View Full Version : What online resource do you use to look up spells quickly?

2012-03-07, 10:16 PM
I'm trying to find a nice resource that makes searching for spells easier, as well as getting rid of spells you aren't considering. I've had luck when it comes to Feats, although there are probably significantly less feats than there are spells.

Any chance anyone wants to tell me what they use? Or am I only going to get results -with the one best resource I've got for such a subject-, (http://www.imarvintpa.com/dndlive/FindSpell.php)and just try to look up each spell one by one?

If anyone wants to know why, a Dm said he didn't mind if I expanded the spell list for a class I'm playing, and I wanted to try to find and add spells to it, so long as they are thematically appropriate.

And yeah, I know there are plenty of good books for lots of spells, but I was thinking more along the lines of an easier way to check those spells. Like a search function to find the book you needed with the information you want for a project.

D&D requires the same amount of work as a freaking project for school... at least it's fun.

2012-03-07, 10:44 PM
I expanded the spell list for a class I'm playing, and I wanted to try to find and add spells to it, so long as they are thematically appropriate.

What class are you talking about?

@topic: no, sry...

2012-03-07, 11:07 PM
I usually use http://dndtools.eu/

2012-03-08, 06:48 AM
I normally use my Spell Compendium, albeit there's no search function. But it sounds like you just want to browse rather than search.

2012-03-08, 10:25 AM
What class are you talking about?

@topic: no, sry...

Ah well...

Spoilering because I've seen a lot of meh treatment for this, and only those that would actually care enough to listen would bother reading to find out.

Yes, I know there are far better classes.
Yes, I know it's a sub optimal roll.
No, I do not want to just play something else with a more extensive spell list; I've been attached to this concept since during character creation, and I intend to stick by it.
Please, no one that reads this tell me to just get a different class.

I'm playing a Healer. And while I like the class, and have had fun healing, I wanted to see if there were more healing spells I could add to her spell list, as well as, say, buff spells and some minor utility.

And before anyone tries to swordsage me, I've seen a few "fixed spell lists" for the class, but I honestly don't know how to make heads or tails of them, and wanted to make a slightly more organised list, showing where each spell I wanted to add came from.

I usually use http://dndtools.eu/

I kinda glossed that over, mainly using it because it can show feats, until I noticed that you can divide the spell section by books, and it shows the entire spell, unlike what I was using earlier.... that's pretty handy, actually, although a bit harder when a book has a bunch of spells.

I'll probably go with this unless someone has a better suggestion.

I normally use my Spell Compendium, albeit there's no search function. But it sounds like you just want to browse rather than search.

It's a bit of both, actually. I'm not looking up anything specific, but I am checking a wide variety.

I'm going to update the title, since I ment more an online resource than just specific books. I've got a decent library, but that's probably half the problem: searching through each one is a massive drain on my time. And while D&D is second to maybe Wow in terms of "generic fantasy time crunching", I'd like to expidite the process.

2012-03-08, 11:36 AM
I use http://www.imarvintpa.com/dndlive/FindSpell.php

2012-03-08, 12:01 PM
I'm going to update the title, since I ment more an online resource than just specific books. I've got a decent library, but that's probably half the problem: searching through each one is a massive drain on my time. And while D&D is second to maybe Wow in terms of "generic fantasy time crunching", I'd like to expidite the process.

Well that's why I suggested the spell compendium. It means searching through one book as opposed to lots. My advice is to just look at the spell lists (rather than the spell descriptions) and pick out the spell names that stand out to you and then look them up.

2012-03-08, 12:40 PM
I'm playing a Healer.

Wow, that class is really cool imo. So you basically search for defensive buffs, anti-debuffs, heals etc.
I don't know much about divine spells, so I just say the favorite non-offensive spells of my wizard, maybe you can get one or two of them: Mystic Shield (Empire of Shade), Ghostform (Complete Arcane), Arcane Staff [lesser/normal/greater] (Towers of High Sorcery), Quick Potion (SpC).
I think Ice to Flesh (Frostburn) would fit in, too, maybe even Starmantle (BoED) and I think there was some sort of Salt to Flesh in Sandstorm.

2012-03-08, 04:33 PM
I use http://www.imarvintpa.com/dndlive/FindSpell.php

That what I was trying to use, to the point that I almost wondered if you simply quoted the link I provided to respond with, but it's not that affective, considering the resources that do show exactly what each spell does. Lots of spells aren't even listed by affect, with just a section for name. Like the hollow skeleton of a wikipedia article; just the place holder...

Well that's why I suggested the spell compendium. It means searching through one book as opposed to lots. My advice is to just look at the spell lists (rather than the spell descriptions) and pick out the spell names that stand out to you and then look them up.

The Spell Compendium's going to take a few hours to sort through alone... It's definitely on my to-do list, but I was seeing if there might be an easier way. I'm willing to get my hands a bit dirty, but not if there's a better alternative for this sort of thing.

Wow, that class is really cool imo. So you basically search for defensive buffs, anti-debuffs, heals etc.
I don't know much about divine spells, so I just say the favorite non-offensive spells of my wizard, maybe you can get one or two of them: Mystic Shield (Empire of Shade), Ghostform (Complete Arcane), Arcane Staff [lesser/normal/greater] (Towers of High Sorcery), Quick Potion (SpC).
I think Ice to Flesh (Frostburn) would fit in, too, maybe even Starmantle (BoED) and I think there was some sort of Salt to Flesh in Sandstorm.

The only one I've looked up so far is Mystic Shield. And while I personally like it, I'm not sure if I can get away with affects like that. The more ostentatious (for lack of a better word) the effect, the less likely I think I'd be able to actually get it. Although it's still certainly something to consider, especially considering how strong a buff it is.