View Full Version : Channelers and Midnight's magic system

2012-03-08, 02:18 AM
I've recently looked up the Midnight Campaign Setting and I was wondering what people's thoughts and experiences are/were on the Channelers and the magic system in general.

It certainly seems to weaken magic a lot compared to standard 3.5 (especially in combination with the Astirax's ability to sense magic) in the campaign setting. So, firstly, how well does it work with a party in the Midnight Setting and do you find the magecraft feat useful outside of the channeler class?

Secondly, how well do you think the magic system works outside the post-apocalyptic society of the Midnight Setting, but still in a low-moderate magic game? My initial thoughts are that the spell points-to-spell level ratio may have to be changed, as there is less of a reason to hold back on magic without the constant worry of Legates to contend with.

For anyone interested, the crunch of the Midnight's magic system is OGC and is available here (http://darknessfalls.leaderdesslok.com/magic_main.htm).