View Full Version : [PF] Help with a gun-using, assassin-type character

2012-03-06, 01:06 PM
So a friend of mine just invited me to a pathfinder game he is starting and I'm trying to get a character together. I have no experience with PF and very little with 3.5.

-We will start at low levels (not sure but he said around three) and probably won't get much higher than ten
-Stats have not been generated yet, not sure what method he is using
-PF material, 3.5 and homebrew with permission (he said he usually allows anything so long as it isn't blatantly broken. I'd prefer not to ask unless there is something that fits the concept perfectly)
-steer clear of tier one classes (druids have been banned specifically)

So I want this guy to be a BAMF gun-using assassin. He prefers to use stealth and cunning to get close enough for the kill. He hates to have to kill anyone other than his target. He sees no reason to indiscriminately deal out death.
He has a strong belief in luck and fate. When he is approached with a job, he listens to the description and asks only one question... Heads or tails? He flips a coin to decide whether or not to take the job. As he pulls the trigger of his gun to end his target's life he says this, "I'm here to deliver some bad luck." (Bonus points if you get the reference)

Usually takes one very powerful shot
I have a strong preference for his weapon being a single, one-handed gun. (I'm thinking revolver)
Stealthy and capable of infiltration.

Would be nice if:
He had a very high speed, only way I see of doing this though is high level monk :smallfrown:
Very good climb, acrobatics, tumbling, etc.
He had sneak attack or something like the ninja's assassinate (need a little help here)
some way of not killing enemies that aren't his target (merciful weapon? I think there was salt shot too)

What I have so far:
One level of pistolero gunslinger into heretic inquisitor with the luck domain. Very flavorful, but not sure that it gets me everything I'd like.
High wisdom high dexterity
Vital shot tree, rapid shot

So I know what I want, I have an idea of how to get there, now I just need help getting the rest of the way and optimizing. If there is a better way of achieving the concept (like gunslinger/ninja or gunslinger/ninja/inquisitor or gunslinger/ninja/pirate/zombie/robot/inquisitor mounted on an acid breathing shark... ok maybe not that far) feel free to tell me.

One last question... the pistolero Up Close and Deadly deed... Does it improve with gunslinger level or character level?

2012-03-06, 01:10 PM
Well, if we're talking about D&D 'standard Renaissance like ' guns, then there will be quite a lot of interference between "gun" and " stealthy" from obvious reasons.

Just a point.

2012-03-06, 01:28 PM
haha he only needs to be stealthy until he takes the shot... though there is oil of silence which silences the gun for an hour

Edit: That's also why heretic inquisitor is good... the escape judgement allows me to make a bluff check to hide after I hit someone. Basically kill the target and escape in the confusion. This is also why a high speed is desirable :smallbiggrin:

Hunter Noventa
2012-03-06, 01:40 PM
Guns in Pathfinder have their own special problems. Like costing 1gp per shot. You could throw goats at people and likely do more damage for the same price.

I'm not even sure there are revolvers available off the top of my head, but you aren't going to be assassinating anything over level 1 with one shot due to how hit points work in general.

As for the whole luck factor, if you have access to it, there are a number of luck-related feats in Complete Scoundrel, one of the later 3.5 splatbooks.

2012-03-06, 02:07 PM
This seems like pistolero archetyped Gunslinger with a few levels in rogue and assasin, otherwise I don't have much to help you with.

2012-03-06, 02:10 PM
Take one level in Gunslinger. This gets you your gun, proficiencies, the ability to make and repair guns and ammo, and all of that jazz. Take the Mysterious Stranger archetype so that Cha effects your Gunslinger abilities instead of Wis. Up close and deadly levels only off of gunslinger levels.

Take one level in Oracle and take the Flame Mystery. Take Gaze of Flames for your Revelation. The Curse is up to you, pick whichever one you prefer the flavor and/or effects of.

Gaze of Flames (Su): You can see through fire, fog, and smoke without penalty as long as the light is sufficient to allow you to see normally

This means you can use Obscuring Mist(through your Oracle spells, wands, etc.) or other form of smoke, fire, and/or fog to gain concealment while still having full visibility. Not only does this give you a good defense(hidden, concealment, etc.) but also means that you are only ever a 5ft step away from landing sneak attacks on your opponents due to you being hidden when you attack. Plus if you are within the first range increment of your gun than you are attacking at both Flat Footed and Touch AC. This basically guarantees that you hit.

Now you can take the rest of your levels in Ninja for sneak attack and extra goodies(Such as increasing your move speed). This is why you want to have the Mysterious Stranger, because you are going to want to have decent Cha for your Ninja levels. Focus on ranged feats obviously.

2012-03-06, 02:50 PM
Take one level in Oracle and take the Flame Mystery. Take Gaze of Flames for your Revelation.

Wow... this is something incredibly cool that I never would have thought of. Thanks :smallbiggrin:

Only problem is that mysterious stranger loses quick clear which makes misfires a lot more annoying... any way around that? I could carry backups I suppose.