View Full Version : [PF] BOOM! (Need Alchemist advice for bombs)

2012-03-10, 05:26 AM
So my friend is trying to make an alchemist that's specialized in doing as much damage as possible by using bombs. Since I don't know much at all about alchemists, and google has failed to help me, I thought I would ask you guys.

Anything pathfinder is allowed, with 3.5 stuff allowed on a case-by-case basis.

So far we've come up with using cognatogens and the extract targeted bomb admixture. But after that we're coming up with blanks.

As a fun idea we thought about using implant bomb and a horde of chickens to get more bombs off at once, but we aren't quite at that level.

Currently we are at level 7, using a 22 point buy. Currently he is using a 3rd party race called a boggle, which is a subtype of goblin that gives a +2 to int. He would like to keep his race small-sized and goblin like if possible.

2012-03-10, 06:01 AM
Firstly, Fox's cunning will still effect your bombs, if not your extracts(I think), so chug that when you can, along with everything else that boosts int(although you needed that anyway.) Bomber’s eye is also decent, but very average: It’s only a 1+ bonus. If you don’t mind spreading out discoveries, taking extended and then eternal potion would be good to stretch out the buffs: although, you might want to use that on other things, like “fly FOREVER” or “I am now Griffin from the invisible man”

Secondly; I need to see the ruling on this, but I'm pretty sure that thrown bombs count as a normal weapon attacks for feats and the like. Yes, BOMBS COUNT AS WEAPONS! Get point blank shot, enjoy extra damage right off the bat! So once you get Fast Bombs (and you WILL want it,) Go to town with things like rapid shot and maybe even manyshot. I'm pretty sure that haste and T.W.F will also work, but I'm not sure if the latter would stack with manyshot or bombs. Also sure beyond doubt that deadly aim will work. Also, there are many metabomb discoveries, Be sure to look into them, if only so you can attack incorpals with force bombs.

Also, delayed Bomb, like delayed blast fireball, is instant hilarity. Put some ranks in sneak, find the dragon, sneak up to it, drop ALL the bombs (all of zem), and then detonate them all at once. Not a headache it will soon forget.

edit: Breath Weapon Bomb is worth a look: Does full damage to everything within the cone, but allows a save. Also, only lets you use one bomb at a time, so concider when/if you use it. Explosive bomb is my personal favorite, as it increases the area and duplicates incendary bomb. Sticky bombs would also be useful, to get mileage outta that splash damage: A large percentage of your damage comes from your bonuses anyway, so minimum damage can still be painful.

edit2: If it dosen't hurt the build, maybe take extra bombs? 4 bombs a round is a LOT of bomb, and you only have so many a day.

2012-03-10, 06:11 AM
Also sure beyond doubt that deadly aim will work.

Doubt is never wrong:

The bonus damage does not apply to touch attacks or effects that do not deal hit point damage.


To attack with a splash weapon, make a ranged touch attack

2012-03-10, 06:17 AM
Ah damn it. All the other things will work, thou.

Bombs are considered weapons and can be selected using feats such as Point-Blank Shot and Weapon Focus

2012-03-10, 06:58 AM
Awesome, thanks for all the tips! My goblin gunslinger and his goblin alchemist are going to wreck faces all over the battlefield now.

2012-03-10, 07:03 AM
The key to dealing damage with bombs is Fast Bombs and as many extra attacks per round as possible. At level 8 you could potentially have 4 attacks (2 regular, one from Haste and one from Rapid Shot). That's 16d6 + 4x int mod damage.
Though you'll run out of bombs quickly this way, it does give you significant nova-power.

2012-03-10, 02:19 PM
The Vital Strike chain of feats works with bombs, though if you plan on throwing lots of bombs in a round it does you no good.
Racial bonus from Gnome:Pyromaniac gets you that next dice of Fire damage a level early.
You could take a couple of levels of gunslinger and use the alchemical discovery to infuse bullets. Gets you a bit more range.
Discoveries I've found useful: Explosive and Precise. Nothing says 'Smokin' like spreading fiery death that misses your comrades in hand-to-hand.