View Full Version : [DnD 3.5] Changelings and additional disguising

2012-03-12, 07:45 PM
I'm making a Changeling Factotum(probably going into Chameleon unless I think of something better) as a backup for a campaign. I've played a Changeling before, so I know their bodies themselves can change into different looks.

Changing my race doesn't do a lot if I'm in the same outfit though. I've been searching around for things, so I'm kind of aware of stuff like the Vestment of Many Styles, and Shiftweave, but they don't directly affect armor. I talked to someone in my group, but I'm still a little unsure how mixing clothing and armor works(as in whether armor can be properly disguised behind clothing, full plate excluded).

I'm also aware of the Hat of Disguise, which does work on armor. But does the Disguise check bonus stack with the bonus from Changeling? My search has given me mixed answers on this.

Any other suggestions on how to help change my appearance, while staying Changeling and not using stuff like Polymorph?


2012-03-12, 07:53 PM
The bonus to disguise that the disguise self spell provides is untyped, so yeah it stacks with anything. However it's very understandable for a DM to houserule this away.

You might want to try wearing a reversible robe (one colour on one side and different colour on the other). Also if you want to disguise yourself as a holy man (obvious benefits) you might want to carry a copy of every holy symbol on a necklace.

2012-03-12, 08:36 PM
The bonus to disguise that the disguise self spell provides is untyped, so yeah it stacks with anything. However it's very understandable for a DM to houserule this away.

You might want to try wearing a reversible robe (one colour on one side and different colour on the other). Also if you want to disguise yourself as a holy man (obvious benefits) you might want to carry a copy of every holy symbol on a necklace.

Oh, I've already thought about keeping holy symbols around(especially if I make it to Chameleon and get divine casting). And I haven't had a DM rule specifically about the Changeling/Hat of Disguise thing, since it's never come up yet. I just wanted to get a good ruling before I bothered with anything.

2012-03-12, 08:56 PM
Glamered armour (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/magicArmor.htm#glamered) will serve your purposes.

Having a Hat of Disguise stack with your racial ability isn't all that powerful TBH. The difference is like going from "Pretty unlikely to be recognized" to "Really unlikely to be recognized" IME.

A Changeling Facotum/Chameleon requires you to say to your group at some point: "Couldn't quite decide what I wanted to play, so..."

2012-03-12, 10:12 PM
A Changeling Facotum/Chameleon requires you to say to your group at some point: "Couldn't quite decide what I wanted to play, so..."

Oh, my group already knows I'm fickle with my characters. I've retired several before because I got bored of their "gimmicks".

2012-03-12, 10:50 PM
Hat of Disguise or Glamered armor are your best friends. Called armor is also handy if you tend to go about without armor on for disguise or arcane spellcasting purposes.

2012-03-12, 10:54 PM
Hmm, Glamored is a lot more expensive than the Hat, but it's an interesting option. Question though: The effect of turning into a "normal set of clothing", is the appearance of that set of clothing set in stone when you get the Glamored armor, or can it change every time you use it?

2014-05-15, 01:24 AM
I have a question along the same lines, or related to disguising of a changeling.

Would a changeling be aloud to take 20 on a disguise check. Support being they could sit in a mirror and continually us their minor shape change until they got the perfect look. This wouldn't take the 3 or 4 hours that doing a regular disguise check 20 times over would take because they can use the skill with this ability as a full round action which would mean it would only take 2 minutes to do the disguise 20 times. My math may be wrong but if you used this in conjunction with taking 20 on spot could you just do 20x20 times to simultaneously take 20 on both of them so you know your disguise is good that would be spending 20 rounds of spot on each disguise check so it would be 400 rounds which would be 2400 seconds or 40 min?

This would almost guarantee your disguise leading to why changelings are hardly ever discovered in Eberron, leading to a 20(take 20) +10(minor shape change) +ranks +Cha without items. Looking at at least 30 with hat of disguise looking at 40. Not bad for only 40min of work right?

2015-05-18, 03:33 AM
If pathfinder is allowed, check out Sleeves of Many Garments. It is very cheap, and is exactly what you are looking for. Look for it on Pfsrd.

2015-05-18, 06:35 PM
Two levels of Spymaster (CA 76) gives you quick change, which lets you change clothes in 1d3 minutes instead of 1d3 x 10 minutes and can don or remove armor in half the normal time.

2015-05-18, 07:10 PM
Would a changeling be aloud to take 20 on a disguise check.
The rules aren't really clear; I've read a few threads debating this for both Disguise and Hide. I'm more convinced by the "no" arguments, but I do think some sort of bonus would be appropriate for taking a long time to prepare the disguise... maybe +5 circumstance bonus or something.

2015-05-18, 07:29 PM
If pathfinder is allowed, check out Sleeves of Many Garments. It is very cheap, and is exactly what you are looking for. Look for it on Pfsrd.There's also an item like this in Eberron, IIRC.

2015-05-19, 01:48 AM
D&D beauty tip #38:
Mix a little lead in with your concealer to ward off those pesky divinations.

Bad Wolf
2015-05-19, 02:12 AM
This was made in 2012


2015-05-19, 04:43 AM
This was made in 2012


Haha, not one, but 2 thread necros, one back in 2014, and this thread is still going.

2015-05-19, 06:18 AM
It's had more posts in the last two days than it's had in the last 3 years! And yes I am a necromancer!!! MUAHAHA

2015-05-19, 09:44 AM
Quick, somebody find this thread's phylactery before it rises again!