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blade artist
2012-06-14, 06:28 PM
Fine, fine. I'll end it quickly. Did you ever say what your name was? You should probably say it is a nother parson so when you visit me in town, you can blame it on you more vicious twin brother. Goatee optional.

"Sorry for the inconvenience. Here's your pain with some death for interest." Knack with a rising strike slashes at the wizard.

edit: maybe work the whole twin thing into Aurora's programmed amnesia for credibility

2012-06-14, 06:44 PM
I'm currently shapechanged as a mind flayer, actually.

Hallok howls as he is sent sprawling backwards by the blow, colliding into the flames, and immediately burns to death.

Casting Dimension door and quickened superior invisibility, and leaving a quickened programmed image of my mind-flayer self falling backwards, burning to death, screaming, etc.

Then ordering the army to surrender.

2012-06-14, 06:54 PM
"Yes it was a mighty big gopher might've bit me" Jack pops some bubbly pouring Aurora a glass. Than I slide behind her rubbing her shoulders "Hallok should be here shortly dear." Hallok get here shortly

2012-06-14, 07:10 PM
I'd be much obliged. End his cloak of oblivion or whatever it's called, then Gate to where they are, and then persistent time stop, and then enough produce flames into the sky to spell out the word "Love" in every language besides Giant. When the time stop ends, use quickened pyrotechnics to cause them all to explode like fireworks, and then a quickened programmed image to make it seem like embers fall all around, and then swirl around Aurora, turning into butterflies made of flame, which then fly all around in different directions.

Hallok approaches Aurora aurora and gives her a gentle kiss on the cheek, he then speaks in elven. Greetings, dearest. I presume Jack has been treating you well? =

blade artist
2012-06-14, 09:04 PM
Knack, after defeating the menace, shows to the guardian thingies that he attacked them on false pretenses and then returns to the mayor. "I have slain their champion and now they flee. I have protected this city as best I could, as promised." Magic, you better start with the reviving.

2012-06-14, 09:36 PM
Right... Give me a moment. Hallok casts yet another persistent time stop (divine spellcasting really is overpowered) And creates enough gates to summon 300 solar angels, and uses true domination on each one, then orders them to travel to the city he destroyed and raise all that were killed, and to declare that they were sent by Knick Knack. Right. they'll be over in a moment, my robotic compadre.

2012-06-14, 10:33 PM
(Dang I needed some dead bodies good thing I hid a hundred of them.)

Jack being one to never be out done ever takes to the sky.
Than with a well placed earthquake make the volcanoes erupt than time stop and elemental swarm to sculpt the hot hot magma into Aurora Jack and Hallok holding hands with Aurora in the centre heading down a path blessed with spring. "For thee madame"

2012-06-14, 10:56 PM
Hallok smirks. Quite lovely, Jack, thank you. Now, I do believe you have an appointment with a certain "Blue Speck?"

Sir Rigel
2012-06-14, 11:18 PM
Guys, why did the sky turn red... Twice? I think in a slightly worried voice.

2012-06-14, 11:34 PM
"Indeed but I will return as quickly as I can" teleport a few inches in front of Specky. I stick my thumb into my mouth and use my shapechange to inflate my self until I stand 8 feet tall musclebound with scars. I deepen my voice "Let's take these punks down or whatever I came here for." Than I kick the door down and stroll up to the front desk, throw it aside "I'm looking for... who are we looking for again."

Sir Rigel
2012-06-14, 11:46 PM
I believe his name is Herm, but we are looking for who is in charge, for we wish to spread the word of Shegrogorath, and maybe make him the god of your pleasant little city

IN HEAD: I think I'll go by that name, Shegrogorath, what do you guys think?

2012-06-14, 11:50 PM
(Sounds girly like megara)

Sir Rigel
2012-06-14, 11:52 PM
(well, It was tempting to try to make this guy an early version of a god-like being of madness, but well...)

2012-06-15, 04:51 AM
(I'd recommend something with lots of M's and K's such as Mekenama the mad)

"Tell us whoever is in charge here and take us there or I will go out and eat a puppy." Jack says making his forehead a little wider and shifting his face into the scowliest scowl in the scowl universe.

(Me I'm running with a simple god name. Jack.)

Eric Scott
2012-06-15, 06:51 AM
I believe his name is Herm, but we are looking for who is in charge, for we wish to spread the word of Shegrogorath, and maybe make him the god of your pleasant little city

IN HEAD: I think I'll go by that name, Shegrogorath, what do you guys think?

The Orc looks not in the least inpressed. We already have a God... nonetheless, the one who is in charge is Gregory.

(I'd recommend something with lots of M's and K's such as Mekenama the mad)

"Tell us whoever is in charge here and take us there or I will go out and eat a puppy." Jack says making his forehead a little wider and shifting his face into the scowliest scowl in the scowl universe.

(Me I'm running with a simple god name. Jack.)

You'll eat a puppy? I just so happen to have a couple puppy's right here... The Orc pulls out his lunchbox and you can hear the wimpering of puppy's inside... he then opens it and grabs a puppy out and hands it to you, then grabs one for himself and bites it's head off, making a rather crunchy sound...

2012-06-15, 07:26 AM
Jack takes all the puppies and widens his mouth and makes it look like a mass of teeth and tentacles with mouths than down all the puppies widening his gut to hold them and keep them safe. "You really should lay off the pomeranians they're all fluff. Let us meet this Gregory."

blade artist
2012-06-15, 08:02 AM
Knack coughs to get the attention of the mayor (even though he has no lungs) "I have returned mayor."

Sir Rigel
2012-06-15, 10:11 AM
You know what... Those don't look half bad, May I?

Eric Scott
2012-06-15, 11:46 AM
Jack takes all the puppies and widens his mouth and makes it look like a mass of teeth and tentacles with mouths than down all the puppies widening his gut to hold them and keep them safe. "You really should lay off the pomeranians they're all fluff. Let us meet this Gregory."

I'm on a diet.. and Gregory is in the back. Make sure you knock on the door before entering his office.

Knack coughs to get the attention of the mayor (even though he has no lungs) "I have returned mayor."

The mayor crawls out from under his desk... Well... that didn't take long...

You know what... Those don't look half bad, May I?

The Orc looks at you and sighs... Your friend here appears to have eaten all of them... I'll get more while you go bother Gregory.

blade artist
2012-06-15, 09:01 PM
"Soooo, now what?" He also thinks this message to his companions.

2012-06-15, 11:57 PM
Hallok grins warmly at Aurora, and begins gently massaging her shoulders. Well, dearest, it really seems we haven't had enough time together, amidst all this nonsense. Now, how would you like to go dancing? I know a lovely place.

Knowledge (the planes) to find our where the best place is to go dancing. [roll0]

2012-06-17, 01:34 AM
Jack summons a few air elementals to blow the door opening and forcing specky through "I"ll be up in your head kid you just think about what you're seeing and hearing and I'll help you past anything. Just think puppup if your life is at risk." I think at Specky.

Eric Scott
2012-06-17, 09:08 AM
Jack summons a few air elementals to blow the door opening and forcing specky through "I"ll be up in your head kid you just think about what you're seeing and hearing and I'll help you past anything. Just think puppup if your life is at risk." I think at Specky.

The door doesn't budge... although, some water begins to drip from around the door.

2012-06-17, 02:26 PM
Time stop and place a teleportation ring above the orc's head using two immovable rods to suspend it in mid air than go ethereal and pass through the door and drop the other ring. Making sure to take a good look around the room than pass through back through the door and end the time stop. I have now created a vacuum with a great deal of water to go into.

Eric Scott
2012-06-17, 04:54 PM
Time stop and place a teleportation ring above the orc's head using two immovable rods to suspend it in mid air than go ethereal and pass through the door and drop the other ring. Making sure to take a good look around the room than pass through back through the door and end the time stop. I have now created a vacuum with a great deal of water to go into.

You see that the room is completely filled with water... and that there is a 4 armed Sahuagin sitting behind a desk, bringing a glass sphere towards his head and reaching for 2 large swords all at the same time.

2012-06-17, 11:04 PM
Jack being the little deviant he is ensures that the teleportation ring is right over four arms' head. The pressure should be doing some nasty things now that time works again. Water goes through the one ring and out the other. Thus slamming down on his head and forcing him through a hole a bit too small for him.

2012-06-17, 11:17 PM
Hallok continues. ...Or ice skating, if you'd prefer. You might enjoy a good cooling off, after spending time here.

Eric Scott
2012-06-18, 12:47 PM
Jack being the little deviant he is ensures that the teleportation ring is right over four arms' head. The pressure should be doing some nasty things now that time works again. Water goes through the one ring and out the other. Thus slamming down on his head and forcing him through a hole a bit too small for him.

Did you move the one you put on the floor to do this?

2012-06-18, 07:43 PM
yep physics is about to be my friend.

Eric Scott
2012-06-18, 09:01 PM
yep physics is about to be my friend.

So... let me get this straight... you have a portal at the above both the Sahuagin and the Orc, correct?

Edit: If yes, how far above the Sahuagin's head is it?

2012-06-19, 09:13 AM
Actually screw that I'm going to put it right under his feet I get more pressure that way and the other ring is five feet above the orcs head.

Eric Scott
2012-06-19, 09:50 AM
Actually screw that I'm going to put it right under his feet I get more pressure that way and the other ring is five feet above the orcs head.

That will work... the other way would have done nothing... anyways, after Time Stop ends the Sahuagin, his chair, his swords, all the water, and many of the loose objects in the room fall on the Orc... the Orc then says to you, I'd like to say that's the first time that's happened to me but, its actually the thirty second time that's happened... and it's really starting to get old.

2012-06-19, 10:18 AM
Actually the teleportation rings are so small that a halfing has to make an escape artist check to slip through.

2012-06-19, 10:18 AM
Hallok grins at Aurora, finishing his massage and kissing her once on her neck. Ice skating it is, darling. Just allow me to set it up.

He teleports back to Mephistopheles' realm, shapechanging into Mephistopheles. He contacts Jack. I would reccomend mind blanking yourself- Aurora is alone, briefly. He casts gate, summoning one pit fiend, one solar angel, and eight ice devils. Alright, maggots! Make me an ice rink, and have the angel design it, or I'll take all your heads! He laughs, then casts true domination on each, so the intimidation and insults are really just for fun. He also establishes a telepathic bond with the angel. Contact me when you're done. I want it perfect.

He then summons a retriever demon. I want two pairs of ice skates, one for myself and one for her. He creates a major image of Aurora. Make sure they're the right the size, or I'll reprogram you as a kindergarten teacher for beholders.

He then plane shifts back to Aurora. The rink will be ready in a moment. Would you like to tell me a bit about your life before I found you again? Jack has told me little.

Listen check: [roll0]

Eric Scott
2012-06-19, 10:46 AM
Actually the teleportation rings are so small that a halfing has to make an escape artist check to slip through.

Yep... that's just how much water there was in the room and how much pressure it had on his body.

Hallok grins at Aurora, finishing his massage and kissing her once on her neck. Ice skating it is, darling. Just allow me to set it up.

He teleports back to Mephistopheles' realm, shapechanging into Mephistopheles. He contacts Jack. I would reccomend mind blanking yourself- Aurora is alone, briefly. He casts gate, summoning one pit fiend, one solar angel, and eight ice devils. Alright, maggots! Make me an ice rink, and have the angel design it, or I'll take all your heads! He laughs, then casts true domination on each, so the intimidation and insults are really just for fun. He also establishes a telepathic bond with the angel. Contact me when you're done. I want it perfect.

He then summons a retriever demon. I want two pairs of ice skates, one for myself and one for her. He creates a major image of Aurora. Make sure they're the right the size, or I'll reprogram you as a kindergarten teacher for beholders.

He then plane shifts back to Aurora. The rink will be ready in a moment. Would you like to tell me a bit about your life before I found you again? Jack has told me little.

Listen check: [roll0]

Very well, my lord. says the Pit Fiend.

The Retriever looks at you and sighs, How trivial...

Aurora thinks rather hard for a moment... and then looks sort of confused I can't quite remember all the details... which makes me believe that it wasn't very important... besides, nothing else matters now that I'm back with you!

2012-06-19, 02:49 PM
Hallok fabricates a cushioned bench for Aurora, and then sits next to her. I find myself feeling the same way. As you know, my village was destroyed by giants when I was young...I am sorry to admit that I spent a large portion of my life striving for revenge. I hope that now, I may live a happier life. I have ended Lolth's oppresion of the Drow, who are beginning to accept me as their god; soon, I will heal the hurts that have been done between our peoples. Perhaps even more importantly, I am with you, my love. He embraces her, and draws her into a long kiss.

He contacts the solar angel and the pit fiend he put to work on the ice rink. Well, is it done, you worthless filth? He then contacts his retriever demon similarly.

Eric Scott
2012-06-19, 04:40 PM
Hallok fabricates a cushioned bench for Aurora, and then sits next to her. I find myself feeling the same way. As you know, my village was destroyed by giants when I was young...I am sorry to admit that I spent a large portion of my life striving for revenge. I hope that now, I may live a happier life. I have ended Lolth's oppresion of the Drow, who are beginning to accept me as their god; soon, I will heal the hurts that have been done between our peoples. Perhaps even more importantly, I am with you, my love. He embraces her, and draws her into a long kiss.

He contacts the solar angel and the pit fiend he put to work on the ice rink. Well, is it done, you worthless filth? He then contacts his retriever demon similarly.

The Ice Devils are fairly incompetent... says the Angel.

I believe we are finished... but, the goodie goodie doesn't think so. says the Pit Fiend.

I've been done for a while... would you like me to deliver them now?

Sir Rigel
2012-06-19, 04:51 PM
Well, I am terribly sorry ...at least for the first time that happened. As I shift back into my normal form How have you been Herm?

2012-06-19, 05:02 PM
Hallok contacts the angel. Summon some Eladrin. I hear they're wonderful decorators.

He tells the Pit Fiend. If those ices don't start pulling their weight, as per "goody goody's" standards, feel free to torture them.

He tells the retriever to bring the ice skates to the ice rink.

Eric Scott
2012-06-20, 07:00 AM
Well, I am terribly sorry ...at least for the first time that happened. As I shift back into my normal form How have you been Herm?

Herm, a bit banged up, stands up and brushes him self off and mutters under his breath, Gotta love not actually having bones... He then looks at you, with mild annoyance in his voice Do I know you?

Hallok contacts the angel. Summon some Eladrin. I hear they're wonderful decorators.

He tells the Pit Fiend. If those ices don't start pulling their weight, as per "goody goody's" standards, feel free to torture them.

He tells the retriever to bring the ice skates to the ice rink.

Certainly.... says Angel.

Oh I do positively love torture... says the Pit Fiend, with a slight British accent.

Very well then... says the retriever.

Sir Rigel
2012-06-20, 01:04 PM
...Anyhow, I would like to become the patron deity of this nice little town you have here.

Eric Scott
2012-06-20, 04:44 PM
...Anyhow, I would like to become the patron deity of this nice little town you have here.

You would? Well... that's fine and dandy but, we've already got a patron Deity.

Sir Rigel
2012-06-20, 09:50 PM
Oh really, and whom might that be? I say in a slightly inquisitive tone

Mentally:Ugh.Looks like we may have yet another deity to fight... Right Voices?

Takes Bottle out of bag

2012-06-21, 12:46 AM
Hallok contacts his summoned bros. Well, is it finished?

2012-06-21, 12:47 AM
He also replies to specky. Another one? Damn, why don't they just let us take their places?

Sir Rigel
2012-06-21, 02:19 AM
I know voice that sounds awfully like Hallok, I know...
Opens the bottle

Eric Scott
2012-06-21, 08:21 AM
Oh really, and whom might that be? I say in a slightly inquisitive tone

Mentally:Ugh.Looks like we may have yet another deity to fight... Right Voices?

Takes Bottle out of bag

Yes, really. His name is Taroj.

Hallok contacts his summoned bros. Well, is it finished?

I believe it will be to your liking... says the Angel.

The torture worked rather well... says the Pit Fiend.

2012-06-21, 11:16 AM
Hallok casts extended time stop, then gates to the location of the ice rink, looking to see that it would be to Aurora's liking.

Sir Rigel
2012-06-21, 10:41 PM
Takes a sip

So, Jack, Herm, would you like some?

2012-06-21, 10:56 PM
"I don't drink when I'm working just point us towards this deity and we'll talk things out."

Eric Scott
2012-06-21, 10:57 PM
Hallok casts extended time stop, then gates to the location of the ice rink, looking to see that it would be to Aurora's liking.

It looks like a flat horizontal plane of ice, approximately 200 feet by 200 feet, on the far side there is an ice sculpture of a Giant lying on the ground with a very unrealistically strong and physically powerful looking Hallok standing triumphantly on it's chest... and the purity of the ice is such that the average person would mistake it as diamond. On the right there is a vertical plane of ice with a hole in the middle along with a bench made of ice all along the wall... on the other side of the hole in the wall stangs the Pit Fiend, Ice Devils and three cows, they stand there with conical shaped containers that appear to contain frozen milk... and at the other end of the ice stands the Angel with a Saxophone, an Elder Black Pudding with an Accordion, a Four armed Two headed Sahuagin with Two Lutes and a Human with a Drum.

Sir Rigel
2012-06-21, 11:01 PM
Alright, fare enough

Mentally: Alright, Drinking game: Every time we have to interfere with a Deity, take a shot, Every time we kill a Deity, take two.

Anyone else want to join me?

Eric Scott
2012-06-21, 11:10 PM
Takes a sip

So, Jack, Herm, would you like some?

No thank you... I only drink once every fortnight.

"I don't drink when I'm working just point us towards this deity and we'll talk things out."

You could try to contact him at the church... I can make no guarantees that he will heed your call...

Sir Rigel
2012-06-21, 11:11 PM
It looks like a flat horizontal plane of ice, approximately 200 feet by 200 feet, on the far side there is an ice sculpture of a Giant lying on the ground with a very unrealistically strong and physically powerful looking Hallok standing triumphantly on it's chest... and the purity of the ice is such that the average person would mistake it as diamond. On the right there is a vertical plane of ice with a hole in the middle along with a bench made of ice all along the wall... on the other side of the hole in the wall stangs the Pit Fiend, Ice Devils and three cows, they stand there with conical shaped containers that appear to contain frozen milk... and at the other end of the ice stands the Angel with a Saxophone, an Elder Black Pudding with an Accordion, a Four armed Two headed Sahuagin with Two Lutes and a Human with a Drum.





Wow, just wow that has got to be the most interesting band I have ever seen assembled, Que the Smooth Jazz!

2012-06-21, 11:14 PM
"Don't vorry we're quite persuasive." I teleport a few feet away from the church door. "Alright I'm going to blow the doors down make sure you're floating and say something menacing."

2012-06-21, 11:21 PM
Hallok gates back to Aurora, and ends the time stop. He contacts his summoned decorators. Good work, people. I like the black pudding in particular. Be sure to give him something to eat when this is all done. May I ask what the cows and milk are for?

He then stands up, and gently grasps Aurora's hand, lifting her to her feet. The ice rink is all set up. I'll make a portal.

He opens a gate to the ice rink, and then comes through, bringing her with him. He has the Retriever to bring him the ice skates, and then hands Aurora her pair, putting his on with ease. He casts energy resistance (cold) on Aurora, so that she does not need any winter clothes, and then gracefully skates out onto the ice, clasping her hand warmly. Have you done this before, my dear?
He also contacts the angel.
Hit it.

Balance check: [roll0]
I presume I can't fall?

2012-06-21, 11:24 PM
"Hmm my sequine senses are tingling someone I know must be ice skating and in need of a better wardrobe."

2012-06-21, 11:36 PM
Hallok the Merciless does not where sequins. :smallfurious:

Well, unless they're the really shiny ones. Hallok Godslayer likes shiny things. Perhaps he should have a new title...Hallok the Magpie?

Sir Rigel
2012-06-21, 11:57 PM
Mentally: Alright... I'll see what I can muster...
I'll go ahead and put away the bottle (after sealing it of course)
Using A thousand Faces, I'll go ahead and turn my self, into a small, cute young girl, with hair as red as fire, eyes as green as the leaves on the top most parts of trees, skin as pristine as the finest jewel, and soft as a cloud (metaphorically of course), with angelic like wings, Merging all my equipment with this new form, except for a azure blue robe, and the boots of Swiftness and proceed to skip down to the temple (I can't roll less than a 22 on a jump check... but just in case)
Jump Checks:


2012-06-22, 05:43 AM
Hallok the Merciless does not where sequins. :smallfurious:

Well, unless they're the really shiny ones. Hallok Godslayer likes shiny things. Perhaps he should have a new title...Hallok the Magpie?

("Prepare for me to reign down upon you the forces of he... oh lookit they gots a shiny give me your shiny now I want it.now")

Jack casts elemental swarm to knock the door down.

Sir Rigel
2012-06-22, 09:59 AM
Casually Stroll into the church and, while saying "Oh Hi, I would love to talk to your god for a few moments, if you wouldn't mind." grow A pair of Bull's Horns, Lion's Claws, Sharks Teeth, A Manticore's Tail (complete with Stingers), having my wings change into bat like appendages, Black as ebony, along with the most mennacing face, and body that I can think of, as my voice lowers to just above Hearable by Human Ears. And I'll have my items previously merge slowly grow out of my skin, first the Hewards Handy haversack, so that the four Everdancing Jovars can emerge from there, and float behind me in a half circle 5 feet out and slowly shift genders for that added touch.

Disguise: (Using A thousand Faces)

As soon as that is done, I'll go ahead and draw two of my rapiers, the Sonic and the Electric one and transform the lightning one into a bastard sword, and the sonic one into a Warhammer.

I just want to have a friendly chat.
Mentally: How is that for menacing?

Eric Scott
2012-06-23, 06:14 PM
Hallok gates back to Aurora, and ends the time stop. He contacts his summoned decorators. Good work, people. I like the black pudding in particular. Be sure to give him something to eat when this is all done. May I ask what the cows and milk are for?

He then stands up, and gently grasps Aurora's hand, lifting her to her feet. The ice rink is all set up. I'll make a portal.

He opens a gate to the ice rink, and then comes through, bringing her with him. He has the Retriever to bring him the ice skates, and then hands Aurora her pair, putting his on with ease. He casts energy resistance (cold) on Aurora, so that she does not need any winter clothes, and then gracefully skates out onto the ice, clasping her hand warmly. Have you done this before, my dear?
He also contacts the angel.
Hit it.

Balance check: [roll0]
I presume I can't fall?

We finished a little ahead of schedule and decided to see what different things fasted like while frozen, and we ended up trying milk with vanilla... it turned out rather well and figured you and the girl would like it. says the Pit Fiend.

The Retriever covered in blood and human body parts... Here are the skates... as he says that a torso falls off of its shoulder.

I can honestly say I have never done this before... but, what's with the Black goo and the Cows? says Aurora.

The band begins playing...

It is actually possible that you could have failed... as the ice making was supervised by a perfectionist Angel...

Mentally: Alright... I'll see what I can muster...
I'll go ahead and put away the bottle (after sealing it of course)
Using A thousand Faces, I'll go ahead and turn my self, into a small, cute young girl, with hair as red as fire, eyes as green as the leaves on the top most parts of trees, skin as pristine as the finest jewel, and soft as a cloud (metaphorically of course), with angelic like wings, Merging all my equipment with this new form, except for a azure blue robe, and the boots of Swiftness and proceed to skip down to the temple (I can't roll less than a 22 on a jump check... but just in case)
Jump Checks:


Casually Stroll into the church and, while saying "Oh Hi, I would love to talk to your god for a few moments, if you wouldn't mind." grow A pair of Bull's Horns, Lion's Claws, Sharks Teeth, A Manticore's Tail (complete with Stingers), having my wings change into bat like appendages, Black as ebony, along with the most mennacing face, and body that I can think of, as my voice lowers to just above Hearable by Human Ears. And I'll have my items previously merge slowly grow out of my skin, first the Hewards Handy haversack, so that the four Everdancing Jovars can emerge from there, and float behind me in a half circle 5 feet out and slowly shift genders for that added touch.

Disguise: (Using A thousand Faces)

As soon as that is done, I'll go ahead and draw two of my rapiers, the Sonic and the Electric one and transform the lightning one into a bastard sword, and the sonic one into a Warhammer.

I just want to have a friendly chat.
Mentally: How is that for menacing?

You jump rather high and far with each jump...

The single Cleric there looks at you...

Sense Motive: [roll0]

I see that you are a man of spectacular entrances...

2012-06-23, 09:13 PM
Hallok shrugs. The people I hired seem a bit quirky. I'm just happy it wasn't an Otyugh.
Hallok grins at Aurora. I suppose I should show you the ropes, then. Luckily, the spell I cast on you yesterday should still be in effect, so you should be much more dextrous than normal. He then goes out into the ice, skating masterfully with barely any effort as he looks straight at Aurora and explains to her the techniques he is using, doing his best to keep down on the "dearests." He then skates back to her, and clasps her hand. Now you try it- I'll make sure you don't fall. He then slowly skates into the rink with her.

Perform (Dance): [roll0]

2012-06-23, 09:42 PM
"Champ you know the magic words to make me come back I'm going to go off and play." I think to Specky. Than pop off to a mountain range and set out to dislodge a colossal sized rock.

Sir Rigel
2012-06-24, 02:38 PM
I'll go ahead and take a quick look at the general area to see what kinda church I got my self into...

Eric Scott
2012-06-25, 05:46 PM
Hallok shrugs. The people I hired seem a bit quirky. I'm just happy it wasn't an Otyugh.
Hallok grins at Aurora. I suppose I should show you the ropes, then. Luckily, the spell I cast on you yesterday should still be in effect, so you should be much more dextrous than normal. He then goes out into the ice, skating masterfully with barely any effort as he looks straight at Aurora and explains to her the techniques he is using, doing his best to keep down on the "dearests." He then skates back to her, and clasps her hand. Now you try it- I'll make sure you don't fall. He then slowly skates into the rink with her.

Perform (Dance): [roll0]

You and her skate with out any trouble at all...

What should we call this frozen milk? asks the Pit Fiend to the Angel.

I don't know... how about "Ice Milk" or " Frozen Cream"? responds the Angel.

"Champ you know the magic words to make me come back I'm going to go off and play." I think to Specky. Than pop off to a mountain range and set out to dislodge a colossal sized rock.

You find 3 Colossal sized rocks... one that has veins of blueish metal running through it, one that looks like itwas once at the bitten of the ocean, covered in coral, and a rock that has many different colored portions of varying opacity, reds, blues, translucent, and golden to name a few.

I'll go ahead and take a quick look at the general area to see what kinda church I got my self into...

It looks a lot like temples of Pelor, Heironeous, Hextor, and Kurtulmak all combined into one...

2012-06-25, 06:16 PM
Hallok, surprised at the two mighty beings from opposite sides of the alignment spectrum getting along so well, skates with aurora out of the rink, and then sits on one of the benches with her. The lady and I would like to try some of that, thankyaverymuch. When it's brought over, he uses major creation to make two spoons. He hands one to Aurora, and takes a taste of his. This is delicious, but...it needs something. He casts another major creation to create finely ground and dried mint leaves, as well as a few fresh ones, and then stirs in the powder while placing the fresh leaves on top for decoration. He takes another bite. Now, that is the best thing I've ever tasted. This...this could be an excellent tool in my rise to power. I will call it...Sir Hallok's Icy Treat! He looks around. Did I never tell you I've been knighted? The queen of some human city was behind it, I recall. Part of some elaborate scheme to get me killed. If only they had realized I could destroy an army of humans, an enormous mob of the gnomes they had enslaved, and a few hundred hired gelatinous cubes with a single spell. He sighs. That was a good day. Sorry if they were related to you, mister pudding, your accordian is truly masterful.

2012-06-25, 08:04 PM
Jack gates all of the rocks to the outer borders of the eighth ring and polymorphs the part of the stones that is just rock into rotten flesh. "Come and get it you Maelephants. I got your nummies."

Eric Scott
2012-06-25, 09:12 PM
Hallok, surprised at the two mighty beings from opposite sides of the alignment spectrum getting along so well, skates with aurora out of the rink, and then sits on one of the benches with her. The lady and I would like to try some of that, thankyaverymuch. When it's brought over, he uses major creation to make two spoons. He hands one to Aurora, and takes a taste of his. This is delicious, but...it needs something. He casts another major creation to create finely ground and dried mint leaves, as well as a few fresh ones, and then stirs in the powder while placing the fresh leaves on top for decoration. He takes another bite. Now, that is the best thing I've ever tasted. This...this could be an excellent tool in my rise to power. I will call it...Sir Hallok's Icy Treat! He looks around. Did I never tell you I've been knighted? The queen of some human city was behind it, I recall. Part of some elaborate scheme to get me killed. If only they had realized I could destroy an army of humans, an enormous mob of the gnomes they had enslaved, and a few hundred hired gelatinous cubes with a single spell. He sighs. That was a good day. Sorry if they were related to you, mister pudding, your accordian is truly masterful.

And so ends the story of how the Devils made Ice Cream, and I believe Nerull once said "It's to DIE for..."

Jack gates all of the rocks to the outer borders of the eighth ring and polymorphs the part of the stones that is just rock into rotten flesh. "Come and get it you Maelephants. I got your nummies."

You manage to polymorph 2 of the rocks... but, the third one, the one with various colours of varying opacity, is polymorphed for only a mere second before it reverts back to its original form...

Sir Rigel
2012-06-25, 10:00 PM
Mentaly:Well... this can not be good...

2012-06-25, 11:37 PM
Hallok turns to the angel and devil. Well, this is simply fantastic. I just might keep the two of you around, maybe even give you a portion of the sales.

Eric Scott
2012-06-26, 10:44 AM
Hallok turns to the angel and devil. Well, this is simply fantastic. I just might keep the two of you around, maybe even give you a portion of the sales.

Well... that sounds like it could be quite lucrative... says the Pit Fiend.

2012-06-26, 09:41 PM
"So Specky what gods are we dealing with."

Sir Rigel
2012-06-26, 10:22 PM
Mentaly: From the looks of things... Pelor, Heironeous, Hextor, and Kurtulmak... *sigh*

2012-06-26, 11:00 PM
"Y...y..yyou don't say" twitching alone his features exploding outward with each twitch his eye becoming bigger than his head ears growing to shade elephants hair matching the size of the tree. "My friend I fear I have a score to settle here I'll be there shortly." Jack take a deep breath drawing my features back in. Than pops back summoning an elemental swarm "Specky get out I have some words to share with them."

The gods can tell when something related to them is about to happen so they all know I'm about to be very impolite.

Jack floats over to the cleric "Make yourself available fellows or I'll have to use your cleric to leave a message." letting the elementals hold on tight to the cleric.

Sir Rigel
2012-06-26, 11:07 PM
Revert back into the little girl and back out slowly

Welp, have fun dealing with my friend here!

Make a mad dash toards the nearest edge of town, while yelling,
and jump...

Jump: [roll0]

And fly as fast as I can, to the other side of the planet

Sir Rigel
2012-06-26, 11:49 PM
(rolling to see how fast I see how ludicrously awesome this is about to get, and to start to find/create popcorn)

[roll0] Hours

2012-06-27, 01:06 AM
Hallok asks Aurora. So, what do you think of it? I think that this S.H.I.T. Could probably earn us a good rep around the planes, but maybe that's just because I've gone so long without good food. Jack has quite a few good qualities, but skill at cooking is not one of them. He then stands up, fabricates a ten foot high, three foot radius barrel, and casts create water enough times to fill it all the way, and then polar ray until it is completely frozen. He then casts telekinesis to remove the barrel, then disintegrate to destroy it. He grins at Aurora. The statue they made seems nice enough, but I believe we should have something a tad more appropriate for this particular night. He then casts major creation to make a chunk of steel, and then uses his own godly power to craft it into a pick in a matter of seconds. He sets to work, chipping away and then smoothing with various, delicately-placed fire spells, until he finishes, making a statue of himself and aurora, both dressed similarly to how they are and intricately detailed, but both wearing elegantly crafted crowns. I'd say it's a fair likeness, eh, darling? There is a certain...satisfaction to working with one's hands. He says this last bit in a suggestive tone, but not blatant enough that it is clear he is trying to speak in such a way, as he flexes his muscles. (He's actually got 28 strength, so they're not exactly invisible).

Craft (Ice Sculptures) (Using Moment of Prescience): [roll0]

Bluff Check (Don't get too worried, not going to get into any real adult scenarios, just trying to keep her interested): [roll1]

Eric Scott
2012-06-27, 06:30 PM
"Y...y..yyou don't say" twitching alone his features exploding outward with each twitch his eye becoming bigger than his head ears growing to shade elephants hair matching the size of the tree. "My friend I fear I have a score to settle here I'll be there shortly." Jack take a deep breath drawing my features back in. Than pops back summoning an elemental swarm "Specky get out I have some words to share with them."

The gods can tell when something related to them is about to happen so they all know I'm about to be very impolite.

Jack floats over to the cleric "Make yourself available fellows or I'll have to use your cleric to leave a message." letting the elementals hold on tight to the cleric.

The temple actually has nothing to do with Kurtulmak, Pelor, Hextor or Heironeous... it just has similarities of their temples...

Could you please set me on the floor... says the cleric, looking very confused...

Hallok asks Aurora. So, what do you think of it? I think that this S.H.I.T. Could probably earn us a good rep around the planes, but maybe that's just because I've gone so long without good food. Jack has quite a few good qualities, but skill at cooking is not one of them. He then stands up, fabricates a ten foot high, three foot radius barrel, and casts create water enough times to fill it all the way, and then polar ray until it is completely frozen. He then casts telekinesis to remove the barrel, then disintegrate to destroy it. He grins at Aurora. The statue they made seems nice enough, but I believe we should have something a tad more appropriate for this particular night. He then casts major creation to make a chunk of steel, and then uses his own godly power to craft it into a pick in a matter of seconds. He sets to work, chipping away and then smoothing with various, delicately-placed fire spells, until he finishes, making a statue of himself and aurora, both dressed similarly to how they are and intricately detailed, but both wearing elegantly crafted crowns. I'd say it's a fair likeness, eh, darling? There is a certain...satisfaction to working with one's hands. He says this last bit in a suggestive tone, but not blatant enough that it is clear he is trying to speak in such a way, as he flexes his muscles. (He's actually got 28 strength, so they're not exactly invisible).

Craft (Ice Sculptures) (Using Moment of Prescience): [roll0]

Bluff Check (Don't get too worried, not going to get into any real adult scenarios, just trying to keep her interested): [roll1]

She blushes quite vividly... her cheeks literally glowing red and radiating heat... Well... that is quite lovely... she says, sounding slightly out of breath.

2012-06-27, 07:06 PM
Hallok walks over to Aurora, softly brushing her cheek with his hand. But nothing... he whispers in her ear, could ever portray your beauty with absolutely perfection.

He contacts Jackabee.So, how are things coming along? If you're not careful, Aurora might forget all about you. He says this last bit in an obviously playful manner.

blade artist
2012-06-27, 07:32 PM
Hmph. She actually know me yet, but then again I am an emotionally distant robot that dosn't know his past.

2012-06-27, 10:30 PM
"Tell me cleric who runs this church so my friend can do battle with them. I was under the impression that Pelor, Heironeous, Hextor and Kurtulmak ran this shindig." Jack snaps his fingers to put the elemental swarm down "You see I kind of want to meet Pelor but it would be rude of me to just pop in for a chat and Heironeous and Hex and I have a history. And me and Kurtulmak well...." Time stop and shifting into the stuff of nightmares that make men question what they cherish. "I would enjoy seeing the little twerp torn molecule from molecule." than I shift back and end time stop. "It's not pretty."

Eric Scott
2012-06-28, 01:11 PM
"Tell me cleric who runs this church so my friend can do battle with them. I was under the impression that Pelor, Heironeous, Hextor and Kurtulmak ran this shindig." Jack snaps his fingers to put the elemental swarm down "You see I kind of want to meet Pelor but it would be rude of me to just pop in for a chat and Heironeous and Hex and I have a history. And me and Kurtulmak well...." Time stop and shifting into the stuff of nightmares that make men question what they cherish. "I would enjoy seeing the little twerp torn molecule from molecule." than I shift back and end time stop. "It's not pretty."

Ah... I see... well, I can assure you that Torqine has nothing to do with any of them... other than similar taste in decor of course...

2012-06-29, 10:38 PM
"Specky it's back to you I'm done caring no Kurtulmak no concern." I drop the cleric and pop off to those rocks.

Sir Rigel
2012-06-29, 11:12 PM
Mentally: oh really phew... so who's the deity in charge?

I'll proceed to fly back to the town...

blade artist
2012-06-30, 10:14 AM
Knack teleports to Magic out of sheer boredom. "So, How's it goin' Magic?"

2012-06-30, 11:57 AM
Jack is Magic, right? If so, why doesn't Hal get a Nickady-name?

2012-06-30, 01:09 PM
(I'm thinking of Magpie for a nickname. You folks game for building those talisman?)

Jack begins to investigate the rocks "Hmm never seen anything like these before." randomly tossing a stone to flesh out on some nearby rocks. Than a gust of wind to spread the smell of rotting flesh.

blade artist
2012-06-30, 02:08 PM
As I understand it, I have some extra xp to use, I think I'll burn off a thousand of it.

teleport back to the city real quick, transmute some ground (outside the city) into sand and cast awaken sand twice (costs 500xp each casting)

Awakened Sand: a huge animated object with the earth subtype, 40 ft. land speed and 20ft burrow speed, engulf with a reflex save based off of strength, amorphous, can speak common, and intelligence, wisdom, and charisma as follows

int [roll0]
wis [roll1]
cha [roll2]

It will actually take me a couple days game time to finish these guys, so tell me when they're done. Until such time, I will just be a little voice in your heads. After finishing one, I will command it to go and construct/protect a temple for me to help my followers. (It will follow my orders, but I actually have to tell it the orders. I have no mystical link that will keep me in touch with my sand)

blade artist
2012-06-30, 02:15 PM
forgot the ability scores for the second one

int [roll0]
wis [roll1]
cha [roll2]

2012-07-01, 06:56 PM
"Well Specky it's some boring god I've never heard of . Hallok if you're done with the lady we have some business to do."

Eric Scott
2012-07-01, 08:24 PM
"Well Specky it's some boring god I've never heard of . Hallok if you're done with the lady we have some business to do."

A man walks in through the door... a man you've seen before... but, do you remember where he was? Or what he said?

2012-07-01, 10:14 PM
A man walks in through the door... a man you've seen before... but, do you remember where he was? Or what he said?

"Salutations thought unthought I welcome your reappearance." Jack takes a bow and tosses down a persistent time stop. Than true seeing and look a little closer.

2012-07-01, 10:58 PM
You can come and get her any time, but let me know when you're about to come over so I can say goodbye first. I think it would look better if it didn't look like I was leaving just so that you could step in.

He then sends a mental message to his three vampires. I have a few tasks for you.... (Not going to list out said tasks, just going to have the vampires do them one by one).

Darius teleports himself, Joe, and Winulhy to Mephistopheles' realm. There, he casts Gate five times to summon five black slaadi. He then casts: Extended Effulgent Epulation, Extended True Seeing, Persistent Telekinesis, Extended Death Ward (On everyone), Mass Mage Armor, Greater Heroism (On everyone) Heroics (On Everyone) Persistent Displacement (On Everyone), Mass Fly, Haste (Everyone) and Scintillating Scales (On Everyone). Then, he creates a gate to the high temple of Lolth, and brings everyone with him. When they arrive, Winulhy and Joe open the doors, weapons brandished, and then walk next to Darius as he strides in pompously with the black slaadi forming a wall behind them. By the decree of Hallok, god of the Drow, we have come to destroy all symbols of Lolth's power, and all who are still foolish enough to worship her. He grins, turning to the others, fangs showing. Let's get to work.

So, what do they see? Are there any clerics of Lolth remaining, any giant statues, spider symbols along the walls, etc?

Sir Rigel
2012-07-02, 04:28 AM
I assume I am back in the city by now... right?

Eric Scott
2012-07-02, 08:31 AM
"Salutations thought unthought I welcome your reappearance." Jack takes a bow and tosses down a persistent time stop. Than true seeing and look a little closer.

It's the man you talked to in Celestia a few pages back...

You can come and get her any time, but let me know when you're about to come over so I can say goodbye first. I think it would look better if it didn't look like I was leaving just so that you could step in.

He then sends a mental message to his three vampires. I have a few tasks for you.... (Not going to list out said tasks, just going to have the vampires do them one by one).

Darius teleports himself, Joe, and Winulhy to Mephistopheles' realm. There, he casts Gate five times to summon five black slaadi. He then casts: Extended Effulgent Epulation, Extended True Seeing, Persistent Telekinesis, Extended Death Ward (On everyone), Mass Mage Armor, Greater Heroism (On everyone) Heroics (On Everyone) Persistent Displacement (On Everyone), Mass Fly, Haste (Everyone) and Scintillating Scales (On Everyone). Then, he creates a gate to the high temple of Lolth, and brings everyone with him. When they arrive, Winulhy and Joe open the doors, weapons brandished, and then walk next to Darius as he strides in pompously with the black slaadi forming a wall behind them. By the decree of Hallok, god of the Drow, we have come to destroy all symbols of Lolth's power, and all who are still foolish enough to worship her. He grins, turning to the others, fangs showing. Let's get to work.

So, what do they see? Are there any clerics of Lolth remaining, any giant statues, spider symbols along the walls, etc?

You find 3 Monsterous Spiders just standing around and 6 Driders... 2 are ripping banners of Lolth off of the walls... 2 are struggling to topple a statue of Lolth that sits in the middle of the room at the far side, then one of the Spiders comes over and helps them topple it... and 2 a surrounding a Cleric of Lolth, saying Your mighty Lolth has fallen... and she shall never rise again... and then slits the Clerics throat... they all then turn to you and bow The mighty Hallok... we have been slaughtering the insolent that believe Lolth still lives... they say they can feel that her presence has not left but, has simply become weaker...

I assume I am back in the city by now... right?

I thought you were joking about leaving... but, I see you were serious. So, yes you are back in the city.

2012-07-02, 10:11 AM
Move back into position. Than end the time stop "Salutations I'm afraid I have strayed away from my mission in the netherworld.My friends and I are in need of more power so we're simply controlling that which we love. We had the intention of convincing the god who ran this town to turn it over to Specky."

2012-07-02, 11:36 AM
Darius grins. Your devotion to Hallok is truly appreciated. If you continue serving him so well, you will certainly be allowed to return to your original forms, if you wish. He turns to the slaadi. You five, serve these people as if they were me, unless for whatever reason they decide to use you against Hallok or any of his allies. Joe, Winulhy, it's time to move on to our next task.

2012-07-02, 12:36 PM
Darius gives one last note before teleporting himself and his compatriots. And if you find the high priestess, capture her and send her to Hallok. If she is already dead, send him her corpse. If she somehow stops you.... He casts telepathic bond and then permanency for one of the driders. Be sure to contact me, and the three of us will take care of her.

The three of them then plane shift to the realm of the most powerful demon prince, Demigorgon. Should they find him without difficulty, Joe takes the lead this time. We come to represent Hallok, the newly arisen god of the Drow. He asks that you supply him with ten thousand shadow demons, bound completely to his service. Should you agree, we will slay the group of pit fiends known as "The Dark Eight," as well as the Archdevil Bel, who are the leading force in the blood war between demons and devils, and ensure that they never return to the world of the living.

Eric Scott
2012-07-02, 02:27 PM
Move back into position. Than end the time stop "Salutations I'm afraid I have strayed away from my mission in the netherworld.My friends and I are in need of more power so we're simply controlling that which we love. We had the intention of convincing the god who ran this town to turn it over to Specky."

I see... well, I'm sorry but, I'm afraid I can not turn over this city to "Specky"...

Darius grins. Your devotion to Hallok is truly appreciated. If you continue serving him so well, you will certainly be allowed to return to your original forms, if you wish. He turns to the slaadi. You five, serve these people as if they were me, unless for whatever reason they decide to use you against Hallok or any of his allies. Joe, Winulhy, it's time to move on to our next task.

The Driders eyes light up, Really? He would do that? it nudges the one beside it, and slightly quieter to it says I told you he would be forgiving...

Darius gives one last note before teleporting himself and his compatriots. And if you find the high priestess, capture her and send her to Hallok. If she is already dead, send him her corpse. If she somehow stops you.... He casts telepathic bond and then permanency for one of the driders. Be sure to contact me, and the three of us will take care of her.

The three of them then plane shift to the realm of the most powerful demon prince, Demigorgon. Should they find him without difficulty, Joe takes the lead this time. We come to represent Hallok, the newly arisen god of the Drow. He asks that you supply him with ten thousand shadow demons, bound completely to his service. Should you agree, we will slay the group of pit fiends known as "The Dark Eight," as well as the Archdevil Bel, who are the leading force in the blood war between demons and devils, and ensure that they never return to the world of the living.

That's quite the offer... but, how about instead only 5 thousand...

2012-07-02, 02:35 PM
"Alright than sir it is yours we'll move on."

2012-07-02, 04:11 PM
Joe smirks. Eight thousand, and he'll give you dominion over Lolth's former realm.

Sir Rigel
2012-07-02, 06:29 PM
Alright, I'll go ahead and morph back into the form I had before

Casually Stroll into the church and, while saying "Oh Hi, I would love to talk to your god for a few moments, if you wouldn't mind." grow A pair of Bull's Horns, Lion's Claws, Sharks Teeth, A Manticore's Tail (complete with Stingers), having my wings change into bat like appendages, Black as ebony, along with the most mennacing face, and body that I can think of, as my voice lowers to just above Hearable by Human Ears. And I'll have my items previously merge slowly grow out of my skin, first the Hewards Handy haversack, so that the four Everdancing Jovars can emerge from there, and float behind me in a half circle 5 feet out and slowly shift genders for that added touch.

Disguise: (Using A thousand Faces)

As soon as that is done, I'll go ahead and draw two of my rapiers, the Sonic and the Electric one and transform the lightning one into a bastard sword, and the sonic one into a Warhammer.

I just want to have a friendly chat.
Mentally: How is that for menacing?

and assuming that there is a skylight, I'll go ahead and divebomb thru it, bracing my self for impact, and using my wings slow my descent after I go thru the skylight

If not, then I'll go ahead and transform back into the little girl form fly down at the doors, and close them again, and then slam them open, and proceed to do my entire entrance again.

Eric Scott
2012-07-03, 12:32 PM
"Alright than sir it is yours we'll move on."

Very well then... if you need any thing, don't hesitate to call...

Joe smirks. Eight thousand, and he'll give you dominion over Lolth's former realm.

Well... as wonderful as spiders are... I'm thinking 6 thousand Lolth's former realm and the rights to sell his frozen milk.

Alright, I'll go ahead and morph back into the form I had before

and assuming that there is a skylight, I'll go ahead and divebomb thru it, bracing my self for impact, and using my wings slow my descent after I go thru the skylight

If not, then I'll go ahead and transform back into the little girl form fly down at the doors, and close them again, and then slam them open, and proceed to do my entire entrance again.

There is a skylight...

Hello there... you must be "Specky"... I must say... that is a very suiting name...

2012-07-03, 01:55 PM
Joe frowns. I'm afraid the frozen milk is off limits. I suppose we'll go back to the earlier offer of five thousand for the devil-slaughter.

Darius gives Joe a look of anger.

2012-07-03, 07:47 PM
"There is but one thing that I want not a need so take you're leave if my wishes are no matter of yours. I wish to meet Pelor I could easily pop there and talk but I'd hate to seem rude if you could kindly ask if we can meet perhaps for tea or lemonade that would be magnificent. Thank you. Also if there are any cities praying to gods you'd rather they didn't let us know we'll pay a visit." Jack humbly bows.

Eric Scott
2012-07-04, 09:23 PM
Joe frowns. I'm afraid the frozen milk is off limits. I suppose we'll go back to the earlier offer of five thousand for the devil-slaughter.

Darius gives Joe a look of anger.

Oh...:smallfrown: but, I'm glad we could come to an agreement... he snaps his fingers, as 5 thousand shadow demons appear kneeling in rows behind Joe... What is your command? they all say in unison. I gave them a bit of a Hivemind... mainly for the sake of ordering them around easier... it also, makes them much more capable in combat and far more intelligent... he says with a fairly large smile on his face.

"There is but one thing that I want not a need so take you're leave if my wishes are no matter of yours. I wish to meet Pelor I could easily pop there and talk but I'd hate to seem rude if you could kindly ask if we can meet perhaps for tea or lemonade that would be magnificent. Thank you. Also if there are any cities praying to gods you'd rather they didn't let us know we'll pay a visit." Jack humbly bows.

I shall see what I can do about Pelor... and as for the other gods... well we can talk about that at a later time... also, I don't believe I caught your name...

2012-07-05, 12:33 AM
Joe smiles. They're perfect. We'll take out those annoying devils for you right now. Darius sighs, and then teleports them all back to the material plane. He begins yelling at Joe for his terrible haggling skills, but eventually quiets down once Joe has his scimitars to the sorcerer's throat. Darius casts discern location and then greater teleport a couple times to gather up Raalzak and Celeste. He then creates a gate to the meeting room of the Dark Eight, the pit fiends who command the devil armies against the demons. A bloodbath ensues. Here are their surprise round actions.

Darius: Cast quickened limited wish (Used to emulate Holy Sword) on Joe's weapons, then casts monstrous thrall one of them and quickened maximized (using rods) disintegrate on another one.

The first must make a DC 78 will save or fall under his control, and the other must make a DC 76 fortitude save or take 240 points of damage (30 on a successful save).

Joe slices in a tornado of steel, moving so fast it is impossible to discern where he will strike. His blades glow bright white and also shine with random colours as they bite into the fiendish flesh.

Initiate Time Stands Still maneuver (granted by magic ring) against the pit fiend next to him. Attacks (note that they are currently holy, and so bypass regeneration, are metalline, and so count as silver at the moment for bypassing DR):


2012-07-05, 12:36 AM
Seven of those are critical threats.

Confirmation rolls and bonus damage:


Prismatic Burst effects:

Edit: So, that means Fort save DC 73 or turn to stone, as well as four more DC 73 fort saves or death (success on each means [roll]1d6 constitution damage) one DC 73 will save or banished to another plane, and 80 points of electricity damage (reflex DC 73 half).

2012-07-05, 12:44 AM
Winulhy: Initiate Strike of Perfect Clarity on the pit fiend nearest him, giving a terrifying blow with his enormous black scythe (also metalline, bypasses DR due to the maneuver).

And [roll2]

Sir Rigel
2012-07-05, 12:45 AM
Oh why thank you, so would you mind telling me more about your deity? ...what ever it's name is?

As I say that, I'll start shifting back into my normal form

I'll also have my (wooden) Jovars start coming out of my bag of holding (inside the haversack) and have them form a relatively nice recliner, while I start to sit on them

2012-07-05, 12:56 AM

The dragon decides to remain in humanoid form for the time being. He releases his breath weapon upon as many of the pit fiends as he can without hurting his allies. Knowing that devils tend to be immune to fire, he instead transmutes his to a combination of electricity and sound, and his breath seems as terrible as a thunderstorm.

Using maximize breath feat and breath weapon admixture spell. The breath weapon does a total of 760 damage (Reflex DC 107 half)

The beautiful aasimar woman prepares to heal her comrades in case they are wounded. She readies an action to cast heal (or harm if it's one of the vampires) on the first person on her party to get badly hurt.

Joe: [roll1]
Winulhy: [roll2]
Raalzak: [roll3]
Celeste: [roll4]

Eric Scott
2012-07-05, 10:33 PM
Oh why thank you, so would you mind telling me more about your deity? ...what ever it's name is?

As I say that, I'll start shifting back into my normal form

I'll also have my (wooden) Jovars start coming out of my bag of holding (inside the haversack) and have them form a relatively nice recliner, while I start to sit on them

Which of the 2 people are you talking to?


The dragon decides to remain in humanoid form for the time being. He releases his breath weapon upon as many of the pit fiends as he can without hurting his allies. Knowing that devils tend to be immune to fire, he instead transmutes his to a combination of electricity and sound, and his breath seems as terrible as a thunderstorm.

Using maximize breath feat and breath weapon admixture spell. The breath weapon does a total of 760 damage (Reflex DC 107 half)

The beautiful aasimar woman prepares to heal her comrades in case they are wounded. She readies an action to cast heal (or harm if it's one of the vampires) on the first person on her party to get badly hurt.

Joe: [roll1]
Winulhy: [roll2]
Raalzak: [roll3]
Celeste: [roll4]

The air in the room is red... it is a little hard to breath with so much blood in the air, in fact you are almost drowning in it... but, after the blood settles, disperses or what have you... you see a red room with no signs of intelligent life...

Sir Rigel
2012-07-05, 10:38 PM
I'll go ahead and direct that to whomever was not their before (I.E. The Not familiar face)

2012-07-05, 11:19 PM
"Name's Jack the coward, master mage of the dead city.That is what my people rightfully call me for my sins against the world."

Eric Scott
2012-07-06, 12:04 PM
I'll go ahead and direct that to whomever was not their before (I.E. The Not familiar face)


I am the deity... and my name is Torqine.

"Name's Jack the coward, master mage of the dead city.That is what my people rightfully call me for my sins against the world."

Jack... well, I can assure you that I will not for get that name...

2012-07-06, 12:23 PM
The vampires begin to lick the blood from the floor, walls, ceiling, and furniture. A job well done, lads. Now, let's deal with Bel; worry not, he's said to be the weakest of all archfiends, barely stronger than a pit.

Darius binds the souls of every one of the Dark Eight.

Sir Rigel
2012-07-06, 01:12 PM
Oh it's a pleasure to meet you then! My name is Myrddin, but my friends call me Specky. As you probably heard, my friends like to do some crazy things, kill gods and the like.... but I don't want to do that here today, if it can be avoided. Instead, I would like to do things as diplomatically as possible. So, first thing first, would you mind telling me a little bit about your self Torquine?

I'll Have The Jovars form a circle, so that way Torquine, and his cleric can sit.

Mentally:...Uh guys... I am talking with Torquine at the moment... I am going to try diplomacy with him first... Which I think may be likely to break down...

2012-07-06, 03:15 PM
Well, just call if you need some help with either the diplomacy or the deicide- I'm told I'm excellent at both.

Sir Rigel
2012-07-06, 05:59 PM
Mentally:Well, I am sure you could provide help Hallok, but There might be a chance that this private line, isn't so private isn't that right Torquine?

2012-07-06, 11:27 PM
"Although destruction and death seem to follow us like shadows I actually like this one I'd prefer we didn't kill this one. We should only use violence when it's necessary. "

Eric Scott
2012-07-07, 08:58 AM
Oh it's a pleasure to meet you then! My name is Myrddin, but my friends call me Specky. As you probably heard, my friends like to do some crazy things, kill gods and the like.... but I don't want to do that here today, if it can be avoided. Instead, I would like to do things as diplomatically as possible. So, first thing first, would you mind telling me a little bit about your self Torquine?

I'll Have The Jovars form a circle, so that way Torquine, and his cleric can sit.

Mentally:...Uh guys... I am talking with Torquine at the moment... I am going to try diplomacy with him first... Which I think may be likely to break down...

Well... do you want the long or the short?

Well, just call if you need some help with either the diplomacy or the deicide- I'm told I'm excellent at both.

Mentally:Well, I am sure you could provide help Hallok, but There might be a chance that this private line, isn't so private isn't that right Torquine?

Mentally: I must say... I saw what Hallok did to Lolth... I'm quite impressed, I thought all Drow lacked any ambitions except to slay their above ground brethren.

"Although destruction and death seem to follow us like shadows I actually like this one I'd prefer we didn't kill this one. We should only use violence when it's necessary. "

This... This is why I offered to help you... because you are a mildly reasonable person... who I might add, reminds me a bit of myself.

2012-07-07, 11:32 AM
If it were possible to bare one's teeth mentally, Hallok would be doing it. I...thank you. Believe me, I have no intention of fighting the surface elves, unless they refuse to make peace.

Eric Scott
2012-07-07, 12:22 PM
If it were possible to bare one's teeth mentally, Hallok would be doing it. I...thank you. Believe me, I have no intention of fighting the surface elves, unless they refuse to make peace.

Oh calm down... the only reason the Drow ever wanted to do that is because of Lolth... and now that she is out of the way... well, I look forward to a "blinding" new future... he chuckles slightly, get it? Drow are temporarily blinded by sunlight which is bright... and the usual statement is 'a bright new future'... I understand if you don't get it... Drow are a little "dull"... he laughs a little harder, Because colors appear more dull in darkness such as that found in the Underdark... Which reminds me... if you all hardly ever come out into the sun, wouldn't that make you bones brittle and there for make you weak... therefore, allowing other races to view you as a weak race...

Sir Rigel
2012-07-07, 12:35 PM
Alright, I'll take the long version if you wouldn't mind.

Mentally: Interesting... I was guessing a god might end up doing this at some point, well, to be polite, I'll let you decide which matter of communication you would prefer.

2012-07-07, 01:40 PM
"Hallok you`re a flying purple elephant with red stripes who shoots mud.. Sir I have a mighty proposition for you pick a group of people that you wish to worship within reason and we`ll make them follow you and in return you give ownership of the city and its followers to Specky."

Eric Scott
2012-07-07, 07:21 PM
Alright, I'll take the long version if you wouldn't mind.

Mentally: Interesting... I was guessing a god might end up doing this at some point, well, to be polite, I'll let you decide which matter of communication you would prefer.

Ah... well, I'm glad you're sitting because this could take awhile... My father was a prostitute and my mother was a farmer... my childhood was "interesting" to say the least... when I was 6 my mother got tired of father sleeping with other men and the farm animals so, she decided to kill him... she immediately regretted the decision but, I assured her that she made the right choice... later, when I was 15 I believe it was, I became quite interested in why the gods are the way they are so, I began researching them, going to churches everyday for 2 years... none of the gods actually had anything about them that I likefigured I figured, it the gods get their power from their followers, if I get enough people to follow me perhaps I could become a God someday... I worked for 42 years gathering people to follow my cause and helping out any dragon that could use it, sadly in all my time researching I missed out on the part of where I needed a divine spark in order to become a deity... later yet, when I was 74, I got sick and was nearing death when all those that were following me went out to ask all those who I had helped if they could help me... none of the clerics could help me and neither could any of the dragons... eventually, I passed away... I then opened my eyes to find myself standing surrounded by the gods... each one voiced that they had something they liked about me but, also had something they disliked about me... none could decide who's plane I should remain on for all of eternity, they began arguing... I eventually became annoyed by there arguing and told them all to shut up... none of them liked that and they all went to attack me... but, they all stopped, why you may ask... because the might Io God of all dragons and lord of the gods came to my rescue... Io said that he was surprised that a mortal would talk in such away to a god, let alone all of the gods at once... he was also amazed by how selfless I was to devote my life to learning about a greater power and my quest to help any who needed it on my quest for godhood... he asked me if I wanted to be alive again to continue on my quest to become a deity... I asked him if he could give me any one other thing instead... he said that that was fine all while having a smile on his face because he knew what I would ask for... so I asked him to give me a divine spark... and, well, seeing as I am the deity of this fine city today, I think you can guess what the answer was... anyway, after getting myself a divine spark I went back to where my dead body was, it no longer there, and a few of my followers had a hard time believing that I was a deity... so, I proved to them that I was... by creating a mountain... the rest you can find written in a book in the town library. Now that was my life story... as for actual things about me, I am a deity by vocation but, I am also whatever kind of worker is needed... blacksmith, city guard, butcher, farmer, hunter... anything... but, I have follower almost every where... of various races too.

"Hallok you`re a flying purple elephant with red stripes who shoots mud.. Sir I have a mighty proposition for you pick a group of people that you wish to worship within reason and we`ll make them follow you and in return you give ownership of the city and its followers to Specky."

If Myrddin really wants to have this city and take care of the civilians numerous daily needs... I suppose I can let him have it... I can't guarantee that all of them will follow him but, I can tell them that I'm handing the city over to him and that any who worship me should now worship him but that they are not being forced to...

2012-07-07, 07:54 PM
You're comedic talent is truly sublime, sir. I can assure you, the drow have no need of sunlight to sustain ourselves, and you'll find us as strong as anyone else; I have a few friends who could teach you that easily, and indeed, it seems they have just taught it to a certain eight fiends. Now, I have other pressing matters at hand. I suggest you only contact me if it's completely necessary.

Sir Rigel
2012-07-07, 08:00 PM
Well, to be frank, I am not the deity that this city deserves.

I am however the one that it wants, or at least did want. I am the kind of person who would only intervene with something if, let's say, one of the mad-boys in the asylum figures out the secret to crashing this city, into the earth; Or if a wizard starts messing around with Corrupt positive energy, and accidentally attracting the attention of an elder god in the process.

In short, I don't want to, nor will I, push the people any more than I need to to make sure that this city is still running. Hell, the way I did my job back in the day was by Intrigue and Trickery.

I don't even want complete control over the city; Hell, just add me to the worship rituals of the city. I just want to make sure that this place is still here, until the stars grow dark, and cold.

2012-07-07, 08:25 PM
With the dream team around, it could be a matter of hours until that happens. :smallcool:

Eric Scott
2012-07-07, 08:30 PM
You're comedic talent is truly sublime, sir. I can assure you, the drow have no need of sunlight to sustain ourselves, and you'll find us as strong as anyone else; I have a few friends who could teach you that easily, and indeed, it seems they have just taught it to a certain eight fiends. Now, I have other pressing matters at hand. I suggest you only contact me if it's completely necessary.

Did they now? Are you sure that it was in fact them?

Well, to be frank, I am not the deity that this city deserves.

I am however the one that it wants, or at least did want. I am the kind of person who would only intervene with something if, let's say, one of the mad-boys in the asylum figures out the secret to crashing this city, into the earth; Or if a wizard starts messing around with Corrupt positive energy, and accidentally attracting the attention of an elder god in the process.

In short, I don't want to, nor will I, push the people any more than I need to to make sure that this city is still running. Hell, the way I did my job back in the day was by Intrigue and Trickery.

I don't even want complete control over the city; Hell, just add me to the worship rituals of the city. I just want to make sure that this place is still here, until the stars grow dark, and cold.

Very well then, I shall ask the people of this city to not just worship me but, to worship you as well...

2012-07-07, 09:00 PM
Unsure whether the other god is chiding him, or honestly suspicious, Hallok replies. Who else would it be?

Eric Scott
2012-07-08, 08:08 AM
Unsure whether the other god is chiding him, or honestly suspicious, Hallok replies. Who else would it be?

For all you know they could have killed a bunch of puppies...

2012-07-08, 09:38 AM
"Speaking of which" Jack shifts to provide the puppies with more air "There's a orc who works at city hall who's been eating these puppies."

2012-07-08, 10:00 AM
For all you know they could have killed a bunch of puppies...

The drow in question are bound to me by necromantic magic. They would be incapable of even considering such deception.

Eric Scott
2012-07-08, 02:11 PM
"Speaking of which" Jack shifts to provide the puppies with more air "There's a orc who works at city hall who's been eating these puppies."

Oh... that must've been Gerard... I told him countless times that puppies are low in nutrients...

The drow in question are bound to me by necromantic magic. They would be incapable of even considering such deception.

I'm not questioning their loyalty... but, did they even look before they began killing?

2012-07-09, 02:49 PM
Hallok sighs. If it matters so much to you, I'll find it out. He contacts his vampires, making sure that they are certain of who they just killed (they would probably be able to tell by the taste of the blood).

Eric Scott
2012-07-09, 09:56 PM
Hallok sighs. If it matters so much to you, I'll find it out. He contacts his vampires, making sure that they are certain of who they just killed (they would probably be able to tell by the taste of the blood).

They killed at least: one Pit Fiend, one Barbed Devil, one Bearded Devil, one Chain Devil, and a couple Imps...

2012-07-10, 01:16 AM
Hallok groans, and begins a long mental rant at his vampires. He then thanks the god for warning him, and uses his godly power to try to determine where the Dark Eight are.

Sir Rigel
2012-07-10, 02:45 AM
So then, Torquine,
I'll Pull out the bottle of Alcohol
Would you like a drink?
I'll turn to face the cleric
and would you like one too?

blade artist
2012-07-10, 09:04 AM
Knack pops in unanounced
"Sorry, I was a bit bored out there, alone... So I would like a drink, myself, but I can't digest anything. Hello Torqine, it is a pleasure to meet you."

Eric Scott
2012-07-10, 01:30 PM
Hallok groans, and begins a long mental rant at his vampires. He then thanks the god for warning him, and uses his godly power to try to determine where the Dark Eight are.

They are currently scattered out across a couple planes...

So then, Torquine,
I'll Pull out the bottle of Alcohol
Would you like a drink?
I'll turn to face the cleric
and would you like one too?

Well, that depends... what are we drinking? says the cleric.

Eric Scott
2012-07-10, 01:36 PM
Knack pops in unanounced
"Sorry, I was a bit bored out there, alone... So I would like a drink, myself, but I can't digest anything. Hello Torqine, it is a pleasure to meet you."

If you want I can make it so that you can digest things... although, it might have a few drawbacks... and hello.

2012-07-10, 02:05 PM
"That won't be necessary but we do require some things. I'm looking to create an artifact that can undo the things I create and recreate them at the flip of a switch. For example I turn Knick Knack into a man and he wears the belt he turns a knob or pushes a button and he's back to Knick Knack he pushes it again and back to man. Not something to make the changes permanent but something that would reserve the changes I made until I turn something into something else. You see I have a vast amount of cohorts and to be able to not jump back and forth between them all. If you could show me the way to actually make artifacts would be amazing."

2012-07-10, 02:28 PM
Hallok groans in annoyance once again. He casts persistent time stop, and then gates in eighty solar angels. He sends ten to kill each of the dark eight, and casts telepathic bond on each.

2012-07-10, 04:05 PM
"Torqine I must speak with my crew and some privacy would be appreciated for a moment I'll signal you when we're done."

Eric Scott
2012-07-10, 06:01 PM
"That won't be necessary but we do require some things. I'm looking to create an artifact that can undo the things I create and recreate them at the flip of a switch. For example I turn Knick Knack into a man and he wears the belt he turns a knob or pushes a button and he's back to Knick Knack he pushes it again and back to man. Not something to make the changes permanent but something that would reserve the changes I made until I turn something into something else. You see I have a vast amount of cohorts and to be able to not jump back and forth between them all. If you could show me the way to actually make artifacts would be amazing."

Ah... I suppose I could show you... he puts a hand into his pocket and pulls something out, then his hands move so fast you can't make out the details of what he is doing... then he holds out a hand holding a belt. And there... it's that easy... he says, a single bead of sweat rolling down his forehead.

Hallok groans in annoyance once again. He casts persistent time stop, and then gates in eighty solar angels. He sends ten to kill each of the dark eight, and casts telepathic bond on each.

That works quite effectively...

Eric Scott
2012-07-10, 06:03 PM
"Torqine I must speak with my crew and some privacy would be appreciated for a moment I'll signal you when we're done."

Of course... he says.

2012-07-10, 06:35 PM
Hallok tells his vampires. I really would have thought that three of the most powerful drow of all time, made only stronger by my magic, could handle this task better than a rabble of angels. I'll give you a second chance, though. Go and kill Bel, and please, look before you destroy this time. I also want you to leave Raalzak and Celeste behind. If you can't handle this on your own, I hardly see why I'm keeping you around.

Tempted to argue, bun unable due to their inability to oppose Hallok in any way, the vampires plot their assault. Darius scries the Lord of the First, while Joe puts on his extra Ring of the Diamond Mind.

2012-07-10, 06:54 PM
"Torqine is a goody goody who we ought to tie down drain his spark than burn all that he loves to the ground. Hallok whatever you're up to with the dark eight make sure you bring me their hides."

2012-07-10, 07:02 PM
Hallok laughs. Jack, if I had killed every god I find obnoxious, I think that the four of us might be the only ones who remained. Hey...that's not a bad idea.... I'm all for the spark-taking- perhaps we could give this one to Aurora- she'd make a fine goddess of the elves, don't you think? Also, you may have four of the hides. I'd like to make the others into a suit of armor and cape for myself. He orders his angels to collect the hides and bring four of them to Jack, and to hold onto the other four until we was finished with Aurora.

While this is happening, he creates a couple of fancy tropical drinks for himself and Aurora, and fabricates a set of pan pipes, which he begins to play, despite never having learned how- it seems his innate charm somehow makes it work.

Odd, isn't it? I'm just so charismatic, I can perform in any sort of way without any training, and still be better than those who have spent their lives devoted to music.

Perform (wind instruments) check: [roll0]

2012-07-10, 07:15 PM
"I just need a bit of their hides for a spell component just give me a little bit of all of them and I can be fine."

2012-07-10, 07:21 PM
Hallok does so. I don't suppose you plan on bringing them back and making them your slaves?

2012-07-10, 07:43 PM
"Something to that effect. "

Eric Scott
2012-07-10, 10:11 PM
"Torqine is a goody goody who we ought to tie down drain his spark than burn all that he loves to the ground. Hallok whatever you're up to with the dark eight make sure you bring me their hides."

Torqine is in fact True Neutral... hence, why he is willing to help you rather than kill you...

Hallok laughs. Jack, if I had killed every god I find obnoxious, I think that the four of us might be the only ones who remained. Hey...that's not a bad idea.... I'm all for the spark-taking- perhaps we could give this one to Aurora- she'd make a fine goddess of the elves, don't you think? Also, you may have four of the hides. I'd like to make the others into a suit of armor and cape for myself. He orders his angels to collect the hides and bring four of them to Jack, and to hold onto the other four until we was finished with Aurora.

While this is happening, he creates a couple of fancy tropical drinks for himself and Aurora, and fabricates a set of pan pipes, which he begins to play, despite never having learned how- it seems his innate charm somehow makes it work.

Odd, isn't it? I'm just so charismatic, I can perform in any sort of way without any training, and still be better than those who have spent their lives devoted to music.

Perform (wind instruments) check: [roll0]

Yeah, some say Charisma is a dump stat... then they meet a barbarian with a higher Cha than Str or Con... and they get intimidated into jumping off a cliff...

2012-07-11, 08:31 AM
If I ain't mistaken my charisma is what let us tame Aurora and bring her under our power (along with one doozy of a spell) my charisma and connivingness is my most powerful skill drop me down as a level 1 peasant and I might reach the same goals I have now.

Jack speaks instead of thinks "I don't suppose you could create another belt a might bit slower so I could follow along you were moving much to fast for me to follow perhaps I could speed myself up as you work to compensate time wise."

Sir Rigel
2012-07-11, 07:43 PM
Well, that depends... what are we drinking? says the cleric.

I never got the name of it... All I know is it's Really freaking good, and really expensive.

blade artist
2012-07-12, 10:00 AM
"Is it green?"

Eric Scott
2012-07-12, 12:47 PM
If I ain't mistaken my charisma is what let us tame Aurora and bring her under our power (along with one doozy of a spell) my charisma and connivingness is my most powerful skill drop me down as a level 1 peasant and I might reach the same goals I have now.

Jack speaks instead of thinks "I don't suppose you could create another belt a might bit slower so I could follow along you were moving much to fast for me to follow perhaps I could speed myself up as you work to compensate time wise."

I suppose I could slow it down... but, do you have 30 years to wait for the finished product?

I never got the name of it... All I know is it's Really freaking good, and really expensive.

Well... in that case, sure. says the cleric.

blade artist
2012-07-12, 01:47 PM
Hey Magic, I'm interested in that rock you couldn't transmute. Can you show me where it is?

Sir Rigel
2012-07-12, 04:07 PM
Well alrighty then! Let me see... Hmm, I do not appear to have any glasses, I'll be right back ...

I'll immediately after saying so, fly up thru the broken skylight, and towards the nearest glassblower/antique shop, and then set down, and ask the nearest employee
Hi there, I'm in kinda a rush, I need the finest glassware that you can provide, I am entertaining ... an important guest.

2012-07-12, 08:11 PM
"You know I think I have about twenty different ways of actually making glasses." Jack shifts into a cup about his size "I'll be sure to take you to that rock in a bit first I have some business to deal with." Jack shifts back and coughs up the pomeranians "For my next trick eagles.heh heh" I fire out a quick couple of polymorph any objects to turn them into large sized pomeranians. "Excuse me I have to deal with someone very quickly." he says petting one of the scared pups. Than he persistent time stops to charge his spells and prepare for the new day than walks to city hall during the time stop and goes behind the orc hands right around his temple "Alter memories" than changes his past so he's made physically ill at the sight of people eating meat and believes he's forever been a vegetarian and that he's dreamed of running a puppy mill and that now is the time to put it in action. Than teleport back.

Eric Scott
2012-07-12, 11:09 PM
Well alrighty then! Let me see... Hmm, I do not appear to have any glasses, I'll be right back ...

I'll immediately after saying so, fly up thru the broken skylight, and towards the nearest glassblower/antique shop, and then set down, and ask the nearest employee
Hi there, I'm in kinda a rush, I need the finest glassware that you can provide, I am entertaining ... an important guest.

Take your time... says Torqine as you leave.

Certainly... says the Glassblower as he quickly, yet carefully grabs a few of the finest glasses in the shop... Here you go... and since your in a rush, you can pay for them later... he says.

"You know I think I have about twenty different ways of actually making glasses." Jack shifts into a cup about his size "I'll be sure to take you to that rock in a bit first I have some business to deal with." Jack shifts back and coughs up the pomeranians "For my next trick eagles.heh heh" I fire out a quick couple of polymorph any objects to turn them into large sized pomeranians. "Excuse me I have to deal with someone very quickly." he says petting one of the scared pups. Than he persistent time stops to charge his spells and prepare for the new day than walks to city hall during the time stop and goes behind the orc hands right around his temple "Alter memories" than changes his past so he's made physically ill at the sight of people eating meat and believes he's forever been a vegetarian and that he's dreamed of running a puppy mill and that now is the time to put it in action. Than teleport back.

Forgive me if I'm wrong... but, is that a glint of good I see?

2012-07-12, 11:12 PM
While all this is happening, and Hallok is busy making out with his elven sweetheart, Darius, Joe, and Winulhy teleport a few feet away from the archdevil Bel. Should he be there, Darius casts true seeing while Winulhy speaks. We come as...messengers.

2012-07-12, 11:14 PM
Certainly... says the Glassblower as he quickly, yet carefully grabs a few of the finest glasses in the shop... Here you go... and since your in a rush, you can pay for them later... he says.

This is known as "how to entrepreneur."

2012-07-12, 11:21 PM
Forgive me if I'm wrong... but, is that a glint of good I see?

(Please baby I'm true neutral and I really love dogs. Second the guys running the nine rings ain't immune to mind control. I'd much rather rewrite their brains so they'll do whatever we feel like.)

"Alright Torqine do that trick again but we need some quick details dealt with." Jack casts Slow on Torqine. "Alright I'm going to say go and when I do start building another belt."

Sir Rigel
2012-07-13, 10:39 AM
Grabbing the glasses, I'll gently put them in my bag of holding ...
and I'll bolt out the door, flying back to the church, and start poring drinks for myself, the priest, Torquine, and Jack.

2012-07-13, 12:52 PM
"My thanks although I do not drink. In fact I don't think any of us need to drink anymore." Jack says with a cup where his head should be.

Eric Scott
2012-07-13, 02:14 PM
While all this is happening, and Hallok is busy making out with his elven sweetheart, Darius, Joe, and Winulhy teleport a few feet away from the archdevil Bel. Should he be there, Darius casts true seeing while Winulhy speaks. We come as...messengers.

He is there...

Well... I would assume that means you have a message. So... What is the message? as he says that, the air begins going a slightly hazy pinkish purple that is hardly visible...

(Please baby I'm true neutral and I really love dogs. Second the guys running the nine rings ain't immune to mind control. I'd much rather rewrite their brains so they'll do whatever we feel like.)

"Alright Torqine do that trick again but we need some quick details dealt with." Jack casts Slow on Torqine. "Alright I'm going to say go and when I do start building another belt."

Sure... I... suppose... I... could... do... it... again... a... little... slower... he says, intentionally slowing himself further...

Grabbing the glasses, I'll gently put them in my bag of holding ...
and I'll bolt out the door, flying back to the church, and start pouring drinks for myself, the priest, Torquine, and Jack.

The cleric takes a glass... Torqine is preparing to craft another artifact...

2012-07-13, 02:31 PM
"Alright on the count of three start building 1 2 3. As he says three he casts time stop.

Eric Scott
2012-07-14, 03:07 PM
Ok... he begins again... and does something that I'm too lazy to describe but, you get a good clear view of it.

2012-07-14, 05:22 PM
"Righteous I've now got two belts and the power to make more.Jack throws one on Tin man and Specky than casts polymorph any object to make Tin Man human and Specky four times as big. "Press the buttons see what happens."

Sir Rigel
2012-07-14, 06:14 PM




blade artist
2012-07-14, 08:08 PM
"Was that really necessary? I prefer being a construct." Knack presses the button.

2012-07-14, 09:09 PM
"Yes it was necessary I had to test it somehow." Jack takes the belts back."Torqine although I have enjoyed are time together I don't think we should work and drink at the same time. We have a fishing trip we intend to go on in a short time if you're interested but as for now we must be off to work."

Sir Rigel
2012-07-14, 09:25 PM
Mentally: For the record, this isn't really that conclusive of a test...

2012-07-14, 09:40 PM
"Pretty fun though I'll run more tests." Jack hands them the belts. "Those will be for you I'll go whip up some more just test them out a little alright."

Eric Scott
2012-07-14, 10:54 PM
"Yes it was necessary I had to test it somehow." Jack takes the belts back."Torqine although I have enjoyed are time together I don't think we should work and drink at the same time. We have a fishing trip we intend to go on in a short time if you're interested but as for now we must be off to work."

Ah... Fishing, i might have to take you up on that offer. And, I completely understand... you must have a lot of work ahead of you.

Sir Rigel
2012-07-15, 12:37 AM
You know what Jack, before you go, hit me with another polymorph spell, I need to show you something.

2012-07-15, 09:15 AM
Jack hits him with another polymorph to make him look like torqine.

Sir Rigel
2012-07-15, 01:00 PM
I Resist it
(Auto succeeded due to Evershifting form)

2012-07-15, 07:34 PM
(I always thought of that as being able to just shift out of whatever you turn into.)

"Oh that is simply disgusting someone being mostly immune to my spells. Yuck"Jack casts another polymorph any object beneath his feet to make a ditch full of vodka. "Mostly immune. Now c'mon we've got some work to do." Jack readies a teleport whenever they grab his hands.

2012-07-15, 10:53 PM
We come in the name of Demogorgon, who will be lord of Hell. he smiles, fangs glinting in the light. And here is our message.

Oooooooh how I love surprise rounds!

Darius: Cast readied dimension door to teleport Joe next to Bel, quickened haste on all three of them, quickened limited wish (holy sword) on Joe's scimitars, and Enhanced Intensified Bull's Strength on Joe (Increases to +15).

Winulhy: War Master's Charge (Used only for Joe)

Spotlight on Joe:

The vampire positions himself like a predator, glaring hungrily at the devil lord. He stands in front of his allies, who channel their magic to empower him. He laughs, a harsh, shrill laugh, but there is no laughter in his blood-red eyes, only cold, dark hunger. He holds his curved swords- forged by himself in the traditional drow style, with handles carved from the bones of an angel and a demon, wrapped in the sinew of a surface elf who slighted him, and blades of shining silver, that shimmer with celestial brilliance, colours dancing across the metal. With Darius' final spell, the blades begin to glow with stolen holy magic, giving off a pearly white light. Winulhy raises his scythe and bellows a battle cry. Ib'ahalii ulu l' detholusin dazzan, ori'gato udossta barra mylthar l' tresk'rin!

Joe surges forward, moved by the words. His red cloak billows behind him as the light from his swords reflects from his fine mithril armor, trimmed with gold and coated in the blood of devils. He whips around, his scimitars biting into the archdevil's profane flesh, and, silent and graceful as a wild cat, swings again and again, until his blows become a constant rhythm, a sweet and terrible song of death. Time seems to slow, and all in the room are unable to move, only to stare at the beauty of the warrior, as he slashes and twirls and sings his song of blood and suffering.

There are so many attack rolls, I'ma need a spoiler!

Okay, here's the deal. Joe has the Dire Charge feat, so the War Master's Charge (which provokes no attack of opportunity) is a full attack. In addition, Joe uses his Ring of the Diamond Mind, which allows him to use the Time Stands Still maneuver, and then uses his belt of battle to gain another full-round action, with which he uses his other ring other RotDM. So, here are all those attacks. (Again, they bypass DR and Regeneration)





EDIT: Forgot to account for the Bull's Strength for damage. Every attack does 8 more damage than it says.

Bel needs to make a DC 15 fortitude save for massive damage.

2012-07-15, 10:57 PM
Dang it I wanted him alive I wanted to mess with them. Oh well I've got something planned for the other seven.

2012-07-15, 11:04 PM
Well, you can always bring him back. Keep in mind that Joe might be mad at you, though- although it's not like Hallok will let him hurt you...much.

Yeah, I decided not to bother with especially complex plans for Demogorgon, Bel, and the Dark Eight. Even though I killed Mephistopheles, I will still be able to use him for all manner of purposes.

2012-07-16, 07:12 AM
Well, you can always bring him back. Keep in mind that Joe might be mad at you, though- although it's not like Hallok will let him hurt you...much.

Yeah, I decided not to bother with especially complex plans for Demogorgon, Bel, and the Dark Eight. Even though I killed Mephistopheles, I will still be able to use him for all manner of purposes.

I'm all for some run gun blasting but might I ask how we're to get power over the first ring to Knick Knack?

Eric Scott
2012-07-16, 08:11 AM
We come in the name of Demogorgon, who will be lord of Hell. he smiles, fangs glinting in the light. And here is our message.

Oooooooh how I love surprise rounds!

Darius: Cast readied dimension door to teleport Joe next to Bel, quickened haste on all three of them, quickened limited wish (holy sword) on Joe's scimitars, and Enhanced Intensified Bull's Strength on Joe (Increases to +15).

Winulhy: War Master's Charge (Used only for Joe)

Spotlight on Joe:

The vampire positions himself like a predator, glaring hungrily at the devil lord. He stands in front of his allies, who channel their magic to empower him. He laughs, a harsh, shrill laugh, but there is no laughter in his blood-red eyes, only cold, dark hunger. He holds his curved swords- forged by himself in the traditional drow style, with handles carved from the bones of an angel and a demon, wrapped in the sinew of a surface elf who slighted him, and blades of shining silver, that shimmer with celestial brilliance, colours dancing across the metal. With Darius' final spell, the blades begin to glow with stolen holy magic, giving off a pearly white light. Winulhy raises his scythe and bellows a battle cry. Ib'ahalii ulu l' detholusin dazzan, ori'gato udossta barra mylthar l' tresk'rin!

Joe surges forward, moved by the words. His red cloak billows behind him as the light from his swords reflects from his fine mithril armor, trimmed with gold and coated in the blood of devils. He whips around, his scimitars biting into the archdevil's profane flesh, and, silent and graceful as a wild cat, swings again and again, until his blows become a constant rhythm, a sweet and terrible song of death. Time seems to slow, and all in the room are unable to move, only to stare at the beauty of the warrior, as he slashes and twirls and sings his song of blood and suffering.

There are so many attack rolls, I'ma need a spoiler!

Okay, here's the deal. Joe has the Dire Charge feat, so the War Master's Charge (which provokes no attack of opportunity) is a full attack. In addition, Joe uses his Ring of the Diamond Mind, which allows him to use the Time Stands Still maneuver, and then uses his belt of battle to gain another full-round action, with which he uses his other ring other RotDM. So, here are all those attacks. (Again, they bypass DR and Regeneration)





EDIT: Forgot to account for the Bull's Strength for damage. Every attack does 8 more damage than it says.

Bel needs to make a DC 15 fortitude save for massive damage.

1) Antimagic Field...

2) [roll0]

blade artist
2012-07-16, 10:40 AM
Make 'em all half golems? They would be under my portfolio then, sort of.

edit: Although, they would then all be immune to magic... Stone and clay half golems, I can deal with those easily.

2012-07-16, 11:09 AM
1) Antimagic Field...

2) [roll0]


'Fraid not. Myself, my Vampires, my Cohort and My Little Dragon were all part of my last epic spell, which makes one immune to antimagic field, antimagic ray, all dispel and disjunction spells, true seeing/see invisibility/invisibility purge/arcane sight, and all 0 and 1st-level spells.

Sorry to burst your bubble. :smallyuk:

2012-07-16, 11:25 AM

'Fraid not. Myself, my Vampires, my Cohort and My Little Dragon were all part of my last epic spell, which makes one immune to antimagic field, antimagic ray, all dispel and disjunction spells, true seeing/see invisibility/invisibility purge/arcane sight, and all 0 and 1st-level spells.

Sorry to burst your bubble. :smallyuk:

Probably should've told him he ain't allowed to have that one. Not to stab you in the back man but those epic spells are a bit ridiculous. I mean now that we're gods we're actually immune to antimagic field but to make our little cohorts immune borders on overpowered. Perhaps change that spell that gives you a super bonus into one that lets spells stack a couple of times or something instead of getting an instant 103 to everything. I do like Hallok as a character and I feel him and Jack have a real yin yang thing going with Hallok being angry on the outside but room to be a good guy on the inside with Jack being generally kind and nice on the outside and downright horrifying when he wants to be but these spells do make you the problem solver. Specky and Knick Knack have hardly gotten to solve a issue. The battle strategies usually ends up as Specky turns into something menacing Knick Knack preps his psionics I talk to it for a second than you obliterate it. I'm doing my best to dial myself back and just screw around and it's fine if you want to go on with the power just saying it's bit much.

2012-07-16, 11:47 AM
Well, in my opinion, spells like True Seeing and Antimagic Field are seriously overpowered, particularly the latter. Having a spell that can make every single trick I have up my sleeve, as well as all the spells I already cast, and all my magic items, completely useless is worth getting rid of to the greatest extent possible, to me, anyway.

EDIT: I will try to cool down on the epic spellcasting, though. When I DM, I always put huge restrictions on it, and I kind of feel bad to have taken advantage of the fact that there are no such restrictions here. And I have been trying to give Specky and Knick more of an opportunity for glory, though so far, the only way I've done that successfully has been by not being there at all, or by purposely losing.

EDIT II: I do think that it might make sense to restrict our deific SLA's to a certain extent. Being able to Gate at will means I could theoretically conjure up every outsider in the multiverse, provided I could cast enough persistent time stops- and those are the other issue. Being able to essentially do whatever you want for 24 hours without anyone else doing a thing is perhaps the most gamebreaking thing ever. We might want to change it so that that can only be done once per day, or only with a wish spell, or just ban it outright.

Again, I apologize about taking advantage of Eric's leniency, and for outshining everyone else sometimes. I suppose I just have something of an addiction to flare/optimization sometimes. Perhaps in the future, I'll focus a bit more as a master of buffs, and only pull out the big guns when it's really necessary, or when it's for my own personal goals, and has nothing to do with the rest of the party. :smallbiggrin:

A Third Edit for Good Measure: And as far as how to roleplay Hallok cooling down? Having Jack and the others make it clear how they feel about it, or perhaps Aurora say something about it "You just seem so angry and distant, I want to see the real you, behind all the magic, blah blah love blah blah our future blah blah blah" might help too, as I've tried to make it clear that he has a huge soft spot for her.

2012-07-16, 11:58 AM
Jack slips on his necklace of antimagic field to ensure that no one can shut down his magic and so true seeing does nothing.

(Hey dm if I make my magic gear does that make it so antimagic field isn't affected by it?)

2012-07-16, 12:08 PM
Oh, keep in mind that Darius had cast true seeing the moment they got to the throne room, so he would have either noticed the antimagic field, or noticed that his magic wasn't working.

Anyway, if the big spell gets the no-no, then it goes like this instead.

Darius (Who, as I said, would be aware of the antimagic): Casts Mordenkainen's Disjunction on said field (24% chance of success), followed by a quickened Disjunction if that fails, and another quickened Disjunction if THAT fails.

[roll0] (76-100 destroys field)

As the first one succeeded, he casts his holy sword and super-strength on Joe, and Winulhy does his thing too, etc etc. The only difference is that Joe gets five less attacks total.

See? The spell really isn't that overpowered. I was able to do much the same thing without it, in the end, all it did was give me time to cast haste.

EDIT: I was getting somewhat bored of Hallok's role as a complete and utter blaster/summoner, anyway. Sure, it's fun at first, but it get old fast, I'd actually like to try and act as more of a team player.

Also, look at all the edits on my last post, they make me seem a lot less snotty. :smalltongue:

I PROMISE, THIS IS THE LAST EDIT: And keep in mind that my power level will go way down when my ultra spell (the one that gives myself and my cronies +50 or more to a ton of stuff) wears out. I probably won't cast it again for a long time, as the exp/damage costs are enormous. I'm not keeping exact track of time, but I believe it only has 2-5 hours left.

Okay, I lied, here's another edit:

As far as how Knicky is going to rule the first hell? It should be simple enough. My agreement with Demogorgon said nothing about whether or not I could bring the D8/Bel back to life, so we can just go with our original plan, except now I have 5000 demons to serve the Drow people.

2012-07-16, 01:53 PM
"Alright ladies and gender neutral folks Halloks off having all the fun and we need to go. Torqine keep in touch with Specky and keep out of my head we've got to be off." Jack takes them by the hand and pops off to Hallok "Honey I'm home. How are you darling I hope Hallok has been entertaining you." Jack says hoping Hallok isn't in the middle of something at the moment....like Aurora.

...Or Megan for that matter because ewww.

Eric Scott
2012-07-16, 02:04 PM

'Fraid not. Myself, my Vampires, my Cohort and My Little Dragon were all part of my last epic spell, which makes one immune to antimagic field, antimagic ray, all dispel and disjunction spells, true seeing/see invisibility/invisibility purge/arcane sight, and all 0 and 1st-level spells.

Sorry to burst your bubble. :smallyuk:

I do seem to forget these things...

Jack slips on his necklace of antimagic field to ensure that no one can shut down his magic and so true seeing does nothing.

(Hey dm if I make my magic gear does that make it so antimagic field isn't affected by it?)

Possibly... I can't be certain as I'm not exactly sure what you're asking there.

Oh, keep in mind that Darius had cast true seeing the moment they got to the throne room, so he would have either noticed the antimagic field, or noticed that his magic wasn't working.

Anyway, if the big spell gets the no-no, then it goes like this instead.

Darius (Who, as I said, would be aware of the antimagic): Casts Mordenkainen's Disjunction on said field (24% chance of success), followed by a quickened Disjunction if that fails, and another quickened Disjunction if THAT fails.

[roll0] (76-100 destroys field)

As the first one succeeded, he casts his holy sword and super-strength on Joe, and Winulhy does his thing too, etc etc. The only difference is that Joe gets five less attacks total.

See? The spell really isn't that overpowered. I was able to do much the same thing without it, in the end, all it did was give me time to cast haste.

EDIT: I was getting somewhat bored of Hallok's role as a complete and utter blaster/summoner, anyway. Sure, it's fun at first, but it get old fast, I'd actually like to try and act as more of a team player.

Also, look at all the edits on my last post, they make me seem a lot less snotty. :smalltongue:

I PROMISE, THIS IS THE LAST EDIT: And keep in mind that my power level will go way down when my ultra spell (the one that gives myself and my cronies +50 or more to a ton of stuff) wears out. I probably won't cast it again for a long time, as the exp/damage costs are enormous. I'm not keeping exact track of time, but I believe it only has 2-5 hours left.

Okay, I lied, here's another edit:

As far as how Knicky is going to rule the first hell? It should be simple enough. My agreement with Demogorgon said nothing about whether or not I could bring the D8/Bel back to life, so we can just go with our original plan, except now I have 5000 demons to serve the Drow people.

I was aware of the True Seeing... hence the description of a purpley pinkish aura... although, I suppose I should have been more descriptive but... I am lazy, so...

2012-07-16, 02:17 PM
Hallok was, in fact, in the middle of...something. However, he casts Foresight at the beginning of every day, so he should have time to avoid any awkward moments, or at least make them a tad less awkward.

Hallok sighs. Hello, Jack. It might have been kind of you to contact me first, but I suppose that's just how you are. Anyway, I do believe she had fun. He turns to Aurora. Didn't you, darling? He is currently dressed in his simple black clothes, but soon fetches his robe off the floor and puts it on. So, what brings you here?

2012-07-16, 03:09 PM
"Boredom mostly" Jack says smiling "And all this thinking communication is giving me a nasty headache" Jack gives Aurora light peck and smiles "There will be more later I assure you my lady but we must be off with business" Jack smiles tapping his hat with his cane. "I've discovered some rocks that need further investigation."

2012-07-16, 03:24 PM
Hallok grins. Rocks seem to be more Knick Knack's specialty, but I am always glad to help. He turns to Aurora and kisses her one last time. Until next time, my dear. He then waits for Jack to explain more, or to take him to the rock.

Oh, and approximately how dead is Bel?

2012-07-16, 03:29 PM
Jack teleports everyone but Aurora to the stones and checks to see if the rotting flesh has attracted any maelephants.

blade artist
2012-07-16, 04:08 PM
Did that include me? And if it didn't call out my name if you are on the material plane.

Sir Rigel
2012-07-16, 04:18 PM
Huh, what? Oh hai Jack! So... I take it that we are doing that thing now are we?

I check myself for my bottle, remembering that I left it out of my hands as I was putting down the glasses

Well, that probably won't cause any negative consequence in the near future...

Eric Scott
2012-07-16, 06:35 PM
Hallok was, in fact, in the middle of...something. However, he casts Foresight at the beginning of every day, so he should have time to avoid any awkward moments, or at least make them a tad less awkward.

Hallok sighs. Hello, Jack. It might have been kind of you to contact me first, but I suppose that's just how you are. Anyway, I do believe she had fun. He turns to Aurora. Didn't you, darling? He is currently dressed in his simple black clothes, but soon fetches his robe off the floor and puts it on. So, what brings you here?

It was kind of fun... she says sounding a little bored and ever so slightly gloomy.

"Boredom mostly" Jack says smiling "And all this thinking communication is giving me a nasty headache" Jack gives Aurora light peck and smiles "There will be more later I assure you my lady but we must be off with business" Jack smiles tapping his hat with his cane. "I've discovered some rocks that need further investigation."

The kiss brightens her mood slightly... Oh... really? she says with a hint of excitement.

Hallok grins. Rocks seem to be more Knick Knack's specialty, but I am always glad to help. He turns to Aurora and kisses her one last time. Until next time, my dear. He then waits for Jack to explain more, or to take him to the rock.

Oh, and approximately how dead is Bel?

Yes. she says, once again slightly gloomy.

And, that depends. How dead do you want him...

Jack teleports everyone but Aurora to the stones and checks to see if the rotting flesh has attracted any maelephants.

It has attracted 1.

Huh, what? Oh hai Jack! So... I take it that we are doing that thing now are we?

I check myself for my bottle, remembering that I left it out of my hands as I was putting down the glasses

Well, that probably won't cause any negative consequence in the near future...

The bottle is sitting where you left it...

2012-07-16, 07:06 PM
Jack approaches the maelephant "Tell your friends I'll be sure to have more meat for your delights. I'm building an army and paying in a mountain of rotting flesh. Boys attend to the rocks and than Hallok take them across the rings and slay the archdevils it'll be fun. Leave the one on Stygia and the bazelbub to me though. I now have of my own business to attend to." Jack goes supremely invisible and pops back to Aurora. Than casts life bubble and teleports both Aurora and himself to the moon.

Life bubble to make it so we can breath even though I could turn my lungs purple and my big butt puce I'd be fine. "Lovely no?" Jack says from behind ending the invisibility.

2012-07-16, 07:07 PM

Hallok sits next to Aurora. Is something troubling you? Would you like to come with us? I'm sure your skills and knowledge would be very helpful.

Eric Scott
2012-07-16, 09:28 PM
Jack approaches the maelephant "Tell your friends I'll be sure to have more meat for your delights. I'm building an army and paying in a mountain of rotting flesh. Boys attend to the rocks and than Hallok take them across the rings and slay the archdevils it'll be fun. Leave the one on Stygia and the bazelbub to me though. I now have of my own business to attend to." Jack goes supremely invisible and pops back to Aurora. Than casts life bubble and teleports both Aurora and himself to the moon.

Life bubble to make it so we can breath even though I could turn my lungs purple and my big butt puce I'd be fine. "Lovely no?" Jack says from behind ending the invisibility.

She shrieks in surprise... than turns a punches you in the shouthat, now grinning from ear to ear (Not literally... that's just weird.). Jack... don't do that!


Hallok sits next to Aurora. Is something troubling you? Would you like to come with us? I'm sure your skills and knowledge would be very helpful.

It's Nothing... you should go without me, besides your skills and knowledge surpass that of mine... she says.

2012-07-16, 09:35 PM
Hallok looks concerned, something which almost never happens. He gently squeezes her hand. I know I have been a bit over-romantic, but let's be honest with each other, shall we? I care about you, Aurora, and if something I'm doing is troubling you, I will do everything I can to avoid it.

Eric Scott
2012-07-16, 11:03 PM
Hallok looks concerned, something which almost never happens. He gently squeezes her hand. I know I have been a bit over-romantic, but let's be honest with each other, shall we? I care about you, Aurora, and if something I'm doing is troubling you, I will do everything I can to avoid it.

Its just that you practically enslave or kill anything that gets in your way... which makes me wonder what you might have done to me with out my knowledge... she says sniffing, her hand growing warmer... almost enough to boil water... Her eyes beginning to look as if tiny fires burn within. But, none of that is important, is it? she says sounding slightly agitated... she then pulls her hand away from you and walks away...


2012-07-16, 11:11 PM
Jack sits down and wraps his hands around his legs. "Would you like for me to tell you a story dear?" Jack says staring at the earth from this distance for the first time.

2012-07-16, 11:36 PM
Tears well in Hallok's eyes. He opens his mouth to speak and reaches out toward her just as he disappears in a flash of light. He does his best to appear in his normal mood as he arrives by the rocks, but he thinks to himself, and Jack's words bring him into even deeper sorrow.

Thoughts of Deep Regret
People thought of him as nothing more than a self-serving destroyer. Sure, he had taken time to help his compatriots, but he had always done that by the most violent means possible. He had already let his destructive nature take over most of his life, but now that he had killed his share of giants, what good had it brought him? It had taken him decades to establish even a couple of sincere friendships, and until Aurora, he had loved no one except his family- and all of them were dead, and, tried as he had, none of his power could bring them back. He could not get Aurora to love him unless he changed, and he could not repay his friends for what they did for him by nothing more than destroying their enemies. He certainly couldn't lead the Drow that way- he would be worse than Lolth ever was; they needed a strong leader, yes, but also a wise one, and a caring one.

He would be that leader, and he would convince Aurora to love him, truly, and not by magic. In time, he would remove the spell that altered her memories, the one that Jack had used to win her to their side. To do such a thing to a person like Aurora, he realized, was abhorrent.

He contacts Jack. Would you be so kind as to explain what exactly these damned rocks are?

2012-07-16, 11:42 PM
Tears well in Hallok's eyes. He opens his mouth to speak and reaches out toward her just as he disappears in a flash of light. He does his best to appear in his normal mood as he arrives by the rocks, but he thinks to himself, and Jack's words bring him into even deeper sorrow.

Thoughts of Deep Regret
People thought of him as nothing more than a self-serving destroyer. Sure, he had taken time to help his compatriots, but he had always done that by the most violent means possible. He had already let his destructive nature take over most of his life, but now that he had killed his share of giants, what good had it brought him? It had taken him decades to establish even a couple of sincere friendships, and until Aurora, he had loved no one except his family- and all of them were dead, and, tried as he had, none of his power could bring them back. He could not get Aurora to love him unless he changed, and he could not repay his friends for what they did for him by nothing more than destroying their enemies. He certainly couldn't lead the Drow that way- he would be worse than Lolth ever was; they needed a strong leader, yes, but also a wise one, and a caring one.

He would be that leader, and he would convince Aurora to love him, truly, and not by magic. In time, he would remove the spell that altered her memories, the one that Jack had used to win her to their side. To do such a thing to a person like Aurora, he realized, was abhorrent.

He contacts Jack. Would you be so kind as to explain what exactly these damned rocks are?

(Kind of can't remove that spell actually sort of permanent. Also she would totally kill of us if we could take it off.)

"Well some of them have jewels in them so send Knick through to pick them out and one of them is immune to my magic."

2012-07-17, 12:21 AM
On the contrary, permanent spells are removable, it's instantaneous ones that aren't. Also, I agree, it's a terrible idea, but that doesn't mean Hallok thinks that way. Roleplaying, you know how it goes.

Anyway, Hallok replies to Jack. I'll just take a little look at that antimagic rock, then. Perhaps it could be turned into a weapon, or maybe we could find some way to enhance Knick Knack's armor with it.

He begins to observe said rock, and tries casting Mordenkainen's Disjunction to remove the antimagic effect.

[roll0] (70-100 succeeds)
If that fails, three more times (no matter whether or not it's actually possible- if the first one fails, he'll try again no matter what, roleplaying, once again)


Well, this could certainly give Hallok some false impressions.

Eric Scott
2012-07-17, 08:40 AM
Jack sits down and wraps his hands around his legs. "Would you like for me to tell you a story dear?" Jack says staring at the earth from this distance for the first time.

Sure... She says... staring directly at the the place her city is.

Tears well in Hallok's eyes. He opens his mouth to speak and reaches out toward her just as he disappears in a flash of light. He does his best to appear in his normal mood as he arrives by the rocks, but he thinks to himself, and Jack's words bring him into even deeper sorrow.

Thoughts of Deep Regret
People thought of him as nothing more than a self-serving destroyer. Sure, he had taken time to help his compatriots, but he had always done that by the most violent means possible. He had already let his destructive nature take over most of his life, but now that he had killed his share of giants, what good had it brought him? It had taken him decades to establish even a couple of sincere friendships, and until Aurora, he had loved no one except his family- and all of them were dead, and, tried as he had, none of his power could bring them back. He could not get Aurora to love him unless he changed, and he could not repay his friends for what they did for him by nothing more than destroying their enemies. He certainly couldn't lead the Drow that way- he would be worse than Lolth ever was; they needed a strong leader, yes, but also a wise one, and a caring one.

He would be that leader, and he would convince Aurora to love him, truly, and not by magic. In time, he would remove the spell that altered her memories, the one that Jack had used to win her to their side. To do such a thing to a person like Aurora, he realized, was abhorrent.

He contacts Jack. Would you be so kind as to explain what exactly these damned rocks are?

It's good to see that you're learning... says a voice in the back of your head.

(Kind of can't remove that spell actually sort of permanent. Also she would totally kill of us if we could take it off.)

"Well some of them have jewels in them so send Knick through to pick them out and one of them is immune to my magic."

Anythings possible... especially if you use enough Bacon.

On the contrary, permanent spells are removable, it's instantaneous ones that aren't. Also, I agree, it's a terrible idea, but that doesn't mean Hallok thinks that way. Roleplaying, you know how it goes.

Anyway, Hallok replies to Jack. I'll just take a little look at that antimagic rock, then. Perhaps it could be turned into a weapon, or maybe we could find some way to enhance Knick Knack's armor with it.

He begins to observe said rock, and tries casting Mordenkainen's Disjunction to remove the antimagic effect.

[roll0] (70-100 succeeds)
If that fails, three more times (no matter whether or not it's actually possible- if the first one fails, he'll try again no matter what, roleplaying, once again)


Well, this could certainly give Hallok some false impressions.

Well... I'm not the greatest with numbers (that's a lie) but, I think those attempts failed... good for you.

2012-07-17, 10:43 AM
Jack stands up "So me and Hallok were adventuring just trying to find your lovely city again. We had run into some troubles and we had to do some work I talked with some folk and he just mind controlled some into working with him. It came off as odd to me. So I asked and he told me that he couldn't stand to have things go imperfectly that either it was right or awful. I figured he was an perfectionist and asked if he would change anything about you. Do you know what he told me?"

blade artist
2012-07-17, 11:15 AM
Can we just say Knack is there, now? I seem to have been lost during teleportation or something.

Eric Scott
2012-07-17, 11:44 AM
Jack stands up "So me and Hallok were adventuring just trying to find your lovely city again. We had run into some troubles and we had to do some work I talked with some folk and he just mind controlled some into working with him. It came off as odd to me. So I asked and he told me that he couldn't stand to have things go imperfectly that either it was right or awful. I figured he was an perfectionist and asked if he would change anything about you. Do you know what he told me?"

No... What?

Can we just say Knack is there, now? I seem to have been lost during teleportation or something.

Are you sure you aren't there... I'm fairly I can see you there... *squints* Yeah, see your right there *points to a spot near the others, where you then appear* See, I knew you were there...

2012-07-17, 01:19 PM
"that in his imperfect world he couldn`t possibly improve on the perfection that is Aurora."

2012-07-17, 02:05 PM
Hallok responds to the voice in the back of his mind. I am not fond of holding conversations with those who would hide themselves and their intent. Tell me, who are you, and what is it you mean?

blade artist
2012-07-18, 08:39 AM
"If I know my spells correctly, and correct me if I'm wrong, but a living creature would be able to resist a transmutation, right? I'm going to try rebuking it, it would seem to be a creature made of rock, so it may be a earth creature."

turning check against an earth creature

edit: that sucked

blade artist
2012-07-18, 08:41 AM
turning damage


edit: I can make 10 hd of creatures with the earth subtype cower.

Eric Scott
2012-07-18, 05:00 PM
"that in his imperfect world he couldn`t possibly improve on the perfection that is Aurora."

Just as you say that The Aurora Borealis becomes quite visible...

I don't suppose you mean that one, do you? she says with a slight giggle.

Hallok responds to the voice in the back of his mind. I am not fond of holding conversations with those who would hide themselves and their intent. Tell me, who are you, and what is it you mean?

You don't recognize the voice of your own father? My it has been long hasn't it...

"If I know my spells correctly, and correct me if I'm wrong, but a living creature would be able to resist a transmutation, right? I'm going to try rebuking it, it would seem to be a creature made of rock, so it may be a earth creature."

turning check against an earth creature

edit: that sucked

The rock rolls slightly as you "turn" it... ((sarcasm... nothing actually happens.))

2012-07-18, 05:28 PM
Hallok laughs. Do you really expect me to believe that? My father was killed when giants raided the city. It was for him that I slew all those giants. If he was alive this whole time, and allowed me to waste my life on pointless revenge, then I have no interest in him, save perhaps to make him suffer. He scoffs. Besides, my father was a warrior, he enjoyed war, as any Drow does. He had no interest in my existence, my mother was the one who truly cared for me. He only took me in when she died. It makes me wonder why I ever decided to avenge him. I have no regrets for killing those giants, but doing it in his name was naïve and unfair to the other drow who died that day.

Hallok grins. So, it seems you are either an imposter, or an old fool who is altogether a detriment to my mental health. Unless you have something meaningful to tell me, I suggest you remove yourself from my mind, lest I do it for you.

2012-07-18, 10:37 PM
Just as you say that The Aurora Borealis becomes quite visible...

I don't suppose you mean that one, do you? she says with a slight giggle.

"I must admit it is lovely but you posses a derrierre that can't compare. Now I have the attention of going to speak with the casters who claim the seventh circle. I would love one with beauty and power to come with me."

Eric Scott
2012-07-19, 12:12 AM
Hallok laughs. Do you really expect me to believe that? My father was killed when giants raided the city. It was for him that I slew all those giants. If he was alive this whole time, and allowed me to waste my life on pointless revenge, then I have no interest in him, save perhaps to make him suffer. He scoffs. Besides, my father was a warrior, he enjoyed war, as any Drow does. He had no interest in my existence, my mother was the one who truly cared for me. He only took me in when she died. It makes me wonder why I ever decided to avenge him. I have no regrets for killing those giants, but doing it in his name was naïve and unfair to the other drow who died that day.

Hallok grins. So, it seems you are either an imposter, or an old fool who is altogether a detriment to my mental health. Unless you have something meaningful to tell me, I suggest you remove yourself from my mind, lest I do it for you.

Damn... I was sure that would work... very well then... the voice disappears.

"I must admit it is lovely but you posses a derrierre that can't compare. Now I have the attention of going to speak with the casters who claim the seventh circle. I would love one with beauty and power to come with me."

Now where will you ever find someone like that. she says, beginning to look at you with a slight smile on her face.

2012-07-19, 12:20 AM
Hallok groans. That's the third time this month someone did that.

Sir Rigel
2012-07-19, 12:36 AM
I find a chair, and watch Jack and Aurora's conversation

2012-07-19, 12:53 AM
Hallok tries to think of the plane with the fastest time stream possible (so like one year there being one minute here).

Knowledge (the planes): [roll0]

blade artist
2012-07-19, 07:57 AM
"What's going on Hallok? Did an invisible feather tickle you or something?"

2012-07-19, 10:03 AM
I find a chair, and watch Jack and Aurora's conversation

Well you guys are on the eighth ring and I'm on the moon.

Jack shifts into a gal "Well I suppose I could do it but you have greater practice at looking lovely."

Sir Rigel
2012-07-19, 10:04 AM
Oh... well crap...
I'll just look around and try to find something of interest then...

Eric Scott
2012-07-19, 12:29 PM
Hallok tries to think of the plane with the fastest time stream possible (so like one year there being one minute here).

Knowledge (the planes): [roll0]

How about one where every normal second is 10 years there? Cause that I completely within reason with a check like that...

Well you guys are on the eighth ring and I'm on the moon.

Jack shifts into a gal "Well I suppose I could do it but you have greater practice at looking lovely."

True... I suppose I could help you.

2012-07-19, 12:38 PM
I'm going to miss this epic spell. It lets me know everything. :(

Anywho, Hallok talks to Knick Knack. Could you, perchance, make me a mountain of gold?

blade artist
2012-07-19, 01:50 PM
"All right!" Knack says as he slaps his hands together, sparks of what look like electricity start to dance along his metallic fingers. He slams down onto the ground and the stones and dirt surrounding him starts to shape up into a boulder and then forms into a boulder. Knick Knack the Forgemaster repeats again on the boulder, turning it this time to gold.

edit: for your information MoF, I am standing right next to you

2012-07-19, 02:46 PM
Hallok's eyes are bright with excitement. That will suffice, thank you. He then opens a gate to the super-fast plane where the boulder is. He plane shifts to Mephistopheles' library, and takes all his spellbooks. He asks Celeste to bring herself where he is. She does so, and Hallok casts Monstrous Thrall on her (She Autofails). The spell is permanent.

He gives her the spellbooks, and a ring of sustenance, and orders her to wear the ring at a times, and use the spellbooks to create knowstones of every spell within, in the plane to which the portal leads. He sends his vampires in, and orders them to ensure that she completes this task safely and successfully.

It will take her twenty years, and will reduce her to third level. For me, that means I have to wait two seconds, at which point, I leap into the portal, and collect the hundreds of stones, putting them in my several bags of holding.

Afterwards, I leave with the three of them, returning to the material plane. If all goes well, I should now be able to cast all s/w spells in the PHB, PHBII, Races of the Dragon, Dragon Magic, Frostburn, Sandstorm, and SC.

2012-07-19, 10:01 PM
"Right than darling lets get on our way." Jack teleports Aurora and himself to the very edge of earth's atmosphere so he has plenty of time to fall. As he falls (not flies genuinely falls) he grooms himself running a comb through his hair shifting his cloak into a suit, shifting so he looks to be about eight feet tall. Jack ensures that his hair has a sheen to it and grabs Aurora and teleports to her office. Jack than hands her one of the belts "Here it's a shifting belt could come in handy. Now do you have any idea how where the seventh mage's circle is?"

Eric Scott
2012-07-19, 11:03 PM
Hallok's eyes are bright with excitement. That will suffice, thank you. He then opens a gate to the super-fast plane where the boulder is. He plane shifts to Mephistopheles' library, and takes all his spellbooks. He asks Celeste to bring herself where he is. She does so, and Hallok casts Monstrous Thrall on her (She Autofails). The spell is permanent.

He gives her the spellbooks, and a ring of sustenance, and orders her to wear the ring at a times, and use the spellbooks to create knowstones of every spell within, in the plane to which the portal leads. He sends his vampires in, and orders them to ensure that she completes this task safely and successfully.

It will take her twenty years, and will reduce her to third level. For me, that means I have to wait two seconds, at which point, I leap into the portal, and collect the hundreds of stones, putting them in my several bags of holding.

Afterwards, I leave with the three of them, returning to the material plane. If all goes well, I should now be able to cast all s/w spells in the PHB, PHBII, Races of the Dragon, Dragon Magic, Frostburn, Sandstorm, and SC.

Is that all? I was actually thinking about becoming worried... good thing I thought against it.

"Right than darling lets get on our way." Jack teleports Aurora and himself to the very edge of earth's atmosphere so he has plenty of time to fall. As he falls (not flies genuinely falls) he grooms himself running a comb through his hair shifting his cloak into a suit, shifting so he looks to be about eight feet tall. Jack ensures that his hair has a sheen to it and grabs Aurora and teleports to her office. Jack than hands her one of the belts "Here it's a shifting belt could come in handy. Now do you have any idea how where the seventh mage's circle is?"

Thank you... and, sadly, I don't know where the seventh mage's circle is... she says the last part with a bit of disappointment.

2012-07-19, 11:21 PM
"Right well I must deliver a quick message." Jack takes a knee "Boccob it's me I've come to a conclusion that I fear you won't like. It seems I've come under a grand deal of power and it seems improper for a god to worship another so I pray as a sign of my resignation. Thank you that is all." Jack uses a wish to have the location of the seventh circle written on a nearby piece of paper.

edit: Screw it I'm going to be immature and change that wish so the location is written on Aurora's bum because the ancient wizard is like six.

2012-07-19, 11:42 PM
Hallok alters Celeste's memories so that she remembers some terribly curse that aged and weakened her, and remembering her father, Hallok, destroying the one who cursed her and using all his power to remove the curse just before it would have killed her. He removes the Monstrous Thrall spell. He then kisses her on the brow. Be brave, my child. I am going to let your uncle Jack train you, get your power back. I am sorry, but I have much business to attend to.

He plane shifts to Mrphistopheles's palace, and shape changes into him. He then summons fifty pit fiends. I want you maggots to bring me as many devils as you can. Anything stronger than an imp and weaker than a horned. Gather them from this and the first layer. I want thousands.

Eric Scott
2012-07-20, 09:29 AM
"Right well I must deliver a quick message." Jack takes a knee "Boccob it's me I've come to a conclusion that I fear you won't like. It seems I've come under a grand deal of power and it seems improper for a god to worship another so I pray as a sign of my resignation. Thank you that is all." Jack uses a wish to have the location of the seventh circle written on a nearby piece of paper.

edit: Screw it I'm going to be immature and change that wish so the location is written on Aurora's bum because the ancient wizard is like six.

Well... that seems to be a great idea and all but, how are you going to convince her to let you look at her bum?

Hallok alters Celeste's memories so that she remembers some terribly curse that aged and weakened her, and remembering her father, Hallok, destroying the one who cursed her and using all his power to remove the curse just before it would have killed her. He removes the Monstrous Thrall spell. He then kisses her on the brow. Be brave, my child. I am going to let your uncle Jack train you, get your power back. I am sorry, but I have much business to attend to.

He plane shifts to Mrphistopheles's palace, and shape changes into him. He then summons fifty pit fiends. I want you maggots to bring me as many devils as you can. Anything stronger than an imp and weaker than a horned. Gather them from this and the first layer. I want thousands.

One of them steps forward... It shall be done, my lord.

2012-07-20, 11:27 AM
Hallok/Mephistopheles sneers. I certainly hope so, for your sake. I will return in a moment.

Hallok plane shifts back to the speedy plane. There, he creates seven simalcrums- four of himself, and one of each of his comrades (spending 9,800 exp to do so). He crafts the likenesses of crystalline ice, and then laboriously carves them to look as close to the intended person as possible.

As the simalcrums are supposed to be made from ice, could I use Craft (Ice Sculpture) instead of Disguise to make them look as close to real as possible?

Anyway, I'm going to make a separate character sheet for my own simalcrums. Each one will have a different spell list.

EDIT: He then awaits at Mephistopheles' palace, still disguised as him.

He sends the Simalcrums to give Knick, Jack, and Speck each their own simalcrum, and then he casts limited wish three times to give control of them to the people they're supposed to look like.

2012-07-20, 01:36 PM
Well... that seems to be a great idea and all but, how are you going to convince her to let you look at her bum?

We all know that was an awful idea no dressing it up. I was pretty much doing that to see how she reacted to some magical force planting a message on her butt. Does time rewrite itself so she's always had it there in which case how did she not notice or did an arcane force just plant itself there. Is it written on the outside of her clothes does aurora now have a tattoo? I'm curious. Waiting here for a response from the dm and Aurora.

blade artist
2012-07-20, 02:41 PM
(You dirty boy)

2012-07-20, 02:45 PM
Jack has all of the sudden started caring about Aurora's hiney and I'm running with it. I'm also content with referring to her behind using a different term each time.

Eric Scott
2012-07-20, 06:11 PM
We all know that was an awful idea no dressing it up. I was pretty much doing that to see how she reacted to some magical force planting a message on her butt. Does time rewrite itself so she's always had it there in which case how did she not notice or did an arcane force just plant itself there. Is it written on the outside of her clothes does aurora now have a tattoo? I'm curious. Waiting here for a response from the dm and Aurora.

An arcane force just plants it there... it is a tattoo... I would assume the experience was quite traumatic.

2012-07-20, 06:17 PM
Hallok makes each of his clones a Cloak of Charisma +6, and fabricates robes for them, made of normal cloth as opposed to the fine velvet of his own.

He then sends them out to different tasks. He orders one to go to Lolth's old realm and tidy it up, make it more fitting for his own portfolio.

He sends another one to deal with the business with the devils.

He sends the third one to manage the production of Ice Cream, by summoning multitudes of Ice Mephits and Cows, and to grow fields of cocoa, vanilla, and berries (not the poisonous kind) Hallok also summons the pit fiend and the solar angel from the ice rink to help out with this.

Finally, he orders his fourth clone to go to the underdark and try to form an alliance with the Mind Flayers.

Hallok himself then gates to Corellon Lorethian's gates, and asks to speak with the god of the elves.

2012-07-20, 09:44 PM
Jack cleans his ears from the scream than shakes his head covering a grin of amusement."I believe I just messed up a wish it seems that magic has twisted my words in a great many ways taking sylabbles and the phonetic meaning of my words spreading them across many a language and reinterpretting the last of my spell as on Aurora`s tush instead of on a nearby piece of paper. My apologies for that but on the bright side you always have a path there. Shall I take a look or should I get a mirror and step outside?" Jack used silence spell to ensure she didn`t hear the words he used for the spell.

Eric Scott
2012-07-21, 01:04 PM
Hallok makes each of his clones a Cloak of Charisma +6, and fabricates robes for them, made of normal cloth as opposed to the fine velvet of his own.

He then sends them out to different tasks. He orders one to go to Lolth's old realm and tidy it up, make it more fitting for his own portfolio.

He sends another one to deal with the business with the devils.

He sends the third one to manage the production of Ice Cream, by summoning multitudes of Ice Mephits and Cows, and to grow fields of cocoa, vanilla, and berries (not the poisonous kind) Hallok also summons the pit fiend and the solar angel from the ice rink to help out with this.

Finally, he orders his fourth clone to go to the underdark and try to form an alliance with the Mind Flayers.

Hallok himself then gates to Corellon Lorethian's gates, and asks to speak with the god of the elves.

All go well, except for the Mindflayer one... The Mindflayers don't take kindly to uninvited guests, let alone invited guests..

Corellon Lorethian agrees to speak with you... Hello, Hallok, new god of the drow... I was wondering when you would come to see me... either to attempt to kill me or to attempt to form some sort of treaty...

Jack cleans his ears from the scream than shakes his head covering a grin of amusement."I believe I just messed up a wish it seems that magic has twisted my words in a great many ways taking sylabbles and the phonetic meaning of my words spreading them across many a language and reinterpretting the last of my spell as on Aurora`s tush instead of on a nearby piece of paper. My apologies for that but on the bright side you always have a path there. Shall I take a look or should I get a mirror and step outside?" Jack used silence spell to ensure she didn`t hear the words he used for the spell.

She doesn't scream... instead, she leers at you...Didn't anyone ever tell you that magic is dangerous? But, I suppose it could have been worse... and I would prefer a mirror... if you would be so kind. she says all of that in a tone that clearly conveys that she knows that this is entirely as you wanted...but, its to late for her to do too much about it...

2012-07-21, 01:18 PM
"Again my apologies." His simulacrum comes in about now "Wowzers I've got a twin he's a little ugly but I think I can put up with him." Jack throws his arm around Jackie's shoulder. (Hmm can't actually think of a spell that would produce a mirror maybe fabricate.) Jack casts fabricate to make a lovely silver and pearl mirror with an image of the Aurora Borealis that they saw earlier. "C'mon Jackie boy Aurora needs to check her assests" he leaves and than slips on a ring of x-ray vision "Jackie boy go outside and put Knick Knack's image in the cloud" Than he produces a chair and a book than looks through the book and the wall into Aurora's office.

2012-07-21, 07:39 PM
Hallok pulls up a chair. I have been quite busy, and have had little time for such things.

I fear I would have little reason to kill you, Corellon. I'm sure I could, but I doubt that would truly be helpful in obtaining my goals. What I want from you is, indeed, a treaty. My people have suffered a hard existence, and the last thing we need is more enemies. The surface elves are our kindred, and we would be glad to wage war or peace alongside you. Too long have we been fighting Lolth's wars, now, it is time our people allied to establish ourselves an empire. More powerful than the kingdoms of humans. He sips his tea. We can establish the details in a moment, but first, do you accept the concept of an alliance?

He readies a baleful transposition on Corellon of he or anyone near him tries anything funny.

2012-07-21, 09:14 PM
Jack fabricates another mirror and walks back in "It occurs to me that if it's in writing that you'll have a difficult time reading the directions."

Eric Scott
2012-07-21, 11:23 PM
"Again my apologies." His simulacrum comes in about now "Wowzers I've got a twin he's a little ugly but I think I can put up with him." Jack throws his arm around Jackie's shoulder. (Hmm can't actually think of a spell that would produce a mirror maybe fabricate.) Jack casts fabricate to make a lovely silver and pearl mirror with an image of the Aurora Borealis that they saw earlier. "C'mon Jackie boy Aurora needs to check her assests" he leaves and than slips on a ring of x-ray vision "Jackie boy go outside and put Knick Knack's image in the cloud" Than he produces a chair and a book than looks through the book and the wall into Aurora's office.

You are unable to see anything through the wall... there are several possible reasons that this might be happening...

Hallok pulls up a chair. I have been quite busy, and have had little time for such things.

I fear I would have little reason to kill you, Corellon. I'm sure I could, but I doubt that would truly be helpful in obtaining my goals. What I want from you is, indeed, a treaty. My people have suffered a hard existence, and the last thing we need is more enemies. The surface elves are our kindred, and we would be glad to wage war or peace alongside you. Too long have we been fighting Lolth's wars, now, it is time our people allied to establish ourselves an empire. More powerful than the kingdoms of humans. He sips his tea. We can establish the details in a moment, but first, do you accept the concept of an alliance?

He readies a baleful transposition on Corellon of he or anyone near him tries anything funny.

Well... assuming you have no "funny" business planned, I think that sounds promising so far...

Jack fabricates another mirror and walks back in "It occurs to me that if it's in writing that you'll have a difficult time reading the directions."

As you enter the room, she is no where to be seen... (Emphasis on seen...)