View Full Version : [PF] Legends of the League

2012-03-11, 04:45 PM
I've had an idea for some time now of doing a big one-shot PVP session for a bunch of my current and former players. I'd make a bunch of characters and then people could pick from the pool to form parties. Depending on how many people I can actually get, I might do it as a more traditional tournament against NPCs with the stats of the NPCs they didn't choose. The basic concept would be like League of Legends / DOTA / etc.

However, the first step is to make a bunch of characters for them to choose from. I want to make a good deal of them former characters/NPCs in campaigns they played on. This thread is to catalog the NPCs, provide a library of premade NPCs for other DMs, and to occasionally ask for suggestions.

Character Creation Guidelines

25 point buy
Level 6
-Max first level, half +1 for every level after (base= level 6)
D12 - 7 (47 base)
D10 - 6 (40 base)
D8 - 5 (33 base)
D6 - 4 (26 base)

Core Classes
Barbarian - Sassi, the Dwarf Princess (http://www.dndsheets.net/view.php?id=32557)
-Sassi was born to a kingdom of dwarves best known for naming their children either in rhyming adjectives (such as her sisters Classy and Brassy) or occupations (such as her youngest brother, Chiropractor). An incredible beauty, Sassi's flowing, luxurious beard was well known even before she started on an adventure to throw off the oppressive magi-bureaucracy that enslaved her people.
Bard - Cecelia, the Tengu Eulogist
-Cecelia is a Covrus - one of a group of insular, dragon-worshiping Tengu in a distant chain of isles. The Covrus are well-known for their custom of conversing with the honored dead - a tradition that Cecelia took further by summoning them with her songs.
Cleric - Gilliam, Founder of the Church of the Sacred Goose
-Gilliam was a fairly normal man until he returned to his family after his country's required military service and found his family ravaged by an ancient disease. His madness grew steadily until he began hearing the whispers of Gullah, the Great Goose. The followers of the religion he founded on these whispers are as famous for the incredible acts of charity, self-sacrifice and devotion as they are infamous for murdering non-believers and wearing their hair.
Druid - Shayla, Child of Nature (http://www.dndsheets.net/view.php?id=32564)
-Shayla is a fey-child, born in the deep, dark heart of a forest. She was content to live an almost animal-like existence until the nearby elf empire began cutting down large swaths of forest to gain clear access to a node that connect several nearby ley-lines.
Fighter - Uvuros, Shield of the Minotaur
-Uvurosis an unusual minotaur, raised by good folk in a small farming community. He is equally at home charging opponents on the field of battle as fishing in a quiet pond in the wilderness.
Monk - Akeva, the Blind Goatfolk Monk
-Akeva was blinded during a furious battle with a son of the great Troll King over the fate of a bridge sacred to his people. From that moment on, he dedicated his life to the destruction of the Troll King, and to the service to the mysterious god who spared his life. He wears a necklace with the holy symbol of the god - a twenty-sided object with strange runes carved into it.
Paladin - Vincalota the Redeemed (http://www.dndsheets.net/view.php?id=32563)
-For many years, Vincalota scorned her Aasimar heritage and lived as a petty wandering criminal. After a
Ranger - ________, Honor-Guard of Dragons
Rogue - Hari, the Catfolk Rogue
Sorcerer -
Wizard -

Base Classes
Cavalier - Parusk, Bugbear War-Rider (http://www.dndsheets.net/view.php?id=32594)
Gunslinger - Fox, Monkey with a Gun (http://www.dndsheets.net/view.php?id=32560)
Inquisitor -
Magus - Porter, The Twice-Gifted (http://www.dndsheets.net/view.php?id=32588)
-Through an unbelievable series of mix-ups, mishaps, and zany misunderstandings, Porter worked at both wizard's academy and a fighter's guild simultaneously to become strong enough to kill the half-fiend dire tortoise that threatened his wife's home village. Though he was unable to afford a weapon to slay the beast with, he used his beautiful gold watch as a conduit for his magic, which ultimately shattered his heirloom. After carving the beast's shell into several beautiful combs, he returned home to find that her wife had cut her beautiful hair and fashioned it into a whip for him.
Oracle - _______, Demon-Born
Summoner - Adeyaka, Son of the Lucky Drunk
Witch -

Alternate Classes
Antipaladin - Fenin the Corrupted
Ninja -
Samurai -

Psion - Bispun, the Goblin behind the Veil
Psychic Warrior - Commander Adra Hartmund the Vigilant
Marksman - Killface, Goblin Sharpshooter
Cryptic [in beta]