View Full Version : Lionheart's Kingmaker: The Stolen Land

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2012-03-07, 04:31 PM
Four ragged groups of adventurers, pioneers and fortune seekers have left behind the present peace of Restov to colonise the wilderness known only as the Stolen Land. These groups come in many guises, to weed out bandits, to secure trade routes, even to study the flora and fauna of the area, but their true purpose is to create a bulwark between the Sword Lords of Brevoy and the treacherous River Kingdoms.

Five of these adventurers, after long but uneventful journeying, have come to Oleg's Trading Post, possibly the only civilised area in the region, to begin their exploration and subjugation of the area.

The Trading Post itself is pitiful, though the wooden palisades are a welcome sight to traveller's eyes. Beyond these thin walls stand a few scant and rundown buildings. A stable, housing a single nervous looking nag, a fenced off square stacked with the meager trade goods found in the region, a guesthouse whose ramshackle walls do little to keep out the wind and rain, and Oleg's house. Outside the guesthouse there is a weathered notice board plastered with yellowing flyers.

As the party arrives, they are greeted by a portly man in threadbare garments, and a sharp nosed woman who eyes each of them warily.

"Thank the gods you've arrived!" The woman smiles as she ushers the travellers into his compound. "The bandits are causing us so much trouble! I'm so glad you've come to defend us!"

2012-03-07, 04:49 PM
Roland casts back his white hood, red-blonde hair in a loose tangle, sniffing the air and smiling in the sunlight. He addresses no one in particular. "So we near our destination. The journey through nature has been refreshing, but a proper bed will be welcome. A bit different from Restov, wouldn't you say?" His cloak is white, though the bottom is travel-stained. So, this is where it starts. A good place, I judge, though I cannot see where this will lead. I will see it through, come what may.

His demeanor is painfully positive, despite his shoulders sagging under the weight of his pack. A slight tremor possesses his hand as he leans on his staff, pausing to catch his breath. How could one so awkward and frail hope to survive the Greenbelt?

2012-03-07, 07:00 PM
Odo grunts sluggishly in response to the elf's chirpiness, also lowering his hood and holding up a hand in greeting as the group approaches the outpost. What did I sign myself up for? This place is almost as run down as my parents' old squalor back home. And to think I could still be living warm and cozy in Restov if I didn't have morals.

The Halfling audibly chuckles for a moment before coughing, trying to cover it up. Odo brushes himself down quickly and combs a few twigs and bits of leaves from of his hair with his fingers in an attempt to make himself look presentable before addressing the man and woman before them.

"Hello there! And yes, yes, we're here to help! All we ask in return is a hot meal and a sturdy roof to sleep under for the night." Though I can't imagine we'll find the latter here, nor anywhere else in the Greenbelt for that matter. Odo contines to smile warmly at the pair as he approaches the entrance.

Ursus the Grim
2012-03-07, 10:11 PM
Zemara, not far behind the halfling, has a hand in one of the large pockets of his outfit, fingers rubbing the cool iron of the mask unconsciously. He had heard there would be others, but he hadn't known what to expect. There hadn't been much time for introductions during the journey. Naturally, he had known Odo, but the others were still practically strangers. He holds his tongue as the others humor the rambling old bat. Yes, bandits are quite a problem in this area. Lawless curs and all of that. . . .

Morbis Meh
2012-03-08, 12:36 AM
The elven maiden lowers her hood and gives a mischievous smile " I much prefer the hospitality of the woods rather than the confines of a city, though you city folk are much more entertaining..." She laughs softly then sighs looking at the woman with her dreamy gaze "I am afraid my lady that I am but a humble fortune teller, riding the sea of fate... though I may be of some service, would you care to have your fortune told?"

She takes out her deck and deftly shuffles them whilst keeping her eyes on the woman "Shall I, Lucinda Mistress of dreams, pierce the veils of time and space to see what the cards hold for you?" Noting the concerned and confused looked on the humans face she sighs deeply, disappointed "Perhaps another time then?" She puts her deck back safely within her pouch. "Pray tell, my good woman? Is there a place nearby where a lady could freshen up? The road was awfully dusty and I could use a good wash before I continue."

2012-03-08, 03:23 AM
"Welcome, welcome! Here, let me show you to our guesthouse. I've prepared you a meal, my specialty." The woman leads you to the building in the bottom right corner of the compound.
Inside it is surprisingly cozy, a fire has been started, and the table is laid with a large pot of stew, fresh bread and a couple of bottles of wine. Five beds lie against the wall, covered in clean, though aged, linen. There is a small leak in the roof, with a bucket placed underneath to keep the rain from the floor.
"Where are my manners! I'm Svetlana, you've probably already heard of my husband, Oleg. He was the first to see the opportunity that lay in the Greenbelt. Such a clever man!" As Svetlana speaks, Oleg eyes you carefully, his gaze lingering on the weapons at your belts. A nudge from his wife elicits only a cursory grunt.
"Oleg! Go and fix that leak at once!" Sighing, the trader leaves to carry out his wife's command.

"Do make yourselves at home, if there's anything you need, let me know. Is there anything you'd like to know about the bandits?"

2012-03-08, 08:22 AM
Roland smiles and bows slightly in greeting. "If there is anything you could tell us, we would be grateful. Numbers, frequency of raids, whether the walk or ride, what time of day they arrive, anything you know of their leader? Knowledge is power and preparation keeps us all alive."

"And if I may presume, perhaps we should discuss matters over dinner. That bread smells delightful."

Morbis Meh
2012-03-08, 11:20 AM
Lucinda sniffs the air taking in the aroma of the stew then begins silent contemplation. After a few brief moments she looks up and announces in a serious tone " Needs more pepper! "

With that very important detail out of the way she sits down and pulls out her deck of cards. Shuffling them carefully she begins to lay them out in accordance to her profession, look up at their hostess as she draws them. Smiling, Lucinda attempts to strike up idle conversation as she reads her fortune "I have not been to this part of the world, by any chance could you tell me about the surroundings and local wildlife? "
For fun lets read the fortune of the fortune of the lady so I can visit her in her dreams tonight to tell her results! [roll0]

Cyborg Mage
2012-03-08, 01:42 PM
At this point, a hooded figure in a thick, sandy brown coat enters the room, an awkwardly casual formality to his stride. He is clearly a religious man-his coat is decorated with the livery of the widespread church of Iomedae, and her symbol hangs on a strand held around his neck. His stance almost suggests he feels out of place, and as the man lowers his hood, the reason for this becomes clear-the figure is but half man, and the rest is orc. Pale olive green skin covers jaunt, stony features, and whitish-green teeth poke out the sides of his wide jaw. His startlingly pale eyes sweep the room for a moment, seeking perhaps some hooligan that can't distinguish a halfbreed, before he speaks in a deep and reverberating tone.

This servant of Iomedae greets you. My name is Jarak Ozemai.

The half-orc slumps himself in a nearby chair, and the blade of a greataxe slung over his back becomes visible. He leans over to Lucinda and speaks to her, voice hushed. This place is a dump. A strong punch would break those walls, nevermind the shacks. This said, he turns to the woman and asks, eyeing her carefully. You in charge here, yes? You said something about bandits?

2012-03-08, 02:09 PM
Odo nods at Jarak and Roland's questions, having taken a seat by the fire himself.

"Yes, and what of this 'Stag Lord' I keep hearing about? Who's he?"

Morbis Meh
2012-03-08, 02:49 PM
Lucinda replies without looking up from her cards"I thought holy men were used to more humble accommodations, aren't you supposed to be respectful to the meek or something like that? "

She lays down another card and grimaces... they weren't speaking to her today which may or may not be a good thing. She sighs and gathers up her cards and sets them aside. Studying the features of the man she smiles brightly and says "Care to have your fortune told? Or do dogs of the church prefer to blind themselves with doctrine?"

Cyborg Mage
2012-03-08, 03:16 PM
The man chuckles, a sound that seems to carry throughout the whole building. Humble? Yes. But you get to appreciate defensibility, worshipping a warrior goddess. So don't come crying to me when some uppity bringand come and kick the place into ruin. Her smile startles her a little-he knew few who smiled being stared down by a 184 pound greenskin. I know what you think. You think, because I dedicate myself to a god, I let them do the thinking for me. Not a smart assumption. I know that sometimes things just happen by chance-and that it's always smart to know about them in advance. He grins-though it may be hard to tell seeing as half his teeth are already visible-and places a hand on the deck. A deep scar can be seen running along its back, scurrying into the reaches of his coat sleeve. You can do your thing, Miss.

Morbis Meh
2012-03-08, 03:47 PM
She shrugs dismissively, maintaining her smile Some prefer more subtle ways of handling conflict but one would wonder why someone would wish to attack such a simple home as this? I make no assumptions about anyone, I was merely inquiring since I have came across many if your order you who would denounce my trade and brand me as a heretic witch and burn me at a stake! "She laughs at her statement making it sound like a joke even though it was truthful to an extent.

Her blue eyes flashed brightly as she quickly and adeptly shuffled the cards and spread them out in her hand "Choose your fate, servant of Iomedae..."

I am having way too much fun with this! I wish I could make my cards a weapon that come back... [roll0]

Cyborg Mage
2012-03-08, 04:03 PM
The man chuckles again, brushing his cloak over his shoulder. And another thing-I'm not stupid. The smart man uses his enemy's strength against him-even the wittiest ones can outwit the devils. You make a habit of going around burning churches? No? No quarrel with you, fortune teller. And with that, the half-orc flips a card from the side of the hand and slaps it onto the table, studying it carefully.

Yes you are, Morbis.

2012-03-08, 04:13 PM
An auspicious start. Not even heard the ladies reply and we are already bickering amongst ourselves. May as well be with diplomats. "Perhaps the great matters of faith can be discussed after we know the situation here? I suspect we will have plenty of time to hold wonderful debates, full of counter-points and rhetoric, after we know the trivial matters of the enemies numbers." He smiles softly, then coughs as he sits.

"We may find it wise to apprise each other of our abilities as well, if we are to reclaim this land at each others sides. I am Roland Grayleaf. Though I may not look it, I have my uses in a battle, given proper preparation of course."

2012-03-08, 04:31 PM
Svetlana is taken aback by the little spat between the half orc and Lucinda. She recovers herself enough to speak.
"Thank you Roland. About the bandits, all I know is that they come here every month, on the first day, and take everything we've managed to gather for our trade. At first there were a lot of them, led by an evil woman carrying hatchets. She took the wedding ring right off my hand!"
She sobs, remembering the traumatic experience.
"There's less of them now, and they think we'll let them take what they want without a fight. That's where you come in! Tomorrow being the first day of the month, they're bound to show up here, and when they do. You lot can teach the bastards a lesson! I'll let you work out the details, after all, I'm no soldier, but I think you could take them by surprise if you hide in the stables, or even in here, and then ambush them once they're in the compound."

2012-03-08, 04:38 PM
"Tomorrow? We have little time to prepare then. I would not wish for any of them to escape to warn their compatriots, so we should see to some means of trapping them once they are inside the post. I am willing to attack their leader directly. Perhaps if he can be felled, the others will be willing to surrender."

Morbis Meh
2012-03-08, 05:02 PM
why is everyone interpreting my discussion as a spat? I am intending it only as playful banter... and yes cyber mage I know I am a witch I wanted it to be an ironic statement

Morbis Meh
2012-03-08, 05:20 PM
Lucinda looks at the elf with confusion on her face "Matters of faith? I was just making polite chit chat with a client? It's custom one my line of work! " Lucinda returns her gaze back to the half Orc "Now sir, I never called you stupid and it surely wasn't my intention! As form burning churches, I would never do such a thing, fire is destructive and harms life. Besides I have never been in a church! Now please place your card across the middle card" Quickly she placed down three cards: Judgement upright, Empower upside down, and hangman upside down.

Humming a happy tune to herself she smiles at Roland "I have already introduced myself and as for my abilities, well a lady must keep her secrets leather she lose her shroud of mystery? As for handling the brutes, well I prefer handling these situations in a more delicate fashion... wouldn't want to destroy property now, would we? "

2012-03-08, 07:14 PM
Odo throws a look of puzzled amusement at Zemara, half smirking. The living arrangements are subpar and the company reproachable. I can tell I'm going to enjoy my time in the stolen lands.

The Halfling appears lost in thought for a moment as he rolls the black bead worn on his wrist between forefinger and thumb. He smiles politely up at Svetlana, trying to comfort her.

"Don't worry, my dear. We'll make sure your ring is returned safely and the criminals brought to justice."

Odo then hops up onto his feet and holds a hand up and out to their hostess.

"Odo Farbough. And as I mentioned before, we're here to help in any way we can." I'm not half bad at this, though I best not push it. Wouldn't want anyone getting suspicious. Especially not the orc. As blinded by religion as he claims not to be, that's not the kind of creature I'd want to be on the wrong side of. "Myself and my good friend Zemara here know a thing or two about bandits, so it shouldn't be too much trouble."

Odo smiles smugly to himself for a while afterwards, amused by how well he can talk a load of nonsense.

Ursus the Grim
2012-03-09, 09:26 AM
Zemara catches Odo's glance and chuckles inwardly. This woman was an idiot, a pathetic wretch that they'd normally be extorting. She undoubtedly held more strength than she was letting show. But until she found that strength, she'd keep being prey for the smarter, bigger, stronger people in this world. That was just the way of things.

Odo was the talker of the two, and Zemara often compared him to a masterwork dagger. Small, unassuming, but sharp enough to cut off your ear before you knew it was missing. So Zemara kept his introductions relatively brief, nodding to the other party members before speaking to the woman.

"I am Zemara, and I've dallied with brigands before. I study both the arcane and the martial arts to make myself something of a talented and adaptable warrior. I'm certain these pathetic rogues won't stand a chance against us."

2012-03-09, 09:58 AM
"Well, now that we are introduced properly, shall we eat? Afterword we can retire to the fresh air to properly assess the defenses." Roland eats lightly, a combination of modest appetite and nerves.

After, he heads out and walks the wall, taking stock of distances and heights, as well as the mobility of the gates. "I will take position alongside the barracks-style building here, to strike when they pass, presuming they all enter into the post. I suggest we all stay out of sight until they are entirely in the walls, then strike quickly."

Cyborg Mage
2012-03-09, 03:22 PM
The half-orc's grin widens-surprisingly enough, he almost looks as though he feels like he's fitting in. Well, a lack of faith is hardly my business. Fair treatment and preserving life, fine and dandy and all, yes-but when some fool not right in the head come bearing torches and blades, you don't just lay down and take it. In fact, why let him get that far? That, that, is my business. The inquisitor slides his card over the middle of the dealt hand, examining the cards carefully and looking up to Lucinda. Nice cards-and I suppose you know what they mean?

Morbis Meh
2012-03-09, 05:37 PM
Lucinda smirks as the card is place "Ah, Strength Upright, how interesting." She looks up at the man and begins to talk slowly "The Emperor reversed is in conflict with Strength; this represents conflict that will come from an organisation you are aligned with,possibly betrayal, it will require great courage and fortitude to over come this conflict. The Hangmand reversed signifies that if you fail to act upon this that you will not be able to move forward in life, whether it be a goal, quest or even through the mortal coil itself. Finally we have, judgement: This portrays rebirth and awakening, meaning that if you prevail over this conflict you will be reborn and become stronger for it but completely different from what you were... "

She looks intently upon the man, her tone developing serious edge "Know this, your future hangs in the balance, ultimately your own fate rest in your hands but once you reach this crossroad your life as you know it will change irrevocably... Now be a dear a get a poor hungry woman a bowl of stew! That's a good lad!"

2012-03-10, 03:28 AM
Svetlana looks around nervously,
"Well, I'll leave you to it. Don't stay up too late. They'll be here fairly early in the morning."
With that she steps out of the guesthouse, returning to her home in the near corner of the compound.
Twilight descends upon the Greenbelt, the calls and cries of wildlife begin in the forest surrounding the Trading Post.

2012-03-10, 05:16 AM
Also quickly finishing his food, Odo stands up and looks around the outpost for anything useful, and generally trying to get a better feel for the interior before the sun sets completely.

"Could someone bar the gate once they're inside? Surely it'd slow down their flight at the very least. Zemara, lend us your mind a moment. You were always better at this kind of thing. What do you think?"

Rolling perception to look around the outpost.

2012-03-10, 06:05 AM

You notice very little, other than the aforementioned buildings, you notice that the gate can close, but there is no lock or bar that you can see. The fenced off area in the centre contains various barrels and crates, and bundles of furs.
The walls and gate are thin and flimsy, but should be enough to keep the bandits within the compound

Ursus the Grim
2012-03-10, 09:24 AM
"Hm. Barring the gate may be a good idea, but failing that we can always just block the route ourselves. A lot depends on how they show up. Obviously it would be easier if they were on foot but I doubt we're that lucky. If they showed up more than once a month we could spot some tracks, but any traces have likely been washed away. I could give chase if there are any escapees, but it might be hard to take them down if more than one or two get away."

He pauses here, taking another spoonful of stew. He had been a slower eater than the others and had taken his bowl with them as they took a look around the grounds.

"Odo, we should wait on your signal. I think you'd be the best choice to spring the ambush and catch them unawares."

Zemara is looking for the following:
How many entrances to the compound are there?
Are there any good vantage points?
Anyone out and about still?

Cyborg Mage
2012-03-10, 03:19 PM
The half-orc laughs deeply as he rises to his feet, kicking his chair into place beneath the table-and nearly snapping the back off in the process. Yes, oh wise one. Shall you need my service as a steed tomorrow then? He says jokingly, before heading off to fetch food for the two of them. The news of the tarot reeding does not seem to cut deeply, but somewhere in his eyes lie a wisp of doubt, a figament one might struggle to see. He himself eats humbly-mostly meats and breads.

Morbis Meh
2012-03-10, 03:34 PM
Lucinda greatfully accepts the bowl of stew and begins to devour it in a very unlady like manner, she thought it was so silly to go through such tedious protocols when one was hungry. Looking up at the remark from the half-orc she thinks for a moment, thinking on the literal aspect then replies "Well, I suppose I am fairly light, how fast can you gallop? Also we would have to get a custom saddle because my skin is oh so delicate and your armour would chaff my poor legs!"

Giggling at her comment, she quickly finishes her meal and proceeds to head outside where she will rest, she much preferred sleeping underneath the stars and being closer to nature.

2012-03-10, 08:52 PM
Roland finishes his inspection. "If any prefer to fight from a distance, perhaps above the gate would make a fair perch? I am thinking of pouncing from the side of the guesthouses. I will be...more capable then. If we wish to block the exit, perhaps the wagon would suit."

I know the general layout from other games, hence the details. Will we have a battle map?

2012-03-10, 09:18 PM
Odo raises an eyebrow at Lucinda as she rests while the others plan, but keeps his mouth shut.

"I'm pretty handy with a crossbow, but at what point are we going to try and reason with these people? I personally have no moral qualms with killing all of them but no doubt they'll have information which could be useful to us. Perhaps if we keep one or two of them alive..."

2012-03-11, 05:27 AM

There is only one entrance to the compound, though with a bit of effort the North wall could be scaled.
There is quite a large empty space between the gate and the fenced off area, and anyone crouched on the stables or the guesthouse roof would be able to shoot down easily.
There's nobody else around, other than Oleg and his wife, all the traders and trappers have left, knowing that the bandits are coming tomorrow.


I would like to do a battle map, how would I go about making one that you can all see? Maptools or something? Sorry, I'm a bit of a PbP noob.

The sun begins to sink beneath the trees and outside the compound, the wolves howling begins.

2012-03-11, 07:53 PM
maptools is popular, never learned it myself. Quick and dirty you can use googledocs. I use dungeongrapher, exported to png and hosted on photobucket.

"My hope is that they will be interested in talking after we make a show of strength, specifically striking down their leader. Any of them could direct us to their camp, though if they prove unreasonable I am confident we can do so ourselves. As for killing, our charter minces no words. Any we spare is a mercy."

Morbis Meh
2012-03-12, 12:19 AM
Lucinda steps outside and inhales the fresh air, looking up at the stars she feels the pains of homesickness. It had been several years since she had been home and she missed the forests, civilization was cold and dead, though being on the boderlands made her feel a little better. She could hear the others planning for tomorrow's encounter but she could care less Men and their incessant need to control the future.. She smiles and moves to a more secluded area then takes out Ramus from her pouch. She begins to feed her scorpion table scraps that she had saved from her meal "Eat up my friend, tomorrow shall prove to be interesting if nothing else, but only time shall tell, eh?"

Closing her eyes, she begins to drift off into a peaceful slumber...

2012-03-12, 06:51 AM
Battlemap located here.
https://docs.google.com/open?id=0Bzyx85rroQEcNVlFUTVoS0lTMHlvZEVZT1llLVJFQ Q

Just waiting for you chaps to get organized before the bandits arrive.

2012-03-12, 07:54 AM
you should give permission to anyone with the link, otherwise it will be rather hard to see.:smalltongue:

Roland lays his head down, though has difficulty sleeping despite his travel weariness, thought of the morning swirling around his mind. It has been some time. I hope it will come. And that I have the strength to hold it under my power, not give in. it will be good to be strong, to be agile. I miss it so...

After rising early and taking a quick breakfast, Roland goes outside after warning his companion, "Do not be alarmed. I must prepare myself. I will appear somewhat...different."

He sits on the dew-wet ground and closes his eyes. At first nothing happens, he only mutters words in an unknown tongue, but after a moment he lifts a few inches from the earth, buoyed by black smoke. The smoke swirls and twists around him, taking shape. Soon he is hidden from view.

Then the smoke clears. Instead of the sickly half-elf, there stands a beast of shadow and claw. A familiar voice comes out changed, rumbling and deep. "I am ready."

summoning eidolon after casting mage armor.

Morbis Meh
2012-03-12, 08:29 AM
Lucinda yawns as she rises from her restful sleep, Ramus had already scuttled back into her pouch. Stretching to get circulation flowing back into her extremeties she noticed the fragile looking halfelf dart out of the shack. He seemed in a hurry or nervous, she couldn't tell and frankly she didn't care; however, she was intrigued by the show he put on. Upon hearing the other voice she yawns and rubs sleep out of her eyes replying That's good. Always nice to be prepared, now is breakfast ready because I fell a might peckish? "She realizes that she might as well prepare herself as well for the skirmish, though she would prefer for this not to come to blows but she doubted it would be so clean. She begins to chant hetslef, going over the corecct motion she practiced tirelessly herself and began to weave force around herself into a protective shell. Satisfied with her work she goes inside to partake in some nourishment.

Mage armor so AC=17 also I shall roll a knowledge arcane to determine what Roland was doing [roll0]

2012-03-12, 09:55 AM
Odo stays up until it goes completely dark, making a few notes in his journal by the fire. The next morning he eats breakfast quickly and attempts to climb onto the stables' roof in preparation for the coming attack.

Climb check if necessary.
Climb - [roll0]

And assuming I get up there I'd try to hide as best I could before they arrived so...
Stealth - [roll1]

Cyborg Mage
2012-03-12, 11:54 AM
Jarak remained in his room fairly late into the morning-not sleeping in, but it would seem from the outside he spent his time deep in contemplation and prayer. Indeed, he got up long before his companions woke up to fetch breakfast, eating in his room. Eventually though, he enters the courtyard, pushing aside the door like it was nothing. In general, he hung around listening to plans and suggestions, nodding at Roland's suggestion of a show of strength. No good if we just beat off one raid. There ought to be more of them than what they send, and if we leave them to spread word of defeat, they'll just come back again-and not, this time, with plunder in mind. We don't just beat them now; we make it so we never need to again. As night starts to fall, Jarak makes his way to the cart in the compound's main road, attempting to hide himself underneath and appear behind the bandits to demand a surrender-or, perhaps, to start cracking heads.

Stealth check:

Morbis Meh
2012-03-12, 01:05 PM
Lucinda enjoys a nice breakfast then proceeds to lounge around outside waiting for their "guests".

Ursus the Grim
2012-03-12, 06:45 PM
So we have a plan then. Zemara doesn't say much to his comrades as he finishes his meal, leaving his bowl next to him as he unrolls a bedroll in the chamber they were briefed in. Come morning, he wakes up fairly early and spends some time studying his spellbook, deciding to tweak his spells for the ambush. Once finished, he packs up his belongings and heads outside just as Odo slinks to his spot. Briefly he considers taking position alongside him, but he decides that would make the rogue easier to spot. Instead, he clambers atop the guesthouse roof and lies flat. Rather than keeping an eye out, he becomes completely prone on the edge of the roof furthest from the gate. His pack is unslung and his bow is in his hands in preparation for the trap to be sprung.

Spells prepared for the day are True Strike and Mount.
Climb Check, if appropriate, using Rope and Mage Hand [roll0]
Stealth Check, if necessary, [roll1] plus any modifiers for cover you think are warranted.

2012-03-13, 11:35 AM
With the sun still rising in the east, the sounds of wildlife in the forest suddenly stop, replaced by the thunder of hooves over muddy ground, the champing of horses ridden hard through the night.
Soon, the riders come into view. Six horses, four men. Three of them look exactly as you'd expect bandits to look, dirty, unkempt with weapons dull from overuse and lack of care. The fourth man rides in front, his long hair matted in the shape of his hood, a bow drawn across his knees. He nonchalantly spits out a wad of something wholly unappetising. "Leveton! We know you're there! Come out you pig of a man!" As he passes through the gates he notices Roland and Lucinda standing in the courtyard. Momentarily taken aback by Roland's terrifying appearance, hedraws an arrow to his cheek."Mercenaries Leveton? Really? Looks.like we'll be taking your wife, as well as your goods!

Initiative please.

2012-03-13, 11:44 AM
Initiative - [roll0]

Morbis Meh
2012-03-13, 11:58 AM
initiative [roll0]

2012-03-13, 12:03 PM

I find, as DM, it seems to work better to have the DM roll initiative, saving time. It can knock an entire day out of combat if you don't have to wait.

Ursus the Grim
2012-03-13, 12:18 PM
Botched the roll command. Sorry.
Try 2

Cyborg Mage
2012-03-13, 01:04 PM
And it also breaks my bloody roll?

2012-03-14, 09:25 AM
OK, from now on I'll roll init for everyone. Sorry for slowing stuff down. Here's the order for you.
1. Lucinda
2. Odo
3. enemy
4. enemy
5. Zemara
6. enemy
7. enemy
8. Roland
9. Jarak

Morbis Meh
2012-03-14, 10:06 AM
Lucinda smiles at the man and begins to foucus on one of his lackies ad she breaks out into dong. The song us soothing and hypnotic its intent is too have the man fall asleep...

slumber hex DC is 16the vs will or fall asleep. Can be awoken via a standard action but will remain asleep unless they take direct damage

2012-03-14, 11:26 AM
As Lucinda song reaches the bandit's ears, his jaw slackens, his eyes glaze over, and he falls heavily from his saddle. His companions look around in surprise at the sound, to see their friend collapsed on the hard ground, his chest rising and falling in time with his snores.

2012-03-14, 12:12 PM
Odo launches a bolt off at the lead bandit from his position on the roof.

Sneak attacking the apparent leading bandit, assuming he's withing 30ft. Otherwise, ignore the sneak attack damage.

To hit - [roll0]
Damage - [roll1]
Sneak Attack Damage - [roll2]

And I also agree with Stack's "blocking" method of initiative, makes things so much quicker for PBP

2012-03-14, 12:58 PM
Odo's crossbow bolt thuds home into the lead bandit's upper arm. Unperturbed, he looses his arrow at Lucinda, striking her high in the shoulder.3 damage.He smirks, and snaps off the bolt in his own arm to reveal a trickle of blood running over his green sleeves. "You'll have to do better than that to bring me down!"
With that, he nods towards Odo, one of his followers rides up to building and leaps from his horse, just managing to cling on to the rooftop with his fingernails.

Morbis Meh
2012-03-14, 01:37 PM
Just to make sure, you know my AC is 17 right now, correct?

Ursus the Grim
2012-03-14, 01:58 PM
Zemara pokes his head over the edge of his roof as the fight begins. Noticing a bandit attempting to flush out Odo, he fires an arrow from his longbow at the vulnerable target, attempting to knock him from his perch. I know the leader's our mark, but I'm not one to pass up such a juicy opportunity.

Still prone, firing at hanging bandit.

2012-03-14, 01:58 PM
Yeah, it was a lucky roll.

2012-03-14, 02:04 PM
Zemara's arrow thunks into the wood beside the hanging bandit's head, startling him, but not enough to dislodge him.
The last bandit spurs his horse forward at Roland and swings down with his short sword., missing the half-elf's shifting form.

2012-03-15, 01:08 PM
In response, Roland leaps at the mounted man, tearing at him with teeth and claws. Blood spurts from the sudden wounds in his torso.
Sorry guys, I completely overlooked the ooc thread! Anyway, every combat from now will use stack's block initiative thing. Anyway, Jarak, you're up.

Cyborg Mage
2012-03-15, 02:19 PM
Jarak rises to his feet, casting the cart off behind him like a ragdoll, lifting himself to his full height and shouting, his voice rattling and reverberating over the walls. Bandit scum! I speak with the voice of the Iomedian church-militant, and my demands are simple-surrender now before I have to start splitting heads. At this, Jarak flexes and sweeps his cloak over one shoulder, exposing the huge axe hanging underneath it. Hopefully, if they don't stop fighting, they will be pretty damn shaken.

Intimidate check. If I can't get a surrender from them, treat it as a Demoralize attempt.

2012-03-16, 05:18 AM
The bleeding man in combat with Roland is startled by Jarak's appearance and falls heavily from his horse. The bandit climbing up towards Odo also falls to the ground.
The leader of the group remains unshaken, and angrily draws another arrow from his quiver. "You're next, orc!"

Morbis Meh
2012-03-16, 08:34 AM
Lucinda now turns her song to the man that fall, the hypnotic melody slowly invading his ears and fogging his mind.

Slumber hex yet again DC is still 16

2012-03-16, 10:44 AM
Odo grins smugly when he sees the man fall before loading another bolt into his crossbow and firing it off at the same target.

Attacking the leader again, still assuming he is within 30ft (otherwise its +5 to hit rather than +6).

To hit - [roll0]

Damage - [roll1]

Morbis Meh
2012-03-16, 11:04 AM
JizoYou just wasted my turn... if he fell asleep then hitting him would only wake him up... so yeah heads up next time alright

2012-03-16, 11:08 AM
You're sleeping the leader?

Morbis Meh
2012-03-16, 11:11 AM
[whoops I misread your description, it was slightly vague and ambiguous so I thought you were shooting at the guy who fell:smallbiggrin:

2012-03-17, 04:21 AM
As Lucinda's song drifts across the battlefield, the bruised bandit begins to snore on the ground where he fell. The other sleeping bandit wakes up, blinking and looking around himself confusedly.
The leader of the group grimaces in pain as Odo's bolt pierces his back. He grits his teeth and fires off a shot at Jarak, but his arrow is blown wide by the wind.

Ursus the Grim
2012-03-17, 10:59 AM
Zemara grins with satisfaction as he sees his companions effectively combat the surprised bandits.

"Never mind letting one survive, we can take them while they're sleeping!"

The message is quite clear, but the silly little joke broadens his own smile. He ducks his head back as he begins weaving a spell, his fingers reaching for the component pouch.

Standard action to cast True Strike.

2012-03-18, 02:38 AM
The bandit that fell from his horse makes a desperate swipe up at Roland, and his short sword sinks into the half-elf's arm.
5 damage

The last remaining bandit rushes forward to assist his leader, striking at Jarak, his blow is deflected by the half orc's armored coat.

2012-03-19, 02:25 AM
Forgot Roland again, sorry guys.

Roland leaps on the wounded man before him, claws raking. His teeth grip the bandit's throat and, with a wrench, tear it out in a bloody spray.

Cyborg Mage
2012-03-19, 04:22 AM
Jarak stands utterly unfazed at the attacks aimed for him, reaching behind him for his fearsome axe and, in one smooth motion, swinging the great weapon from its holster into the outstretched arm of the attacking bandit. The move seems almost completely natural, his gaze not once lifting from the bandit leader. He speaks quietly once the attack is made, almost to himself. You were warned.

Drawing weapon as a move action, followed by an attack on the bandit that charged Jarak.

2012-03-19, 10:41 AM
Jarak's axe severs the bandit's head, sending a fountain of blood into the air. The leader of the bandits now looks apprehensive, almost scared.

Morbis Meh
2012-03-19, 10:47 AM
Lucinda glares at the leader and quickly casts a spell then she releases a silent scream that assaults the leaders ears.

Ear piercing scream Fort save DC 16 for half damage and prevent daze [roll0]

2012-03-19, 12:03 PM
Odo prepares to fires another bolt at the leader, assuming he's still standing, and calls out to both the leader and the one remaining bandit.

"This is your last chance to give up! Lay down your weapons and maybe we can work out a deal!"

Trying to diplomacy them, although bluff could be used as well (because we'll probably kill them anyway) the modifiers are the same.

Diplomacy - [roll0]

Also, readying action to attack leader again if he isn't already dead and if he doesn't respond positively to my diplomacy attempt.
To hit - [roll1]
Damage - [roll2]

2012-03-19, 02:05 PM
As Lucinda's spell reaches the ears of the once-cocky bandit leader, he falls from his horse, clutching at his head as blood pours from his ears, his body quivers in the dust at the feet of his steed and then finally falls still.
The last remaining bandit shakes off the hex of the Mistress of Dreams and stares down the shaft of Odo's crossbow. Without a secon thought, he throws his weapons to the ground and puts his hands above his head, defeated.

Morbis Meh
2012-03-19, 02:48 PM
Lucinda looks at her shoulder and sighs, she steels herself as she wraps her hands around d the arrow. She winces as she dislodges the arrow from her flesh, as it comes out she drops it to the ground and examines the wound. She looks up at the man and stomps over to him she hits the bandits chest angrily and says "Look at what you and your friends did to my dress! Do you have any idea how hard it is to get blood out of cloth!? Of course you don't you dolt, by Sarenrae, do you realize what this does to my profession? Nobody goes to a fortune teller in a bloody dress, it scares the costumers! Now I expect repayment, come inside and I will read your fortune. I hope there's some breakfast left over because I worked up an appetite. "

Lucinda stalks off in a huff towards the shack and goes inside.

2012-03-19, 03:03 PM
The four-legged shadow beast stalks toward the living bandit. "Tell us all you know, bandit. We have right to execute you for your deeds. Give us reason not to and we will stay our hands. Or teeth. A repentant bandit may find clemency. Of course repentance requires a show of good faith. Speak. What are your numbers? Who is your leader? Where are your camps?"

He finishes his questions nose to nose with the captive, his voice a rumbling growl.

diplomacy [roll0]

2012-03-20, 04:15 AM
The bandit quivers under Roland's gaze.
"I'll tell you everything you want to know! Just please don't hurt me!
Our camp is about half a day's ride to the south west, there're about a dozen of us, led by a woman named Kressle. Can i go now please?

2012-03-20, 07:02 AM
ROland's bestial head tilts to one side. "Go? Who said anything about going? We certainly cannot trust you not to run and warn your friends. No, we must think of something else. Perhaps we can keep you here, to be sent away with the next group heading North. Or you can try to earn a pardon by working off your debt here, if those you wronged will have you. or we could keep an eye on you, take you as a guide...risky that. What say the others? We have equal shares in the charter, what ought his fate be?"

Cyborg Mage
2012-03-20, 07:50 AM
Jarak idly wipes blood off his axe blade and dusts off his coat, hoisting the grand weapon over his shoulder with ease. Striding measuredly to the surrendering bandit, staring almost straight through him. I don't know, some people can be well persuaded. We might be able to take his word... And in a swift motion, the inquisitor brings the blade to the captive's throat. For a moment it almost seems as if he is going to behead the poor man. But "sorry" makes nothing right, eh? No crime without punishment. Mabye send him back up to the city. Let him do some good for this country for once in his life. The axe-blade inches a little further forward, drawing a prick of blood from the bandit's throat, twisting and meandering down his neck. Which WILL be short if he betrays this trust, of course.

2012-03-20, 08:34 AM
The bandit begins to weep as Jarak's axe head nicks his flesh.
"Oh please sirs, don't kill me. I told you what you wanted and I never wanted to do anything bad, I swear!"

2012-03-20, 08:47 AM
"Then I say we send him away. Far away. To find a different life. Bandits meet poor ends, especially in these parts."

Morbis Meh
2012-03-20, 09:17 AM
Lucinda comes out of the house eating the remains of a loaf of bread, she looks up at the others confused "He's still here? He's bleeding! How did that happen? Men I swear without us women you'd all be half naked in loin cloths beating each other with clubs! "She turns to the frightened man and overs up the remainder of the loaf to the man "Now don't be afraid of me child, here have some bread you look a might peckish. There's a good lad, now listen to me: Leave these lands and never return... I will know and if you step back in these lands you will be seeing me in your dreams... "Lucinda's face darkens for a moment before becoming cheery again. She smiles at the man and walks away whistling a merry tune.

2012-03-20, 09:26 AM
Roland nods to the man, then glances to the gate. He turns away."Now that we have settled that matter, how shall we proceed? I move that we strike out against the bandits at once, attack before they know that their companions are gone. If we delay, they will become suspicious. Best to act before they can. We know the direction and distance, I will be able to smell them in this form. We should also search the bodies for anything useful or informative."

After he finishes speaking, his glowing eyes close momentarily, as the wounds in his shadow-flesh smooth and fade.

rejuvenate eidolon [roll0]

loot and xp?

2012-03-20, 11:14 AM
Leaving Roland to talk to the survivor, Odo begins searching the bandits for anything useful. He chuckles slightly at the Summoner's comment about bandits meeting poor ends. He'd also make sure to keep a look out for the wedding ring which Svetlana mentioned.

Ursus the Grim
2012-03-20, 11:32 AM
Zemara sends his notched arrow into the dirt not far from the unfortunate survivor, a clear message that even if he slipped away from Roland, the archer was prepared for any shenanigans.

Odo's chuckle doesn't escape Zemara, and the magus grins to himself as he shares the irony.

"Hey, Odo you little ragamuffin! Make sure we split the loot fairly. We're better than these disgusting bandit types, aren't we?," he shouts down from the roof where he is still perched.

2012-03-20, 12:18 PM
The bandit hastily scoops up his weapons, climbs back onto his horse and gallops out of the gate, a plume of dust rising from the dry ground behind him.

The bodies of the dead hold only a little in the way of useful equipment, you gather three short swords, two sets of shoddy leather armour and one of studded leather. There is also a rather fine composite longbow, complete with 12 arrows in a leather quiver on the body of the bandit leader. He also has a silver talisman in the shape of a stag's head around his neck.
Appraise to discover the value, if you're interested

In addition to this you find 4 cp, 12 sp and 20 gp between all the corpses.

There are also five horses wandering aimlessly in and around the compound.
Handle Animal to lead them to the stables

With the bandits gone, Oleg and Svetlana come out from their house and look around them in amazement. Ever the pragmatist, Oleg drags the corpses outside and begins to dig shallow graves.

Morbis Meh
2012-03-20, 12:30 PM
Lucinda, having a like of shiny things leans over and looks at the talisman.
appraise untrained [roll0]

She looks to the others and says "Well at least we have horses of our own for the time being... "

2012-03-20, 01:38 PM
Svetlana turns, with a wide smile on her face, opens her arms and addresses you."Oh thank you kind strangers! Feel free to stay here as long as you wish, we'll provide you with food and lodging for free of course! My husband also has a reward for you, I'll see that he speaks to you about it.

A couple of things I missed out from the last post, you also find two flasks of alchemist's fire, and six days worth of trail rations. Each of you also receives 201xp

You judge the necklace to be worth around 16-18gp

Cyborg Mage
2012-03-20, 02:33 PM
Jarak slips his fearsome weapon back into its holster and bends pensively over the dead bandit-not driven by money, but curiosity. He didn't particularly think of bandits as traditionally religious folk, and he would like to know if the trinket has any sort of ecclesiastical significance.

Knowledge: Religion

2012-03-20, 03:23 PM
"Let us leave what we don't need and pursue our quarry. Take what food we need. I'm certain our hosts could provide credit or trade for the excess goods, weapons and armor are likely in demand. The day is yet young, half a day's ride could put them in our hands by sundown."

2012-03-21, 02:50 AM
You can't discern any particular religious significance, though there it may be connected with Erastil, the Stag God.

Oleg walks back into the compound, wiping sweat from his face.
"I'll be happy to take that stuff off your hands if you don't want it, I'll give you a fair price. I've got a reward for you as well, just a little token to say thank you.
If you want any other similar jobs, then you might want to check out my noticeboard. Is anybody going to do anything about these horses?

As he speaks he hands Roland a pouch of 50gp and three glass, stoppered vials.

2 potions of cure light wounds and one of shield of faith+1

2012-03-21, 06:58 AM
Roland takes the pouch in his mouth, then sets it down to speak. "Our thanks. Some of us may need mounts for traveling. In this form I am as fleet as any horse, but horses also give the strength to carry much. If any are unclaimed, I trust you could find a fair price for them."

Still in quadruped form, so no hands. I say we go right away and hit the camp, or at least scout it. No one else has commented on a plan IC. Or OOC.

2012-03-21, 07:12 AM
Oleg places the vials gingerly beside the pouch. He shrugs when you mention the horses, then turns to the others to get their opinions.
I only gave them to Roland because he seems to be taking the lead role at the moment. Some sort f plan would be useful. You're here to explore as well as adventure remember.

Morbis Meh
2012-03-21, 08:31 AM
Lucinda gingerly walks over to Roland and reaches down to grab the purse. Feeling the weight in her hands she smiles "I shall distribute the funds, as for the excess armor and weapons, best to sell them lest they weigh us down. The horses on the other hand, I suggest we each take a mount, we can't ride around in a wagon, too slow and rather noisy. If you do insist on going to the bandit camp, I suggest we perform sort of recon before we simply barge in. Though we are likely better than any man there, it would be foolish to storm in outnumbered. "

Lucinda looks over to the noticeboard "I would prefer taking on more work but I fear there will be some form of retaliation for our efforts... maybe one of is could infiltrate the bandits? " She turns her gaze to Oleg "Is this bandit leader superstitious by any chance? If so, I may have an idea. "

2012-03-21, 09:03 AM
The present threat abated, Roland returns to his normal form. The shadow dissipates and he stands, stretching. "Of course, it would be foolish to rush in headlong. Their numbers ought be manageable, there where a dozen, now less after this morning. Trying to infiltrate them, especially so soon after their party disappeared, seems an unnecessary risk."

Not that I know any of you that well anyhow. Such an operation requires trust, trust that has not been earned yet.

2012-03-21, 09:49 AM
"I'll give you good prices for al that gear, I've got some stock you might be interested in as well, might prove useful on your travels. As for the bandit leader, I don't think she could be superstitious, not with all the terrible things she's done.."

Ursus the Grim
2012-03-21, 09:54 AM
As business takes place below, Zemara clambers down from his perch. Ever interested in a profit, he quietly walks over towards Oleg and the rest.

"I've got to recommend that we not scout, personally. We let one escape, so they'll be expecting us. If we do scout or infiltrate I must again recommend Odo. We're the only two they probably didn't get a good look at, and I'm not subtle enough to fit in among this shadowy fellows."

2012-03-21, 02:47 PM
Odo looks deep in thought for a moment, scratching his chin.

"Stealth probably will be our best option here. If myself and another take a few quick looks around their encampment tonight I'm sure I'll have a good idea of what we're up against."

2012-03-21, 03:00 PM
"We should all go. You wouldn't want to be stranded a half-day from your allies should you be caught. I believe we ought locate the camp, perform what reconnaissance we need, then, if conditions are favorable, strike without delay. In my other form I can aid with any tracking required."

He has scent with the eidolon on. He will summon it again before they leave, I just thought talking would be easier on everyone else if he dismissed it.

Morbis Meh
2012-03-21, 03:24 PM
Lucinda muses over the suggestions "I would like to see the leader's face... I have an ability to visit people in their dreams, so if she is superstitious I could possibly plant a seed within her mind to cause her to hesitate if it comes to violence. "

2012-03-21, 04:01 PM
Roland looks skeptical. "Perhaps that will be useful later, but now I suspect that we would be better served by striking before they realize anything is amiss than spending time inducing fear and doubt. Fear can backfire, cause them to fortify, make any attack more costly. Too great a risk when they will likely be unprepared. Who has challenged them to this point?"

2012-03-22, 02:41 PM
Oleg looks around at the party, patiently waiting for a consensus. Eventually he gets bored and heads back indoors, leaving these words behind him.

"Stay or go, it's up to you. You'll always be welcome here. Just be sure to map where you go, it might prove useful to you later on"

Just trying to give you guys a nudge, maybe you should discuss options in the OOC thread?

Morbis Meh
2012-03-23, 09:50 AM
Lucinda ignores Roland, knowing it was pointless to convict him otherwise. Men... Why do they always feel the need to rush headlong into battle? I suppose I will go along and prevent them from doing something overly stupid...

Making her way inside, she grabs her sable travelling cloak and goes over to one of the horses, slowly yet steady making sure she doesn't threaten the animal. She begins to sing softly in elven hoping to calm it down so she can mount it.

handle animal check... [roll0]
My I have yet to get a single roll above 10 this entire game... I quite dislike this forum's dice roller...

2012-03-23, 10:10 AM
Roland nods to Oleg. "Of course."

To the rest, "A moment, I will re-summon my strength, then we can depart."

He excuses himself, going out of sight to preform the summoning ritual, not wanting the others to be disturbed unnecessarily.

We were given a map kit as part of our charter, right? I can make electronic maps, so I guess it makes sense for Roland to be the IC mapper.

2012-03-23, 10:18 AM
Oleg nods to Roland before disappearing into the trading post. Lucinda tries to placate and mount one of the horses, only to be confronted by a threatening show of teeth from the little animal.

Morbis Meh
2012-03-23, 10:23 AM
Aggravated at the temperament of the foul beast, Lucinda changes the tone of her song to her more hypnotic hex. She backs away slowly and tries another horse, repeating her strategy.

Pfft screw you horse enjoy your nap while I try another animal 1d20+2 the DC for the hex is still 16 whether or not you want to roll it is up to you. If this attempt fails I am saddling up Roland and using him instead :smallbiggrin:

Morbis Meh
2012-03-23, 10:26 AM
stupid fat fingers... handle animal attempt two [roll0]

Cyborg Mage
2012-03-23, 12:32 PM
Well, a battle it is then. The summoner here is correct-any time they can be given to fortify is a mistake on our part. Allow me a moment to collect my things.

With that, Jarak strides back into the inn and emerges a minute or two later with a cloth backpack held over his cloak. He notices Lucinda struggling with one of the horses and stands warily within reach, ready to step in if needed.

2012-03-25, 04:25 AM
Lucinda eventually manages to placate one of the horses, and climbs onto its back.

Ursus the Grim
2012-03-25, 09:34 AM
Zemara retrieves his items and gently attempts to rouse the horse that Lucinda put to sleep, muttering to himself as he does so.

Handle Animal: [roll0]
Hoping its a little more calm now.

2012-03-25, 06:01 PM
Odo attempts to mount one of the horses himself, though clearly feels uncomfortable doing so because of its size. Successful or otherwise, Odo speaks to the rest of the group.

"Let us hope the bandit was to be trusted and, perhaps more importantly, didn't instantly run back to his friends at the first opportunity- why you let him live is beyond me. We should be cautious anyway, we could be walking into a trap."

Not really sure how untrained handle animal skill checks or large mounts for small characters work but...

2012-03-26, 06:45 AM
Zemara climbs atop his chosen steed with the agility of a practised rider. His friend Odo has no such luck, the halfling is ignored by the large animal and his little arms can't reach the saddle.It might be easier if the two of you ride together, since all the horses will be too big for Odo on his own.

Ursus the Grim
2012-03-26, 08:09 AM
Zemara guides his steed over to Odo, where the halfling appears to have some difficulty mounting his own horse.

"Hey there, old friend. These brutes have been lugging around bandits thick with the winnings of easy prey and their loot. I'm sure this one can handle the both of us, which means we can sell that old nag for a greater profit."

His tone was carefully neutral as he offered a hand. Halflings could normally tolerate short jokes but only up to a point, and Zemara didn't want to offend a man who would be situated directly behind him.

2012-03-26, 11:05 AM
Odo smiles slightly, accepting the man's hand and hopping up onto the horse's back.

"Much obliged."

2012-03-26, 11:34 AM
Roland takes point, his four legs keeping pace with the horses easily. He walks nose to the ground, trying to follow the scent of the bandits (given their numbers, mounts, and hygiene, this may prove regrettably easy).

2012-03-27, 04:06 AM
The trail leads to the south west. After a few hours of uneventful travelling you come to a large clearing, filled with the blue green stalks of moon radishes.
RolandThe stench of horses and filthy humans is overridden by an even more repulsive smell, the smell of kobolds!

Zemara and Odo
Amongst the stalks you spy four or five figures, laid out on the ground.

You currently don't have a horse, you can roll handle animal now to get one retroactively.

2012-03-27, 07:13 AM
Roland raises his head and scans the horizon. "A different smell...musky...reptilian...kobolds? Keep your eyes open, they may not be friendly."

His muscle tense as he stalks forward, ready to spring.

perception [roll0]

Morbis Meh
2012-03-27, 10:27 AM
A smile crosses the lips of Lucinda, kobolds... the remnants of the once proud dragons, curious and always striving to reclaim their birthright. She reaches into her pouch and grabs her cards and begins to unconsciously shuffle them while saying in draconic "Come out little ones, shall we pierce the veils of fate together to see what fortune has in store for the future of you clan? Perhaps the restoration or your bloodline? Maybe greatness and power? Come, do not fear me and my companions, let the Mistress of dreams read your destiny!"

I suppose a diplomacy roll is in order [roll0] may the dice gods be kind!

2012-03-27, 10:34 AM
Odo raises his crossbow, trying to figure out what the figures are before he fires.

"There's something over there! Hiding in the stalks!"

The halfling then waves his crossbow in the general direction of the figures.

Perception - [roll0]

Cyborg Mage
2012-03-27, 11:42 AM
(Rolling Handle Animal. I don't know why, I just apathized to the max for a bit.)


Ursus the Grim
2012-03-27, 12:00 PM
Zemara's hand goes for his scimitar, but understanding Lucinda's draconic tongue, he stays it. Instead, he whispers back to his companions.

"The soothsayer is attempting to befriend them. There's nothing worth taking from them but information, and they can't speak when dead. Little runts can barely talk when alive."

Despite this, he keeps the incantation for Acid Splash on the tip of his tongue in case the kobolds don't take kindly to a group of larger humanoids with weapons.

Readied action to cast Acid Splash on the closest kobold if negotiations break down.

2012-03-27, 12:00 PM
The figures in the stalks stand up sluggishly, roused by the sound of your voices. Now that they're standing up you can see them clearly, five kobolds, their primitive spears stil slung over their backs, their arms clutching bundles of moon radishes over their bloated stomachs, the tell tale blue stains around their mouths giving away what they've been doing.

Two of them attempt to run, but rather waddle hurriedly away from you, the other three stand their ground, scared, but curious.

Morbis Meh
2012-03-27, 01:11 PM
Lucinda keeps her smile intact as she gracefully dismounts her horse. She takes out a blanket which she carefully lays out in the ground and then proceeds to sit cross legged in front of the kobolds. Once settled and comfortable she fans out her deck in her hand and softly says in draconic "Do not fear me children of the dragon, I am but a traveler in the sea of fate, charting and navigating through the darkness. Now are any of you brave enough to journey with me to part the mists of destiny? If so take a card, and only a single card and place your fortune and future within your own hands."
Another diplomacy roll and then a fortune telling roll
Diplomacy [roll0]
Fortune telling [roll1]

2012-03-28, 06:11 AM
One of the kobolds plops down in front of Lucinda, warily glancing at her cards and clutching his radishes tight to his chest.
One of his companions steps forward and speaks in halting common.
"You not take our radish!"

2012-03-28, 07:04 AM
Roland relaxes a bit and stalks closer, keeping a non-threatening distance. "Why should we want your radishes? We did not even know your people where here, so we certainly mean you no harm. Can you tell us anything of other humans in this area? Knowledge of them could be valuable to us. Our friendship could be valuable to you."

diplomacy [roll0]

Morbis Meh
2012-03-28, 08:19 AM
Lucinda smirks at the creature "Do not fear my friend, I will not take what is tours, take one card and lay it down in front so we can begin..." She holds out her cards, implying that he or she should take one.

I did my fortune roll already so I will just carry it over, the number only states how good of a show I put on...

2012-03-28, 02:59 PM
The kobold stares at you as you shuffle and deal the cards, his radishes almost forgotten. He is completely spellbound by your actions.

The kobold looks at you quizzically, turning his head on one side, straining to understand you. After a moment he responds, pointing his arms in opposie directions, one to the south west, and the other from the direction you came. "Man things this way, man things that way, no man thing is friend to us."

Morbis Meh
2012-03-31, 12:22 PM
Watching the little guy finally draw a card and place it down, she then quickly flips two down, one on each side of the middle card. She looks and the cards and smirks then quickly draws one more laying it perpendicular over the middle card. Appraising the cards she takes a deep breath then carefully begins to speak in draconic "The card you selected is the chariot which is crossed with the Hermit,both are upright, the meaning behind the two is this: Ahead of you is an obstacle that you will overcome with great triumph, the victory shall be long remembered within your clan; however, the hermit dictates that you must be cautious in how you deal with the victory and take heed from wise spiritual council. The Sun upright denotes that if you follow this advise you will gain much material wealth and mate with the one you desire but if you foolishly rush in without council then the Devil reverse suggests that you will be enslaved under a tyrannical rule. Now little one the cards speak of greatness in your future, will you listen to them and seek wise council? I could be that council if you so choose and perhaps in the near future you shall become the leader of your clan?"

2012-03-31, 02:10 PM
Roland nods. "Yes, thank you. Is there anything else of note about. Dangerous things?"

2012-04-01, 04:14 AM
The kobold nods to you respectfully, but warily.
"You go now, this our place. You come to caves, we talk. He gestures towards the South East, "Look out for Tatzylwyrms!"

The kobold looks up at you, his eyes wide with possibility. His enthusiasm is cut short by his thus far silent companion, who angrily nudges him aside with the butt of his spear, then levels the spear at you. (Draconic)
"Our chief good! You leave now!"

2012-04-01, 06:32 AM
Odo raises an eyebrow at the kobold with the spear.

"What's he saying?"

The Halfling is very prepared to fire at the lizard-man if he's threatening them.

Ursus the Grim
2012-04-01, 09:20 AM
Zemara sighs quietly as the fortune reading went wrong.

"Our fair lady has implied their leader is a tyrant. These are rather loyal little runts and are offended on his behalf. They're asking us to leave, as nicely as they can."

2012-04-01, 09:57 AM
"Well they've already told us what we need to know. Let's do as they ask for now and move on."

Odo then lowers his crossbow but keeps a close eye on the kobolds.

Morbis Meh
2012-04-01, 01:37 PM
Lucinda looks at the kobold confused and replies in draconic "I am merely just reading the tapestries of faint, I did not weave them, for all I know the meaning could be a terrible tragedy befalls your noble chief. Or it could reference a time when your chief has left us to join the great dragon in the sky when he passes as an old wise sage of his clan. I meant no offence, I am merely serving as a guide, you can interpret my reading as you like but I bear no hostility for your chief or your tribe." She bows respectively then kneels before the kobold bearing her throat. "Forgive me, I have wrong you, if you wish to seek recompense I will not stop you. I only hope that you do not see me in an undesirable light, I am only a reader of destiny, nothing more..."

Diplomacy... hopefully my actions will provide some bonus to the roll if not, may the fates view their servant kindly [roll0]

Well this could be very bad.... :smallbiggrin:

2012-04-01, 07:50 PM
"Agreed, let us move on."

To the kobolds, "When we have finished our present business we would certainly like to speak to your honored chief. Thank you for the invitation and your gracious sharing of knowledge. Good day."

diplomacy [roll0]

2012-04-02, 08:36 AM
With Roland's words the kobolds step back and allow you to leave.
As you continue to the southwest the thick press of trees grows thinner, and you begin to hear the sound of running water. The sun begins to sink below the horizon and the telltale signs of smoke rise from the forest before you.

2012-04-02, 09:59 AM
Odo taps Zemara on the arm as they notice the smoke.

"Assuming that is the encampment we're looking for, we should make camp here- or nearby at least - and then investigate the area when night falls."

2012-04-02, 10:39 AM
"Agreed. I can see better than a human in the dark, but have little faculty for stealth. Whomever can get a look without being found out should do so, then we can formulate a final plan for attack. The others should stay close enough for support in case something goes wrong."

Will cast mage armor, using his last spell slot, when battle is less than an hour away.

Ursus the Grim
2012-04-02, 10:54 AM
Zemara still feels rested, as his hands stayed clean in the fight. However, he tries his best to locate the running water.

"We should camp near wherever that stream is and speak more of strategy while we prepare."

Perception/Survival Check to guide us towards the running water (same modifier for each). [roll0]

Morbis Meh
2012-04-02, 12:59 PM
Lucinda's shoulder throbbed from her wound but she ignored it. Gazing out at the sky watch the night sky slowly unfurl its tapestries she responds in a hollow voice "There is little use discussing strategy when we have no information to aid our approximations. I am not trained in the arts of the shadow but I can be nearby to provide support... I believe our halfling would be the wiser choice on scouting..."

2012-04-05, 04:08 AM
First of all i want to apologise for not posting for so long. I don't wanto make excuses, but i've just lost my job and am in the middle of moving house. I will endeavour to maintain this game with more gusto from now on.

The sun sinks below the trees behind you, ahead you can make out the glow of fires reflected in the partially obscured river in front of you.

The river appears to be the location of the bandit's camp, however slightly to the east you find a small copse beside the water that seems hidden from the fires on the opposite bank.

Ursus the Grim
2012-04-05, 11:41 AM
Zemara leads the party to a copse on the east bank, reasonably close to the bandits but obscured from their sight.

"I think this is a fine enough location for the rest of us to wait at while a scout goes ahead. Any objections?"

2012-04-05, 12:07 PM
"Very well. Let us hurry though. I question the vision of the humans after dark. Besides, they will likely expect their party back soon." Roland sniffs about the area, keeping an eye open for any surprises.

Morbis Meh
2012-04-05, 12:41 PM
Lucinda brushes her skirt after she dismounts "Very well, I shall accompany whoever goes but I will only be within earshot in case something goes wrong. I myself will not enter the camp just stay in range to hear so I can notify the rest of the party if something goes wrong. "She looks to Odo and says "Can you do a bird call? It would be somewhat inconspicuous yet distinct if you did need help, what do you think? "

2012-04-05, 02:05 PM
Odo nods.

"And likewise, if you need me to return make some kind of call and I shall."

The halfling then sneaks towards the bandit camp, keeping an eye out for anything interesting.

I'm assuming that will mean crossing the river? If not, ignore the swim check.
Stealth - [roll0]
Perception - [roll1]
Swim - [roll2]

2012-04-08, 02:18 AM
As you follow the east bank of the river down towards the glow of the fires, the woods open up into a well used game trail. To your right you can see a stocky watchtower, the silhouette of a lookout framed against the moonlight. He isn't looking your way and the deep shadows of the undergrowth are sure to keep you well hidden. In front of you stands a broken down old wagon, empty and showing no signs of life. The glow of the largest fire is off to your left and from it you can hear the sound of two or three raised voices. The dirt of the game trail shows the marks of very recent hoofprints. Perhaps lerting your prisoner live was a mistake...

2012-04-08, 05:26 AM
Of COURSE it was a mistake. We should have slit that bastard's throat when we had the chance. The halfling then sneaks further forward, attempting to get cover underneath or beside the wagon so he can hear what the voices are saying.

More rolls, if needed.
Stealth - [roll0]
Perception - [roll1]

2012-04-08, 07:23 AM
You creep through the open into the darkness around the wagon. From here you have a clear view of the clearing where a bonfire burns merrily. Standing around it are four figures, one is recognisable as the man you let go, obviously exhausted by his fast ride. He is arguing with a tall and sharp faced woman. You can't make out the words, but she seems to be admonishing him for his cowardice. He retreats to the far side of the fire, shame faced as she turns to the other two bandits. "You two, get out there and find the others, it sounds like we'll need everyone to fight off these bastards."
With that she turns back to the fire and pulls a pair of hatchets from her belt, silently checking their edge.

2012-04-08, 07:29 AM
Odo waits for the two she was talking to to see if they make any move in his direction. If they do not he will attempt to sneak back to the camp. If they do he will wait for them to leave before going anywhere.

Stealth - [roll0]

2012-04-08, 08:01 AM
The two bandits fade into the foliage on the far side of the fire, leaving the way back to your camp open. As you sneak back out past the watchtower, a shout echoes around the clearing. It is shortly followed by a loud, thunderous crack that disorients you.

2012-04-08, 10:34 AM
Odo tries to get his bearings, assuming he has been struck in the head by something hard he howls as loudly and as wolf-like as he can, trying to signal to the rest of the group.

Bluff to deliver secret message - [roll0]

As soon as he recovers Odo will try to run in the direction of the group's camp, but off to an angle.

That is to say, if the camp is to the south then he'll try to run to the south-south-east and if its to the north the north-north-east.

2012-04-08, 12:45 PM
Some minutes pass as you wait for Odo's return. The silence of the night is broken by the howl of a wolf, Odo's signal, followed by the angry shouts of violent men.

You recognise the sound as having been produced by a thunderstone, groggily, you shake off its after effects and race north north east into the woods. The crash and clamour of the pursuing humans follows you.

Ursus the Grim
2012-04-08, 08:34 PM
The howl of a wolf. Too close. Wolves wouldn't be that close to a group of humans. Odo.

"Thats our cue. I can't catch up to him to help out, but we must do what we can." he whispers quickly to the rest of the group.

Zemara snatches up his longbow and begins to stalk towards the bandit camp, trying to get a good view of it in order to pick off anyone otherwise distracted by the halfling's machinations.

2012-04-09, 07:12 AM
Roland nods, magic shimmering around him. He launches forward, four legs pumping, covering the distance in a shadowy blur.

mage armor, running (x4 move, 160 ft/rnd) until close enough to charge (80 ft/rnd)

2012-04-10, 05:03 AM
Ok, i've rolled init for everyone and it goes like this, Zemara, Odo and Lucinda, then Kressle, then Roland, then mooks, then Jarak

Roland and Zemara
As you race forward you see three or four figures running towards you, steel flashing in their hands.

2012-04-10, 07:01 AM
Roland howls, charging the first bandit. He leaps into the air, teeth and claws flashing silver against the ever-moving shadows of his body.

charge the first, pounce

bite [roll0]
damage [roll1]

claw 1[roll2]
damage [roll3]

claw 1[roll4]
damage [roll5]

(forgot +2 for charge on each of those)

Ursus the Grim
2012-04-10, 11:35 AM
Zemara stops and takes at shot at a target just beyond Roland's prey before dropping his bow and drawing his scimitar in one smooth motion.

[roll0] for [roll1] damage.

2012-04-11, 04:32 AM
Roland leaps at the foremost bandit, claws and teeth bared. With a sickening crunch, he rips into the man's neck, snapping his spine as he shakes him in his jaws.
Zemara looses an arrow into the dark, but his aim is off in the moonlight and the shaft thunks into the trunk of a nearby tree.

2012-04-11, 08:14 AM
When / if Odo realizes his allies have come to help him he will turn around and try to fire a bolt from his crossbow at the bandits who were chasing him.

Don't really know what Odo can see right now and more importantly how close the bandits are too him, but just add any penalties which are appropriate or completely ignore the following rolls if the attack isn't possible.

To hit - [roll0]
Damage - [roll1]

Morbis Meh
2012-04-11, 10:22 AM
Lucinda follows but lags behind the others slightly. She focuses her gaze upon Kressel and begins to sing softly attempting to lull the bandit leader to sleep.
sorry guys i became unsuscribed by accident hex DC is still 16 i believe

2012-04-11, 10:47 AM
Kressle shakes her head to clear Lucinda's song from her mind, then throws a dagger at Roland. The blade sinks into his chest.
For 6 damage
As she yells to her followers, "Kill them! Kill them all!
Odo's crossbow bolt flies out of the darkness to the east, skewering a bandit in the shoulder, eliciting a yelp of pain.

2012-04-11, 11:00 AM
The wounded bandit snarls and snaps the bolt off in his shoulder, then races into the darkness, swinging his blade at the halfling.The short sword nicks your stomach for five damage.
The last bandit leaps fearlessly at Zemara, his sword glinting in the moonlight.He connects with you for 4 damage

2012-04-11, 11:07 AM
Roland spits out the tattered flesh of his first target, spinning to face the next. He again launches into the air, claws and teeth reaching for flesh.

not sure on distances. If he can hit the leader without eating any AOO's, he will, charging if possible. If not, full attacking the nearest baddy, either charge or 5' step depending on distance.

bite [roll0]
damage [roll1]

claw [roll2]
damage [roll3]

claw [roll4]
damage [roll5]

if able to charge add +2 to each

AC 20, 18 if charging

Ursus the Grim
2012-04-11, 11:14 AM
Zemara grunts and grits his teeth before swinging his scimitar in from above with two hands, hoping to repay the favor manyfold.

[roll0] for [roll1] damage.

2012-04-11, 11:26 AM
Odo cries out as the blow lands. He steps back, reloading his crossbow and firing it again at the bandit at point-blank range.

Kinda under the impression this is possible, but not entirely sure. 5 foot step away, reloading crossbow as a move action then firing as a standard. If its not possible, tell me and I'll edit this.

To hit - [roll0]
Damage - [roll1]

Morbis Meh
2012-04-11, 12:19 PM
Lucid continues her song after the half elf monstrosity begins to rend the leader hoping that it will work for a second time.
repeat action

2012-04-12, 03:50 AM
Zemara's scimitar cleaves into the bandit in front of him, severing his arm at the shoulder. , seizing the chance, Roland leaps forward and rends the flesh of the female leader. She grimaces in pain as his sharp teeth and claws tear into her.
Lucinda's song drifts across the battlefield, but once again Kressle resists her charms.
Over in the trees, Odo leaps back from his assailant and fires a crossbow bolt straight into his stomach. The man folds over and crumples to the ground, dead.

Fighting through the pain, Kressle draws her dual axes, swinging with unerring accuracy at Roland's monstrous form. One hits for 7 damage

The man on the watchtower fires his longbow down at Lucinda, the arrow strikes her hifh on the thigh. for 3 damage
Another arrow comes from the trees to the south, landing harmlessly in the soft ground at your feet.

2012-04-12, 07:00 AM
I miscounted ROland's HP at the start of the fight, should have been 15 instead of 14, leaving him with 2 (1 eidolon, 1 of his very own after using life link to keep the eidolon summoned)

Roland's form momentarily wavers, the humanoid form beneath visible before returning to solidity. "You will not do that again."

He lunges for her throat.

bite [roll0]
damage [roll1]

claw 1 [roll2]
damage [roll3]

claw 2 [roll4]
damage [roll5]

Morbis Meh
2012-04-12, 08:26 AM
Lucinda grimace at the wound but focuses her attention to the man in the tower turning her song onto him hoping he will fall from the tower and break his neck

2012-04-12, 11:15 AM
Odo reloads and fires his crossbow at the lady bandit, hoping to assist the half-elf.

Trying to shoot Kressle, assuming I can see her. Added -4 penalty for firing into combat.

To hit - [roll0]

Damage - [roll1]

Ursus the Grim
2012-04-12, 11:39 AM
After cutting down his foe, Zemara charges into the fray, attempting to flank their leader with Roland's aid. Any snide remarks he would have made concerning gender are cut short when he notices the shape the summoner is in.

[roll0] for [roll1] damage.

2012-04-14, 06:48 AM
Roland's wild attacks are all blocked and avoided by Kressle's expert axe work. Odo's crossbow bolt whistles harmlessly past, finally, Zemara steps forward and silently cuts the woman down, sending an arc of her blood trailing through the air.

Atop the watchtower, the archer crumples, slumping over the edge of his fortification in sudden sleep.

2012-04-14, 12:49 PM
The leader fallen, Roland spins, looking for another target.

delaying until others have gone, pouncing on whoever is left.

bite [roll0]
damage [roll1]

claw 1 [roll2]
damage [roll3]

claw 2 [roll4]
damage [roll5]

+2 each if pouncing

2012-04-14, 01:26 PM
Odo reloads and fires his crossbow at another target, assuming there are any left.

"There're more coming. Might be here soon!"

The Halfling calls as he lets off a bolt at a bandit.

Attacking a bandit if there's any left. Preferably one who isn't in combat.

To hit - [roll0]
Damage - [roll1]

Morbis Meh
2012-04-14, 05:59 PM
Lucinda quickly runs out and gazes at her companions, she notices the possessed half elf is breathing heavily and leaving a large trail of blood. Not all of it maybe be his but nevertheless she goes up behind him in the midst of his primal fury and lightly touches his shoulder whilst silently chanting. As she chants some of his wounds begin to close.

Cure light wounds [roll0]

Ursus the Grim
2012-04-15, 07:42 PM
Zemara has no time for compassion, the healing arts being out of his school of knowledge. With their leader down, he walks purposefully towards the watchtower, scimitar drawn.

Assuming there are no immediate threats.

2012-04-16, 05:16 AM
Other than the sleeping man in the tower, there are no other enemies in sight. The wounds on Roland's body close at Lucinda's touch.

Ursus the Grim
2012-04-16, 06:56 AM
Zemara attempts to enter the tower in search of a way up to the slumbering archer.

If he reaches the archer unharassed, he will attempt to deliver a coup de grace, away from the judging eyes of Roland and Lucinda. I'm sure even if he doesn't meet any obstructions it will take a round or two to get up there, but *shrug* I will adjust my posts as necessary. Just declaring intent.

2012-04-16, 07:03 AM
Roland stalks about, checking for signs of life in the fallen bandits. "That was closer than I care to recall. They were forewarned? I had hoped better of the man, but I suppose we can expect no more from bandits. Can someone climb up and see to the one on the tower? Can't just leave him napping. Where there any more in the camp?"

Unless interrupted, Roland will sniff around the camp, looking for any signs of other bandits, as well as any goods they may have stolen.

Morbis Meh
2012-04-16, 08:58 AM
Lucinda, not wanting to tale a chance on further shots from the archer begins to cast a minor cantrip to which she throws at the drowsy man.

Daze everone's favourite canter DC 15 vs will

2012-04-16, 10:25 AM
Odo nods, looking quite flustered and annoyed.

"Yes. Two more I think, and they rode off to get reinforcements. We should make ourselves ready quickly; I'll take a position in the tower in a moment."

Odo checks these bandits for the ring Svetlana claimed was stolen, expecting the leader-lady to have it. Also any crossbow bolts would be nice. He'd then also attempt to climb up to the tower.

2012-04-16, 10:26 AM
Bugged, apparently.

2012-04-17, 02:19 AM
You can get to the top of the tower in less than a round, it's not particularly high and there's a rope ladder that leads directly to the top, you kill him pretty easily.

The bandit in the tower wakes up as Zemara begins climbing the ladder towards him, but Lucinda's spell fogs his mind, an makes it impossible for him to do anything but watch silently as the magus approaches.

You find the ring that Svetlana mentioned, and a couple of the other bodies yield another twelve crossbow bolts. (I'll do a full list of everything in a moment, assuming the looting begins soon.

For now, the rest of the camp is still.

Morbis Meh
2012-04-17, 08:22 AM
Lucinda's face was sorrowful, she didn't wish for this to happen but she also could not stand people praying on the weak. She watched the helpless man in the tower die, in fact she forced herself to look on as a reminder of what her talents could do. When it was finally over she used her keen even sight to spot anything of use.

Taking 20 on a spot if you will allow it for a 25 if not here is my roll [roll0]

2012-04-17, 11:13 AM
"It will likely take some time for them to reach any aid, but I still would rather they had not escaped. A mystery would have served us better. We are unlikely to catch them, though, we have already traveled far today and they know the land., so we must make do. Either way we shall need to rest and should be safe enough here. I fear the mounts will not likely carry us far today and there is a camp already here."

Ursus the Grim
2012-04-17, 12:53 PM
Zemara wipes the blade of his Scimitar, a grimace on his face. He had intended on executing the foe while he slumbered, but something had roused him to consciousness just before the magus could end it quickly. Perhaps paralyzed in fear, there was no resistance, and the bandit had suffered more than he would of had he continued to sleep.

Still, Zemara was not remorseful. These were rough lands, and any proper bandit knew the end of an easy life was as close as the nearest pair of hands with a blade. That was how the world worked out here. Sheathing his scimitar, he begins to rifle through the dead man's possessions.

Perception, if necessary. [roll0]

2012-04-17, 02:30 PM
Ok, you all gain 235xp, and here's the loot list.
Kressle: 2 mwk handaxes, 3 daggers, studded leather, 85gp and a potion of cure light.
Bandits: 4 leather armour, 2 longbows, 2 crossbows, 12 arrows, 4 short swords, 80gp.
Around the camp: Various tents, food and firewood, 321sp, 90gp, a pair of silver earrings, a wooden music box, three crates of furs and hides and an ornate wooden case containing eight bottles of unusual green liquor

2012-04-19, 01:58 PM
It's not long then before Odo joins Zemara in the watch tower.

"I'll keep an eye out from up here. When they do return we have to be ready."

The Halfling then waits in the tower for someone to appear, crossbow loaded and ready.

2012-04-19, 02:42 PM
Sensing no further danger, Roland dismisses his bestial form. He goes about collecting the various pieces they recovered. "I suspect the crates where taken from the post. I say we rest and head back in the morning, we can return the stolen goods and sell whatever else we don't need. Ought take a little time getting back, we have come this far, we may as well map the area properly."

Ursus the Grim
2012-04-19, 03:55 PM
Zemara nods as Odo speaks, patting the smaller man on the shoulder before he descends.

"Of course. Good job out there, mate. Holler after you take the first shot."

Once on the ground, he retrieves his bow before regrouping.

2012-04-23, 04:41 AM
The night passes without incident, it seems that the bandits are too afraid to confront you again.
As the sun rises, the weather is mild and a light mist hangs low on the ground amidst the bodies. The whole of the Northern Greenbelt is open to your exploration, where will you choose to venture next?

2012-04-23, 07:33 PM
Roland rises early and helps put together a breakfast. "So, any thoughts on my suggestion to do some mapping on our return?"

Ursus the Grim
2012-04-24, 08:53 AM
Zemara contributes some of his own rations to the communal breakfast after deciding to prepare a double casting of shocking grasp for the day. Responding to Roland.

"Mapping is not my priority, but it could be helpful. I'm afraid I have no paper, but I have ink and a pen you may borrow."

2012-04-24, 10:12 AM
"Mapping is a key portion of our charter. If we fail to do it now, we will have to come back. I thought we could save a trip. I believe we were issued a map making kit as part of our charter."

I thought I had it listed in the gear but I don't see it. We wouldn't have left without it, right?

Morbis Meh
2012-04-24, 11:14 AM
Lucinda sits away from the party, wincing from yesterday wounds but she paid no attention to Roland. In fact she was ib the middle of having a serious conversation with her familiar but to anyone watching it really looked like she was talking to herself.

2012-04-25, 04:38 AM
Let's say you have the mapping kit with you, i assume you've been mapping up this way.

Morbis Meh
2012-04-25, 09:02 AM
Lucinda stands up abruptly, apparently finished her monologue, and promptly approaches the other men. She stares at them with a dazed look and says with her lopsided smile "We should return those nice people's property.... yes such delightful people, made that lovely stew. He had more work for us did he not?

2012-04-25, 09:11 AM
"We hardly need more work. We are obligated to map and pacify this entire land. We have only dealt with a few bandits, a start, but a small one. Though I agree about returning the goods. We should loop around and cover new ground to add to our maps on our way back. No purpose in waiting around here, so let's get going."

Roland will summon his combat form for traveling.

2012-04-25, 10:45 AM
Odo nods after climbing down from his tower.

"I agree with Roland here. If we concentrate on mapping the area, we'll hopefully be able to flush out any other bandit encampments on the way. Also, I'm sure Oleg and Svetlana won't mind waiting for us to return."

Before setting out, Odo makes an inspection of Svetlana's ring in an attempt to gauge it's value. Just out of curiosity, of course.

Appraise - [roll0]

2012-04-25, 12:15 PM
The ring seems to be worth around 500gp, a little beyond the means of Oleg and Svetlana

Morbis Meh
2012-04-26, 06:58 PM
Lucinda pouts at Roland's statement, though she knows her charm won't be enough to win this argument. Pig headed men and their duty Sighing she silently contemplates how she ended up with this odd group but at least with job she gets to travel, maybe one day she could have a wagon of her own with a sweet donkey! "Very well, but drawing maps is rather dull if I might add. Let us move on then back to the trading post, hopefully in our absence Oleg is doing alright it would be a pity to have another gang attack while we are away. "

2012-04-28, 01:34 PM
Right, so it looks like you've decided what you're doing. We will need some sort of consensus as to which direcion you're headed in. To get back to Oleg's you cn go NW, N or NE, (NW being where you've come from) though there is also plenty to explore to the E,W and S

Ursus the Grim
2012-04-28, 02:15 PM
Right. . . the charter.

That was why they were there, after all. Zemara didn't think he needed some piece of paper signed by an uptight nobleman sissy to 'pacify' land or claim it. They were strong enough, they were smart enough. The three (or four) of them could easily establish their own foothold to make everyone quake in their boots.

He wasn't going to cause issues yet, though. He simply packed his items and readied the horse before approaching Odo with a not-inconspicuous grin.

"Hey, are you going to need a lift again?"

After all, Zemara's perceived skill with the scimitar had helped him avoid any injuries the night before, so he didn't know what kind of shape his comrade was in. He had to admit, it had helped to have an other-worldly half-elf go charging in there first.

2012-04-28, 03:50 PM
Odo clambers up onto Zemara's horse.

"Many thanks. Again." I just hope the elf-creature knows how to make maps.

Throughout the journey Odo will try to keep a careful eye out for the remaining bandits whom he expected to return by now.

Morbis Meh
2012-04-28, 04:56 PM
The Elven maiden winces as she gets upon her mount, her wounds had just closed and were emitting a dull throb of pain. She cared not what direction they went, only that they made haste... she felt vulnerable sitting at this old camp, out in the open. She though it would be belt to let the possessed half elf roam where he desired since it was he who was infatuated with that map of his. The temptation to open up one of those green bottles was nearly staggering but the last thing she needed was to fall off her horse in a drunken stagger risking further injury upon herself.

2012-04-28, 07:28 PM
"Let's loop to the North, cover the upper-most portion of our mandate. Then we can re-asses things at the trading post, set back out with less to carry." Once matters are decided, he summons his monstrous form, the added strength and endurance the only way his frail form can handle the journey.

2012-04-29, 05:28 AM
Together, you head North through the denser forest, there is no sound except for the sonds of nature, it has been a long time since anyone has passed this way.

Zemara and Odo
As you ride peacefully along, the saddle n your horse suddenly shifts, threatening to spill you to the ground. (Ride checks to stay mounted please). As you struggle to maintain balance you cn just make out a long, shrill giggle fading into the trees.

2012-04-29, 06:54 AM
Odo tries to stay on the horse's back, gripping onto it's sides with his legs.

I'm sure there must be a penalty on ride for being small on a large mount, but here's roll anyways.


Ursus the Grim
2012-04-29, 09:03 AM
Zemara barely catches the mischievous giggle, swearing in his native tongue as he struggles to common the horse.

2012-04-30, 04:43 AM
Zemara tumbles heavily to the ground, dragging his halfling companion with him. The understrap of their saddle has come unattached, and on closer inspection it appears to have been chewed through by a tiny set of teeth.

The forest suddenly fills with high pitched laughter, then all of your waterskins burst, one at a time, drenching you.

2012-04-30, 07:36 AM
Roland's head whips around as he suppresses a growl. After taking a moment to consider the situation, and sensing that they are caught in a prank rather than an attack, he calls out, "Greetings. I am Roland, these are my companions, peaceful travelers in the woods. Who might we have the honor of addressing in this fair wood?"

diplomacy: [roll0]

Morbis Meh
2012-04-30, 09:50 AM
Lucinda snapped out of her dreaming when her horse jolted to a stop. She looked around confused "Oh we're stopping? Is it lunch already? I cooked last night so it is not my turn!"" After looking around she notices everyone's grim appearance and suddenly became concerned "Oh no! You found out that I ate the last biscuit... I am sorry! I was just hungry and Bell told me to do it! Now say your sorry Bell!" She pulls out a tiny scorpion from some hidden pouch and holds it up with a disapproving scowl.

Ursus the Grim
2012-04-30, 10:37 AM
Zemara releases what's left of the strap with a scowl. His hand travels to the pommel of his sheathed blade, but as Roland speaks, he hesitates. Killing whatever fey prankster was responsible for this would be a tiresome task.

His scowl only deepened at Lucinda's oblivious assumptions.

Shame. I would have thought she could actually be useful here.

It's worth a shot. Perception to detect this little guys.

2012-05-01, 10:33 AM
You look around the forest for the source of the sound, but see nothing unusual.

As Roland's words ring out in the small clearing, a tiny voice pipes up from around your feet.
"Go away big folk! You leave us alone!

2012-05-01, 10:41 AM
"It will be hard to leave you alone if we do not know where to leave you. We are attempting to map this land, to learn of who lives here and to drive out the evil of the bandits that have taken shelter in the wild."

"Please, come and let us speak. We would know of you and hear your claim to the land. We would prefer to be good neighbors, allies even."

diplomacy [roll0]

2012-05-01, 11:05 AM
Odo tries to spot the source of the voice as climbs back to his feet.

"Come on out, we won't harm you!"

Perception to try and spot them & Aiding Roland on Diplomacy.
Perception - [roll0]
Diplomacy - [roll1]

Morbis Meh
2012-05-01, 12:08 PM
Lucinda suddenly reddened with embarrassment at her previous statement, doing her best not to stutter she says in a hopeful tone "Oh please come out and let me read your fortune! I have my cards right here and I am rather bored; oh I also have half a biscuit to share as well!"

She looks around trying to find the source of the voice whilst holding up an offering consisting of a half eaten biscuit.

perception [roll0]
I suppose I might as well roll diplomacy maybe I can get a bonus for my bribe!

2012-05-02, 05:04 AM
As you attempt to placate the unseen pranksters, you spot a tiny, but intensely beautiful, face peeping out from the long grass around the trees. She looks at each of your faces in turn.
"You no bandits? she scrunches up her face in disbelief and points at Zemara. "You look like bandits!

As the little creature speaks, the biscuit in Lucinda's hand disappears. It reappears on a branch at head height, held between the grinning jaws of the smallest and pinkest dragon you've ever heard of.

2012-05-02, 07:06 AM
Roland relaxes a bit now that he can at least see who he is talking to. "No, we are not bandits. In fact, we just fought some of them, in the camp to the south of here, as well as several that attacked the trading post yesterday morning. Do you know of the trading post? They are friends of ours."

"How ought we address you, fair lady?" He says, bowing in courteous fashion, an odd sight in his present form.

Morbis Meh
2012-05-02, 10:55 AM
Lucinda squeals with delight at the sight of the pink dragon. She ponders inwardly at its origin and makes a mental note to look into the matter the next time they had access to a library. Speaking in the draconian tongue she attempts to make a new friend "Why hello there sweety, aren't you adorable! My name is Lucinda and I am a simple fortune teller, what is your name dear? You should meet my familiar Bell, she is a sweetheart I am sure you would get along wonderfully! Hey now Bell don't be like that! There is no reason to be shy, I am sure that the nice dragon won't eat tout... well I hope not anyways!" She tries to grab the scorpion in vain as it deftly avoids her futile attempts and lashes out its stinger at her in protest.

Alright first knowledge arcane to identify the type of dragon[roll0]
Next to hit for the scorpion [roll1]
finally and fort save for Lucinda in case ot hits her, I am considering her flatfooted, also she takes no damage from it but may be sickened. I will edit based on the outcome [roll2]

Lucinda recoil her hand violently from her pouch "Ow! Hey Bell that wasn't very nice....ugh" Lucinda's face sales as the poison does its job. She promptly turns to the side and begins to vomit up her breakfast fiercely.

she is sickened for one round :smallbiggrin:

2012-05-03, 04:58 AM
The dragon is a faerie dragon, though they look very similar to other dragons, they aren't really the same, faerie dragons tend to be very flighty, fickle and love to play tricks on people.

The small fey steps out of the long grass, revealing her true form, the head and upper body of a tiny woman, combined with the hind legs of a cricket. She still looks around at you suspiciously, though Lucinda's treatment of the dragon seems to set her ease somewhat. She replies to Roland, totally unfazed by his appearance.
"My name is Tyg-Titter-Tut, this is my friend Perlivash. You fight bandits? Proof?

As she witnesses Lucinda's antics, both her and the dragon burst into gales of laughter.

2012-05-03, 10:17 AM
"What proof would you have? See our packs, we bear weapons and armor taken from the fallen, we carry goods that they stole, that we might return them to their owners. If that is not enough, then let us go back and show you the grounds of the battle. Or you can ask Oleg and Svetlana at the trading post, if you know of them."

2012-05-03, 01:40 PM
Odo raises an eyebrow at the creatures and begins sketching down an image of them both in his journal. He remains silent, though.

Ursus the Grim
2012-05-05, 09:01 AM
Zemara scowls at the little ones. Pranksters, harmless ones perhaps, but he is no fan of practical jokes. The way they talked about bandits, he couldn't help but wonder what they thought made a bandit different from good, 'normal' folk. He resisted the temptation to reach out and fry one of the little pests, instead occupying his mind by considering what he can about their race.

Knowledge check.
[roll0] if I can use Arcana. The result is 4 points lower if its any other skill.

2012-05-07, 02:09 AM
Tyg-Titter-Tut looks at you intently, silently attempting to differentiate you between friend and foe.
Eventually she smiles, and steps forward, arms outspread in a gesture of friendship.
"Sorry about before, pranking bigginses is just too fun! You got rid of the mean ones by the river? Thank you! They were nasty bigginses! If you need help finding your way around, I'll show you some stuff.

She then begins to sketch a crude map in the dirt with her foot.

I think I've wored out the map, here it is. http://cdn.obsidianportal.com/assets/19369/Kingmaker_Map_upload.jpg
I'll let you know the areas you've been now.
Trading Post: A5
Radish Patch: B4
Thorn River Camp: C4
Faeries' Nest: B3

And these are places that Tyg-Titter-Tut points out to you.

Trap Filled Glade: A3
Hot Springs: C2
Ruined Temple: C3

And also, to anyone worrying about my lack of posting, I've had laptop trouble, that is now finally concluded, so I will be posting once a day, assuming it's necessary for me to do so.

Your knowledge of the arcane reveals litle of these creatures, though you remember hearing stories of faeries in these woods, some would be harmless pranksters, some excessively friendly, and some that would appear as friends, but would suck out your soul in an instant.

2012-05-07, 07:33 AM
Roland dismisses his battle form, dark tendril unraveling and dissipating into the ether. He quickly goes to work marking down the proffered notes, greatly expanding the map, though putting subtle marks do denote what they had not actually seen themselves.

"You are most kind, fair lady. Could you tell us any more about here?" He points to A3.

"Have you encountered any other 'nasty' creatures in the area? We might be able to help with them as well." These little folks are certainly an unlooked for bounty. Deadeye is watching us today, for certain.

Morbis Meh
2012-05-07, 11:41 AM
Lucinda wipes her mouth with a corner of her cloak and proceeds to wash her mouth out with water. Her face still contorted with sickness she tries to speak but the poison has paralyzed her mouth slightly and causes her speech to be slurred while.drool runs down her face "Baad Bell, nuh dinnuh fur you tunoghts! Thisss wull beh thuh lassht timuh yooo sting meuh!"

Noticing her impediment she proceeds to slaps herself across the face, attempting to increase circulation to her face. After a few moments of working her jaw and rubbing her face she finally stops, satisfied that the poison had ran its course. "Ah, much better! Stupid paranoid scorpion, that's the third time this month, I swear she does it for a laugh. It's a pleasure to meet you my good faerie, us elves are long distant cousins to your people and I admit that I enjoy a good prank from time to time. You should aid me in a trot reading one day and really trick a person! Now about beasties and other nasties roaming around the land, it would be goose to know so we can avoi... I mean 'deal' with them. Yrs, deal with them because that's what we're being paid for right? Hehe "

2012-05-08, 08:19 AM
The faerie looks between you, thinking briefly over your words before replying.

That area belongs to a nasty mean biggins! He used to put metal teeth in the ground to catch legs in! I'm sure you'd be able to avoid them though, and maybe get rid of them so no-one else gets hurt?
As for other nasties, I can't think of many. They say there's a Tatzylwyrm that lives nearby, though I couldn't say where. Then there's the kobolds and the mites, though they mainly keep to themselves, I'm sure you'll find them if you look long enough.

Tyg-Titter-Tut pauses for breath, she appears exhausted. Perlivash flies down beside her and gently nudges her with his snout.

"Well, we'll be off then! Good luck good bigginses!"

With that, and a brief wave, the two fae disappear back into the undergrowth, accompanied by there usual giggling.

For befriending the faeries you each receive 250xp Are we nearly level 2 now?

2012-05-08, 08:30 AM
Which XP track are we on?

Roland bids them farewell before turning to his companions. "That was certainly unexpected. An interesting pair. Well, shall we continue on to the post, or should we investigate these traps? It wouldn't be too far out of our path."

Once the matter is decided, he will re-summon his bestial form. Never know what might come up out in the wild.

Ursus the Grim
2012-05-08, 10:40 PM
Zemara watches the creatures slip away with a scowl. Yes, their information had been useful, assuming the pranksters had been telling the truth. As for what to do about it. . . .

"I say we handle the trapper's activity last. No point confronting him first. With any luck his traps will help do the work for us. I'm interested in this tatzylwyrm the most. That definitely sounds like something we don't want lingering around."

With that, he attempts to make a rudimentary repair to the saddlestrap by knotting the two ends together. Riding bareback is not an appealing prospect on such a long trip.

2012-05-09, 07:49 AM
know arcana for tatzylwyrms, [roll0] untrained

"If you prefer. Tatzylwyrms are likely to be a challenge, but We are at full strength. They will have to be dealt with eventually."

Morbis Meh
2012-05-09, 09:08 AM
Lucinda's eye brows raise at the mention of 'full strength' she was still wounded and had graciously used her magicks on the others while they rushed headlong into danger. These men will be the death of me! Wanting to waltz right into a dragons den without any forethought!?. Thinking of what may happen she remembers the supplies in their possession "Oh boys, sorry to burst your bubble but I don't think it is overly wise to go chasing dragons while being burdened with stolen supplies. We should lighten our load to increase our maneurability and to ensure Ole gets the supplies. For all we know we could lose most of it in a brawl."
Like stack I shall do knowledge arcane as well to find out about the beastie [roll0]

2012-05-09, 09:26 AM
"A wise precaution. I agree that we should head back and unburden ourselves. There seems to be many occupants in this empty wilderness, they may not all be so helpful. And we must warn of the bandits. I wish that we had not let any escape."

back to the trading post, stopping to map B4 & A4 on the way

2012-05-09, 11:19 AM
What the hell's a Tatzylwyrm? "Eh... Yes. Let's do that then."

Odo helps Zemara fix their horse's saddle and gets ready to set off.

2012-05-09, 11:57 AM
Everyone who made a knowledge check:
A Tatzylwyrm is a flightless variety of dragon, known both for it's fearsome nature, and deadly poison.

And for Stack:
A4 is devoid of any interesting lanfdmarks, and B4 is the Radish Patch, hopefully we'll get our maps aligned now! :P

2012-05-10, 01:10 AM
When you arrive back at Oleg's, everything has changed. The previously empty courtyard, while not swarming with people, is a lot more full than when you left. The stable is now full, pack horses and chargers stand side by side, being looked after by a young boy.
The trading post itself is doing a roaring trade, one or two merchants from Restov, their wealth displayed by their fine clothes, haggle with Oleg over his 'exquisite' furs. A balding man is standing beside the noticeboard, struggling to hammer his own request into the soft wood.
Beside the guesthouse, three armed men stand, drinking. They don't look aggressive, but rather appear to be on guard duty. Svetlana steps away from them after refilling their cups and notices your arrival.
"Friends! You've returned to us! Any news on the bandits? On my ring?"

2012-05-10, 07:25 AM
Roland dismissed his shadow form as they came within sight of the fort. "Greetings! We had some success and found a number of things that are likely yours. You seem to have a bit of company since we left? It's good to know that you won't be defenseless as we go about our duties. Quite the load off my mind, actually."

He turns to the armed men. "Hello. Are you the soldiers that Oleg requested? Good to meet you. I am Roland. My companions and I have been helping with the bandit issue here, as part of our charter."

diplomacy to make a good first impression [roll0]

2012-05-10, 07:34 AM
Hearing your conversatio with Svetlana begin, two of the Resov merchants turn to look at you.
"You're the ones that defeated the bandits?"
They wave over some of their companions and begin talking about your heroism in hushed tones.
Svetlana nods her approval,
"Looks like you'll be busy here for a while, come and see us once the shop's closed and we'll put everything in order."

The soldiers look you up and down, at first begrudging you for seeing off the bandits before they arrived, then, on noticing the small crowd at your back, and seeing the friendliness in your smile, they shake hands with you firmly.

"We are indeed, our leader is inside, careful how you speak to him, he's family of the Swordlord Garess. He might have a job for you, if you're as big a hero as you seem."

Ursus the Grim
2012-05-10, 07:51 AM
Dismounting, Zemara holds to himself as he processes the renovations and recovery of the post. At least they won't need us to come and save them again, at least not as soon.

"family of the Swordlord Garess"

His ears pricked up at that one. It wasn't Garess' daughter he had been ordered to kidnap, but it was an important detail nonetheless. After all, all the swordlords were originally peers. Pretending not to be interested, the magus wandered over to the notice board to see what had been posted.

Morbis Meh
2012-05-10, 08:08 AM
At the sight of the bustling fort Lucinda's eyes glisten
, she lets out a squeal of delight and shouts "New customers!" She quickly dust off her dress and covers the blood from her wound with her cloak. Making a concerted attempt at straightening her hair she stands up on the nearest object that resembles a podium and begins her spiel in her melodious voice "Ladies and gentlemen! Come one and come all, come see Lucinda the Mistress of Dreams! Together let us part the veils of the unknown and illuminate the mysteries of the future! Wish to know about your love back home? Have a business deal waiting for you? Come see Lucinda and let us embark on a journey through the seas of fate!"

I guess a diplomacy to lure them and a profession check for the business side?
diplomacy [roll0]
Fortune telling [roll1]

2012-05-10, 09:23 AM
Roland nods to the man. "Thank you for the warning. Good day."

He turns to his companions., but sees them scattering to to the winds, drawn by divergent interests. "I am going to introduce myself to the officer, if any would care to join me?"

we down a player? Cyborg Mage hasn't posted in some time.

He shrugs and heads inside, adopting his best courtly manner. He addresses the officer inside with a bow. "Greetings. I am Roland Grayleaf. My companions and I have taken the charter to settle and subdue these lands. I am most glad to see your arrival. Though we have had some success against the bandits, I fear reprisal from the remainder. We will sleep more soundly knowing that stout hearts will defend this place as we range over hill and under bough."

"Is there any way we can be of service?"

diplomacy [roll0]

2012-05-10, 12:43 PM
Odo smiles widely and raises his hands open-palmed somewhat.

"Yes, we defeated the bandits! I crept into their camp with the utmost furtiveness in the dead of night, and lured many of their company into a well-placed and devious trap set by my companions! A pair fled in terror, and shouldn't be of much concern any longer, but the rest fell in a matter of moments!"

He pauses for a moment, looking somewhat torn. Finally he reaches into his pocket and withdraws Svetlana's ring.

"And for you, madam Svetlana, we have returned your ring- Or what I assume to be your ring."

He holds the ring out to the woman, waiting for her to accept it.

2012-05-11, 02:26 AM
You easily draw two or three people fom the crowd, though one looks to be humouring you, the other two, servants of the rich merchants, seem enchanted and enthralled by your reading.

The crowd cheers as you describe how the bandits were defeated.
Svetlana takes the ring from your hand, examines it for a moment, and then draws you close to whisper in your ear.
"I'm so sorry, but this is not my ring. We'll pretend that it is, just for the customers's sake. Perhaps you could find those two escaped bandits and ask them where it could be? Sorry to trouble you further..."

Stack (and anyone going with him)
The soldier's claim that his officer is a noble seems fairly hollow after seeing the man in question. He is unshaven, jowly and garbed in ill fitting patchwork armour that is flecked with rust and pits and dents. He wears an old, unpolished signet ring on his finger, though what house it represents is almost impossible to say under all the dirt.
As you speak to him he eyes you suspicously, not sure whether to believe in your heroism.
"Well met friends, my name is Kesten Garess. Dn't let the name fool you, I have litle to do with the Swordlords. In truth, I only came into this job as a stroke of luck. You see, I'm hunting a man, a dangerous, black-hearted criminal. I believe he's here in the Greenbelt. Unfortunately, my new role as captain of the guard makes it impossible for me to search for him, perhaps you could find him for me? And bring him back to face justice. His name is Falgrim Sneeg, and I presume he's running with the bandits around here. Bring him to me alive, and I'll be sure you get your reward.

And Zemara
The notice board has more than a few posters on it, all calling to adventurers for assistance.
Wanted: Bandits:
Bandits have overrun the Greenbelt! For every four bandits slain or captured, the Swordlords will send a reward!
Wanted: Kobolds in the Hills
The Sootscale Kobolds live in a cave somewhere in the Kamelands, normally docile, something has riled them up recently. Find their lair and ensure they'll no longer be a threat.
Wanted: Tatzylwyrm
Tatzylwyrm are harder to find here than people think, I just want the head, it would make a great conversation piece.
Wanted: Tuskgutter
Tuskgutter is an ill tempered and enormous boar, he's troubled the people of the Greenbelt for too long, it's about time someone made him into sausages!
(And the new one being put up by the balding man)
Find the Lost Temple
Somewhere in the Greenbelt is a temple dedicated to Erastil, the hunter's god. Please, find it for me and kill its bear guardian so the faithful can worship in peace once again.

2012-05-11, 07:09 AM
Roland and the Officer
"Falgrim Sneeg? Could you give a description of him? We have dispatched a number of bandits already, if he was among them then the deed may be beyond our power. I certainly remember their faces."

"May I inquire as to his crime? I don't doubt the justice of apprehending him, merely seeking information on what we may face. If he remains with the bandits here, we shall certainly encounter him eventually, and do what we can to bring him in alive, though if he is as the others we have faced he may not come quietly."

diplomacy [roll0] if needed to get more information from him

Ursus the Grim
2012-05-11, 08:46 AM
Zemara, humming to himself, begins to meticulously pry out the nails attaching the requests to the board before folding them up neatly and storing them in his pack. It would not do to have some headstrong grunt charge into matters they could not handle. . . or to have them claim a reward that would otherwise go to the former brigand.

The requests claimed, he turns to the rest of the post. Seeing Lucinda weaving her mysticism, he leans against a building not far away and begins to watch.

2012-05-11, 09:14 AM
The halfling looks quite shocked, but soon starts grinning as he realizes he can now sell the ring.

"If you're sure this isn't your ring," Odo replies in a hushed tone. "I will strive to find the one which is. I will scour the corpses of fallen bandits until I do. Hold on to that one until I do, though. Just to keep up appearances."

He makes a slight bow to the woman and looks around for the rest of the group. He notices Zemara and walks over to him, waving slightly.

"What are you doing?"

Morbis Meh
2012-05-11, 09:46 AM
Lucinda was putting on a grand performance indeed: arm flailing, poetic prose, vivid imagery all in all the good stuff for a performance. She.knew she wouldn't receive any coin for this but hey it was fun! Though it was mostly for entertainment, Lucinda did throw in grain of truth for them to ponder over. If she ever gave a true reading, and she prayed no one ever asked for one, it would likely scare the bejezus out of the poor soul... their was a price for diving the future and moat would not pay for a solid look, the occasional glimpse into tiny matters, Lucinda could do but she had only olnce foolishly over extended her talent. It resulted in a prophesy with ghastly results...

Looking around she noticed she had an audience, smiling pleasantly she winks at the brooding Zemara. She believed he was far too stern and needed to lighten up a bit, maybe she could get him drunk... She quickly focused back on her clients and finished her reading.

2012-05-12, 02:50 AM
The guard captain smiles at your enthusiams.
"I doubt he'd have shown his face too soon, he's not one to risk his life on the frontlines unless there's no alternative. As to his crime, his current banditry should be reason enough to bring him to justice, but if you must know he used to fight with me, but betrayed us in the worst possible way."

2012-05-14, 07:28 AM
Inside:"A bandit and a traitor? Well, if we can take him alive to face justice it will be well earned. If he falls, then justice has only come the swifter. I will take my leave now and let you return to your duties. I doubt we will stay for long here before setting out again. Its been a pleasure." Roland bows again and exits (unless the officer says anything to stop him) and goes to see what the others are doing.

2012-05-14, 08:25 AM
The sun begins to set behind the trees that surround the Trading Post, the crowds begin to dissipate, guards and labourers heading into the guest house for a meal, while the merchants and their lackeys pitch colourful pavilions on the outside of the palisade wall.
The balding man, who was placing a flyer for the search for the lost temple, stands nervously near Zemara, trying to pluck up the courage to approach him.
Oleg begins closing down the shop as Svetlana waves you all over, eager to get the latest news and help aleviate the burden of all your excess equipment.