AM
Thor breathes heavily, trying to regain his composure.
"You little fool, I could have killed you. You don't want to start a war, now do you?" He gives a bellow of laughter, his good humor returning. Clapping you heavily on the back, he grabs another seat. Seizing five or so chicken legs, he crams them into his mouth and splashes mead everywhere in his attempt to swallow them.
"Asgard rumbles on, as always. What brings you here, or did you just want to make my day more exciting?" He licks his fingers off and belches. The Einherjer take it that the drama is over and return to their feast, and once more raucous shouting fill the Hall of the Slain.

2012-03-16, 05:06 AM
"A bit of both actually. You've heard of the commotion in the Material and the disappearance of Hades and his Crazy wife right? I'm looking for clues on who might have done it. I was a bit busy being stabbed into someone by an Ogre at the time so I only noticed the influx of ghosts."
Anon soon demolishes all the food around him with his mouth-hands and cals for more.

"Mmm, nothing like Asgard Food. Even if you don't technically have to eat."

2012-03-16, 10:56 AM

Beside Viserys appears an old woman, wrinkled and stooped.
"Hello again Dreamer. I see you are aiding these poor souls. Very admirable.
The Underworld is emptied completely. Hades, Hel, the Ferryman are all missing.
I haven't seen it that empty since it was born.
You realize the Gods will blame us right? Ever since Loki they have been itching for an excuse. They knew we were involved on both sides and realized how much power we hold."

As the Incarnation watches the years fade and the ears sharpen as an Elfin Beauty replaces the hag.
"I'm gathering everyone for a Council right here."
A blurred form later the Incarnate has the Planeshift/Teleport coordinates.

"You shouldn't catch all of them. You know they'll simply fade away in a couple million years, sooner for the older spirits. They are dead, what use do they have for comfort."

With a twirl and a flash of golden light, the Chaotic Incarnation was gone.

Before Viserys could reply, Anon was gone.
"Do not think you can order me around. I will go when I am ready. I have plans for these."

A few minutes later...

Once things have been settled, Viserys begins to take a leisurely route to the meeting place. "I must take stock of the situation and of the surrounding environs before the gathering. It wouldn't do to go into anything blind."

Using Temporal Glitch to move 950' per move action. Double move per round while examining the surrounding area between the Great Desert and the meeting place.

@Sneaky: Expect a PM this Sunday.

2012-03-16, 11:51 AM
The next afternoon, Pellow was at the gates to welcome the arriving troops. When every troops had arrived, Pellow reported it to Korug.
"Good," Korug replied. "You have 6 days to get as much work done on repairing as possible."
"Yes, sir," Pellow replied, giving a brief salute.
Pellow walked out and began to spread the word, telling every able-bodied and skilled soldier to begin repairing the town's defenses and major buildings. They would particularly need extra smithies and barracks.

How much did Pellow get done before their arrival?

2012-03-16, 09:04 PM
There was a loud explosion as Anduilas burst over the fallen city. Everywhere warriors barely had to time to raise their weapons as the behemoth descended towards the throne room. He was flying at neck breaking speed, his wings and his legs carrying him much faster than one would think possible. Towering over 70 ft. tall, he was a real sight to behold.

As he (crash) landed on the palace, he managed to at least end with his knee hitting the pavement first, causing an amazing shock wave rippling through the entire city. To an outsider, he had indeed made a grand entrance.

Standing up, Anduilas gave his trademark smile but underneath it he was in agony. Gotta land better next time, he grimaced.

"So what brings me here? I know undead have been cropping up all over the place but do we have to meet? How bad is it?"

Sneaky Weasel
2012-03-16, 11:45 PM
Thor raises a hairy eyebrow. "Hel and her worthless husband gone missing? I hadn't heard about that! Where've they gone?" His speech is somewhat muffled by food, and he glares ferociously at you as he uses his beard as a napkin.

Great Desert En Route to Ivory Marrow:
As you travel, the amount of dead does not seems to abate. Since you are in the wilderness for the most part, there are more animals than humanoids, but they are packed so tightly in some places that it is hard to tell. The desert slowly gives way to brush and stunted trees, and you notice a few living animals that are trying to escape from the dead. Hares and jackals seem to be the main inhabitants of this place, and they run through the dead in a panic. It is a thoroughly depressing sight, or at least it would be for a mere human. After a while, you see the city in the distance.

Ivory Marrow:
The makeshift repairs that have already been made are rendered pointless as Anduilas crashes into the city, sending most of the work tumbling back to the ground. But at least now there is an established Hero to help you!

2012-03-17, 12:25 AM
Pellow's jaw dropped in fury as the massive figure of Anduilas burst over the city, knocking down every bit of work he had down over the night and morning. Korug stormed out of the palace, spiked chain in hand, and shouted up at the figure.
"Get down here this instant!" Korug ordered imperiously. "I gave you no authority to go knocking down my defenses!"
Pellow joined the side of Korug, his fists glowing with black energy. He was seconds from entering a state of rage. Korug casually thumped his head with a finger, almost knocking over the half-vampire.
"I suggest you listen to him, Luck," Pellow added, forcing himself to calm down. "Not someone I want to be on the bad side of, for sure."

2012-03-17, 12:59 AM
Thor's Hall

"The entire Plane is empty. Even the greedy Ferryman is gone, his boat was in the midst of capsizing when I showed up.
Every soul that was in that Plane was sent back to the place of their death as Undead. The Material is swarming with them. The Dreamer, you remember her right. The creepy one? She was swamped with them when I popped up.
I assumed you knew. Odin did, he sent one of his ravens to Luck about some agreement he wanted to form, I assumed he told you, his son, before seeking out any others for aid."

Rolling Diplomacy to plant the seed of doubt against Odin in Thor's (and everyone in hearing) mind. :smallamused:

2012-03-17, 02:03 AM
Slowly descending form the sky, Anduilas crossed his arms at the fellow below him. He vaguely knew who this person was, hearing all about his dangerous exploits and wars. He was a recent Incarnation however, so Anduilas has no real idea what he was capable of. Probably should play it safe, he thought to himself. Still, I am a hero!

"Don't worry!" his loud voice boomed. "I'm sure that could be fixed in a day's time! But since with all these dead reappearing, I had thought there would be some...urgency needed. But who needs these walls anyway? They barely stood a chance against me! And anything less than me, you wouldn't even need to worry about!"

Turning back to mess he caused, he grimaced. So it was a little serious, he thought. But it wasn't anything they couldn't fix anyway....right?

2012-03-18, 09:13 PM
"I cleared away the dead in this area already," Korug said. "Who are you, anyway?"
"He's the Incarnation of Luck," Pellow answered in Anduilas' place. "Surely you can sense his power."
"Something like that, yeah," Korug muttered. "Cut to the chase, lucky. Why are you really here? If you're expecting me to do something about this undead mess, I'll tell you right now that it's not my problem."

2012-03-19, 05:36 AM
Anon finishes his meal and rises.
"It was good catching up with you Thor. Remind me to visit sometime, take on your field one day. I'm sure some of your warriors, or perhaps you yourself, could defeat Lord Kleas, The Undefeated on the field of battle."

Anon morphs into a short lithe man with a faint stubble. he wears naught but a simple monk's cossack with a thin rope.
His image was known and feared throughout the Planes as one of the most lethal Mortals in the land. When fighting as him, Anon does not use any Morphing, relying on his extreme speed and fast-paced beatdown to carry the day.

(OOC: in game terms he is a Lesser Assimar that spends his Feature Points entirely on Limbs and uses his Improved Unarmed Strike to hit 102 times as a Full-Attack )

"But right now I must depart. A meeting of the Incarnates is about to begin.
Oh and here is your Hammer back."

Anon holds out his hand and Thor's hammer drops out, somehow.
Anyone watching the exit point feels slightly sickened and has no memory of how exactly it leaves.

Anon leaves before anyone can say anything more

*Shimmer to behind Korug*

"I called him here. Though I expected him to take a less destuctive route.
Little baby, you are obviously new so I'll explain with simple words.
עס איז געווען ניט דרינגלעך איר נאַר"

The voice comes from Korug's sheathed longsword. Which everyone remembers as having been there the entire time.

(My Bluff Auto-beats everyones. I'm not rolling, just automatically messing with your memories :smallbiggrin:)

"If you can't speak פאַרצייַטיק דימאַניקימאַניק Then I will translate. Little no-nothing kids these days. It was not urgent Fool."

NOTE: The language is Yiddish but IG it's Ancient Demonic. A language spoken by the First Demons back when the Plane of Prisons, Kilgor was still around.
Kilgor was a Gen: 1 Plane. We are now on Gen: Alot.
No-one except Anon speaks that language anymore.

Sneaky Weasel
2012-03-19, 06:14 AM
Thor nods in farewell, then bellows in rage as you produce his hammer. But you probably guessed that reaction already.
Ivory Marrow:
As you all arrive, there was suddenly someone else there. A young man dressed in fine clothing of a Victorian style, with an umbrella and a bow tie. He smiles warmly at you and then, as you all arrive, there was suddenly someone else there. A young man dressed in fine clothing of a Victorian style, with an umbrella and a bow tie. He raises his eyebrow, and then there was suddenly someone else there. A young man dressed in fine clothing of a Victorian style, with an umbrella and a bow tie. His smile fades, and he gives a perplexed look, as you all arrive and there was suddenly someone else there. A young man dresses in fine clothes of a Victorian style, with an umbrel-
"Ah, terribly sorry about that. I got a bit mixed up there, but it's all sorted now." Your vision clears, and there is only the one person there, without an umbrella but wielding a rubber duck. He stares at it in bemusement for a second.
"There was going to be a meeting here between the Incarnations, if I remember correctly. I'm not late, am I?" His grins returns, and he stares about with wonder, completely ignoring the rubble and the massive figures looming over him.

2012-03-19, 06:35 AM
A young redhead (Her (http://cdn.crushable.com/files/2011/07/ginny-weasley.jpg)) appears next to the man. The longsword remains in place.
"Time! My old friend. However have you been? Or will be? It's been an age and a second since we've met. Did you tell yourself about the meeting or do I have to go somewhere?
This is Pragmatic Loyalty and Luck, in case you haven't met them yet.
Everyone this is my old friend Time. We go way back. And way forwards. And sideways but that's another story.
I assume you know all about Hades disappearance and the Mass-Escape? Or have you been jumping forwards too much again?"

The Chaotic being then pulls the man into a warm hug and conjures a small poker table from a piece of rubble with a thought.
She is soon wearing a business suit that looks entirely out of place among the rest.

"Right. Down to business. We have 2 missing Gods, a mass escape of Hell not seen since way, way before you were all created. Even you Time. This happened back when your predecessor was around.
As you know combined relations with the Gods has been shaky and ever since that whole business with Loki it's gotten worse.
I mean, they sealed one of them off to stop me becoming a God! Those Tentacle Monsters weren't even THAT bad! I mean sure they screwed to death every female they encountered and were responsible for the death of 3 species and a type of catgirl doesn't mean I should have been barred from ever becoming a God on pain of Tentacle DeathR*** to the ones responsible."
Anon grew slowly more worked up to the point where her red hair literally caught fire.
Suddenly she extinguished, becoming a beautiful mermaid wrapped in a bubble of water.
"But I digress. We have to figure out where the missing Gods went, slaughter those responsible and return the dead to their proper place. At least for another couple million years before we have to help oversee another Prison Transfer to a new Plane."

2012-03-19, 03:41 PM
"So, missing gods, escaping dead, and tentacles," Pellow summarized. "Is that a bowtie? You are way out of your time... assuming you have a time, of course."
"How long would this chore take? I've got an army to run," Korug said. He was a bit annoyed that the meeting place had been Ivory Marrow. "Besides that, Luck broke my castle, Time is a madman, and Anon of all creatures should know how busy I am preparing for war."
"Yes, YOU'RE the one doing the hard work," Pellow said under his breath.

Sneaky Weasel
2012-03-19, 04:06 PM
Time listens, and grins. "I just came back from when this all ended, and believe me, it's pretty crazy. One thing you should know is that the gods will definitely blame this on you. None of the gods would harm one of their own pantheon, and there's someone missing from both. And there's nothing else powerful enough that they know of, so it must be an Incarnation. The question if, which? Of course, they'll just blame all of you, to be safe."
He raises an eyebrow at Pellow. "Bow ties don't need a time. Bowties are cool." Korug speaks, and Time looks at him as if he was mad. "Preparing for war? With whom? A mortal army can only fight other mortals, and your worry right now is the Gods."

2012-03-19, 07:33 PM
Anduilas sat back as more Incarnations poured in. It really wasn't fair how they kept on popping in like that! Not only was their entrance not dramatic enough, that couldn't be healthy for their bodies! Anduilas couldn't even begin to understand what Time was talking about, but it was obvious that all of these people meant serious business.

Puffing up his chest, Anduilas proudly stepped forward. "I agree! We have to get to the bottom of this before any more trouble is caused! I know Thor will definitely enjoy using this excuse to beat my face in! I mean try of course!" Anduilas hastily added as he looked around for a bit. Thor was the thunder god of course, and you never this when he would give an...unpleasant gift!

Straightening up, he continued. "Where do we start anyway?"

2012-03-19, 10:15 PM
"Pragmatic Loyalty,this is no chore. This is a crisis of epic level proportions. Meanin it falls to us to deal with it.
I'm sure you'll learn eventually, seeing as this is your first, but being an Incarnation holds responsibility. You embody a concept and are one of the most lethal beings you can find.
As Incarnations it's our job to protect the multiverse, to fuel their concepts and to beatdown the Gods themselves!
Time can you send a prior version of yourself to the Underworld and hunt for clues? What did you find?"

Anon turns to Pellow, looking every inch the military general (the poker table is replaced by an interactive map of the Planes that poofed into existence when Anon touched the air where it now resides)
"You are merely here because he wills it. May I remind you that he and the rest of us are Immortal and Incarnations. Our very presence here would leave you shaking in your boots if we weren't visibly holding back. You are nothing compared to his might, even if you are essentially his glorified secretary. His lack of knowledge, and action, will be remedied in the future.
Time and I have seen things you will never witness, will see things you can't even comprehend. And you DARE insult us by muttering about preparing for WAR! I've headed more armies than you have soliers, slaughtered more people in both hot and cold blood that should a single drop from each corpse stain my hands then this entire PLANE would be drowning in a sea of blood.
Begone back to your post Private Pelow.
And don't mutter in a Meeting of Incarnations again. Even if it is missing some."

In Pellow's head he hears "I don't have anything against you, just you commited an error that I've seen kill a thousand Mortals, muttering about Incarnations in the presence of one is NOT a good idea."

2012-03-19, 11:01 PM
Pellow snickered at Anon's insults, rolling his eyes.
"Yes, sir," he said, giving a sarcastic salute.
He walked away with a wave, finding his way down to the next-in-command in the main city below. Korug shrugged, having found nothing wrong with the way Anon or Pellow had behaved.
"I have no problems with beating down the gods. It does help me in a small way, at least," Korug said. "Fine, I'll help. If anyone wants to stay alive, I suggest you lock wrists with me."

Anyone who locks wrists with Korug will have a Principle Pact placed on them.

Sneaky Weasel
2012-03-20, 12:13 AM
Time shrugs, and locks wrists with Korug. "What did this do again? I can't really remember. Anyway, I've already searched for clues beforehand, when Hel and Hades were still there, but I haven't told you for a while yet. It's probably best to wait, all things considered. So what was your plan from there, Anon?"
The winds picks up as you talk, and it starts to rain, the first few droplets landing on your heads. From far off, you hear the rumble of thunder.
"Oh, and we might have someone else joining us soon. I've taken the liberty of inviting another major player in the coming...stuff." He looks annoyed that he can't find a better word.

2012-03-20, 02:15 AM
Pellow finds himself in the middle of the capsizing boat in the Underworld.
Next to him is a note saying "Welcome to Time Out. See you in a day."

Note: Immunity Fear doesn't mean Immunity: Common Sense. Pissing off the oldest being in the universe is not a good idea. A day to Anon is a second, probably less. I was contemplating leaving him there for a year and expecting him to leave himself but he has no way of doing so.

"Well I've found out that Thor knows nothing, but Odin does. Odin seems to want to avoid telling Thor, or perhaps the rest of the Pantheon which shows that he is probably plotting something unwholesome or against Thor's morals.
All I got from his Eye is that the deal he offered Luck here was for mutual benefit but I would still like a slightly longer interrogation.
I'm not sure about the other Gods, especially Zeus. I never trusted him, what with he and his family's dealings with the Mortals. I mean, look at what he did to Hercules!
Time, you'll either get that or will get it, you two are a bit too young.
From here we have to scope out the table. We are operating under Fog Of War conditions and I don't like that. We have two, maybe three Plane-Capable Incarnates. I can't remember if Dream is or not.
Pragmatic Loyalty I will Planeshift you to Hell with the Demon Lords. Any shifts in power or rising stars are to be named and reported to me.
Luck go scout the Chaotic Planes. Try the Elves and the nature-based beings first. They won't deal with me ever since my stint at Nature Goddess.
Time, I've found Crisis a good catchall term for when the Incarnates need to get involved. You already have your orders and your information but to prevent Paradox here it is anyway. Your job is the Inevitables and the Law-based creations. See if you can find the new Devotion, I haven't met him so I can't Divine his Location. I'm pretty sure he is on Mechanus or some other warforged-esque Plane.
I'll wait here for the other being you invited and Dream. I'll also help organize the construction of this city. Pragmatic Loyalty here wants an Empire and wants it to be able to hold back Mortal-Level threats on it's own so he can lead the charge against other place personally. Pellow would do it but he's cooling off for a day. When I'm done I'll scout out the Gods
Anon gives a military-style salute and everyone feels pressure in the sir forcing them to do the same.

2012-03-20, 09:10 AM
"Like I need your help to plane-shift," Korug scoffed, once Anon was finished. "I'll be back very soon."
He vanished in a flash of red, appearing a very long way away. He laughed as demons scampered around, before striding over and grabbing a small one by the neck.
"Impling, I would like to introduce myself. I am Korug, an Incarnation. This means that not only can I crush your neck between my two fingers, but that I need full access to every bit of knowledge you and your superiors can give me about recent developments down here. Do you understand me?"

1. Maybe not, but Pellow still isn't very intimidated by the fact that he's surrounded by beings several times stronger than he.
2. Um, I assumed you meant teleporting to the Abyss. Hell is where Devils are, the Abyss is where demons are. Also, I have the Planeswalker Epic Destiny, so Plane Shift is usable at-will for me as a spell-like ability.

Sneaky Weasel
2012-03-20, 05:06 PM
Ivory Marrow:
"Roger that! I'll be back before you know it." Time disappears in a flash of green light. Then reappears a few seconds later.
"Well hello there! Long time no see, eh? Well, some interesting developments on Mechanus. It seems the Quaruts are in a frenzy about the duos vanishment. You know, the ones that are supposed to protect the Gods? Devotion has holed up in it's fortress, apparently fearing that whatever killed it's predecessor might be coming for it now. It's managing the Inevitables from there, however, sending them in a multiplane-wide search for the missing Gods. They are certainly numerous, but they lack subtlety and imagination so I'm not sure how effective they'll be. What news from this end?" He looks around questioningly.

The Abyss:
The Imp(well, a Quasit really, if you know the differance) struggles feebly, it's eyes wide with fear. "Don't kill me! I'll bring you to the Prince! I don't know anything! Prince Graz'zt can help you, I'll bring you to him!" All around you, the other demons watch you with predatory eyes, as if trying to determine if it's worth attacking.

2012-03-20, 07:27 PM
"Good. Remember that if you even attempt to lead me into a trap, you will die," Korug said, smiling wickedly. He set the imp down, before glaring at the other demons in the area. "Nobody interferes with my business, and nobody gets hurt. If even one of you makes a hostile move, I don't want to be held responsible for the destruction of this entire plane. Now, lead the way, impling."

No, Korug cannot tell the difference. I know the difference, though, as a player. I called it an imp on purpose, because Korug doesn't know that's a type of devil.

2012-03-20, 10:47 PM
Anduilas awkwardly saluted and locked wrists with Korug before they went off to do their own things. Even Time disappeared in a flash and came back talking about something.

"But....what are your names?" Anduilas asked quizzically. It probably didn't matter to these Incarnations but Anduilas was proud of his name. He took a lot of effort to make sure it was known! Incarnation of Luck was his title - his name is what's important.

"Ahh...I'll show them later," Anduilas sighed as he turned around. Turned he paused.

"Umm so about going to this Chaos Planes thing. Mind anyone bringing me along for the ride? I love this plane too much to....plane hop and visit other planes too much!" said weakly, feeling slightly embarrassed.

2012-03-20, 11:05 PM
"I don't have a name. I did but it was lost a long time ago. I answer to pretty much anything, though Anon, Anon Mouse, Anon Yoderick Mouse or Anonymous are what I'm most usually known as.
Korug is the brute and the Incarnate of Pragmatic Loyalty.
Time is... Well Time. I never really called him much different."
An old crone explained, placing a hand on his shoulder.

Suddenly they were in the Plane of Fire, one of the more Chaotic Planes.

"Welcome to Mordor. Homeplace of... well nothing really. I just came here cause it's relaxing. Don't you think?"

Anduilias realizes he is standing on the only non-lava section and the old crone is meditating, surrounded by a ring of pure fire.

"The elves are through this Gate."
Anon waves her hand and a gate appears in front of Anduilas, leading to the homeplace of the elves.

Sneaky Weasel
2012-03-20, 11:32 PM
The demonling hops away, nervously running forward and then darting back to make sure you keep up. The other demons in the area follow at a safe distance, muttering to themselves. You are led through the bleak hellscape for several minutes, red dust billowing up with every step you take. You crest a ridge, and stretching out before you is a vast expanse, filled with demons. At the other side are six massive towers, made of glinting white ivory. They stands out like a beacon against the darkness around them, but as you approach you feel pure evil emanating from them.
The demons in the plane below the towers are taskmasters, using the dead souls that reside there for labor. The souls work vast, complicated machinery, turning cranks and wheels as the demons egg them on with whips and fire. Deep crevasses filled with molten rock are scattered about the plane, and intense heat pours out of them. Truly a scene worthy of Hell's reputation.
As you walk across the plane, the demons ignore you for the most part. The damned souls make no distinction between you and their masters, staying out of your way entirely. The taskmasters hiss at your party as it goes by, but leave it in peace. At last you arrive at the doors of the first tower. They are made of the same purest ivory as the rest of the towers, and they are carved with depictions of atrocities too horrible to dwell on. With a grinding noise, they swing open. You are expected.
The doors open on a huge room, seemingly too big for the tower to contain. In the middle is a throne of black jet, connected to a pillar that runs all the way to the ceiling. Sitting on the throne is a tall, incredibly handsome man. His skin is shiny black, and his eyes shine with a greenish glow. He is half again as tall as any normal human, and he is dressed in regal finery fir for a king. Surrounding the throne are numerous female demons, from succubi to lamias. His throne is flanked by two mariliths, women from the waist up and monstrous snakes from the waist down. They bare their teeth at you, hissing viciously. The demon Prince gestures languidly at them, and they are instantly silenced.
"Welcome to my home, Korug of the Deathchain. What brings an avatar of Betrayal to my humble abode?" His voice is smooth and sibilant, and he smiles lazily at you.

Ivory Marrow:
Time merely waits for everyone to return. He juggles oranges to keep himself amused.

The home of the Elves, if Anduilas chooses to go there:
You step through the portal, and a rush of cool air hits you, a relief after the heat of the fires. You are in a lush, wooded grove, with sunlight streaming down from a clear blue sky. All around you you hear the chirping of birds, and you see various animals of the forest looking at you in curiosity, showing no fear at your sudden appearance.
"Greetings, traveler. You are welcome here." The voice comes from a tall elf dressed in sky blue robes, who approaches you from the trees. He bows lows, and beckons you to follow him.

2012-03-20, 11:55 PM
Korug actually felt quite at home as they traversed the hellish landscape, due in part to his half-demon nature. He kept his chain wrapped around his arm as they walked towards the towers to show that he meant no harm, but was definitely armed.
He looked at the throne room as they entered with a smile. He was all too familiar with the dangers even such elegant looking females posed, and decided to stay a decent distance from them as he listened to what he assumed to be Prince Graz'zt.
"The Incarnation of Chaos told me I need to see about any disturbances in the Abyss. Power shifts, power vacuums, threats by other Lords, anything you can give me that would be of possible significance to the missing gods and the escaped dead. Who knows, maybe after that we can handle more private business regarding my own goals as an Incarnation."

2012-03-21, 01:49 PM
Anduilas had to steady himself at the rapid change in his surroundings. He was never a fan of planar travel; after all he was barely done exploring the Material Plane so why would he go anywhere else? That and it always made him feel....queasy. It wasn't anything debilitating but he tried avoiding it as much as possible.

As he stepped into the home of the Elves, Anduilas gave a sigh of relief. This plane isn't that bad after all, he thought as he looked at the serene beauty of it all. As the tall elf addressed him., Anduilas almost felt awkward with his size. Loosening his belt, he felt himself shrink back to a much more accommodating, but still intimidating, figure.

"Where are you bringing me?" Anduilas asked as he followed the elf. "I am on urgent business and there really isn't enough time left to just take a walk."

Anduilas becomes Large size, because Colossal might be too big here :smallbiggrin:

Sneaky Weasel
2012-03-21, 05:47 PM
The Abyss:
Graz'zt raises an eyebrow at you. "So you are a lackey of Chaos, doing whatever he bids? I thought better of you. But no matter. As to your queries, there is nothing here that is not already known. I'm interested in why you thought I would give you detailed information with nothing in it for me." He leans forward slightly. "Or is there something you can do for me? I can think of several things you could do that would benefit me greatly, in exchange for helping you and giving you information. An alliance between us could prove most beneficial to both sides." His expression is still the same lazy smile.

Arborea(The Elfhome):
"Time is indeed of the essence. I am bringing you before Lord Oberon, king of the elves." He does not seem perturbed by your rapid change in size. You are led through a winding path in the forest, with white lilies growing alongside it. You emerge into a clearing, the trees on all side forming a natural canopy above. There are many elves in the clearing, dressed in robes of different colours. In the center are two thrones that seems to have grown out of a living tree. Sitting in them are two elves, dressed in the same robes as the others but with a regal bearing that marks them as being rulers. King Oberon and Queen Titania, each one with a crown of silver upon their brow. Sunlight dapples the scene, and a warm breeze blows past you.
"Welcome Anduilas, Lucky One, the Chosen of Destiny. Our oracles foretold your arrival. What can we do for you in these troubled times? It is the king who speaks, his voice ringing out like a silver bell through the clearing. The other elves are doing a good job at concealing their awe at you, but it is still visible.

2012-03-21, 06:15 PM
"I find it equally funny that you think that I am a lackey of Chaos," Korug said. "It may be hard for your kind to believe, but it is possible for even the Incarnation of Betrayal to have friends. You though... heh, you are not one of my friends. I have nothing to give you but your continued existence, and that is an offer that I highly recommend that you accept."

If such a roll is actually necessary here, I have +70 to Intimidate.

2012-03-21, 09:49 PM

A copy of Ares appears in front of the god.
"Hi Chaos. How are you? Can you assume a different form, I don't particularly like being impersonated."

Sneaky Weasel
2012-03-21, 11:37 PM
Graz'zt narrows his eyes. "So that's how it's going to be, is it? Well, as I said before, there has been nothing of interest going on down here that is not already widely known. I know nothing about the Death-God's disappearance. If there are any specific questions you wish to ask, feel free. I will be all too happy to help you out." He takes a goblet from one of his servants, drinking deeply. The other demons look at you with a mixture of hatred and fear.

The base of Mount Olympus:
You stand at the base of the mountain, close to the bridge that serves as a gateway between it and the other planes. It seems that Ares was on his way to said bridge, accompanied by Hermes, the Messenger God. Ares was in the process of issuing orders to his fellow God, seemingly a set of locations to go to. They both stop and gape at you. Hermes is the first to recover, and he looks at Ares with deep suspicion. Ares ignores him as he looks at his double, and his face twists in anger.
"I don't know who you are, but you know not who you are dealing with. You are in the home of the Gods! And if you have such audacity as to impersonate me I will end your puny life!" He steps forward, unlimbering his spear and beginning to charge towards you. Hermes leaps in front of him faster than the eye can follow, spreading out his hands to stop the furious God.
"Wait, Ares! I don't know who he is, or if he is in fact you! To bring combat to this immediately would be folly. Let us see if we can determine the origin of your double, if he is not in fact you."
Ares spits at the ground in contempt, but breaks off his attack. Hermes turns toward you.
"Now one of you must be the real Ares, and the other merely disguised as such. So it falls to me to determine who is who by asking a question that only Ares would know." He smiles, evidently enjoying the challenge. Ares glares sullenly at him.

2012-03-21, 11:52 PM
"It's good to know that you will cooperate," Korug said, smiling. "Alright specific questions. Has anyone notable entered or left the Abyss recently? Have there been any major pushes in the Blood War against Hell recently, from either side? Do you know anything about the locations of other Incarnations, should they need to be contacted? Have any of your servants had interactions of any sort with notable figures recently?"

2012-03-22, 12:33 AM
'Ares' smirks. "You're plan is foiled Chaos. What false locations were you giving?"

He turns to the Messenger. "Ask away Hermes. Let us settle once and for all wh the impostor is."

2012-03-22, 12:34 AM
'Ares' smirks. "You're plan is foiled Chaos. What false locations were you giving?"

He turns to the Messenger. "Ask away Hermes. Let us settle once and for all wh the impostor is."

Sneaky Weasel
2012-03-22, 02:15 AM
The Demon Prince smirks. "I do not know of anyone notable entering or leaving the Abyss recently, aside from your good self. The Blood War has taken a lull of late, as both sides are focusing on their own internal disputes for the time being. As for the Incarnations, you could hardly expect a mere Demon such as myself to know their locations. The only creature of power my servants are in contact with is me. Does that answer your questions?" He grins slyly, fully aware that he is being no help at all.

Hermes strokes his chin. "It seems to me that if I ask a question of the real Ares, the fake one will simply copy the answer. So I'll ask different questions to each of you in turn, to make absolutely sure."
He turns first to the real Ares. "Tell me, who do you hate the most?"
Ares snarls at him. "Athena, Goddess of whores. How long is this going to take?"
Hermes shakes his head. "If you aren't the real Ares, that was not a wise thing to say." He turns to the other Ares. "You should know this, if you are truly Ares. How did your sister Athena come into being?"

2012-03-22, 02:36 AM
"From my father's head where she arose already armed when I tried to cure his headache. The whore can't even get born right. Now send this Incarnation back into the Abyss where he cannot taint anyone with his lies. He assumed the form of you Hermes and sent me on a wild goose chase through his Fire plane!"
Anon aimed his weapon at the real God, ready to attack if he charges.

2012-03-22, 10:30 AM
As a former elf himself, Anduilas wanted to kneel down and bow in front great King and Queen. He smiled and took a deep breath as the fresh warm breeze blew over his face. Memories temporarily flood his vision, memories of him flying through the trees, tending to the flora of the mystical forests here.

Shaking his head, he ignored the sudden wave of nostalgia. Smiling, he gave a nod of acknowledgement Regardless of his past, he is an Incarnation now. He is Anduilas, the great hero, slayer of evil. And he will act that part.

"Thank you for accepting me into your great abode, King Oberon and Queen Titania. It is my honor to be in your magnificent court." Smiling, he saw how every elf was paying attention to each and every single one of his words. He enjoyed the attention, reveled in it.

"You must have already heard - the Gods of Death are gone and no one is sure who the culprit is or what their motives were. Do you know anyone suspicious that have been going through the planes lately? Or anything that seems out of place?"

2012-03-22, 10:56 AM
"I suspect you may be withholding information from me, Graz'zt. You should be glad that I don't particularly care about this mission, anyway," Korug said. "Therefore, I'm going to move on to business that interests both of us. I am going to war against the universe very, very soon. I am intending on hitting the lesser planes first, as my followers can use all the war experience they can get. Now, theoretically, if the armies of a world were already distracted by, say, a small army of demons pouring into their plane, it would be all to easy to flank them and conquer a plane. And the power even one extra plane could grant to a demon lord... the edge over his peers... It would be worth forging a deal with the conquerer, don't you agree?"

Sneaky Weasel
2012-03-22, 11:30 PM
"You fool, Hermes! Any mortal cleric would know the answers to these questions, and Chaos would certainly know them. Choose something that I alone would know!" Ares raises his voice, yelling at the hapless Messenger, who backs away hurriedly.
"Very well, Ares. What is the last message we received from Brother Hades?"
Ares curls his lip. "The burning man is rising. Get on with it."
Hermes turns toward 'Ares'. "Where is the Ferryman currently?"

Graz'zt is suddenly very attentive. "An interesting proposition. However, if a single Incarnation goes to war, he will most likely be opposed by not only the Gods, but the other Incarnations. And anyone allied with you would be caught in the crossfire. Unless there is some way to avoid this, I think my best option would be to remain neutral." You can see that he is intrigued by the idea, however.

King Oberon nods gravely. "We are aware of the Death God's disappearance. This is greatly worrying to us. All dead souls must pass through Hades' domain before finding their way to their final resting place, and with him gone they have no way of moving on after death. Elves that should by all rights be here with us are doomed to wander the earth as ghosts or zombies. And those souls that are destroyed on the Material Plane simply vanish, with no afterlife. This must be stopped. If there is anything I can do to aid you, I will do so. We have but little information, but it is yours."
He takes a breath, and Titania speaks. "There are few Gods who care to visit our realm except for Frey, God of Sunlight and the Elves. However, we have allies on many of the Planes. The plots and intricacies are as numerous as the leaves on trees, but there are a few that we have been watching that may interest you.
"You know of Devotion, the clockwork Incarnation? Our agents have reported strange happenings on his Plane of Mechanus. He has retreated deep into his Fortress of Gears, and lets no one enter. He is building vast machines, Inevitables unlike any seen before. Their purpose is unknown to us, but we fear he is making an army. Whether this is related to the purging of Hades is a mystery.
"We have also noticed a mortal cult that sprang up just days before the event. They worship a new God, one without a name. They say that he is coming, and all shall burn before his power. Many cults begin and end, and this would not be noteworthy except that they predicted the rising of the dead. They preached that a sign would come on that day, and the whole world would know the power of the nameless God. And the sign did come."
She shivers, although it is warm in the clearing. The other elves show little emotion, but there is a nervous tension in the air.
"More than this, we do not know. If there is anything else we can do to help, you need but ask." Oberon inclines his head towards you.

2012-03-23, 12:34 AM
"With Hades, caught by the mysterious new God. The Burning Man. As for something that I alone would know."
Chaos leans in and whispers about a poker game he had attended as another god a year ago where Hermes made out with Athena. Chaos and Area had attended, though Chaos' attendance was unknown

2012-03-23, 07:41 PM
Anduilas took a deep breath. It was worse than he had originally thought. Although he seemed out of it all the time, he was an experienced adventurer and he had faced his own share of mortal enemies. In fact, he hated planar travel precisely because of his mortal enemies; all too often they would hide away on faraway planes and stage sneak attacks after scrying. Their tactics were completely dishonorable and wouldn't get them any fame anyway. He wondered why they had even bothered.

But he knew planar travel was his weakness - it was a main reason why he stayed around the Material Plane so often. This threat was was aligned perfectly against him and he knew that this time he would need allies.

"Mortal cults are only the start I'm afraid," Anduilas said gravely. "I know of their kind and they are only a distraction for the Gods. Whoever this 'burning god' is, he is using them to distract the God's attention while planning some much more nefarious. If my worse fears come true, soon all the planes will be embroiled in a war as the Gods and Incarnations start falling into war."

Taking a deep breath, he looked around him. The Elves were all nervous, he could feel it under their solemn faces. The sunlight, the trees, the warm fresh air that lifted around, brought back memories to him. Memories that he had long forgotten. "But I do not intend for that to happen. If war does break out, this plane will not be spared. The Elves will be targeted, possibly out of spite or design, but this plane will not be able to hold. But I have a plan," he said with a smile.

"I intend to lend my aid to you, King Oberon and Queen Titania when you may need it. I am fond of this plane and since Destiny has placed me in the spot to save it, I shall. But I need your allegiance and your aid for this upcoming conflict. Not only to protect this plane, but to go out and defeat our enemies. Right now what threatens the Material Plane threatens us all. Together we are more than a match for it. For now I need at least one of your best spellcasters to ensure I have to mobility to go wherever I please. Later on when war comes, I will personally lead your armies to victory."

"What say you King Oberon and Queen Titania? Will you accept this alliance and agree to aid me in ventures? I swear to have no ill intent upon you and your kind - after all this too once had been my home and I swear to protect it!"

Just note that I have the feat Judge's Ear which allows me to automatically succeed Sense Motive checks to detect lies. Not that it matters here, but it will soon.

2012-03-23, 08:32 PM
"Ah, you're a clever one, then," Korug noted. "Yes, I fully expect that I shall be opposed eventually. However, the other Incarnations are distracted with the escaped dead and missing gods, as are many good-aligned gods. The resistence threat is minimal at best. As for being caught in the crossfire... honestly, don't you think they would have already stormed the Abyss if they felt they could? Beings made of pure evil attract ire, but they fear you far too much to attack you."

Sneaky Weasel
2012-03-23, 08:56 PM
Hermes' expression stiffens as you whisper in his ear. He steps back, a look of complete confusion crossing his face.
"How...how did you know that? You...wait. You're not Ares! The Ferryman is in Olympus, as any true God would know. That means you must have disguised yourself..." His expression is quite entertaining to watch. However, Ares cuts short the fun.
"There, that's settled. Now go from here, Chaos, or I will not be held accountable for my actions!" He begins slowly circling towards you. Hermes just seems glad that things are moving away from the party.

The King nods, a his face grim. "I thank you, Anduilas, for your loyalty to the elves. We shall help in whatever way we can, for this is everybody's war. I would accompany you myself, but I must remain here, in case we are targeted. I shall send my daughter, Iridia, as she is the most powerful spellcaster among our people. We will back you up with any mages we have, and if you come here after battle we shall heal you of all wounds."
"I too thank you, and pledge our people to your aid. It is comforting to know that among all the Incarnations, at least one is on our side." Titania inclines her head towards you.
King Oberon beckons with his hand, and an elven maiden dressed in golden robes steps forward from the others. She has a regal air about her, and it is obvious that this is Oberon's daughter.
"I will take you wherever you wish to go. I have many spells that will allow you to travel between the Planes. I may be some small help if combat overtakes you, as well."
Titania smiles sadly at you, and a cloud passes in front of the sun. The woods no longer seem quite so warm and bright, as if an early Autumn has descended upon them.
"Do not fail us, Anduilas. The coming storm will be fierce, and many lives will be lost. Let them not be the lives of our people."

It is easy to see that the idea has caught hold of Graz'zt's mind. His brow furrows as he thinks it through, and his demonic servants wait in anticipation of his decision.
"If we start off small, making raids in various places so as to not draw attention, claiming one piece of the Planes at a time...while the others are distracted...It might work. If you were to destroy the other Lords, it would be a small matter to assume control of their armies. If the entire Abyss was united under one ruler...no one could stand before us. First Baator, and the the multiverse would fall. You would be our weapon of destruction, eliminating any threat too great for the army. Before anyone caught on, we would have too great a hold to be forced back!" An evil grin lights up his face, and he seems to twitch with excitement. "We could do it, Betrayal! But we must move fast. The other Demon Lords are the first and greatest obstacle to stand in my way, for if I had their armies I would be unstoppable. Will you destroy them for me? If you do, I am yours." He rubs his hands together in pure demonic glee.

2012-03-23, 09:14 PM
"That will be easy to arrange, future Demon King," Korug assured, a wicked grin across his face. "I will need the aid of some of your demons. Three Balors should do fine. My strongest servant is on the Material Plane, and it is much easier to destroy one's company with powerful company of your own. This way, I can focus on the Demon Lord himself."

2012-03-23, 11:19 PM
@DM: I have a class feature that tells me when I would have made a mistake before I do so. Just saying.

"I have also been on a wild goose chase for a while Hermes. This imposter has been impersonating me for a while now.
It would have recent information not me."

2012-03-24, 02:34 AM
Anduilas smiled, bowing to both King Oberon and Queen Titania. Even despite the chilling wind, his face seem to glow with an heavenly light. Even when the woods seemed dark, his presence gave a warm feeling to the court. The Elves all leaned in, like moths attracted to a bright and just flame. "Thank you for your most gracious aid, King Oberon and Queen Titania," he said as he stood back up.

Turning to Iridia, he smiled and bent on one knee. Leaning forward, he took her hand and kissed it. "Princess, it is my honor to have you by my side. Your beauty outshines even the most radiant summer sun, your eyes are like the beautiful stars of the clear night skies. Your hair dances with the wind, with a very life of its own. Your very steps carry a grace that cannot be described. I am glad that you are by my side," he said with his charismatic smile and wink. He knew it wasn't the most proper thing to do, but he just couldn't help himself. After all, he was the hero. And heroes and princesses are just meant for each other.

Standing back up, he smiled to the Queen. "You forget with whom you have made an alliance with. I am Anduilas, the Fated One. The One Saved by Luck herself. Failure has never happened before. Entrust upon me the ability to call upon the Elves of the Seelie Court and you have nothing to fear. While you guard your home here, I can easily take out those enemies that plot out there."

"For now I must make haste. There are many things for me to attend to." As he turned to leave, he stopped for one last moment. He wanted to enjoy the forest for just one...more...moment.

But almost as soon as he had stopped, he picked up his pace again as he stepped out of the court.

I forgot to mention but I have max ranks in all knowledge skills. Can you give a brief synopsis on all the relevant and big planar entities?

Now: I'm just going to assume that its the eleventh hour of the night. That's what you said right? Take initiative? :smallwink:

Turning to his new companion, Anduilas smiled. "Iridia your beauty is as charming as ever. If your magic was but a fraction of your beauty, it surely be unstoppable!" Pausing between compliments, he finally decided to act more serious. "What are your skills exactly? What spells do you specialize in and how exactly do you venture to help me in combat?"

((Here I assume that she answers my inquiries, etc.))

As he listened to her speak, he smiled and nodded. "Great. But as a first show of your power," he said as he examined the time. "I believe the eleventh hour is coming. Bring me to Odin's Hall. There is matters of grave importance that I must discuss with him."

Sneaky Weasel
2012-03-24, 06:00 PM
"Demon King... His eyes glaze slightly. "Balors? They are yours. I can send some Mariliths with you as well if you wish. I wish you to go after Orcus first. He is one of the two that oppose me, the other being the Demogorgon. If they fall, the other Princes will be easy to deal with. If you kill Orcus, I myself will accompany you in slaying the Demogorgan. And then the Abyss will be mine, and Baator cannot stand for long against a united Abyss. And then...but let us not get ahead of ourselves. Kill Orcus, and I will lead an army of demons in your name, and conquer all before me." He grins with the pure insanity of Evil. "Let's rule the multiverse, shall we?"

"Ah, crap. Crap crap crap! I can't tell which of you is real!" Hermes looks back and forth wild eyed.
"Idiot. I suggest you go on your way and let us sort it out. We can get a ruling from Zeus, surely he would know." Ares rolls his eyes at the distressed God.
Hermes starts to nod, then looks at Ares with deep suspicion. "But if you're Chaos, then you could be leading me into a trap! I say all three of us go before Zeus. That's the only safe way."
Ares nods. "Very well. As I am the true Ares, I have nothing to fear from such a hearing. Let us be off, unless you object, Chaos?" He smirks at you knowingly.

Iridia is very flattered and somewhat taken aback by your praise, but she quickly returns to earth when you ask her about her magic. "I specialize in traveling magic and Illusions, so I can take you anywhere on any Plane. In combat I may be able to delay and trick your opponents to give you extra time to finish them off. If there are enemy spellcasters I may be able to dispell the worst of their magic. Of course, you hardly need my help in that regard." She nods seriously as you explain your request, and her eyes go a deep shade of violet. "Take my hand." You do so, and in a flash of magic you are gone.
You reappear in a great stone hall. It is vast, the ceiling reaching high over your head, supported by great beams of oak. The floor is dark stone that is polished to an almost mirror-like brilliance, and it is lit only by a few torches that hang far apart on the walls. In the center of the room is a throne, made out of rough-hewed oak, unadorned except for faint traces of silver on it's edges. Odin is sitting in it, his face in shadow. He is consulting with a strange figure, a massive orange toad-like creature wearing a brilliant blue cloak. They turn towards you, the toad-thing hissing, Odin's face unreadable. "Zarvosk, it would be wise for you to leave now. I trust we have reached a fair agreement?" The Gallows God's voice seems weary, as if he is worn out from a hard day's toil.
"Oh yes, I think so. Until we meet again, Dark God." The toad disappears in a flash of multicolored smoke. Odin turns to you.
"Well met, Chosen One. Did I not say that we were to meet alone? You risk my ire by bringing another into my Hall." His voice carries no malice, however, and he seems more saddened then anything else.
"I apologize, Lord Odin. I merely brought Anduilas here at his command, and I have no wish to intrude upon your secrets. I will gladly take whatever measures you wish to avoid eavesdropping, including leaving this place if you will it." Iridia bows her head to the God, her eyes fearful.
"No need for that. I will speak with Anduilas in my chambers, where none may enter without my express permission. Remain here until we return." He rises, and beckons you to a door in the side of the Hall that was certainly not there before.

2012-03-24, 06:43 PM
"Orcus is dead, on my honor," Korug answered. He gathered a group of Balors and Mariliths as he left the throne room. As they marched to Orcus' domain, he gave them orders.
"First, I expect to see full cooperation on your parts. Even one attack from one of you to another will earn you an attack from me. That is something you do not want. Second, should one of you end up gravely injured, you are to leave. You will then go straight to Graz'zt and tell him how you have failed me. Third, if one of you even CONSIDERS betraying me... well, heh, I am the Incarnation of Betrayal. We'll see how that works out for you. Finally, if, by some bizarre chance I am forced to retreat, you will come with me."
When they arrived in Orcus' domain, Korug looked over it from a high point, to find the easiest way to Orcus himself. Knowing his own weaknesses, he told the demons to do the same, specifying that "easiest" means "as little chance to be attacked by strong demons as possible".

Alright, Spot (and, if relevant) Listen checks to find the easiest way to Orcus' own tower. Both Korug and every demon, of which I think 3 Balors and 5 Mariliths would be plenty for the mission I'm on without being too cumbersome.

2012-03-25, 01:02 AM
"Why do you call me by a false name Incarnate? You're manipulative ways won't make me commit an error. I have no objections except that the plan was conceived by yourself, the imposter."

2012-03-25, 01:39 AM
Anduilas smiled as he took her hand. "Take me wherever you want, my Princess :smallwink:" As he reappeared in Odin's Hall, he gave a small whistle. "Good job! Definitely didn't disappoint!" Walking in, he stumbled upon Odin conversing with someone else.

Anduilas quizzically looked at the weird toad like creature. While he wasn't brilliant, Anduilas knew that this creature was not some mundane servant of Odin's. He tried to scan his mind, wondering exactly who this being was. His rainbow pattern had to be some distinct sign of who he was....

"Calm your wrath All Father," Anduilas said as he turned back to Odin. "This is my dearest companion and ally - Iridia - I would trust her with no less than my life. It is fine if you do not consider her equal, but I hope you would at least show me some respect by respecting my guests."

Turning back to Iridia, he winked. "Next time don't apologize so hastily. You're with me now! Everything you do reflects upon me too. You don't want to make me look like I'm afraid right?" he said jokingly as he reassuringly squeezed her hand. He knew he was probably laying on the flirting a little too thick, but he just couldn't help himself. As a young Fae, he had dreamed of courting Iridia, the most beautiful Fae in all of Arborea. Who knew he would have the chance? "Now stay here and just wait okay?"

Walking to the door, he smiled at Odin. He wasn't sure what Odin was planning, but he knew the All Father was not one attack him with impunity. Besides, he was fairly sure he was capable of handling the situation himself.

"After you All-Father. Wouldn't want to trespass into your fabled chamber without you."

Sneaky Weasel
2012-03-25, 06:21 AM
The demons heed your words, putting on a show of bravado but obviously very impressed by your power. However, their faith is somewhat shaken by your plan to simply march into Orcus's domain.
It's not such a simple matter of walking along until you come to the Demon's home. There are many different layers in the Abyss, and unless you can Teleport, it's rather difficult to get where you're headed. However, if you cannot Teleport, the demons in your retinue lead you to one of the hidden portals scattered through the Plane, snickering behind your back.
Orcus lives on Thanatos, the 113th layer of the Abyss. When you arrive, the first thing that hits you is the cold. Instead of Graz'zt's flaming hellscape, this layer is a vast tundra of icy waste, lit by a strange aurora borealis that flickers in the night sky. The cold penetrates through clothing and skin, freezing to the very bone, making skin stick to metal and water freeze in seconds. The ground is perfectly smooth and flat in some spots, and in others rises into immense sculptures of ice and rock, twisting into weird shapes as if it was a living thing.
As you look closer, you suddenly realize that beneath a thin layer of ice, the whole layer is made up of tombstones. You can see them beneath your feet, in all shapes and sizes, covered with languages, some readable and others long forgotten. The icy formations that rise up are stacks of gravestones, piled haphazardly and covered in ice. The whole landscape is eerily still and silent, and your breath sounds as loud as a gale.
Wordlessly, the demons lead you through the tundra. You walk for minutes, hours, it's hard to tell. Eventually you start to see the inhabitants of the place. Not demons as you would expect, but undead of all varieties, from zombies, shuffling and sliding across the ice, to vampires and wraiths, flitting through the tombstones in a ghostly parody of life. They stay far away from you, however.
At last you arrive at a precipice, overlooking a massive gravestone city. It is as haphazard and twisted as the ice sculptures, weird towers coiling up from streets that zigzag seemingly at random. Looming up from the center is a huge palace carved from ice.
"Naratyr, the city of Orcus. How do you plan to get inside?" It is one of the balors that speaks, it's breath sending out a huge cloud of steam with every word.

The three of you start winding your way up the staircase leading to Olympus. Hermes leads the way, glad to be out from between the two Ares. As you go, you make snide comments at Ares, belittling and confusing him. Through some incredible inner willpower, he manages not to fly into a rage and attack you, instead remaining silent and furious.
As you go, you begin to hear raised voices, as if there is a group of people all shouting at once. Looming above you is the God's palace, a massive structure consisting of a series of majestic marble pillars arranged in a circle, supporting a domed ceiling with great battle and mighty heroes painted onto it in a spectacular mural. However, all this fades into the background as you walk up the flight of massive stone steps that enter the palace and see a sight that is rather bizarre, even for you.
As is usual for Olympus, the fifteen thrones of the Gods are arranged around a map depicting the material plane. Unusually, all but two are occupied, as Hermes and Ares are with you. Every God is shouting at once, their voices thundering out in a cacophony of anger. The most intriguing thing is the focus of their annoyance.
In the center of the floor stands the Ferryman, or rather what's left of him. You have seen him in the past, typically in his traditional form of an emaciated corpse with bone white skin and a hooded robe. He now bears little resemblance to that. All his limbs have been torn off, and the wounds drip black ichor. Deep gashes have been ripped all along his torso, as if a knife had been repeatedly stabbed into him. He dangles from a charred tree with all the branches and leaves burnt off it. You look closer, and see that his head is in fact nailed to the tree, a single black iron nail around a foot in length having been driven through his head and out the other side of the stump. Even taking into account his non human nature, it is obvious that he is dead.
As you arrive, the Gods hardly give you a glance, but their shouting slowly dies down as they realize that there are two Ares in their midst. Zeus stares at you, his face red with fury.
"What is the meaning of this, Ares?! Why are there two of you? And why is Hermes still here, instead of doing what I COMMANDED HIM TO DO!?" His voice echoes through the room, and a few of the other Gods clamp their hands over their ears at the sound.
"Lord Zeus, one of these is Chaos, the Incarnation. I cannot tell which one, so I thought I should bring them to you before setting off. If there's nothing else for me to do here, I shall go immediately!" A thin patina of sweat has appeared on Hermes' brow. No one likes to mess with an angry thunder god. Zeus waves a hand at him absently, and he is gone just like that.
The Storm God peers closely at the two of you. The other Gods also stare at you, suspicion etched upon their every feature.
"Chaos, eh? Is it you that did this to our Ferryman? Answer me!" His eyes light up, and sparks leap from around his head and beard. Ares remains silent, weathering the storm.

Odin's Hall:
Iridia smiles at your reassurances. "Just be careful." She watches as you follow Odin into his chamber. It is made of bare stones, a square room around fifty feet across that extends up into the darkness, like a massive chimney. It is completely unadorned and barren. As you look around, the God waves his hand, and the wall slides across the entrance with a muffled boom. You are completely cut off from the outside world.

Originally posted by OOC
As no one may know of what transpires inside save Odin and Anduilas, the conversation shall be conducted via PMs.

2012-03-25, 06:32 AM
"{insert ares' name for zues} We have been breached. Chaos here has been impersonating me for a while. He sentme on a mission through the Plane of Fire and several connected ones to keep me away before this mess started. Isnt that right Chaos?"
Anon turns to the confused Deity, expecting an answer.

Sneaky Weasel
2012-03-27, 06:41 PM
Ares loses all control at this point. Yelling incoherently, he charges you, stabbing visciouly with his spear before the other gods can stop him. As he does so, he grows massively huge, towering as high as the ceiling.
Attack: [roll0]/[roll1]/[roll2]/[roll3] Damage: [roll4] [roll5] [roll6] [roll7]
Also, for every attack that successfully deals damage, you must make a Fortitude save(DC 35) or die instantly.

2012-03-27, 09:39 PM
OOC: What's his Miss Ignore? I have 140% Miss Chance

EDIT: +10% for every 5 points of Cha I got from him (and another 3 boosts it by 10 as well 1 time)
so if he has a Cha of 29, it adds 19 to it, -3 is 16 /5 is 3 so add another 40% for 180% Miss

The imposter simply flows around him, yawning as he avoids the blocks.
"This is the impostor! He cannot even land a single blow!"

in Ares' head he hears "Bad move hot-head. Not even a single blow, pitiful."

Anon gribs his own spear and stands down "You aren't even worth gutting Incarnate. Be gone from this hallowed hall."

2012-03-28, 05:12 PM
Anduilas emerged from the room, with an impossibly big grin on his face and his hands confidently on his hips. He knew that he was going to do the craziest thing ever, something that would drive the Norse gods crazy. "It certainly serves him right," he said with a wicked grin as he walked back to Iridia.

As he turned to Iridia, his smiled widened when he saw that she had approached Sleipnir and they were actually bonding quite well. Apparently Sleipnir was always by Odin's throne, never leaving it by an inch. Just makes my job easier, he thought with a smile. Sleipnir was a magnificent beast, with a pure white skin that seemed to illuminate the air around him. He stood proudly on his eight mighty legs, tossing his head like the true king of horses he was. He towered as high and tall as Odin's mighty oak throne, dwarfing the beautiful Faerie princess that stood next to him.

"How do you like him, Princess?" he said with a smile as he surprised Iridia from behind. Before she could even respond, he grabbed her around the waist and lifted her on top of the horse. Sleipnir bucked up his rear legs, but that only made Anduilas smile even more. Growing to his full height to match the beast, he tamed it with his raw charisma and his poweress. "Guess bigger is better," he said with a wink at the princess as he forced Sleipnir away from the throne. The mighty steed refused, bashing the walls and pillars as he tried to throw Sleipnir off.

Taking one final deep breath, he turned the horse and galloped right out of the hall. Crashing right through the front doors, he bewildered the guardians standing outside. "See ya!" he said as he laughed. Rushing out into the clear night sky, over Odin's beautiful but tarnished hall, he couldn't believe that he had managed to pull it off. "Iridia, teleport us to the Material realm," he said as he gave her to coordinates. "I have to go back and regroup with the others first. I have some cults to hunt down."

So how am I sure I can win a check to tame the beast?

This is probably a Handle Animal check. I get a +112 bonus (actually more but I never bothered to edit it because its so high anyway) before rolling. While rolling, I can spend 3 rerolls to instantly choose my result and 6 to choose Sleipnir's. So let's say I choose for Sleipnir to roll a 1 and for me to roll a 20.

I can spend 27 Improvisation points to add +27 to my check. Then I can use Explosive Fortune (since I count as rolling a Nat 20 on my skill check) and 5 rerolls to add another die. For every 8 die basically, I can add another +20 to my 159 Handle Animal check. Since I have somewhere in the ballpark of 2200 rolls, I can add something like 1375 to my Handle Animal Check.

Of course I won't need that right? Okay good :smallwink:

Sneaky Weasel
2012-03-29, 12:47 AM
Zeus roars in fury as the War God charges. "YOU DARE!? You dare come into MY hall, and attack one of MY Pantheon? Begone, impudent worm!" He rises from his chair, blue lightening crackling all around him. A loud humming sound goes through the room, and the hair of all those assembled stands on end, electricity sparking over those with metal armor. With a thunderclap loud enough to make your ears ring, Ares vanishes in a column of hissing blue energy. It slowly dissipates, leaving nothing behind save a burnt spot on the floor, which slowly disappears.
"Good riddance! Let Chaos trouble us no further!" He glares at 'Ares'. "You'd better be real, or nothing will stop me from destroying your very soul. Now takes your seat." He turns back to the Ferryman, his expression turning even darker, if such a thing was possible.

Odin's Hall, and beyond:

Originally Posted by OOC
To tame Sleipnir, you rolling a 20 and he a 1 is more than enough. And I assume you told Iridia the coordinates to your meeting place in Ivory Marrow.
As Anduilas flies out of the Hall, Sleipnir charging through the cool night air, a swarm of ravens flies after you, their cawing almost deafening. They spiral after you, trying to head you off and engulf you in their many talons. Sleipnir is nothing if not fast, however, and they have no chance of catching you. Reforming into the Gallows God, he begins to weave a spell to entrap you. Before he can do so, Iridia casts her spell, and the two of you vanish along with the mighty steed.
You appear in the same place you had left with Anon just a while before. Korug and Anon are still gone, evidently conducting errands of their own. Time looks up as you appear, grinning somewhat miserably at you. The source of his apprehension is what on first glance seems to be a pale young woman, with long white hair. She wears a lacy white wedding dress, with the veil missing. Her face is beyond a doubt the most beautiful thing you have ever seen, almost blinding in it's radiance. As you get closer, though, you see the rest of her does not do justice to the face.
Her bare arms and neck are wrapped in barbed wire, the spikes digging cruelly into her flesh. The wire evidently extend underneath her dress as well, and you can see it twisted around her bare feet. No blood comes from the wounds, for she has no blood. Her arms are the most horrifying thing though, as they seem to have been cut off at the elbow. Her forearms are large and scaly, apparently sewn onto her with black thread. They are the pale blue of long frozen corpses, and appear massive on her slight frame. They end in foot long claws that twitch and shudder at random. She stops, and you see that her beautiful face, too, is skin sewn over her true face. Her very presence induces a splitting headache. This is the Incarnation known as the Lady of Pain, hated by all.
"Anduilas, I was wondering when you'd come. It is a pleasure, as always." Her voice is that of a little girl, loud and high pitched. She extend her arm, reaching out farther than it should be able to, in a grotesque greeting. Her mask of flesh is smiling, the grafted skin perfectly mimicking a real face. You remember hearing stories in which she had cut the face off a Goddess of Love, several Pantheons before the current one. Iridia whimpers at her very presence, and Sleipnir snorts nervously, cantering back and forth.

2012-03-29, 12:56 AM
OOC: Did...Did I just cause the Death of a God? :smalleek:
Awesome :smallamused:

"Can someone fill me in on what has happened recently. It kept me out of the loop. Hermes said something about the Burning Man rising?"

2012-03-29, 10:39 AM

Korug growled as he looked across the plane of ice and death. He barely even heard the Balor. He didn't know much about undead beyond the most simple ones: skeletons, zombies, and ghosts. He was well aware of others' existences, though, and he was sure the Demon Prince would have only the best as his personal guards. He laughed.
"The undead are weak of body and weaker of mind," he said. "The only reasonable threats to us are those who are equipped with ranged weapons in the towers, of which there will undoubtedly be a fair few. Just keep on the lookout for enemy missiles, both martial and magical. I'll deal with the towers as soon as we reach them."
He unwrapped his chain and surged forward with confidence.

Ok, I need the following details about the city: how far away is it? How tall are the towers? How wide? How thick are the walls? What material are they made of?
Oh, yeah, and I'm going to whirl my chain through the skulls of any undead that tries to get in my way, FYI.

Ivory Marrow

Pellow, meanwhile, was with his next-in-command, a Half-Orc Fighter self-named Feral Tooth. A large greataxe was put against the wall of the still-in-repair "barracks", that being Feral Tooth's own weapon. A stack of parchment was being hastily scribbled away at by Pellow.
"What are you doing?" Feral finally asked.
"I am scribing scrolls," Pellow explained. "I have no need for my spells as of today, but we will need them soon. I wish for you to distribute these among those who can use such scrolls: your priests, your mages, even your thieves. I don't care what Korug may say about magic, we will need it to win this war. He can shove his chain somewhere else. Oh, and tell the other spellcasters, however many there are, to begin scribing their own scrolls. We will need as many spells in the days to come as we can manage."
He handed several rolled-up pieces of parchment to Feral Tooth to distribute amongst the army. Feral nodded, and stepped out.

Alright, I am creating the following scrolls for the army today, all at minimum CL: Create Water (x3), Detect Magic (x2), Endure Elements (x6), Bull's Strength (x3), Lesser Restoration (x3), Enervation (x3), Phantom Steed (x2), Freedom of Movement (x5).
Feral Tooth is my sole L9 NPC in the army. In the exact chain of command for this army: Korug & Anon > Pellow > other Incarnations > Feral Tooth > everyone else.

2012-03-29, 05:31 PM
Pardon the destruction, but I couldn't but help give myself a more....interesting introduction. I mean, it's the Lady of Pain! I have to keep up Anduilas' image :smallwink:

"Just who the hell do you think I am!" Anduilas laughed as Odin emerged from his Hall. As Iridia weaved her teleportation spell, he stood up and turned around to stare Odin in the face. "Well sorry I have to leave so early! Have too many things to do, people to see, you know the whole ordeal. I guess I'll just have to see you later," he said with a laugh as he disappeared.

Sadly when he told Iridia the coordinates, Anduilas was a little....off. He had approximated to the nearest tens place, so instead of appearing inside the palace, they ended up about a mile and a half above it. And just a little bit to the right.

Iridia screamed as Sleipnir drove straight over the city, careering dangerously all over the place. Once again the army suffered a massive heart attack as the magnificent beast tumbled through their repairs and hastily made fortifications. Anduilas only laughed, narrowly steering Sleipnir past the destroyed buildings, and adding a couple of his own to the mix. Sleipnir's mighty hooves easily destroyed anything that got in their way, and he easily maneuvered out of the rest.

With a final tug, Anduilas aimed for the palace. Sleipnir followed without any hesitation, driving all eight of his hooves through the wall at once. The whole building literally shook as the wall gave way, showering the inner room with rubble. Neither Time nor the Lady of Pain were remotely bothered, apparently knowing exactly where to stand to avoid any minimal threat.

As he looks upon the Lady of Pain, Anduilas only maintained his smile, although his laugh quickly faded away. Rubbing Sleipnir's neck, he muttered into its ear slowly. Sleipnir easily calmed down, flicking his mane and stopped making a mess of things. As he got down, he winked at Time. "Like him? And it only took me a full minute to get away with him! Although you probably know that somehow already."

Helping Iridia get down, he reassuringly squeezed her hand. "Remember?" he whispered to her. "You're with me now. Stay confident. Chin up. But try not to stare," he said with a smile.

Turning around, he gave the Lady of Pain a courteous bow. After all, there was no need to be impolite. "Ahh and it's always nice to have your prescence grace us," he said with a smile. "Did Chaos tell you to come? Or did you just happen to walk into the city all by yourself?"

Standing straight, he looked straight at the Lady of Pain, unfazed by her gruesome appearance. Out of all the Incarnations, Anduilas strangely did not fear her. Pain is, after all, what makes glory all the sweeter. And I've had plenty in my times. "By the way, do any of you have any news on the cults of this new Burning God or Man or whatever? I need to do some...investigating, if you will. He is apparently the one behind this whole Death God disappearance."

Sneaky Weasel
2012-03-29, 06:04 PM
"That was the last communication we received from Hades. The Burning Man is Rising. And then we lost all contact with him." The speaker is Athena, Goddess of Wisdom. She is sitting on her throne, stroking the head of a large owl who is perched on it's arm. She stares at you suspiciously.
"And then the Ferryman showed up here overnight! Dead, with a note on him saying 'A gift from the Burning Man!' Whoever did this is going to pay. I will not rest until whoever kidnapped Hades has been burnt to ashes and scattered to the far corners of the sky!" Zeus bangs his fist down on his throne angrily, froth starting to appear at the corner of his mouth.
"Zeus. We already know who did this." It was Hera, Zeus's wife, who speaks. "The Giant, Surtur, is obviously the Burning Man. As an outcast from the North Gods, he would be a perfect agent for them, as they would simply say he was attacking without their knowledge! They are trying to destroy us!"
"Fool. It is not the Gods who have perpetrated this attack. Has it escaped your notice that one of the Northerners was taken as well? This is the work of the Incarnations." A deathly pale woman dressed in black robes is the speaker. Hecate, Goddess of Witches.


The city is about 500 feet from the bottom of the precipice. The towers range in height from about 50 feet tall to around 200 feet tall.They range from 15 feet wide to 30 feet wide. They are made of ice, about 6-79 inches thick.
You leaps off of the precipice, landing with a ground-shaking thud at the bottom. From down here you can see that the plane is filled with undead, mostly minor ones. Whipping your chain around your head, you charge, the demons following close behind. As the group charges, the undead begin to converge upon them from across the plane. Any who get near are instantly shattered by your chain, their broken bodies flying through the air.
From atop the towers, demon sentries notice the attack. They operate what seem to be large, organic cannons, spitting blasts of freezing energy down at the plane below. Each hit creates a large explosion of ice shards.
[roll0] attacks against Korug: [roll1][roll2] [roll3] [roll4] [roll5][roll6]. Each one that hits does [roll7] damage. Each one that misses creates an explosion of ice dealing [roll8]. I'm going to go ahead and assume they all miss.
Edit: The first three attacks miss, the others are too far away to matter.
The icy bolts smash all around you, those that come close to hitting being smashed aside by your chain. The demons following you take some damage, one balor being hit full on by a bolt, but they continue after you undaunted. At last you arrive at the base of the towers.

Ivory Marrow:
Time gapes at Sleipnir, for once surprised. "You stole Odin's horse? Great. You just pissed off the most powerful God in existence. Nice going." He seems to wink at you for a moment, but it could be just your imagination.
Iridia stands behind you, out of the way of the other Incarnations. Even with your presence, Pain is still uncomfortable to be around.
The Lady of Pain smiles at the mention of Chaos. "No, Anon did not invite me here, and she shall suffer for it. I would not have know of the meeting at all if Time had not informed me." Time smiles weakly, trying not to shudder. For some reason he seems quite intimidated by the Lady, unusual for Time itself."I know nothing of any Burning Man. I am engaged in a war of my own, and the Material Plane is of little consequence to me. I cannot remain here long, as without me my troops have little hope of beating Devotion. I wish you luck in finding your 'cults', though." She gives a high-pitched little giggle, as if cults have some secret amusement to them.

2012-03-29, 06:41 PM
Anduilas raised an eyebrow. "Devotion? I had heard that Devotion is raising an army, but why is he striking out against you? Did you threaten him already?" Anduilas said with a laugh. "While we Incarnations are not a unified lot, we don't commonly go to war with each other. What had provoked his wrath?"

"In fact could these two things be connected? It is too suspicious that the Incarnation of Devotion would have been attacked only a century before the disappearance of the Death Gods. This whole thing smells like some kind of trap for us all."

2012-03-29, 07:24 PM
"Ares stood "So you think it's either the North Gods or the Incarnations. Why so angry Zues? You never liked Hades anyway. You once asked me if I could kill him for you after he thrashed you in Poker. Or was that Chaos you asked."
I smirk, my smile bigger than my face somehow, my form shifting randomly
"Did you really expect an Incarnate to stand there are die without transforming? Thats something a little ickle God would do." I saw, shimmering out

Thor's Hall

"Thor, the Greek Gods are blaming either us or that Giant Surtur as your agent. I'm fairly sure I can trust you to disseminate that information to the whole pantheon, unlike your Father."
Once again watering the sed of doubt Chaos shimmers out.

Behind the Lady of Pain

"Sister! How have you been. I'm sorry I forgot but you never leave your Plane ever ever ever. No even playdates!"
A rather exciteable little girl with blonde pigtails glomps the Incarnate of Pain.
"I'm sorry, so soo sorry I didn't tell you.
By the way, that meanie Ares is dead. I tricked Zeus into thinking he was me and I was him and to kill me but it was him because he thought i was him and he was me and was annoyesd there were 2 Ares in his little Mountain.
The Ferryman was on the mountain all dead-like and stuck to a tree. They think the North Gods are responsible or us.
Wanna have a playdate after the crisis? I can show you my new kingdom playset? It has a Real Dragon! I found it flying around the Plane of Fire last month."

OOC: By playsets she means she conquered a city with a Dragon and wants to play dollies with the conquered humans as dolls.
Think puppetmaster.

2012-03-29, 08:36 PM

Korug roared in laughter as they easily charged through the falling ice shards and past the weak guards. When they reached close enough to the towers, he immediately began to crash his chain against the ice, in an attempt to bring down the towers. He was fairly certain he could manage it, given that this same weapon had taken down towers of stone in Ivory Marrow.
"Demons! Find their weakest points, and bring these towers to the ground! No mercy!" he cried.

Eeyup, I'm attacking the towers. I have the demons do the same. This should be at least as easy for them, considering that the Balors have Fire Storm 1x/day, as well as flaming whips.
Notably, my attacks are powerful enough to send opponents flying away, no matter how large they are, so I think an immovable object would take even more damage than usual. Just saying.

Ivory Marrow

Pellow walked out of the barracks and back up the tiered city to the palace. The arrival of the celestial horse had not gone without notice, and he intended to see what the fuss was about (while preparing for battle, should it come to such). He was surprised to find Anduilas there, and even more shocked to find the Lady of Pain herself, along with some strange young girl. He kneeled briefly, before rising back up and asking the questions on his mind.
"What in the Nine Hells is going on here?" he asked. "Is... is that Sleipner?" He facepalmed. "The last thing we need is Odin or one of his lackeys showing up to reclaim his horse. I hope you've hid your tracks well."

Sneaky Weasel
2012-03-30, 01:55 AM
Ivory Marrow:
The Lady raises a perfect eyebrow at Anduilas. "You mean to say you don't know about Devotion? How... disappointing."
Time jumps in before she can go any further. "Devotion seems to have gone mad. He's made Inevitables so massive and powerful that they could be a danger to us, or the Gods. He sent one right into the heart of Sigil, trying to kill Pain. She destroyed it, and retaliated. They haven't been fighting for long, but the battle has grown to huge proportions." He pauses, looking guiltily at Pain. He has no need to worry, however, as Chaos suddenly appears and enfolds the Lady in a hug. She stiffens in surprise, carefully trying to extricate herself from the grip of the little girl.
"That's...that's all right, I forgive you." She listens with interest to his narrative. "Ares is dead? Because you tricked Zeus into killing him? You do realize that you have just instigated a war that will not stop until either all Gods or all Incarnations are dead, don't you?" Her face softens at Anon's wish to play. "I like playing with dolls! When this is over we can do that, if there's anyone left alive."
"Really, there are more important things to think about." Time nods as Pellow joins the group. "It is indeed Sleipnir. Doesn't really matter if Chaos killed Ares though, does it? We're screwed anyway, so let's have some fun with it."

The first tower shudders as your chain hits it. Shards of ice fly in all directions. Following your lead, the demons spread out and begin attacking the other buildings in the area. The Balors hack at them with their flaming swords, their whips melting huge scores on the sides of the towers. The Mariliths stab them with their swords over and over again, tearing out chunks of ice with each blow.
With your third blow, the tower groans, splinters, and collapses back into the city, your chain tearing through the base one last time. It smashes the other buildings it land on, annihilating any demons that have the misfortune to be underneath it. The sentries on top are flung off and crushed by flying rubble. The demons inside the city are already fleeing, knowing they would stand no chance against whatever was attacking.
You charge through the rubble, your demons following behind. The undead are too stupid to flee, and are smashed aside by your chain or cut down by the demons. Any structure that stands in your way if shattered, only to cause even more damage as it falls. At last you see the Palace of Orcus, towering up like some vast black beast. Not as tall as some of the towers, it is made of black stone, with vicious spikes impaling the air above. From the huge gates of bone in it's front you hear a screaming sound, and they open slowly. As you charge across the last stretch before the Palace, the first of the Demon Prince's minions charges out of the gate to meet you.
A massive, coiled body. Dull red scales tinged with black. Massive arms twice as long as they should be. Crooked, spiny wings. A head covered in so many spikes and plates that you can't even see it's eyes. This thing was once a dragon, but now it is just an engine of destruction, a twisted experiment of ages past. And it's hell-bent on killing you. As it comes, screaming all the while, your chain thuds into it, and you can hear it's bones shattering. But the monster is not even fazed, and you can see it's wound healing at an astonishing rate. Then it's upon you, and there's nothing but blood.
It's using a charge action with Pounce. This is a surprise round, and you should roll for initiative afterwords. You easily hit it with you AoO, I rolled for damage.
Attacks: Bite [roll0]; Claws [roll1], [roll2]; Wings [roll3], [roll4]; Tail [roll5].
Damage: Bite [roll6], Claws [roll7] [roll8], Wings [roll9] [roll10], Tail [roll11]. All attacks deal an additional 20 points of Vile Damage, and if it hits with both claws it Rends for an additional [roll12].
The dragon has an AC of 36, and no special defenses except it's Regeneration. I'll post any other stats you need on it OOC.

2012-03-30, 02:33 AM

Miss chance rolls for all 6 of those attacks. He will hit if they are 51+.

Although a bit wounded by the blows from the enormous dragon, Korug was unfazed. His own incredible healing ability kicked into gear, reliving him of a lot of pain instantly.
"Demons, ready your blades!" he called, smiling. He was most certain that this fight was already won. He shouted at the dragon, knowing full well the unlikelyhood of it's understanding. "I'm sure you would be a much better hunt before the demon came along and took away all semblance of your strength! Is this truly Orcus' champion?"
He began his attacks immediately, intending to bring this dracolich down quickly.

Full attack. Remember, he will be knocked back 30' unless he succeeds on a DC 45 REF save. In addition, all attacks blend together for purposes of DR, natural 1's are not misses, and 19-20's are auto-confirmed criticals for x3 damage.
The demons will attack after me.

Attack rolls:

Damage rolls:

Ivory Marrow

Pellow groaned as it was confirmed that Odin's horse had been stolen and brought to Ivory Marrow. He couldn't help but look over the ruined battlements.
"I want it known that I had no association with this thievery when Odin comes to call. I would prefer that he not get on my god's bad side, for Odin's sake. It is often a bad idea to murder the greatest mortal servant of a god of war," he said. "Time, I don't suppose you are capable of learning how long it is until Odin catches on? It would be nice to know how long Luck can stay here before having to make a tactical retreat."

2012-03-30, 06:06 AM
"Yay playtime!
Though maybe a more...adult playtime would be preferable to you."
A gentleman in a suit bows gracefully and presents a rose to Pain
"A beautiful rose for a beautiful lady."

After winking flirtily he deages to a boy and crawls up the Incarnation, standing on her shoulders.
"Right so war. Thanks to Time here we know we are blamed at some point and war breaks out. I'm trying to get Thor against his father, even a moments hesitation or thinking over the orders can work to our advantage. I also mentioned the fact that the Greeks believed it was Surtur working as one of the North's agents so we could get a clean break. Especially since they have very little common links. The only one being the marriage of Death.
Anduilas I take it your voyage to the elves was good, judging by your companion the Princess. Korug is laying seige to Orcus' castle to gain the allegiance of a Demon Prince so we have some powerful troops.
Time I want you to contact any Necromancers you can find to get the Undead milling about under control. We can use then as cannon fodder against the armies the Gods will command.
Lady pain, as much as I do love holding you close we must depart as I have to continue spreading doubt and I need you to collect as many powerful warriors and beings as you can. Dragons, Planetars, Adventurers. Sigil will be a good place to start but try Ajkil. I heard rumours of a conclave of Mind Flayers you may want to look into."
The boy general orders from atop the Ruler of Sigils head.

OOC: everyone forgot Anon leaving the sword didn't they.
He can sense and place eyes onto anything that shows him. Which is the sword at Korugs waist. He can see what Korugs has done ever since.

Sneaky Weasel
2012-03-30, 06:26 AM
The dragon's screaming does not stop or change in any way as every blow you aim at it strikes home, shattering bone and scales alike. The beast doesn't seem to feel pain, and it comes at you just as hard as before. The demons move to surround it on all sides, and it lashes out at them with it's wings, biting and clawing at you.
Two of the Balors have moved to either side of it to engage it in melee, the third hangs back and attempts to destroy it with magic, which proves to have no effect. One of the Mariliths attacks from behind, flanking the dragon with you, but it is sent flying by a sweep of the monster's tail and then batted midair, flying into a nearby building. The other four prepare for more attackers to arrive, confident in your ability to handle the dragon.

Dragon attacks:
Bite: , Damage [roll1] Miss Chance [roll2]

Claws: [roll3] [roll4] Damage [roll5] [roll6] Miss Chance [roll1d100 [roll7]

Rend(if both hit): [roll8]

2012-03-30, 08:08 AM
Korugs laughed as the blows barely dealt a scratch to him. Well, strictly speaking, it was a blow that would kill most men, but Korug was much tougher than any normal man. He began his assault anew, intending to do just as well as the last time.

Everything's the same as last round. I'm taking this thing down as fast as I can, because frankly, it has a lot of damage potential against me. I'd like to get in there soon, and not have to wait around on my fast healing.
Oh, yeah, and I just realized that my critical hits deal an extra 4d6 damage on top of everything else (and, yes, that's tripled with the rest of the damage). In addition, if it happens to be capable of making FORT saves, every time it is hit by a critical, it must succeed a DC 45 REF save or die instantly.

Attack rolls:

Damage rolls:

2012-03-30, 11:11 PM
I'm so sorry guys....but I just couldn't help making a GL reference :smallbiggrin:

"A Hero does not need to hide his tracks!" Anduilas proclaimed as Pellow started to criticize him. "You need to have more faith! Believe! Believe in the Anduilas that believes in himself! You don't have to worry about anything - I doubt your actions would help anyway!"

Rummaging through his bag, he pulled out a small trinket that he had picked up a long while ago. "And we don't need to retreat either," he said with a mischievous smile. Reciting the ancient incantations, he let go of the crystal. It glowed and floated in mid air, and instantly Anduilas could feel strands of magic being cut off and snuffed out. "Now Odin, and anyone else for the matter, wont' be able to randomly teleport in and disturb us. Neither can they scry into this entire area."

Growing to his Colossal size, Anduilas easily towered above Pellow. He didn't even bother to look at him anymore, content to deal with the situation at hand. "We have to focus first. Let's find this Devotion and solve this annoying problem. How can you expect us to prepare for a war if we are being attacked from many sides? Us Incarnations may be a divided lot, but I cannot tolerate Devotion simply attacking others outright. He may have gone insane, or even worse, under the control of some 'Burning Man' I've been hearing about. If we don't get to the bottom of this, it will be disaster for us all. For all we know, this is nothing but a trap."

Sneaky Weasel
2012-03-31, 01:31 AM
Whirling your chain in a tight arc, you smash it repeatedly into the dragon's head. The first blow cracks the plates of armor that cover it, the next two crack it's bones and send blood leaking down it's face, and the final blow smashes in it's skull, showering gore over the area. The monster's scream is cut of abruptly, and it collapses to the ground, it's wings still twitching.
With a roar of victory, the your demons charge around it's body and into the fortress of Orcus. The first one through, a Marilith, is hit by a half dozen rays of green light that come from either side of the gate. It lights up, and you can see through it's suddenly translucent flesh to the bones beneath. Then it crumbles to ash. The others pause in front of the gate, unsure what to do. Inside you see a group of huge, boar-like demons forming a defensive barrier. The float a few feet off the ground, although their tiny wings don't seem capable of holding aloft their massive bulk.
The Balors look to you for guidance, not wanting to risk going through the gate.

Ivory Marrow:
Pain takes the rose from Anon, holding it delicately between two of her claws. It seems to writhe, the petals opening and closing as if it were screaming in silent pain. Then it shrivels and turns black. The Lady places it in her hair. She waits patiently as Chaos outlines his plan.
At the mention of controlling the undead via necromancers, a look of horror crosses Time's face. "No! Don't you realize? If one of these souls is destroyed, that's it for them! They would simply be removed from existence. We can't just go around willy nilly destroying souls and flinging them at our enemies!"
"I don't see the problem with that," says Pain, smiles angelically at him.
"That's because you're just a...well, we just can't do it, is all. I wont allow it."
The Lady frowns as Chaos describe her part in the plans. "Anduilas raises a good point, one that I feel the rest of you are missing. Frankly, going up against the Gods is an act of folly unless we are united. With Devotion seemingly insane, Nature missing, and Destruction and Law absent, we cannot beat the full force of the Gods. We have two options, therefor.
"One, we do not even attempt to fight them in a conventional manner. We have a shadow war, striking against lone Gods in our own unique ways, without help from the others. We spread discord and rumors, preventing the Gods from uniting against us. Eventually, we kill the last of them and be done with it.
"Two, we find our missing members, cure or destroy Devotion, and take on the Gods in all out War." She giggles to herself, scraping her claws together with glee.
"Or three, we could find out who the Burning Man is, make peace with the Gods, and maybe even stop there from being a war at all? Just a thought." Time kicks the ground with his shoe, somewhat disgruntled.

2012-03-31, 04:13 AM
"Time who cares about the "immortal" souls of some humans. They disappear after so long anyway and dont do anything.
And is the 3rd option really viable or even considered by the rest of us for actual implementation? You should know being Time and all.
I say we combine 1 and 2. Ares is already dead and Thor could be persuaded with relative ease to create a schism. I've done it to more intelligent gods, and he is a brute with a hammer.
So do I have your cooperation or do I have to start spinning my epic tales together?"

Anon appears in front if Anduilas wearing his face
"No! Believe in the me who believes in you who believes in me who believes in you!"

"Do we really have to get Law into this. You know how we get along."
Anon turns into a giant face with the best puppy eyes impression ever.

2012-03-31, 04:34 AM
"Time who cares about the "immortal" souls of some humans. They disappear after so long anyway and dont do anything.
And is the 3rd option really viable or even considered by the rest of us for actual implementation? You should know being Time and all.
I say we combine 1 and 2. Ares is already dead and Thor could be persuaded with relative ease to create a schism. I've done it to more intelligent gods, and he is a brute with a hammer.
So do I have your cooperation or do I have to start spinning my epic tales together?"

Anon appears in front if Anduilas wearing his face
"No! Believe in the me who believes in you who believes in me who believes in you!"

"Do we really have to get Law into this. You know how we get along."
Anon turns into a giant face with the best puppy eyes impression ever.

2012-03-31, 06:57 AM
Korug kicked apart the dead dragon's body as they stood at the gate. He watched the Marilith being disintegrated, and his put hands on his hips. His fast healing was quickly patching up his wounds from the last battle. It was less than half a minute before the last scratch mended itself. Once it did so, he walked a bit closer to the gate.
"Six traps, all triggered at once. Several Nalfenshee on the other side," he said. "Funny thing is, should each of those rays prove powerful enough, they may even be strong enough to down me. So, let's see how frequently they can go off."
He looked at the demons on the other side, and demanded them to face him in direct combat.

I'm using Provocation 3 times, once as each of my actions. I can force each targetted demon to make a Will save (DC 35) or come forward and engage me in melee, no matter how suicidal. It they make it past the trap, I start making AoO's. Otherwise, I laugh as they disintegrate themselves.

2012-04-01, 12:25 AM
Anduilas shook his head as Anon tried to convince the others. "You don't really get the point do you? Devotion is singlehandely taking Lady of Pain on, with no threat to himself. Lady of Pain admitted it herself - if she doesn't return soon, she is bound to lose to Devotion's forces. It is stupid to do anything before settling this issue."

Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Iridia. He knew that Devotion's forces would be too dangerous if left unchecked. It was too much of a threat to the Seelie Court. He had to deal with it first, before anything else.

"Besides," he said as he waved dismissively to the Undead. "What use will those Undead do? They are rotting corpses and nothing more. They won't be able to stand more than a moment in front of the Gods. I wouldn't even waste the effort."

2012-04-01, 05:08 AM
"The Gods no. But the clerics and warriors of the Gods yes. Every ant killed by them is one less sliver of our attention when fighting the Gods. And the last time Law and I got together a Plane died. Hmm I really should apologize to him for provoking him to doing that. Oh well, so long as he doesn't talk to me it's fine. Time I would like those Necromancers at work yesterday please. Y'know I think you are the only person where Yesterday is a valid deadline.
When Dreamer gets here I'll inform. Actually I'll be right back.
Pain, meet me in Sigil, I'll back you up there. Take this."

Anon hands a small crystal carved into the form of a Beholder with it's main eye carved out. It floats itself and transmits "Hello. I'm Beauty the Psicrystal."
From where the main eye was carved out a new one grows, swiveling.
"Master-Mistress is watching now. Always watching."

"It'll protect you in battle, I can't have you dying now can I. We haven't played with my new playset yet. I can also inform you of any developments if you wish. I'll be along when I hunt Dreamer down, he may or may not be with me."

Anon shimmers out to reappear elsewhere in the castle and Divine where the Incarnate is

OOC: @Avalon: Dreamer should detect a scrying attempt by Chaos whenever you post next. I plan on shimmering in right after your fight.
@DM: Beauty is my Psicrystal that counts as a depiction of me. The main eye is my own that I can manifest onto it giving me sight. Can I cast Psion powers through my eye? I am technically there. What about Cleric/Wizard spells from a monster?

2012-04-01, 05:09 AM
(Invisible post bug)

2012-04-01, 04:41 PM
"Since when would we be fighting the clerics and the warriors?" Anduilas asked with his eyebrows raised. "The Gods have much more competent armies than that, and these Undead would not be able to do anything but cannon fodder and get in our way. Besides, any credible Necromancer should have their OWN army already. They have a limit after all. Why even bother? It would just end up diluting their power." Anduilas had battled his own Necromancer and Lich Lords before, so he knew much more about Necromancy than it would seem. "Now can we please stop wasting our time and focus on Devotion?"

"Devotion is still much more of a problem that we can possible think. We have to tackle the problem together. I certainly won't be sitting here without doing anything about it!" Once again Anduilas looked back at Iridia. He promised to keep the Seelie Court from harm and he could not let such a powerful army exist unchecked. Right now he had the chance to lend the other's strength and solve this dilemma once and for all. Anything else could wait after that.

Sneaky Weasel
2012-04-01, 05:05 PM
I realize that Lego will be gone for a while, but I'm just going to post the results of his last action for when he returns.
Korug roars out a challenge, his voice echoing through the fallen city. The three Nalfeshnees closest to him look at one another, their eyes burning with hatred. Then they all charge at once, heads lowered and claws extended. They all charge through the gate together, and the intersecting beams of energy lance through them, turning all three to white ash. Korug's demons give hissing sounds that probably qualify as laughter.

Ivory Marrow:
Time gives Anon an angry look. "Perhaps the very souls of mortals mean nothing to you, but I refuse to use them as cannon fodder in a war beyond their comprehension. The help they would provide is virtually nil, and my morality will not allow me to take part in such a venture. Of course, it seems I am the only one here with any morality at all." He glares at Chaos and Pain, crossing his arms in defiance. "And option number three would be perfectly viable, except that it turns out that all of you are too blood thirsty to accept it and you go for Anon's plan. Frankly, if all of you just hunkered down somewhere for a century or so and didn't interfere, I could smooth things over with the Gods so that everything would be all right. But that's just not going to happen, is it?"
"No. Not that it matters." The Lady listens to Anon intently, taking the crystal he offers. "It is true that I cannot hold out for long. Not because Devotion himself is more powerful than I, but because of his mechanical creations. Some of them are a danger to us in their own right, and he is sending them to attack various figures of power. I want to eliminate him before the Gods decide to. We must show them that we can take care of any disputes amongst our own ranks. I suggest Anduilas and I go there to deal with him, with Anon for backup. Time can go to head off the Gods for now and make sure they do not strike while we are busy with Devotion. We should use this city as our base, coming back here every now and then to see who else shows up. After dealing with Devotion we can seek out the other Incarnations and begin our war in earnest."

2012-04-01, 05:56 PM
Korug laughed as the demons disintegrated themselves.
"Who's next?" he challenged. "I can kill any of you as easily as they killed themselves." He turned to his own demons. "We have a genuinely deadly trap on our hands. I expect that this is no simple thieves' trap, either, so it would not be a simple matter to disable it. I shall check how the defenses are above the gate."
He flew up above the main gate, and challenged three more of the Nalfenshee to approach him. He waited to see what happened to them before he himself passed over the gate.

More Provocations, this time from above the gate.

2012-04-01, 08:40 PM
"Don't worry Time, one of these days you'll get used to me. And I do so have morality. Just not right now.
Ignore the Necromancers then, Time go with the Lady and deal with the mechanical creations. I'll be there in a shimmer if you get in trouble, probably with Korug and the Cardinal. Anduilas and your Highness, see if you can find where Devotion is bunkered. He probably has Mindblank up so my main Divining doesn't work and I have other things to do than hunt down a wayward machine. You seem to have an investment in stopping him so you can do what you do best and adventure."

OOC: You guys don't mind that I'm taking charge here do you? I see Chaos as the most experienced in these matters (if kinda offkilter with her plans and not the most reliable general) and no-one else has been seemingly taking charge.

2012-04-02, 06:30 PM
Anduilas nodded, listening to Anon and Lady of Pain's proposal. "Shouldn't someone watch out for Devotion's army? Lady of Pain you said that you have to go back to Sigil, or else Devotion's army would overrun your city, right? Here leave the duty to me. I will solve this problem singlehandely," he said with a grin.

Turning to Anon, he nodded. "I can easily handle Devotion - I have no qualms about that. I agree that you should help Korug so he can come back quickly. I....might have done too much damage to this fortifications and he needs to be caught up with the state of things anyway," he said with a smile.

"And since we're done here," Anduilas took his weirdstone back and placed it carefully in his bag. "Such a nice tool! Would hate to leave it behind after all. Pellow I'm sure you can handle things here while we're gone right? Try not to break anything," he said teasingly. Before he left, he turned to face Anon. "Be careful Chaos. Odin is wise and he is definitely suspicious of your activities. The old geezer seems interested in you above the rest, so don't let your guard down. But if I can get away with his horse, surely you can do your own tricks as well!"

Walking back to Iridia, he helped her back on Sleipnir. After reforming his size, he jumped on the steed and vaulted into the opposing wall, creating another large hole in the throne room. Anduilas laughed as he soared high above the city, the wind rushing past his face.

Iridia was in the seat in front of him, the force pushing her tightly against his chest. "Iridia," he said as he rode Sleipnir in a smooth circle. "Bring us to Mechanus. It is time to get to the bottom of this Devotion charade."

Sneaky Weasel
2012-04-03, 05:47 AM
I think you have a slight misunderstanding about the gate, that or I'm just not reading your post right. The gate is set into the fortress, and there are no entrances or exits above it. So flying up and provoking the demons would just make them come through the gate as they did before. The gate is basically just a massive door, it's not part of a fence or something. The only way out of the fortress that is readily apparent is the gate.
Three more of the demons charge out through the gate, only to be turned to ashes by the rays. The rest of them retreat further inside, not eager to follow their comrades. One of the Balors roars at them as the retreat, bringing up it's hands as it does so. The fires on it's body seem to intensify, glowing almost white hot for a moment. Then it lets out the flames in a rush, sending fire pouring through the gate and into the Nalfeshnees. They howl with pain, their retreat turning into a rout as they flee back into the fortress. The sounds of battle are replaced by an eerie silence.

Ivory Marrow:
Time looks distinctly uncomfortable at the thought of going with the Lady to Sigil, but he voices no complaint. The Lady calls out to Anduilas as he flies off.
"It wont be hard to find his fortress, just follow the Inevitables. After making sure everything is under control in Sigil, I will meet you in Mechanus. I don't want to miss Devotion being killed." She giggles, and vanishes, followed shortly thereafter by Time. Time then reappears, looking significantly more cheerful than before.
"Let's see, when is this? Oh, you're going after Devotion? Good. I'll hold down the fort here with Pellow." He claps the vampire on the back and grins heartily.
In the air, Iridia nods her head, and begins weaving her threads of magic once more. She, Anduilas, and Sleipnir vanish, winking out suddenly.

The three reappear on Mechanus. One of the strangest Planes, it is a wide black void, not unlike space, with huge gears hanging in it like bizarre planets. On the gears are worlds in miniature, various landscapes that mirror places on the Material Plane, vast cityscapes, and more often than not huge complexes of clockwork. The gears tilt lazily, drifting through the void. The humming of machinery fills the air.
However, this usually peaceful place is in a turmoil. It seems you have entered into the midst of a battlefield. There appear to be two main sides, warring across the empty spaces. The aggressors are huge, vicious looking conglomerations of clockwork, far larger than any other Inevitable. No two alike, they fly through the void with terrible speed, sending bolts of energy tearing across the plane. Attacking them are the lesser Inevitables, clockwork humanoids of varying shapes and sizes.
The two most common seem to be the Quaruts, protectors of Space and Time, and the Varakhuts, defenders of the Gods. They swarm around their larger brethren in droves, harrying them with greater numbers. They seems to be losing, however, as the massive machines rip them apart with clacking blades or light them on fire with energy rays. All around you the battle rages, above and below as well as to your sides.
Iridia stares about, speechless at the sight. She grabs your hand nervously as one of the huge Inevitables turns toward you and begins to accelerate, turbines and engines whining as it hurtles toward you with terrifying speed.

2012-04-03, 11:31 AM
Korug landed again, and turned to the demons.
"The way I see it, the easiest way to get past this trap is to not confront it at all," he said. "I think it would be much easier to burrow around the trap. And for that..." Korug sighed. "It would be easier with an adamantium weapon. If this does not work with the Chain, I suppose I will have to use one of the more despicable arts."
He brought his chain to bear, and whirled it against the wall around the gate in an attempt to bring it down.

Ok, my bad about that one. Still, that was a really easy battle.

Sneaky Weasel
2012-04-04, 05:12 PM
Your chain smashes into the wall, leaving a sizable dent. You rain several blows upon it, the wall crumpling with each one. It is significantly stronger than the ice towers, but after a while you are able to rip a sizable opening next to the gate, big enough to clamber through with some effort. All the while, there is no noise from inside the building. The Balors and Mariliths shift nervously, awaiting your commands.

2012-04-05, 06:45 PM
Anduilas smiled as the battle raged around him. His breathing quickened and his muscles tensed as he saw the huge clockwork abominations. They tore through the ranks of the Inevitables, cutting them down in large swaths. Smiling at Iridia, he shook his head. "Don't worry. Stay still, don't move. As long as you're right here, I will protect you."

Flying up, Anduilas grew to Colossal size, rivaling the Clockwork abominations in size. Twirling his twin blades, he smiled at the charging Clockwork abomination. His shield twirled around him, a simple white disk carrying his emblem. Looking around, he shouted out his challenge. "It is I! Anduilas, the Fated One, the Incarnation of Luck, Aspirations and Hope! Chosen by Destiny and Lady Fortune herself to be the shining light! Inevitables! To me!" Anduilas yelled as he rallied the beaten Incarnations.

"Come fight me abominations! Take on someone your own size!" he yelled as he taunted the charging Clockwork abominations. "See how you fare against a real opponent!"

So my first turn is pretty bland. He moves up (about 20 ft.) away from Sleipnir and grows to Colossal size while pulling out his weapon and his animated shield. As a swift action, he enters into his Thicket of Blades stance.

Now on your turn, things get complicated. Anyone who is moving within 150 ft. of Anduilas provokes an AoO. Instead of doing damage, he'll use his Stand Still feat for an absurdly large Reflex save to make them stop moving. It's a minimum of DC 140 Reflex save so I really don't expect the big guys to be moving around anytime soon.

Further more for anyone who provokes an AoO, Anduilas may spend an AoO to move up and attack them automatically. He may move as much as he wants since this movement is in addition to his standard movement speed in a round.

However he will not leave more than 30 ft away from Iridia and Sleipnir.

Finally any attacks that target Iridia, Sleipnir, or anyone within 30 ft of him provokes an AoO. This AoO doesn't do any damage - instead if Anduilas beats the attack roll with his own (at a +165 bonus) the attack is redirected at him. He may then switch places with the ally he protected, as long as it puts him a better position to shut down the abominations.

The same "spend an AoO to attack someone" counts here too.

I have an unlimited number of AoOs :smallbiggrin:

How's that for shutting down and crowd control? :smallbiggrin:

Oh just saying: It takes 2 luck rerolls each to reroll an opponent's save or attack roll. So if they ever roll a 20, oh well. And also I don't fail on rolling a 1.

Let's keep it at that for now :smallbiggrin:

Sneaky Weasel
2012-04-06, 05:54 AM
The clockwork destroyer continues to speed up, ignoring your challenge. It's blades clash viciously as it hurtles towards you, coming faster and faster- only to be brought to a complete halt by your sword. It writhes in frustration, and then swivels around, bringing it's energy cannons towards you. With a crackling noise, beams of lightening shoot out towards you, covering the area in a barrage of deadly rays.
While it sends it's bolts at you, the beleaguered Inevitables swarm past it, forming a huge formation that hangs in the air, with you in the center. The other abominations form up behind the one you stopped, their cannons swiveling around and seeking out targets. Their tactics seems to be mirroring the first one, relying on ranged attacks instead of charging up close.
Meanwhile, Iridia waves her hands, chanting arcane syllables. A sphere of glowing energy, all colours of the rainbow, forms around her and Sleipnir. It blocks out the energy attack of the first clockwork abomination, and it seems that you can concentrate on the enemy without worrying about her.

Originally Posted by OOC
The first clockwork abomination attacks with 15 energy rays. These are ranged touch attacks, piercing through any armor, and they ignore all miss chances of 50% or below.
[roll0] [roll1] [roll2] [roll3] [roll4] [roll5] [roll6] [roll7] [roll8] [roll9] [roll10] [roll11] [roll12] [roll13] [roll14]
If any of them manage to hit, I'll roll damage OOC, because it would clutter up this thread with a lot of unnecessary rolls. It doesn't provoke AoOs for making ranged attacks in a threatened space. Some of the attacks are directed at Iridia and Sleipnir, but you redirect them at you so it's all good. Iridia is casting Prismatic Sphere on her turn.

2012-04-06, 08:28 PM
Korug wrapped his chain back up once the hole had been formed.
"Well, I'm not the Incarnation of Cowardice," he said. "I'll be through first. Besides, even if a trap somehow does activate through this hole, I'm well protected between my cloak and my armor."
He then slipped through the hole he'd made cautiously.

Alright, even if, by some contrived coincidence, the trap still activates, the Disintegrate spells will need to first get past my 50% miss chance, then my 39 touch AC, then my +42 FORT save. (FORT partial? Mettle.)

2012-04-07, 01:20 AM
They miss his Touch AC. If they are not Nat 20s and do not go into the triple digits, they will definitely miss :smallbiggrin:

Anduilas starts the turn with White Raven Tactics, Covering Strike, White Raven Hammer and 15 Blessing Points.

Anduilas laughed, showing a great deal of dexterity as he twirled through the air. More than once it seemed the rays would disintegrate him, before he wildly dashed out of the way. Taunting the abominations, he dodged all of the incoming rays. The risk of battle made him feel alive - living at the edge of risk, never sure when his luck would finally end. It made him happy beyond comprehension.

Hovering next to the group of Inevitables, Anduilas smiled at them. "Look! They are too afraid to attack! They stand back like a group of cowards, too afraid to engage us! To me! Let me lead you to victory!"

Rallying the Inevitables, Anduilas looked at each of them in turn. "The Blessings of the Lady are upon us! Let my luck guide your strikes! Come! With me!" Taking a deep breath, he grinned madly at the abominations.


Flying forward, he targeted the first of the Clockwork abominations. His blades sunk into the abomination as the hordes of Inevitables aligned their attack.

Okay. *Deep Breath*

First all of the Inevitables within 30 ft of me get a +10 bonus to AC, Skills, and Damage.

All Abominations within 30 ft of me get a -10 penalty to AC, Skills, and Damage.

All Inevitables within 30 ft of me gain the following feats:
Unbelievable Luck
Fortuitous Strike
Survivor's Luck
Surge of Fortune
Advantageous Avoidance
Bad Luck is No Luck
Fate's Friend

And the 14 Luck rerolls they get for having those feats.

Basically, they can spend 1 luck reroll to reroll their own Save, Enemy critical threat or their own Damage. They can spend 2 luck rerolls to reroll an Enemy's Attack roll or their own attack roll. They can spend 1 luck reroll to get a +7 bonus to their reroll. Use them as you wish!

Furthermore, whenever an ally rerolls, they get a +6 bonus to their reroll. Whenever an enemy rerolls, they get a -6 penalty.

You said they were clustered around Anduilas right? I assume that they are tightly packed? If not, Anduilas will use a swift action to activate a single charge of Belt of Battle to give him a Move Action to move to an area where he is surrounded tightly by Inevitables in a 30 ft sphere.

If not, he uses continues with the rest of this. Please tell me if I used my swift action or not.

Anduilas uses the maneuver War Master's Charge as Full Round Action - Anduilas and all Inevitables within a 30 ft. radius charge the closest Abomination. I do an extra 50 points of damage and they deal an extra 25 points of damage. They each get a +2 bonus to attack for charging. They also get a +2 bonus for each and every Inevitable that is charging. So if 2 are charging, everyone gets +4 bonus. A 30 ft. radius sphere contains roughly 113,097 cubic feet or 22,619 5' squares.

So on average? Roughly 33,930 bonus to attack rolls, assuming an even mix of the two Inevitables (since one of the Inevitables is Medium sized and takes up one 5 ft cube and the other is Large sized and takes up one 5 ft cubes) that is tightly compacted together.

No one takes Attacks of Opportunities for charging and no one is considered blocking anyone else for their charge.

And assuming the same mix of Inevitables, just the bonus damage would be 424125 (in total, not to each Inevitable).

Attack Roll

Damage Roll

I decided to be cheeky and add an insane attack bonus since I would probably instantly hit anyway.

So how badly does this Abomination die? :smallbiggrin:

From there he uses his same shut down tactics to prevent them from moving and targeting anyone but him. This should be fun :smallbiggrin:

Sneaky Weasel
2012-04-08, 07:14 PM
The trap does not reach through the walls, and you slip in with relative ease. Inside, it is pitch black, with no source of light. With darkvision you can see that you are in a vast entrance hall, with tiled floors and an arched ceiling. The place seems to be completely empty, and there is still an eerie silence hanging over all.
The demons under your command climb through the hole one by one, arranging themselves in a semicircle behind you. They look around warily, unnerved by the silence. The flames from the Balors provides illumination of a sort, and the faint crackling it creates sounds horribly loud in the empty space.
"What now, sir?" The lead Balor peers into the darkness and bares it's teeth. The demons are not eager to pursue a Demon Lord into it's den.

Anduilas's blads slices deeply into the abomination, ripping through clockwork and armor like a knife through butter. The creature is stricken by the blow, broken gears flying away through the air. Then the Inevitables smash into it, every attack from them tearing out another huge chunk from the machine. In moments it is shattered, it's pieces scattered by the rain of attacks. The charge doesn't end there, however.
The army of Inevitables crash into the abominations like a wave of metal, tearing through their ranks. With unerring speed and power, the clockwork avengers take back what was theirs, dodging any attack thrown at them with unearthly luck. The abominations fall under the weight of superior numbers, being torn to pieces one by one.
They counterattack viciously, slicing the Inevitables with their blades, but with the advantage of numbers and Luck's rallying powers, the outcome of the battle is assured. The abominations that survive the attack fall back, covering their retreat with energy rays. The Inevitables press the attack and continue to drive them back. The battle has gone from a long, drawn out fight that the Inevitables had no hope of winning, to a total rout, with Devotion's army retreating from the suddenly united force.

2012-04-08, 07:45 PM
"Demons, your vision is clearer than my own. Check for traps; Orcus will not have been unwise in his palace's protections. Even after the rather well defended gate, I am reluctant to say that he will have eased his guard," Korug ordered. He then bellowed deeply into the darkness. "If there are any hidden demons within this hall, I suggest you show yourselves immediately! Your death will be much less painful if you surrender!"

Oh, and in case they're invisible, or try to hurl illusions at me, I have a constant True Seeing thanks to that nifty ring.

2012-04-09, 04:51 PM
Anduilas roared as the Inevitables triumphed over the Abominations. He pumped his fist into the air, rallying the victorious Inevitables around him. Anduilas felt so energized by the excitement of battle; it delighted him to see the Abominations run away in terror, barely able to scamper away from the smaller Inevitables. Laughing, he flew back down the Iridia. "Nice performance, don't you think?" he said with is charming smile.

Before talking too long with Iridia, Anduilas quickly regrouped with the Inevitables. "Wait up Inevitables! Don't chase them just yet; the Abominations might be leading us into a trap. Before we chase them down, I want to know more about what happened here. Why is Devotion attacking his own kin? What could he gain from upsetting the balance here? Was there a leader in this battle before me? Please step forward and talk freely - I am on your side."

As he listens to their grievances, Anduilas nodded and looked out onto the Mechanus horizon. "I fear for the times ahead. Balance is being thrown askew as different forces are vying for control. We must unite together, and use our collective force to ensure the planes aren't burnt to the ground. See how well we did before? Follow me! And let Lady Luck smile upon your intentions! Let us stop Devotion's charade and restore balance to these planes!"

Sneaky Weasel
2012-04-09, 05:52 PM
The demons move out to search the place, the Balors leading the way. Your challenge echoes through the hall. There is silence for a moment, and then- a voice.
"Surrender?" The voice is a hoarse whisper, and it make your skin crawl with the Evil infusing it. The demons freeze, looking around for its source.
"Surrender? What do you take me for, Immortal? Some sniveling demon, scrapping for souls, hiding at the first sign of danger?"
You hear what sounds like a huge bulk shuffling around, and then the boom of giant hooves on stone.
"You thought you could walk in here and kill me? That would be a good plan...if I were some dretch with no mind and no power. But I am not."
A sudden whumph, like massive wings unfurling.
"I am eternal. Unstoppable. I am more violent than violence, more deadly than death. I have destroyed more men than all your puny wars. I am lord of demons and Prince of Death."
The sounds of movement stops. There is silence once more. Then all around the hall, torches light up, illuminating the scene in flickering red light. At the other side of the hall stands the Prince of Undeath. Twenty feet tall, with blood red skin. His massive wings send gusts of foul air through the chamber, and his hooves smash the flagstones beneath his feet. Ram's horns curl up from his deformed head, and his eyes are lit by madness. Circling around him in dizzying spirals is his wand, a small rod of gold topped by a glowing green skull.
"I AM ORCUS!" He snatches his wand out of the air and charges you. From all around the sides of the hall, various minor demons pour out, attacking the Balors and Mariliths viciously. Leading the charge against your demons is a huge vampiric undead, whirling a greataxe over it's head. But the only being going for you is Orcus. His hooves send up sparks as he charges, and flame billows forth from his screaming mouth.
Before he gets inside your reach, he leaps into the air, propelled by his gigantic wings. He comes down at you from above like a typhoon of wrath, smashing you with his wand again and again.
I rolled for your AoO, you hit him once and failed to knock him back, and he's immune to the Sneak Attack.
Orcus's Deathwand: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1], and you must make a DC 44 Fortitude save or die. Even if you succeed, you take [roll2] points of Constitution Damage and 3 negative levels.

The Inevitables regroup around Anduilas. A Kolyarut moves forward to act as spokesman.
"Devotion is no more. It has turned into something far more powerful- Paranoia. Paranoia lashes out at everything, causing Chaos on a grand scale. This most necessary of planes is in danger of being destroyed from within.
We have no leader for the moment. Previously Primus, greatest of Inevitables, was leading us. But Paranoia turned him into an engine of death. He serves Chaos now.
It seems most logical to obey you for the time being. It is one of your kind who tries to destroy us, and it is your responsibility to stop him. We will carry out your orders if they seem the logical actions necessary to restore Law to this plane."
The Inevitables form up behind you, gliding into ranks of perfect accuracy. It seems you have an army.

2012-04-09, 06:45 PM
Korug felt the effects of the energy drain as the wand struck against him. The pitiful physical damage, though, was quickly mended by his regenerative body. He laughed at Orcus loudly, unimpressed by the magnificent entrance.
"You are precisely correct, Demon Prince. I am immortal," he boasted, as he began whirling his chain viciously. "And that-" He began his chain of attacks. "Is exactly why I cannot lose this battle!"
While he attacked, he took in his surroundings, making sure to mark out any demons that were within range.

Well, I have +42 to my FORT save, so it was a pretty easy throw to make. One point of the CON damage is instantly repaired by my Ability Healing feat (thanks again for approving it). The damage is mended by my Fast Healing.
Now, then, it's time to attack. I apply my knock-back ability to any attack that hits.

Attack rolls:

Damage rolls:

I will obviously continue to make AoO's against Orcus, but those lesser demons better stay out of my 65-foot range, too.

2012-04-10, 01:14 AM
Anduilas grinned as the Inevitables formed ranks in front of him. They were the perfect soldiers, and he knew that nothing could stand in his way while he lead them. Turning around, he smiled at Iridia. "Looks like we have a good enough force to stop Paranoia right now," he said with a smile. "Looks like we'll be getting busy soon!"

Rubbing his hands together, he changed his size once again and flew onto Sleipnir. Holding Iridia tight, he reassuringly squeezed her hand. "Hold on tight," he said with a smile. "Come with me Inevitables! Show me the way to Paranoia and this Primus of yours! I will restore balance, even if I have to beat the sense into their heads! Nothing should be threatening the realms, not even someone like Paranoia!"

Charging forward on Sleipnir, Anduilas maintains a steady distance ahead of the army, making sure to scout out any incoming danger. He always depended on his lucky six sense; more than once he had been able to dodge a completely unforeseen danger. After all, this was Anduilas - we can't have dying out of nowhere can we?

Anduilas travels about 100 ft ahead of the Inevitables at all times. He has Foresight up, which should protect him against any nasty surprises.

Sneaky Weasel
2012-04-10, 05:01 PM
Whirling your chain, you smash the Demon Prince twice, your first blow cracking his ribs and your second hitting his shoulder and spinning him around, sending him skidding across the floor. As he goes your chain lashes out once more, hitting him squarely in the stomach. A look of wicked delight crosses the face of Orcus, and he joins in your laughter.
"Good! I thought this would be too easy." He charges once more, ducking under your attack and striking at you with his Wand a second time. You notice with some dismay that with every strike from his Wand, Orcus's wounds vanish, the skin knitting itself back together.
Meanwhile, the other demons are engaged in a brutal melee. The axe wielding undead who commands Orcus's servants is facing off against two of the Balors, matching them blow for blow. Hezrous and Nalfeshnees swarm the third Balor and the Mariliths, the weight of numbers giving them the edge. A few unlucky demons step in range of your chain, and you send them flying without a thought.
Deathwand: [roll0] Damage: [roll1]
DC 44 Death attack, on a save 3 negative levels and [roll2] Constitution damage.

Your army soars through the skies of Mechanus, an awe inspiring sight. In the lead, Anduilas, Luck Incarnate, the greatest Hero known to man, astride the greatest horse ever to be ridden. Iridia, Princess of the Fae, sits in front of him, her silken robes billowing in the wind. Behind them, thousands of metallic soldiers, each one determined to enact justice on the chaos that taints their land. What enemy could even hope to challenge such a force? Paranoia has just reason to fear the coming onslaught. Bards will tell stories for ages to come of how the Lucky One lead the Inevitables to victory. If there are ages to come, that is.

As you ride through the sky, the wind hammers into you, taking away your breath through sheer speed. Even the Inevitables have a hard time keeping up, their gears whirring as they pursue Sleipnir across the vast expanse. The gear-worlds flash by beneath you, blurred and distorted. This is the first time you have really ridden Sleipnir for any length of time, and you can tell why he is called King of Horses. Iridia laughs with exhilaration, clutching Sleipnir's mane tightly. The remaining clockwork abominations follow your force, attempting to harry them as they go, but their decimated numbers do little damage, and they fall behind one by one.
You go on for only a few minutes before slowing your pace, but you have covered a vast distance in that time. The reason for stopping is apparent to you long before the others. Up ahead, you can see a huge clockwork palace, twice as large as any of the other gear-worlds. It towers thousands of feet tall, a weird conglomeration of moving parts and defensive plating. Hundreds of cannons and guns of all sorts line it's walls, swiveling toward the approaching army. Huge thrusters on the bottom of it send out jets of superheated steam, propelling the structure along. Flying around it are dozens more of the abominations, some much larger than the ones you fought before. This is evidently Paranoia's Palace of Gears.
The front of the Palace extends into a long walkway, a bridge or landing area of sorts. It is around five hundred feet long, and made of burnished bronze. Standing at it's center is a figure dressed in black, too small to make out from a distance. You have a suspicion of who it is, however. A paranoid suspicion.

Sigil, watched by Anon:
The Lady appears over the city of Sigil, hanging in the air. The perspective is skewed, as the city is a torus, wrapped around itself like a gigantic ring. Pain hovers in the center of the circular city, observing for a moment the war that rages through it.
Clockwork Abominations fill the air, swooping down to wreck havoc amongst the city's inhabitants. They rip the tops off buildings with their claws, and send rays of destruction down at the streets. The city's soldiers can do little against the power of the abominations, simply unable to penetrate their armor. Here and there massive, ogrelike defenders with claws and bony wings grafted on to them put up a strong defense, but there are not nearly enough to do anything but delay the enemy.
Time appears next to the Lady with a faint humming noise. He looks over the scene with a grim expression.
"I didn't know it was this bad. What can I do to help?"
The Lady giggles, flexing her claws. "Why, kill the machines, of course." Before he can reply she vanishes, reappearing far below and swooping through the city towards the abominations. She spins into a group of them, dodging their attacks with ease, then striking out in a whirlwind of blows that tears armor and weapons from each one. Then she is gone, moving on to the others. The first group she attacked seems to shudder, cracks spreading out from the wound inflicted by Pain. Metal groaning, they begin to deteriorate, rusting and flaking away. They lash out wildly at the nearest creature, which happens to be each other. Tearing at their fellows and shrieking in otherworldly pain, they crash to the ground in a burning heap of rubble.
Time is everywhere at once. Literally. He pops in and out all around the city, appearing in many different places at the same time. With him the soldiers and civilians disappear, vanishing with no trace and not reappearing when he returns. The abominations attack his various duplicates with their full arsenal of weaponry, but cannot even come close to hitting him. When an errant abomination gets in one of his ways, he simply freezes it in time and keeps moving. The frozen machines hang in the air like some sort of weird balloon, adding a surreal atmosphere to the scene.

2012-04-10, 05:46 PM
Korug laughed as he was struck again, his incredible physical durability saving him once more from the deadly Wand of Orcus. Once again, the physical damage mended itself instantly. He looked at the Wand thoughtfully for a second, and grinned as a plan came to mind.
"Orcus, we are equal fools," Korug announced. "But me? Haha, I am afraid I am more clever than your dretch-like form."
He grinned wider than before, and attacked Orcus' greatest weakness: his Wand. He called upon the earth they stood on to strengthen his blow.

I am going to Sunder the Wand of Orcus. I am using Earth Strike to add my CON bonus to my attack roll. Oh, and I forgot that I deal an extra 10 damage per strike against Orcus, since he is capable of casting spells.


2012-04-10, 08:28 PM
Anduilas stopped as he allowed the rest of the Inevitables catch up to him. Looking out onto the Palace of Gears, he glared at the black figure in the center. He couldn't see him, but he knew that was were his enemy was. "So you're the one who's been causing all this ruckus," he whispered as the palace loomed closer and closer.

For a moment, Anduilas felt completely carefree. He knew that no matter what, he would be remembered in history for this epic battle. No matter what would happen, his blades would forever be remembered and his actions would inspire heroes for generations to come. That excited him - there was absolutely nothing that could go wrong. But the he felt a sudden pang in his heart, and he realized that not the same could be said for Iridia.

Looking at Iridia, Anduilas gave her a reassuring hug. "I need you to raise a distraction for me. Paranoia is sensitive and even the slightest provocation can throw him off. I want you to make him believe that this is only a small detachment, and that the real force is coming from the east," he said as he pointed to the left side. "I will meet him here while you take Sleipnir," he said softly. "Go to the right and make as many illusions as you can. Then bring your might to flank him, but stay back yourself. I don't want you to get hurt since you only have illusions at yours side." While the illusions would only minimally help, Anduilas simply didn't want to risk Iridia in battle, and this was the only excuse he could think of. At the very least, she would feel that he wasn't just looking down on her or pushing her away. "Make haste....and stay safe." he said softly as he looked into her bright eyes.

Flying off of Sleipnir, Anduilas turned to face to oncoming fortress. Once again he was Colossal size, towering way above the Inevitables. "Inevitables! There is our enemy! He sits in his palace, ignorant and uncaring of the chaos that he is causing. He wrecks Mechanus like it is his plaything, and he no longer cares for the safety of balance in these planes. Inevitables! Will you take this lying down? Will you let him tarnish your duty, your honor as Inevitables? No! Come! Rally around me!" Anduilas pulled out his blades as he pumped his fist into the air. As he spoke, the Inevitables formed rank and file around him, like many layers of armor that clinked into place. At the very center, Anduilas looked out onto the magnificent fortress, with his own shield twirling around him. From the outside, it looked like two mechanic behemoths were ready to do battle.

"Today we take back what is rightfully ours! Inevitables! Let Lady Luck shine her blessings on us! Chaaaaaaarge!"

So same thing as last combat. All the Inevitables within 30 ft get the luck bonus feats, luck bonus, and etc. Also everyone within 30 ft of me actually can't be attacked either because Anduilas can spend an AoO to redirect the attack back to him.

Because of this I wonder if it is possible to reform the Inevitables into a nice spherical shape around me. It's actually bigger than a 30 ft. radius sphere because Anduilas is Colossal size - the center is actually a cube. It would probably look like some really weird 3D version of an octagon/cube-sphere hybrid.

Then same thing all over again. War Master's Charge, directed at the walkway of the Palace of Gears when it is within range.

Let's open this with a bang :smallamused:

EDIT: Rolls in OOC thread.

Sneaky Weasel
2012-04-12, 01:57 AM
With an expert flick of your chain, you wrap it around Orcus's Wand. Before he has the time to comprehend you tactic, you lash your chain, sending all your power into the center of your opponent's weapon. With a noise like breaking glass, the Wand splinters, breaking in the center. It is not completely shattered, but bent to one side, pieces of metal sicking out of it like shards of bone. The green light emanating from it's head dims slightly.
Orcus screams in rage, all merriment gone from his expression. He vanishes, reappearing around a hundred feet in the air, hovering with outstretched wings. Pointing one clawed finger towards you, he chants in Abyssal, his skin convulsing with power. With a sound like rumbling thunder, a fist-sized globe of scintillating energy shoots from his hand to strike you squarely in the chest. It explodes in a maelstrom of screaming energies, mixing fire, lightning, frost, sonic and acid in hellish display of power. It obscures your view of the other combatants for a few moments.
Damage from the Hellball is [roll0] fire, [roll1] acid, [roll2] electricity, [roll3] sonic, and [roll4] cold.

Iridia nods bravely. "You can count on me." She wheels Sleipnir around, taking him in a wide arc to approach from the flank.
With a grim silence, the Inevitables form up behind you. Your words give hope even to these creatures of pure logic, and they are ready to fight against the chaos of Paranoia. As you charge, they follow you, bearing down on the Fortress of Gears like a typhoon on a castle of sand.
The black figure on the walkway looks up at the approaching force, seemingly unconcerned. It holds up a hand, and then lets it drop. Suddenly, the Fortress changes. Large apertures open up all around it, portholes clanging open all at once. From out of the openings come vast, mechanical tentacles, writhing in the air.
They are tipped with grasping claws, and they twist and snap at the oncoming force. The tentacles extend and retract into the holes effortlessly, adding tremendous reach and flexibility to them. They reach up to three hundred feet out from the Fortress, moving swiftly to intercept the attackers. The cannons and rotary guns mounted on every available surface fire at you, bullets and energy rays filling the air. Many Inevitables too far away to be protected by you are cut down by the missiles or snatched by reaching tentacles, torn asunder by the mechanical limbs.
Meanwhile, the black figure stands on the bridge, ignoring your force. As you crash through the tentacles and attack the walkway, you can see that it is a mechanical humanoid, millions of intricate clockwork pieces making it more lifelike than you would have thought possible. It is dressed in a black waistcoat, with a top hat and a priest's collar. A simple black cane in clutched in one of it's gloved hands. It's eyes shine with a red glow, and it smiles at you as you attack the bridge it is standing upon.
"Aspiration has come to call, trying to end my reign. It's time for Luck to finally fall, Despair shall rule again." Paranoia chuckles to itself, content with watching for now without doing anything. It's eyes widen slightly as you slam into the bridge, denting it and making it sway dangerously, and it waves a hand to direct a series of tentacle attacks in your direction.
OK, there are a lot of attacks directed at you this round. The majority of the have no chance of hitting, so I'll skip them, but the tentacles on the other hand...
[roll5] [roll6] [roll7] [roll8] [roll9] [roll10] [roll11] [roll12] [roll13] [roll14] [roll15] [roll16] [roll17] [roll18] [roll19]
And there may be a chance of some rays hitting you. Forget the attack bonus, let's just see if they roll a 20.
[roll20] [roll21] [roll22] [roll23] [roll24] [roll25] [roll26] [roll27] [roll28] [roll29][roll30] [roll31] [roll32] [roll33] [roll34] [roll35] [roll36] [roll37] [roll38] [roll39] [roll40] [roll41] [roll42] [roll43] [roll44]
I'll roll damage OOC if any of them hit.

2012-04-12, 04:48 PM
Korug couldn't help but smile at the rage he'd induced on the Demon Prince. It didn't fade as Orcus hurled a ball of swirling energy at him. When the cloud faded, giving Orcus another view of Korug, he was looking down at his finger. His ring briefly flashed five different colors as it absorbed the damage for Korug.
"Impressive display of power," Korug called up. "It is such a shame that it had no effect. Time for you to die, now."
His wings spread, and he took to the air. He flew to within 40 feet of Orcus, preparing his chain. His weapon twirled viciously as Korug prepared for another round of assault. His face bore the mad grin of an unnervingly tranquil fury.

No, no. +30 damage per strike. It's always double my Archblade level, which is 15. While I'm at it, I was making a mistake with my attack rolls. It's -2 per successive blow in a full attack, not -5. But, anyway, I'll fix that when I make my next full attack. While I'm at this anyway, I enter a Rage.

Attack roll:
Damage roll:

2012-04-13, 01:14 AM
So just just a small running count of luck rerolls/bonuses/etc. so I can keep track of things.

Luck rerolls: 5 Temporary and 2954 Regular
Glory Points: 49
Improvisation: 270
Fate Points: 6

Blessing Points: 40
AC Bonus: +6
Avalanche Bonus: N/A

Covering Strike
Order Forged From Chaos
Clarion Call

Anduilas laughed, swinging one of his blades onto his shoulder. Pointing the other blade at Paranoia, he grinned. He had dodged dozens of lasers, and slipped past all of the tentacles. More than once it seemed like they would finally get him, forming an impossible criss cross of deadly steal and light. Yet every time he simply laughed as he crashed right through them, exploding in a dazzling display of light and fire. Landing on the bridge, he created a big dent with his knee. Shock waves rippled through the entire bridge as he slowly stood up. All around him the Inevitables charged the Abominations, destroying them almost without any challenge. Looking around him, he smiled.

"You sure talk big Paranoia," he said he confidently walked towards the Incarnation. "But even you must know when to bow down! C'mon, do you seriously believe you can win against me, the Incarnation of Luck? You can almost say that the ending of this battle is already destined to go my way. Might as well give up now! If you give me your fortress, I'll think about letting you go - after I teach you a lesson. You have caused way too much trouble, attacking other Incarnations. You're only reaping what you sow!" Anduilas taunted the clockwork Incarnation. He laughed at Paranoia's feeble threats. After all, how could he ever threaten him?

Twirling around, Anduilas threw both of his blades forward. They flew in a straight line, aiming straight at Paranoia's heart. As they slashed to either side of him, he suddenly jerked them back and twirled to the right. He danced a deadly dance, constantly moving back and forth and letting his chains unravel in the air. They made perfect loops as they struck toward Paranoia again and again. "I won't even bother using my real skills," Anduilas laughed as he spun from spot to spot. "You're not even worth my truly impressive fighting style!"

So I was thinking: how can I capture Anduilas' complete overconfidence and lack of common sense? Of course! By not actually doing anything that would work!

Anduilas full attacks Paranoia, but Anduilas spends 1 Glory Point (or rather luck reroll) so his first attack shall be an Away with Superstition attack to strip any magical protections/buffs/etc. Basically any beneficial magical effects. The attack result will the a Will Save DC that Paranoia must make, even if the attack would normally miss. Furthermore, Immunities shouldn't really protect against this, since it isn't Mind Affecting, and it receives my Cha mod as an extra bonus. However, this attack deals no damage. The rest of the attacks are regular attacks.

[roll0] <- if this special attack would be a critical threat, I automatically succeed and Paranoia is denied a chance to save.


Roll for the luck reroll

EDIT: Total Damage: 890 damage without Crits. 1256 damage with Crits. :smallbiggrin:

Sneaky Weasel
2012-04-13, 05:59 AM
The Demon Prince's eyes widen as you step unharmed from his elemental assault. Before he can do anything about it, you have flown up and whipped at him with your chain. He is unnervingly fast for his bulk, however, and he dodges your attack by a hairsbreadth. He tries to fly out of your range, and you lash him automatically, sending him spinning back wards uncontrollably. Despite the forceful blow, he quickly recovers, and snaps his fingers with a grin. Instantly he is wreathed in a halo of purple energy, made out of writhing souls screaming in agony. His skin has turned a dull metallic colour, and he is half again as large as he was before. He now moves with an unnatural quickness, and he grips his wand in readiness of striking you once more.
Far below, your demons have the upper hand. Although one of the Balors have fallen, it managed to kill Orcus's undead general before dying, and the Mariliths cut a swath of death through the lesser demons. Then you hear a horrible screaming sound that is all too familiar, and the dragon you killed outside the gate comes writhing in through the hole you punched in the wall, it's mouth drooling saliva as it charges your demons.
Aside from ability and armor bonuses, Orcus now has DR 15/Adamentine. I'm not sure if that will effect you or not.

Your first attack severs the bonds of magic surrounding Paranoia, and his face twitches slightly. Your barrage of followup attacks manage to slash him three times, each blow cutting through his armor and sending him reeling. As you pause in your assault, the clockwork Incarnation grins at you, his teeth perfectly white.
"Are you done? It's now my turn. And now it's time for Luck to burn." He holds up his hands, encased in their velvet gloves. With a sudden twitch, a glowing knife appears in each hand, blades pointing downwards. They are somewhat smaller than shortswords, and their glow goes through all the colours of the rainbow. He swishes them back and forth slowly, as if getting a feel for them. Then he strikes.
He moves so fast that he becomes a literal blur, coming at you from every direction at once. You can easily avoid a single attack, but there are many, each thrown from a completely different angle. Some from in front, some from behind, some from directly above you. Before you can adjust to his tactics, he blurs back to the spot he was originally at. Them he jumps, vanishing up into the air. For a moment you aren't sure where he has gone...then he comes screaming down from above, his blades wreathed in golden flames. He smashes into the ground in front of you, sending the fire out in a massive shockwave that annihilates anything in it's path.
Ok, let's see. His double full attack: [roll0], [roll1], [roll2], [roll3], [roll4], [roll5], [roll6], [roll7], [roll8], [roll9]. Yes, his iterative attacks increase the modifier instead of lowering it. And they are all touch attacks.
Damage is, in order:
[roll10] plus [roll11]
[roll12] plus [roll13]
[roll14] plus [roll15]
[roll16] plus [roll17]
[roll18] plus [roll19]
[roll20] plus [roll21]
[roll22] plus [roll23]
[roll24] plus [roll25]
[roll26] plus [roll27]
[roll28] plus [roll29]
The 5d6 is 1d6 of each energy type, subject to immunity or resistance.
The flaming shockwave, however, is caused through unholy power, and is therefor not subject to energy immunity. Damage is [roll30] unholy damage and [roll31] bludgeoning damage. Reflex save halves the bludgeoning damage, Will save halves the unholy damage. Both have a DC equal to the full damage dealt plus 50.

The abomination's assault seems to be wavering as the two Incarnation tear through their ranks like a whirlwind. Time has turned on the offensive now, causing the clockwork menaces to rust in nothingness or simply fly apart into a heap of gears. The Lady continues her tactic of simply wounding one and moving on, letting her horrible powers turn the wound fatal. If the trend continues, Sigil will soon be free of attackers.
Then the other shoe drops.
A grinding noise fill the air, like metal being torn apart. The streets start to rumble in one area, masonry falling and buildings cracking. Then a massive shape bursts out of the ground, sending lethal shards of rock flying thorugh the air.
It appears as a giant metal slug, covered in armor plating. It is around three hundred feet long, going from a pointed, drill-like head to a wide body to a lang, lashing tail. It seems to have been using it's head to drill through the solid rock of the ground. It's armor takes the form of overlapping bronze scales, wide and leaf-shaped. It sways back and forth, towering over the ruined city.
"You're a big beasty, eh? Well, the bigger they are..." One of the many Time duplicates stops for a second to admire the intricate design of the beast. Then he holds out a hand and freezes it in time. But instead of simply moving on, he struggles, unable to keep the creature chained. Beads of sweat appear on his forehead as the slug-abomination begins to move towards him, ever so slowly. Then there is a cracking sound that echoes through the whole city. It sends ripples through the boundaries of the Planes, causing time itself to stop for one brief second, freezing the Multiverse in place. It is the sound of Time's power failing.
The bonds erected by the hapless Incarnation shatter, and the slug-abomination stirs once more. It's drill rotates with terrifying speed, and all over it's body the metal scales pop up like frills. All the different sections of it's body start rotating, the scales slicing the air into chunks, turned into deadly saw blades. Anything that touches it is instantly pulverized. It lunges forward, ramming it's drill into the stunned Time. It catches him in the stomach, lifting him up and shoving him, pinning Time between it and a building. Of the three, the building is the least able to withstand the strain. The abomination crashes through the structure and out the other side, Time still being shoved along in front of it, the drill tearing at him all the while. It smashes him through two more buildings before tossing him into the air and lashing him from the side, sending him flying a few hundred feet into a heap of rubble. He does not get up. The rest of his duplicates stop, stunned by the attack and the failing of their power. This is no ordinary abomination that did this. This is Primus.

2012-04-13, 08:28 AM
Korug looked down as the dragon charged in. He groaned, and turned back to his opponent.
"I expected his regeneration to bring him back at some point, though I had hoped it would be longer," he told Orcus. "Well played, Demon Prince. Demons, avoid the dragon as much as you can! Focus on the lesser demons for now; I shall destroy the dragon again soon."
He started his attack anew, the midair battle escalating as they kept duking it out above the demons and dragon below.

Attack rolls:

Damage rolls:

2012-04-13, 09:44 AM
I was going to annoy Time but seeing Prime? :smallbiggrin:
This takes place after my meeting with Dreamer.
When is Avalon going to post anyway?

"Ooh pretty. MINE! I called it, you all heard me!
You're my little pretty construct now. Ah yes you are.
How about we leave the nice city alone huh? Be a good little pretty thingy."
A small childish voice echoes from near the ear of the giant Prime.

"I heard you needed help Time. This is the first time, hehe, your power has been defeated right. By this little pretty construct."
The voice echoes inside everyone's heads except the Prime's

"Does the little construct wanna snoozie-bye? Listen to my voice as you sleep. Are your eyes weary from being awake forever and ever? Just close them, just drift away into nothingness little pretty construct. Just lay down and sleep because you need the rest. Just a little rest before leaving the nice city alone and finding a wonderful civilization to run rampant in.
Sleeeep. Dream. Play out your destructive dreams in your own world to destroy."

An illusion of a Giant Beast spoken of in legend as the Great Destroyer is created next to the construct dwarfed by it's size. It starts petting the beast over and over

Diplomacy checks up to Friendly then manifesting Microcosm with it willingly forgoing the PR
I'm not on my lappie right now so I dont have my updated character sheet. I'm pretty sure my diplomacy is 160, something like that anyway.

If it has more than 230hp then I'll hit it with MindThrust
Does Shatter Mind Blank work on all Immunity: Mind-Affecting or just Mind Blank? I manifest it if it has any form of Immunity.

If it has Immunity that I can't penetrate with Shatter then I'll just manifest Assimilate until it is absorbed into me.

2012-04-15, 05:27 PM
Sorry for the late post! So the first part of my OOC information will reflect what I do in response to Paranoia's attacks. I'll post up my relevant OOC information at the end of the post.

Spoilering it cause it took up so much space.
So first I use Luck Child's Avatar of Luck ability. It allows me to spend 6 Luck rerolls to choose the result of my opponent's attack rolls. Now to be fair, I can't know the result beforehand. So I'll simply negate the first 5 attacks since that is the fairest way to use this ability. The first 5 attacks are automatically a Natural 1.

But whenever I use luck rerolls for any purpose, my AC rises by a corresponding amount! So say hello to a +30 AC. Regardless of the result of the other attacks, I feel safe to say that Anduilas is safe for now.

For the save rerolls, I spend 3 luck rerolls to automatically choose a Natural 20. Spending for both saves, Anduilas is safe from those as well.

But Avalanche of Luck gives me a +1 bonus every time I use a luck reroll or luck rerolls for saves/ability/skills/attack checks so I get a +2 to saves for the rest of the encounter.

That is a total of 36 Luck rerolls spent, but I have 40 blessing points so I have 4 blessing points left. Not that it matters because this refreshes at the beginning of my round which is....now.

Anduilas bobbed and weaved as Paranoia attacked him. Every time Paranoia managed to get too close, Anduilas would just barely raise his blade in time to parry the blow. Paranoia attacked again and again, and each time his blade only got closer and closer. Gritting his teeth, Anduilas was forced to step back with each strike.

When Paranoia jumped, Anduilas looked upwards at his disappearing form. Raising his blades, he could feel his heart racing at a mile a minute. Unlike the other attacks, Paranoia was insanely fast and accurate. But each strike that missed made him more confident, and Anduilas knew that his luck only multiplied; it would never run out. As Paranoia landed his final strike, Anduilas used his blades to block the brunt of the attack as he leaped away from the flames.

Smoke rose from Anduilas' singed body, his blades still raised and covering his face. In the battle he had been pushed back at least several feet, and despite the size difference, it was obvious that Paranoia was just as intimidating as Anduilas was. But as Anduilas readied his blades by his sides, he appeared completely unharmed. Grinning, he taunted Paranoia. "Is that all you have Paranoia? It will take much more to try and burn me! Looks like you're not going to go down without me showing my true colors!"

Anduilas dashed forward, twirling his blades around him. But this time, his steps were much more elegant. Using his flight to his advantage, he came in from a completely unexpected angle. His blades twirled like a deadly cyclone around him, angling closer and closer to Paranoia. Suddenly he stopped, planted his foot in the ground, and jumped to the side. His blades followed him, cutting a wide swath right into Paranoia. The blades would cut right in front of Paranoia, but the effect would be disorienting.

"I'm going to sever your bonds with the multiverse, and deprive you of your infernal magic! Don't think you can raise your flames against me again! My flames of passion will burn you out!" As he yelled, Anduilas plunged his blade into Paranoia's side, doing superficial damage at best. But the sudden outburst only complimented his psychological attack.

Stepping back, he grinned. "Come at me Paranoia. I want to see what you can do now!"

Okay! Now let's see what happens. I regain 1 luck reroll/round and some new bonuses so.....

Luck rerolls: 4 Temporary and 2954 Regular
Glory Points: 49
Improvisation: 270
Fate Points: 6

Blessing Points: 0 (All spent; see below)
AC Bonus: +37
Avalanche Bonus: +2 bonus to Saves
+4 bonus to Attack


Covering Strike
Order Forged From Chaos
Clarion Call
[roll0] for the next one given. Just using the same order, with the last 2 being the order set.
New Maneuver this round will be White Raven Hammer

Anduilas uses two of his attacks for a Confounding Strike Fool's Sword technique and the remaining five attacks for a Sever the Bond! technique. This is at a higher attack bonus because they are Fool's Sword technique, but they do not deal any damage. Same thing, the attack is a Will Save DC, unless it is a critical threat, in which case it automatically happens with no save.

I choose Standard Action and Swift Action for Confounding Strike. It lasts for 1 round until the beginning of their next turn.

Paranoia has a 50% chance of failing his Supernatural or Spell Like Abilities. Duration is rolled below.

This was a total of 12 GP. I spend 11 of my BP that I got this turn and use 1 Temp Luck reroll for the final one.


Duration: [roll8]

Luck reroll keep: [roll9]

That's it for now!

EDIT: Couldn't keep my luck reroll but I do get that +1 bonus to AC. By the way, special changes to my attack roll in the OOC thread!

EDIT2: So no one else is attacking right now within 30 ft of me? I don't get any more Blessing Points? :smallbiggrin:

Sneaky Weasel
2012-04-16, 04:28 AM
Your chain becomes a blur of vicious steel, smashing into Orcus again and again. You hit him four times, cracking bones with each strike. The Demon Princes counterattacks in brutal silence, his Wand smashing at you again and again. It still saps your strength, but you can tell it is weakened from the damage it has taken.
Far below the dragon has attacked a Marilith, tearing her apart with it's teeth and claws. The three Balors converge upon it, scourging the beast with storms of fire. It screams, it's flesh blackening, and it is unable to heal this new attack.
Attacks: [roll0] [roll1] [roll2] [roll3]
Damage: [roll4] [roll5] [roll6] [roll7] plus 2 negative levels per hit, plus [roll8] [roll9] [roll10] [roll11] Constitution Damage.

Paranoia blinks as your attack severs his arcane abilities. He seems somewhat surprised, but not in the least angered or intimidated. In fact, he seems to be enjoying this.
"Your arrogance is quite unearned, a child full of rage. Humility you now will learn, you'll die upon this stage." The Incarnation blurs toward you again, attacking with impossible speed. However, he does not even try to hit you. He makes wide, theatrical strikes; elaborate parries; spinning attacks; all seemingly made for appearance over effectiveness. His flowing coat snaps through the air as he spins through the air to kick at you, landing in a graceful roll before cutting at your legs. Not a single attack lands on you, for all his flashiness. He studies your defenses all the while, his eyes glimmering.
Meanwhile, the Inevitables continue their assault. Groups of them swarm the tentacles, attempting to blast them off at the base. The tentacles are unable to deal with the large numbers, and out of the corner of your eye you can see one of them split off from the Fortress, it's base burnt through and torn apart. It crashes down, ripping guns from the Fortress's walls.
However, the defenses are great, and countless Inevitables are falling. The tentacles smash through groups of them, sending them flying, and the steady barrage from the cannons and guns cuts through your army in a continuous wave of destruction.
Then, from your left, you hear a great battle cry. Looking over, you can see a massive horde of Inevitables, more than twice those already there. They bear down on the fortress, flashing golden in the pale light. The fortress turns it's guns toward them, but it's every attack is deflected by a forcefield surrounding the army.
Paranoia completely ignores the rest of the battle, intent on his seemingly fruitless attacks.
Paranoia is attacking with regular attacks, not touch attacks. If he rolls a twenty, he does no damage, merely turning his attack to the side in a flashy way.
[roll12], [roll13], [roll14], [roll15], [roll16], [roll17], [roll18], [roll19], [roll20], [roll21].

2012-04-16, 09:23 AM
Despite the weakened Wand, Korug could feel energy rapidly drained from him. He panted for breath, before edging away from Orcus a bit.
"You are an excellent challenge, Orcus. Take it in compliment that it is an honor to fight someone of your caliber," he said, all laughter gone from his expression and voice. "I have no intentions of losing this fight, though. Fair play is hardly on my list of concerns at the moment."
To no apparent person (though he was in fact talking to his sword), he bellowed, "Anon! I require aid! A Restoration would be nice right about now! Or perhaps bringing Pellow around here!"

I delay my turn until Anon arrives and assists me.

2012-04-17, 02:12 AM
OptionA: without Primus:

A little girl in a tutu appears holding a Lolipop
"Did somebody call for aid? Or did you want to dance? I like dancing though nobody ever dances with me for long."
Her mouth spreads into an evil Cheshire grin wider than her face with sharp fangs and her fingers sharpen to points.
A second later she is back to normal
"Would you like to dance Mr Orcus? I'm sure you can dance for a long time."

As the girl licks her lolipop she shimmers and increases in size, pure angelic energy spilling from a halo above the Angel.
"Did someone call for a Restoration? Here my friend. May Thor's Might be with you."

The being shivers and dissolves into a puddle, reforming into a Cube which burbles.
Another shimmer and it is a copy of Korug, then Orcus, then one of the Demon Princes (not the one Korug contacted)
"hello Orcus. Fancy meeting you here. I assume you know who I am." Chaos smirks evilly a ball of water coating his left hand, and a burning rock on the other.

Option 2: with Prime

A rather obese man laying on a coach shimmers in
"oh. Whyever am I hear? It's almost time for my 23rd daily feeding. I can't miss a single one of my 85 you know."
The man's coach creaks and collapses, distribution rising for a second, and in the man's place is a Succubi.
"Mmm fatman. Nothing beats life energy from someone consumed with Gluttony. Greetings Orcus, Loyalty."
The Succubi holds her stomach and grimaces before burping "excuse me"
She burps again, Prime erupting from her mouth (somehow)

"who's a pretty death machine. Ah you are. Yes you are."
The Succubi forms into a little girl that flies up to the head and pats it, like a dog
"Does my pretty little construct wanna rampage? Go on boy, have a good time."

Korug feels a ball of flame engulf him, Filling his depleted soul past it's usual capacity.

using Restoration then Lifebend
+11 temporary levels.
55 + CON bonus (and any other level based boosts to HP)
+11 AC, skills, saves, Attack
this takes 3 full-rounds, a standard and a move (to eject prime)

So 3 attack rounds

2012-04-17, 11:19 AM
Korug laughed again as the time began to flow once more, and his body was restored even past it's original form.
"Ah, very good, Anon! I appreciate the aid!" he shouted. He prepared his chain for another assault after the massive healing bomb. "Do you think you could you keep the dragon down there distracted? I'd like to handle Orcus here myself."

Another full attack, this time boosted by the +11 levels.

Attack rolls:

Damage rolls:

2012-04-17, 11:44 AM
"AAwwww! Pwease let me. I've never danced with the devil in the pale moonlight before."
It's really impressive how good a pout an ancient shapeshifter can get. Korug got it full force by a little 5 year old.

A massive pale moon appears above everyone, bathing everyone in pale light.

"Well.. except that one time at band camp... Although that wasn't really dancing so much as- And it wasn't really a devil. Do K'sjge^gak's count a devils? They are kinda the same, well except for the whole forearm mouths thing. And their language I hated their language.
Well byebye Korug. Have fun at the ball."
A plump matronly woman, obviously a mother figure, hugs the Incarnation
"And remember, no matter what he tells you, don't get in bed with him. I know Archdemons like him and while he may say he loves you, it's only to get into your armour. Sleep with him and before you know it he's denying everything and you'll be left with a little baby Archdemon you'll have to raise on your own as a single Incarnation."

Chaos shifted into the form of a lizardman commander and saluted before gravity caught up to Chaos's actions and sent him downwards.

"Oy! Snack! Stop killing those Balors or whatnot. You are balors right? Hey are you a Genjalo? I thought you went extinct a couple gen- no Genjalos are pale green not red and have snakes for tails. Or was that the Yendolo? Right Dragon first, extinct species later."

Chaos shifted into Human form and brandished a sword. The one that should have been at Korug's waist
"My name is Gendark Lifita, you killed my father. prepare to die."

OOC: Not actually doing anything in this round except making my presence known and making more allusions that Korug is gay/a girl :smallamused:

2012-04-18, 04:30 PM
Luck rerolls: 4 Temporary and 2954 Regular
Glory Points: 49
Improvisation: 270
Fate Points: 6

Blessing Points: 0
AC Bonus: +51
Avalanche Bonus: +2 bonus to Saves
+7 bonus to Attack

Covering Strike
Order Forged From Chaos
Clarion Call
White Raven Hammer
White Raven Tactics

Anduilas laughed, not entirely sure what Paranoia was talking about. His blades simply whisked through the air. Yet it seemed oddly familiar....Anduilas couldn't shake the feeling that Paranoia was mocking him with these ineffectual attacks. Gritting his teeth, Anduilas brandished his weapon wildly. "Just who do you think you are!?!? You think you can pretend to be me?" He shouted over the loud crash of Iridia's entrance. Looking up, he smiled. "You see that! That is the sign of true power! To have loyal followers who respect you and believe in you!" Anduilas' voice only got louder and louder as he got more and more passionate. "Your attacks lack any true grace and style! They lack the true passion of men, of courage! Let me show you how to really do it! The true style of Anduilas, the Hero of Luck!"

Swinging his blades, Anduilas danced around Paranoia. His moves were not only graceful - they were a performance in of themselves. Each strike was carefully measured, maximizing his reach and his grace. They spoke of tales of tragedies that would bring tears to your eyes, of heroics that even Paladins could only aspire to, of feats and tales that spanned ages and ages. It embodied the spirit of the stories themselves.

It was moving, it was touching, but above it was manly. For it was the manly spirit of Anduilas, that represetned him soaring beyond any limit on his powers. "Because there is only one person to believe in! Believe in Anduilas that believes in himself!"

His blades danced around him, knocking at Paranoia. They drove him off balance, twirling around the construct as if they were living things. They would go one way, then the next, with no regards to physics or logic. Suddenly they would snap at his weapons, trying to knock them away from Paranoia's hands, and yet then they would suddenly be out of reach. It was not only a dazzling style, but a truly dangerous one indeed.

Then suddenly, without warning, they bound tightly around Paranoia. They blades dug deeply into the figure, before Anduilas jumped backwards and let them slash and spin around him. It was a brilliant crescendo, and as Anduilas stopped dancing, he grinned. "That is a real performance," Anduilas said as he laughed. "And you haven't even seen anything yet!"

Anduilas makes all of his attacks this time :smallamused:.

Breakdown of Attacks:
The first 2 of them are meant Will Saves or Paranoia cannot do a Standard Action or a Swift/Immediate Action.

The next two are Will Saves or Paranoia is disarmed.

The next two are Will Saves or Paranoia loses his Immunity to Stun/Dave for 1d6 rounds. I am doing it twice, just in case he makes the first one.

Then the last two are Will Saves or Paranoia is dazed for his next turn only. Again, only one should affect him so I'm being cautious.

The last 6 attacks? Are all normal, straight up, massacre.

These are all Fool's Sword techniques, in the order list above.

[roll0] [roll1]
[roll2] [roll3]
[roll4] [roll5]
[roll6] [roll7]

These are all normal damage attack rolls and damage rolls

[roll8] [roll9]
[roll10] [roll11]
[roll12] [roll13]

[roll14] [roll15] [roll16]
[roll17] [roll18] [roll19]

And relevant rerolls:

[roll20] [roll21] [roll22]
[roll23] [roll24] [roll25]
[roll26] [roll27] [roll28]
[roll29] [roll30] [roll31]
[roll32] [roll33] [roll34]
[roll35] [roll36] [roll37]

EDIT: So see my OOC post for changes to the attack rolls.

Also I didn't factor in my Avalanche of Luck - all of the results should be +4 higher than shown :smallbiggrin:

Sneaky Weasel
2012-04-19, 12:47 AM
Time slowly rises from the pile of rubble he was thrown into, coughing. His face is grim as he turns back to the Inevitable Lord. But it has lost all interest in him.
Primus listens, it's drill slowing as Anon's words wash over it. Perhaps it would be better to start the destruction in the Abyss. The Demogorgon and it's fellow demons needed to die. They were lords of chaos, after all.
The Prime turns, it's scales lowering as it slides into the stomach of Chaos. Then they are gone, winking out in a flash. The beleaguered defenders of Sigil give a mighty cheer, and redouble their attacks against the abominations. The Lady shakes her head and grins to herself, before beginning the slaughter anew.
Time does not join in the fighting, though. He staggers forward, and all his duplicates fade away in golden light. Dropping to his knees, he remains silent for a moment. He seem diminished, somehow.

Orcus grins in triumph as Korug admit that he is losing. His expression turns to confusion as a strange fatman appears, then proceeds to morph into varying forms. "Ah, Chaos has come to join the fun. I'll take on every last one of you damned Incarnations! I'll take on the Gods themselves!" He froths at the mouth, eyes lit by madness. Then his face goes slack as Chaos spits out a massive, writhing coil of whirling metal. Primus uncoils as it falls to the ground, sending tremors through the whole Palace. In an instant, it's scales flare out and begin whirling once more. It sweeps through the fighting demons, turning them into bloody mist. The dragon screams at it and charges, biting at the Prime. It's head is shredded as soon as it's jaws clamp down, and the rest of it soon follows.
Orcus lets out a shriek of pure hatred, and turns toward Korug with his Wand raised. The Incarnation responds by slamming his chain into the Prince, smashing bones and ripping flesh with each attack. Now Orcus knows fear. This is a battle he cannot win.
He blinks out of existence, reappearing at the far end of the throne room, in front of a massive door. Cursing, he sends a bolt of crackling black energy towards Korugs, chilling the air with its evil. "Catch me if you can, Immortal!" He turns and lumbers through the door, which slams shut behind him.
He's casting Empowered Energy Drain. Touch attack: [roll0]. Damage: [roll1] Negative levels.

Paranoia is knocked back and forth by the flurry of attacks, his clothes shredded by the blows and his powers diminished. His twin blades go flying, disappearing over the side of the bridge. As you pause in your assault to boast of your prowess, he simply nods his head at the display, a thin smiles on his lips as he stares at you.
"A good performance, this is true. A performance only, though. You think you know true power, fool? Pride is all you know." He steps back, holding out his hands to either side. A new blade springs into life in each hand, one blood red, the other darkest black. He twirls them, the blades leaping from one hand to the other. He looks at you once more, a sneer of contempt on his face.
"You anger me with your arrogance, you stuck up little swine. I'll end you now with no expense, your blood will flow like wine." He blurs, leaping towards you. He had moved fast before, now he moves twice as fast. He comes at you from every direction at once, enveloping you in a whirlwind of steel. He knows your every move, your every way of defending yourself. He knows exactly where to strike, every attack executed perfectly. With each attack he spins his blades in vicious circles, trying to inflict a dozen tiny cuts for each blow.
This will be a lot of rolling.
First full attack:
Second Full Attack:
Third Full Attack:


2012-04-19, 01:24 AM
"Aww, did you two lovebrids have a wittle fight?"
Anon swims around Korug idly, sheathing her longsword into Korug's scabbard where it had come from.
"You do realize it's a trap right? Just call me if you need anything. Or a dance. I like dances."
the creepy grin and sharp claws are back as Anon shimmers out.

A floating giraffe shimmers into existence in front of the rampaging Prime "Now be good for Mummy and I'll give you a treat. Don't attack Korug or Sigil or any Incarnation except Paranoia ok."
the giraffe licks the beast and shimmers out again.

Thor's hall

A small chinese man appears next to Thor, grabbing the nearest chicken leg
"Hail Might Thor. How are things?"

The crystal Beholder bumps into Time, worriedly "Are you alright Master Time? That attack seemed to do a lot of damage to you. All your past and future selves are gone."

2012-04-19, 08:59 AM
Korug dodged the spell easily, and waved at Anon as he left.
"Your aid was excellent, Anon," he said, before Anon vanished. "Orcus! Wherever you run, I will find you!" he bellowed.
He himself flashed out of place, reappearing on the other side of the door that Orcus had left through. "Oh, Princeeyyy... come out to plaaayyy..." he cooed mockingly, chain still at the ready.

Dimension Door. Yes, I do fully expect a trap.

Sneaky Weasel
2012-04-20, 06:13 AM
Primus wipes out the last few demons with ease, rolling over them and shredding them to nothing. It turns in a wide arc, looking around the Palace. Then it lunges through a wall, shaking the very foundation of the building. Dust falls from the ceiling, and the floor begins to shake, as the Prime systematically tears through the Palace, attempting to level it.
Meanwhile, Korug chases after Orcus. Upon blinking through the door, he sees a long hallway, with five doors on either side. Each door is made of plain steel, with an inscription in Abyssal in the center of each. It has the look of a prison, as the doors have small barred windows in their centers. They are dark, and looking through them, Korug can see only darkness. The Demon Prince is not in view.

Thor's Hall:
Thor is in his usual seat, but the food and drink from before are gone. He is pouring over a large map that is obviously magical, for it shows the Planes themselves, switching between them and displaying all the layers and locations therein. Dark markings like swarms of ants cover certain portions, representing armies on the move. Somewhat more interesting than this is the second personage at the table. Sitting across from Thor is a tall, beautiful Elven woman, with skin black as night. Her white hair swirls around her face, obscuring one of her red eyes. She is dressed in a black robe, with a pendant in the shape of a spider at her neck. Although this is what you see with your eyes, an image appears in you mind of a massive, crouching spider, green ichor bubbling from it's clacking mandibles. This is the Queen of the Unseelie Court, dread Lolth herself.
Crouched at her feet is a strange, hairy little creature, about the size of a halfling. It stares around with wild red eyes, and it's mouth of shark-like teeth grins unpleasantly. It fawns upon the Spider Queen, hugging her like some horrible child clinging to it's mother. This, you surmise, is the Puck, Trickster of men and Betrayer of the Seelie Court.
Thor gives his customary roar of rage at your entrance, making wringing motions with his hands as he resists the urge to throttle you. "You again? Why do you come here, Chaos Crawler? Your disturbances try my patience!"
"Greetings, Anon Yoderick Mouse. We were in the process of discussing plans for the future, but you are welcome to join us." The Elven form of Lolth smiles at you, while the Spider form hisses in surprise, scuttling back and forth. The Puck merely grins at you.

Time shakes his head, waving off the small beholder. "I'm fine, I'm fine. Didn't expect that amount of power is all. Primus isn't just some machine. It could kill Gods if it got the chance. So...powerful..." He blinks rapidly, trying to regain his focus.
Meanwhile, The Lady watches him from a distance. Shredding one last abomination, she blinks over to the Incarnation. Her smile is ghastly as she watches him stagger to his feet.
"Oh dear, did you get hurt? Fall down and skin your knee, did you? That's too bad." She leans in close to him, wrapping an arm around his shoulders. "You know, I could kill you right now if I wanted. You're to weak to put up a fight. I'd probably do it if Anon wasn't watching." Time looks at her, aghast, and she simply grins back, nodding her head at Beauty.

2012-04-20, 07:58 AM

"Master/Mistress cares little about killing. Though remember Time would still be around for a while, atleast the end of the GodWar due to his personal time and the linear time being out-of-whack.
He would also like me to tell you that he thinks you are ravishing when doing the dance of death though that may or may bit be related to Time's predicament."
Beauty bobs and floats in the air, watching the events unfold completely neutral to either decision.
"So Time? Will you heal this wound? Or will the Pain be too much." Beauty giggles.

Orcus' palace:

(restarts from the point where Orcus teleports so Korug isn't told it's a trap or goes through the door)

When Orcus tries to Teleport he finds himself face to face with a grinning girl with physics defying fanged smile and sharp claws.
"Time to dance. For the last time."
Chaos dances a waltz in midair with the Demon, spinning and moving through the air as Orcus feels the claws slowly but surely elongated into his body.

Suddenly she blows away into the wind and face to face with Korug
"Use protection." echoes through the air and Orcus is suddenly wearing a black minidress. Several tiny wrapped packages fall down around the two, both having a fair idea what they are but neither wanting to acknowledge the condoms.

Thor's Hall

"Section 28-C of the God Code created in the year 29173 of the Plane Jeotus. Any Incarnation is allowed to visit any part of a God's Plane not designated a sleeping area and thus private at any time they so choose provided there is no formal declaration of War between that God and Incarnation.
That code was some of mine and Law's best work. Took 2 thousand years to get down so the Gods AND Incarnations would agree.
But you love me popping in don't you. I always spice things up.
Besides, who else will tell you things everyone assumes you were told. Or purposely not told by someone *cough Odin cough*.
Oh did you hear about the thingo on Mechanus? I asked Odin to pass the info on to all the Norse.
Chaos shimmers out of existence for a moment and returns with a Fire Elemental. He waves his hand at it and a fireball impacts against it. It cooks (despite the impossibility of fire cooking) and she starts cutting it and eating.

"oh I'm sorry how rude. Did you want some barbecued elemental?"
Anon offers a piece of flame to each of them in turn.
"It is always good to see you again Lolth, most beautiful Elf in all the Courts. how are the kids? I heard about some mischief in, ah, Celestia? Or was it that field plane next to it? I don't know.
Ah Puck. Still up to old tricks? I have a hero you Have to meet. Managed to slay some dragon and already lost a 1/4 of the hoard on some faux sword with a couple fake auras on it."

Chaos scrutinizes the board for a second then Waves a hand, the planes rearranging into a completely different arrangement
"I can't stand the Angelos system. Makes my head hurt. Stupid drunk mind coming up with it. Try this one, the God of Strategy made it. I had to update it a bit but it's so much more accessible."

2012-04-20, 04:10 PM
Korug looked around at the five different doors, and yawned.
"I have little patience for your games, Orcus. I am ready to kill you," he said flatly, as he hovered past each door. He took care not to touch the ground, should any pressure-plate traps be beneath him.

Ok, at the DM's call, we're operating without Anecron's latest post. Right now, I'm just peering through the windows.

Sneaky Weasel
2012-04-23, 12:56 AM
Pain gives a high pitched giggle, shaking her head. "Don't be silly, of course I'm not going to kill you, Time! It was a joke!" Still cackling, she zips off, smashing into an abomination and rending it asunder. The mechanical invaders are all on the run now, getting out of the city proper and then shifting out of the area.
Time glares after the Lady, obviously not amused in the slightest. "Jokes like that can get you killed, you know," he mutters. He turns his glare towards Beauty, stretching out his back as he does so. "Thanks for the support, Anon. I feel so secure with you around." He surveys the area, and sees that the battle is already over. "I'm no longer needed here. I'm already in Ivory Marrow, and if you'll excuse me, there's some other business I have to take care of." Wincing, he straightens up and disappears.

Korug peers in through the windows, searching for the Demon Prince. Through the first door is an empty cell, filled merely with dust. Through the second door he can see a large sword, seemingly made out of bone, protruding hilt first out of a pedestal. The fourth door has a similar pedestal, this one empty. And through the fifth door, he can see what seems to be a massive humanoid machine made out of bones...then it charges towards him, smashing through the wall with ease. Rubble fills the hallway, and the massive bone-construct swings a razor sharp claw at Korug. Automatically, his chain leaps out and smashes into the thing, sending shards of bone flying through the chamber, but it takes no notice, the chitinous plates already regenerating with frightening speed.
Now that it is in the open, you can see the thing in more detail. It resembles a gigantic suit of spiked plate armor, only made out of bone. It seems almost like the exoskeleton of some massive humanoid insect, with six-foot bone spurs jutting out of each hand. It's head is set into it's body, consisting merely of two slits for eyes. Through them, red light spills out, illuminating the scene. Although it takes a moment for you're eyes to take it in fully, you realize that the armor is being worn by the comparatively tiny Demon Prince, who is suspended inside the thing's torso.
"Now you die. That is all." Orcus grins, hunching over to meet your next assault.
Slam: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Damage from falling rubble: [roll2]

Thor's Hall:
Thor continues to glare as you confound him with your legal gibberish. "Yes, I know of Devotion's madness. Lolth told me." His glare deepens as he realizes that this corroborates your story of Odin's lack of trust. He grabs a piece of barbecued Elemental and wolfs it down, his eyes never leaving the Incarnation. His look of doom is lessened by the bits of roast flames caught in his beard.
Lolth smiles, declining the delicacy, while her spider form snaps angrily at you. "So you heard about my dealings with Celestia? My, you do keep up to date. The Archons never knew what hit them." She turns to Puck, a sly look on her face. "And what do we know of Anon, hobgoblin?" The Puck grins, and it pretends to review an invisible list. "Let's see...some trouble with Ares, or so I've heard. It seems he's missing, and the Greek's are after your blood for it. In fact, Zeus has sent Cerberus itself to track you down."
"Now now, we musn't give away too much to the nice Incarnation. He knows far too much for his own good as it is." The Spider Queen clack her pincers menacingly, and the Puck dodges smartly out of range.
Thor gazes blankly as the map rearranges itself, and his face lightens as it clicks into it's new arrangement. "This is far better than before! You say Tyr came up with it?" He bends over, already mapping out the positions of troops.
"Of course not Tyr, you silly God. Someone before your time, isn't that right, Anon?" Somehow, Lolth gets away with calling the Thunder God silly with nothing more than a grunt of annoyance.

2012-04-23, 02:04 AM

"You just need to learn how to read people Time. Yo weren't in any real danger." Beauty remarks

Thor's hall

"Part of my job my dear. Besides, Chaos draws me like a moth to a flame." The suave incarnate says, assuming the form of Casanova
"Cerberus, Cerberus. Isn't he that puppy I gave whats his face? Kobra, Jindo... oh who cares, they'll be gone in a generation anyway. And i didn't even do anything, just impersonated and convinced the Greeks that someone was me and I was someone. Or was it the other way round. Or have I got it diagonal again?" I twist and turn my head, looking like a pretzel before snapping back.
I start laughing when I hear the word Tyr. "Tyr couldn't play chess in 4D, there is no way he could create a functioning map like this."

2012-04-23, 08:08 AM
Korug was slammed by the monstrosity, but held his ground. He looked at the exoskeletal suit of armor in awe.
"I must say, Orcus, I find this quite impressive. Whenever did you find the time to build this? Ah, well, I suppose it may not have been you. You had your servants create this, didn't you?" he said. "It is such a shame I must destroy this work of art."
He began to whirl his chain again, sending blow after mighty blow into the suit of armor, and rattling the Prince inside.

Fun little ability: if I don't want to push my opponent back any farther with my throw-back ability, I can instead deal an extra 1d6 extra damage per 5 feet they would have travelled. Needless to say, I use that ability once he's at the edge of my reach.

Attack rolls:

Damage rolls:

2012-04-24, 02:19 AM
In front of the most Greeks as I can:

"Hi! I'm the Happy Mask Salesman. want to buy a mask?"
This guy (http://images.wikia.com/zelda/images/f/f9/Happy_Mask_Salesman_%28Ocarina_of_Time%29.png) pops up, several masks in his hands
"You give this to Zeus, you give this to Hermes, you put this one on."
The Happy Mask Salesman hands out several Masks of Opposite Alignment to various Gods and Goddesses before disappearing with a twirl, a creepy laugh and fairy dust

Behind Orcus's Right Ear

"Orcus. OOrrrccuuuuuss. Thiiis is your faaather. Your mother wants me to remind you to use protection. Oh and you left the oven on."
The smell of burning cookies emanates from an oven both Incarnation and Demon are sure was not there a moment ago.

In Law (the Incarnation)'s clothes

Several slithering snakes tickle and writhe under the clothes of the Incarnate before disappearing and a tattoo saying "Pranked by Chaos" appears on it's forehead.
A "kick me" sign is stuck to it's back.

Behind Odin's Throne

A cartoon 2D ticking bomb sits there, counting down. a red wire and a blue wire connecting the timer to the dynamite.
If either are pulled or the timer runs out it will turn into a naked succubi who will giggle, spin and turn the room into an exact replica of a torture chamber, complete with screaming peasants.

In front of every Norse God appears an invitation to go to Odin's throneroom in 5 minutes.

Thor's hall

Anon shimmers out, returning a couple of seconds later giggling.
She gestures at Puck who turns into a giant webbed up fly, caught in a conjured web
"I thought you were on a diet Lolth? naughty naughty catching poor Pucky here."
a pink slime in the form of a young girl slithers over the Elf and Spider Forms, giggling.

I decided Chaos hadn't done anything random enough for a while so I decided to do this.

Sneaky Weasel
2012-04-24, 05:45 AM
With each blow from Korugs chain, pieces of bone shatter, and Orcus is driven back step by step. He bares the assault for a few moments, paying no heed to Anon's repeated jibes. Then, seeing an opening in the rain of attacks, he pounces. His massive bony fists sweep back and forth, smashing into Korug from either side. The Prince laughs, his armor regenerating as his fiendish cackling fills the air.
"Really, Immortal, did you think you could beat me? I have survived everything thrown at me since I was but a puny mane squabbling for scraps. I have survived heroes, Angels, Devils and Gods. And I will survive you."



Thor's Hall:
The fly buzzes angrily in it's web, then disperses with a faint woomph into a cloud of regularly sized flies. They form into ranks and parade through the air, their faces transforming into a mixture of Anon's current facial features combined with the hindquarters of a baboon.
With a rude noise, they transform back into the Puck, who grins as Lolth recoils from the pink slime-girl. "Oh, should I leave? I don't want to disturb the fantasy of you two lovebirds."
Thor ignores the spectacle, mumbling something about trickery to himself.

The Greek Gods:
In your brief appearance, you can see that the Gods are armed for war. Fully armored and bristling with weapons, they are searching the Planes for a man in a mask. Or rather, an anything in as many masks as it wants. Athena is at the head of the group, holding a chain with a gigantic, slavering beast at the other end. It's three heads bite at the air, and it it's scaly skin ripples with muscle as it casts about for your scent. At your appearance it gives a howl of rage, and charges towards you, only to be foiled by your disappearance.

2012-04-24, 07:32 AM
Korug easily withdrew from all but the first of the blows. He spoke as he twirled his chain again.
"Your survivability is impressive, I'll give you that," he responded. "But you are far out of your league. I am no hero; I am no god. I am a conqueror. I was the one who brought the end of the pathetic humans. I left burning villages and screaming children in my wake. I inspire fear across the Material Plane when one hears my name mentioned. I have accomplished more in the last 6 months than you have in millenia.
"How much more will that fear spread, when everyone knows that it is I who brought an end to the oh so mighty Orcus?"

Attack rolls:

Damage rolls:

2012-04-24, 08:35 AM
Greek Gods:
"Who's a pretty doggie. Yes you are. Yes you are." Anon scratches at the dog's chins cooing before turning into a terrier.
"Come get me Doggy. Let's play chasie."
A shimmering portal appears made of spiraling green energy (this (http://images2.fanpop.com/images/quiz/294000/294814_1253820585895_160.jpg?v=1253820791)) which the terrier jumps into.

IF CERBERUS GOES THROUGH: (don't open the spoiler until you decide DM)
It closes the second Cerberus passes through, hopefully not taking any Greek Gods with it.

In front of Primus

A glowing portal appears and a terrier, followed by Cerberus passes through.
"I found my pretty little construct a play-mate! Prime, Come. Play with the nice doggy."
The terrier seems to blur out of focus before disappearing (Hide in the Light)
"Play with the nice monster doggy. Play with Primus."

Using Diplomacy on Cerberus to make it Friendly. Taking the -10 to do it as a Full-Round and doing it enough times.
Oh and I'm immune to Scent. And anything that isn't Mindsight

Thor's hall

"If you want Pucky boy. Now give momma some suga Lolth." the slime grows a pair of over-exxagerated lips that make kissy motions before suddenly vanishing and re-appearing in her seat, looking over the map
"So what are we planning? A rebellion?" Anon analyzes the map.

THE FAR REALMS! *spooky sounds*
In front of whatever stands for leadership in there.

Anon appears looking, faintly maddening. A thousand faces on her body, each one connected to 5 (yes 5) others, 1 on each of the 4 corners of the compass (north, south, east west).
BTW take 1D4 SAN loss if you tried to picture that :smalltongue:
"Ggrreeeettiinnggss LLoorrddss ooff mmaaddnneessss." comes the many-layered voice.
Suddenly the faces snap together, becoming a perfect replica of Cthulu in his true form (unknowable to Mortal minds so no descriptions, sorry)
"Hi! Sooo, I was wondering if you'd like to help me with a thing I've got going. If you soften up some Planes I give you, just soften. No integrating into your Realm. I'll give you the corpse of an Incarnation. And I'll let you choose 1 Plane to integrate from any of the ones I own. I'll also widen the cracks in the universe so you can soften the Planes more easily ok."
Chaos assumes the form of the Far-Realms version of a stereotypical ditzy blonde.
"Whattia say?"

I realized we hadn't even contacted most of the other major players on that list. So i picked a random one. Turns out Far Realms came up first :smallbiggrin:

Sneaky Weasel
2012-04-25, 06:05 PM
Abyss(Orcus and Korug):
Orcus stops grinning as you ward off the brunt of his assault, and he snarls as you hit him again and again, tearing through any defence he can put up. He finally manages to dodge your last attack, but the protracted battle is taking a tole on him. Even with the armor, he is starting to slow, your mighty chain beating him back step by step.
"You are powerful, of that there is no doubt. But you can't beat me. I have plans within plans. Even if you kill me, I'll come back. I'll always come back." The words seem to give him strength, and he counterattacks, his blows no longer so wild but careful and precise. The floor shakes beneath your feet as you duel, and dust begins to fall from the ceiling. Behind you, a piece of masonry crashes to the ground.


Abyss(Primus and Cerberus):
Cerberus charges after you through the portal, jaws slavering. The other Gods are still stunned by your sudden appearance, and are unable to follow you in time. The portal snaps shut on the chain still held by Athena, cutting it neatly in twain.
You appear outside the former throne room of Orcus. Former being the emphasized word. The floor is broken up by deep furrows torn into the very rock, one wall has been completely demolished, and the ceiling is starting to cave in, rubble and dust crashing down all around you. Burrowing through the midst of this chaos is the Prime, intent on continuing it's mindless destruction.

Enter Cerberus. The Hound of Hades is infuriated by the disappearance of it's quarry, and it howls in rage. Snarling, it charges the Prime, intent on taking out it's anger upon anything that moves. Cerberus is not noted for it's foresight.
It leaps towards the Inevitable Lord, all three mouths clamoring for blood. Primus has a most effective defense, however, in the form of it's whirling blades. The jaws of death clamp down on it with enough force to rip through adamantine, only to be shredded by the scales, teeth and blood spraying into the air. Primus is not without it's injuries, however, and the scales are bent and broken by Cerberus's jaws.
Cerberus howls again, this time in extreme pain, and it backs away with haste. The metal destroyer is not going to let the hound go, however, and it's head swivels around as it prepares to charge the three headed beast.

Thor's Hall:
Lolth shudders in disgust and stares at you warily. "Wrong on both counts. It's not a rebellion, and there is no we. You are not part of this council."
Thor rolls his eyes. "The Chaos couldn't care less if she's one of us or not, so it's no use trying to hide what we're doing. This is a sequence of upcoming battle plans, designed to put up a strong defense around Asgard. The God's forces will be strengthened by Lolth's dark elves, and in return I'm sending a legion of my personal troops to Celestia, to aid Lolth's forces there." When discussing his strategies, Thor loses much of his stupid anger and seems completely focused and intelligent. Lolth hisses at his willingness to give away their plans, but there's not much she can do.

Far Realms:
The air was rippling like the waves of the ocean, layer upon layer of twisting force. The Being you talk to is occupying several layers, only apearing as a faint shimmer on each one. Looking through them at the whole, however, you saw that it is a massive face, miles high. Each pore on the giant visage is now a toothy mouth, gasping in the air as they try to keep from drowning in the oceans of pus that pour from each eye. Small, nimble humanoid figures dart in and out of the mouths, their many arms allowing them to scuttle along it's surface like spiders. Their feet were broad flippers, designed to easily skate across the pus as they make their way from pore to pore. It's mouth closed to reveal a long tongue, on the end of which is a similar head scaled down to fit in it's mouth. You then realized that the first head was merely on the tip of a giant tongue that disappears between the layers. And that's just the creature most apparent. Many others are gliding towards you, from bigger than a whale to the size of a pin head. All just as horrible as the last.
must it happen[sons of the father[we shall not agree the two are coming we shall not want-burnitall-it will return the father son(father loves) your mind is ours you will become us and be free forever new beginning world(world(world)world) the prison door 76 is already unlocked The thing's pores all speak at once, saying completely different things that are in any language you recognize. The mass of sound somehow became words you once couldn't recognize(recognize Meanwhile, you realize that you have surrounded all the other creatures in the layers and they are looking for a way out. They crawl inside your eyes, little spiders but they're only hands attached to a monkey made of porcelain with staring eyes. And then your tongue has started to run away, leaping through the smoke and flames to join itself to the rain of lice that blanket the skies. Soon all of you will have to make it in a new world(worl(dlorw)d) with bees in your brains. Buzz. Bees.

2012-04-25, 08:12 PM
"Become you [will not[ Father of father of father will not becmoe but assimilate. Prison Door 76 = doom - Jargels. jargels = tretlis
[layer of yours] will be stolen by [father of father of father] with [ally of son]. the realms will burn. the 2 shall come.
oh and party."
The layers become completerly pink with reality-distorting streamers and ballons erupting from Noplace (which is west of Everyplace and north of Glon the barbarian, even if Glon is East of Noplace)

"[Flomsirt should do bad/well to member who/what/when protected the Council/King/Emperor when they were just a tiny fragment on a Plane. Who/What fought in the battle of Schism [and the treaty of the Red Blackdeath. ]Forgot means lesser. ]lesser means #$(^$/bad/help/slave. Forgot Flomsirt =Nocouncil."

2012-04-25, 09:14 PM
Korug took a pause in his attacks after having been brutally counter-attacked by Orcus. The abundant life bestowed by Anon absorbed all of the damage from the attacks, and not a scratch appeared on Korug's body despite the savage assault.
"Oh, that makes two of us, Orcus," he said. "Did you know that if you were to kill me right now, on this spot, I would rise again instantly? It han't been tested yet, but I trust Anon's assurances. And do you know why it has never been tested?" He began to his fresh round of attack. "Because I have never died, and I never will!"

It's time for MOAR FULL ATTACK.

Attack rolls:

Damage rolls:

Sneaky Weasel
2012-04-28, 01:58 AM
Far Realm:
The ones in your brain connect viciously, inspiring doubts. Too soon, you think they've taken hold of the documents. Together returned(returned} they come for you. within a lockeddekcol arena time(Time)time is ending. Rain to waSH swallower. To dust and back. The wave of spiders washes over you, covering all senses IN A blanket of eggs. Now or ever. Time to choose.

Your attacks knock Orcus back bit by bit, each blow ripping massive holes in his armor. You're tearing it apart far faster than it can regrow, and your last two blows hit the Demon Prince himself, smashing his ribs on one side. In Orcus's eyes there is a glimmer of fear, as you shrug off his attacks unscathed. He raises his fist and begins chanting, but your chain smashes his hand aside and the magic fizzles. He roars and smashes his fist towards you again, but even he can see there is no way to win.
"You are powerful, Immortal. Far more powerful than I had thought. Graz'zt sent you here, but why ally yourself with him? I am stronger by far than that puny worm. Join with me, and we would be unstoppable!" Although he is trying to end the fight by talking, he does not let his guard down for one second. Orcus is no fool.

2012-04-28, 04:36 AM
Far Realms

Chaos blows a wave of insecticide before stepping up a few layers
"Time has ended before. Life begins anew when Life crumples to Dust, I am the Everlasting Father of father of father. Does ones arena fight arena or does it fight areial or maybe gladitor?
Your words mean little, your inflections even less. Fight the bad fight or die the true life with all the gelnasi you can plead to be taken away.
For that I bid you Good Morning and must arrive at 65 minutes past Orange."
Chaos dissapears in a flurry of butterflys.

Thor's Hall

"He is right you know. I'd find out either way, even if you could banish me from this place. A move that would be illegal to Thor not that anyone cares anymore."
Chaos hovers, laying down vertically to look down on the map
"Looks like a good plan."

Chaos flips from his position, morphing into a female gymnast and performing a triple-backflip before shimmering out right as her feet touched the ground.

in front of Tyr

A young man in a nobleman's outfit appears with a flash and a puff of smoke.
Anyone who is anyone recognizes him as the Famous Truesdale, World Class Magician
"Hello Tyr, so glad you could join me."

2012-04-28, 07:37 AM
Korug smiled at Orcus, and shook his head.
"You are a worthy opponent, Orcus, but you are foolish. I do not wish ally with one who has so poorly prepared for a battle with one stronger than himself, because I will tell you now: there are many, many beings stronger than you," he answered. "Graz'zt is wise enough to know he cannot take Demogorgon on himself, or even you. That is why he finds those stronger beings, and sends them for the duties. He is a King, and you are a fool.
"Plus, beyond that, there is the whole 'you attacked before even trying to talk' idea. Generally, negotiations are better handled before battle, instead of during." He grinned. It almost sounded like something Anon would say to taunt an opponent.
He began to attack again, hoping to finish Orcus off quickly so that he could move on.

Attack rolls:

Damage rolls:

2012-04-28, 01:11 PM
Before the meeting of Incarnations...

A hundred miles from Ivory Marrow

The Garden of the Lost is an ancient landmark that bears no relation to any garden whatsoever. It is in fact, a massive array of basalt spikes each the height of a small mountain. "In fact, this used to be holy site of a pyramid building pantheon in order to celebrate the cycles of the twelve moons. How short-lived they were. Even a millennia after their extinction, it is surprising that not a trace of them remains except perhaps in the memories of a few of the older Inarnates."

"Though this was a wonderful garden before they were all annihilated...

"Things seem to be heading to a new nexus and I must prepare myself like before. I need a symbol."

Focusing himself, Viserys begins to form a staff from out of the aether while his body turns into something resembling obdurium. Staff in hand, he visualizes what form this symbol should take and draws it from the depths of his mind and drags it screaming into this reality while visualizing himself as the proper size to give it a sporting chance.

"Come beastling! Come forth and greet your new master!"

OOC:Using Surge of Inspiration and Auspicious Reformatting Mudra to make a Staff of Wish (basing it on the Ring of Three Wishes). Then I use two wishes to cast Giant Size on myself (making me Colossal) and the ToS.

Have fun with the ToS, Sneaky :smallbiggrin:

Sneaky Weasel
2012-04-29, 06:43 AM
Asgard, with Tyr:
Above you towers the fortress of Valhalla, it's battlements shining in the eastern sun. You are standing in a vast plain that stretches out in front of the citadel, and which is now the site of a tremendous battle. Men, dwarves, every race imaginable are engaged in a brutal combat to the death, hacking and tearing at one another with vicious ferocity. These are the Einherjer, the Chosen of the Slain, warriors of Asgard. They battle throughout the day in training for Ragnarok, which may be approaching sooner than anticipated. At night they rise from the dead and retire to Valhalla for a night of drunken debauchery, which you witnessed recently.

Standing next to you is The God of Strategy, who is engaged in observing the Einherjer. Every once in a while he calls out advice to one man or another, correcting faulty tactics and directing the flow of battle. He leans on his longsword like a walking stick, both hands crossed on top of it. Or rather, one hand and the stump of the other. An altercation with the Fenris Wolf, you recall.
Tyr hardly bats an eyelash as the Famous Truesdale appears beside him. Evidently there is little that can faze one such as he. He nods to you in greeting, not taking his eyes away from the battle.
"The pleasure is all mine, friend. What brings you to the Hall of the Slain?"

Abyss, Inner Palace:
Orcus reals from your attacks, his armor no longer protecting him. He somehow manages to fend off the last couple blows, but he is already severely wounded. His bones are splintered, his skin is covered with bruises, and steaming blood pours from the cuts you have inflicted on him. His eyes, up until now lit with a wild fury, are beginning to dull as pain seeps through his system. Despite all this he keeps himself steady, still trying to end the fight through diplomacy.
"It was you who stormed into my Palace and killed my guardians. I did not start this fight. If we stop now, we can still join forces. We would be more powerful than Graz'zt could ever dream of..." His brow furrows, and he pauses for a second as if something horrible had occurred to him. Than he begins laughing, a deep, throaty chuckle that turns into a fit of hacking as blood bubbles up from his lungs.
"You fool. You've fallen right into Graz'zt's trap. Don't you see? You're handing him the world on a silver platter, and he wont even think before betraying you. I would be loyal, Immortal. I recognize power, and I do not squander it. Join me!" He vanishes and reappears some eighty feet to your right, waving his hands over his injuries. To your annoyance his wounds fade and heal rapidly, a substantial portion of your attacks rendered fruitless. Then the ground heaves beneath your feet as you hear the roar of falling masonry from back the way you came.

Abyss, Outer Palace:
With a mighty roar, the front of the Palace caves in, shards of ice and metal flying everywhere in a lethal barrage. The remaining demons are fleeing the city, pouring out onto the ice flats in a mass exodus. They remain to watch the destruction of their home, however, loathe to miss what happens next.

Primus erupts from the rubble, it's drill screaming as it tears it's way into the open air. It weaves from side to side, seeking the cur that dared attack it.

Cerberus, meanwhile, drags itself out from under the rubble a few hundred feet away. It shakes its heads from side to side, acidic slobber spraying everywhere as it gets its bearings back. As the Hounds eyes focus once more, it sees the Prime accelerating towards it with deadly intent. Cerberus only has time to widen its eyes slightly before the Inevitable tears through it lengthwise, destroying it's middle head utterly and splitting the dog in two. The Hound howls in unearthly pain, its two halves trying to knit themselves together, but the Prime is relentless in it's assault, rolling over Cerberus again and again until there is nothing left but blood.

The universe gives a slight ripple as yet another being of power is destroyed, not nearly as noticeable as the disappearance of the Death Gods but there nonetheless. Aside from the momentary feeling of unease, there is nothing to mark the passing of the Hound of Hades.

Thirty Four Leagues from Ivory Marrow:
For the first time in living memory, sound echoes once more in the Garden of the Lost. The Dream Lord is calling forth a beast torn from blackest Nightmare, and the place keens with the power unleashed. Tendrils of mist flow out from the staff, twisting and writhing like deathly serpents, growing higher and higher as they converge. Slowly, a terrible form begins to take form, towering hundreds of feet over the barren earth.

Rows upon rows of razor sharp teeth, shining silver in the moonlight. Huge, twisted horns and spines, running from it's head down to its lashing tail. A gnarled claws as thick as oak trees. A spiked barb on its tail, twenty feet long and dripping with poison. Armor plating invulnerable to all attack. A creature without mercy, without remorse, made solely to destroy all before it and turn the world to dust.

The monster rumbles deep in its chest as it surveys the new landscape. Previously trapped in dreams with no physical form, it relishes the raw power it has in the waking world. Its talons tear at the ground, making deep furrows as it turns it's head back and forth, seeking prey. So long with nothing to hunt but the other puny dreamlings, no match for its power. This nightmare behemoth was wasted in such a world. But here, there was worthy prey. Here there was blood, and fear, and the thrill of the hunt. The creature was loose, ready to wreak destruction on all that opposed it.

Sniffing the air, its head turns toward its creator, who was still of puny stature next to it despite his increased height. The beast feels no kinship to the Dreamer, no loyalty. To the beast he is just it's first item of prey, to be turned to dust like all the rest would be. Its mouth splits open in a terrifying grin, and it gives a shrieking roar that echoes through the Garden, reverberating through the pillars of stone. It lowers its head and charges, moving with nightmarish speed across the dusty space, claws reaching forward to clutch and kill.
Bite [roll0],
Claws [roll1] [roll2],
Horns [roll3] [roll4],
Stinger [roll5]

Bite [roll6]
Claws [roll7] [roll8]
Horns [roll9] [roll10]
Stinger [roll11] plus Poison DC 99 Fortitude Save or take 3d8 Constitution Damage.

2012-04-29, 07:33 AM

"Oh just checking up. That and it's your move. Well, 3 and half moves. Well 3.547294 to be precise."
A multi-layered chessboard that doesn't seem to make eucilidian sense and is covered in white, black and 2 gray pieces appears in front of the God.

"Have you heard the news from Odin? You know how I use him as my information dispenser to you mere Godlings. Though he has been unreliable as of late. I'd say he was getting old but I can't talk." Truesdale smiles, refering to his supposed age of 10,000.

Truesdale looks saddened for a moment as Cerberus falls and the Planes echo.
"Another power gone. If this keeps up it'll just be me, Law and Chaos left. And you know how those two get. I guess Time would stick around but I've heard rumours."

2012-04-29, 08:47 AM
Korug pauses his attacks along with Orcus.
"As if I don't know that demons will turn at the flip of a coin," he said, shaking his head. "I never claimed to trust Graz'zt. He is a pawn, nothing more. No matter how much experience you have with this game, I doubt that you'll ever learn. Good-bye, Orcus."
He charged Orcus, hoping to finish him off quickly.

Alright. Charge, plus my potential extra damage from NOT knocking him back. This should make it very easy to finish him off, or at least take a chunk out of his already-healed HP.



Sneaky Weasel
2012-04-30, 12:41 AM
Tyr smiles as he looks at the board. Reaching over, he moves a few pieces around, the bases giving a satisfying click as they are moved into place. "Check." He turns back towards Truesdale. "I have heard news from Odin, although I do not know what particular bit of information you refer to."
As Cerberus dies, the God of Courage bows his head in silence for a moment. "The Great Ones are passing, and this world is the poorer for it. As you say, many more will die before this is over. Honestly, the only one who is really safe in theses troubled times is the Bound, and he's in no position to enjoy it." He shakes his head, eyes grim as he looks across the battlefield.

Orcus is unprepared for your vicious charge, and the force of your blows tears a gaping hole in his stomach. He gives a strangled scream of pain, and the pleas for an alliance die on his lips. He bares his fangs at you, and darkness writhes from his eyes, swirling around him to create tendrils of blackness. The very light is sucked into his form, and you can feel your vitality being drained away by the fell magic. Then the darkness explodes, throwing you back with the force of it. Orcus does not pause in his assault, drawing out his Wand once more and preparing to charge you head on.
The spell deals [roll0] Negative levels in a twenty foot radius around Orcus, and you must make a DC 45 Reflex save or be hurled back 30 feet.

2012-04-30, 02:48 AM

Truesdale looks at the board and laughs.
"How did you become God of Stategy and all that?"
He touches a piece on the 7th board, the Time-Displacement Board and sends it and it's companions back, completing the stratagem and ending the check, placing a ring of castles around the opposing King
"checkmate. And I was referring to both the Massacre of Domin-Kas and the raising of the entire Plane of Wights. Though I guess the Death of Ares and the invasion of Orcus' palace count too."

2012-04-30, 11:37 PM
Okay sorry for this late post. Here is what Anduilas does in response to Paranoia's attacks:

He uses 6 rerolls each to make each of Paranoia's First Full Attack into Natural 1's. This gives him a further +60 to AC, hopefully making him untouchable from now on. But from what I know, that's probably impossible.

Luck rerolls: 2899 Regular
Glory Points: 49
Improvisation: 270
Fate Points: 6

Blessing Points: 30
AC Bonus: +111
Avalanche Bonus: +2 bonus to Saves
+7 bonus to Attack


Covering Strike
White Raven Hammer

Anduilas raised his blades again as Paranoia rained down upon him. Blow after blow, Anduilas parried Paranoia's attacks, but it was only getting harder and harder for him. Anduilas knew that this was not going to be a short battle, but he did not have the luxury of time on his side. Each moment he delayed, Iridia was in more and more danger and Paranoia would eventually realize his trick.

As Paranoia finally stopped attacking, Anduilas slowly lowered his blades. His body literally gave off steam from the sheer friction of their attacks and parrys. It was amazingly lucky that Anduilas was not harmed at all. Looking around, he gripped his blades tightly. The battle could not go on like this. They were doing nothing but trading superficial blows that never seemed to end. He needed something more...

Looking around, he realized that what he needed was right in front of him. Smiling, he examined the great clockwork fortress - he had no idea what it was or how to use it, but the idea made him grin. Why not? After all, it wasn't as if he was going to risk anything. And if he failed, he was sure he could cause enough havoc inside.

"Paranoia I must say, you have the most terrible choice for words. At least you know how to rock a good fortress though! Would have been sad if you couldn't boast AND you couldn't ride in style. But I don't think it fits you. It deserves someone with more.....flair."

Suddenly Anduilas twirled his blade around Paranoia's torso. Yanking his arm back quickly, he threw the Incarnation over the side. "Oops" he said as he ran at the Fortress. Hopefully before Paranoia could even react, Anduilas would have long made his way within.

So Anduilas uses a Standard Action to use his Clumsy Foe technique. If Paranoia fails his Will Save, Anduilas gets to place him in any square adjacent to him. Since Anduilas is so big, I figure there is a space somewhere in mid way over the bridge.

Then Anduilas rushes the tower. He will burn uses of the Belt of Battle to ensure he can get inside within this turn, as many as needed. I imagine nothing more than 2 charges for an addtional Standard Action to his Move Action.

Attack roll for Will Save DC

EDIT: Result was a 15 - Critical Threat - so No save, auto works.

Sneaky Weasel
2012-05-01, 01:08 AM
Tyr stares at the board with an annoyed expression. "Wait a minute...no, I can move here. Oh wait, that doesn't work...damn it." He glares at the board, and then dismisses it from his mind. He raises an eyebrow at Truesdale's information.
"The wights I am aware of, but they pose little threat. Their leader is a mere dragon, of minor importance. But you say Ares is dead? How is it that I did not sense this?" He seems somewhat troubled by the news. A hacked off limb flies over his head, but he takes no notice. Such things are commonplace in Asgard.

A look of frustration passes over Paranoia's face as you evade his storm of attacks. He readies his blades for another assault when your weapon wraps around him and sends him flying through the air, tumbling off the side of the bridge. While he is distracted, you run across the bridge, your feat pounding on the metallic surface. Within seconds you are at the gates, slipping through them with ease.

Beyond the gates lies a vast room, hundreds of feat across. A steel catwalk serves as the floor, extending out from the gate and branching off in many directions. Huge pistons pump up and down, powering the fortress, and intricate layers of clockwork grind together on all sides. Jets of steam emerge from holes on the wall, and beneath the catwalk the room extends into darkness. An eerie ticking sound hangs over all, giving the impression that you are inside a gigantic clock.

There are several doors arrayed around the room, the catwalk extending up or down to the various layers. You are forced to duck as a huge pendulum slices the air above your head, and it occurs to you that a smaller size may be helpful if you wish to navigate the room. However, the main thing that catches your attention is the room's inhabitants.

Inevitables fill the room, operating the machinery and hurrying to and fro across the catwalk. They resemble the various regular types of Inevitables, but twisted into horrible parodies of themselves. They have unevan, elongated limbs, some stretching to the floor, others stubby and useless. Their bodies are misshapen, mimicking human traits such as hunchbacks and twisted spines. Their heads are distended, the metal warped, and all the machinery operating within their craniums are removed, leaving gaping holes in their skulls. A strange blueish mist fills the empty heads of these twisted Inevitables, animating them to serve Paranoia's needs. As you enter the room they turn and stare at you as one, their glowing eye sockets looking you over with a complete lack of emotion. Paranoia himself has not followed you for the time being, giving you a chance to act unimpeded.
The space between you and the gate is around four hundred feet, so the number of charges spent would depend on your speed, which is likely pretty fast. Just calculate how many you would need and subtract them.

2012-05-01, 02:59 AM

"I really need a better information disperser. it's almost like Odin wants all you weak Gods to be in the dark. :smallsigh: maybe Thor has the right of it in planning defences against him, though knowing him and odin it will probably escalate from defence to offense quickly.
Still, it's probably better with Thor in charge, he doesn't really have the guile to conceal or have a hidden agenda unknown for long."
Truesdale lifts his legs up, suspended on an invisible couch of air.
He smirks as you dismiss the Wights
"Everything has importance, and everything is unimportant. Oh, are you going to respond to that?"

Truesdale points at the summons to Odin's throneroom that had appeared while he was scrutinizing the board.
"Ta-ta." he says goodbye before creating a loud bang, a cloud of smoke and shimmering out.

Odin's Hall:

The succubi leaves a second before the first God arrives, a tiny invisible (Hide in the Light) Fairy/Anon hovers right above the centre, surveying her work as the torture instruments remain visible, even as the other Gods arrive at the scene.

2012-05-01, 09:47 AM
Korug raised an eyebrow as a magnificent display of power went on 45 feet away from him. He sighed.
"Honestly, Orcus. I had hoped you would at least be wiser than that," he commented. "Your mind is breaking. I suppose it's time to put you out of your misery."
He began another full round of attacks.

Attack rolls:

Damage rolls:

2012-05-01, 11:27 AM
Seeing his beast come charging at him, Viserys splits into a wolfish grin. "The ones that fight back are always the best."

The savage blows deal quite some damage but most of it was absorbed by his metal skin. The blows hardly fazes the Incarnate of Dreams, what most of the dream beast's attacks did was to bring it closer to his grasp. He responds with a flurry of blows that ends a forward and backhanded slap.

"YOU are forgetting your place youngling!"*smack* "I brought" *smack* "YOU" *smack* "into in this realm," *smack* "it is only natural that you should obey me!" *smack*

OOC:Yes. Basically I'm b*tchslapping the ToS with my barehands. I want to see how I do in a bare-bones situation.





Sneaky Weasel
2012-05-02, 06:20 AM
You ignore Orcus's attack and whip your chain around, smashing him again and again, six blows ripping into him with brutal force. He staggers as the first attack hits him, the second and third send him stumbling backwards, and the remaining three drive him to his knees. His wands falls from his limp hand, and blood flows freely from his many wounds. The Prince's eyes are dull as he stares up at your triumphant visage. The once mighty Orcus, Demon Prince of the Undead, is defeated.
Somehow he clings on to life despite his injuries, swaying back and forth as you approach. He closes his eyes, preparing for the final blow.
"You've beaten me. You have true power. Don't waste it. The one who beats me should rule the multiverse." He coughs, blood dripping from the corners of his mouth. "Don't let Graz'zt fool you into serving him. You must rule this world, Immortal. You deserve no less." He bows his head, his life ebbing away as he speaks.

Odin's Hall:
The Gallows God sits up from his throne, glaring at the succubi that has materialized in his Hall. His consternation increases as it redecorates the Hall as a torture chamber, and the first of the other Gods appears before his throne. One by one, the rest of his Pantheon enters the room, glaring around and shuffling their feet. Thor is the last to appear, popping in with a throaty growl.
"Why have you called me, Father? Finally going to tell me what's going on here, maybe?" His brow creases in confusion as he notices the changes made in the room.
"It seems Chaos has been perpetrating his trickery once more. I will not have it." Odin gestures with one hand, and the room is restored to normal. He glances over at Anon, not fooled by his attempt at concealment.
"Chaos, do not tempt me or my fellow Gods. We are not fools to be made a mockery of, and your antics reflect poorly on someone of your station."
"I demand to know what is going on here. Why have you summoned us to your hall?" The speaker is Aegir, God of the Ocean. He appears as a massive, dark skinned man holding a trident from the waist up, and a mass of wriggling tentacles and fins from the waist down.
"It was not Odin who summoned you here, but Chaos. You are revealed, Trickster! Show yourself!" Frigga, Queen of the Gods, steps forward. Her eyes narrow in rage, and her voice is icy as she glares at the hidden Incarnation.

The Garden of the Lost:
The beast shudders as your fists slam into it, but it is unnaturally powerful. Even these mighty attacks are mere annoyances to a nightmare made flesh. At last, it has a worthy opponent. It revels in the thrill of combat, saliva running from it's toothy mouth, it's claws tearing at your metallic flesh. It lunges at you with it's mighty jaws, attempting to get a hold on you and swallow you whole. It lashes at you with it's horns and tail all the while as it pulls you into it's maw.

Claws [roll1] [roll2]
Horns [roll3] [roll4]
Sting [roll5] plus Poison DC 99 Fortitude save of take [roll6] Constitution Damage.

In addition, if it hits with it's bite it starts a Grapple, provoking no attack of opportunity. If it succeeds, it has a hold on you, and instantly starts another Grapple check. If ti succeeds on the second one, it swallows you whole.

Grapples: [roll7], [roll8]

2012-05-02, 09:17 AM
"Rest well, worthy opponent, but don't dare let me see your face alive again," Korug muttered, walking over to Orcus' side.
He bent down, and picked up the Wand by the handle, while his blood-soaked chain wrapped around his arm. He himself had absolutely no battle scars. He then smiled, and walked off in search of Orcus' treasure. He could always use some extra gold in preparing his army, and undoubtedly there would be a fair number of items, as well.

Time to find the loot. Korug is probably the only PC who's interested in that. And, uh, if you could include a few large Bags of Holding in the treasure to carry it, that would be nice.

2012-05-02, 09:27 AM
Korug's Waist

The longsword morphs into a bag with a mouth replacing the opening
"Nomnomnom, I'm hungry. Where's the loot."

OOC: You don't need any more extra-dimensional storage that isn't me.

2012-05-03, 12:35 AM
Anduilas twirled around in the air, becoming smaller and smaller. Soon he was barely a foot tall, a bare shadow of his great size just moments ago. Zooming and zipping around the constructs, he smiled. This drastic change in size was not something most people knew he could do. Anduilas had taken a great care to keep his small size a secret. As he flew around the constructs, he stopped by one of them.

"Psst," he whispered into its ear. "Don't worry about me. Just your little friend here." he said as he whispered soft soothing words into the Inevitable's ear. "Your friend is lost. Show him the way to the control room. Don't worry, it's just so he could find out how to leave. It'll be fine."

Anduilas is now Tiny size, as per a natural Petal. Basically he turned off his Belt of Giant Size. He also spent two of his charges to make a Full Round Action Run to the door. That should be enough!

Now for the interesting part. Anduilas flies over to one of the Inevitables and uses Diplomacy. I have a.....+151 bonus to it.

Funny thing is? The DC to make a Hostile character Fanatic is only 150.

Oh well :smalltongue:

That was easy :smallamused:

Sneaky Weasel
2012-05-04, 04:58 AM
You begin to search the Palace for treasure, and it occurs to you that the other doors besides the one that stored his Armor may have treasure in them. But then you remember something rather important. Namely, the Palace is in the process of collapsing. Even as Anon prepares to swallow whatever you find, a huge block of stone smashes down behind you, sending up a cloud of dust that obscures your vision. It might still be possible to conduct a quick search, but the risk of being buried in rubble is still there.

The twisted Inevitables lose interest in you as you shrink, going back to tending the machines. The one you have flown up to stares at you blankly, it's empty head turned to one side as it listens. The words of Luck are able to make even as horrible a creature as this into an ally, and it beckons with one bloated finger before hobbling off further into the Fortress. It moves over to one of the lower doors, a blank sheet of steel with no handle or hinges, and taps on it in a complex rhythm. The door opens to either side with a whirring noise, and the Inevitable beckons towards you once more to follow it.
Strangely enough, there is still no sign of Paranoia, and you are unhindered by the other drones. You can hear the muffled sounds of battle from outside, but the ticking of the Gears within makes it difficult to tell what is going on.

2012-05-04, 05:52 AM
Odin's hall

"Aaw you didn't like my surprise party? I had cake and everything." the suddenly visible elf girl lounged on a sofa
"I reckon I can decide what's 'fitting for my station' considering I'll outlive you all. Then your descendants, just like I did your ancestors.
Besides, what are you going to do to stop me? I gain power whenever a contract is broken, and I have every possible sanction against me tied up in red tape for a thousand years."
Several piles of paperwork, bound up in red tape appear hovering above Odin's head, before the tape vanishes dumping millions of pages onto the God.
Anon is suddenly a pixie in Aegir's hair, swimming in the hair as if it was liquid.

"As for why I summoned you here, why it's for an accounting. Specifically that of the paper mountain over there. Well, the being under it. I Anon Yoderick Mouse, King of Jekla and Incarnation of Chaos name thee Odin Allfather, Liar and Traitor to the Pantheon of the Norse."

A masive dragon wearing gold reading glasses scrutinizes a massive piece of parchment, that unrolls several dozen feet. Several similar parchments also appear, each one listing the subterfuge, information withheld and hidden agendas of Odin over the Eons
The second everyone has finished looking at the pile of paper it all vanishes.

Chaos is suddenly gone, before appearing in the nearest glass window, drawing pictures with a claw and filling it with a lion tail paintbrush. The pictures are either lewd about anything or humiliating things about Odin.
"I could run this Pantheon better Odin, and you know how my brief foray into godhood turned out." Everyone except Chaos shudders at that memory

the Sword in the Stone is suddenly in front of Odin, a voice echoes from someplace.
"I saw we devise a most fitting test. Whoever uses this object as a unique weapon the most intuitively, wins." Several target Golems materializes looking around dumbly

OOC: Note that just pulling the sword out would be a fail, despite seeming the obvious choice

"Wait I'm missing something. Aha!"
In front of every God is a podium with a switch, the 2 settings being "New Ruler" and "Old Ruler"
"I need about 1/2 the people voting for a new ruler to give the boot to Goadin over here."

There are also several extra podiums (~40% of the Gods in extra podiums) with the setting on New Ruler with the names of the Pantheon before the Norse.

2012-05-05, 07:50 PM
Korug grinned as the palace began to collapse. He wasn't particularly frightened by the prospect of being buried - it was hardly something that could kill him - but he realized that he didn't exactly have the time to go digging through rubble afterwards for a few gold pieces. He'd have to take a shortcut to claim as much as he could before it collapsed.
"Anon, you never cease to amaze me," he told the bag beside him.
He opened it's mouth far beyond what any realistic bag should be capable of, and ran it along the length of Orcus' regenerating exoskeletal armor. It engulfed the armor completely, and Korug immediately turned his mind to other matters. He began to hop between rooms in a matter of seconds, taking only whatever seemed to be most valuable: magic items and large gemstones. He was prepared to shift out at a second's notice, should the castle begin to collapse completely.

Dimension Door to hop between rooms, and take whatever items seem most valuable. Note my 100' fly speed. I'm zooming from item to item as quickly as reasonably possible. If the castle begins to completely collapse, I Plane Shift back to Ivory Marrow with my loot. I will need an exact account of what I claimed before having to escape (that is, the general descriptions, at least).

2012-05-06, 10:04 PM
Looking outside, Anduilas wondered what was happening. Shaking his head of those thoughts, he quickly made a beeline for the door. He had to seize control of the ship immediately. He couldn't let his indecisiveness ruin this chance. Silently, he made a prayer for Iridia. She was strong, but she could not fight Paranoia. He hoped she was smart enough to realize that.

As he was about the answer the door, he suddenly had a marvelous idea. Turning to the rest of the Inevitables, he shouted out in his greatest voice possible. He took a great deep breath of air, emphasizing each and every single one of his words. "Inevitables! Throw off your shackles! Grasp your destiny! Restore Order as you know it! Go! Go out and show Paranoia what order truly means! Show him your might! You have nothing to fear, for you have Anduilas the Lucky One on your side!"

So let's say I start using Diplomacy to tell everyone who can hear me to rush outside and to fly at Paranoia. They won't do anything but I have a feeling Paranoia is planning something most wicked.

Sneaky Weasel
2012-05-11, 12:59 AM
As you speak, the Inevitable drones turn to stare at you, their empty eyes looking you over emotionlessly. They remain silent, and they appear to be weighing up your words.
Then, as one, they begin to crawl, hop and lurch towards the main Gate, their feet clattering on the catwalk. They ready what weapons they have, energy crackling over their limbs and blades unfolding from their arms. How dare Paranoia debase and twist them like this? They will make him pay.
The only one that does not follow them is the one who led you to the door. It starts to follow them, but then pauses and moves back to the door, intent on showing you the way. It gestures again for you to go through.

Through the first door is a large pedestal, similar to the one in the first room you entered. Floating just above it is a large scythe, slowly rotating in the air. It is matte black in colour, seeming to suck in all light around it. As you take hold of it, you can feel tremendous evil flowing over it's cold, smooth surface. Whatever this weapon is, it is powerful.

The next room is bare, except for a rusty greatsword hanging on the far wall by a couple nails. It's surface is pitted and uneven, and the leather wrappings on it's handle are fraying. It seems somewhat incongruous for such a dilapidated weapon to be in the horde of a Demon Lord, but there it is. Upon taking it, you feel a surge of emotion go through you. Pure, unbridled hate. You feel like you want to kill everything in the multiverse, tear apart all that is good and holy and dance on the ashes. And this sword seems like an ideal tool to do so.

The third room is stacked with adamentine chests, unadorned and perfectly square. Before you can examine them further, you hear a familiar voice behind you.
"Well done! I have to applaud your efforts. Of course, a little less collateral damage would have been appreciated, but we can't have everything." You turn to see the Dark Prince standing behind you, wearing a satisfied smirk. He leans on his wavy-bladed sword as he continues.
"Of course, when you're trying to kill a Demon Lord, you have to be crafty, because we are very crafty indeed. One thing you should always do..." He vanishes and reappears over Orcus's corpse with a sharp crack, "...is make sure they're dead." He stabs down at the base of Orcus's skull, sword flickering out with lightening speed. The 'dead' Prince gives out a scream of absolute hatred, his body convulsing, before immolating in a cloud of black flames that makes the very floor boil into magma. All at once a feeling of peace washes over you, as if Evil itself had been dealt a blow and Good had grown stronger. It's quite uncomfortable to someone like you.
Graz'zt grins again, having teleported out of the flames. He strides over to you, holding out a hand.
"Now, onto other matters. I must assume control of Orcus's forces quickly, before they disperse to much. In order to do this, I need the Wand. You can keep his other weapons and the Juggernaut, although it's useless to a non-demon, but I need the Wand." He frowns slightly upon seeing that it is cracked, but he still holds out his hand to take it.

Odin watches calmly as you unfold your magic. The other Gods are confused and outraged for the most part, but the Gallows God simply watches, expressionless. He closes his eye as the storm of protest begins.
"How dare you! Odin has never betrayed us, and we will not abandon him!" Frigga's rage is beyond that of any mortal, and it is only with iron concentration that she does not attack you.
"I agree, this is simple trickery. We will not be fooled by you, Crawler." Frey, God of the Elves, glares at you fiercely. His sister, Freya, nods in agreement.
"This may be trickery, yes. But it may have a grain of truth. I say we investigate further before making a decision, and see what evidence Chaos has against our Allfather." Tyr keeps his face emotionless, determined to make the right choice.
Thor backs him up with typical lack of decorum. "If you have truly been lying to us, I will rip you apart with my bare hands," he growls.
"You would be the next to go if you try such a thing," says Frigga, eyes narrowing.

Odin holds up his hand, eye still closed. As one, the Gods fall silent. The Allfather remains motionless for a few moments, as if waiting for a signal. Without moving, without giving any sign at all, all the paper, the sword in the stone and all the podiums go up in flames, burning to dust in an instant. Then his eye opens, and it glows with blue fire as he stares at you. The other Gods wait with baited breath to hear him.
"Anonymous, you have gone too far. You have gotten away with so much in the past. Started the War between Good and Evil that has claimed billions of lives, defied everyone by siding with Death, destroyed entire Planes. But now, in my Hall, you accuse me of treachery to my Pantheon. You may be older than me, Incarnation, but I am far wiser than you can ever hope to be.
"It was one of the Incarnations who stole the Death Gods. Someone able to trick their way past Cerberus, and defeat the pair before they could so much as blink. Someone who wanted to cause Chaos and Strife on a scale never before seen. Someone like you.
"I have not led my Pantheon astray, and I have been eternally loyal to them in the past. You, Anon, are devoted to trickery and mischief, and every word you have spoken is a lie.
"Now hear me. And let my words call forth a new age. An age of War." He pauses, and he no longer seems a weary old man. Now he is, indisputably, the Ruler of his Pantheon.
"I hereby declare this Pantheon at War with the Incarnations of Immortality. Any Incarnation who sets foot in our realm will be considered an enemy, and given no quarter. All dealings with the Incarnations may be hostile without any repercussions from the Resia Anti Homo, the Pact Primeval, The Proclamations of Shadows, or any other document or treaty. You have one day to prepare, and ten minutes to leave this Hall, before all of these changes take effect. Any God who challenges my rule will be considered an Enemy of the Pantheon, and treated as an ally of the Incarnations.
"Now get you gone, or face the wrath of the United Gods."
The other Gods stare at him with wide eyes, than one by one they turn to you with growing fury. The chances of them challenging Odin's rule now seems quite slim. Even Thor is content with the current state of affair, smacking his fist into one meaty palm as he glares at you menacingly.

2012-05-11, 02:07 AM

"Hey I stole one Book of Ultimate Evil and one Teddy Bear for that war. Besides you would too for a teddy bear this cuddly."
An old bear with a halo appears and is hugged by a little 8yr old boy in pajamas.
"Destroying Planes is nothing. They live and die in an eyeblink to one such as me and should be considered as such. The billions of trillions of people slaughtered have no weight when they all would have died eons ago and their lines too. You have ordered more deaths per generation than I have Odin. I have just been around longer to order more of them.
And Death was a good guy, the old gods just didn't like his power. Though he always beat everyone at Poker the old trickster." The boy laughs innocently, though it slowly becomes sinister as he ages rapidly becoming a goateed man with evil eyes

"Do you know why the Resia Anti Homo was created? To stop me and Fate and protect the Gods. Here is why."
A massive surge of motion occurs and eyes erupt around the room. Ancient items depicting beings or recreations (or assumed originals) grow eyes in weird places. From each and every one erupts a tidal wave of magical energy, benign but with the implications staggering if they had been an attack.

"Nowhere is safe from Trickery. A new age of Chaos is dawning and you began it. Neither me nor anyone I know kidnapped the Gods of Death with my knowledge. Good luck in the apocalypse to come, you'll need it."
He leaves with a shimmer, his evil laughter staying for a few seconds before the eyes pop away.

"Oh and everything in those papers are accurate, if skewed by PR."
A voice comes, in the exact voice of Frigga.

Greek Hall

"Attention Gods of this pantheon. Hopefully Greek. This is prerecorded message #284. The Gods of [Norse] have broken the Taba Jilde. Due to this they are declared Enemy to the Incarnates and to any non-affiliated Gods including the Greek and whichever Pantheon takes this hall that is not [Norse]. War is declared, may your enemies die by the dozen.
Failure to comply with War is a War offence. Cessation of hostilities with every non-[Norse] is needed."
A statue that has been around for a long long time speaks with a very robotic voice.

Every Demon Prince's Throneroom

"It's time for War you miserable runt. This is a message recorded by Grothgar the Fierce {"deceased" for a long time} and some little God is getting uppity. Time to roll out the War Machine. Every squabble is officially on hold until the current crisis is over. Any morons dumb enough to countermand this is given an immediate execution order by Chaos, who is told to use every torture technique it knows. And it's the oldest being in the universe so it knows All of them. So get to it you lazy Quasits!!!!"

Every Incarnation's Heads (except nature)

[The Norse declared War. This is Chaos speaking. Return immediately to Ivory Marrow. That's here by the way.]
The teleport/planeshift coordinates pop into their heads if they don't have it.

OOC: Good thing I have a plan for this :smallamused:
Oh and I predicted you would pull this DM thats why I was PMing you about the thing.
Now to sow more Chaos MWAHAHAHAHAHA

Fire Lord's Palace

A Fire Elemental appears walking through the doors into the throneroom
"Greetings Lord, I am Trickery the Vesharii. I believe we've met. or that might have been your predecessor I really must keep up with the Elemental politics.
I come bearing grave news. War is declared between the Norse and the Incarnations. Naturally this will spiral out of control if not contained and crushed rapidly so I am imploring you to join our side and end the conflict before it can begin. I offer the negation of the ancient Jeknesi Debt, a move that will gain you great favour in the political arena to nullify as well as this. A contract for aid however the Lords so decide to me, Chaos of the Incarnations."

2012-05-11, 08:06 AM
Korug crossed his arms at Graz'zt's demand, as the building continued to collapse around them. He blinked a bit as Anon gave him a message in his mind. He rolled his eyes, and rolled the Wand of Orcus across the ground.
"Do what you must, Graz'zt," he said. "I must go, but I will return. You will not know when, so be prepared to leave for Demogorgon's domains at any time."
With that, he left the Abyss. He reached Ivory Marrow as quickly as possible, where he was greeted by his army. Pellow bowed as he saw his master return.
"How did it go in the Abyss?" Pellow asked, as they walked up the stairs to the palace.
"It went well. I would've liked to have had more time to gather treasure from the hoard of the late Orcus-"
"You killed Orcus? That wasn't exactly what you went down there for," Pellow interrupted.
"What I was down there for and what is beneficial to me are two vastly different things," Korug responded simply. He held his bag up to his eyes, with the three items inside it tucked away in the extradimensional space. He spoke to the bag. "Anon, are any of the items inside of you cursed? If so, could you remove the curses before anyone uses them?"

2012-05-11, 08:46 AM
Ivory Marrow

The least cursed item is given to a passing mook (telekinetically)
"Would you really trust me to reliably look for Curses Korug? If so then you have learned nothing about me. Oh and here's your teddy back. I know you can't sleep without Pookums."
The bag burps up the teddy from earlier (Good's teddy). The voice projects outwards so pretty much anyone in the vicinity (read: the army) can hear the bit about 'Pookums'.

2012-05-12, 09:30 PM
Anduilas smiled, glad that the Inevitables were leaving. Turning around, he nodded at his newfound friend. He hoped they could move fast enough to activate and take this ship for their own purposes. He imagined the sheer might and power this fortress could bring him. Oh the glory of it, he thought with a smile. I am going to be sung about for ages!

Suddenly Anon's voice popped in his head, and for the first time Anduilas' face turned white. Face palming, he could not believe what he had just heard. "Oh I am totally going to get him later for this," he said with a snarl. Turning to the inevitable, he quickly went through the door. "Make haste. Right now things are about to get messy. We need the fortress now."

Then Anduilas stopped momentarily. "By the way, is there any way I can project my voice to those outside of this thing?"

2012-05-13, 01:42 PM
Viserys parries the creature's blows not without some effort. The closest of the beast's blows reached no further than an arm's length away before being forcefully swept aside.

"Insolent whelp! Know your place!"

The muscles on his arms bulge out and his responding flurry of blows hit both quicker and stronger. Blows strong enough to level mountains single-handedly begin to rain down on the massive beast.

Every Incarnation's Heads (except nature)

[The Norse declared War. This is Chaos speaking. Return immediately to Ivory Marrow. That's here by the way.]
The teleport/planeshift coordinates pop into their heads if they don't have it.

No doubt he had something to do with it...

OOC:Using Fists of the Old Ones for extra Str and Dex.

Full Attack:




I forgot to mention last post that all unarmed attacks bypass all types of DR. Let
s just start with this set of attacks.

Sneaky Weasel
2012-05-16, 01:42 AM
Beyond the door is a blank metal corridor that twists out of sight to the left. A faint rushing noise can be heard from further along.
As you speak to it, the Inevitable simply stares at you. Then it's face breaks open into a bizarre, disturbing grin. It wags a finger at you, it's grin growing wider all the time. You notice it's eye sockets are now emitting an eerie red glow.
"The mighty hero, brave and bold, stands brazen in the door. When fires cleanse this space again, your life shall be no more." It speaks in the same voice of Paranoia, and you realize that all is not what it seems. However, you have little time left to ponder this before the door slams shut, giving you no chance to get out.
Of course, destroying a mere door is nothing for one such as you, even a door as strong as this one. The problem is, as soon as it shuts there is a vast rushing of wind, and then geysers set above the door shoot out white-hot flames with incredible speed and power, driving you back irresistibly. The floor and walls are smooth and slick, making it all but impossible to arrest your movement.
You are forced back at a speed of 10'000 feet per round unless you can make a Balance Check(DC 200). You take [roll0] Fire damage automatically, and if you fail on the balance check you are carried off down the corridor, smashing into the wall at each bend and taking [roll1] damage before being thrown out the side of the Fortress and into the outside air. If you succeed on the balance check you can act as normal, making a new balance check and taking fire damage each round. The door has Hardness 50 and 400 HP.

The Abyss:
With a mighty roar, the entire Palace of Orcus collapses. Grinding metal and shattering ice fills the air, as the structure that has stood there for thousands of years gives way under Primus's assault. Any Demon unlucky enough to be left inside is buried beneath tons of stone and ice.

From the rubble erupts Primus, intent on continuing it's destruction. The worm-machine moves it's head back and forth, as if sniffing the air. It turns to see a small grey figure floating behind it, a tiny red rod clutched in it's hand. Without hesitation, Primus charges.

Graz'zt smiles at the colossal beast hurtling towards him. This creature was no threat, at best a mere annoyance to one such as him. Although not as powerful as many other beings in the Multiverse, Graz'zt is undoubtedly the smartest, most cunning Demon in existance, and a mindless thing like Primus could be easily bent to his will.
"Primus, you have mistaken your orders. This is not the place you were meant to destroy, nor should you be here. Return to your master, and he will direct you to the next place of assault. Everything is dead here, and there is no reason to continue your fight." His words are laced with such cunning that they sway the clockwork mind of Primus, and breaks off it's charge as it adapts to this change of plans. It was meant to destroy Sigil, but that was a long time ago. Wouldn't it be best to return to Mechanus, and await orders from the Maker? Yes.

The Prime turns, seeking with it's head. Then it lunges again, it's snout ripping through the very fabric of the planes, tearing a hole through reality until it finds the place where it must go. It slides into Mechanus, and begins to fly through the void towards the Fortress of Gears. It is a long way off, but there is nothing that can distract Primus from it's goal.

Meanwhile, Graz'zt has already dismissed the creature from his mind. He had to act fast to solidify the Demon hordes, and had no time to waste wondering how Primus would fare. Korug had told him to wait, but every moment spent waiting was a moment that the Demogorgon could prepare defenses against him. The time to strike was now.

Flying high above the ruins of the Palace, the Dark Prince holds Orc- his Wand aloft. It gives off a red gleam, lighting up the icy plane with the colour of blood. His voice booms out across the wasteland, stopping the fleeing demons and undead in their tracks. They turn to watch as their new ruler speaks to them, his voice dripping with Evil.

"Hear me, Servants of the Late Orcus. Your master is dead, slain by my hand. I have proved myself the victor in the struggle against the Undead Prince, and now, bearing his Wand, I take command of all of you. You are now no more or less than the Demons who already serve me, and you will unite with them into an Army greater than any seen before. With this Army at my back, I will march against the Demogorgon. The Three warring rulers of the Abyss shall be reduced to One, and all Demons everywhere shall bow before me. With a united Abyss, we shall end the Blood War once and for all, and tear down the very Throne of Asmodeus! We alone shall rule the Lower Planes, and from there we march on the Multiverse itself! None shall stand before our might! We shall bring War to the earths and the heavens, and even Gods shall fear my name! March with me! And together, we shall turn this world into dust and ashes, and leave fire behind us! To the Brine Flats!"

He flies, his Wand held before him like a standard. Below him, the hordes of Orcus move as one, their feet beating out a steady rhythm on the ice plane. They are joined, slowly at first but then in a great stream, by the original followers of Graz'zt. They show no reluctance to mingle with their once hated foes, marching step by step alongside them. They have one purpose now, one solidified goal. This Army, with tens of thousands of Demons and Undead, would rule the Multiverse. And nothing was going to stand in their way.

Ivory Marrow:
As soon as the message is sent out, Time appears before you. But he is not the Time you know of. This Time is dressed in flowing white robes, beneath which glimmers shining armor made in the same forge in which Life itself was created. A helmet covers his face, one half shining silver and the other half pure black, sucking in all light around it. He bears an Hourglass in one hand, a huge steely thing that glimmers as if reflecting fire on all sides. On one side it had a single word inscribed on it in a tongue lost to history. You can read it as easily as your own language, however. It says Everything. And there is far less sand remaining in it than you are comfortable with.
"Chaos, greetings. Time is beginning to end, so I ask you to be brief. I am ready to go to War, for everything around me is doing the same." His voice booms out hollowly from the mask, distorted by the different sides.

Before you can reply you hear a strange whistling noise, and your vision is filled with blinding light. As it fades you can make out a tall figure covered in spiky armor that reflects all light away from it. The armor is in fact made out of glittering shards of mirror, and it jangles faintly as the figure moves. The whistling noise is made from the wind blowing through chinks in the armor, rather like a wind chime. You haven't seen this being in person for a long time, but you recognize it instantly. It is Law.
-I have answered your call, in accordance with the Treaty of Athamnos. It seems you have made another foolish error. This time War will not end until all ends with it- You can sense Law's displeasure, the emotion knocking into you like a hammer blow.

The Lord of Fire, Great Imix himself, reclines on his ashen throne. He appears as a gigantic man, some two hundred feet tall, composed completely out of flickering flames. His burning blue eyes study the tiny being who has dared come into his presence, listening closely to the words it speaks.
"I have no love for the Gods, nor their servants. My war with Surt has gone on for millennia. But I also have no love for you or your kind, Anonymous. Politics do not concern me, and the Jeknesi Debt is no longer held in high esteem by my brethren. If I am to aid you, I must have something more...Tangible." The Lord smiles, it's mouth illuminated by white-hot flames.

Garden of the Lost:
The living nightmare recoils from your awesome series of attacks, stumbling slightly as your fists smash into it again and again. It hisses in pleasure, enjoying the fight. Finally, an opponent worthy of it's might. It does even consider that you are capable of beating it, as it has never before encountered something on an equal level to it. It reacts with pure instinct, lunging at you again and again with no reason, no thought save your demise at it's snapping jaws. It attacks with even more ferocity than before, throwing itself at you with a howl of rage.

Bite: [roll2]
Claws: [roll3], [roll4]
Horns: [roll5], [roll6]
Stinger: [roll7]

Bite: [roll8]
Claws: [roll9] [roll10]
Horns: [roll11] [roll12]
Stinger: [roll13]
Poison, DC 99: [roll14] Con damage
Rend if it hits with both claws: [roll15]

2012-05-16, 02:25 AM
Ivory marrow:

"It's one Pantheon. I've handled them singlehandedly before. You were there for that one on Gefal, Law. Why are the Norse any different. And don't you dare say Spoilers Time, this is serious.
And that can't be what I think it is. Everything can't end now, I haven't gotten her back yet. Or built my dungeon to perfection.
I analyzed the Chaos and this didn't even blip. Time you came from the end of this, everything you said played out exactly, why the sudden change. Was it Primus' attack on you?"


"Name a price Great Imix and I shall do my best to fulfill it. Every asset on our side is less casualties and less time spent."

2012-05-17, 08:40 AM
Korug crossed his arms at the appearance of the two incarnations.
"Is this all of us? Where's Luck?" he asked. He laughed. "Have we already lost an Incarnation?" Pellow raised his hand for Korug's attention. "Yes?"
"The items. We may wish to drop them off at the palace," Pellow said.
"Oh, yes, that is important, isn't it? Anon, care to disgorge the armor, scythe, and sword? They would be of great benefit to the army which, the last time I checked, is also yours to help keep running," Korug said.

2012-05-17, 08:52 AM
"Since when? This is the first I've heard about keeping this tiny thing running." Chaos grumbles and pulls a scroll from somewhere. Anon unravels it and it seems to go on and on and on, much more than it should have been by the size. You see the top as she goes through it. It seems to be crossed out names
"No, killed by dragon. Wight. Planedeath. Oops, me. No, this ain't it. Nope no Ivory Marrow." Anonymous looks at Korug while holding the end of a long piece of parchment.

"But if you want it fine. Not like the Aztecs were using it." A snake crawls out of a scabbard on a random warriors belt talking before coughing up the weapons.
It then slithers to Chaos who picks it up "Good little me, yes I am, yes I am." Chaos cooes, tickling his own chin. Well the snake's chin. Which is Chaos.

Anon's hand turns into a tentacle with a giant mouth that eats the snake
"Apparently I taste good. Anyone want to try some Me?"

2012-05-18, 02:48 PM
The Incarnation of Dream effortlessly bats away the beast's frenzied attacks. Dust swirls around them both as the beast's wild blows take their toll on the surrounding area.

Viserys grins as it watches the creature's feeble attempts at attacking him. "You think you can match me? You are SADLY mistaken!" A flurry of blows rain down on the beast and even now it begins to realize that each blow seems to be getting stronger and stronger with Dream slowly but surely growing in size. It isn't on par with the creature in terms of size but who knows what will happen after a few more blows. Unbeknownst to the beast, only four of strikes are hammer blows. The last is an open hand grasping at its leg.

OOC:Let's see if the next round will finish this.

Full Attack:

[roll4] --> Touch attack for grapple

Apparently I keep forgetting about the attack penalty for iterative attacks. The attacks from the previous round still all hit though. :smallbiggrin:



Grapple Check:


2012-05-19, 04:53 PM
Anduilas gritted his teeth as the flames burned his body. Reaching out, he almost wanted to wring the Inevitables' neck off. "You insolent wrench!" he spatted with satisfaction. He always wanted to say that line. But just before his hands could reach the Inevitable, the winds picked him up and swept him away. "Oh come one!" he yelled in frustration. This was beginning to get tiring for Andulias.

As the wind sent him blowing through the wind ducts, he tried his best to roll with the punches, but each blow was more jarring than the last. As he tumbled towards the exit, Anduilas realized that he was about the face Paranoia once more.

Quickly, Anduilas grew to full size once more, a towering behemoth just emerging from the Fortress. To outsiders, it almost looked like Andulias emerged one limb at a time, each trying to bulge its way out of the Fortress. His final exit burst a small hole in the exit, but out emerged the great hero, if a little scratched and singed around the edges.

Huffing, Anduilas flew over to Paranoia. Grasping his blades, he took one deep breath. "Paranoia!" he shouted, his loud voice bellowing out onto the entire plane. "Stand your foolishness NOW!"

Holding his blade up at Paranoia, he grinned. "You have two choices. Stand down. Pledge your allegiance to me and maybe I'll just forgive you. Follow me back to the Ivory Marrow so I can sort out just what is going on with the Gods."

"Or..." Anduilas, grinned as he swished his blades back and forth. "Let me show you my true power."

2012-05-19, 09:40 PM
Pellow blinked a few times at Anon's display, and even moreso at the weapons brought out. He picking up the oversized weapons a bit awkwardly. His eyes went wide as he felt the power crawling through them.
"This scythe looks like Feral Tooth's type of weapon," Pellow noted. "Do I have permission to give it to him?"
"Go ahead. I don't need any weapon that isn't this," Korug said, pointing to his chain.
Pellow took the weapons away and Korug crossed his arms, though he bore a grin on his face.
"So, how did you manage to get the gods on your bad side, Anon? I'm sure it's funny story."

Sneaky Weasel
2012-05-22, 11:54 PM
Ivory Marrow:
Time looks at Anon, his expression unreadable behind the mask. "I have seen the end of this War, and I know what will happen. But somehow...Things aren't going the way they did before. I've already experienced everything, but something unknown is interfering with the very timestream of the multiverse."

Law grimaces, tinkling in the wind as he does so. -The Gods have too great a hold over this world. Destroying them will shake the multiverse to it's core, and there is no knowing what could happen-

Suddenly, blinding light fills your vision. With a thunderous noise that makes your ears go numb, a figure appears before you, wreathed in flame. He stares around with cold, hateful eyes, his mouth twisted in a sneer. Destruction has come calling.
"So you've started War with the Gods, Chaos?" he asks bluntly, "This could be fun. Is there any reason you've called me here, or was that it?"
"Silly little duckling, of course that's not it. Even you should recognize the need for a plan." With a sound like breaking glass, the Lady appears once more. With a deft swipe of her claws, she tears off a chunk of flesh from Anon and begins devouring it messily. "You're right, you do taste good." She gives a high pitched giggle, ignoring the dark look Destruction throws as her for calling him a duckling.
Law nods at both of them solemnly. -Greetings Blizzard, Pain. It seems only Luck, Nature and Dream are missing from this meeting-

Upon exiting the Fortress, you see a chilling sight. The drones from inside have joined the battle, but not against Paranoia as you intended. They fly against the Inevitables, attacking them with ferocity. They are lless numerous and less powerful, but as you watch one of them simply touches a Quarut, it's hand slapping uselessly against the Inevitable's metal skin. Instantly the Quarut begins to warp, it's limbs bulging and it's body shrinking as it turns into another mindless drone. It's head splits open, and the wiring and gears from inside come tumbling out, leaving it just as empty as all the other servants of Paranoia.
Unfortunately, this is not the worst. A few hundred feet in front of you, you see Paranoia floating in the air. Clutched in his arms is Iridia, who struggles vainly against his implacable grip. One of his energy blades is held against her throat, and a trickle of blood stains her pale skin. Sleipnir is nowhere to be seen.
Iridia gives a strangled cry as she sees you, but she can't talk with the knife so near to her throat. Paranoia chuckles, a strange, tinny sound.
"You think you know true power, Luck? You mentioned this before. You've never known true power, fool, you've never known true War." His eyes narrow as he continues, and it seems as though the whole Plane grows darker as he speaks, the sound of battle dying to a faint roaring. "True power doesn't come from friends, who follow your command. The fear inside is stronger yet, you'll never understand. True power comes from fallen foes, lying bloody on the floor. True power comes from hurting those your enemy adores." He grins, pressing the knife deeper, leaving no doubt as to what he plans to do if you attack him.

Imix chuckles, a sound like the crackling of flames. "There is one thing you can do for me. I had a key, many ages ago. A key that could unlock certain doors. It may be found in the heights of Celestia, guarded by Sealtiel, the Defender. Bring me this key, and I will aid you against the Gods." The fiery behemoth leans back in it's throne, staring down at you with narrowed eyes.

Garden of the Lost:
Your fists slam into the nightmare, smashing it from one side to the other and driving it back. It's carapace is beginning to crack, thin lines spreading across it's body and oozing blood. But the monster still fights on, although you takes hold of it's legs with an implacable grip. It continues it's furious assault, determined to bring you down.
Bite: [roll0]
Claws: [roll1] [roll2]
Horns: [roll3] [roll4]
Sting: [roll5] [roll6]

Bite: [roll7]
Claws: [roll8] [roll9]
Horns: [roll10] [roll11]
Sting: [roll12], Poison DC 99 [roll13] Con damage
Rend: [roll14]
Grapple: [roll15]

2012-05-23, 10:57 PM
Ivory Marrow

"Nature never comes to my parties." The cute little girl sniffles "Dreamer is probably still taming that wazzamacallit. Tafasqi or someting."
The girl grown and changes into a suave demonic man "Luck is facing against Paranoia, the Warforged incarnate. Paranoia has the Elven Princess hostage and it's a face-off. My eye is blind now however, the small statue I put in her pocket fell out and shattered. And Pain, maybe on that date you promised you find out what other parts of me are tasty." he winks and blows a kiss before blinking onto Laws head in the form of a jellybaby king but bigger
"So we have no reliable future-telling, several armies, a few late Incarnates and a war on two, maybe 3 fronts. Destruction I want you to go with Time and do what you do best, Time go to the areas with the biggest amount of Norse Clerics or followers. The Gods power is derived from them so if you make them stop believing or unable to believe, like by killing them, their power should fall.
Law you're with me. I know you won't leave me on my own after starting this and we do fight well together when we aren't arguing.
Pain go call in as many debts to the high-power beings as possible. Tell them to come here armed for war.
Pelor or whatever your name is, what are the state of our magical items? and get me a Kels of the best and worst soldiers in Korug's Army. Oh since your an idiot, a Kels is 75 people. Unit commonly used by the Gek during the Formian Wars.
Korug, do whatever you want but be back soon."


"You're wish. My command." Anon said, disappearing in a poof of smoke.


A Celestial appears, whoever Celestials normally appear

Sneaky Weasel
2012-05-25, 02:24 AM
Ivory Marrow:
Time nods solemnly. "They shall be like ants underfoot." He shimmers, and is gone.
Blizzard glares at Anon. "Who are you to give orders? You think you're the leader of the Incarnations or something? I'll do what you ask, because it amuses me. But there might be a reckoning about the chain of command somewhere down the line." He disappears in a pillar of fire.
"Calling in debts? There are many people who owe me. Sounds like fun." With a lascivious wink at Anon, Pain disappears.
Leaving Law, Chaos, and Betrayal. The former is not amused by Chaos perching on his head, and shakes him off with a grimace. -I don't leave you to your own devices because you're just as likely to attack us as the Gods. I can neutralize anything you can do, so don't try anything stupid. I suggest we concentrate on warding this area against the Gods, as it seems to be our de-facto base of operations- He spreads out one hands, and lines of magic begin to trace the air, flowing out around Ivory Marrow and slowly going invisible.

Upon arriving on the Second Heaven of Celestia, where you know Sealtiel to reside, the first thing that catches your eyes are the spiders. This is unusual for a place of perfect harmony, but there it is. Spiders, everywhere.
All around you, Celestials battle with hordes of gigantic, vicious spiders, ranging from simple vermin to bebiliths and retrievers. Looking down, you see the First Heaven, bordering the Silver Sea, is almost completely overrun by the arachnid hordes. They swarm up in droves from far below, where you can see a number of portals that faintly glow in the evening sun.

Mixed into the attackers are dark elves, mostly powerful Priestesses of Lolth, battling the angels with their fell magic. Leading the upward charge is a tall, albino drow wearing black plate armor and bearing a twisted, evil looking spear. He is spattered with the blood of countless dead angels, and he laughs insanely as he spears another Solar through the throat. King Phynnod, consort of Lolth and Lord of the dark elves.

In addition, a number of Einherjer are also in the fray, hacking away at the angels with as much fury as the drow. The unmatched combat prowess of the northern warriors, combined with the dark magic of the drow and the swarm of spiders, is slowly pushing the angels back up the mountain. Despite the overwhelming numbers, however, the angels still have an excellent defensive position, and the battle shows no sign of ending anytime soon.

This makes everything easier for you, of course, as no one is going to bother guarding a key when a battle rages all around them. This is assuming you wish to keep a low profile, of course...

2012-05-25, 05:38 AM

The solar laughs slightly and turns, vanishing from sight as several hundred tentacles erupt all over it, and each other.
Anon floats just above the ground towards the location the key is kept

Note to DM: I ignore Traps. I am treated as having Total Cover, out of Line-Of-effect and Line-Of-Sight. I am not a valid target from any attack or spell made by the trap.

Ivory Marrow

"You backstab an Incarnate of Magic just one time and they never let you forget it." Chaos mutters, spirals of magical energy looping and adding to Law's magic, dancing around in vastly intricate patterns that seem haphazard until it all comes together in a vista beautiful to those who see it and terrifying to those wanting to break it without being fried.

DM: Basically I want to set up as many Wish Spells as needed that go off if the web might be compromised (before the compromise triggers, these traps do, one at a time each time the compromise is attempted).
1. Planeshift (Wish bypassing the No unwilling) the ward-breaker into Fireheim
2. Trigger several other Traps of various types of your choice. Preferably explosive
3. Summon I-IX x3 centered in the nearest space large enough to hold all the things
4. Planeshift Ivory Marrow to the nearest valid target next to the River Styx and the abandoned Throne of Hades and Hel.

"There is a reason why I've been known as the TrapMaster Law." Chaos smiles, before turning Law's hat into jello (if Law doesn't have a hat then conjure a pirate hat and turn that into jello).

Destruction's Mind

As Destructon travels through the fire an eye grows from his pocket and looks deep into his soul. Not that he notices as he is lost in the visions.
Scene after scene of war and battle, cities crumbling and armies dying, reanimating and turning on their brothers in arms. Kings slaughtered, thieves fighting legions of guards with sacks of treasure on their backs.
All with menacing red eyes above the scene watching Destruction.
Then it shifts to an unstoppable warrior, tentacles, flame, ice, the very wind and earth at his beck and call as he slaughters thousands, millions, more. Entire Planes shattering with the force of his power as mountains of dead form under his feet, families lying dead or dying as the barbed tentacles fly and the basilisk-yellow eyes turn entire squads to stone.
"You may be Destruction little one but it was my actions that caused the need of such an Incarnation and the only reason I did not take it, is because I. Am. Chaos! I am the oldest living thing, the oldest of the Incarnations, the Mortals, the Gods, Planes have died because of my command and I have watched everyone I have ever known suffer or die except one and she is trapped forever in an empty world, frozen in time. I am the leader because I Have Lived. I have earned my title through blood, both shed and caused.
I have defeated, caused and been terrors powerful enough to break your tiny little mind. This is the reckoning and you have failed. Follow my orders or be reduced to one more corpse in the unending mountain under me, another drop on my bloody hands."
The warrior stands on a mountain of bones, wings, slime and corpses and laughs, a booming maniacal laugh as he holds a flickering flame reminiscent of the Flameport Destruction uses before he clenches his hand and snuffs the flame out.

Destruction comes back to himself as the Port ends, no time having passed outside his mind.

2012-05-25, 12:57 PM
Korug and Pellow watched silently as the wards went up around the city.
"I'll organize the troops," Pellow said. "Oh, and Chaos? My name is Pellow Fleetfoot. I have studied war extensively, and I knew exactly what a Kels was even before you explained it to me." He walked away, and Korug chuckled.
"I suppose I'll stick around for now. Graz'zt will likely need his time to organize the armies and bring them to his own Plane," he said. "I certainly hope you're keeping this place safe for other Incarnations to enter. Well, perhaps you can keep Destruction out. I'm not entirely sure we can trust someone like that."

2012-05-26, 02:53 PM

Shifting his grip to the tail, Viserys raises the beast with both hands and wields it as an improvised greatclub. He then begins to beat the beast against the various rock formations in the Garden aiming to properly cow it.

Using World-Breaker Grip to turn the ToS into a giant rattle. Attacking the surrounding area to do damage to the ToS. If attack rolls are needed I can post them in the OOC.

Damage rolls to surrounding area. (Power Attacking for -20. ToS takes half damage from each swing.)

Damage Rolls:

Sneaky Weasel
2012-05-28, 05:29 AM
As you fly over the battlefield towards the tower where the Key is kept, you see it's Guardian, Sealtiel, wading through a horde of massive spiders. Gird in full plate, with shining white wings and a shield brilliant as the sun, he stands firm against the endless horde of attackers, unbending in his righteousness. It would be an awe inspiring sight, if you were easily awed. But, being Chaos, you're probably the least easily awed being in the multiverse.

You flit behind the ranks of angels, unnoticed by them as the join the fray. Within seconds, you enter the tower. It's devilish traps are easily bypassed, little more than nuisances. You can sense that the Key is kept in a room far below the tower proper, and so you journey downwards. Several angels guard the entrance to the lower levels, but getting by them is child's play. However, the Key room itself might present more of a challenge.

It is a large octagonal room, made entirely of obdurium. Standing against each of the eight walls is an adamantine golem of prodigious size and power, specially warded as guards. They extend antimagic fields in a large radius around them, forming an impassible barrier around the chamber. It extends up to the(fairly low) ceiling, and down to the floor, overlapping in the center. It would certainly be possible to float into the chamber incorporeally, if not for the lack of magic, or burrow in through sheer strength, if not for the obdurium walls. But together, they might make you think for a second before acting.

The Key is supported in the center of the room on a pedestal, floating above it and revolving slowly. It seems to be fashioned out of all four elements, mixing fire, water, earth and air into a simple Key, perhaps four inches in length. Wards of magic, providing both protection and alarms, cover the pedestal in an impenetrable criss-cross. They seem unaffected by the anti-magic fields, obviously covered by some blanket of magic that protects them from outside influences such as this.

Destruction's Mind:
Ha. Did Chaos think he could frighten Destruction with images off himself? Blizzard is the one being in the Multiverse who most purely represents entropy, calamity and disaster, and he is unafraid of those things. Chaos could not take his place, because Chaos is naturally balanced. As likely to heal as to hurt. But Destruction was all hurt, all havoc, all carnage. Pure as the driven snow.

"Chaos, I will let you lead for now, because it would bore me to take responsibility for your mishaps. But if we were to fight, do you really think your prowess and age would be enough to kill annihilation Incarnate? And even if it were, and I was to die, then my death would be a torrent of wreckage and ruin, and I would destroy as much in death as you do in life. Such a battle would extinguish the Multiverse, Anon. If we survive this War, then we must meet at the end of all things and fight that battle. And let the world weep as we destroy it." He chuckles to himself, sending flame down at a church of Freya far below. Although he wouldn't admit it even to himself, the Incarnation of Chaos unnerved him slightly, and even if he did admit it he wouldn't know why. But that just made him all the more eager to test the power of sheer Destruction against the original Chaos from the beginning of time. Not until this silly little War reached it's end, but one day.

Ivory Marrow:
The powerful Wards settle over the city, sparkling in the fading light before vanishing. They're still there, ready to activate if an undesirable tries to enter.
Law almost smiles, oddly pleased by the spectacle. -We work well together, when we can set aside our differences enough to do so- He stiffens as the pirate hat is conjured on his head, and it simply vanishes. -Which is not often- Shaking his head, he turns to Korug. -No fear, Betrayal. It will only effect Gods and their minions, I have seen to that. Any Incarnation will bypass it with no trouble- He nods seriously, his armor whistling as he does so.

Garden of the Lost:
The nightmare is...well, confused. It had wanted a foe powerful enough to challenge it, true. But it had never encountered anything so powerful that the nightmare's best attacks could hardly scratch it. And now it was being...picked up, and slammed back and forth? The creatures feral mind strains as it tries to comprehend this turn of events.

Meanwhile, the ancient stony architectures of the Garden, after having stood there for thousands of years, are obliterated in an instant by the massive beast smashing into them. Fragments of rock fill the air, whizzing away with lethal speed, and a cloud of dust covers the area, turning the Garden hazy and blurred.

The living nightmare is finally starting to realize what the strange new sensation it's feeling is. Something that should be impossible, something that it had inspired all it's life and yet never experienced. The emotion trickles through it's half mad, blood-crazed brain, and it's eyes widen as it begins to grow. It has never come this close to dying before, and although its inclination is to simply keep attacking, it somehow knows what the inevitable outcome would be.

The Nightmare is beginning to feel fear.

It struggles, trying to break free of your grip, but it has lost interest in attacking you. It's feet scrabble on the dusty ground, searching for a hold by which to drag itself away. But to no avail, as your grip is stronger than any force it can exert. It roars, not triumphant and bloodthirsty like before, but desperate and wild. Its never before had a life to lose, and doing so it not a prospect it desires.

2012-05-28, 06:12 AM

Chaos smiles and rapidly shifts through multiple forms before settling on the exact Duplicate of Sealtiel
"This should be interesting. it has been so very, very long since my Dewarding skills have been used."
It reaches out with his reality-warping powers and twists, shunting entire sections of Magical Webs into the future in a Time-Lock, specifically the ones that detect Objects.

A shift later and a single arrow clatters to the floor before a wind picks up, pushing it towards the altar in a gust that quickly dissipates at the Anti-magic ward-line. The arrow passes right by the Key, barely skimming it before seemingly vanishing, the key being absorbed into the Arrow and engulfed at the exact same moment the Arrow assumed the form of the Key and started emanating the exact magical signature of the Key.

Ivory Marrow

"Destruction is like a bulldog, aim and release but be sure you can get the leash the second he's done playing with his food."
Chaos burps slightly, coughing up a key made of Fire, Water, Air and Earth in perfect balance.
"Oops, sorry about that. Be back in a moment." Anon pulls a small stylized dagger from his finger and threw it up into the air, a second Chaos growing around it and landing with perfect grace. The first Anonymous vanishing with a shimmer.
"Right, so where were we? Oh yes. Destruction. Just point and release."


A young girl, clad entirely in water blue with dripping hair appears next to the Lord of Fire, Imix
"One key, one approval of aid Lord Linux. Or whatever." she says, the key waving telekineticly between the Lord's eyes
"Your key as requested. Though you owe me for having to spend ages in that dungeon. I mean, how often is that thing checked. Yeesh."

Destruction's Mind

"Then let the world burn Destruction. But the Planes are eternal, like a phoenix they rise and a mere battle with you would not destroy them utterly. Or else the world would have ended with Death. so pptthbbt" The voice makes a raspberry sound and vanishes.
Though should he look there is a tiny carving of a baby in Destruction's pocket.

2012-05-29, 08:19 AM
Hearing the beast's screams does nothing to sway the Incarnate of Dreams.

"I don't think you quite understand the gravity of your situation.You should know that you shouldn't challenge your betters. You need to be disciplined..."

Taking the beast's body with one hand and its legs in the other, he ever so slowly pulls...

A few moments later, both legs come off with a sickeningly wet pop like so much rotten wood. The beast falls unto the ground flopping madly, blinded by pain and fear. Both legs still held in one hand, Viserys continues on. "Now. Will you still continue struggling?"

OOC:Ripping its legs off using Hero Sundering Hands. The effects of this are as follows:As part of this maneuver, you must be in a grapple and not pinned, and then spend your action making a grapple check. Alternatively, you may activate it if you have a creature in your grip from World-Breaker Grip.

If you succeed on the grapple check (you need not make a check if you have someone in your grip - it automatically succeeds), you immediately release the grapple, dropping your foe in a square within reach. However, the way in which you release them involves amputating one of their body parts via twisting and ripping it clean off. This deals 1/4 of their maximum hit point total in damage to them, and causes them to bleed out an additional number of hit points per turn equal to your strength modifier until they receive a spell capable of regenerating body parts, or magical healing equal to your full strength score. It also has a secondary effect, depending on the body part ripped off. These are a few of the more common ones, though atypical enemies will require some DM discretion on the effects of spontaneous limb amputation:

Arm: Obviously, they have one less hand to wield things in. But, in addition to that, they take a -8 penalty on Balance checks and any other checks that would benefit from having both hands (such as Climbing, Swimming, etc).

Leg: They can't use their land speed anymore, and are probably going to be prone almost indefinitely. If they have to, they may crawl on the ground for 5ft of movement per full-round action. They take a -8 penalty on Climb checks and any other checks that would benefit from having both legs (certain things may be impossible altogether).

Face: They are permanently disfigured from the extensive destruction of their skull. They are permanently blinded from the loss of eyes. They loss the Scent ability if they had it due to trauma to the olfactory system. They are incapable of speech from the damage to their jaw, teeth, and tongue. Unfortunately for them, they still have the ears to hear the horrified screams of children as they gaze upon his visage (assuming he survives).

Genitalia: Only included for completeness sake. Suffice it to say, no procreation.

Wing: No more natural fly speed (this may have further implications for a species that relies heavily on its wings as its primary means of locomotion).

I'm not rolling the grapple check anymore since the ToS can't win anyway.

2012-05-30, 05:03 PM
Sorry for being late guys. Okay let's do this.

Anduilas twirled his blades, looking directly at Paranoia. Gritting his teeth, he slowly looked him up and down. For a moment, it seemed like he could do nothing but watch, as his own princess was there, helplessly held hostage. Taking a deep breath, Anduilas looked right at Paranoia. He blocked everything out - the sounds of the dying Inevitables, the explosions that rained down all around him, everything. He saw one thing - Paranoia. And it pissed him off.

It happened too quickly.

It was never sure how Anduilas managed to move so quickly, or he was able to get Princess Iridia out of the way so easily. It is equally as confounding how Paranoia was unable to kill Iridia before Anduilas smacked away his blade, making him look like a child holding a toy sword.

But that doesn't even begin to describe Anduilas' strike. One could describe like the shattering of Mechanus itself, tearing everything away. And unlike Anduilas' previous attacks, it was refreshingly direct and clean, like a minimalist's interpretation of how he should fight. As Anduilas stood there, his impossibly large sword sticking out of his Paranoia's chest, he lips moved and he whispered one thing.

"You're not special. You're not unique. You're crazed obsession with striking fear into others and gathering power? I've faced thousands like you and I'll face thousands more and none of you will be special. All of you are like small, one time villains in my epic legacy, meant to pass away from one week to the next. You think you made me sweat? You think you did anything but slightly inconvenience me and make me miss out on other much more important events? You overestimate yourself. Now. Goodbye."

Now crunching the numbers - assuming this is a new encounter.....

I start with 2900 Luck rerolls (assuming a minute has passed since my last encounter) and 49 Glory Points and 7 Temporary Luck Rerolls.

I spend 10 Luck Rerolls and 5000 XP as a free action to instantly cast Miracle as a SLA. The effect: Instantly swap places with Iridia. Since Miracle can do things like "Moving you and your allies, with all your and their gear, from one plane to another through planar barriers to a specific locale with no chance of error", I'm sure this isn't of any issue. And where does the Miracle come from? Anduilas' own epic badassery.

Since I am Colossal size, there really is no way I can be grappled by Paranoia. Let's say I'm right in front of him, blades drawn, and Iridia is where I used to be, several Hundred feet away.

I spend 4 Luck Rerolls to activate my Lucky Shot ability. My next attack is a confirmed critical, Natural 20, and adds my Cha to damage (again) before Critical Multiplier. I then spend 16 Luck Rerolls to ignore up to 200% Miss Chance. Cause you know, why not?

I then spend the remainder of my luck rerolls (2940 of them, including my Glory Points) to boost my damage roll and hit for massive damage. You know, treating the roll as one higher. And higher. And higher.

But wait! That doesn't add up!

That's because I spend those 9 luck rerolls (3 separate times) to instantly get "back" my spent luck rerolls. Normally I have a 50/50 chance of getting them back. Right now I directly spend 3 and choose "49" on the percentile roll in each instance I spend more than 3 luck rerolls. Which technically have their own chance of being refunded, but who cares?

So now I have 2940 luck rerolls. And my second attack (from the critical hit, remember?). So I spend 2937 luck rerolls to boost my damage roll again, and spend 3 to refund it all back.

Grand Total: I deal 3d6+175+2940 and 3d6+175+2937. Let's roll!


EDIT: 6247 guaranteed damage. Will ya' look at that!

That's my standard action by the way. With my move action, I move back close to Iridia. I mean, assuming he's still alive or something I can theoretically go into a Full Attack. But at that point...why bother?

Sneaky Weasel
2012-05-30, 11:48 PM
The iron golems stir as the arrow appears, but it is not recognized as any sort of threat. As it replicates the Key, they almost move to examine it, but their logical minds prevent them from doing so. There is supposed to be one key there. And there is one key there. All is as it should be. Shifting uneasily, they go back to guarding.

Paranoia doesn't even have a chance to blink before Iridia is gone and your sword impales him through the chest. The inner clockwork of his body grinds against the steel, unable to complete it's movement, and his whole body begins to twitch uncontrollably. His eyes go wide as he stares at the blade, knowing that this should have been impossible. All his plans, all his power, thwarted by a single unearthly blow.

He looks back up at you as you speak, and you can see the fear in his eyes. His body slowly warps and shudders as he replies, his voice almost inaudible.

"My master will make you pay. The Burning Man is Rising, Anduilas. And he will leave nothing but ashes and death and tears, and even you will be forgotten." With a screeching noise, Paranoia implodes, ripping apart as his gears turn themselves into oblivion. A ripple in the Planer Fabric goes out, spreading across the Multiverse. A sense of peace, of trust, envelopes everything for a moment. The battle around you ceases, the Inevitables turning to look at the place where Paranoia once stood.

Then Paranoia's drone collapse, like puppets who's strings had been cut. The Abominations simply drift apart, their parts sliding away from each other into a cloud of rapidly dispersing metal. The Fortress ceases it's attacks, the tentacles slowly retracting into their compartments, the guns folding away. There is no one controlling it with the drones destroyed.

A great metallic cheer goes up from the Inevitables, their Plane restored to order. With the battle ended, they begin moving off, already concentrating on their various duties once more. Sentimentality is not a trait they are known for.

You turn around to see Iridia riding up on Sleipnir, her smile bright as the sun. "That was possibly the most amazing and heroic thing I've ever seen. I can't believe we won!" Sleipnir gives a whinny of agreement. The feeling of victory swells inside you as they congratulate you, and you feel every inch the hero.

Then Iridia's eyes widen as she looks at something over your head. Turning, you feel your heart sink at the sight before you. A massive, metal engine of destruction, bigger than you at your full size, twisting towards you like a worm out of hell. Its whole surface buzzing with rapidly rotating blades. Its whole purpose to annihilate you, Iridia, the Fortress, and everything that stands in its way.

Primus. The Devastator.

Garden of the Lost:
The massive beast gives an earth shattering scream as its legs are torn off. The stone pillars tremble, and the very air seems to writhe in answer to its pain. It collapses on the ground, losing consciousness from the incredible damage it has sustained. Its incredible healing rate staunches the blood flow, but it is unable to regrow its limbs without them being pressed back on. For now, at least, the beast is finished.

Prince Imix takes the Key, engulfing it in one fiery hand. A twisted grin spreads across his face, his mouth outlined by dark red flames. With a hissing, crackling sound he lurches to his feet, standing up to his full two hundred foot height. He holds the Key up in front of him, turning it back and forth as if admiring its beauty.
"You have done well, Chaos. This Key is more valuable than you know. It unlocks the Primal gateway that separates the four elements." He looks down at you, eyes flickering. "I will fight beside you against the Gods. So will the other Elemental Lords. This Key will unite the four and let them become one. Our armies will make the Gods weep with fear." He begins to rise into the air, hovering over the cracked floor. "I will gather my armies, and then we will march. Let the world be remade." With a flash of white hot flames, he soars off through the roof, vanishing into the night like a living comet.

Ivory Marrow:
Law simply stares at you, having nothing to say about your metaphor. He stiffens as you cough up the Key, and then replicate and disappear. There is silence for a moment, except for the twinkling of his armor.
-Do you have any idea how many contracts you have just broken- Law's eyes narrow menacingly. -I shall tell you. A lot-

2012-05-31, 12:51 AM
Ivory marrow

"Two hundred and seventy three. four if you count Section 6, Subsection 5a, Clause 73, paragraph 103 of the Hendalist Pact made in the year 2,000,504 of the Plane Carcenu but that was amended in the year 2,001,963 to avoid a civil war in the Ferengui Kingdom. And that's just my actions. The reactions will snowball into the Thousands.
The combined breach will create a chain of events that will result in 3 wars, 10 civil wars, 4 genocides and the combined armies of 6 races demanding the Norse help them against the Elements should their plans unfurl as foretold.
Wait, 6 genocides and 7 wars. I forgot about King Jendal's alliance with the Gul Empire which will be caught in the snowball, creating a multi-faceted war between 3 Planes. Isn't Chaos grand."
Anon puts her feet up, laying on air as if laying on a couch.
She pulls a piece of parchment from her long blue hair (Marge Simpson's hair) and looks at it
"Drat, missed my record by a genocide and 2 wars. Oh well, there's always next time."

Garden of the Lost

"You know, I spent a whole year designing this place, making it so beautiful, a refuge from all the horrid Goodness of the world. And now look what you do, summon a great big dog and play-wrestle with it. I mean, just look at my petunias. They were absolutely gorgeous petunias."
A wrinkled old man's face protrudes from a statue
"And if that wasn't enough. You're late to the party. Well, not so much party as war council but I was having fun anyway. Oh, have some info."

Dreamer suddenly knows, from Chaos' POV what happened in Odin's throneroom.

2012-05-31, 11:20 AM
Pellow returned with two large groups of warriors behind him. Feral Tooth lead one of the groups, holding the massive scythe with no apparent trouble.
"One kels of the best, and one of the worst, as instructed," Pellow reported. "Though, perhaps, kels is an out-dated word. In fact, the word has not been used except in historical texts for... oh... a thousand years? The more modern term, Chaos, would be a half-seca. 150 warriors, such as those here, is a full seca."
"What are your orders, Chaos?" Feral Tooth asked dutifully.

2012-05-31, 09:39 PM
"That may be however I dislike using half and decimals when talking units. It gets confusing when I wipe out a half half-seca or some such.
You're orders my dear soldier is to improve. To become greater than your Mortal Bodies."
An arictocratic cape bursts forth, Anon morphing into a replica of the most well-known Vampire to date.
Chaos shoots forward, faster than anyone can react and bites all 75 of the best soldiers, turning them into Vampires.

"And you, the weakest. You will get your orders when you get to your destination."
A gelatinous Cube expands suddenly, engulfing them as they pop from existence into somewhere else.

DM: I'm sending them to be used as practice by the you-know-whats.

2012-06-01, 11:51 AM
Pellow blinked as all 75 warriors took on a deathly pale hue. He shook his head disbelievingly. The newly-made vampires quickly fled from the sunlight, into the palace.
"You just assured that our 75 best warriors cannot fight the greatest servnts of the gods, nor fight anybody in the sunlight," he said. "Thank you, Chaos. Thank you."
"I do not quite understand the tactical value, myself," Korug added, crossing his arms. "Next time, could you please inform me before you go around killing my warriors and turning them into undead? I mean, after killing the patron demon of undead, this is an odd decision to make."

2012-06-01, 02:45 PM
Chaos snaps her fingers and the sun blots out around them and the Vampires are caught in place by the howling wind, always blowing back as fast as they move forward.
"I did not turn them into mere Vampires Pelor, but Vampire Lords. Pure beings not diluted by Bloodline. The sun has little effect, and when wearing the proper ensemble of the Lords will have no effect whatsoever.They will usher in a new age of Undead, for their kind has not been seen since the Burning Hate struck down and slaughtered millions of creatures in the shadows."
Anon whistles sharply and a weird sound comes from a materializing blue box.
"All undead into my office. Atten-Hut!
Do you like my demiplane? It belonged to the original Time. Funny chap, always wearing a leather jacket and whizzing around. Yeah, he made the thing, and it's upkeep system. Great upkeep. It eats regular Planes to continue living. Yeah every generation Omnomnom goes a Plane and this keeps ticking over. It extends it's own planar lifespan by using the ambient Timefield of the other planes. Something about a Quasaratric, Juglarist bombologer in a resonance Mk5 frequency with the Geglion Field."

Anonymous dissolved into snakes, a tiny statue of a baby remaining as the snakes dissolve into goo.
A hand reaches from Korug's longsword, a small glass duck rising from the appendage.

A man made of goo erupts from the duck and surrounds Korug as a suit of goo-armour
"Mmm nice and thick big boy. Though I don't think your better half would like us *cough*ing." Anon points the helmet at Pellow not-so-subtly.

A second goo-armour covers Pellow "Unless we make a night of it, all 3 whadda you say? No? Fine then, prudes."
The goo vanishes with a slight shimmer.

Above Law shimmers in a perfect, upside down replica. mimicking every movement despite being upside down
"I'm the Incarnation of Stick-In-The-Muds. Bow before my shinyness. Shiiiiny.
So you were about to berate me for causing Chaos and Discord Law?"

2012-06-03, 10:25 PM
Anduilas turned around slowly, already expecting the worst. After all, the law of drama almost demanded that a bigger, badder, and even worse foe should show up right at this moment. At the zenith of his victory, he would be torn down and thrown into defeat. But Anduilas would have none of it. He had just defeated the very Incarnation of Paranoia itself, and his feelings of trust (of himself) only surged even more. Glaring right at Primus, hands on his hips, he whistled to the damn serpentine thing.

"Priiiiiiiiiiimus! Look what you have done!" he yelled as he started floating towards the gigantic being. He knew that Primus would most definitely try to hurt him, and he had no doubts that this would be one of the hardest battles yet. But Primus had interrupted his victory, and stopped him from celebrating with his princess. Hell, he might have even had a chance for a kiss! Anduilas was not going to let this go.

"You're supposed to be some mystical magical guardian of Law, and all you do is prance around all day while your own plane is in tatters! Look what you let Paranoia do! I can't believe you had to get me to come in and clean up your mess! You better pull your act together and start cleaning this place up! Don't you dare to leave until this mess is fixed! Do you hear me!" Anduilas yelled, as if he was berating Primus like he was a small child.

A very terrifying small child that was practically the embodiment of death. But still, probably fine.

So...where are the other Inevitables now? Or do they flee at the sight of Primus?

Sneaky Weasel
2012-06-06, 05:02 AM
Ivory Marrow:
Law almost smirks as he looks up at his mimic. Almost, but not quite, for Law is not one to smirk. -Berate you? No. This is not a time for infighting. But your creations lack promise. Too easily destroyed, not quite...perfect enough- He gestures with one hand at the vampires, and they change slightly. Now they look stronger, faster, more beautiful, their fangs and red eyes more defined. It is as if the essence within them that makes them vampires has been amplified.
-I can make things perfect. This is something you could never do. And that is why Law is more powerful than Chaos. Because Law is perfect- He stands straight, a picture of all that Chaos is not.
Basically, he just made all the Vampire into Paragons, from the Epic Level Handbook.

Primus simply accelerates towards you, unheeding of your words, if it understands them at all. It suddenly occurs to you that the behemoth is not going to slow down, or try to engage you in any sort of combat. It's just going to roll over you and pulverize you with no effort at all. Sleipnir whinnies, turning around and beginning to run away from Primus. Iridia watches over her shoulder fearfully as it moves to engage you. The other Inevitables still remaining watch from a distance, not eager to attack the strongest Inevitable in existence. Enough of them have already died trying to oust Paranoia.
Of course, it should be easy to evade something like Primus. It's just a slow, lumbering monster, after all. But its speed is deceptively fast, and before you can react it is upon you, driving into you with its blades thrumming.
Trampling time. Due to the power and speed of Primus's blades, the air around it is sucked in, making it much harder to evade. Therefor, if you choose to make a save instead of an attack at -4, Evasion has no effect, and Improved Evasion has the same effects that Evasion normally would.
[roll0], DC 199 Reflex for half.
Any attack against Primus deals 30d10 Damage to the weapon, probably shattering it. If the weapon somehow survives, you must still make a reflex save or have it torn from your hand, DC 199. Unarmed attackers simply take the damage themselves.

2012-06-06, 07:47 AM
Chaos snapped his fingers, turning the area into a modern-looking classroom, sitting on the desk in the form of a female teacher, legs crossed.
"See the thing about Law and Order is, it simply amplifies what is already there, refining the form to, as you say, perfection. But I came up with the idea, the base form to be improved upon."
The blackboard starts displaying pictures of a great wind twisting and turning. "It was Chaos that formed the first Plane, and Law that made the mountains and oceans upon it, Life was pure Chaotic Magic given a heartbeat and diversified from there, becoming more refined as your predecessor took hold of them." Chaos watched as the diagram changed, showing the winds were forced into the right shapes, then a chunk of vaguely-human chalk drawing was cut into the right shape by an animated chalk saw drawing.
"Law always had it's own flaws too however, never innovating past a certain point. When was the last time you made a brand new race from scratch huh? Not improving on your design but brand new, or even combined several, putting them all together.
Then again, art was never you're forte, and putting it together was always your downfall, putting it together Bit by bit."
The desk widens into a stage, the teacher morphing into a middle-aged man (This song (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-836TtoF_5I)) A tiny orchestra appears, defying gravity, covering Korug's armour, their song magically amplifying (using Soundbending) so the whole army can hear
Spoilered for length:
"Putting it together
Piece by piece, only way to make a work of art.
Every moment makes a contribution, every little detail plays plays a part
Having just a vision's no solution, everything depends on execution.
Putting it together, That's what counts."
A woman shimmers in, walking as she appears
"Ounce by ounce, putting it together
Small amounts, adding up to make a work of art
First of all you need a good foundation, otherwise it's risky from the start
Takes a lot of earnest conversation
But without the proper preparation
Having just a vision's no solution
Everything depends on execution
(both) The art of making art, is putting it together
Bit by bit

The song continues with everyone being played by a Chaos.
As the five walked towards the front of the stage, the middle turned back into the teacher and the other four shimmered out of existence, the stage reverting, the orchestra shimmering away (probably leaving Korug deaf).

"Besides, they are hardly perfect, try something like this."
A bolt of pure Darkness, radiating the chill of the grave using Magic unseen in generations (of Planes) strikes a Vampire who starts shaking and releases rampant tendrils of Necromantic Energy that burrow into the Paragon Lords of the Vampire race.
Each in turn burst forth tendrils of black energy from a contained black hole inside themselves. An empathic connection between them formed, sharing the Necromantic energies flowing into them.
"Law has it's failings, it's to set in it's ways, you focused only on improving the Vampire, I improved the life, the whole being it was into something that transcends it. Still, it's good to see we get together on more things than just magical arrays."
Anon reforms into an obviously feminine form, the epitome of what Law finds attractive (thoroughly researched over millenia and more of course)
"Maybe we can work together on other things, there are lots of Laws for it you know, why not one more." Chaos winks "And I can follow orders quite well behind closed doors if you want? Mmm, do you want to be Professor Law maybe? I'll be the naughty schoolgirl."
She giggles and snaps her fingers to remove the classroom

(you didn't say anything about Law Sneaky :smallcool:)

Chaos blew a kiss before shimmering over to the Vampires
"How do you like you're new forms Lord?" (no plural on Lord) He asked, assuming the form of a General.

2012-06-06, 12:10 PM
Pellow watched as the two Incarnations continued to attempt to one-up the other, enhancing the soldiers far beyond their physical limits. Korug crossed his arms impassively as he waited for them to finish with the soldiers.
"I feel... magnificent," Feral Tooth said, in response to Anon's question. "I feel like I can slay a god."
"Do not make a hubrous statement," Pellow said. "Your power is false. You didn't earn it."
"I am stronger than you," Feral responded, unsheathing his scythe.
"I highly doubt that, commander," Pellow said.
"Does it matter?" Korug asked. "Feral Tooth, remember your position. Pellow, remember who's side you're both on." He looked at Anon and Law. "Is this all you wish to do to them, or is there more?"

2012-06-06, 12:44 PM
"I think I'm done I admit I haven't focused on the Undead with my studies of Magik Moste Ancient. Though it wasn't really Ancient when I learnt it, I just didn't take Undead Magic for my Electives, I thought Politics 101 was better. I do know a couple more spells but they invoke Powers Unused since Time wasn't even a twinkle in his father's eye. And you know how old he is, well you don't I do."
Chaos rambles holding what looks like a university textbook written in a long dead language
"Jaboan, it's been so long since I've spoken in that tongue. University really is the best time of your life, trust me I went 5 times. Combined at least."

Anon waved his hand, a sharp tug pulling Pellow's Holy Symbol from him
"Don't underestimate my power Pelor. Your master Odin can die, potentially even to what's-his-face here now he has my power, and Law's. Or a fraction of it atleast. And did you earn your power? Did you gain every iota of strength by aiding Odin's cause, or did you just go through the motions, letting his Angels monitor your weak efforts and give you a few more spells a day?
Would Odin care if you stopped worshiping? Would he notice? Does he notice you exist at all? You praise and worship the All-Father, a person who claims to have created all, Fathered all. But he doesn't notice, to him you are 1 person closer to that next divine rank, one more nameless, faceless man holding an eye against the Darkness to hold it back, to let your Father do something new. But it won't work, his next Divine Rank is receding as Time and Destruction slaughter them, millions of Clerics lying dead and burned and held stasis in time.
Tell me, Child of Odin, Seeker of the Truth and Seer of the Unseen. Did you earn your strength when you let two Incarnations just walk out after I ordered Genocide of your people? Or when Korug made a deal with a devil, literally, and you said nothing? No you didn't. You stood there, knowing full well the man who taught you your hymns would burn, the monks in the churches would be beheaded and even a young woman with long black hair doing her evening prayer for safety and praise to Odin has Destruction standing behind her, weapon drawn and listening to her, calling out to the Divine Imposter for safety when it was her worship and your lack of action that will kill her.
You stood there, like you are now.
How did you earn your strength then? In that moment."

Chaos tosses the symbol into the air, in the general direction of Pellow
"Lord Whatever was a warrior, someone who trained for their power every day to be the best not given by some God and I rewarded him for that. You just sang hymns."

2012-06-06, 08:19 PM
Pellow snickered, and burst out laughing as he caught his holy symbol. He then showed it clearly to Anon.
"Chaos, you are wrong on absolutely every single account. First, my name is Pellow Fleetfoot. Second, your knowledge of the divine beings is lacking for one who has been a divine being himself for so long. This holy symbol is that of Bane, god of strategy and conquest. I have never even considered worship of such pathetic gods as those of the Norsemen. Third, my training in martial discipline is stronger than that of Feral Tooth. I merely have divinely granted power to back it up."

2012-06-06, 11:15 PM
"Meh, I'm Chaos I do these things. And I think I would know your name Pelor. Or whatever. Wait, Whatever is his name, stop stealing other peoples names Pellow, first it was the God of Sunshine and Raeg then you try and steal Lord Whatever's name! For shame.
Besides, monologues are fun, you should try it, pick a topic and start rambling. I remember rambling for a good hour to the Daemon King Gorgonzola. Or was that Gorgaz? Meh, whatever anyway I managed to ramble on and on and pn as another me, well the same me but in a different body, which was the same body it just was completely separated. But I digress, I managed to distract him long enough to steal his Crown of Ultimate Powah! and that exclamation mark is part of the name. Well, you didn't see the mark but they did. They are always reading, it's kinda creepy. Go look at something else weirdos! Well, not so much weird as peeping toms." Anon stares somewhere that you don't think correlates to 3 Dimensions and sticks his tongue out.
"Now where was I, oh yes stealing the Glove of Epic Destiny from Jelada. So I was in this epic duel for the Cheese of Doom, because General Flimflam was hungry for meatloaf, I already explained why that makes sense, anyway so I was up against this giant white hand that defied gravity, kind of. It acted like it was attached to a giant arm that wasn't really there and it probably should have. What kind of invisible giant that can't be touched wear a white, visible glove that likes eating Cheese?"
Chaos smiles brightly, the smile literally wider than her face (like the cheshire)
"See, that's rambling. It's good for the soul. Or whatever I happen to have the moment. I think it's a pool of negative ener- no now it's a velociraptor. Get outta my soul cavity Dinosaur!
Why are you still here, go order around some Peons or something Pellow or Pelor or whatever. No not whatever, Lord Whatever is right here."

Sneaky Weasel
2012-06-09, 05:32 AM
Ivory Marrow:
Law watches in silence as Anon weaves his magic, turning the already perfect soldiers into an unstoppable legion of doom. A smile crosses his face as Chaos Incarnate seems to make a fool of himself by mistaking which God Pellow worships. Law lives for things like things like that. He does not, however, live for his opposite making a pass at him. He stiffens, his armor clinking, and stares haughtily down at the errant Incarnation.
-There is not any power in the multiverse that could convince me to touch you. And as to your creations, without Law there would be nothing to hold them together. Without Law, there is no universe-

Meanwhile, a fierce storm is brewing. Dark clouds fill the sky, and the rumble of thunder fills your ears. It is beginning to rain, not very much at the moment, but fat wet drops that threaten to soak everyone to the bone once they get up speed. A flash of lightning snakes across the sky, adding a dramatic backdrop to this meeting.

As another shaft of lightning brightens the sky, a familiar figure appears next to you. The Lady, her perfect face wreathed in a smile, instantly bursts into speech.
"I've been calling in all our debts, like you said, Anon. Some very important figures have headed our call, and you might be surprised at how many enemies the Norse have." She pauses for a second. "Actually you probably wouldn't be surprised. But anyway, most of them are busy assembling their armies and such. A few of them were interested in coming here, but the wards wont allow them in, so I'm being forced to act as a ferry service to bring allies to and from this city. It's rather demeaning for one of my station but," her grin widens, "Also rather fun. This time I brought an old friend of yours, Anon. Someone who might give even you a run for the money as far as craziness goes. Ssendam, Lord of Insanity!!!" She opens one clawed hand theatrically, revealing what appears to be a glob of golden slime. It sits there, slimily.

After a moment or two, she pokes it curiously. "Ssendam, you in there?" With a loud honking noise and a flash of light, the glob expands, momentarily extending around fifty feet and covering everyone in goo before retracting into a human sized golden amoeba, with a pink brain floating in its center.
"HAiL, FrIEnds! SsEndAm iS hEre To HElp!" Its voice is caused by reverberations in its jiggly mass. Pain looks on beatifically, as if showing off a favorite pet.

2012-06-09, 07:44 AM
"What part of "Chaos came first and made the Universe, then Life" did you not get Law? Law as an embodied concept is not needed to sustain Life simply to make it better, same as Chaos as an embodied concept is not needed to sustain Life, though that would be a very boring life. Oh, and as diametrical opposites one of us must be around for Life, or the Universe, to function so we ae both equally as important as the other. See." Chaos waves his hand and the Vampires grow gears and become clockwork, Purely Lawful versions of themselves. Then a second time and they mutate, growing all sorts of limbs, powers etc before turning back to normal. "Both can live without the other but only through true combination can they shine."
The vampires start sparkling before it quickly stops "This is not Twilight, the sun is still up! no sparkling." A second head pops up and berates the first Chaos

"No-one can do that Milady, trust me. Though he has tried several times."
The female Chaos simply giggles at being covered in slime " Ah, This takes me back to the Days of Kebal, God of the then-sentient Gelatinous Cubes."
moving towards the Lord of Insanity she transforms into a copy of it.
"Greetings oh Lord of zanyness." SsEnDhAm says
"AnD tO yOu FeKiNaS." Chaos replies
"Actually it's Anonymous now, I changed it back, traditional is always best in my books. Something is wrong here but I can't figure it out." SsEnDhAm questions as Anon looks puzzled.
"YoU oNlY tHiNk It BeCaUsE cAnArIeS wErE oRaNgE. i StIlL bLaMe ThAt On WhAt'S-hIs-FaCe By ThE wAy. WhAt Do YoU tHiNk Is WrOnG mIlAdY?" Anon asks as SsEnDhAm looks to Pain, mouth unmoving.

2012-06-12, 11:48 PM
Anduilas gasped, quickly backpedaling away from the spinning blades. As he analyzed the beast, Anduilas realized that plain words would not sway the mechanic beast. Just as he was about to jump back in, he realized that the spinning blades would be too dangerous to fight with his weapons alone. As legendary as they were, he couldn't risk letting them be damaged in this fight. Especially if this "war" was truly happening.

Anduilas scowled. What was he going to do now? His blades were no effect, but he simply couldn't leave Primus here. That would be too foolish. And what kind of hero would run away from a pet? No...there has to be something. Something that Primus can't tear through.... he thought.

Suddenly, he smiled. He realized what his real problem was: he wasn't thinking like a hero enough. The only way to get out of this alive, was the same way he's always been using to survive all these years. The only way to live - to truly live - is the life of a hero. But now, as an Incarnation, he had to do acts that would Gods themselves jealous.

Turning to Iridia and Sleipir, he quickly dropped his bag onto them. "Okay hold it open Iridia," he said as he began disrobing. After all, these clothes were nice! How could he risk damaging them in the process? Before long he was in nothing but his underwear shorts, and even they didn't leave anything to imagination. It would suffice to say that Iridia had more than just an eyeful.

"Take care of that, won't you?" Anduilas said with a wink as he finally dropped his weapons in. "Keep far away and make sure no one touches the bag. It's really important."

Looking at Primus, he smiled. Yelling at the top of his lungs, he charged forward. The light of Mechanus bounced off of his perfect, chiseled body. He was a perfect creation, even the minute details and scars made him look more heroic and majestic. He was like a powerful juggernaut, gracefully descending on Primus with all of his manly might.

"Primus! It's time I taught you a lesson in manners!"

As his fist collided with Primus, it seemed like the whole plane shook from the clash of the titans. Grimacing, Anduilas brought both of his arms around the construct.


Sorry for the late post! Okay so um....

During Primus' attack, I spend 2 luck rerolls to activate Lucky Move - I get an immediate move action to move backwards. Moving 140 ft. should give me more than enough room to dodge that attack yes?

Now on my turn, I spend 8 luck rerolls to activate Luck of the Moment twice for two free Full Round Actions. I'll spend 6 luck rerolls to guarantee getting these 8 luck rerolls back.

Now first I cast Miracles (again) for the following effects:

1 Miracle to emulate a Giant Size spell for the remainder of the encounter.

1 (or 2) Miracle(s) to grant myself the following feats for the remainder of the encounter (kind of like Heroics, but amped up):

Improved Unarmed Strike
Improved Grapple
Superior Unarmed Strike
Scorpion's Grasp
Martial Study (Mountain Hammer)
Martial Stance (Crushing Weight of the Mountain)
Power Attack

I know it's a lot of feats so maybe you feel 2 Miracles are necessary? My argument would be that these only last until the end of the encounter, not the full duration of Heroics, and Miracle does cost me 5000 XP and 10000 XP seems awfully a lot for these....

1 other Miracle for a +6 Enchantment bonus to Cha.

That's like 15-20K of XP and 30-40 Luck rerolls. Wow....:smallsigh:

Of course I'll spend the 9-12 to regain these as well :smallbiggrin:

Then I spend my one of my free Full Round Actions to disrobe in the sexiest way possible :smallcool:.

I'll entrust my belongings (all of it) to Sleipnir. Due to my Miracles, my lack of equipment is a non-issue.

Then I activate my Stone Dragon stance as a Swift Action and activate my Reality Revision as a Standard Action. I have it to emulate a fully augmented Grip of Iron power, giving me a +18 bonus to Grapple checks.

Another 5000 XP gone :smallsigh:

This is my plan of attack:

Finally with my Move Action I close back in on Primus and unleash a Full Attack on him. I also use my Snap Kick feat for an extra attack, taking the -2 penalty without a care. That gives me.....15 attacks?

For my first attack, I'll activate Scorpion's Grasp to give myself the grapple attempt automatically. And I am going to hit, spending luck rerolls as I see fit to guarantee a Natural 20.

For the next attack action, I'll try to Pin Primus with a Grapple check. For each attack action after that, I will use the Damage Your Opponent option. I'll activate Power Attack to take a -20 penalty to attack (doesn't affect Grapple checks) and get a free +20 bonus to my damage rolls.

Pinning is actually important, so if it doesn't work, I will spend 3 luck rerolls to get a 20 and 6 luck rerolls for Primus to have a 1. That should do the trick. Tell me if I have to okay?

This means that if all goes well (for me):

First Attack to Establish Grapple
Second Attack to Pin
Third-Fifteen Attack to Damage Primus.

Depending on how you read Constrict ability, Primus either takes Constrict damage EVERY time he fails a Grapple check OR he only takes it when I succeed on a "Damage Your Opponent" check. Either way I'll roll a bunch just for you to decide. Regardless, Constrict should apply to my First Attack as well, since Scorpion Grasp is a Improved Grab type ability.

Finally, if Primus tries to break free of the Pin, and succeeds, I will spend the 3-6 combo (as in spending 3 to get myself a 20 and 6 to make him have a 1) to ensure that he can't escape.

Well its more like 3-3 cause I would spend 3 luck rerolls to get those 6 back, but whatever.

Here are the rolls:

First, my luck regaining rolls

[roll6] <- this only applies if you believe I should spend 2 Miracles for the feats.
[roll7] <- everything after this are for the luck rerolls I spend rerolling attack, grapples, etc. (Including this one)

Here is my First attack roll


The multiple rolls represent me using luck rerolls to obtain a Natural 20. Since nothing by a Natural 20 will satisfy me, the bonus doesn't matter.

Here are the subsequent Grapple checks.

[roll30] <- To Pin

Here are all the relevant Damage Rolls:

Unarmed Damage (this first one is my Attack, each of the others are my Damage Your Opponent):


Constrict Damage

Primus should take at least 14 of these, 15 if you allow Constrict to work when I pin him.


Luck Rerolls: I start with 2937 Luck Rerolls and 7 Temporary Luck Rerolls at this encounter. I spend 17-20 setting up, and possibly more rerolling my Attack and Grapple checks. Of course, anytime I spend any luck rerolls, I have a 50% chance of getting them back.

Okay so let's see...

I recovered 9 of the 20 luck rerolls I spent, or 6 of the 17, depending on how many Miracles you request I use. But either way, it works out :smallbiggrin:

Then I spend 6 Luck rerolls to get a 20, regain it with 3, but sadly don't manage to get those 3 back.

That means my Final Total: 2924 Luck Rerolls left.

2918 if my initial Pin doesn't work.

Sadly I will be down at least 20K of XP :smallsigh:

On the bright side, each time I use a reroll on a grapple check, I gain a +1 on the bonus. That should add up :smallbiggrin:

Sneaky Weasel
2012-06-19, 01:38 AM
Iridia's eyes go wide as you disrobe with inhuman speed. She blushes and is about to say something, but there is no time as you turn and charge Primus. The massive Inevitable hardly even reacts, sure that it can simply tear through anything in its path. Even Primus cannot shred Luck, though.

You wrap your arms around the Prime, the whirling blades that cover it ripping your skin and leaving countless slashes all over your body. Ignoring the pain, you squeeze your arms together, trapping your foe in a massive bear-hug. The scream of tearing metal fills the plane as its blades are bent inwards, spinning against each other and sending up white sparks as they try to keep turning. The whole creature is crushed inwards at the middle, your godly strength threatening to break Primus in half.

Although it is mechanical, it is evident that the Prime can feel pain, for it lets loose a screeching cry loud enough to make ears bleed. It twists around, trying to escape your grasp, but your hold is implacable. Its struggles not ceasing for an instant, the frontal drill that serves as the head of the Prime pops open, folding to the side in five flaps, still spinning. It now appears to be a whirling disk encircling its body. Then something truly strange happens.

From inside the opening in its front, a twisted humanoid form springs out, connected to the inner working via a series of metal rods and cables. It was once a perfect human, constructed out of fine platinum metal, its gears melded flawlessly into its shining skin. But now it has been warped, pulled and stretched into a hideous parody of its former self, wires looping in and out of it and bits of it torn off the show the churning gears underneath. Its face is split into two halves: One, a flawless human male with silver skin and a golden eye, the other, a jagged steel thing with razor teeth and a glowing red eye. Its hands are split apart, dividing into five long wires, each so thin it is all but invisible to the naked eye. It hangs above its broken shell, swaying back and forth like some monstrous jack-in-the-box, screaming its head off. This is the true Primus, ravaged, twisted, and placed in a horrific shell of blades.

As you watch it, the shell, still under its control, wraps around you, trying to grind you into pulp. It is nearly broken in half, however, and the contorted blades are no more than a nuisance to you. The true Prime sends its wire claws whipping through the air towards you, far too fast and thin to block with any normal means. Even with a human form, it has no connection to humanity, existing only to destroy.
Grapple Check for the Primus-Shell: [roll0]
You automatically take [roll1] total damage from attacking it last round and its retaliating grapple.
The wire attacks cut through all armor and deflection bonuses, and deal half damage even if they miss.
First hand:
[roll2], [roll3]
[roll4], [roll5]
[roll6], [roll7]
[roll8], [roll9]
[roll10], [roll11]
Second hand:
[roll12], [roll13]
[roll14], [roll15]
[roll16], [roll17]
[roll18], [roll19]
[roll20], [roll21]

Ivory Marrow:
Law watches the demonstration. Shaking his head, he seems genuinely puzzled. -The clockwork version are obviously superior in every way. Adding Chaos can do nothing but lessen the purity of the whole- He starts back in disgust as SSeNdhAm appears.
As the two Chaos-Lords talk out of order, the Lady raises one eyebrow in confusion. She opens her mouth to speak, and a long tentacle with a miniature version of Korug's head on the end writhes out of it in place of her tongue. It looks around, blinking in the sudden light.
"I thInkS ThaT SomEtHiNg PrEVioUs haS beComE PEnulTiMatE, aND WitH EnOUgh coNCenTrAtioN We caN make it back to normal." The Korug-Tongue fades away, and Anon and SsEnDhaM's vocals are returned to their regular state. The Lady glares around at everyone, her amusement suddenly gone.
"Fun and games have their place, but it's time to focus on reality for the time being. We're not the only ones amassing armies. Odin has signed a treaty with Zeus, and both Pantheons are out for our blood. Civil war has broken out amongst the Slaadi, each Slaad Lord fighting for control of the race. Ssendham is willing to aid us, which unfortunately means we now have the animosity of the other Lords.
Meanwhile, Grazz't's Abyssal hordes have reached the Brine Flats, and are locked in combat with the forces of Demogorgon. The Nine have chosen this as an opportunity to attack, eliminating the weaker Demon Princes who were avoiding the fray.
The Yugoloths, too, are on the move. The Crawling City is marching towards Arcadia, harried by the Storm Kings all the while. And in the depths of Carceri, rebellion is forming. A jailbreak of massive proportions is on the way, threatening to release the foulest swarm of villainy seen in the Multiverse since...ever.
"Oh, and none of that matters right now. Because a team of Gods is going to attack us in....Right now, actually." She gazes up into the sky.

Far above, a storm of supernatural violence is brewing. Even as you watch, a mile-wide lightning bolt smashes into the Wards, sending electricity crackling across the dome. More bolts begin hitting it all over, in an attempt to break through. Moreover, the rain increases, lashing down in torrents of water. As it touches you, it solidifies, weighing you down and making your movements slower. Even with magic, this clinging rain should prove to be very annoying, and there's only one God you know of that can do this.
Clinging Rain: Reduces all movement types by half and gives all spells that involve you moving(Teleport, Plane Shift, etc.) a 50% chance of failure, and all other spells with somatic components a 20% chance of failure. It also gives you a -20 armor check penalty, and reduces your ability to dodge, making you constantly flat-footed, if you can be flat-footed in the first place.

2012-06-19, 10:05 AM
Korug and Pellow looked to the skies as the rain began to beat down.
"Which one is this, Pellow?" Korug asked, as they both felt the burdening effects of the water.
"Obviously, a god of water. I would suspect Poseidon," Pellow answered. "Captain!"
"What do you want?" Feral Tooth asked.
"You and your 'enhanced' soldiers are to guard the main gate of the city. Send spellcasters inside on your way; spells are no good in this torrent," Pellow ordered.
"I hope this god can manage more than a bit of rain," Korug growled, unwrapping his chain from his arm.

2012-06-19, 10:05 AM
Ivory Marrow

@Sneaky: Don't forget the Wish-Traps in the Ward-Array.

"It's always time for fun and games my dear Pain. Just now calls for a more, horrific, form of game. Pelor get as many people as you can into the walls. The gods would not have come alone."
Chaos makes note of the time and his position then reaches out a hand, pulling Time closer who had materialized on the spot
"So I take it I survive to tell you to meet me here? Good now I want you slow down his lightning in time. Do anything you can to make the Wards hold longer than they should but for Chi'Jeklist's sake don't touch them. The wards are too complex for you.
Right you Vampires now is not the time to unveil you but who cares. Work as a team, pick a God and ambush them. Not Odin or anyone with a focus on sight though. "

With a wave of his hand Chaos evaporates the ice into water vapour (Phase Change from Bending) and banishes it away (Move Water)
"Finally a good old fashioned fight. Hello hello Poseidon, Mermaid of the Puddle. Have you come to challenge the true power in this multiverse?" Chaos taunts as an array of tentacles grow out of him and 16 eyes watch the others struggle.
Using Soundbending to max out my voice so the whole place can hear.

A blur of motion and two Anons (in the form of Neo and Agent Smith) assume a completely unknown martial form above the city ignoring such things as Gravity or basic physics.
"Congratulations on finding our base of operations, or the first of. Now come and face the oldest beings in the entire multiverse. Halceth and Helzath the Terror Twins of Chaos and Fate." Both say in unison
"I wanted to be Halceth."
"We're the same person so you are Halceth. Besides we both could be Helzath really or we could be Halceth."


A second Elf Princess taps Iridia on the shoulder and takes the clothes, which are fed into a portable hole that seems to burp.
"I have 100gp on the construct wins by points for round1 but Anduilas wins by KO in the second." she comments handing the first princess a bucket of popcorn.

Sneaky Weasel
2012-06-25, 12:04 AM
Ivory Marrow:
The rain increases, flooding the city streets. For any that it moved away, more fill its place in an instant.
Time appears, his robes torn and his helmet scratched. He seems to have been through rather a lot, and it takes him a split second to adjust to his new surroundings. He looks up at the wards, and although his face is hidden you can tell he is grinning.
"Too complex for me? Dear Chaos, this is child's play. I'm honestly surprised you thought you could keep out the Gods with this." He raises his hand, and the wards shift, twisting into new configurations. The rain slows down before hitting them, forming a canopy of water that covers the city in a huge dome. The lightning slows down as well, pausing as it hits the water. It spreads out, forming an incredibly intense current of electricty across the whole dome.
"Well, I have to be going now. I left Destruction in a rather sticky situation, so I'd better get back. Don't bother asking for help for the next thirty five minutes, because I'll be busy fighting for my life." He vanishes silently.

Although the rain has stopped, the water that has already flooded the place still remains. The legion of vampires moves swiftly through it, only slightly discomfited by the chest-high flooding. They assemble around the gate, ready to attack whatever approaches. Unfortunately, the enemy approaches from inside the gates.
From all around you comes a voice, emenating from the very water. Although it is somewhat distorted, as you would expect from someone speaking underwater, it is amplified so that it is heard across the eniter city. "You dare fight the Gods? You will be punished for your impudence, fools! Now feel the wrath of Poseidon!" With a roaring sound, the water around you churns into life, waves growing higher and higher. They begin to coalesce into massive, vaguely humanoid shapes of liquid, elementals of incredible size. There are nine in total, each towering some eighty feet off the ground. For a moment the oceanic behemoths stand there, gathering power. Then, with a bellow like the breaking of water on rocks, they charge, swinging their fists with enough power to smash through solid stone. Three of them go for Anon, another two move again Korug and Pellow, two attack the Lady, and the remaining two charge the Legion, trampling through the comparitively tiny force.
Attacks against Anon: [roll0], [roll1], [roll2]
Damage: [roll3], [roll4], [roll5]

Attacks against Korug and Pellow: [roll6](Korug), [roll7](Pellow).
Damage: [roll8], [roll9]

Trampling the Legion: Reflex DC 58 for half, or AoO at -4.
First Elemental(effects 32 Legionnaires) [roll10]
Second Elemantal{effects 25 Legionnaires) [roll11]

Iridia gives a violent start as the second elf princess appears next to her, trying to steal Anduilas's clothes. Naturally, this can only be the work of an enemy, or at least it appears so to Iridia. Although she hasn't been much help to Luck so far, she's certainly not going to let someone take his clothes without a fight.
"I don't know who you are, but then again, you must not know who I am either. Otherwise you wouldn't try to steal that which was entrusted to me by Luck himself! Give those back!" Her eyes turn solid purple as she extends her hand, arcane fires traveling up and down her arms. A bolt of shimmering colours flies into Chaos, making his mind reel, while at the same time a cage of energy appears around him, entrapping him on all sides in a gapless container.
The first spell creates a hundred foot cone of colour, forcing you to make a Will save or be knocked unconscious for [roll12] minutes and take [roll13] Wisdom damage, DC 39. On a successful save you take [roll14] Wisdom damage and are stunned for [roll15] rounds. This is not a Mind Affecting Effect, as it attacks your perception and physical balance, not your brain.
The second spell automatically traps you in a ten foot by ten foot cube of solid force, with no saving throw or SR. It cannot be broken by anything, unless there is something that can specifically destroy a wall of force.
Roll to beat SR for the first spell: [roll16]

Time and Destruction, a Story:
With a burst of heat so intense it would burn a star, Blizzard let loose another volley towards the city below. Of course, he only needed to destroy the churches and holy places, but doing that just wasn't fun without collateral damage. The few buildings that remained were burning to ashes, the very stones going up in flames. Nothing alive remained in the rubble, or at least, nothing that would be alive for long.

This was the second major city he had destroyed in the fast few hours. Most of the places so far had been smaller towns or wilderness temples, the appetizers to his feast of annihilation. By moving swiftly and destroying everything he saw, he had so far avoided contact with the Gods, who would undoubtedly try to stop him. This was not for his own sake(and in fact, he rather relished the smell of burning Godflesh), but at the behest of Time, who was accompanying him.

Time was much more descrete in his attacks, killing only clerics of the gods and leaving the bystanders, and the surrounding area, untouched. Those that he killed were simply ended, with no pain or knowledge of their death. Blizzard didn't understand why his fellow Incarnation would even care in the slightest about followers of the Gods, but as long as Time didn't interfere in his destruction, he didn't really care. Although it irked him that Time was accompishing more in a faster period of time, seeming to be in several places at once. Such was the trademark of Time, he supposed.

And, speak of the devil, Time appeared suddenly next to him, hovering over the ruined city. The light from the fires below reflected off of Time's mask, glinting red.
"Well done. The next place to strike is a Church of Odin, around fifty leagues west of here. There's not a huge amount of them, but they are all powerful. Killing them would be a sore blow to the Gallows God."
"Consider them dead." Destruction vanished, followed shortly thereafter by time. For a few moments, there was just the wind, and the smoke from below. Then Time appeared again.
"Don't go to the church! It's a tra...oh, damn. I didn't get here in time. Looks like I'm in for a beating, I guess." Sighing, he vanished once more.

To be continued...

2012-06-25, 11:24 AM
Pello was obviously harmed greatly by the attack, but he smirked as a dark wave of energy lashes out at his attacker, draining a bit of his lifeforce and returning it to Pellow. A second wave of energy lashed out against all nearby creatures, even his allies, but his allies seemed only further empowered by the damage.
The attack on Korug phased through his slightly displaced image, and he grinned wickedly. His readied chain immediately began twirling, ready to attack the elementals. Meanwhile, Pellow took the chance to drain more of his opponent's lifeforce, his hand glowing blood red as he touched his enemy's watery body.

Pellow has Aura of Cowardice, Aura of Cruelty, and Aura of Vengeance active. Allies take 8 damage, and enemies take 24. No save, no attack roll. What's more, all allies in the aura gain +8 to damage rolls.
I'm going to make a full attack against Korug's aggressor, and Pellow will use his Vampiric Touch ability to get a bit more HP.

Attack rolls (Korug):

Damage rolls (Korug):

Touch attack roll (Pellow):

Damage roll (Pellow):

2012-06-27, 03:07 PM
Garden of the Lost

"You know, I spent a whole year designing this place, making it so beautiful, a refuge from all the horrid Goodness of the world. And now look what you do, summon a great big dog and play-wrestle with it. I mean, just look at my petunias. They were absolutely gorgeous petunias."
A wrinkled old man's face protrudes from a statue
"And if that wasn't enough. You're late to the party. Well, not so much party as war council but I was having fun anyway. Oh, have some info."

Dreamer suddenly knows, from Chaos' POV what happened in Odin's throneroom.

"Not all things are done by your hand Chaos. Many are your peers so don't think you are the almighty."

Picking up his dropped staff, Viserys sweeps it wide and the Garden is back to normal. "See? Things are back to the way they should be."

Turning his gaze to the rapidly regenerating beast, he continues. "This youngling is not yet fit for this realm. Allow me a few moments to remedy that." One moment the beast is still wailing on the ground legless, then next is is standing, whole again, with something about it the gives the impression of it being far stronger than before.

"I'll be arriving in Ivory Marrow in a few moments. Don't wait on my account."

Grabbing the beast by the tail, Viserys tenses for a moment and then starts to swing it around like a stone in a sling quickly building up momentum. At the apex if its arc, he stops spinning and it soars towards Ivory Marrow with the Incarnation of Dream still holding on to its tail.

2012-06-30, 08:59 PM
Garden of the lost

"Bah, the young don't understand a good melodrama."
The old man smiles before smoothing back into the rock.


The second Iridia blinks for a second before inflating into a Gelatinous Cube.
"I'm Hadrid, the Trickster milady. I'm helping Anduilas in other Planes and came to check up on him. The clothes are being cleaned as he requested."
Another Iridia teleports in and hands over similar-looking garments before Disintegrating the front wall and shimmering back out.
"I have the contract right here." A black parchment with gold lettering rises to the surface of the cube which had dripped out like a liquid and reformed sitting on the air.

Ivory Marrow

Anon sighs and puts his face in his palm as the spiderweb of magic reacts to the invasive force, incorporating the best pieces and revealing entirely unseen layers of runes, writing, magic and artificial leylines which Time had failed to detect.
"I incorporated an Unseen Spider Array and a Self-Repair Protocol Time. As well as a Theta-Omega Branch of the Getis Principalis Runic Branch. Your changes would have done more harm than good due to the Hejali Law of Numerics. Believe me, I taught the subject in Atlantis U for several centuries and wrote a dozen papers on Runic Arrays."
A wave of fire and black lightning run through the pool of lightning water above the wards, dissipating the electricity and evaporating the water.

As the waters elementals attack Chaos simply blurs through it, smirking as they can't land a hit
"Thanks for the minions Poseidon. You should remember the abilities of your enemies before launching an attack."
The 9 water elementals shudder before reforming around the two Chaos' who Quickened Teleported down almost to the ground (1story up)

@DM: If Poseidon wants his minions back he has to control them himself and make overcome a Spell Resistance check of 241. (236 +5 for challenging)
The 2 Chaos are treated as 1, they are mostly just fluff.

"Right, who wants the Soulfire to invigorate them?" Chaos asks everyone around her.
(Who wants me to use Lifebend on them?)

2012-06-30, 11:46 PM
The blades just kept turning and turning. Ripping through bone and flesh, a torrent of crimson that seemed to never stop. His white shirt stained red, it seemed impossible that Anduilas was still holding on. The beast roared as blades snapped and broke, and finally Primus emerged from the ruins. While his armor was discarded, he still looked so hideous and crippled. Yet there was Anduilas, in his crimson shirt, blood seemingly flowing like a river. He seemed awfully quiet, his eyes empty as he glared at his bounty revealed. Was he going to let go? Give up after reaching so far? Had Primus been the metal serpent that broke the hero's back (literally)?

And those blades kept turning and turning, trying to throw Anduilas off.

But suddenly Anduilas' head looked up, a wild grin on his face. "Just who the hell do you think I am!?!?" he laughed as he literally soared for Primus. His body moved impossibly fast, completely light despite his heavy wounds and scars. Wrapping one arm around Primus, he laughed.

"C'mon, I know you're in there," he said with a gleam in his eye. "Wake. Up. NOW!"

Anduilas shoooould be dead but......

Knight's Challenge - Loyal Beyond Death kicks in. Yes why I do have that ability. It effectively extends my life for...63 rounds. Or 10 minutes and 18 seconds. :smallamused:

Anduilas will use a Miracle to try and restore Primus. I am not sure....but I hope raw display of Anduilas' manliness convinced Primus to wake up :smallbiggrin:

And if that didn't work, just grapple and pin. At this point I'm not even going to roll. Just spend luck rerolls I guess?

2012-07-01, 12:19 AM

'Hadrid' shimmers with speed, morphing into a cheerleader.
"Kamina! No wait, Simon! wait, am I close?"
she then pets Primus, cooing
"You owe me another doggy if this one dies Anduilas I spent all of a minute training the poor wittle guy.
Oh and Ivory Marrow is under attack by Poseidon and some other people. You may want to help them."

Sneaky Weasel
2012-07-05, 04:42 AM
Ivory Marrow:
Korug's chain smashes through one of the elementals, sundering its very core and dispersing it into a harmless pool of water. The one attacking Pellow roars angrily as he sucks its life force from it, and it begins to launch a counter attack.
Then all of the elementals stop, as Chaos tries to exert control over them. The power of sheer anarchy wrestles with Poseidon's command over water, and for a moment it looks like they are simply going to tear apart. Then they move towards Anon, forming a protective circle around her. It seems that Chaos is better than Poseidon at his own game.

Or not. As soon as the elementals come under Anon's control, they begin to disperse, turning back into regular water. Within seconds, no trace of them remains. At least they've been beaten, though, even if Anon doesn't get some new pets.

"You dare challenge my power? Your puny wards cannot stop me, and your city will fall. You are fools for standing against the Gods!" Outside of the dome, you can see Poseidon, half transparent and standing over a hundred feet tall. A blue-skinned muscular man from the waist up, and a massive, whale-like fish from the waist down. He bears an enormous trident, which he points at the city.

"Thus does the power of the Gods erase the feeble workings of man." You hear a roaring sound from underneath you, and then the ground erupts into a column of white hot, scorching water.

It pounds against you with relentless force, tossing you about and searing your flesh. Parts of the water pummel at you, and is impossible to determine what is elemental and what is merely scalding liquid. Some of the water animates into a school of tiny, vicious elementals that cover Anon in a swarm, biting and rending his flesh. It is impossible to keep your feet, and you are swept to and fro with increasing vengeance.

As bad as all this is, it takes an even greater toll on the city. The recently repaired walls and towers are shattered anew, crumbling before the oceanic onslaught. Soldiers and civilians are picked up and smashed in an instant, their blood turning the water red. The roads are swept away, the very ground crumbling and buckling as yet more water surges up from beneath, turning the entire city into a whirlpool of churning death.

Then, a strange whirring sound appears over the battlefield. From out of the sky comes a bolt of living lightning, smashing into the center of the battlefield. Dream, a living Nightmare clenched in one fist, hovers over the watery field of destruction, stopping just high enough to avoid being drawn into it. A few tentacles snap up towards him from the water, trying to sieze hold of him, but the two of them are far too strong for such an attack.

Witness the fury of a God! For the first time in the campaign, on of your enemies is really cutting loose. And all without entering your wards.

Everyone takes Fire damage each round from the intense heat, as well as bludgeoning damage from the churning water. Is is completely impossible to keep a stable footing, and you are all tossed [roll2] feet in a random direction, rounding up to the nearest five. It is effectively impossible to move, and even something with a swim speed must make a DC 95 Swim check to move one quarter of its speed as a full round action. Attempting to fly out of the water requires a DC 105 Strength check, and doing so inflicts another 30d6 damage on the flyer. Anyone without a fly or swim speed is unable to move of their own accord.

Spellcasting is naturally exceedingly difficult, and in addition to the concentration check required from the ongoing damage you must make another one, DC 115, due to being tossed around and buffeted.

Then, there are several elementals attacking. Two of them go for Korug, one for Pellow, one for Viserys, one for the ToS, and one for Anon. The others are busy smashing stuff up.

[roll3], [roll4], [roll5], [roll6]. Miss chance: [roll7], [roll8], [roll9], [roll10]
[roll11], [roll12], [roll13], [roll14]

[roll15], [roll16]
Damage: [roll17], [roll18]

[roll19], [roll20]
Damage: [roll21], [roll22]
Also, improved grab on these attacks. Grapples: [roll23], [roll24]

[roll25], [roll26]
Damage: [roll27], [roll28]. Doesn't really matter with your miss chance, but hey. They can at least try.

Although what does matter is the elemental swarm that's attacking Anon. It ignores miss chance and automatically hits for [roll29] damage, and raises all the DCs for movement and spellcasting by 40.

That's all for now, folks.

Iridia looks at Anon askance, not sure what to make of her. Well, she doesn't appear to be hostile at least. Biting her lip, the Princess turns back to the fight between Luck and the Prime, which has taken a dramatic turn of events.

Primus pauses in its assault as Anduilas calls out to it. Thoughts that have been buried deep within it rise to the surface as he reaches out to it. Thoughts of heroism, and honor, and of loyalty to Mechanus. Thoughts brutally weeded out by Paranoia.

It shudders, its old mind trying to break through. Although Paranoia was exceptionally thorough in warping the Prime, the presence of a true hero reminds it of what it once was. Not some war machine, but a king of law, standing firm against all odds. Would Primus, first of the Inevitables, bow before the workings of Paranoia?

No! Not while it still has a mind to fight with. But the damage is too far gone. Mechanical implants driving it to kill, inhibiting its mind. It is impossible for Primus to return to his former state. In that case, better to die than to remain a puppet of annihilation.

Primus turns his once proud head to Anduilas and gives him a single nod, its eyes showing more emotion in that one instant than most people can convey with all the time in the world. Then, with a terrible scream, he attacks himself, the razor wires shredding the outer shell that Anduilas came so close to breaking earlier. The whirling blades counterattack, wrapping around the true body of Primus and tearing it apart bit by bit. The Inevitable writhes, the grinding of metal on metal filling the air as it rends itself asunder, gears and broken clockwork flying everywhere. It is over in seconds, the once great Primus now reduced to a cloud of broken pieces, slowly floating away through the air. The whole Plane shudders as its core is destroyed, and the life force of each Inevitable dims for a moment. The Prime, Lord of Inevitables, is finally dead.

Destruction and Time:
Blizzard appears over the temple, already gathering fire to turn it to cinders. This was one of the larger churches of Odin, a secluded wilderness haven mostly frequented by woodcutters and hunters. The Gallows God's temples tended to be on the fringes of society, which unfortunately reduced the amount of collateral damage possible. Oh well, trees burn as well as houses.

Amusingly, the head priest was standing in front of the gates, raising up protective magics in preparation for Blizzard's assault. Did the little human really think he could stop Destruction itself? Laughing, he launched a missile of unimaginable power, screaming towards the church with enough power to annihilate a city. Although only one was needed, he sent a couple more, just for fun. Making ashes into ashes was one of the few great joys in life.

But that's when things started to go awry. Before his missiles could detonate, a shining figure appeared in front of the priest, raising a glowing shield to block the attack. A shield, block Destruction? Not an ordinary shield, for this one sent out a field of energy that covered the church, enveloping it in the strongest protection that the unknown God could muster. Of course, it wasn't enough.

The missiles tore into the shield, the first one cracking it, and the second one shattering it and continuing on. The God and his church were gone, covered in an inferno the likes of which even the Abyss could not match. Within the blink of an eye there was nothing left but ashes, even the stones burning before the power of Destruction.

Miraculously, the God survived, slowly hauling himself to his feet once more. On a second glance, Blizzard identified him as Tyr, God of Bravery. Of course, now he was barely alive, staggering to keep his feet as he raises his shield once more. It is strapped to the stump of his left hand, and with the other he unsheathed a glittering sword.
"I will not let you...continue with this blasphemy. Whether it be death...or no...I will stand against you with all of my strength." As he spoke, he seemed to stand straighter, looking proudly up at the devastator above.
Blizzard just laughed. "Your time is over. The Gods are good for nothing but fuel now. Now burn like a good little pyre." Yet another missile streaked towards the God. But Tyr was already moving, flying up at Blizzard with sword raised. Avoiding the obliterating bolt with Godly speed, he slashed at the Incarnation, each blow channeling divine power in a furious assault. Although his attacks made Blizzard reel back a little, they certainly weren't powerful enough to make him pause for more than a split second.

As soon as the first blow fell on Destruction, Time appeared alongside him, instantly freezing the whole area temporarily. Hmm. As it appeared that his fellow Incarnation had things well in hand, there was no real need for Time to get involved. But on the other hand, this was a God, albeit a severely wounded one. Probably better to wait and see, just in case.

Just before the timestream began flowing again, Time melted away Tyr's shield and sword into slag. Just because he could. Then he moved a few kilometers away, so he could see what happened next.

What happened next was Blizzard hitting Tyr with a Soulscourge Ray, easily blowing through the defenses of the ill prepared God and reducing him to ashes and dust. A divine spark, invisible to the naked eye and housing Tyr's life force, instantly flew out of the remains, flitting up towards Valhalla, only to be snatched up by Time and deposited in a tiny vial. Who knew what would happen to it next.

"Well, as they say, one down and twelve to go. Not counting Loki." It was impossible to read his emotion through the silver mask.

"Hehehe. This War is the best thing that ever happened." Blizzard gave a lopsided grin as he gazed down at the rapidly spreading fire below. Soon there would be one less forest to blight the earth. Such flammable things were really not meant to survive.

Then, without warning, the skies went dark. The Incarnations were buffeted by ravens, a swarm of them that filled the air completely for close to a mile around. They appeared out of nowhere, clawing and pecking viciously. Even with their incredible defenses, they were still quite battered by the time the ravens ceased their assault, coalescing into a single form. Considering who the form was, it would probably been better had they just stayed as ravens.

A tall figure, with a ragged black cloak and one shining eye peering from under his wide brimmed hat. A spear, the most powerful weapon in the multiverse wielded like a simple walking stick. King of the Gods. Here to avenge the death of his son.

"Cease." Faster than even Time could follow, Odin threw his spear at the space between his two opponents. In the air, it split into hundreds, thousands of different copies, each one hurling forwards with devastating force. Time and Destruction were peppered, each blow shaking them and leaving them unprepared for the next.
Before the spears had even reached their targets, Odin was moving again, the spear back in his hand. Throwing up an arm, he covered the battlefield in writhing shadows, burrowing into the Incarnations and wracking them with indescribable agony. Each of the shadows, which vaguely resembled ravens, begin tearing at the pair from inside, ripping at their internal organs and shredding their very essence.

Blizzard somehow managed to send another Ray at Odin, who flew apart into a cloud of ravens, some of them vaporized by the attack but the majority unaffected. Time left for a moment, called by Anon, but reappeared in a flash, freezing the battlefield and warping time to tear at the Gallows God and slow his attacks. As soon as time snapped back into place, Odin was tossed back and forth, eddies of temporal energy sapping his strength. Ignoring them, he split into four identical copies, two of them charging the Incarnations while the others hurled fell magics through the air. Strong as they were, Time and Destruction were weakening before the onslaught, Blizzard having been already wounded by Tyr. This was a fight that they were not sure of winning, and unless they ran, it seemed that they might actually lose.
This brings Time and Destruction up to the present. Legomaster, I hope I've done an okay job of RPing Blizzard. If you want to take control of him in this battle, feel free. He's currently at 523 HP and has taken 14 Strength Damage(piercing any Immunity). He is taking ongoing HP and Strength damage on account of the Shadow Raven spell.

2012-07-06, 04:47 AM
Ivory Marrow

The Water Elementals that simply fail to hit realize their mistake immediately. The grinning form of a Wight slashes through their liquid bodies infusing Chaotic Necrosis into them.

Circular Attack means I get an Attack of Opportunity whenever someone misses.
I completely forgot about it until just now.


(Immune Fire)
Anon smiles, his mouth filled with very sharp shark teeth, as he rapidly gains in mass. A milisecond later an ocean Giant is stretching it's limbs (Immunity Bludgeoning) It seems to move ever so slightly faster than what it should (Time Stop) as fins erupt on it's back (Swim Bonus: Enough. 1 round) Anonymous then shoots straight up, out of the water, trailing water swarms (Full Move straight up. 1 round)

With a grin she looks at Poseidon "Is that all you got? I've seen Desert Gods summon more water than you. Though I do thank you for the boost to my defences."
A wave of her hand and the water rises from the waves, forming into tentacles around her. 33 form, whipping around in time with Chaos' whims and surrounding her.

If someone attack in melee:
The tentacles react quickly, slamming repeatedly into the attacker even as one of them engulfs the weapon trying to attack Anon.
Full-Round Action as a Free.
33 Tentacle Slam, 1 Water/Air/Fire/Earth, 1 Slam
x4 for all
+2 Firestorm

Tentacle Slam:

Air: [roll268]

Earth: [roll270]

Fire: [roll272]

Water: [roll274]

Slam: [roll276]

I am so not looking forward to when I actually use my full power. Or even standard power.

2012-07-11, 01:13 PM
The scent of ozone hanging in the air, Dream gives a sigh of disapproval. "This won't do at all. This needs something more appropriate."

Raising the staff created in the Garden of the Lost, he changes the battlefield so that the sound of drums (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fq3QmtV8vT0) can be heard across the battlefield. An unseen voice follows the drums.

"Can you feel that?"

Dream releases the nightmare beast from his grip while a few errant tentacles are unconsciously batted aside. As the beast falls, it unfurls its wings as if in slow motion.

"Oh ****..."

As its wings finally spread open wide, it lets out a great roar.


It speeds like a bolt of lightning towards the god of the seas in a flurry of fangs, claws, horns and stings.

"Drowning deep in my sea of loathing. Broken your servant I kneel..."

The ToS will charge Poseidon while using Stone Dragon's Wisdom and the Avalanche stance.

Thanks to Stone Dragon's Wisdom, it gets to roll twice for attacks, critical confirmations, miss chances and special attacks.

Rolls are made in the following order: Bite, Horns x2, Claws x6, Tail Slap

1st set Attack:[roll0]

2nd set Attack:[roll10]


If it hits with either its bite or any of its claws, it will attempt to grapple.

2012-07-12, 10:20 PM
Forgive me for the bump. Stupid thread doesn't seem to recognize my last post.

Sneaky Weasel
2012-07-13, 02:03 AM
Ivory Marrow:

Poseidon roars in fury as Anon wrests control of the water away from him. The elementals attack with renewed fury, only to be ripped apart by their own substance as the Chaotic One turns it upon them. Gathering all his power, Poseidon struggles to regain control, his Godly will clashing with the insanity of Anon.

However, of the few things that can break the concentration of a God, something that is effectively the Incarnation of Nightmares is up there as one of the most effective. The horrific beast flies through the Dome with blinding speed, smashing into the Sea God with enough force to send shockwaves through the air. Poseidon stabs at it with his trident, trying to keep it at bay, but it easily bats aside his defenses and tears at him with tooth and claw, shredding his skin and sending rivulets of blood to stain the ground below. The two titans grapple each other, Poseidon attempting to crush his foe and the Nightmare simply ripping him apart.

As they fight, the roaring of the water fades, Poseidon no longer maintaining his attack as he fights for his life. Although the city is still mostly flooded, the water is no longer actively trying to destroy the unfortunates caught inside.
You can now move normally and such. It's almost frightening how quickly these fights can go. Because now every last one of you can attack Poseidon...

Destruction and Time:

Every time one of the Incarnations throws an attack powerful enough to damage the Gallows God, he disperses into a cloud of ravens, buffeting them before reforming far away to hurl more spells at them. His shadowy ravens continue draining his foes, attacking their physical strength so that they can barely move. It seems as though they have no chance of beating him.

Then Time freezes Odin in a temporal eddy, sealing him off temporarily. With a wave of his hand, the shadow ravens disappear. "Burn him away!" Without needing to be told twice, Destruction launches missile after missile, each one becoming part of the temporal stream and freezing alongside Odin. With Time enhancing his fellow Incarnation, Blizzard moves even faster than he normally would, enveloping the God in a ball of frozen fire.

The temporal eddy ends, and Odin is blasted on all sides by more energy than even he can defend against. Lit up by the sheer power of Destruction, he burns like a torch, fraying at the edges as he corrodes away. Within moments, there is nothing left but ashes, swept away by the wind.

"We did it. We killed Odin!" Time laughs triumphantly, pumping his fist in the air. Their most powerful foe, vanquished already. Without him to lead them, the other Gods would easily fall. And then...what next? Well, they can burn that bridge when they come to it.

"We're done here. Shall we go?" Destruction snaps his fingers...and fails to vanish. Glaring, he tries again. "What in the..." He looks at Time, and they have a brief moment of realization before a torrent of shadowy magic hits them from all sides. It floods their senses, choking them, leaving them blind and deaf, sapping their strength and shredding their flesh.

The contingent magics put up by the two of them activate as the damage becomes too great, trying to whisk them out of harm's way. Unfortunately, Odin has spent the last half minute putting up wards while the Incarnations attacked his double, preventing them from escaping. His power burns through one of their lives, but Incarnations are hard to put down for good, and they regenerate instantly. Without any thought of fighting back, they flee, flying away in different directions, trying to escape the Gallows God through sheer speed.

Cursing the thief of Sleipnir yet again, Odin looks after the two retreating figures. Which one to follow? Destruction, the wild, crazed madman who had killed to many of his clerics? Or Time, the enigmatic, serious Incarnation who helped along all the others? The latter would be more of a blow to his enemies, he decides. Better to kill the one who helps the others, thus dividing them even more. With a flurry of wings, Odin speeds after the fleeing Chronos, ready to finish off this most elusive of foes.

2012-07-13, 07:01 PM
Anduilas stood still, shocked as Primus literally tore himself apart. He tried to stop Primus, but it was just too sudden. Without another word, the being called Primus disintegrated into the Plane, leaving no trace of his existence behind. HIs hand still out, Anduilas didn't even know how to respond.

"Primus..." he said softly. Standing straight up, he looked up at the starry sky of Mechanus. "I....rest in peace. Don't worry. I will avenge you - and kill that twisted being who would warp your mind like that."

Slowly flying back to Iridia, he slowly seemed to calm down. Despite his rather....naked appearance, he smiled politely to her. "I think I'll be needing those back now," he said to Anon. "And you have some explaining to do. What is this deal with the war with the Gods!?!?"

2012-07-13, 07:29 PM
"I was bored. Besides you saw it coming, you have a time-traveller telling you we would. Though someone does seem to be messing with the events as they seem to have happened but are yet still to come.
You owe me a pet by the way. I liked my wittle construct. I was going to make a line of toys from him, with Little Monster, Cogs&Stuff and more."
A corporate executive informs Anduilas.
"Here is Forms 84,827#a98n. Otherwise known as the Release forms for Frms 203,710#g2 allowing you to access the ways of repaying my loss of a business model and personal property as stated in Bylaw 32#842 Subsection 594b Paragraph 4 of the Gelgains Statute of Business-making. The bureaucratic race that died out around the same time as the first Time."
A large bundle of paper hovers in front of the hero, with several more behind locked up in red tape (literally)

2012-07-14, 11:25 PM
Anduilas simply sighed, rubbing the sides of his head. Despite being naked, Anduilas still kept his air of charisma around him. In fact, one could even say that he was more charismatic than not. Still, it seemed that the fight had drained him a lot. Even heroes need to rest sometimes.

"Anon I'm not in the mood for your games. Give me my clothes now, and we'll talk this over when we get back. You are....beyond being unhelpful right now."