View Full Version : Fun with [Fire]! (Creatures)

Deth Muncher
2012-03-12, 12:47 AM
The premise, in two sentences: I have a party of six level 8 PCs who are currently in a volcano-ish dungeon, mainly populated by Sulatar drow (firebinders, from Eberron). I would like to supplement the drow with fiery enemies, and am at a loss for good ones for that level, and would like to ask you guys what you think.

Wham bam, thank you ma'am.

I've been poking around the D&D Wiki, and there are some fun things there. I could also go and throw Pyrohydras around, because urrbody loves Pyrohydras. But other than that, I got zilch. Thoughts?

2012-03-12, 12:54 AM
Pyrohydras are indeed a good choice. You could also give the drow some Average Salamanders, and maybe one Noble Salamander (though for the Noble Salamander, give the party some indication that he is a complete and total monster, so that they actually try and parlay with him before trying to kill him and dying horribly).

Other than that? Everyone loves dragons. Red dragons. Classic Chaotic Evil enemy. Classic [Fire] enemy. Available at almost every CR you could ask for. Check your local Monster Manual listings for details.

Of course, if your party doesn't listen to reason and they do try to fight the Noble Salamander, make them suffer for it. :belkar: Have the Noble Salamander fight them seriously. And by fight them seriously, I of course mean, have him actually use his summon monster spell to call a Huge fire elemental to the party. Suddenly you have another [Fire] creature of a completely different variety, and no player will be able to question why he's there when he seems so out of place. You're killing two birds (and two players :xykon:) with one very very hot stone!

2012-03-12, 11:35 AM
AFB at the moment, but the Conflagration Ooze (MM3) I believe comes in at a CR of 9/10. Add another point of CR for one that explodes upon death for additional fun!

There's also a Cinderburn (?) swarm in the same book (swarm with the [fire] subtype) and there's always Living Spells (MM3, and also the ECS).

2012-03-12, 02:07 PM
Young Adult Red Dragon Skeleton? It's immune to fire and doesn't need to breathe, so have it come up from some lava or something.

2012-03-12, 03:28 PM
Make sure you give some casters Searing Spell, otherwise Resist Energy will nerf all your enemies damage.

Deth Muncher
2012-03-12, 05:28 PM
Make sure you give some casters Searing Spell, otherwise Resist Energy will nerf all your enemies damage.

You talk like my PCs actually act with any degree of optimization. :smalltongue:

Also, what's the deal with airline food salamanders? Like, what ARE they in D&D? Are they big fiery lizards? Are they big fiery anthropomorphic lizards? What's the dealio?

2012-03-12, 06:42 PM
Geluns(AKA cursed cold ones) from sandstorm are fun to throw in volcanoes. Their schitck i they are cursed to absorb heat, so they have to be in extremely hot enviroments to function. They heal off of fire damage, and are vulnerable to cold. But, they deal cold damage. Makes for an interesting curveball to throw at a party.

Of course, they are only CR 3, so you'd need to beef them up with some class levels. Funny enough, frost mage from frostburn works really well, since they get the cold subtype, which means they are immune to cold damage, and they take more fire damage. Which means they heal more from fire. However, that wouldn't kick in until a much higher level, but Its a trick I like.

Jack Zander
2012-03-12, 07:02 PM
A hoard of low CR fire monsters could be fun too. Have the volcano be home to a nest of mixed mephits (fire/magma/steam) or something.

2012-03-12, 09:12 PM
Try teaming a few geluns (possibly with class levels) with other fire creatures, so they can be healed by the same attacks that hurt the party.

Why not zoidberg thoqua? You'd need to stack a few templates on them, though, to make them a threat. Maybe half dragon thoqua, if there are going to be dragons running around.

A few Azers with class levels could have been summoned up by the drow.

And of course there are mephits: Fire mephits, steam mephits, magma mephits, sulfur mephits and glass mephits (the last two are from sandstorm). None of them would be too out of place in a volcano.

Deth Muncher
2012-03-12, 09:13 PM
A hoard of low CR fire monsters could be fun too. Have the volcano be home to a nest of mixed mephits (fire/magma/steam) or something.

I've thrown Fire Bats and a few Mephits at the group already, so I'm not entirely sure I want to throw them at the PCs so soon again, but it's definitely a thought.

Also: Re: Living Spells - since the guys are in Eberron right now, makes sense that there'd be Living Spells, though they're nowhere near the Mournland...but oh well. Handwaves, ahoy!

Jeff the Green
2012-03-13, 04:48 AM
Also, what's the deal with airline food salamanders? Like, what ARE they in D&D? Are they big fiery lizards? Are they big fiery anthropomorphic lizards? What's the dealio?

They look like this:

Basically Yuan-Ti... ON FIRE!

2012-03-13, 05:24 AM
Basically Yuan-Ti... ON FIRE!
On Fire is indubitably the most badass state of existence.

2012-03-13, 06:02 AM
On Fire is indubitably the most badass state of existence.
Unless the fire is on fire.

Then it's extra awesome. And on fire.

2012-03-13, 06:08 AM
On Fire is indubitably the most badass state of existence.

Nope. Because you know what's better than a fire-breathing dragon?

A dragon that breathes drills.

Ergo, drills are the most badass state of existence. Because that's how a drill works.

2012-03-13, 06:14 AM
Nope. Because you know what's better than a fire-breathing dragon?

A dragon that breathes drills.

Ergo, drills are the most badass state of existence. Because that's how a drill works.
Ah, but what if the dragon breathes drills... That are on fire?!?

2012-03-13, 06:33 AM
Ah, but what if the dragon breathes drills... That are on fire?!?
Your logic is flawless, good sir.

However, I still think the fire should be on fire. And there needs to be more of it. Because more is better. And also more. On fire.

2012-03-13, 11:38 AM
Ah, but what if the dragon breathes drills... That are on fire?!?

My mind...it is blown. And by blown, I mean it blew a gasket and is now on fire.

The Bandicoot
2012-03-13, 12:31 PM
My mind...it is blown. And by blown, I mean it blew a gasket and is now on fire.

Mystify now has an extremely siggable quote!

And personally I've always liked the idea of swarms. Maybe make a swarm of tiny magma mephits? Now THAT would be scary.

Deth Muncher
2012-03-13, 12:46 PM
This thread is now on fire and breathing drills.

Also, so Salamanders appear to be the spawn of a yuan-ti and a marilith. I dig.

And a swarm of tiny magma mephits would. Be. Terrifying.