View Full Version : Mage of Blades [3.5 Theurge] Fluff-lite ToB+Magic

Lix Lorn
2012-03-07, 10:18 PM
Mage of Blades
‘Some people claim ‘mind over matter’. I don’t like the implication that you can only choose one.’

Skills: Spellcraft OR Martial Lore 9 ranks, (the other) 4 ranks.
Spellcasting/Initiating: Able to cast spells and initiate maneuvers, at least one of which must include at least one spell/maneuver of at least third level.

Hit Die: d8
Class Skills-The Mage of Blades’ class skills include all class skills from the two classes that gave him the spellcasting and initiating abilities he used to qualify for this class.
Skill Points per Level: 4+ Int Modifier

Mage of Blades

Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
New Maneuvers Known
Additional Maneuvers Readied
Additional Stances Known





Armoured Spellcasting (10%)






+1 level of existing class





Adapting to Win
+1 level of existing class






+1 level of existing class





Arcane Strike
+1 level of existing class











Armoured Spellcasting (20%)
+1 level of existing class






+1 level of existing class





Mastering Duality
+1 level of existing class





Art of Blade and Spell
+1 level of existing class

Weapon and Armour Proficiency: The Mage of Blades gains no new armour or weapons proficiencies.

Spellcasting and Initiating: When a new Mage of Blades level other than first or sixth level is gained, the character gains new spells per day (and spells known, if applicable) as if he had also gained a level in whatever arcane spellcasting class with which he met this PrC's prerequisites. He does not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained. If a character had more than one arcane spellcasting class with which he could meet the necessary prerequisites before he became a Mage of Blades, he must decide to which class he adds each level of Mage of Blades for the purpose of determining spells per day.

In addition, the Mage of Blades gains additional maneuvers known and readied, as well as stances known, as shown on the Class table. These maneuvers may be from any discipline that the Mage of Blades could access with the initiating class they used to meet the prerequisites to become a Mage of Blades. If they did not have an initiating class, (i.e. they qualified using Martial Study) they may choose two disciplines at second level. They must take disciplines containing maneuvers they know before choosing any others.

A Mage of Blades adds their full class level to both their Caster and Initiator level.

Armoured Spellcasting: A Mage of Blades learns quickly to utilise armour to protect themselves, without inhibiting their use of magic. They may ignore an amount of arcane spell failure equal to the number in brackets.

Adapting to Win:A third level Mage of Blades can use the weapon best suited for the task at hand. As a swift action, she may sacrifice a spell slot to immediately recover expended maneuvers of the same or lower total level. She may also do the reverse; sacrificing readied maneuvers to gain additional spell slots. Either way, the spell slot or readied maneuver-slot cannot be regained or recovered until the Mage next resets his spells per day count. (Ie., they have one less spell or one less readied maneuver until the next day)

Arcane Strike (Su): A fifth level Mage of Blades can expend the power of magic to fuel their attacks. Be expending a spell slot as a free action, they may gain a bonus equal to the level of the spell sacrificed on all their attack rolls for one round, as well as extra damage equal to 1d4 points x the level of the spell sacrificed. The bonus you add to your attack rolls from this ability cannot be greater than your base attack bonus. If the attack is made as part of a maneuver, this is increased to 1d6 points x the level of the spell sacrificed.

For the purposes of prerequisites, this ability counts as the feat of the same name.

Mastering Duality: A ninth level Mage of Blades is getting closer and closer to a union of his two arts. His Initiator and Caster levels cannot be lower than his total levels in classes that progress maneuvers and/or spells, unless this would surpass his ECL.
(Classes such as this that improve both count only once. For example, a sorcerer 2/Warblade 7/Mage of Blades 9 has an IL and CL both of 18, despite only casting at tenth level and knowing only eleven maneuvers.)

In addition, a Mage of Blades may take two standard actions (instead of a standard and a move) in a single round, as long as one is used to initiate a maneuver, and the other is used to cast a spell.

Art of Blade and Spell: A tenth level Mage of Blades understands that the differences between his two styles are minor. Knowledge in one is knowledge in the other. Whenever he takes a class level that improves his Initiating abilities, he also improves his spellcasting by one level, and whenever he takes a class level that improves his spellcasting by one level, he increases his initiating abilities as if he took another level in the class he used to qualify for this PrC.
(Note: This mechanic shamelessly stolen from someone else's theurge.)

2012-03-07, 10:35 PM
Looks decent. You may want to specify when taking new maneuvers which disciplines they can take them from. Although given the fluff-lite nature you may want to just have them choose three disciplines at the start that they already have maneuvers in or something like that.

Lix Lorn
2012-03-08, 11:19 AM
Oh, good point. I'll add that.

2012-03-08, 11:25 AM
You may also want to specify which abilities are (su) and which are (ex). I'm not completely sure I understand the mechanic for Adapting to Win, is the maneuver readied slot lost for 24 hours or is the maneuver itself inaccessible?

Lix Lorn
2012-03-08, 11:48 AM
You may also want to specify which abilities are (su) and which are (ex). I'm not completely sure I understand the mechanic for Adapting to Win, is the maneuver readied slot lost for 24 hours or is the maneuver itself inaccessible?
There's only one ability where the difference matters; I'll specify.
The readied slot, will specify that too.

2012-03-08, 12:27 PM
Seems to work out alright for making the concept work without too many bells and whistles of connecting it to established lore and whatnot, like Mystic Theurge and Eldritch Knight. I agree on choosing schools to draw from when you first go in and sticking to them. The math in the Duality example seems off, as 7 Warblade and 9 Mage levels equals 16, not 18.

2012-03-08, 12:46 PM
And 2 Sorcerer levels. Mastering Duality states that levels in a caster class and levels in an initiator class stack for the purposes of ECL and EIL. 2+7+9 = 18

By the way, I love Art of Blade and Spell. I think all dual progression PrCs should do that, it's so annoying when I finish all ten levels of the PrC and have to go back to taking separate levels of the classes to advance, thereby losing even more caster levels.

Lix Lorn
2012-03-08, 12:57 PM
Seems to work out alright for making the concept work without too many bells and whistles of connecting it to established lore and whatnot, like Mystic Theurge and Eldritch Knight. I agree on choosing schools to draw from when you first go in and sticking to them. The math in the Duality example seems off, as 7 Warblade and 9 Mage levels equals 16, not 18.
Thanks, and

And 2 Sorcerer levels. Mastering Duality states that levels in a caster class and levels in an initiator class stack for the purposes of ECL and EIL. 2+7+9 = 18
What he said. xD

By the way, I love Art of Blade and Spell. I think all dual progression PrCs should do that, it's so annoying when I finish all ten levels of the PrC and have to go back to taking separate levels of the classes to advance, thereby losing even more caster levels.
Heh, thanks. As I said, that wasn't my idea.