View Full Version : About to fight a green dragon, and I get one paladin spell to cast

2012-03-09, 05:20 PM
I'm a warblade5/pious templar1 orc dragonborn (winged) with lots of hit points, but not a lot of AC, and a pretty good to-hit (I always power attack for 5). We're about to attack a green dragon, all we know is that it's large. Thanks to my high wisdom, I get a whopping 1 spell that I can cast before entering combat, and it can't have a rounds/level duration, otherwise it will only last 1 round. My only thought so far is protection from evil; it will help my AC and bad reflex saves. I'm wielding a scythe, so bless weapon isn't too appealing due to my low crit range.

2012-03-09, 05:36 PM
Deafening Clang will only last 1 rd, but it's a swift so it probably won't cost you anything; +1d6 sonic to all your attacks with a single weapon. Holy Spurs is also a 1rd/swift, for a getaway if you're mounted (you only need to be faster than the other guy!). Rhino's Rush is yet another swift that will double your damage on a charge, to initially close... this might be your best bet, if you have any charge-based maneuvers. All are from the SpC.

2012-03-09, 05:55 PM
I like the rhino's rush idea, OOC the table knows I'm going to have about a 50% chance of hitting, so there will be people holding their breath. :smallbiggrin:

2012-03-09, 06:01 PM
Just remember, with Rhino's rush you get a x2, and with a crit you'll get x4, which means a total x5 for that hit, not 1x2x4=x8.

2012-03-09, 11:47 PM
Yep, though I don't think it would matter, power attacking for 5 and with a strength mod of 10 using a 2 handed weapon, I think I'd 1 shot the dragon anyway.