View Full Version : Hero's Blade spell?

Circle of Life
2012-03-12, 03:36 PM
Faiths of Eberron mentions the spell Hero's Blade as part of the Revered Ancestor domain, with an asterisk to denote it comes from some other source, but doesn't seem to be in any of the Eberron books I own, and google doesn't seem to have any idea either. Anyone know where this spell comes from, or its details?

2012-03-12, 03:39 PM
Faiths of Eberron mentions the spell Hero's Blade as part of the Revered Ancestor domain, with an asterisk to denote it comes from some other source, but doesn't seem to be in any of the Eberron books I own, and google doesn't seem to have any idea either. Anyone know where this spell comes from, or its details?

Eberron Campaign Setting, page 112.

2012-03-12, 03:41 PM
*checks* Campaign Setting, which is where most Eberron stuff will be if it doesn't give you another book reference. It's a bit lame for a 9th level spell, IMO.

Circle of Life
2012-03-12, 03:42 PM

*looks at spell lists*

Guess I missed it being part of the Deathless domain. Doesn't explain how Google had no idea where it came from, but... oh well. Thanks. :smallsmile:

Edit: Yeah, ECS was the first place I checked. I guess my eyes skipped right over the 9th level spell for the Deathless domain.

2012-03-12, 03:43 PM
Not a problem.

Forum Advice Ninjas, AWAY!

*flies off*

2012-03-12, 05:51 PM
*checks* Campaign Setting, which is where most Eberron stuff will be if it doesn't give you another book reference. It's a bit lame for a 9th level spell, IMO.

I'm currently using it in a Persistomancer build where I can afford to burn a Triadspell Heroics on EWP: Kaorti Resin Jovar and Imp.Crit Jovar, especially when the weapon in question is an Enervating Cursespewing Prismatic Burst one. It's Disciple of Dispater plus some goodies for a 9th-level slot, as I'm Archivist casting it.

Situational at best, though.